Fantastic Five

By Jayden Lopez

Published on Jul 18, 2013


This is a work of pure fiction. It does not contain any information regarding to the celebrities who portray the roles. If you aren't atleast 18, please don't read. It contains sexual acts, foul language, and male/male relations. Anyways, please enjoy.

{ } = Telepathic thoughts and conversations.

Fantastic Five-2

I remember growing up in Bedstuy, Brooklyn, New York City. Poor family, we made it on foodstamps and penny pinching. My parents were always telling me to reach for the stars, but keep your feet firmly on the ground. So I did. I wanted to be an astronaut at first, but fear of going INTO space and floating away into an empty abyss until a blackhole swallowed me up kept me away. So I settled for space stations and space ships, wondering how they kept put in space with nothing holding them there..per say.

I studdied at MIT, a few years before my time. People called me a "little genius". I admired the work of Victor Von Doom, Reed Richards, and Sue Storm...of course I admired them from afar. Over the years I saw how their fame rose, becoming great scientists in genetics. I also saw how people adored them, almost as much as I did. They were my heroes.

Unfortunately my time at MIT was not as glamorous as either of theirs. I was never approached over my genius, complemented on my work. Go figure I majored in Genetics, but minored psychology and technology...having nothing to do with space. Then switched the two. I was always wondering what others thought of me, wanting to get into their heads. To know their thoughts, to know THEM. I always wondered what I affected in them.

Don't get me wrong I'm not crazy or anything. I just became so fascinated with how the mind works.

Anyways, after graduation. I met Victor Von Doom, he was a dazzling man. Smart, kind, ambitious...yet I felt he had this drive to be better than Reed Richards. For a time I was his therapist, but he no longer required my services as he said he was cured.

But he did keep me on the payroll, since I gained a diploma in Psychology, Genetics, and a bachelors in Technology.

That's how I got to where I am today...

"Is he going to be okay? He's the only one who hasn't woken up. It's been a week, everyone else has been up after 3 days of being here." A voice said quietly.

"His tests have been normal. He seems fine, no irregularities or abnormalities. He should've been up though...We just need to give him time." A female voice said.

Pure blinding light was all I could see as my eyes opened up. Where am I? How did I get here? What is here? Am I dead? Those were my only thoughts as the light slowly faded from my existence.

Who was talking? No one is in here.

"I want to check on him, something just doesn't seem right." The male voice said,

"I'll tell you what happened. That storm deep fried his brain." I heard a different yet familiar voice say.

I heard people talking but didn't see them.

"No. The tests didn't show anything wrong."

I tried getting up, to realize I was up. Up in the air, hovering over the bed. The shock must've caused me to fall, because I landed on the bed hard. As soon as I made contact the machines connected to the bed synchronized with my body. My heart, blood, brain, all that could be monitored was up on the screens.

The door opened, in walked the crew from the trip.

"Oh good! You're awake, finally." Reed said in relief.

"We were worried that something bad happened to you." Ben said.

"Something even the machines couldn't detect." Sue said sitting next to me.

"You've been out for a..."

"Week. I know." I said interrupting Reed.

"How?" He asked, "I overheard you all speaking." I told them, something in my head tipped me off that Johnny wasn't here. He wasn't in the building.

{He heard us through the door?}

"Isn't that what I said?" I asked,

"Is what what you said?" Sue asked confused.

"Someone said 'he heard us through the door?' After I told you I did. So I said, 'Isn't that what I said?'." I told her, then they looked at eachother.

"I never said that...I thought it." Ben said looking at Reed.

"Amazing." Reed said in wonder.

{Can you hear me? It's Reed.} He projected towards me.

"Yes, I hear you Reed." I answered him, "Fascinating."

Something went off in my head, something was wrong.

Ben held his chest, his stomach rumbling loudly.

"Are you okay?" Reed asked concerned, "Yeah. Must be the shrimp. I'm going to go lie down." Ben said leaving.

"Thank you for checking up on me, but I'll be fine." I told them.

"Alright, but if you need us for any reason call us. Okay?" Sue said kindly, "Okay. Thank You." I said as they left.

I figured I was in a Medical Facility owned by Victor. I mean the giant 'V' on the wall really lets you know. Plus the doctors all over the place kind of tipped me off.

I walked along the halls in my scrubs, finding the dining room. My appetite came back, I looked at all the food and couldn't decide. I've never eaten so sophisticated before.

A waiter came to me as I sat, handing me a menu.

"Good afternoon sir, may I recommend the seafood platter?" He said with a smile.

"Sorry, but no. I don't like fish and I'm allergic to shellfish." I told him,

{Oh great a special case.} I heard as he unknowingly broadcasted his thoughts towards me.

"Is there anything else you are allergic too?" He asked,

"Blue berries, orchids, animal hair and dandruff...." I started but he waved for me to stop.

{Spare me your life story.}

"Sorry. I meant food wise." He said, trying to hide that he just wanted me to order so he could leave.

"I'm a vegetarian." I told him, {Yeah, right.}

"I'll take a fruit salad, rolls with sweet cinnamon butter, and cheese and vegetable panini, and a pína colada smoothie." I said with a smile even though I wanted to strangle him.

As I thought of him being strangled, he bent over and began to cough and gasp for air.

I began to freak out, breaking whatever hold I began to think I had on him.

"Are you alright?" I asked nervously, as a medic came in to check out his vitals.

"Yes. I'm fine. It's like I was being choked out." He said rubbing his throat.

"Sir, I'll get your food." Another waiter said, leading me back to the table. I waited after regiving my order.

{Stupid idiot had to go and choke. The dude is hot but not worth dying for.} He broadcasted,

This is beginning to annoy me.

I sat and ate trying to relax, but Sue and Reed came in with worried looks.

"Is everything alright?" I asked them taking a sip of my drink.

"It's Ben. Somethings happened... to all of us." Sue said,

"What is it?" I asked them, "I can turn invisible, Reed can stretch like elastic, and Johnny is setting himself on fire."

"That's not important now. We have to find Ben." Reed said concerned for his friend.

"Where would he go?" I asked,

"The only place he'd go. Home." Reed said as we packed and left to get to New York City.

It was day by the time we made it to New York City. The sun was just coming up. We were on the Brooklyn bridge, on our way to Ben's house. When an accident occurred, people gathering around. The police blocked everyone's way. Fire and spoke caused the people in the accident to cough and choke.

"Get back into your vehicles. I'll tell you when you can go." A police officer said trying to get everyone to back up.

"What do we do?" Sue asked, "We aren't going to get through. But you might." Reed said to Sue.

Sue closed her eyes focusing. She slowly turned invisible, "Sue your clothes. Lose them."

"Oh. Right." She said taking them off while invisible, but as she got to the Victoria Secret, she became visible again.

"This is so wrong." Johnny commented.

"What?" Sue asked, people gasped at the sight. Some immature men giggled, "Oh!" Johnny exclaims.

Sue gasps and holds herself trying to block people from seeing.

"Wow. You've been working out." Reed comments oggling Sue's fit body.

"Shut up!" She snaps back.

"Anymore great ideas?! How about you strip down and have a hundred people stare at you!" Sue yelled as she turned invisible again.



"Oh." She took the rest of her clothes off.

"I'm going to need therapy after this." Johnny commented as he grabbed Sue's clothes.

"Excuse me." She said walking through the crowd invisible....and naked.

"Come on. Let's get out of here." Reed told us as we followed his lead.

We walked through the crowd as everyone just stood there stunned.

I somehow got lost in the crowd.

"I can't believe you made me do that." Sue said putting her clothes on.

"We got through didn't we. Just find Ben." He told Sue. She climbed on the Taxi and began calling for Ben.

"Blake." Reed called putting a hand on my shoulder from the other side of the crowd. I looked at his stretched elastic arm, then followed it.

"Yeah." I answered as I found them.

"I need you to try to find Ben if you can. Lock on to his mind." Reed said looking for Ben.

I closed my eyes and focused, going through all the thoughts. By the time I found him I realized my nose was bleeding.

"I found him!" I called pointing the direction.

A giant orange golem appeared before us.

"Where's Ben?" Johnny asked, I pointed at the Golem.

"That is Ben."

"Mom? Mom?" A little girl called nervous and scared.

A gas tank exploded due to the fires heating it up.

People screamed and ran in different directions. Johnny thought quickly and jumped infront of the little girl.

Cars came flying at me, and in fear and the subconscious instinct to protect myself, the cars stopped and levitated in the air as I held up my hands.

I had to roll out of the way as a firetruck came crashing through, hitting one of the cars I was levitating.

It swerved causing the end to crash into the side of the bridge. The firetruck was about to fall as most of it's body was held over the bridge. As it hit more cars together, they exploded causing another explosion. As it came towards everyone, a forcefield appeared and bubbled it. Protecting everyone from the flames. I watched as Sue pushed it back I to itself, causing the fire to dissipate.

"Hold on!" One of the firefighters yelled towards the ones stuck on the truck.

The truck tilted about to fall when Ben came and grabbed the front. Two men fell from the truck, Reed stretched to grab one. While I locked on to the other and lifted him up mentally. I set him aside his friend and watched them crawl away with Reed.

"Are you alright?" I asked him, "That was a stretch." He said breathing heavily.

We watched as Ben pulled up the fire truck single handedly.

Just in time a helicopter, a paramedic, and another fire truck showed up.

"This is the police! Get down on the ground." A police officer said on a bullhorn.

"Don't shoot! He's a hero!!" A woman yelled, the crowd began to applaud us.

We ran to Ben but the police wouldn't let us through. Then we saw Ben's wife Debbie. You could see she was proud of Ben, but was too afraid of him. She wouldn't let him near her.

I watched in pain as she put something on the ground that looked like a ring, then left. Ben tried to grab it but couldn't, it was too small for his fingers to grasp.

Reed picked it up for him and placed it in his large hand.

"I promise you. I will not stop. With every breath in my body...until you are returned to normal. You will be Ben Grimm again."

(Alright! Thank you for the feedback. It was much appreciated, and helped to put together this piece. I hope you enjoy it, Thank you.)

Next: Chapter 3

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