Fantasy Flipped

By Marc McClean

Published on Dec 19, 2009



This is an erotic story about man-to-man sexual activities. If you are offended by such material, too young to read such, or it is illegal in your community, stop here and find something that won't get you in trouble. Otherwise, please enjoy! And if you do, please drop me a note at Thanks!


By M.J. McLean

In a movie, the script would have called for a full-on, beer-soaked spit-take when I told J.J. that the first time I touched another guy's dick was in a stand of pine trees at a scout camp. But spit takes are rare off the big screen and, sadly, I'm not sure J.J. was as surprised as I wanted him to be.

"What a cliche, Mikey," he said, a little beer dribbling down his chin. "I was hoping you could do better than doing a guy at scout camp. Please tell me there wasn't a circle jerk around the campfire!"

I turned up my bottom lip, poking a limb at the fire that crackled in a rock circle in our own campsite. "We were church boys and we always had leaders at the campfire."

J.J. cackled. "Church boys are always the horniest. I'm surprised you didn't run into someone on your way into the woods."

I reached for the beer, found none and stood to fetch another six-pack of bottles from the cooler. "That was the next night, when we went back for more. Sil freaked out and I had to do myself in the bathroom."

J.J. howled this time and I chuckled a little as I settled back onto the sleeping bag unrolled next to the tree stump. I leaned back. "Anyway, it's probably why camping gets me hot." I winked at J.J.

"Yeah, so you say. You really like doing the nasty out in the woods?"

I sighed. "Damn right. Just like the rest of the wild animals." I handed J.J. another beer and he leaned back against a tree that hadn't been cut down yet. We sat in silence for a few minutes. The sun had set during dinner, but a nearly full moon helped illuminate the clearing where we'd set up camp.

The tent sat unpitched next to the Subaru. The weather was warm, even this high up, so we'd decided to sleep under the stars. J.J. stood and nodded his head past the Subaru, indicating the rancher's shack up the hill where there were a few back-country facilities: an outhouse and a sink and crude shower fed by a spring that once filled cattle tanks.

I closed my eyes and smiled. This was almost as good as it got for me. A weekend camping trip in one of my favorite high country spots with one of my best friends. J.J. and I had known each other only three years, since I took a position at the law firm where he'd already worked. In that time, we'd formed a close bond, as close as you can get, I think, without having sex.

"I can't believe we've never gone camping," I said, as I heard J.J. return. "I haven't been up here in so long. Too busy I guess."

J.J. sank onto his sleeping bag. "Well, apparently this is where you bring tricks, so it's no wonder I've never been invited." His eyes twinkled in the firelight.

"Fuck you, Bristow, that's not what I said. I've been camping with plenty of guys I haven't fucked." I tried to leer. "At least not right away."

J.J. stretched his tan legs and leaned back again. The night air still held the day's warmth, so neither of us was cold, even though we were both wearing t-shirts and cotton shorts. I breathed deeply, my eyes only half open. J.J.'s voice almost startled me.

"So tell me about this great eye-opening scout camp experience," he said. "I'm curious. I had to settle for Kevin Archway in his grandma's basement."

I chuckled, but said nothing.

"Really, Mikey, tell me what happened. It's not like we have TV up here." There it was. I knew J.J. wasn't the mountain man he hinted he was.

"It wasn't that great," I said slowly, unsure how to proceed. We'd swapped bad date stories in the past and joked about the sex we were -- and weren't -- getting, but we hadn't gone into many of the down-and-dirty details.

"Just tell me," he said, this time a little quieter.

I shrugged. "It wasn't the most rugged scout camp. No tents, just big cabins, with lights and running water. Eight guys to a cabin. Lots of sex talk, but mostly for show. I was in a cabin with some guys I didn't know really well. We started playing cards and somehow wound up playing strip poker. None of us were all that good at poker -- we were church boys, remember -- and it went pretty fast. Almost all of us were down to our underwear pretty quick."

I paused, remembering the scene. "I was nervous because I knew I liked guys and as much as I wanted to see these guys naked, I was afraid they'd find me out. I was wearing tighty-whiteys, so if I sprang a boner, it'd be tough to hide. I guess Sil noticed me. He lost the next hand. I'm pretty sure now that he lost on purpose, but when he did, some of the guys were insisting he had to strip, so he dropped his boxers and then pulled them back up. I must've stared -- god, he had a big one for being 14 -- "

"Wait a minute," J.J. said. "You were 14 fuckin' years old?"

"Yep. Anyway, we got dressed and I was horny as hell and decided to go jerk off in the bathroom. I was pulling on some shoes when Sil came up behind me and whispered in my ear. 'If you wanna finish off, meet me up the hill.' Something like that. I nearly jumped off the bed. I wasn't going to go, but then decided if I didn't, I'd wish I had. So I walked up the hill.

"He was standing next to a tree. His pants were around his knees and he was stroking himself, getting hard. I stood there staring. He held his hard-on on his hand, motioning for me to take it. I don't know how I got the balls, but I did. I touched it and started stroking. He got my pants down and started stroking me. It didn't take long. We were 14, so it never took long. But god, it felt so fuckin' good, having another guy's hands on my cock. And I loved shooting out in the woods."

Neither of us spoke. I realized how the memory had affected me. I felt my cock growing hard in my shorts and I tried to adjust myself without being too obvious.

"Shit, Mikey, that's kinda hot, even though I think it makes me a chicken hawk, getting off on you as a 14-year-old." He tried to laugh, but there was a new tension in the air. "So you two didn't do anything more?"

"Nah. But after that, I couldn't wait to shoot a load outside. And I've always loved fucking in the wild. I had one ex- who humored me, but he'd never do more than jerking off outside. When we started sucking or fucking, we had to go in the tent. Steve, the last guy I saw for awhile, didn't even make it through our first camping trip before he decided he couldn't do it. We never so much as kissed. And no one has ever ..."

I stopped, realizing how much I was saying.

"What?" J.J. prompted. "No one has ever what?"

"You don't want to know this," I said slowly, but I wanted to tell him for some reason.

"Yeah, I do. Tell me."

"No one has ever gone far enough to live out this dumb fantasy I have."

J.J. was silent for a moment. "Tell me."

It must have been the outdoor air because I'd never told anyone about this one. "There's a little outcropping about two miles from here, over that ridge." I nodded into the dark. "There's a big flat rock, with this beautiful view of a little valley. I've always dreamed of ..." I took a breath. "This is going to sound dumb when I say it, but it's this magical place and I always wanted to go up there with a guy and strip and just ... just fuck our brains out." I exhaled.

J.J. didn't saw anything, but he started squirming on the sleeping bag. He reached between his legs and did something.

"So, Mikey, you've got me kinda hot and bothered. And from here, I can tell you're in the same condition." He seemed to think for a beat or two. "It's not exactly fantasy material, but maybe we could, you know, release a little tension here. Maybe something like that night at camp."

I was stunned. My heart skipped a beat. J.J. was my best friend these days, but we'd never even come close to having sex. We were friends, almost broth -- no, I couldn't think that right now, not if what was about to happen was about to happen. I barely hesitated. Just like all those years ago, I didn't think, didn't want to lose my nerve. I just stood and walked toward two pine trees beyond the campsite. I motioned for J.J. to follow me.

I stopped and unbuttoned my shorts, let them fall to the ground. My hard cock strained against the black briefs.

J.J. ran his hand across the material. "Hmmm, Mike, I took you for a boxers guy. Nice." He undid his own shorts and let them fall to the ground. I gasped a little. His cock sprang up, held by nothing. "Now me," he said, "I'm a commando sort of guy. Can you imagine what the clients would say if they knew the only thing between them and this -- " he grabbed his cock and waved it -- "was a flimsy pair of trousers?"

I laughed and drank in J.J. He was about an inch taller than my 6 feet, but a little leaner, so I guessed he was close to my 175 pounds. His hair was blond and curly; mine black and straight. His chest was smooth, but I discovered when I caressed it that he waxed or shaved. We both manscaped the hair around our cocks.

And about those: I guessed J.J. was a little bigger than me, but I think mine was a little thicker. We were both cut and we were both hard. I stepped toward him and he let me take his cock in my hand. It throbbed a little. I rubbed one hand on his chest as I started to stroke, jumping a little when he took my cock in his hand.

We said nothing, staring into each other's eyes as we stroked, slowly. I thought for a moment about kissing him, but I sensed this was more primal and besides, Sil and I had done nothing more than this.

But this felt so much better. We knew what we were doing by now. J.J. worked my cock expertly, running his hand down the hard length, then back up, his palm sliding across the head, rubbing precum around the shaft. With his other hand, he squeezed my balls.

I spit in my palm and stroked J.J., slowly at first, building a rhythm that matched his. I did only one thing that deviated from the original scene with Sil: I pulled J.J. closer and pushed his cock against mine, until we were stroking them against each other. I shuddered a little as I felt his hard-on against me.

Finally, I could take no more. I backed off and looked at J.J. "I'm close," I said quietly. He only nodded. We stroked a little faster and I felt J.J.'s balls contract and the first spurt pushing its way out. He cried out and closed his eyes, his cock erupting in a stream of cum. When the first of it hit me, I shuddered once more and felt my own orgasm give way. I shot into the night air, onto J.J. hands, his leg, the ground.

When we were both done, we stood quietly, then started to laugh a little. "Shit, Mikey, that was hotter than hell." We walked back toward camp and cleaned up, saying little. I wasn't sure what the next morning would bring, but I knew I'd sleep well.

I was naked when I awoke in the sleeping bag. I rubbed my eyes a little and looked over toward J.J's bag. It was empty. My mind filled with possibilities, most of them involving an uncomfortable breakfast and an early ride home. I hiked up to the shack to relieve myself and wash up a little. The cold water sent goosepumps across my naked body and my cock shrunk a little.

"Wow, that looks a lot different than it did last night," J.J. said laughing as I made my way to the Subaru to find clean clothes. He was already dressed, back from a short walk, it appeared.

"Please remember me the way I was," I said with mock shame, covering my crotch briefly. I breathed relief. We were all right.

We chatted over breakfast, but I started to think J.J. was holding something back. As we put the food way, I found out what it was.

"Take me there," he said, "to the outcropping. I want to see what fills your fantasies."

I was stunned once more. "It's not that special," I said, my mind racing.

"Yes, I think it is," J.J. said. "I want to see it. You sold me some of the way last night, about sex in the woods. I wanna learn more."

I wasn't sure how serious he was or where this might lead, but again, I decided not to over-think it. We packed a lunch and laced up hiking boots, dressed otherwise as we were the day before, in t-shirts and shorts.

The trail took us up to the top of the ridge and partway down the other side. It reached a fork with a fainter game trail. I took that trail and J.J. followed. We walked another mile or so, through trees and brush, until we reached a clearing.

The outcropping was probably the work of a glacier millions of years before. It was about 20-feet around, mostly flat, jutting from the hillside. The edge was abrupt, but the drop off was less than 50 feet, down into a gentle but confined valley, where water collected after winter runoff and during summer storms.

I stood staring out, as entranced as I always was when I hiked here. I didn't hear J.J. come up behind me, but jumped a little when I felt his arms encircle me. He leaned in and I felt his breath in my ear.

"This is gorgeous, Mike. Just gorgeous. I can see why you like it." He hugged me and put his chin on my shoulder. His hips swayed. There was no disguising his growing erection, even through both pairs of shorts.

"You know, Mike," he said at last. "Some fantasies just have to be fulfilled and I think this is one of them."

My breath caught. "J.J., you don't have to do that. And I don't want to make you do something that might ruin our friendship."

His embrace loosened almost imperceptible and I thought I detected a change in his voice. "I know I don't have to do it. And why do people always think sex will ruin a friendship. What better way to get even closer? We know each other better than any one-night stand. And Mikey," he said, his hand straying down to my crotch, "maybe it's time we were more than friends, you know?"

Suddenly, I knew he was right on all counts. I turned slowly around, looking into his eyes in a way I never had before. Our lips met and I could feel the heat, the spark. We kissed, softly, then hungrily, our lips tugging at each other, our tongues darting in and out. My hands ran down his back and then up. I thrust against him, feeling his hard cock against mine.

We tore each other's t-shirts off and I went for his nipples. He groaned loudly. "God," he said, "that makes me crazy." He flicked my tongue on one nipple, then the other, then began sucking and biting a little. I felt his hands in my hair, heard him moan. I dropped lower, undoing his shorts. His cock sprang up again, hard, but this time I licked it and let it slide across my face before taking it in my mouth. I sucked and he thrust, then he pulled me up.

My shorts fell to the ground. "Damn, dude, you learn fast." I'd left the underwear at camp and my own cock throbbed in the midday sun. J.J. fell to his knees and took my cock into his mouth in one quick motion. He used his tongue and his lips and even his throat muscles to give me sensations I'm not sure I'd ever felt.

"Whoa, slow down there, J.J., I got plans for that," I said, my voice scratchy.

He leaned back. "About that," he said slowly.

I froze. "About what?"

"I know this is your fantasy," he began, "but. I'm changing it up a little."

"If you're changing it, it isn't my fantasy," I said, a little annoyed.

"Sure it is," he said. "But as you pointed out, I don't have to do this. So one change in the script: There will be fucking, but I'm the fucker and you're the fuckee."

I stepped back, my cock deflating a little. "Wait, wait. No. I said my fantasy was to fuck someone right here. I generally do the fucking, if you know what I mean."

J.J. grinned. "Yeah, you're the mighty top, I know. And actually, you said you wanted to be with a guy and fuck your brains out. You weren't specific about being the one fucking." He grabbed my cock playfully and licked it, then he stood and kissed me and thrust his hard-on against my thighs. "C'mon, stud, you know you want it."

Maybe it was the magic of the mountain air, maybe it's just that I seem to stop thinking when my dick is waving in the wilds, but I suddenly decided this was good enough. I dropped to me knees again and sucked J.J.'s cock until it was hard and slick. He reached for his shorts and pulled out a small bottle of lube and a condom.

"You're not the only one who was a scout," he said with a leer. "I'm prepared, see?" He tore open the foil packet, then squirted a little lube on his cock. I took the rubber and kneeled again. I put it between my lips and used my mouth and tongue to roll it onto J.J.'s shaft.

J.J. smiled. "Right here?" he said. I only nodded as I turned to take in the view. J.J. edged in behind me, using a finger to open my hole, loosening it a little. Then I felt his cock push against me. He was slow and gentle at first, until his shaft slid all the way in. I gasped a little as J.J. began to thrust.

He wrapped his arms around me, squeezing my nipples, carressing my chest and stomach, occasionally grabbing my cock. He thrust harder and faster. "Oh, baby, this is fucking hot. I can't believe I've never done this out here." He panted as he spoke, the words coming in rhythm with his thrusts.

J.J.'s cock filled me, finding my prostate. He fucked harder, his body slappign against mine. I reached up and took his hands in mine, our fingers entwining as his thrusts quickened. My cock jumped every time he pushed in. He bit my ear gently and whispered, "Fuck, Mike, I've never felt this way before. I am going to come so hard ..."

He stiffened and thrust a few more times. He cried out. "Fuck! Oh my fuck! Oh shit!" Finally, he stopped and leaned against me, our bodies slick with sweat. My cock throbbed and I reached down to stroke it.

J.J. stopped my hand. He turned me around and kissed hard, his tongue pushing against mine, his hands pulling me close. Then he stopped and reached down again. He ripped open a condom package and sank to his knees. I looked quizzically.

"Now," he said, "I think this is your fantasy."

The end.

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