Farm Friends with Benefits

By moc.liamg@98yobwoclacron

Published on Sep 12, 2013


#1 Farm Friends with Benefits

DISCLAIMER: This is purely a work of fiction, none of this has taken place in my life. Any references to people and places are strictly coincidental and are by no means to be taken as anything other than that.

The content of this story may refer to sexual acts that are homosexual in nature. If it is illegal for you to read such things, please do not continue reading.

All that being said, I hope that you enjoy the story. I'm a new writer (22 years old), so any feedback is appreciated, although derogatory comments will be ignored. Please send feedback to

Chapter One Hi, my name is Austin, and I'm from Kansas. I'm 18, have dusty brown hair, green/blue eyes, a sturdy and strong build, and stand at 5' 11''. I grew up as a member of a farming family, one of 5 boys. I felt sorry for mom, but she said that the universe knew she couldn't handle girls, and was merciful to her. We had a simple house, big enough for all of us, surrounded by 500 acres of pure, unadulterated farmland. We had chickens, goats, a couple heifers, and a few pigs. The rest was corn as far as the eye could see. Don't get me wrong, I loved living in Kansas, but I also knew that there had GOT to be more to life than just the flat squares of the Mid-West. I knew that because I had family in California. My dad's brother had moved there away from the family farmstead to start his own farming experiment - in cherries and walnuts. From what my cousins told me, they had made quite a bit of money off of their humble start and were sitting pretty in the golden state. I begged my parents to let me spend time over in California, and they gave in. Twice. Once when I was 15 for two weeks, and once for an entire summer my junior year of high school. It was no surprise, then, that I decided to apply to colleges near where my cousins lived. I didn't get accepted to any right away, but was told that if I attended community college for a year and get good grades, then a couple of the universities said they would reopen the case and consider to admit me. July came and went, and with it, I left Kansas. I won't lie that I let a few tears slip down my face when I saw Ma and Pop waving from the porch until I was out of sight. The dusty road that I walked countless times during my childhood was now the one that lead me on to my future. I know that I wouldn't likely come back to settle down, and that made saying goodbye even harder. I reached California in a couple days, not really in a hurry to get there, but still anxious to start a new chapter in my life. My aunt and uncle demanded that I stay with them while I went to community college, refusing to let me pay rent, help with the food bill, or anything else for that matter. I finally convinced them that I would work in the orchards to help my conscience rest easy. So here I am on my first day of farming the California way, a kid from the corn fields of Kansas sitting in the middle of fruit and nut orchards. Looking back, I didn't really ever see myself here. I thought I would always be stuck back home, faced with the life of growing corn year by year until I died. I was put in charge of checking the drip lines for the irrigation system during the weeks until school started. They get clogged with gunk from the pumps and need to be cleaned or replaced. I was pretty independent of everyone else on the farm, assigned a truck, some tools, and told to show up at 6am, leave at 6pm. I would get paid, of course, even though this was supposed to be me working for room and board for the upcoming school year. As awesome as California was, the people here had more of a sense of entitlement than the Mid West. It was weird to them that someone would want to pay their own way, at least thats what I gathered. My cousins have about 5000 acres of cherries, and 3000 acres of walnuts. It was a pretty substantial operation, spread out over miles of highway. About a third of the time at work was driving from one place to another, sometimes 20 to 30 minutes between fields. Break times were frequent around here, almost every couple of hours. I settled into a routine, and finally discovered that I wasn't the only "irrigator" working on the farm. There were 3 others, all young guys who needed work while at college. Carlos was 18 and was going to be attending the same community college as I was. He was from Guatemala, stood at 5' 8'' and had deep green eyes, almost like jade. He was well built, and always wore white shirts with a wifebeater underneath without fail. His nipples were always trying to poke through his shirt, and I had to keep myself in check to make sure I didn't stare at them too long. Carlos had recently moved here from Texas with his family. His father followed the harvest seasons up and down the west coast, taking two months off around Christmas to spend in Texas and Mexico. His family recently left for Oregon, but he decided to stay behind and try to make a start for himself. Mason was 20 and was a football player for the university on the opposite side of town from the community college, one of the universities that I was trying to get into after a year of community college. He was a local guy, stood right at 6 feet tall and had huge arms, a defined body, massive legs, and a rock solid jaw line. He always wore wranglers one size too tight, not that I complained at all. Just one more guy that I had to keep myself from staring at. Ben was 19 and was a family friend of my cousins. He wasn't taking any classes, but was thinking about applying to a tech school for Diesel engines, so he wanted to save up enough for tuition. He had the look of an auto shop kid, which is what he did in his spare time with his brother and two cousins. He was a slim looking guy but definitely had the muscles needed for the engine work that he was accustomed to. He was wired, always outworking everyone else, and seemed to have an endless supply of energy. We got along very well, and after only about a week of working together, we started hanging out together after work and on the weekends. We would go floating down the river with a case of beers that I got from my cousins, take our trucks out and find as much mud as possible, and even organized a fishing trip up in the Sierra Mountains. Summer came to a close, and we all saw less of each other, although we still tried to hang out at least once a week. I would still spend weekends working with all three of them. Somehow Mason found enough time to put in a few hours of work. I'm not sure he really had the time, but we were pretty close friends at the close of the summer, so that probably had a lot to do with it. I was really starting to enjoy the whole California farming scene. What made it even better was spending those days with two studs who would regularly take off their shirts because the heat was "too unbreable." Unlike the gym or the locker room, I felt more comfortable looking at them since my work jeans did a semi good job at hiding any sort of boner I might develop. I even joined in sometimes, since I wasn't at all ashamed of my body. Ben was always the last one to show any skin if at all. He didn't have a bad body, but I guess he was just one of those guys who really liked to wear shirts. It was one of those unbearable days again in late september. It was starting to cool off more in the evenings, but the afternoon sun still beat down on you like crazy. I was working a 75 acre piece with Carlos, trying to get it knocked out so we could both leave early. Halfway through the orchard, Carlos stopped and took his shirt off, revealing a sweat-soaked wifebeater underneath. On one of the rare occasions, he took that one off too. I didn't want to immediately join him, so I waited until we finished a couple more rows before I took mine off with a casual "good idea" aimed at his direction. Both our bodies were soon glistening with sweat as we continued to replace sprinkler heads, pieces of hose, and plugs holes in the line. Break time rolled around (Carlos always set his phone to go off when he thought we were supposed to go on a break) and we both sat down against a tree. I wanted to lie down for a nap right then, I was so tired. It was a hot day for sure, and I was thirsty. "You're gonna drink that all and then shrivel up later in the day, man" Carlos said as I gulped the majority of my water down. "That's ok, I'll just kick your ass and steal yours." I playfully punched him in the arm. "I'd like to see you try and touch this" He pointed both hands toward his body. "No way, man. With all the sweating you've been doing, you're more slippery than a greased pig." He looked at himself and nodded. "I'll have to agree with you there. But you gotta admit that I'm a pretty damn sexy pig." I wanted to admit that so bad. Instead, I just shook my head, "Shut up, fool. Get off your ass, we only have a few more rows to go." Carlos got up and grabbed his shirts. "Actually, I need to head out. I have a test tomorrow and I need to put some serious study time in." "And you're gonna leave me with the rest of it, right jack ass?" I glared at him. "Yup, afraid so. Have fun, see you Saturday!" And with that, he grabbed his backpack and was headed down the rows. Watching him go was a sight to behold, he had a tight bubble butt that just screamed out for me to grab it and never let go. That combined with his bare back glistening in the sun made me crazy. I turned back to my work, trying to ignore what was going through my head. No matter how hard I worked, how fast I went, how much I concentrated on the irrigation system, I couldn't get my dick to stop taking control of my thoughts. Finally, I had enough and knew that I had to rub one out. I wasn't really that concerned about anyone seeing, I had jacked off a few times before in the middle of the orchards, plus I was the only one at the plot of land for the day. I dropped my backpack, unbuttoned my jeans, and took my dick out of my briefs and started pumping away. Running my hand up and down my stomach, down to my junk to caress my balls, I imagined Carlos's glistening body rubbing up against mine. Eyes closed I focused on and got lost in my fantasy about Carlos. I was so deeply focused that I didn't hear footsteps behind me. All of the sudden I felt hands around my stomach, a soft touch. Still half lost in my fantasy, I just took it in stride. It wasn't until I felt a bulge press against my ass and a tight sweaty chest rub against my back that I stopped stroking and turned around. Carlos was staring me in the face, his body still gleaming in the sun rays that were peeking through the tree branches. "Why'd you stop? I was just starting to have fun." He looked at me with eyes that looked mischevious. "Dude, what the hell are you doing?" I wasn't sure what was going on, thinking that Carlos was definitely straight. "Helping you out, bro." "What..." I realized that my dick (which stuck out and bent slightly downward) was rubbing against his throbbing crotch. Not just that, but he was moving his hips in and out. He was "humping" my cock. I looked down at what was happening, only to see him lift his hand up and wrap it around my cock, now dripping with all sorts of precum. That didn't make matters any better, because now his hand was easily slipping around my cock, lubbed up with all the precum that kept pouring from my cock head. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back, a sign to Carlos that he was definitely doing the right thing, but when my breathing started getting faster, he knew he was doing a little "too" well. He slowed down for a bit and then stopped. He reached down to his own pants and they dropped within seconds. He wore briefs, and they were soaked with sweat and precum, showing part of his hard dick through the fabric. He put both of his hands on my chest and started rubbing my pecs, then moved his hips and and started rubbing his crotch against my exposed dick. Then he went in for the kiss. He grabbed me by the shoulders, and planted his lips right on mine. I gave in completely, and wrapped my arms around his back, digging my fingers into his strong muscles. He let out a long moan, and I savored the feeling of him moaning while we were locked in a deep kiss. Our tongues went wild. We had no reason to be quiet, nobody was around us for miles, and we were in the middle of the orchard, completely hidden by everything. Carlos pushed me away gently and before I could wonder what was going on, he was on his knees with my cock in his mouth. He slurped my 7 inches down easy. I had a pretty thick cock, but he took it with ease, and I knew this wasn't his first rodeo. His tongue went up and down the underside of my shaft, tingling every sensation in me from head to foot. He spent a good amount of time on the head, just enjoying the feeling of it going in and out of his mouth. Then he grabbed my ass and shoved my entire cock in his mouth. He pushed my hips back, and then brought them forward again, signaling to me that he wanted me to fuck his mouth. His juicy lips wrapped around my shaft, I started pumping my hips back and forth. His hands went back to my ass, but instead of guiding me, he just moved his hands with my trusts, grabbing my cheeks and squeezing them hard. It was ecstasy. I finally neared my breaking point, and decided that I wasn't done having fun, so i stopped trusting and pulled away from his mouth, my cock exiting with a pop. He had a dirty smile when he looked up at me. "You have an amazing dick. I could suck it all day." "We might just have to see if that's possible someday, stud, but not today." I put my hands under his arms and lifted him up, pushing him against the trunk of a tree. We were farm boys, we played rough. I then did what he so cleverly did to me, only a lot slower. He wanted to surprise me, I wanted to make him want me so bad that it hurt. I kissed his lips, then went down to his neck, giving him plenty of hickies that I know he would have a hard time explaining to his girlfriend. I then started to lick down his chest, over to his right nipple. They were huge. Not just huge, but juicy. They had substance when I took them in my mouth and started to suck them. I went from one nipple to another, playing with the one I wasn't sucking on. When I had enough, I started to make my way down his stomach. His six pack was gorgeous. He worked out every day for at least an hour and it showed. I licked the crevice between each muscle, making sure that I spend enough time in the middle. I gave him a few hickies here too before I moved on. I was at his underwear line, and I could smell his sweaty cock as it swelled even bigger with the closeness of my lips. His hands gently ran through my hair, urging me to continue on, but not wanting to force anything to happen. I didn't want to let him have his way just yet. I wrapped a finger from each hand just barely at the waistline of his underwear and ran my hands gently back and forth, teasing his waist. I worked my tongue over the same area. Finally I had enough and had to move on myself. My hands moved back and cupped his beautifully bubbled ass and started squeezing. I moved further down with my mouth and wrapped it around his hard cock, still held captive in his briefs. Since there was a layer of cloth between me and his dick, I used my teeth to gently nibble at his shaft. I opened my mouth wide and took as much of his bulge in as possible. He moaned and I continued sucking and licking his buldge until his underwear was soaked with my spit, his sweat, and his precum. This went on for another minute or so, and then I finally decided to give him what he wanted. I slowly slid his briefs down his smooth legs and let his 8 inch johnson slap me in the face as it came flying out of its prison. A large gob of precum strung between my face and his dick head. He was a leaky one - super hot. I started in slow with just the tip of the head in my mouth. I sucked as much precum out as possible to use as lube, then without warning I took him all the way down to his balls. He let out a huge gasp and a loud moan as I held his huge cock in my mouth. I was blessed with no gag reflex, and that meant that I could impress and pleasure most guys if not all of them. He wasn't prepared for what my mouth was doing to his dick, and his knees started to give out. I kept up the pace while we both slowly drifted towards the ground. He layed down on his back, I layed on my stomach, not missing a beat sucking his cock all the way down. I worked his shaft, bobbing my head up and down, leaking plenty of precum out of my own cock as I heard him moan and gasp for breath. He was a stallion, and no matter how much tongue I gave him, he seemed able to keep up with me. Finally a guy who I could suck longer than 20 seconds without having to stop for HIM. I always wanted to know how long I could go before I had to come up for air. So I came up for a big breath, looked at my watch, and went back to town on his beautiful, throbbing 8 inch piece of meat. Turns out I can hold my breath longer sucking dick than I can under water, about a minute and some change. I moved off his cock and looked up at him. He had his eyes closed and sweat was dripping down his face and the rest of his body. "You are so fucking amazing." He threw his head back, then back up and opened his eyes. "How the hell do you do that so well?" He looked at me with a longing expression, begging for more. "That's my little secret, stud." I went back down on him and repeated, making a game of it. Last time was a minute and a few seconds. Lets try for longer. This went on for a few minutes, my final record before things got too hot for Carlos was a minute and 23 seconds. Not bad at all. I went down on him again, knowing that he would want me to stop because I could tell he was getting close to exploding. But I wanted to be in control. I wanted him to cum when I wanted him to. I anticipated any resistance, and grabbed his ass hard and pulled it in toward my face. I knew what I wanted - a mouthful of his hot man juice running down my throat. I took my tongue and ran it over the sensitive area underneath his shaft at the same time as I was bobbing my head up and down. He started to plead with me "Stop, man, I'm getting close. Hold on, slow down. PLEASE!!" I didn't listen to any of it. I grabbed his ass and with one final thrust, I gulped his cock down, knowing that would most likely send him over the edge. I was right. He let out a loud moan at first, then a few short ones as I felt his cock start pumping his hot cum down my throat. I went to swallow, and his cum kept pouring out so fast that it started dribbling down the sides of my mouth. I kept pumping away at his cock with my mouth. He started jolting forward and I knew that his softening cock was getting sensitive. I released him there, letting him fall back against the tree trunk, cum still streaming out of his cock. I have never seen so much jizz come out of one dick before. By the time he was finished, cum covered his stomach. He was completely exhausted. I grinned. "How you feel, buddy?" He just let out a sigh, opened one eye, and gave me a half-assed smile. "Wow. I have....never...been sucked off like that...ever." I was a little proud, though I had heard it before. I sat up and grabbed my own cock, knowing that I wouldn't be able to leave this place without jacking off. My cock was so hard after sucking Carlos off that I could probably have just looked at it and cummed. But I wanted Carlos to at least help. He realized quickly that I still needed to get my rocks off, so he got up and pushed me to the ground. He lay on top of me, his cum squished between our torsos. He slid up and down me slowly, making sure our cocks touched each other. Then he slid all the way down and took my dick in his mouth. He was pretty amazing himself, though couldn't take me all the way down. I didn't mind, all I cared about was feeling the warm and wet insides of a man's mouth around my dick. He worked my shaft up and down, using his tongue and my precum together to rock my world. I lay back, putting my hands behind my head and closing my eyes. He worked me long and hard, never letting his soft lips away from my cock for more than a second. I finally came close and warned him. He didn't seem to care, probably picking up from me earlier that being in control was for the guy who had the dick in his mouth. I appreciated it, and just let nature take its course. I also wanted to see how much he could swallow, if that was what his plan was. With a short warning, I yelled "here I cum, stud" and shot stream after stream in his mouth. I was an impressive "shot" but still realized that I paled in comparison to his immense load. Still, he had trouble keeping it all in and I saw my cum burst from the sides of his mouth. He released me after a few more seconds and I finished emptying out onto his stomach. He came to lay on top of me again, our cum mixing itself between out sweating bodies. We lay there for awhile, and then I started to stir. He rolled over onto the ground on his back and I sat up. "I have no words for what just happened except: holy shit." He had his eyes closed, clearly thinking about everything that just happened. "Yeah...that was...awesome. I had no idea that you were-" He cut me off. "Not a word to anyone." He opened his eyes and sat up, looking at me, making sure I understood. "Of course, dude." "So much for taking off early to study." I laughed as I pulled on my pants. "This was a much better use of my time." Carlos had his pants on and had both of his shirts in his hand. I definitely had to agree with him. "I think I'm gonna call it a day. The rest of this irrigation stuff can wait till the morning." I picked up my backpack and took out my water bottle, drinkingthe rest in a few huge gulps. "Yeah after a great release like that, all you can do is sit on the couch with a beer." Carlos was starting to walk back to where we parked our trucks. I thought that the walk back would be an awkward one, since we both just recently discovered we were both gay AND we had just sucked each other off. But our sexual adventure didn't stop Carlos at all for bringing up sports and his recent projects on his truck. For the first time, I felt comfortable around a guy I had just sucked off. It felt good. We were back at our trucks, and Carlos turned and said "Oh, by the way, Mason's a total fag too. And he likes getting fucked. Well, see ya later." And he got in his truck, started the engine, and took off. He was a man of few words, and had a tendancy to tell me news all at once and then leave. Short, simple, to the point. I just stood there, hardly believing what I just heard. Mason - the stud. With all his muscles, perfect chest, blonde hair, and deep voice. HE liked getting fucked? If that was true, this rinky-dink California town seemed to be getting a hell of a lot better all of the sudden.

Next: Chapter 2

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