Farm Boy

By TopLegal

Published on Apr 28, 2023


some M/F sex)

Part 2 ======

By TopLegal

WARNING This contains graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse

and sadomasochistic activities between adult males. If this

offends you, is not appropriate for viewing in your location, or

you are not of legal age, do not read it. Any resemblance of

characters in this story to the living is purely coincidental.

(c) 2003, TopLegal. Permission is granted for distribution via

Usenet and the Web provided that the following two conditions are

met: there is no cost to access this story, e.g. AdultCheck, pay

site, etc., and the story is posted in full without modifications.

[Ed: Fan mail swayed the day, part duex...]

Programming Guides ------------------

It was about two weeks after I had impregnated Carol with our

third set of male twins, that I found myself sitting naked in

front of the computer in Jason's office. I was there by


At boot, I realized a password was required, but almost

instinctively I entered "jasonr" and my password "controlled."

At the Windows desktop, I entered "My Documents" and found a

folder marked "Mind Control Notes." Inside I found three folders:

"General Techniques," "Richardson Family," and "Townsfolk."

I decided to read about us first and opened the folder to find a

folder for each of us: Carol, Matthew, Michael, Daniel, David, and

me. I started with my own folder but found it empty. Fair enough.

I browsed through the other folders and found them very similarly

structured. I decided to focus on the triggers and global commends

for each family member.

Carol's trigger was "sweet tomatoes are erotic." The boys had a

shared trigger "a spanking a day keeps a bad boy on his toes."

Added to the verbal triggers were the post-punishment position


Repurposing Carol -----------------

My newfound ability to get erections during gay sex with my older

brother and Carol's pregnancy opened new avenues. Jason instructed

me to hypnotize Carol and train her to be fascinated to watch two

men have sex.

I started in gently by inducing her with her keyword and gradually

working her to express an interest into watching her

lover--me--have sex with a man. I explained to her that she would

find it more gratifying to watch two men have sex than to be

penetrated. Jason's programming guide on this subject was helpful

and I stuck to the script fairly closely.

Later that night, Carol introduced the subject with hesitation to

me: "James, I've been thinking it would be really cool if you

could satisfy some of Jason's needs."


"Yes, I think that would be quite nice, can you go get him and

tell him that I would like to watch him fuck you."

"Carol," I pleaded.

"Now James!" She paused and added, "or you will end up with a sore

bottom for disobeying me."

I fetched my older brother and let him fuck me in front of his

wife, my lover. Carol got her rocks off on it and that night

marked the end of heterosexual sex between Carol and myself.

The closer it got to the birth of the newest twins, the less and

less amorous Carol was towards me. The daily hypnosis scripts I

worked her through ensured that.

During the summer, I noticed that Jason seemed to have a guest in

the outside building that had the office, but I never saw the

guest. A few times when I was at the computer in the office

studying the hypnosis instructions, I would hear a man screaming

in pain, but I knew better than to ask Jason about the guest.

Vienna ------

It was only two weeks before the newest twins--already named Zack

and Zeke were due when Jason decided I needed to travel to Vienna

for him. The instructions were crystal clear and included a

requirement that I visit a particular gay sauna every night of my

visit and have regular gay sex. A bag was already packed for me

and I simply picked it off the floor and walked from the office

right out to the truck where Jason was sitting in the driver's

seat already.

"Ready to go little brother?"

"Yes sir," I responded meekly.

"Tsk, tsk, I think you will enjoy Vienna and it will be quite

profitable for you."

I shrugged.

"Your bag includes copious quantities of condoms and lube for your

nights at Kaiserbrundl_."

.. _Kaiserbrundl

"So why are you going to Vienna?"


"Anything to declare?"


"Good," Jason said as he backed the car out of the driveway.

Millions of dollars worth of diamonds were attached to the

necklace I would wear into the country around my neck as costume

jewelry. "Put the necklace on."

I affixed the costume-style necklace to my neck. Each of the

"glass" stones ringing the necklaces was in actuality a ten-plus

carat diamond making the entire necklace worth over five-million


Jason dropped me off at the airport without having said anything

else and I headed into the domestic terminal for a flight to

Washington, D.C. that would eventually take me onwards to Vienna.

Despite what should have been a natural anxiety about being a mule

for Jason's diamond smuggling, I was completely calm and my

necklace received only the most cursory comment from the TSA

security screeners.

In Washington, I had a forty minute lay over before boarding

business class for the much longer flight to Vienna. Despite

Carol's position in the airline industry, my servitude in Jason's

household meant I had not traveled much and I was enjoying the

flight even if I was dreading the business and "pleasure" awaiting

me in Vienna.

The flight was a redeye of sorts and we landed at the airport

outside Vienna about nine in the morning. I cleared immigration

and customs without incident. I changed some money for Euros and

took a cab to the downtown Marriott.

I felt fortunate that my room was ready and went up to it and

slept till about one before heading out into the brisk winter air

to sell the diamonds.

The doorman hailed a cab and I suddenly spoke fluent German to

provide instructions for my meeting. The cab dropped me off at the

Prater fairgrounds where I instinctively made my way towards the

giant Ferris Wheel and stood watching the giant wheel turn for a

while. A stunning blonde woman approached me and said, "Mr.

Richardson, glad you got in safely, shall we take a ride?"

She offered her arm and I led her to the Ferris Wheel which we

boarded. Once in the car which we were alone in. She leaned in and

began to kiss me intimately as she removed the necklace. Finished,

she handed me a slip of paper and then we continued to kiss until

exiting the ride.

"Good day Mr. Richardson," the blonde said as we parted. I opened

the slip of paper: it had a series of numbers that made no sense.

I decided to walk back to the hotel. It took quite a bit to walk

back to the hotel and by the time I was back it was around six

o'clock in the evening.

I called Jason to report on the results. He praised me highly and

took down the numbers and reminded me I was required to go to the

sauna and let men fuck my brains out.

I changed into the slutty clothing Jason had packed for me and

left the hotel for the sauna. It was right up the street a few

blocks. On the way, I stopped at what turned out to be a fantastic

Asian cuisine restaurant, "East-West."

Afterwards, I made my way another block up the street to the


Kaiserbrundl ------------

I entered the sauna through the large green door on the street

level and headed back a long corridor anxiously. The corridor

dead-ended at a door with no obvious buzzer. At first I tried

knocking and was about to leave, but noticed a buzzer.

Upon pushing, I was buzzed in. A topless cashier with a nipple

ring handed me a wristband with a key as well as a towel and

invited me to enjoy. I walked past bar tables filled with men

wearing only towels. I headed past them and up to the lockers. I

stripped naked and wrapped the towel around my waist. I took the

wristband and the small bag filled with condoms and lube with me.

I followed a similarly clad man down the stairs again and to the

basement. Barefoot, I followed the man back towards the sauna area

and allowed myself to steam naked along with three other guys. The

room was oppressively hot and I was quickly sweating profusely. I

stayed it out in the sauna for fifteen minutes before heading out

and showering.

Condom bag in hand, I headed to the bar and ordered vodka straight

up. Showing my locker number, to the similarly topless bartender

to charge it to my lock--69.

After downing the vodka, I got a lay of the land. There were a few

large common rooms where guys seemed to mostly hang out that led

off to a variety of smaller individual booths, some with video

monitors showing porn as well as to some larger video rooms and

some larger dark group sex rooms.

Knowing I had to report six fucks back to Jason in great detail, I

decided to get underway in an area where there were fairly dark

group sex areas stacked on down a half flight of stairs and other

up half a flight.

The upper room was empty, but an orgy of bareback anal sex was

going on in the lower room. I threw myself into the fray by

starting to suck one guy's cock.

He quickly rolled me over and I handed him a condom to use as he

fucked me. He was gracious about sliding it on and then fucked me

like I was a machine to be used. As soon as he was spent he pulled

out and left me there, alone and empty.

Hard, I debated jacking off and decided to save it till after I

had gotten my remaining five fucks in. Repulsed with myself for

having gay sex, I headed back to the bar for another vodka before

my next fuck.

The next guy was in one of the private booths jacking to a video

with the door open. I looked in on him and gestured with a condom

in my hands. He invited me in and I shut the door. This fuck was

even less satisfying for me as I was simply bent over the padded

riser and fucked immediately. The guy was rough and took quite a

while to shoot a load into the condom. Used again, he wandered off

leaving me alone, bent over the riser. I picked myself up and felt

revolted with myself.

I went back to the sauna and baked myself for another fifteen

minutes to clean myself.

Out of the shower, I noticed a guy stretched out sleeping on a

bench across the water pond and decided to approach him to let me

ride his cock.

I approached and he opened his eyes. I kneeled next to his cock

and he smiled. I licked my tongue around my mouth to indicate I

wanted to give a blowjob and the young man opened the towel. I

leaned in and sucked his dick until he was quite stiff. Then I

applied a condom and began riding his cock. This was much more

pleasurable for me and I started jacking myself as I rode the

young man's shaft.

It took a few minutes for me to orgasm and another few for the

young man to shoot into me. I stood up slowly and removed the

condom and he thanked me in German as I wandered off to shower.

Three down, three to go.

My next two fucks were unremarkable and left me feeling more and

more disgusted with myself for submitting to gay sex to please my


My last fuck though changed the equation. He was shy and quiet and

something about him attracted me to him. I approached him in one

of the common rooms and offered to buy him a drink. His English

was even better than most of the people I had met. He said he was

shy and wondered if we could fuck at his house.

I decided it beat hanging out in a gay sauna if he fucked me. So I

followed him up to the lockers, got dressed and we walked a half

dozen blocks to his house. One the way, I learned his name was

Theo Posselt and that he lived with his mother who was dieing from

a rare type of cancer.

Posselt Residence -----------------

His home was impeccably decorated, so I was shocked by his barren

bedroom consisting only of a small wardrobe and a mattress on the

floor. A razor strap hanging from a peg just inside the door was

also hard to miss.

"Dad whip you?"

"Mom," he said.

I nodded. At twenty-one Theo was a bit old to be living at home,

getting spanked, and not working. Of course, the same could be

said of me at age thirty. But, I had an excuse, Jason kept me as a

hypnotized sex slave. What was Theo's excuse?

He fucked me passionately and I found myself orgasming again. Then

after we had embraced for a while he excused himself to check on

his mother. He took the strap with him as he left me. A few

minutes later I heard him crying out in pain. When he returned

almost an hour later he was still sobbing softly.

He crawled into his bed and cuddled against me.

In the morning, Theo turned to me and asked, "Can I ask a huge

favor of you?"

"Ask away," I said and kissed him without thinking about it.

"Can you please go have sex with my mother?"

I must have turned a color because he quickly back peddled, "It's

ok, I'll go take a spanking again."

"Wait Theo," I said and pulled him against me. "You have sex with

your mother?"

"All the time," he said looking away from me embarrassed. "Since

my dad died, she has forced me to have sex with her every day and

beats me if I disobey her."

I kissed him again. "I'm actually straight and my life is

surprisingly less different than yours. I'll go fuck her."

Theo thanked me and let me head in. His mother was stunning and

she seemed please, "Ah, a real man."

I slid a condom on and passionately fucked Theo's mother till she

orgasmed four separate times.

As I left, she thanked me profusely. Theo was in the hall just

outside her bedroom and he thanked me as well and asked if I could

stay here a few days to make his life less miserable.

I agreed if I could check out of the hotel. The hotel did not mind

me checking out and so I found myself with six days to go in

Vienna locked into Mrs. Posselt's odd little incestuous

relationship with her young son Theo.

I called Jason and explained the situation and he simply laughed,

"not to worry James, I have been talking to Theo online for months

now. I only checked you into the hotel in case he chickened out."

Theo had me fuck his mom, day and night to pleasure her

constantly. A week had passed with me having non-stop heterosexual

sex with the gorgeous woman. Four days passed and Theo convinced

me to take a break and go visit the Albertina museum. When I

returned there was an ambulance outside and Theo was crying. His

mother had passed away.

I consoled the crying boy in his room against my chest. I called

Jason and got permission to extend my stay, he commented that Theo

would be coming home with me.

When we left the Posselt home, Theo packed very little except for

his razor strap and some clothing and we flew back to the states.

Theo greeted Jason warmly and back home Carol was about to explode

and have the babies at any second.

The kids accepted that Theo was a cousin visiting from Vienna

without question.

The twins' birth went without a hitch and the extra pair of hands

Theo offered was great. Gradually, Jason moved Theo into the

bedroom with him and Carol and me out to the guest room.

Freedom? --------

Three weeks after the twins' birth, Jason visited me in the night.

"I've got Theo successfully integrated and Carol happy. I've

bought a gorgeous new home for you in San Francisco and I am going

to give you your freedom."

"Thank you," I responded.

"Gradually, the kids will find their way to you since I plan to

send all of the kids to University of San Francisco."

I nodded, "what about Carol?"

"She loves watching Theo and I have sex."

"That's it?"

"Yep, Theo is waiting at the car to take you to the airport."

Jason handed me a small bag and kissed me goodbye.

Write the Author ----------------

These stories are e-mail'ware, show your appreciation by dropping

some feedback (in English) to the author at

See other works by me at


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