Farmer Turned Rancher

By John Colorado

Published on Jul 30, 2009


by John of Colorado Farmer Turned Rancher

If you are not of age or man/man sex bothers you, or this illegal in your area, then I suggest you leave NOW! Why are you still here, I told you to leave! The names have been changed but the story itself is basically based upon facts. However, it is fiction.

Chapter 6

Jeremy and I became good friends and were very compatible. We enjoyed each other and loved doing things together. For some strange reason, we had not hit it off as lovers. Something was missing. Even though we talked with each other and were completely honest with the other, the spark just wasn't there. Each of us was afraid of losing the other and of getting hurt again. We had gone though a lot of rough times for our young age. We decide not to rush anything and take our time. If anything were to happen, it would happen on its own.

Grandma was the greatest. She turned out to be the mother for both of us. She had more love and was not afraid to spread it all around. Jeremy and I had both lost our mothers at an early age. Now she was busy taking their place. Sarah and Mark were thriving with her. She is just exactly what this family needed. She could kiss a skinned knee and make it well and she knew how to mend a broken heart.

We were sitting on the front porch one hot summer day and out of the blue, Grandma said, "You two are moping around like two sick calves. Why don't you throw a bed roll together, get a sack of food, take your guns and go up into the mountains and see about getting us some fresh meat. I don't want to see you back here for at least a week. You know the kids and I will be well looked after. We have been adopted by the whole community. Now get and give me some peace!"

I looked at Jeremy and he looked at me and grinned. We jumped up and in ½ hour we were ready to go. We saddled the horses, put our belongings on two pack animals, kissed Grandma and the kids good-by and we were off. We told Grandma exactly where we would be, in case she needed to get a hold of us.

We were going to a little lake about 5 miles east of the home place. My Dad and I had built a small one room cabin there and it was used for a get a-way. Lots of game, fish and privacy. The first thing that we did was unload the animals and put them in the corral. There was plenty of feed for them and a small pond for water.

It was a hot summer day and we decided to go swimming to cool off. Jeremy and I took off our clothes and ran to the water. We swam for awhile and decided to get out and lie in the sun on the grassy bank. Jeremy and I each had a super hard on. This was quite unusual for us. I took him in my arms and started kissing him. He returned the favor. Soon we were trying to swallow the other's tongue. Our hands were moving all over the other's body.

"Jeremy, I need you now. You haven't had your way with me, and I think the time is right."

I lay down on my back and raised my knees to my chest. He wasted no time sliding his cock into my wet hole. The water from the lake made a good lubricant. He slipped in all the way. Now I was going to give him a ride that he wouldn't forget for a long time.

Jeremy pounded my ass for a long time. It seemed like hours, but actually it was only a few minutes. We both climaxed at the same time. We just lay there kissing until he got soft and slipped out of me. We just kept hugging and kissing and before we knew it, we were hard again. This time, I crawled on top and took his tight ass.

"Jeremy, I think I am falling in Love. I have the strangest feeling."

"Paul, I feel the same way. Something inside of me snapped."

We just lay there holding each other and kissing. There was no need for talking. We knew that we had found what had been missing. We walked to the cabin arm in arm and our mouths locked together. It is a wonder that we didn't fall and break our fool necks. We certainly were not watching where we were going.

"Paul, just think what we have been missing. I love you, man!"

"I love you, too. You know we have Grandma to thank for all this. She is a wonderful person and she knew what we needed. All we needed was a little shove and she gave it to us."

We spent the next few days just making love and having sex. Now it was sex with a meaning not just the raw thing like animals would do. We had the real thing now. We were really happy, and in love.

"Our time is running out and we had better go hunting and get some fresh meat to take home or Grandma will send us back. On second thought, maybe we shouldn't go hunting." laughed Paul.

We found two nice bucks and got them both. Now we could go home. We gathered some wood so the next user of the cabin would have wood, cleaned the cabin and left for home. When we arrived, Mark came running to meet us. I reached down and lifted him up on my horse and gave him a big hug and kiss. Grandma and Sarah were waiting for us on the porch. We tied the horses to a rail, ran up on the porch, and hugged Grandma and Sarah.

"I see you were successful and I don't mean hunting. It is written all over you faces." said Grandma. "How did all of this come about?"

"Thanks! " Jeremy and I said together. "It just happened. I think we were trying to force it, before, and once we got up there, we finally relaxed. Then Cupid shot us full of arrows." I said.

"I am so glad. You two were meant for each other." Said Grandma, wiping a tear. "You have company coming tonight. We are having a barn dance and you two have some work to do before then."

"Yes, We have to get the meat taken care of and into the ice cave before it spoils which won't take long in this heat." I said. "Then we have to go down to the creek and clean up."

"Time is a wasting. Jeremy, We had better get our butts in gear."

"All I have to do is get my skinning knife and head to the barn."

We finished with the deer, and got the meat into the cave. Grandma already had the kids in the bath tub and was ready to get in, herself as soon as the kids were out.

Jeremy and I headed for the creek. The water would be cool, but we didn't care. Jeremy was already bare-ass naked. I was just gawking at his beautiful body and had sprouted a big hard on. "Sorry, Paul, but we don't have time to mess around. If we don't hurry, everyone will be here and we'll still be in our birthday suits. I don't know about you, but I am a little bashful. You are the only one who gets to see me nude."

"And I love it. If I had my way, you would never be allowed to wear clothes. I guess we had better hurry." I said, reaching over and patting his cock and balls with my hand. "Now, look at who is getting all excited. Later, guy. Then you belong to me to use for my own selfish pleasures."

"Just don't think you are the only one who is going to have fun! I do believe that you could use me 24 hours a day and never tire of me. However, I am not complaining."

Jeremy and I went to my room to get ready for the party. I went to the closet and took out my fiddle and hit a few bars of music.

"Paul, you didn't tell me that you played. What other secrets do you have?" laughed Jeremy. "Do you have a guitar? I play the guitar. I think that we might just make a good pair!"

"No, I don't, Jeremy. I do have a mandolin that belonged to my father."

"That is even better. Mandolin is my instrument, anyway." I handed it to him and he started to play. I joined right in. Grandma and the kids came a running.

"You two sounded absolutely great. I do hope that you will be playing tonight. I must go out to the barn and dig in that old trunk of mine. I have a small, simple accordion in it. I haven't played it in a long time. It belonged to my late husband and I more or less just put it away and forgot about it. He taught me to play, and he loved it when I was playing."

"Jeremy and I will have to get the trunk down for you. We put it in the loft so it would be out of the way."

All of us went to the barn and got Grandma's trunk. She took out the accordion and got tears in her eyes. " I don't know if I can do this or not."

"Sure you can. All you will have to do is use the cords and keep the rhythm." Said Jeremy. "That is all I am going to do."

"That is not what I mean! When my husband died, I put it away and have not touched it since."

"Grandma, he is looking down on you now, and he will be honored to have you play again for him." Jeremy replied. "I know I am anxious to hear you!"

Grandma just looked at him, dried her tears and said, "Thanks."

Our guests started arriving and they had their bedrolls with them. It would be late and dark when the dance was over, so they came prepared to stay all night and go home in the morning. We helped them unload their wagons and put the horses into the field to graze. The barn was still equipped for people to live in, since it was summer, and the animals didn't need shelter from the elements. I think that we will make the barn into a social hall and build a new one for the animals.

Our guests had boxes of food with them, so we made some makeshift tables which were soon filled with food. We could take a break, eat, and then resume our party. The night of fun began. We had a 6 piece band, which sounded great. The people enjoyed listening to us, and pretty soon, all we were doing was giving a concert. One family joined us and sang. Soon every toe was tapping and hands were beating time with the music. Everyone joined in the singing. It was break time and we stopped playing and singing. Now was the time to eat and catch up on our visiting.

Our little party, which was really a birthday party for me went on far into the night. The kids became exhausted and were asleep in one corner.

Jeremy and I gave our bed to Mr. and Mrs. Chavez . I put Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap in the spare bedroom. The younger generations joined the children on the floor of the barn.

"We had a man from our former ranch stop by for a visit. The man who bought their old place didn't get all the settlers that he had planned on and was going to sell out and move back east. The man had 200 head of prime cows with calves. He will sell to the first person who offered him $1500.00." Informed Mrs. Chavez.

This started everyone talking and thinking. "Jeremy, I have the money. What do you think about becoming a rancher and not a farmer."

"I think I would like cows better than looking at the rear end of a horse pulling a plow. Are you sure you want to spend your money. I just wish I could help you, but I can't."

"Jeremy, when you moved in with me, I told you that you owned half of the farm. That goes for the money and everything that I have. The money is ours and that is why I am asking you what your think."

"Paul, I say go for it! If we go broke, we can always start over. We are both still quite young."

Jeremy and I asked the other men if they would all go over and help us drive the cattle back to the ranch. Mark and the other boys wanted to go and were told that they could. I can still hear Grandma and the other women saying, "You guys look out for the kids and bring them back safe and sound. We don't want them getting hurt!"

We loaded a wagon to be used a chuck wagon and headed out. When we arrive at the Chavez' old home place, we went directly to headquarters and asked to See Mr. Campbell, the owner. Jeremy and I went into the house to meet with Mr. Campbell.

"You're Jeremy, John's son aren't you?" asked Mr. Campbell.

"Yes, Mr. Campbell, I am. It is a big surprise seeing you here."

"It certainly is. What can I do for you two boys?"

"Mr. Campbell, it is our understanding that you have 200 head of cows with calves for sale." said Paul. We are here to purchase them if we can come to an agreement."

"Young man, I would like to do business with you, but I should be dealing with your father."

"That is not possible. My father died and I am running the ranch."

"I am sorry to hear about your father. I think that I can do business with you if there is someone in your group that can vouch for you."

"Sir, everyone in the group outside can. They were the previous owners of this land. I moved them into my valley and got them relocated."

"Very well, I think we can do business. Sure thing, I have two hundred cows with calves. I am asking $1500 for the entire lot and I won't deliver."

"Mr. Campbell, we came prepared to take the cattle home with us."

"Jeremy, just what is your connection with this young man?"

"We are business partners. I own ½ of the ranch."

"Jeremy, I hate to be the one with bad news but both your parents and your 3 sisters caught influenza and died about 8 months ago. I am so sorry to be the bearer of such terrible news. Your parents were real good friends of mine. I owned your dad $500 and I will take that off the price of the cows. You are heir to a small fortune but you will have to go home to collect it. You have only 4 months to lay claim to it before it goes to the state.."

Jeremy fainted. Icaught him and kept him from hitting the floor. Finally, Mr. Campbell and I were able to revive him. Jeremy and I completed the transaction and got a bill of sale for the cattle.

We went to a near by pasture to round up the cattle. Mr. Campbell had them all in a field not far from the ranch and it only took about ½ day to round all of the up because there was not place for them to hide and they were in a fenced pasture. We still had lots of day light left so we started on our way home.

Finally, just before dark, one of the men said , "Paul, I think we had better bed the cattle down and get them prepared for the night."

"I think we need to divide into groups of three and take 2 hour shifts until day break." I said. That night I told the men about Jeremy's family. Jeremy and I will be leaving for Virginia because Jeremy has to settle his estate. We don't have much time, so we will be leaving when we get home. Do you think you people can take care of things for us while we are gone?"

"You and Jeremy go take care of all that unfinished business and don't you worry about things. We will take care Grandma and the kids . You have done so much for us, now it is time for us to return a favor for you." asserted Mr. Dunlap.

"I was going to see if Grandma and the kids wanted to go with us. She is from Virginia and may want to return to visit old friends and family." I answered. "What do you think, Mark?"

Mark started to dance and yell like he was doing a war dance. "Mark, you had better calm down or you will cause a stampede and we will have to spend the next month rounding up cows." laughed Jeremy.

"For real, Daddy, We can go with you?"

"Yes, for real, Mark!"

Editor's Notes: Well, just what is going to happen now? I guess we will get to see how the trip to Virginia goes. I suspect it will be quite exciting. This is a nice refreshing story. I am quite a sucker for a good story about children, and this one is well crafted and quite believable. Again I am glad to be able to help bring it to you. Please drop a line to John and let him know what you think of his story. Remember that the only payment that the authors receive is your response to the stories.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher

Next: Chapter 7

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