Fantasy on a Theme

By moc.oohay@onegabmik

Published on May 8, 2016



Here is another story from my over active imagination and as usual it contains explicit descriptions of homosexual lovemaking between me and young boys who would have been over 16-years-old. All names have been changed to protect the guys involved and bear no relation to actual persons living, dead, or sitting in the House of Commons. If reading this is likely to offend you or your reading of this will contravene a federal, provincial, state or local law or bylaw, or if you are under legal age in your jurisdiction, then you are instructed to delete this now

  1. Subject: Fantasy on a theme

Though officially retired I still do a part time driving job, a small van, doing some local deliveries, it does mean I'm up and out early, usually on the road by 7am.

My route to the depot takes me past a local bus stop which is often busy with young students going off to college. I admit, I usually scan the group for anything that looks interesting, most mornings it is just that, a quick scan.

On this particular morning a young lad caught my eye, he was on his own at the far end of the bunch, a really good looker, fairly short but nicely proportioned, I also noticed that he watched me pass by as if looking at me.

The same thing happened the next morning and the next, on the second pass I'll swear he winked at me as I went passed. Well, the next morning I watched him very carefully while trying not to make it too obvious. Well, as I drove towards his position, he put one hand into his trouser pocket and was obviously adjusting "something" , as I came close he smiled and defiantly winked directly at me.

Well, what is an old pervert supposed to do? I pulled over as quickly as I could and saw he was running towards the van. He climbed in introducing himself as Kyle, lovely genuine smile. Where are you going he asked, Portswood, that's a shame, not much good to me, I'm off to Brockenhurst. I can drop you as we get into Totton, Yeh, I can wait for the bus there.

As he finished the sentence I noticed he had undone his fly's and had produced what looked like a perfect boy cock, could not judge size from my position but who was I to complain. I said, do you always bear your equipment to strangers Kyle?

No, course not but you're not going to complain are you he said grinning like a Cheshire Cat, not at all, I'd love to do more than look at it though. Sounds fun he replied, do you know the Snake catcher in Brokenhurst. Yes, just passed the college, good, can you meet me there after about four this afternoon, try and stop me was my predictable table reply.

It took fifteen minutes to get to Totton during which time Kyle kept gently wanking, when I could between gear changes he let me have a feel, it was rock hard and looked and felt it might be quite a hand full when fully exposed. Suddenly he reached into a pocket, produced a hanky and shot a good load, that's better he said with a smile, don't worry, there'll be more for later and did himself up just as I pulled up to the bus stop. See you later, OK four ish, Yeh, have a good day, dreaming, he was still smiling, he knew he had got me to the point of no return and there was nothing I could do about it.

Well, needless to say my day dragged, eventually I was parked in the pub car park eagerly anticipating the next meeting with Kyle when there was a knock on the side of the van. It was Kyle, he climbed in, still smiling greeted me with a rub of my knee, do that to much and it will all be over I joked, I bet he replied making a grab for my already stiffening cock, oh, that feels interesting as he massaged what was by this point another hard cock, very interesting, feels quite big to Dave. I have been told many times that I was very near the front of the que when it was time to dish out cocks, 10 inch is the general consensus.

So what now he asked, if you know where to go, there are any number of quiet spots for a bit of extracurricular activity in the New Forrest, think I know where we can go for a bit of fun if you're interested. Don't be silly Dave, does this look as though I'm not? As he again pulled out his stiff cock.

With Kyle playing with himself at the same time as feeling mine we made our way to a little used car park, to my delight it was empty, we parked in the far corner so we would have ample warning of anyone entering the carport and behind us was a solid wall of trees and thick bushes so a surprise visitor from behind was out of the question.

Even before I had put the handbrake on Kyle had lifted himself up off the seat and dropped his trousers to his ankles revealing probably one of the nicest boy cock I have ever seen. I quest it to be about 7 1/2 to 8 inch and for his age, quite thick, I discovered later that he having his 17 th birthday at the weekend, not that it made that much difference to me but we were legal.

I did the same, almost before I had sat back down Kyle was leaning over and had sunk almost my whole cock into his young mouth, heaven. Having long arms I could just reach the crack of his ass, I could feel the bum fluff around the opening and as I probed it felt as though he was opening it up for me to penetrate with a finger. As I did so he let out a soft moan and wriggled a bit to get a better angle. He pulled of my cock, probably as well as I was not far off, to say, would you like to fuck me Dave, your cock is fantastic, it's so long and fat, please say yes.

Well, to coin an old phase, "does the Pope have a balcony" love to try Kyle but I don't have any lube with me, that's alright as he reached into his bag a produced a new tube of KY, this do?

Fucking in the cab of a connect van is not easy but it is amazing what you can do if you really want to. We both took off our trousers and Kyle lifted himself of the seat, I swiveled round so that my legs were under his little ass. Kyle then moved over to get into position. He managed to lube himself and passed the tub for me to do my own cock, that brought me a little closer, at his rate I was coming on the first stroke.

As Kyle lowered himself down as asked if I would be gentle as he had never had a cock that size before, with that, he reached round, positioned my cock to match his ass and gently sat on it. Well, I very nearly came at that second, he was so tight, it felt so warm, within a very short time he had it all, not his first fuck as he was grinding his ass when he reached full depth.

I reached round and started to gently wank his rock hard cock, careful Dave, I'm not far off, me neither I replied, this feels incredible Dave, wish we could do it somewhere a bit more comfortable and do it properly, so do I Kyle, so do I. He had been slowly lifting himself of my shaft throughout and suddenly it hit me, I'm going to cum do you want to pull off, no way was his reply as he sat down even harder and really buried it as far as he could. That was it, I had not cum for several days so he got the lot, six spasms, I knew unless this lad had VERY good control this was going to be messy.

Just as the last spasm subsided Kyle yelled, oh God I'm cumming with which he spatters the passenger window of my van with four good shots of his boy spunk. He collapsed back onto my chest, I could feel his heart pounding, we both lay there for at least five minutes, both completely drained.

Finally, Kyle made a move to get of my still semi hard cock, careful I said, you took quite a lot you know, yes, I felt it, think I can cope, he did very well, he did not spill a single drop.

On the way home we discussed the possibilities of meeting up to "do it" properly in the meantime we agreed we would meet in the morning for a quick grope on the way to college.

My usual suffix, sorry but it is important to me. This story, while based on fantasy there is a real danger in unprotected sex, gay or straight.

AIDS has taken all but a few of my circle of friends from my younger days, it is still a fact of life, it will KILL you eventually even though they now have some very good meds which can prolong the inevitable.

Prevent the need,

ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX. USE A CONDOM. Enjoy sex without the hassle.


Thanks Guys and Girls.

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