Fantastic Five

By Jayden Lopez

Published on Jul 30, 2013


This is a work of pure fiction. It does not contain any information regarding to the celebrities who portray the roles. If you aren't atleast 18, please don't read. It contains sexual acts, foul language, and male/male relations. Anyways, please enjoy.

This is a work of my own creation, please ask before using anything.

{ } = Telepathic thoughts and conversations.

Marvel/DC story.

Fantastic Five-6

I don't remember much of last night. I was depressed, so I drank. Like a fish. I remember bits and pieces. I remember Johnny getting hit on by women and he took numbers and everything.

I, myself...had no action. Or atleast that's what I thought, I turned my head to feel a body on top of me.

I remember Reed finally proposed to Sue after an entire life time of waiting. To celebrate, Johnny ignited into the air. Making a giant 5 in the sky. As he was gone and everyone took their eyes off of me, I went behind the bar to drink away my pain. Of course we all know how that situation goes.

I felt hot and sweaty with this guy on top of me. I don't remember who it was but I remember doing some wild stuff with him. I tried to move, his erection grew as I tried to move. I felt like I was covered in oil, lube, and some drying cum on my stomach and chin. I felt like my ass had been stretched a little. I put two fingers in to feel how sensitive it was as it leaked still warm semen.

I focused golden red telekinetic energy into my hand, it glew in the dark making it easier to see. I moved the guy to see it was...Tyler?

What happened?

"Tyler?" I said waking him up, "Tyler get off of me." I ordered him, he wouldn't budge.

That's it. "TYLER!!" I yelled, accidentally projecting a telekinetic wave. It blasted Tyler through the wall, he landed on the ground.

"Oh my God!" I yelled wrapping a sheet around me mentally, as I checked Tyler.

He groaned in pain as I touched him.

"Good morning to you too." He said said in pain, getting up from the floor.

"Tyler, I'm so sorry." I kept apologizing over and over. "Hey. You were pretty out of it. It's totally my fault." Tyler said shrugging it off.

"Wait. You mean...You knew I was drunk when you slept with me?" I asked my anger rising. I didn't notice but things began to levitate around the room.

"Well, yeah. I was buzzed, but I was totally fine. You on the other hand was so drunk, I found you giving blowjobs to random guys at the party." Tyler said rubbing his head.

I had a hand over my mouth, oh my God.

"And yourself?" I asked, "What happened between us?" I needed to know.

"Well, I got you off your knees. Pushing all the guys away from you. I helped you clean up, then we began making out. Your way of thanking me. It escalated to groping and grinding our cocks together." I was pissed, he knew I was drunk but still took advantage of me.

I'd understand if we both were out of it...but he wasn''s basically rape.

"Tyler. When someone isn't aware of their actions and someone goes along with's rape." I told him putting my back to the wall.

He got up angrily, "You were crying so much about being alone, I was trying to help!" He yelled at me, advancing me.

"Get off me. I don't need help figuring out what happened next." I yelled, tossing him away. This time on purpose.

"What? That I face fucked you? I came several times in your mouth and throat! How about where I fucked you into the headboard and you loved every minute of it!!" Tyler said with such anger.

"I. Was. Drunk." I said seething with pure anger and rage. Telekinetic energy just manifested off my body like a cloud of pure seething malice.

I projected another wave, this time on purpose and with anger coursing through me.

Items inside the room blasted away with the wave. I watched Tyler fly out of the same hole I threw him out of in the first place.

"You...crazy ass superhero bitch!!" Tyler yelled in anger as he got up.

"I'm going to have you put away! Forever!!" He yelled, I didn't know what I did until I did it.

"You raped me, remember?" I asked him cleverly. "Then I'll take my own revenge." He said slamming the door.

"Wait! I live here. You get out!!" He said angrily. "With pleasure!" I yelled back, stomping out to the hall.

"Where am I?" I asked myself, I didn't recognize the neighborhood. I found a pay phone and called Ben...I didn't want Johnny to see me like this.

After two rings the phone picked up.

"Hello?" Ben asked in his gruff voice. "B-Ben?" I asked, I began to stutter as I slowly went into shock.

"Blake? Where have you been?? We've been worried sick. It's been 3 days." Ben said, when he said that I sunk even more into shock.

Tyler was not only a rapist but a kidnapper, I began thinking if I didn't have my powers I probably would still be there.

"C-can you pick me u-pppp?" I asked stuttering over the phone. After I gave him some indication to where I was he came and got me. Police van I might add.

"What happened to you?" Ben asked pulling me into a hug. I wanted to hug him but I don't know what happened. I was terrified of Ben.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled as hot tears ran down my face. I wrapped my arms around myself trying to calm down.

"Blake! Calm down. It'll be alright. Let's just get into the van." Ben said guiding me to the van. I don't know why but I couldn't let him touch me. I was too scared.

I spent the entire ride home cowering in fear of everyone around me.

When I finally got home I jetted into the shower. I stood there in the freezing cold water, waiting until it warmed up enough. I scrubbed and scrubbed, but the water never got hot enough.

{He's been shaken up from the whole thing.} I heard Ben say.

{What did he go through?} Johnny asked concerned.

{I don't know. I think he was raped. He was covered in you don't want to know what.} Ben said thinking outloud.

{I need to see him.} Johnny broadcasted loudly.

I couldn't think with all the voices in my head, my mind was picking up all thoughts in the Baxter Building. I mean with myself feeling vulnerable, it made sense for my mind to make myself even more vulnerable.

{Get Out!} I projected mentally. I didn't know it but I sent a telekinetic pulse with the thought, so who ever received it was blown back.

{What the?} Ben thought.

{Blake!?} Johnny thought to himself.

"Blake? Blake! Open the door." Johnny yelled hitting the door. He tried to get in, granted it was because he wanted to help me calm me down. Except I couldn't do it. I even mentally boarded the door.

(No one say, "Here's Johnny".)

I was crying on the floor, hugging myself closely. I never had to deal with this sort of situation.

I watched as the door was incinerated from the outside.

"Blake!" Johnny yelled running into the room.

He shut off the water and covered me with a towel. I kicked and screamed, but He still held me close. I couldn't focuse enough to use my powers on someone, causing things to fall.

"What's going on?" Sue asked as the elevator opened.

"Blake's freaking out." Ben said helping Johnny restrain me into a chair.

"Let. Me. Go!" I yelled as glass shattered around me. I felt energy rise from my body.

It began to rise and shape,but Sue put a shield around me so it couldn't get free.

"We need help." Reed said researching anything he could to help.

The elevator opened a bald crippled man in a business suit was wheeled into the room by a red headed woman, a reddish brown haired man wearing red glasses, an hairy and muscular man.

"Hello? Can I help you??" Johnny asked kind of hot headed that these people just waltzed right in.

"No, but I can help you." The crippled man said kindly.

"My name is Professor Charles Xavier. These are my students. Dr. Jean Grey, Scott Summers, and Logan."

"Reed? You know this guy?" Johnny asked, his eyes locked to this Logan and Scott's eyes...even if he couldn't see Scott's eyes.

"No, but I've heard of him." Reed said happily shaking Professor Xavier's hand.

"It's an honor."

"As it is for me. Now let us not delay." Professor Xavier said explaining how they picked up Blake's brain waves.

"So you use this cerebro to sense around the planet for mutants?" Sue asked impressed.

"You should see him in action." Jean replied happily.

"I need to go into his head and calm him down or he could soon single handedly shut down every mind in New York City." Professor Xavier said with concern.

"I picked you all up on Cerebro. Blake, standing out on his own. His power has grown too strong too quickly. His mind can't handle it." Jean said trying to convince well mainly Johnny to let them close to Blake.

"I don't know." Johnny said trying to protect Blake, who was sleeping right now.

"There is no time. Listen, bub. We wouldn't come out here if it were nothing. I'm not even telepathic but I picked up Blake's thoughts." Logan said for the first time.

"And why should I trust you?" Johnny asked getting slightly offended.

"Because we're the X-Men. We're the good guys." Scott spoke for the first time aswell.

"Alright." Johnny said relenting.

They all gathered around Blake who was sleeping on a medical bed. Professor Xavier went to where his head was and placed his hands on Blake's temple.

Blake's eyes opened, filled with golden red energy. His body lifted and hovered a few inches off the bed. Blake began to scream, his powers running rampant. Objects, furniture, even people began to become affected by Blake's telekinetic pulse.

I was walking through a foggy maze. The air was freezing and stale. The vines grabbed on to you like they were hands pulling you into the depths of the abyss. I fought them, shaking them off me. They just kept grabbing, I tried using my powers but they didn't work.

I was dragged further into the void landing in a chair. I was surrounded by mirrors, instead of a reflection it held an image of a crippled man.

"W-who are you?" I asked, my breath could be seen with how cold it was.

"My name is Professor Charles Xavier. I'm hear to help you with your powers, and your mind." He said kindly.

"W-what do I have to do? I'm lost...I don't know anymore. Ever since we got these powers I feel less like myself and more like...Mastermind.

"But you must realize something. The powers are an extension of your personality. They are just part of you that you never knew about." Professor Xavier said.

"I don't see it. Half the time I can't control it, the other half I don't want too." I told him.

"You must. The safety of the world around you is at stake." He said to me with a firm but understanding tone.

"I was raped you know. I mean...I was drunk and most likely very accepting while it was going on. But in a clear mind I wasn't ready to have sex with anybody. I wasn't a virgin, but I take sex seriously." I told him.

"I know. Your thoughts have been broadcasted to us." He said, as the mirrors began to fog.

"Blake. You have to let it go. If you hold in your pain it will consume you." Professor Xavier said, his voice fading. The mirrors had frost on them now, slowly cracking.

The bone chilling cracking sound continued until the mirrors burst. I thought it was over until I fell through the floor. The chair flipped over and I was upside down, then everything changed right side up.

"Blake! My name is Jean Grey." A woman's voice said as a light ignited and burst forth into the image of a giant Phoenix.

The bird offered warmth and security, wrapping it's flaming wings around me.

"You are troubled. I can relate." Jean said, hovering inside the bird.

"You can relate to the fact that I can no longer look at myself in the mirror, because if I do I see someone different." I told her.

"It's still you. You may have changed a little, but you are still there." Jean said.

"I feel like I don't have a choice in anything I do anymore." I said confiding to her more.

"I never wanted to have powers or be a superhero at first. I was just forced into it. What with I can't get a job as a superhero." I said.

"I understand, I never had the choice to take on the responcibility as being the host for the Phoenix Force. It was just destined. It's a funny thing about destiny. She like to mess with people but doesn't like to be messed with." Jean said.

"Listen. I need to help you shape your energy into an entity or it will consume you." Jean said.

She showed me how to shape the energy, now I had to shape it.

(That's the next chapter. I need some suggestions...what should the energy be shaped into. Now mind you once the shaping is down this is what Blake will draw strength from. Example Jean Grey has Phoenix, or Raven has a Raven. Hope you like it.)

Next: Chapter 7

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