Farm Friends with Benefits

By moc.liamg@98yobwoclacron

Published on Oct 2, 2013


Farm Friends with Benefits #3

#2 Farm Friends with Benefits

DISCLAIMER: This is purely a work of fiction. Although I wish it were to happen to me, none of this has taken place in my life. Any references to people and places are strictly coincidental and are by no means to be taken as anything other than that.

The content of this story may refer to sexual acts that are homosexual in nature. If it is illegal for you to read such things, please do not continue reading.

The awesome feedback from my readers continues! I'm enjoying your suggestions, and have even taken a couple of them to heart and put them in the storyline. Remember that I'm writing multiple chapters at once, and sometimes it might take a couple chapters for some aspects to make complete sense (or for your suggestions to appear). I'm always at least 3 chapters ahead of the most current one that's published to ensure the story flows well. Patience is a virtue. ;) Thanks again!

Any feedback is appreciated, although derogatory comments will be ignored because screw you. Please send feedback to Thanks, and enjoy this next chapter!!

Review of Chapter 2 (The last few paragraphs) We were on that couch for a good half hour just making out and feeling each other's bodies. I was just about to pull him up and make a move for the bedroom when I heard a truck door close. Mason heard it too, because we both pushed away from each other. I bolted up and ran for the kitchen, he stayed in the living room and grabbed a magazine off of the side table. I started to wash my hands (because that's the most believable thing to do in a kitchen, right?). It was like we had rehearsed everything. Nobody would be the wiser. The door opened and we heard a familiar voice: "What's up, faggots?" Only one person belonged to that voice, and what he was doing here neither of us would have any idea why. But just like he surprised me last week in the middle of a walnut field, Carlos surprised me again when he walked through the front door. This time, though, he was buck naked and hard as a rock.

Chapter 3

"What the fuck??" I heard the magazine that Mason was "reading" hit the ground.

I had seen Carlos's grand entrance from the crack in the door between the hinges, but I knew that he hadn't seen me yet. His face was priceless. He assumed that since my truck was out in front of the cottage and Mason's was still at the shop that we were in here getting it on. He discovered quickly that he was wrong, but had no idea that if he had waited about 5 minutes (or less) that he would have been right.

I left the kitchen and stood in the doorway, leaned against one side, and folded my arms.

"Whats up, fucktard?" I said with a smile.

"You....but...." Carlos was desperately looking for a way to gain some understanding about his now obvious mistake. "Why the hell aren't you guys fucking?!?!" His dick had lost some of it's perk, but I could tell that he was still turned on by the mere fact that we were both staring at him.

"Not everyone out here sucks cock or fucks all the time. I mean, it IS California, but we still have SOME standards" I teased.

Mason was still trying to get his thoughts together. I couldn't blame him - one of the hottest Latino guys I had ever met was standing buck naked right in front of him. "You...uh....your"

I busted up laughing. "Yeah, Mason, that's his dick, and it's right there."

The situation was becoming more awkward by the second, and I finally decided that something had to be done. And by something, I was hoping that Mason would be the one "being done" so I decided that this little three way was going to happen no matter how late we had to stay. "Mason, you kept asking me what it was like to suck Carlos off. Instead of tell you more stories about his cock, how about you find out for yourself what was going through my head in the middle of Northside field."

Mason looked at me with a "how the fuck dare you" expression. I gave him a "man up and suck that cock" look back, then turned and walked back into the kitchen. The newest part of the trio was Mason, and he obviously needed to get used to Carlos before things would heat up. I would leave them to discover each other, then join in later.

I took a glass out of the cabinet and filled it with water from the tap, then sat down on the small table and looked out the window. I had the patience of a saint, which drove some people crazy, but was probably the only thing keeping me from being a wild and crazy sex addict.

Judging by the sounds and the moans coming from the living room, Mason had discovered Carlos's dick, and was starting to work it over. I had no idea how much experience Mason had at cock sucking. All that I had to go off of was that Carlos told me he was apparently a bottom. I doubted this especially now, seeing as Mason was so surprised to see Carlos naked and a little peeved at me for making him suck that Latin cock.

I slowly finished my water, stood up, and took off my shirt. I laid it over the back of a chair, then undid my belt, took off my boots and socks, and then shimmied out of my pants, putting them over my shirt on the same chair. Armed with just my boxer shorts and baseball cap, I walked into the living room, only to find that things had progressed a lot faster than I had anticipated.

Mason, pants and underwear down and shirt halfway across the room, was bent over, kneeling on the floor, with his elbows perched on the couch cushions. Carlos had his face in Mason's ass and was giving him the most intense rim job I had seen yet. I had to smile and chuckle to myself. Usually the first thing a guy would do would be to suck his cock, not his ass hole. But I remembered a couple people I had met that were insanely fascinated and turned on by the smell of an asshole.

Back and forth Carlos bobbed his head, his extremely pointy tongue getting deeper and deeper into Mason's ass. Mason was moaning to his heart's content, and I knew right then that whether or not Carlos actually knew the truth about Mason, Mason was sometimes a bottom. All the slack that was left in my cock disappeared, and I immediately knew what needed to happen.

I straddled Carlos's back, put my hands on either side of Mason's hips, and pulled them away from the couch, Carlos following my lead and backing up with me, not once stopping his exploration of Mason's ass hole. Mason had no idea what was going on, but apparently accepted whatever was happening, and adjusted himself so that he was still holding himself up on the edge of the couch. This made a nice gap for my head to fit in between the couch, the floor, and Masons enormous cock.

I spread Mason's legs apart, patted Carlos on the back, and pointed at the floor. He got up long enough for me to slide in under Mason, then when I was all settled, he straddled me and went right back to eating Mason's ass out. Since I was under Carlos, the obvious thing for him to do was to grind against me. He was a little shorter than me, but because I was up further than his head was, our dicks were evenly together. How this guy bent his body in all the right ways and didn't get any kinks or cramps, I'll never know, but like I've always said, 'if you're horny enough, you'll make it happen.'

I stared at Mason's cock for a little bit, mentally preparing myself for what was about to happen. He was huge. Not long huge (he was still a good 7 inches), but fat, thick, and meaty huge. I'm horrible at estimating width size, but I could imagine he got close to the thickness of a Maglite handle. Holy Fuck. (find a maglite and try to deep throat it - I promise you it's harder than you think it is).

Deciding that it was now or never, I started in on Mason's hot rod. He wasn't really a leaker, which I knew would make things even more difficult, but I was never the one to back down from a challenge. I started at his head, putting my lips just around where the crown was, sucking him like a lollipop. I bobbed my head up and down, my upper torso leaving the ground with each upward movement. "I'm going to get the best ab workout ever today" I thought as I tongued his shaft. Mason moaned louder, finally realizing what all the shuffling around was for. I had to assume that he had never been sucked and rimmed at the same time before, so it had to be driving him wild. The fun thing about what was happening? I was once again in control. Carlos could rim the ass hole right off of Mason, but I was the one that would make him shoot.

After a couple minutes of "lollipopping" Mason's cock, I decided to try to fit as much of him in my mouth as I could handle. The only other time that I sucked a guy off that was as thick as he was, was when I had gotten so drunk that I couldn't register what was happening, so I had no idea if I was good at it or not. Time to find out, I guess. I opened my mouth as wide as I could possibly get it, then wrapped my lips around his shaft, and went in for "the kill." I got about halfway down and started choking.

What the fuck? I hadn't choked on ANYone before. Mad as hell, I had to go back for more, proving to myself that I wasn't a pussy - that I could take all of that cock in my mouth like a champ. I tried it again. I got further, but still choked. I was probably red in the face from being as frustrated as I had probably ever been. I slapped Mason on both sides of his ass in my mad rage to fit his cock all the way into my mouth, and let out a frustrated grunt. He yelled that time, but not out of pain. The fucker liked getting slapped in the ass.

I had to release him again. I wiped the spit off of my face. "Alright you son of a bitch, this time, you're mine" I said as I got ready to go in one more time. Before I did, I took a little time to realize just what Carlos was doing to my cock. My cock would have probably gone soft if not for his constant grinding. For some reason it felt like we were greased up, but then I remembered that both of us were gushers when it came to precum. His hips were constantly moving up and down at the same time they were going back and forth. Sometimes he would stop that motion and grind in circles. Holy hell if I hadn't jacked off this morning before work I would have busted right then and there.

Content that Carlos was keeping me horny, I went back to focus on Mason's pork. As a guy raised in the country, I believed that the only time to back down from a challenge is if you're a complete chicken or if you'll probably die. As my chances of kicking the bucket while sucking a dick were slim, I shook off my doubts and tried again. I relaxed my throat as far as I could, put both my hands on Masons hips,wrapped my lips around his shaft, and before I could second guess myself I pulled Mason's hips toward me. He went all the way down, and even though I kept choking, I held him there. Practice makes perfect, his cock was all the way in my mouth, and the bragging rights that I could take away from this fuckfest were going to be worth it.

At the beginning of our sexfest, I thought that getting the hang of deep throating this thick of a cock was something that I would never have been able to handle, but as I tried over and over again I learned how to keep my throat open, my mind from telling myself I was going to choke, and most importantly - realizing that I was enjoying myself more than I had ever thought I would. Up and down I moved my head, thrusting against the monster giant, gulping down his thick meat. DAMN this guy was amazing.

Mason started getting quieter, and at first I thought I was doing something wrong, but his breaths got slower and more focused, and I knew that I was driving him crazy. Chances are nobody had ever been able to take him as deep as I had just learned to do. I smiled to myself, proud of how I made him feel, and decided - reluctantly - to back off.

"You ok up there, stud?" I asked as I rested my head on the floor.

"Holy Hell, Austin, how can you...all the's so..." Mason stuttered, and my suspicions were verified.

"Just enjoy it and stop asking questions." Neither of them could see how big of a smile was on my face.

I went back to work on his shaft. I wanted to see his stamina in action. I assumed that it was decent - most athletes I had hooked up with had amazing stamina. Since I had finally started to get the whole deep throat technique down, this time I tried to add some tongue. Life's about learning, is it not? His dick had a pretty sizable head on it, and I put my tongue right under it, moving it back and forth. This usually triggered the most precum out of me and I wanted to see if Mason had any in him at all. I was rewarded with a small amount, but it was enough to put me more on edge, suddenly thrusting my hips up toward Carlos, who responded with more vigorous grinding. Mason tasted amazing. I drank it up and backed off of his cock, ready to go in for more, just as I could feel Carlos getting up from the floor.

"Time we found out just how good the jock is at sucking cock" I heard him say. Carlos moved around and sat down on the couch. Seeing an opening for my own exploration of Mason's ass, I slid out from under Mason and positioned myself as Carlos had done behind his ass.

I stole a quick look at Carlos, sitting on the couch, his throbbing 8" cock resting on his stomach. His crotch gleamed with the massive amount of precum that we had both created in our grinding earlier. For a second I just wanted to move Mason out of the way and lap all of the precum up, rubbing my face in our sex juices.

Mason went to work on Carlos and I instantly heard Carlos moan. I noticed that he didn't moan quite as loud as when I was on the sucking end of his cock, and that made me feel pretty good about myself. The hot thing about watching (and listening to) Mason work Carlos over was that Mason was a "slurper." He let off so many slurping and sucking sounds that I could have just closed my eyes and lost a load right there.

Shaking my head back to reality, I brought my gaze back to Mason's ass, and stared at it like I had his cock. His ass was almost perfect: smooth, tight skin parted to a delicious pink ass hole, not a hair in sight. I had no idea if Mason shaved, but I wasn't about to ruin the mood to ask. I closed my eyes, and put my face in his crack and took a big whiff. The smell of sex coming from that ass was intoxicating to say the least, and before I knew it I was licking him up and down his crack.

I grabbed his cock with the free hand that wasn't holding me up and started pumping away. I slowed my tongue's exploration down, wanting to feel every inch of this hot jock's ass. After a little, I decided that it was time to see how lose this guy really was. I went down to his hole and licked around it for a little bit, then put the tip of my tongue inside and started pushing. That got a good whimper out of Mason. He was still pretty tight, which meant that he probably hadn't been fucked in awhile. THAT was going to change.

This went on for a couple more minutes, and then I finally had to find out how Mason's tight hole felt with me inside him. The moment I had been waiting for had finally come. I jumped up and ran to my pants, pulling one of my trusty condoms out of my wallet. I had condoms down solid and was able to open it up and put it on my dick in less than 5 seconds (true story too). I ran into the bathroom, remembering that there was always a jar of vaseline in the medicine cabinet. I grabbed it, coated my dick, then set the jar on the edge of the end table when I had reached the living room again.

I went back behind Mason. I had my dick pressed up against his ass hole before he knew what was going on. Since I wasn't a douche bag, I always check with a guy before I start, so I asked Mason "You down for what I'm about to do?"

He didn't say anything, but kept working Carlos's cock. I was about to ask him again, but then I felt his ass push against my cock just enough that I got the message loud and clear. With the green light, I started in. He was definitely tight. The feeling of putting your cock inside a tight ass is probably one of the best you can experience. I pushed gently until I could feel the head of my throbbing cock get past his back door. I held myself there for a little bit, enjoying the feeling. I pulled out and back in a couple times loosening him up for my entire shaft.

Not once did Mason wince or stop slurping Carlos's dick. I must have taken a little too long for him because he trust his ass back, and before I knew it I was completely inside him, my hips pressed against his butt cheeks. I briefly saw stars, the amazing feeling taking me totally by surprise.

"Alright you whore, have it your way" I said as I slapped his ass, then put btoh of my hands on his waist. I started thrusting back and forth, slow at first, enjoying the gentle motion of my cock sliding in and out of his tight hole. It was a good thing that the cabin was in a secluded part of the middle of nowhere, because the noise we made that evening was pretty epic. Between my moans, Masons slurping and Carlos's near yelling with pleasure, we would have definitely had any possible neighbors shaking their heads in shame and judging us like the gay faggots we were.

After getting Mason a little looser, I started picking up the pace on my thrusts. Faster and faster I fucked him, my balls slapping against his, my legs slapping against his ass. My moans grew into more vocal grunts until finally I matched Carlos and his near-yelling ecstasy calls.

"Fuck this ass is so amazing, holy SHIT!!" I looked over at Carlos. "Carlos, dude, you gotta try some of this ass. FUCK!" I kept thrusting until I saw Carlos move from the couch. He had seen my wallet laying on the ground with a couple more condoms sticking out of it. He picked one up and put it on, and I pulled out of Mason's ass, faster than I had intended.

He let out a small gasp, but it was soon replaced by the whimper from the feeling of another cock getting shoved through his hole. Carlos wasn't as gentle or slow as I was, and for Mason's sake I was glad I went first to warm him up. Soon Carlos had a steady thrusting beat going, fucking Mason harder than I had.

"Holy shit, dude, this ass is fucking amazing. WOW what a fuck you are, you hot piece of jock ass!!" Carlos had his eyes closed and his head back.

I looked at Mason's face to make sure I didn't need to hold Carlos back, but it looked like Mason was fine. After all, he was stronger than the both of us, so if he wanted it to stop, he could handle himself just fine.

Now I was stuck between getting my cock sucked or sucking Mason's thick piece of meat again. I started to head over to put myself under Mason's crotch again, but then I stopped, a devilish idea in my mind. Carlos was fucking the brains out of Mason. Why not give CARLOS a taste of his own medicine?

I walked over to the end table where the vaseline was sitting, still open. I put some on my cock and then crept up behind Carlos. Carlos didn't even notice me. His eyes were still closed and his head was still back, fucking Mason faster than I thought was possible. I stood behind Carlos, grabbed my cock, and aimed for his ass. I waited for a few seconds, watching Carlos's thrust patterns, saw my window, and nailed him. He was loser than Mason was.

He let out a howl and before he knew it I had reached around his chest and latched myself on, fucking him like a dog. "What the FUCK, man? WHAT THE FUCK!?!" He stopped fucking Mason

"Take it like a man, fucker!!" I kept going as fast as I could, moving one of my arms down to his stomach to give myself better leverage.

"UUUUUUUUHHHHHG!!!!" Carlos let out a loud yell and started fucking Mason again. I smiled. I had threatened his manhood, and he wasn't going to let that happen. We settled into a pretty aggressive rhythm, and pretty soon I didn't even have to move - Carlos was doing it all for me. He was trying to ignore my cock up his ass by fucking Mason with more and more intensity, but whatever move he made to wreck Mason's ass, he wrecked his own at the same time. Talk about getting what you give.

After a few more minutes I heard Carlos's sex yells increase in volume and I took that (from experience) as a sign that he was close to cumming. All of the sudden he slowed down. I wasn't going to have any of that. This fine piece of bubbly Latin ass was going to cum and he was going cum NOW. I reached passed Carlos and grabbed Mason's hips and started thrusting, which made Carlos involuntarily continue to fuck Mason.

"Dude I'm too close, you gotta slow down" Carlos pleaded.

I didn't listen to him. I used my hands to coax Mason to stand up. I grabbed Mason's chest, sandwiching Carlos between both of us. He had nowhere to go. I kept fucking him and Mason started riding his dick. The jock surprised me - he could have come straight from the strip clubs of vegas the way that he moved his ass like he did. Pretty soon we both had Carlos sweating, trying to hold out with all of his might from releasing his load. He didn't last too much longer. His moans became more intense and finally he let out one last long one, and I felt his ass contract around my cock several times.

I grinned. One load of jizz down - two to go.

The strength in his legs started to give out at the intense orgasm that he was having, and I held him up until I was sure he was done shooting. I pulled out of his ass and Mason stepped forward off of his cock, and I let him stumble to the couch. Mason and I gave each other a small smile and then stood over Carlos, his entire body still jerking from the last bits of his orgasm.

"Mason, you need to get your rocks off, right?" I asked him, still looking at Carlos. I had another devilish idea.

"Sure do." Mason folded his arms over his chest.

"Grab that last condom from my wallet and put it on. Let's have some fun." Mason did as I told him, while I knelt down so my head was level with Carlos, still trying to catch his breath. "Hey dude, Mason's gonna fuck you now" I said as casually as I could.

He looked up at me with a pleading expression. "Dude, come on. I'm not a bottom."

"The fuck you aren't, you're looser than Mason, and you told me he was a bottom."

"He told you WHAT?" Mason had the condom on and was looking over at us. He gave me a wink, but turned to Carlos and put off as fake of an angry attitude as he could give. It was pretty convincing. After all, he had to have some sort of a game-face, constantly being on the gridiron and all. He had grabbed the jar of vaseline and put a generous amount on his cock, even though there was still plenty left inside Carlos from when I had wrecked his ass just moments before.

"Dude, I thought you were, I didn't mean anything by it." Carlos was trying to get up. I let him stand all the way up, just to jump on him, latch my arms around his back, and bring him back onto the couch. I had the upper hand, being slightly larger and not as exhausted. Carlos's ass was pointed out towards Mason, mine on the couch. Our naked bodies held tightly together, his cum-filled condom squished between my cock and his stomach, I held him down giving Mason a quick "come and get it look."

"Well you happened to be half right, there buddy." Mason was slowly inching toward Carlos. He put a hand on Carlos's ass and ran his finger down and then back up his crack. I moved so that I was sitting on the edge of the couch, Carlos still locked in my arms, my legs wrapped around his thighs. He had nowhere to go.

"But a guy has his needs," Mason continued, "and being a top-notch athlete means that I have way too much testosterone than my body can handle." At this, I could see Mason getting into position.

"Come on, guys, this isn't fair." Carlos was tensing up, and I knew that Mason had the tip of his cock sitting right on Carlos's hole.

"Oh it's way to late for fair." Mason had a huge grin on his face despite his "angry" voice. I had to smile back. Carlos loved to stir up trouble. He seemed to live for it. Now his knack for creating drama had caught up with him, in the shape of Mason's thick piece of meat.

"Ready or not, here it comes." With that, Mason started pushing his cock into Carlos. He was nice enough to go slow, but naughty enough to not stop until he was all the way inside Carlos.

"OOOOO FUUUUUCK WHAT THE HELL!?!? HOW THE FUCK BIG ARE YOU DAMN IT???" Carlos was probably in a little pain.

Mason stopped when he was all the way in and slapped Carlos on the ass. "Wheaties, Carlos, eat your Wheaties, and lots of them."

"OOHHHHH SHIT THIS HURTS GUYS!!!" Carlos was starting to sweat. I kept a tight hold on him but made sure that he could at least breathe.

"Carlos," I moved my head to look him in the eyes, "you're going to take this cock until it cums. You're going to take it like the champ you are.''

"I don't know, man. It's just so huge..."

"Relax, man, and you'll be fine. I was able to deep throat the cock that's in your ass right now. Just relax and it'll be all good." Mason wrapped his arms around Carlos's chest and pulled him off of me. I looked at Mason to figure out what he was doing, and he threw his head back, signaling me to get behind him and fuck him some more.

I could see Carlos trying to struggle a little at this change of "ownership" but Mason was strong, and held Carlos firmly on top of his dick. Mason forced Carlos to kneel on the couch, and Carlos instinctively put both hands on the back, bracing himself for what was about to happen to him. I took my position once again behind Mason.

As soon as I had slid my cock back inside Mason's ass, Mason started to slowly fuck Carlos. Carlos came as close to crying as I ever heard him. The whimpers he let out turned me on like crazy. I just stood there, satisfied with the pace that Mason was at. It gave me time to really appreciate this muscular athlete's body.

His strong arms and shoulders and tight bubble butt framed a sturdy, muscular back. I ran my hands up and down him, from the tops of his shoulders all the way down to the ass that I was deep inside of. I wrapped my hands around his chest and grabbed his amazingly muscular pecs, squeezing them, playing with his huge quarter-size nipples. The same time I put my head to the back of his neck and breathed deep. The smell of his skin was near magical, and I melted right then. I never would have thought that an amazingly attractive grid-iron warrior like Mason would EVER let me in his back door, but there I was.

Carlos's whimpering quieted a little. He seemed more used to the feel of Mason's thick member inside his ass, and Mason took that as permission to speed up. With that, I had snapped back into reality and started opposing Mason's thrusts. He would thrust into Carlos and I would back out of Mason, replaying the move backwards when Mason slightly pulled out of Carlos. It was the best few minutes of sex that I could remember in my life.

I could see sweat forming on Mason's back and I took a guess that he was trying to fight the overwhelming urge to give in to his ecstasy and shoot his load. Seeing and thinking about that brought me into a similar state and soon I could feel a couple drops slide down my face, dropping onto Mason's ass. I bent forward and rubbed my hands up and down Mason's back, his sweat letting my hands glide smoothly up and down his muscular physique.

I heard Mason starting to breathe hard and knew that he was close.

"Fuck him hard, Mason. Fuck him like the faggot he is!" I started breathing heavy too, turned on by my own words. I also followed my own suggestion and sped up my thrusts into Mason's still fairly tight ass. That urged him on to speed up too, and soon we were literally doing it "like they do on the discovery channel." It was pure animal sex. We grunted, moaned, yelled out in pleasure, slapped asses, and sweated like crazy.

Finally I was close enough to give a warning. "Mason I'm close, man.''

"Me too, dude!! Almost....there...." and with that he thrust forward all the way into Carlos and let out a roar as he shot his load. His ass contractions were too much for my cock, and I finally gave in. Mimicking Mason, I buried my cock in his ass as far as it would go and let out a sexual battle cry of my own. I cummed shot after shot after shot, until I literally started seeing stars.

I felt Mason give small thrusts into Carlos's ass, the tell tale sign that his orgasm had taken over his bodily reflexes. I wasn't too far behind and pretty soon we were both doing all in our power to keep ourselves from collapsing to the floor. I pulled out of Mason and DID fall to the floor. I hadn't had such an intense orgasm in months, and my legs reminded me just how great it felt.

I closed my eyes, taking everything I was feeling in, making sure that I remembered it for a long time. I heard a thud and turned to see Mason lying on the floor next to me looking up at the ceiling, panting like he had just run a 5k. One more thud and Carlos was down on the floor too.

We all lay there, breathless, for what seemed like an hour (but probably no more than a half minute). Carlos was the first to say something. "You sons of sons of bitches..."

"Shut up fucker you liked it." Mason's deep drawl coming between short breaths.

Carlos didn't say anything.

"I'll take that as a yes, then" I said as I sat up, propping myself up with my elbows.

I saw Carlos shake his head, still half hanging from the couch. "Fuck you both."

"That's still not a no" I said, grinning.

I looked over at the condoms still hanging from each of our dicks and had to laugh.

"What the fuck is so funny?" Carlos was still trying to convince us that he didn't like the drilling that he just got.

"A Fuckfest with condoms would be a great way for gay guys to donate sperm. Look at all the spunk we have between us."

Mason sat up, looked around, and laughed too. "We sure would be the 'cream' of the crop."

At that, Carlos even had to smile, though he still had to 'keep his cool.'

"Well what now?" I got up to my feet and headed to the bathroom to get rid of my condom.

"Ben is probably waiting to hear from us about going to the Saloon." I heard Mason grunt and then heard footsteps come my way. I was facing the toilet, pushing the condom off of my dick. I felt hands wrap around my stomach and Mason's cock press against my ass. He put his chin on my right shoulder, then turned his face and kissed me on the cheek. I turned to meet him as he moved in for another, and kissed him lightly back. We both looked at each other and smiled.

"That was fun" I said.

"Helluva time, buddy" Mason replied.

I moved out of his way and went to check on Carlos. He had moved from the floor back to the couch, and was just sitting there, head back and eyes closed. "You ready to admit that you liked Mason's cock up your ass?"

He leaned his head forward, opened one eye and said "I'll admit that yours was fun. But Mason's was a damn wrecking ball."

"Well now you know what to expect next time." I bent down one one knee and reached for the condom still on his cock.

"Next time? Fuck that." Carlos had put his back on the back of the couch.

"Hell yeah there's gonna be a next time. Dude, we all work together, AND now we know we're all gay and willing to take something up the ass."

"Except for you, golden boy." Carlos was looking at me again. I pulled the condom off of his cock, and grabbed his limp meat in my other hand, squeezing it slightly. That gave Carlos another post orgasm tremor.

"You don't know that..." I grinned, got up, and went to the bathroom to throw his condom in the toilet and flush our "sin bags" (as one of my cousins playfully called condoms) out of sight.

"Alright y'all lets get cleaned up. I texted Ben that we're all down to shoot some pool and that we'd be there in an hour." Mason had his phone in one hand, his pants in the other.

"We can all pile in my truck. I'll bring us back here after we call it a night." I grabbed my pants, looking for a reply from both of the other guys.

"Works for me." Mason had his pants on and was looking around for his shirt.

Carlos gave me a nod and went to finding his own clothes.

Soon we were all piled in my truck, Mason in the middle by me, Carlos on the right side. He looked out the window most of the way there, probably lost in thought about what had just happened to him. He walked a little funny (for good reason) when we left the cottage, and I could see the pain in his eyes, and that he was trying to hide it as much as possible.

After a quick stop by my house to let out Billy, my dog, we set off for the Saloon.

"We kinda did this night out of order, eh guys?" Mason was the first to talk since we left the cottage.

Carlos didn't look away from the window when he replied, "What do you mean, donkey schlong?" His tone of voice had hints of anger and frustration.

I held my breath, not sure if that was an insult or not. I saw Carlos turn to Mason and soon both of them cracked up. Thank the moon that Carlos had finally gotten at least a little of his humor back. I was beginning to worry about our future friendship. I wouldn't have regretted the wild fuck-session, but I would have been disappointed to lose Carlos as a friend.

I laughed along with them until Mason's voice boomed over the laughter, "I mean that we all fucked BEFORE we got drunk."

Carlos finally turned his body so that he wasn't facing the window. "Yeah well the night ain't over yet, is it?"

I raised my eyebrows. "First you complained that Mason was going to fuck your brains out with his donkey schlong and now you want some more? You little SLUT!"

We laughed.

"All I'm saying is that it would have been a lot easier to take that cock up my ass if I was hammered out of my mind." Carlos smiled and turned back to the window.

"Well we have quite a long road of time ahead of us, buddy. Plenty of time to fuck around and fuck each other." Mason looked straight ahead, then I felt his hand cover my inner thigh. He rubbed his hand back and forth a couple times, then looked over at me, smiled, and pecked me on the cheek.

I smiled back, turned back to the road, and put my foot on the gas. We were invincible, us three.

Time was ours.

In honor of National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day last week, I want to remind my readers to please ALWAYS remember to practice safe sex. It's not just your life that's at stake, it's the lives of everyone you're a lover to (or one-night-stand) as well. This story is a nod to the importance of wearing a condom, especially when you first meet someone or are fucking just for fun. You have no idea what the other guy's past is until you really get to know him and trust him (and even then sometimes people can let you down). While I won't always use condoms in my stories, this time I wanted to make a point of it being so very important. Bareback is only 100% safe in print and in your imagination. The real world is a completely different ball game. Stay safe, y'all.

Next: Chapter 4

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