Farm Boy

By TopLegal

Published on Mar 2, 2023



Farm Boy ========

By TopLegal

WARNING This contains graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse

and sadomasochistic activities between adult males. If this

offends you, is not appropriate for viewing in your location, or

you are not of legal age, do not read it. Any resemblance of

characters in this story to the living is purely coincidental.

(c) 2003, TopLegal. Permission is granted for distribution via

Usenet and the Web provided that the following two conditions are

met: there is no cost to access this story, e.g. AdultCheck, pay

site, etc., and the story is posted in full without modifications.

[Ed: 95%+ chance this is only 1 part.]

Attitude Adjustment -------------------

Jason--my brother--was sitting sternly in the chair looking at his

twin fifteen-year-old sons Michael and Matthew. Born on December

30th, 1987, the twins had decided to take their mom's car for a

spin and crashed it into a ditch.

"James," Jason said to me, "can you fetch me the hairbrush."

Matthew and Michael both flinched visibly. Carol--the boys mom and

Jason's wife--was somewhere in the air working as a flight

attendant. The younger twins--David and Daniel, both nine, were

sitting silently on the couch. With March 1st birthdays, the

younger twins were just days from turning ten.

I walked over to the kitchen and pulled the "Attitude Adjuster"

from the wall and brought it to my older brother. Both Jason and I

shared birthdates a year apart, likenesses and a home. I lived

under his roof including the consequence that at thirty-something,

I still got spanked like dad used to spank us. Only by my older


I sat down next to David and Daniel on the couch after handing the

hairbrush to Jason. That same hairbrush had blistered my ass

hundreds of times over the years. Now, I would watch my "nephews"

get theirs.

"Come," Jason ordered. Knowing he was always first when the twins

got spanked Matthew stepped forward and allowed Jason to pull his

pants down to his ankles. I knew just how humiliating that could

be. Jason seemed to manufacture reasons to spank me from time to

time and still stripped me in front of the family just like when I

was fourteen and our dad had passed away.

Jason forcibly pulled Matthew over his lap and began administering

a blistering thrashing with the hairbrush. Like our dad, Jason's

spankings were intensely painful and left your ass bright red and

blistered. Moving your hands to block the spanking only increased

the ferocity of the discipline. Matthew of course struggled and

twice tried to block the assault.

Jason pinioned his child's arms and increased the violence of the

punishment till Matthew was sobbing uncontrollably. Daniel, David

and myself all knew that it could just as easily be any one of us

in exactly that position. Our dad had never been quite so intense

with the hairbrush as Jason was. I learned that just two days

after my dad's death when I sassed my mom and Jason brutalized my


I remember that spanking distinctly.

I was unable to sit for four days after it and I had never looked

at my brother quite the same after that.

With Matthew in tears, he was made to stand next to his as yet

unspanked twin brother. Michael was up next. Jason pulled his

pants down unceremoniously and administered an even more ferocious

spanking to him since he had been driving the car and suggested

the lunacy.

Once Michael was sobbing uncontrollably, Jason ordered me to get

the strap. I took the hairbrush as Jason kept his young son

pinioned over his lap and fetched the razor strap.

I brought the razor strap to Jason and then resumed my position on

the couch. Jason savaged Michael's ass with the razor strap

leaving the young boy in unbearable agony. I had received exactly

such a punishment once before from Jason and knew exactly how

brutal it was.

The babbling and crying Michael was escorted with his twin to the

bedroom they shared with the younger twins. Each was positioned on

their bed face down. Arms laced behind their heads and legs


Jason used to hate that position. It was one our dad used to

control us after a punishment. If we moved the entire punishment

would be repeated. Jason had moved once and learned his lesson.

Typically the position was held for an hour after the punishment,

but sometimes longer depending on how sadistic dad felt.

Jason tended to limit it to fifteen or twenty minutes. This time

though there most definitely would be no movement since the first

punishment had been so severe for both of them.

History -------

It was past bedtime for the younger twins and I took them to the

room with Matthew and Michael. It was odd thinking about how I had

reached this point.

Jason and I were born one year apart, 1970 and 1971 respectively

on July 3rd. Our parents had raised the two of us on a farm about

fifty miles from Fargo, North Dakota. So identical in appearance,

we had frequently been mistaken for twins and in a small school we

had always been schooled together.

When our dad passed away in early 1984, Jason's dominance as older

brother manifested itself. With my mother's blessing he quickly

filled the void and took on a parental role with me. Mom's death

in late 1985 further cemented our positions. Jason moved into our

parent's bedroom while I stayed in our childhood room.

He met Carol in 1986. Married her in 1987. Michael and Matthew

were born later that year.

That was the public story.

The private reality was more complicated.

The bedroom that "James" slept in shared a large bathroom with the

room Carol and "Jason" slept in. The bathroom had a beautiful

indoor hot tub. I was in the hot tub now and my brother joined me

there from the room "James" slept in.

Even the twins had never noticed that their dad did not sleep with

their mom. They also never knew I was their biological father.

Carol had perhaps first made excuses for Jason's lack of sexual

interest in her due to the responsibilities after the death of our

parents for raising me.

But pretty soon she had turned to me for sex.

We both thought it was a secret. But after Matthew and Michael

were born Jason made it clear he knew. When he built the new house

on our family farm he had set things up.

The new house was completed just after the twins birth and we

moved in. Since the two of us looked so identical it was easy for

him to set things up to take "my" bedroom and for me to sleep with


Our secret was "out" to him.

The price of that secret was my permanent "captivity" in the

household. Spankings as an adult were de rigueur as was keeping

Jason's wife happy.

Other requirements were maintaining the secret, giving Jason at

least one more child, and one more thing.

It was two months after the birth of the twins that the other

condition became known. Carol had returned to work one day a week,

Friday night into Saturday morning, two flights total.

I had fed the babies some of the breast milk Carol had pumped and

then found Jason waiting for me in the living room. He guided me

to his bedroom and pushed me onto my knees.

He unzipped his pants and pushed his erect semi-erect cock into my


"Brother," he whispered, "I may not be able to be out but I do not

plan to go without sex for the rest of my life."

He grabbed my cropped hair which I kept identically styled to his

and forced my mouth to open and accepted his cock.

Thus a second sexual ritual was born. Incestuous adult sex with my

older brother whenever his wife, and my lover, Carol was away.

In fairness he was relatively tender with me at first. It was not

until two weeks later that he made me have anal sex.

The one time I balked at sex with him he spanked me the next day

in front of Carol. I never argued with him again.

About fourteen years have passed and I've given my brother not

just one set of twins, but a second set of twins, kept the secret,

kept his sham of marriage intact, and subjected myself to sex at

his whim.

Flash Forward -------------

With Carol away, I was laying alone in bed awaiting, no dreading a

bit, Jason's arrival. I knew that he had left Matthew and Michael

in the position longer than usual and I assumed he was whispering

into Matthew's and Michael's ears now. That was another thing dad

had never done, but Jason had started. He did it with me.

I suppose if I had thought really hard on the matter I would have

realized that I could not remember for the life of me what he said

when he came over after a spanking. But then there were a lot of

odd things about Jason if you thought too hard. For example, why

did the older twins find it hard to tell Jason and me apart? At

nearly fifteen and as twins themselves one would think they would

have picked up some subtle cues.

For example, Jason actually tends to beard more heavily than I do.

So it is much easier for him to grow a beard and he has a much

stronger five o'clock shadow. Simple enough. There were other

things too, our voices were slightly differently pitched.

Thinking about how bizarre my family was left me missing Carol. I

genuinely loved her.

My thoughts were interrupted as Jason entered the bedroom directly

without bothering to maintain the pretense of going through the

other bedroom. He quickly stripped and threw himself into bed with

me. His cock was rock hard against my chest as he began to kiss

me. I reciprocated because it was my duty to.

"Hey sexy," Jason commented as he continued to tongue me deeper

and embrace my body fully. I knew just how passionate, deeply

sexual and real his love for me was. Unfortunately, despite

fourteen odd years of trying to reciprocate, I could rarely even

muster an erection. I had long since gotten past minding having to

kiss him, suck him off and get fucked. I just did not necessarily

enjoy it as much as he did. Make that at all.

For me it was more robotic and work like. Kneel, open mouth, suck

like this, then that, etc., he shoots, we kiss, done. For Jason it

was passionate, he would spend hours talking to me some nights

about how much he loved me and how attractive I was. His cock

would always be erect against me and he loved to passionately run

his hands over my body or have me do the same for him.

As he slid a finger into my ass to loosen me up, he casually

commented, "Carol mentioned to me before she left that she would

like another child." He jammed fingers from his other hand into my

mouth as I opened it to respond and so I found myself sucking his


He continued, "I told her that would make me very happy."

That was the end of the discussion. If I said anything at this

point, I would find myself over Jason's knees getting a vicious


Jason lifted my legs and fucked me while continuing to kiss me.

When he finished we slept with him on top of me.

Curiosity ---------

The next morning I was up bright and early to cook breakfast for

everyone. After the boys headed out to school, Jason went to his

home office in the standalone building just off the kitchen.

I stripped naked and did the rest of my chores. Having me do

chores naked was actually Jason's idea. When Carol was away he

used it as yet another way of reinforcing my submissiveness.

Instinctively I seemed to know better than to bother Jason in his

office. But after finishing my chores quickly, something possessed

me to go take a look. I walked naked from the kitchen to the

office and peeked through the blinds. Seeing he was not there, I

decided to go in.

The room was fairly barren: desk, chair, and computer. There was

no paper, or files, to be seen. Not even a phone. I was about to

exit and when I turned around Jason was standing in the doorway.

"Cleaning in here were you?"

I stammered, "yes."

He grinned, "bend over the desk James, you know the office is off


I bent over submissively and left my exposed naked ass sticking

out for my older brother. I watched him pull a paddle with holes

drilled in it from the desk drawer. He came around behind me.

The first crack of the paddle caused me to jump off the desk.

Jason roughly slammed me back onto the desk and then pinioned me

as he continued the violent assault. It only took fifteen or so

blows for me to start screaming in abject pain. Around thirty I

was a sobbing baby.

Jason led me, sobbing, by the ear into the house and into the

bedroom I shared with Carol. He got me onto the bed and since I

was sobbing so hard he helped lace my hands behind my head and

even crossed my legs at the ankles for me.

"I think you know better than to move now," he commented as he

left. That little paddle had packed such a vicious wallop and

Jason had laid it on full force. My ass was in searing pain and I

was still crying.

Jason made me wait what seemed like two hours before coming in and

sitting right next to me on the bed. I had stopped crying by then

and he began whispering into my ear. I cannot remember exactly

what he was saying.

Afterwards though I remember feeling like I had gotten a

well-deserved punishment and that he was quite right to have

punished me.

"Had he hypnotized me," I found myself wondering? But the thought

passed as I focused on preparing dinner.

Just before four o'clock, I got dressed so the kids would not see

me naked. Just as the older twins streamed in the door, Jason

approached and said that he would be showing my ass off after

dinner to remind the kids that their uncle still gets spanked.

Around six, I served dinner and then cleaned up as everyone hung

out in the living room. Jason was reading a book, the kids were

doing their homework.

When I finished and came out, Jason stopped everything and had the

kids sit on the couch. He called me over and had me stand in front

of him.

"James, can you explain to the boys what you did wrong today?"

"I went into the office which is off limits."


"You caught me and immediately disciplined me for my misbehavior."

"Come here," Jason said in a firm voice. I approached and he

opened my pants and pulled them and my underwear down. It was

humiliating. My red, swollen, blistered ass was now visible to my

four children.

He pulled me over his lap.

"Michael," Jason said, "bring me the strap."

Michael jumped to attention and ran to the kitchen. The kids knew

better than to hesitate when asked to bring an Attitude Adjuster.

"Five of the best in front of the kids," Jason announced as he

took the strap, "I think it will be helpful to remind them of the

severe consequences for going out of bounds."

Jason pinioned my arms in the small of my back with one hand as he

administered five brutal blows of the strap to my already

blistered ass. I yelled in pain after each one.

The kids never smiled or took pleasure in another's punishment.

The look was one of sympathy, understanding, but also acceptance.

Each of the five of us knew that Jason was the boss and that

misbehaviors had consequences.

"Stand up," Jason ordered, "you already had your quiet time so you

can stay if you keep your sore butt exposed as a reminder to the


I nodded meekly as I stood up and stepped out of my pants. I was

now naked except for a flannel shirt.

Hypnotized ----------

Carol came home around nine and the younger twins were already in

bed. She saw my spanked ass and seemed to nod approvingly. She

gave Jason a huge kiss then tenderly kissed the twins and

disappeared into our bedroom.

I followed going into James' bedroom and then into the bathroom

and joining her in the hot tub.

We kissed passionately and I focused on pleasuring her. "I guess

we need to start focusing on your cycle so we can have another


Carol smiled broadly, "I knew you would be excited."

We got out of the tub and went to the shower. I soaped her down

and then after the soap came off licked her from toes to head. She

loved that and cooed appreciatively. Jason had entered silently

and was watching the two of us.

"If you two are done," he said, "my calculation is that Carol is

ready to be impregnated tonight. Now if you both could lace your

hands behind your head and follow me into your bedroom."

We both did as we were told. We stood at the foot of our bed in

the awkward position. Jason started whispering into Carol's ear

and then mine. I cannot remember anything else very clearly but I

remember wild sex with Carol.

I woke up with my dick still inside Carol and still surprisingly

erect for having shot six or seven loads into her.

My ball sacs felt drained completely and I vaguely remembered

Jason suggesting that I would be so aroused by Carol that I would

shoot load after load into her until my balls were empty.

"Mmm," Carol mumbled, "I love you so much James, that was better

than when we did it for either the M's or the D's."

I started to remember things then. It had been ~just~ like this

with each of them. Jason had talked to me before those crucial

nights too. Similarly, Carol and I had woken up with my dick still

rock hard inside her.

It was at that moment that I understood why our children could not

tell Jason and me apart. He had hypnotized them not to be able to.

"Honey," Carol said, "can you pull out."

I pulled out and rolled over to allow Carol to go to the bathroom.

Jason came into the room, "you've been becoming aware of my

hypnotism lately haven't you James?"

I nodded.

"I trust you won't discuss it with the rest of our family."

I shook my head.

Three days later it apparent that Carol was pregnant again. Later

still we would learn it was another set of male twins.

Caught Smoking --------------

Carol's schedule frequently meant we could end up having sex in

the afternoons. As she became more visibly pregnant, I found her

more sexually arousing.

One afternoon in particular we were having sex when the doorbell

rang. Jason answered it pretending to be me and then the fun

really started.

"JASON," he called out to me, "the boys' principal is here."

I threw on sweat pants leaving my muscular chest bare and stepped

out into the living room. "Thanks James," I commented and then

shook the principal's hand.

"Mr. Richardson," the principal started, "Daniel and David here

were caught smoking in the bathroom. I have already paddled them

fifteen times each in accordance with school policy; however, I

find this sort of matter serious enough that I always like to

bring it directly to a parent's attention."

"Thank you," I commented, "they will be punished here as well.

James can you bring the strap in." I put Daniel and David in the

center of the living room and invited the principal to sit down on

the couch. Carol had come out of the bedroom and took a seat next

to the principal. Jason handed me the strap and took a seat.

"Anything to say for yourselves boys?" They shook their heads

abjectly and tried to look down to avoid my stern gaze. "LOOK AT

ME when I am talking."

They met my gaze. "Did Matthew or Michael give you the


No response.

"James, can you search the boys' room?" Jason playing me still

headed to the room the four boys shared to search it. He returned

a few minutes later with a carton of cigarettes.

"This was under Matthew's bed," Jason explained.

"Boys," I said, "your older brother is already going to get

punished. But the real question is how many days of night after

night of spankings will it take you boys to admit where you

obtained the cigarettes from?"

David broke first and started crying and admitted, "It was

Daniel's idea he saw them under Matthew's bed so we took a pack

and brought them to school."

The principal nodded at me approvingly.

"Daniel is that true?"

The now ten-year old boy nodded sheepishly.

"Daniel come here," I ordered.

My young son came to me willingly. I was playing my older brother

Jason so this was actually the first time I had ever spanked my

own biological children.

I pulled Daniel's pants down and could immediately sense his

embarrassment. I pulled him across my lap and saw the already

reddened cheeks from the principal's paddling.

The strap melded itself nicely with my hand and I began

rhythmically strapping my young son. I was a natural. Three

decades of punishments had taught me how to land the strap

precisely on target. My son reacted viscerally to each violent

blow. As I became more confident in my aim, I gradually increased

the ferocity of the punishment.

After thirty blows I had Daniel's arms pinioned into the small of

his back. He was howling in pain and I continued the assault.

After all, no punishment in the Richardson household was complete

unless the bad boy was reduced to tears.

I took my time administering the punishment and after a bit more

had Daniel sobbing uncontrollably in my lap. His small body was

shaking and his ass was a bright red. Blisters were coming up in

some places as well.

I then commented aloud, "ten extra for instigating." Daniel let

out a howl before I brought the strap down even more violently

onto his ass ten more times.

I helped my young son stand and made him stand with his arms at

his side as I turned to his twin brother.

The repeat performance on David went well and after fifty straps

he was crying abjectly. I found I really enjoyed administering

punishments and was hoping that Jason would let me do it more

often. Once both boys had been thoroughly punished, I took them to

their room and positioned them to stay.

I thanked the principal and promised that Matthew would be

severely punished. The principal commented, "Mr. Richardson you

are a real credit to this community, some of the parents these

days simply do not understand the value of a thorough spanking."

Jason took over again and excused Carol to the bedroom and took me

to his office. "Well done James," he said as a he kissed me

passionately and I reciprocated. "I would like you to handle

Matthew as well and watch how I use each spanking as an

opportunity for providing instructions to a boy hypnotically."

I nodded.

"There is one thing James. I've been hypnotizing you for nearly

sixteen years and fucking you for many of those years but I still

cannot get you to be erect when being sexual with me."

Jason paused for emphasis.

"So here's the trade," he commented, "I will let you in on the

hypnotism and the triggers for everyone in this house except for

yourself ~if~ you teach yourself to become erect when you are

sexual with me."

Jason kissed me with tongue and walked out of the office. I stood

there for a while contemplating the trade.

Inside the house, I found Jason in the boys' bedroom whispering

into Daniel's ear and then David's. After he did that, each hugged

him and thanked him profusely for spanking them.

He exited the room and pulled me back to the living room. "Well?"

"I will try," I responded.

"Good James," he said, "your inability to be erect when being

sexual with me has been the one disappointment I have had in this

household and years of hypnosis have not dragged it out of you

because you were resisting."

"Now do you think hypnosis will work?"

"If you are truly interested, yes."

"Cool," I responded as the M's walked in. I stopped them at the

door and pulled Matthew aside.

James and Michael took the couch. I showed Matthew the carton of

cigarettes and he let out a gasp.

Whipped -------

Michael tried to jump to Matthew's rescue, "they aren't his."

Matthew looked bewildered by his twin brother's defense.

"Whose then?"

Matthew looked down at the floor.

"LOOK AT ME young man. Whose cigarettes are these?"

"Tim Walker's," Michael blurted out, "he has them for Tim. Tim is

a smoking fiend and his dad whipped him when he found Tim with

cigarettes so Tim asked Matt to keep them for him."

Matthew was looking down from me and could not meet my gaze.

"Is this true Matthew?"

He managed to mumble, "yes."

I grabbed the boy by his ear and with the carton of cigarettes in

the other hand took him out to Jason's truck and put him in the

passenger seat. "Jason," Jason called to me, "here are the keys."

I caught the keys and got into the truck. We drove two miles to

the Walker farm and I led Matthew to the front door and made him

hold the carton of cigarettes.

I rang the bell. Mr. Walker answered, "hey Jason."

"Hi John," I responded, "your son asked my son to keep these." I

pointed to the carton of cigarettes Matthew was holding.

John's face turned red with anger.

"My boy gets it too," I commented as he took the carton and

stormed into the house. I led Michael by the ear. He was


I heard John shouting at his son and then carrying the kicking and

screaming teen out to the barn. I followed with Matthew.

John tied his son's hands to a rafter and picked up a bullwhip.

Each lash caused the teen to scream in pain and beg forgiveness. I

noticed Matthew pee his pants in terror. Thirty lashes later the

punishment ended and Tim's back was criss-crossed with deep whip


John took my son without asking permission and stripped him naked.

Matthew was tied to the rafters next to Tim and John administered

twenty vicious lashes. He untied Matthew after and gave him back

to me.

I drove Matthew back in the truck naked and then parked him on the

bed for cooling off. Face down. Arms laced. Ankles crossed.

Immediately subdued for hypnotism.

As I watched Matthew immediately fall into trance, I could only

admire my older brother's audacity.

Write the Author ----------------

These stories are e-mail'ware, show your appreciation by dropping

some feedback (in English) to the author at

See other works by me at


Next: Chapter 2

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