Fantasies of a Blind Man

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Apr 24, 2004


This is the 4th chapter in my ongoing story. All comments are welcome at

Fantasies Of A Blind Man 4

The next morning I was up early waiting on the Eagle Scout to come and get the things I had let him have and hoping he would be able to stay for a while. It was all I could do all morning to keep my mind off of thinking about him and his cock. I had managed to do all the dishes, laundry and clean the floors by the time I heard the doorbell ring.

My cock was instantly hard as I made my way to the front door. As soon as I opened it he told me that he was not alone and they were backing the truck up to the garage. He said he came to the door to let me know that he would not be able to stay and didn't want me embarrassing myself by being naked or something. I told him I understood but guess he could hear the disappointment in my voice as he told me he was really sorry.

I could hear the boys gathering the items and I was wishing I had the guts to invite them all in to help themselves to my mouth and ass. I knew there was too much of a risk with them so I tried to think about something else. The boy came to the door when they had loaded everything and said they would be going and again said he was sorry he didn't have time to play.

I took a cool shower, which helped ease my desire for a little bit. I was still wrapped in a towel when the doorbell rang again. I didn't even put anything on as I went to the door with just my towel wrapped around me. I was a bit pissed off about not having any fun and the fact that now I had to talk to some solicitor trying to sale me something I didn`t want was not what I wanted to be doing. When I opened the door I instantly was flooded with chatter from the man at the door. He explained that he was from the hospital and that we only had an hour for him to get my physical therapy done. I tried to ask what he was talking about but he pushed past me and asked where I wanted to do the therapy.

Again before I could answer he said we could do it on the floor since I had good carpet and he was sure I didn't have any other place we could use. Each time I tried to ask him just what the therapy was far he would cut me off by ordering me around. Before I realized what was going on he had me on my back and was pulling my leg up toward my head. He was forcing my leg up and down as he said I seemed pretty flexible. He grabbed my other leg and did the same as he asked me which hip had I had the operation on.

I realized he was at the wrong place but decided to see just what else he was going to do to me. He grabbed both legs and pushed them toward my chest as he placed my feet against his chest. As he leaned down he told me to tell him if I felt any pain. I could tell this was no little man as his weight pushed down on my legs. I asked him how tall and heavy he was. He said that he was six feet one and was around 300 pounds. I didn't know if he had noticed or not but my towel had slipped off my legs and I was bare to the world.

He continued to press against my legs as we chatted. He told me I could call him Christopher and that he had been doing the home therapy for only a few weeks. He took my legs and spread them apart just enough that my feet were now placed on his tits and I could tell he was carry plenty of extra weight as his gut rubbed the back of my legs. He told me that I was the first one that was totally nude during the therapy but he didn't really mind.

I told him I liked the freedom of being nude and that it got me excited a lot. He said he could tell by the way my cock was beginning to swell. I said in a few seconds he could see it when it was hard. I felt his foot as he pushed it against my ass. I let out a moan, which seemed to please him as he called me Mr. Jones and asked if I liked that. I told him I liked that and a lot more and that my name was not Mr. Jones. I heard him gasp as he released the pressure against my legs and asked if I wasn't Mr. Jones then who was I.

After I told him my name and he inquired about the address of my house, he said he was on the wrong side of town and was suppose to be giving a Mr. Jones some therapy after a hip replacement. I told him I was sorry he was not where he was suppose to be but I was really enjoying what he had been doing to me. He said something about not being able to leave until his ride got back in half an hour anyway. He reached down and pulled on my hard cock and said it looked like he could find something a little better for us to do than what we had been doing.

His strong massive arms picked me up and halfway carried me down the hallway to my bedroom. He tossed me on the bed and I heard him rustling with his clothes as I assumed he was getting naked as well. He grabbed my legs and turned me across the bed as he not so gingerly climbed on top of me. My hard cock was pressing into his large stomach and it felt great as he pushed himself on top of me. He started rubbing my face across his chest as he told me to suck on his tits. He started humping into my crotch but I was yet to feel his cock.

He pulled my legs apart as he continued to pound all his weight into me as he started moaning and breathing very deeply. He reached down and grabbed my left leg and pulled it out from beneath him and I got my first feel of his hard cock as it pushed against my balls. He pumped a few times and it slipped beneath me as he moaned. I could tell he really liked the way it was feeling against me. My own cock was enjoying the hot flesh pressing and rubbing against it. He did this for just a little bit before he pushed himself up and grabbed my shoulders.

He sat me up on the side of the bed and told me to open my mouth as I felt his pre cum coated cock pressing against my lips. Once I opened my mouth he forced his cock all the way inside and was fucking my throat before I had time to do anything. He had my face pressed against his plump hairy gunt as he pumped faster and faster. I was sure he was either going to shoot his load or I was going to choke before he was finished. Just as I was about to force my way off of his cock to get some air he jerked his cock out of my mouth and pushed me over on my side.

He grabbed my hips and jerked me up on my knees as he told me to spread my legs. I had just enough time to do as he said as I felt his cock forcing its way between the cheeks of my ass. The first thrust or two forced his cock to rise up along the crack of my ass and miss my asshole entirely. He cussed but before he was able to do anything I reached back and grabbed his cock and lined it up with my asshole. He continued to almost hold me up as he thrust forward. I grunted and was about to scream out when his cocked popped inside.

He moaned and rested just a second before he thrust the rest of his cock into me and started fucking me as fast as he could. My ass was burning and the pain was almost too much but gradually started going away. He kept telling me how tight my asshole was he drove deep in my ass. His stomach was resting on my lower back as his cock was doing a job on my asshole. I couldn't tell just how thick or long his cock was because he had been so fast and aggressive. He was getting real close as his grip on my hips became tighter and tighter.

We both heard the car horn as he cussed and thrust with all his might into my ass. I felt the hot cum spreading inside me as he pumped even faster. As soon as his cock stopped shooting he jerked his semi hard cock out of me and pushed me down on the bed. He tried to step back but fell against me as I turned around and found his cock. I sucked his cock into my mouth and was able to catch that last drop of cum that always seems to wait and ooze out when you think there is no more. Christopher moaned, as he was able to catch his balance as he started putting his shirt back on. He managed to get his feet into his pants without pulling his cock out of my mouth and before he was ready to take claim of his cock again it was hard. We heard the horn again and he told me he had to go but would call me later on today and let me know about something that might interest me.

Before I could say anything he was out the room and asking me for my phone number. Just as I finished telling him the front door shut and I heard the man outside telling him to hurry that they had one more place to visit before they were finished for the day. I leaned back on the bed and tried to remember just what his cock had felt and tasted like. It had all happened so fast that I really didn't have time to enjoy it. I knew it was getting late so I decided it was time to take a shower and make sure everything was in place before my wife got home. I almost forgot about the towel in the living room but managed to remember it when I went to dry off.

About three hours later someone called and asked for the man of the house and my wife handed me the phone and said we were not buying anything. The voice on the other end wanted to know if I was the man he had given the therapy to earlier today. I told him it was and he reminded me that his name was Christopher and he knew of a program that he figured I might be interested in. I said I was curious and what was he talking about. He told me that there were men that he picked up a couple times a week and took to the YMCA so they could use the pool as part of their therapy. He said that if I enjoyed myself today that he was pretty sure I could find some more of the same there.

I told him I had to know what it would cost and if my insurance would cover it. He said that most insurances usually covered it but in my situation he could probably work me in and it wouldn't cost me any money but might cost a blowjob and a piece of ass from now and then. I giggled a little and said that he came pretty cheap. I told him to wait just a second and asked my wife and she had a few normal questions, which I was able to answer, and since Christopher was a nurse there really wasn't much to worry about.

I told Christopher that it was a done deal and when would be the first day he could pick me up. He said that he would be by around 8 in the morning so I could get a good start and that if I really enjoyed myself that I might be able to stay most of the day. I told him I would be looking forward to it. My wife had a few more questions about it and I told her that it was for people like me to get out and get some needed exercise. I told here there would be some swimming and probably a sauna or steam room that I could use. I told her that there were some classes there that I had heard about and I might check them out to see just what I could do while I was there.

The next morning I was awake earlier than usual and my wife wanted to know what had gotten me so chipper. I told her that just the idea of going somewhere during the day had really gotten me excited. She asked if I had packed my swimsuit and I asked her why because we all would be blind. I giggled and told her I had them packed in my gym bag. She told me to have a good time as she left for work. I busied myself with the breakfast dishes and put some laundry on as I waited for Christopher.

When the doorbell rang it scared me because I was off in my on fantasy world. I was at the door before the bell range the second time. Christopher asked if I was ready to go have some more fun. I assured him I was more than ready and felt his hand on my ass as he squeezed it. He extended his arm for me to hold onto and told me he knew I probably didn't need it but he liked having me touch him. He helped me in the front seat beside him and told me to say hello to a couple of other guys that were in the back seat.

It only took a few minutes to get to the Y and the whole time Christopher had rubbed his leg against mine and had managed to grope my crotch a couple times when we had stopped for a light or stop sign. He told me that I should relax and not be so tense that as long as I and the guys in the back couldn't see what was going on around us then we couldn't tell if he was a good driver or not. This was his way of letting me know that the two in the back were blind also. The next time he groped my crotch I spread my legs and he said it looked like we were beginning to loosen up.

He managed to get all of us inside and checked us in before showing us to the dressing room. Once inside there were some other men there that helped us to our lockers and such and we all managed to get our swim suits on. Christopher called for us to line up and they would carry us to the pool that we would be using. Once inside we all stepped into the pool and were told to hold onto a handle that was given us. There was a constant current and we were told not to let go without telling whoever was with us to help them. I found out that if I wanted to swim all I had to do was relax and let the current pull my legs out from underneath me and I could kick my legs as if I was swimming.

The pool couldn't have been too large and the three of us were enjoying the exercise. Christopher came up beside me while I was swimming and told us to take our time that we could swim as long as we wanted. As the others kept swimming Christopher moved his hands to my sides and with one quick pull had removed my swimsuit. The water running against my cock and balls felt great and I let out a sigh a little louder than I had wanted. I was glad no one said anything. Christopher moved behind me and spread my legs as he moved up between them. Once he was in position he lifted me up until my ass was out of the water and I felt him rub something on my asshole.

He lowered me back into the water and I felt his cock searching for my asshole. Once it was in place his cock slid in with almost no pain and this time I put my face in the water to help drown out the gasp. One of the other men said something about keeping my face above water if I didn't want to get a mouth full. I felt Christopher shaking as he giggled at this remark. He started fucking my ass almost as fast as he had the day before and I was sure the other's could hear his breathing. He finally had all he could take as he rammed his cock deep inside me as his cum filled my ass. He pumped a few more times before resting there as his cock began to soften.

He slowly pulled his cock out of my ass and one of the men said it sounded as if their new exercise buddy had run out of energy. Christopher reached around and jerked on my cock a few times before he started pulling my shorts back on me. He waited about ten more minutes before he said it was time for us to go try the sauna. I was the last to leave the pool and as Christopher helped me out he asked if I was ready for some more fun. I told him anytime. He just said good and told me to go along with whatever he said.

We all removed our trunks and were given towels and told that we would be spending about half an hour in the sauna. Christopher said that we would spend about ten minutes inside then brought out and washed down before letting us go back in. He said they didn't want to take a chance of anyone getting too hot the first day. We were led to another room and I could smell the wood and sweat that I associated with saunas. The first few guys went into one of the saunas and I was about to follow when Christopher said that I would have to go to the next one. He said that they always had someone in the saunas with the guest in case they needed any help.

Christopher actually walked me a little longer than I figured it should have taken but as we entered the room there was no questioning the smell of sauna wood, sweat and a faint odor of sex. I could hear a few men moving around in the room and it was not quite as hot as I had figured it should be. Christopher pulled my towel off of my waist and said that there were a few nice gentlemen in the room that would really enjoy my body. He told me that they might get a little physical but would not do me any real harm and would not leave any marks that my wife could find.

I could hear as well as feel the men moving in around me. Christopher said he would go check on the others but would be back to have some more fun of his own. He told me to enjoy myself and not to worry that he would look in from time to time to be sure I was enjoying the fun. He also said that we didn't have to worry about anyone finding us unless they were coming to join the party.

I felt two enormous hands grab my ass cheeks and squeeze them hard. It sent chills through my ass and groin as I felt my cock start to tingle. Someone grabbed my cock and was rubbing it just right as it instantly got hard. They moved me to one of the benches and laid me back on my back as they pulled my legs up and apart. Someone sucked my cock into his mouth as I felt a bearded face forcing its way between my ass cheeks. The beard scratched and tickled my cheeks as I felt the man's tongue licking at my ass. I moaned out and soon found my mouth filled with a thick cock.

I started nursing on the cock as the tongue got deeper and deeper inside my ass. I was in heaven as I started pumping my ass into the man's face. The cock was pulled from my mouth and he asked me if I liked what was being done to me. I tried to answer but all that came out was a loud moan as the man's tongue went deep in my ass. I felt the man pull his face from my ass as he moved in between my legs. He rubbed his cock against my balls and cock and I felt it getting wet and slippery as he started applying some lube to it. I could tell this was no ordinary cock as his hips pressed against my ass and his cock was touching my belly button.

He told the others to help hold me up so he could get his cock inside with the least amount of pain to me. I felt several men as they helped lift my ass up so the man could line his cock up. The cock was pushed back in my mouth as the man told me to get ready. The pressure was intense before the head finally popped inside me. I tried to gasp but it only allowed the cock in my mouth to go further down my throat. The man waited a second or two before pulling back a little then thrusting back into me.

I was really surprised as the man's cock just slid right up in my ass. The pressure was great but for some reason I wanted even more. He started pumping faster and faster as my cock began leaking pre cum. Someone leaned over and licked my cock clean before sucking it down his throat. It was too much for me as my cock exploded inside the man's mouth. I could feel him swallowing and then jerking on my cock as he milked my cock for all the cum he could get.

The man fucking my ass pushed him out of the way as he leaned over and was really fucking me like a wild animal as he grunted right along with each thrust. He was sweating like crazy as his body slipped along over mine. He grabbed my sides and thrust into me one hard time as his cock erupted inside me. After several grunts he collapsed on top of me. He was quickly pulled off as the other's said they wanted some of my ass too.

They rolled me over on my stomach and after placing some towels beneath my chest and stomach they spread my legs and someone said that my ass was well lubed now from all the cum running out of it. I felt the next cock slide in without any trouble as the man wasted no time getting a fast rhythm going. It didn't take him very long before he was grunting as he left his load deep in my ass. For the next thirty minutes or so there were at least seven men that kept my ass filled with cock and leaking cum. I felt so relaxed and enjoyed every ounce of cum they gave me.

Christopher came into the sauna and while he cleaned my ass and legs up he asked if I needed a break as he gently pulled on my cock. I told him if someone would just continue to do what he was doing I would be fine in just a few minutes. He laughed and said he figured he could find someone to take care of me but I needed to go get into one of the warm baths. He halfway carried me out of the sauna as a couple of the men said they hoped I came back once I recovered.

I was placed in a slightly warm tub as someone moved beside me and instantly took my cock in his hand. The man gently stroked my cock as it got hard and he apparently knew just what to do as I leaned back and enjoyed the nice cock massage. I was there for a good ten minutes before Christopher came back into the room and told me to stand up. As he helped me out he dried my back off and wrapped a towel around me after sucking my cock down his throat a time or two. He said we wanted to keep my cock happy because there were some men who wanted another turn at my ass along with a few that I had not met yet.

This really got me excited as he told me to follow him and then grabbed my cock as he said that for a moment he forgot I was blind and needed to be led. As we moved down the hallway he made sure his hand moved back and forth on my cock. We turned into a room and he moved me beside a table that was padded. He had me lean across the table, which allowed me to stand on the floor while my head was on the edge of the other side of the table.

Without warning he rammed his hard cock into my ass but with all the cocks that had been there today it was well stretched and I felt no pain. After a few thrust he had it all the way inside and started slamming me against the table as his grunts got louder and stronger. I heard someone move around the table before I felt the hand that grabbed my hair and pulled my face up. A cock was forced in my mouth as the man called me a cum sucker and told me to take all of his cock.

The man was not little in the cock department but with a little difficulty I managed to take all of his cock in my throat. He wasted no time as he started force fucking my mouth as my ass was being pounded at the same time. My cock was hard and when the cock in my ass started shooting its load my own cock followed suit. I was moaning as my body jerked its way through an orgasm. The cock in my mouth was forced all the way inside as it too started shooting hot cum into me.

I felt Christopher's cock moving out of me and it was instantly replaced with another cock. My head was pulled up, as my mouth was forced open by another thick cock. I was in heaven as I had all the cock I could take as they took no patience's as they all seemed to want to get off as fast as possible. After the next few cocks enjoyed my now sloppy ass and mouth I was in just a foggy state as the chills went through my body with each stroke of a cock. I am not sure how long I was used as a slut or whore for the men's pleasure but when I felt the cold washcloth on my ass I quickly came back to earth.

Christopher asked how good I felt as he washed the cum from my legs that had ran out of my asshole. He said it appeared I had enjoyed myself and from all the cum he was cleaning off of me he knew the men had enjoyed themselves. He said I had time to take a cool soak in one of the whirlpools before he carried me back home. He stood me up and after giving me time to get my legs beneath me he led me to the tub.

Christopher sat on the edge of the tub and pulled me in between his legs as he told me he needed a blowjob if I felt up to it. I reached out and found his muscular leg and trailed my way along his thighs until I found his cock. It was not completely hard yet but as soon as I sucked it into my mouth I felt it start to swell. He moaned and leaned back as I pulled myself up into his crotch. He spread his legs even further as I started pulling on his balls while sucking his cock all the way down my throat. He placed his hands on the back of my head as he controlled the pace.

Some guy came into the room and said it looked like at least one of us was enjoying ourselves and I heard him step into the tub with us. He asked Christopher if it was all right for him to have a little fun and when I pushed my ass out of the water he took that as a yes answer. I felt his hand pull on my cock as he pulled it back between my legs. I spread my legs further to give him more access and quickly felt his mouth on my cock. He sucked on my cock for a few seconds before moving up and licking at my asshole. Guess he realized that my asshole didn't need any warming up as he pulled away and quickly was pushing his cock inside me. This only made me suck harder and I heard Christopher grunt and knew he was past the point of no return.

His cum tasted salty as it filled my mouth and the man at my ass must have really been horny because I felt his hot cum flowing freely inside me. He pulled out and thanked me as we cleaned ourselves up and Christopher managed to get me to the van and home in plenty of time for me to take a good nap before the family got home.

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