
Published on Jan 22, 1997




by April

Family is very important. We need families. Our family is just as important to me although it IS a little unorthodox by most standards. Let me tell you about us.

I need to start a few years back. My name is Charles. I was a heady young buck, full of myself and ready to take the world on. I had finished college and started "the career" when I met Sharon. She was 5'4" and had a wonderful hourglass figure topped with blonde hair and blue eyes. What she had in beauty was equaled by her intelligence and her personality. We hit it off immediately and were soon a very serious item. After a year or so, we decided to get married. It was a beautiful affair with all sorts of guests that I didn't know.

We settled into the yuppie lifestyle with two careers and were quite happy. Our life together was everything we wanted it to be. The only fly in the ointment was the fact that I had been a crossdresser for most of my life, but hadn't told Sharon about it. I knew that this might cause trouble later on but I just never got around to telling her.

Most of my activities were for personal enjoyment and satisfaction. I never went out dressed and always dressed only when no one was around or likely to be around anytime soon. Things were pretty safe that way. That is, they WERE pretty safe that way.

One day I decided that I needed a day off. Sharon went on to work as usual. I got up with her to see her off and then decided to go back to bed. As I walked into the bedroom her red nylon nightgown caught my eye. It was hanging on a clothes tree in the corner of our bedroom. Suddenly I had the irresistible urge to dress. Sharon was gone and wouldn't be home until at least lunch time. Everything seemed safe enough. I went for it!

I pulled a pair of red satin panties from Sharon's drawer. The held me tight and made me feel very safe and secure. They were also very sexy! I pulled her nightgown over my head and, after admiring myself in the mirror, climbed into bed and drifted off to sleep.

I am not very large. I am 5'9" and weigh 145. I am not especially effeminate in appearance but not really bulky, either. What that means, in a practical sense, is that I can fit into many of Sharon's things since she is a size 10 and I am about a size 12. I am very careful to identify those things which I cannot wear and to leave those alone. Nothing is harder to explain that damage to clothing that is obviously from being worn improperly.

As I slept, I dreamt of Sharon and me having sex as women. Later, I dreamt of having sex with a young bartender at the local watering hole (I've always been heterosexual). During this dream, I was giving him head. Sharon came in and mounted me from behind to fuck me. Of course, Sharon didn't have a cock, but dreams seldom make any real sense.

Suddenly I was wide awake with an incredible pain shooting through my ass! I tried to wake from my dream and found that I wasn't dreaming. I looked over my shoulder and saw Sharon, still dressed for work except for her skirt, crouched behind me and pumping my ass like she had a cock! AND IT HURT!!

Sharon opened her eyes and I saw a glazed look that told me that she was starting to cum. She focused her gaze on me and said, "This is what you wanted, isn't it? Now, be a good bitch and FUCK ME!"

I was aghast in the horror that I had been discovered. I was in extreme pain and humiliated at having been invaded and violated by my wife. I was also enthralled watching her actions. I grit my teeth and started pushing back against her thrusts. The pain started to subside slowly and, just as I thought I was starting to enjoy myself, Sharon screamed. I knew she was cumming and bucked against her wildly. She screamed a couple more times and stopped, rigidly erect behind me. Then she collapsed on top of me. After a few minutes I felt something slide out of my ass and she fell onto the bed. It was then that I saw the strap-on dildo that she was wearing.

I had never seen this toy before. I didn't know where or when she had gotten it. The realization that she had mounted and fucked me while I was wearing her nightgown and panties, and still asleep, left me feeling ashamed and humiliated. I sat there with my head down wondering what would come next.

Shortly, Sharon spoke, "I knew you were up to something but I didn't know what. Kathy and I have been talking. She loaned me her dildo and harness this morning and told me that we should try turning the tables sometime. I didn't want to have it found in my office so I came home to leave it here. I was angry when I found you lying there in bed wearing my things. I decided to teach you a lesson and got you up onto your knees. What surprised me the most was how easily, how eagerly, you hopped right up there. I wasn't sure if you were asleep until after I had entered your ass. Your reaction when you woke up told me that you had been dreaming, probably about getting cock somehow, maybe even about taking it up the ass. We need to talk."

With that she got up and left the bedroom. She dropped the cock and harness on the floor and picked up her skirt. I lay there for a minute or two and wondered how I was ever going to get out of this. Finally, I got up and dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. I found Sharon sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee.

As I sat down, Sharon started asking pointed questions about how long I had been wearing her things and what of her things I had worn. I stopped her and recounted my entire life as a crossdresser. I should have done this a long time ago. I was shamed not to have done so and relieved to be doing so now. I wondered what her reaction to my story would be.

I had always read about "the fit." Sharon sat there with a hard look on her face but didn't say anything. She didn't scream or throw things. She just sat there. Finally she said simply, "I'll talk to you later." With that she left for work again.

The rest of the day I lived in dread. Would Sharon divorce me? Would she simply kill me? How much public shame and humiliation would I have to endure in the process?

That evening Sharon came home. We sat in silence through dinner and then watched TV, again in silence. Finally it was time for bed and Sharon went into the bedroom. I followed a few minutes later, wishing she would say something. When I got there I found a short blue nightie and a matching pair of crotchless panties laying on the bed. Sharon stepped from the bathroom wearing a black shelf bra and garters. Across her hips I saw the dildo strapped on again. I figured out what she had in mind.

Sharon said, "Well, bitch. Let's get it on!" I meekly donned the nightie and panties. My cock hung in front and I felt extremely foolish and totally unattractive and unfeminine. Sharon pushed me onto the bed and started rolling me over. She had me raise my hips and said, "Here it comes, baby!" With that she plunged the dildo into my ass.

I thought I would die from the pain. I found myself wishing I WOULD die from the pain. Sharon didn't stop until her crotch was firmly up against my asscheeks. The dildo filled my belly. I wasn't sure if I would ever walk the same again. One thing for sure, I knew our relationship would never be the same again. Sharon started fucking me with a vengeance.

As Sharon pushed into me she was rubbing her clitoris with the base of the dildo. I tried to ignore the pain and concentrate on her. I figured that this was the best way to start healing the relationship. I recognized the pattern of her sexual arousal. She built to a climax and came violently. As she bucked wildly, my ass hurt even more. Finally she stopped bucking but she kept on thrusting into me. Soon she was building again and came even more violently. She kept on for a third orgasm. Finally, Sharon collapsed onto the bed beside me. The dildo nearly ripped me apart as it was wrenched out of me.

Sharon was breathing deeply with her eyes shut. I stayed on my knees trying to stop the pain in my ass. Finally Sharon opened her eyes and said, "Well. Clean me up, slut."

I removed the dildo and harness and went to get a wash cloth to clean her with. As I got off the bed Sharon looked at me and asked, "Where are YOU going, slut?"

I told her that I was going to get a cloth. Sharon responded that I was to use my tongue. I came back to the bed and started licking her cunt.

I have never been into particularly kinky sex. I pointedly didn't enjoy what had just happened. Still, I felt that I had seriously wronged Sharon. Sharon meant the world to me and, if she felt she needed to take her frustration and rage out on me this way, I was going to go along with her ... to a point.

Over the next week Sharon basically repeated that scene three or four times. We seldom talked between sessions and I was getting worried that we were through. After a week, Sharon came home early. She met me at the door dressed in a very pretty, short, wrap-around dress and handed me a drink. We sat and chatted for a few minutes as we finished our drinks. Then Sharon came over and kissed me on the lips. She stayed close to my face and said in a deep whisper, "I am SO horny. Why don't you go change and let's have a quick snack before dinner?"

Looking back I realize that I had basically accepted a subordinate or dominated position in our relationship. I didn't ask any questions, I just got up and went into the bedroom. I had no idea what I should wear, but I was going to get dressed as I had been commanded.

I found a red lace gartered teddy, red satin crotchless panties, and red thigh high stockings laying on the bed. There was a pair of black patent leather heels sitting on the bed beside this outfit. There was also a tube of red lipstick laying there. I changed into the teddy and stockings. I looked into the mirror and smeared lipstick on my lips. I stepped into the shoes. The shoes were a size or so too small and THEY HURT! Nevertheless, I got into them and managed to walk back into the living room where Sharon waited.

As I entered the room Sharon undid and removed her dress. She was wearing a pair of crotchless panties over the dildo harness. I, of course, knew what was about to happen but didn't even think about saying anything in protest. As I approached Sharon, very much taller than her in my heels, she motioned for me to drop in front of her. I dropped to my knees and bent over. Sharon took me by the chin and stood my back up on my knees and said, "Blow me first."

I took the dildo in my mouth and started giving her head. I had no id how to do this and my misery was made worse by the fact that the dildo tasted horrible. I found my mouth going numb after a few minutes.

I bobbed up and down on her "cock" for several minutes before Sharon stopped me. She lifted me up onto my feet and had me bend over a chair. I placed my hands on the arms of the chair to get steady and to try to take some of the pressure off of my aching feet. Sharon dove into my ass as she usually did and reamed me good. My cock was hanging down and pressed up against the back of the chair. As she rammed into me I found that I had the oddest sensations from the friction with the chair fabric. Just as the pain was subsiding and I was starting to enjoy the sensations, Sharon let out a short cry and arched her back. I knew that she had cum.

Since she had said "a little snack" I was pretty sure that Sharon would stop for now. She pulled out of me and walked around to my face. She waved her cock in my face like she wanted me to suck it. I had to refuse that.

Sharon laughed and continued walking around me. I wasn't aware of it at the time but I was waiting for her permission to get up. Still bent over the chair I felt Sharon's hands on my ass again. She said, "Close your eyes, baby. I have a surprise for you." I was sure that this surprise would involve more pain and I shut my eyes dutifully, expecting the worst.

I felt Sharon starting to press the dildo into my ass again. This time there wasn't nearly the pain. I felt something rubbing against my face and recognized the dildo. I was NOT about to put that thing in my mouth now and screwed my face shut even tighter. It didn't connect with me that something was also pushing into my ass at the same time. I heard Sharon say, "Come on, baby. you'll enjoy it." At that point I realized that Sharon's voice came from behind me. In surprise I opened my eyes and was shocked to see an honest-to-god cock staring me in the face. It brushed against my lips and across my nose. In surprise I opened my mouth to speak and it quickly entered my lips.

I started to bite down. Sharon said from behind, "Ooh. That's it, baby. Have a little snack for yourself. By the way, this is Ralph. He works with me." At the sound of Sharon's voice, I stopped resisting and parted my lips fully. As the cock slid into my mouth and over my tongue, I felt Sharon start thrusting firmly into my ass. I felt Ralph's hands cup my "breasts" and support my upper body. I lifted my hands from the arms of the chair and grasped his cock in both hands. The world started to swim around me as I began sucking and bobbing, trying to give good head to this man that I didn't even know. His cock kept driving into my throat, gagging me, with every thrust from Sharon.

Ralph moaned softly for a few minutes. He soon started to breathe harder and gasped a few times. Suddenly he let go of my body and put his hands on the back of my head. Sharon started ramming it home behind me and was moaning herself. I struggled to keep my body up so I could suck and bob. Ralph started fucking my mouth faster and faster. I felt the same sensations from the friction between my cock and the chair fabric. Suddenly Sharon screamed and bucked wildly. Ralph clamped down on my head and I couldn't move. I was choking on the head of his cock in my throat and the rush of cum as it poured down my throat. I felt myself start to cum as well. I thought I would faint.

Ralph suddenly released my head and pulled out of me. He stepped back and started to walk around me. I grabbed the arms of the chair for balance. I felt Sharon pull out of me. I stayed there, gasping for breath. Sharon came around in front of me and undid the dildo. The harness and panties dropped to the floor. As Sharon came toward me, I felt Ralph enter me from behind. Since Ralph had just cum, I knew that this reaming would last for a while. Sharon climbed up onto the arms of the chair and pulled my face into her crotch. I don't remember what all happened next.

After a time, I don't know how long, Sharon lifted me by the chin into a standing position. Ralph was pulling on his boxers nearby. My ass was SO SORE and my mouth was still numb. It was then that I realized that Sharon had put something on the dildo to numb my mouth until she and her friend were through. As the feeling started to return in a few minutes my mouth started to hurt as well. My feet hurt from the shoes but I didn't complain.

Sharon handed me a glass of wine and asked if I was OK. I accepted the wine and nodded that I was ... a lie. Sharon led me toward the dining table. I had trouble walking because of the shoes and because my ass hurt. I moved toward the chair she had offered. I heard Sharon say, "Hey, I like that walk. I'm going to have to get a bigger dildo and see if we can get it better." I cringed at the thought.

Ralph and Sharon chatted easily during dinner. I was hardly spoken to and that was fine with me. I did end up basically serving the dinner since they quickly asked me to get whatever else we needed for the table (salt and pepper, more wine, etc.). I did as asked and ate in relative silence. After dinner Sharon and Ralph had brandy on the sofa while I sat in the chair. I was still wearing my teddy and stockings. My feet had basically gone numb from the shoes by this time.

Ralph got up to leave and Sharon rose with him. I also rose and walked with them to the door. Ralph gave Sharon a nice kiss good-bye. Then he turned to me and gave me one as well. Things happened too fast for me to protest and then Ralph was gone. Sharon closed the door and yawned. "I'm tired. Clean up and hurry to bed, okay?" she said.

Sharon disappeared into the bedroom. I managed an act of defiance and took off the shoes. Even without the shoes, I knew that I was walking funny. My mouth was so sore that Ralph's kiss had caused me pain. I moved about the kitchen and got things put away and started the dishwasher. I went to the bedroom expecting Sharon to have on another dildo or something. Instead, she was asleep. She had laid out a soft pink floor length nightgown and matching panties for me. Without a word I changed and slipped into bed. Surprisingly, I drifted off to sleep quickly.

We repeated that evening's scene four or five times over the next couple of weeks. There was always a different man involved. Sometimes Sharon would have me suck him first. Sometimes I would suck her first. Once she had me eat her in front of him, then fuck her as he fucked my ass. One time she had me lay down and she mounted me while he fucked HER in the ass at the same time. Each time, though, I sucked a cock and took at least one up the ass.

I came home one evening and found a fairly familiar scene. This time, though, there were two men there. Sharon introduced them to me but I didn't pay attention to their names. They were all sitting around naked and I figured out that they had already been busy without me. Somehow I didn't feel all that relieved, though.

Sharon moved toward the "the chair" and said, "You know, baby, I thought of something that would be really neat to do..." I cut her off with a wave of my hand. I went to the men and took them each by the hand. I led them to the chair and, almost without thinking, kissed them both. Part of my mind was reeling in surprise even as my body acted. We gave and received tongues and I fondled them both into erections. I knew that they had each recently cum and would take a while to cum with me. I didn't want any anesthetic, I just got us into position.

Both men were about the same size, genitally speaking. I positioned one in front of the chair and led the other around behind the chair. I was dressed in male attire and dropped my clothes on the floor. The only female attire I had on was a pair of panties. I wore these as I stepped between the man and the chair. As I pulled down the panties, I brushed my ass against his cock. It was still erect. I smiled. I stepped out of the panties, reached back and spread my cheeks to allow, and to signal, access. He placed one hand on my ass and started guiding himself into me with the other. I brought my hands in front of me and grabbed the other man by the cock, pulling him directly into my mouth. As I started sucking and bobbing I glanced toward Sharon, sitting on the couch, and saw that she was thoroughly enjoying herself, masturbating as I went to work.

I sucked and bucked for a LONG time. Finally, I was rewarded with a mouth full of cum. I licked and sucked some more to clean him up good and let him go. My ass was still throbbing as the other man continued to fuck me. I could hear his breathing and knew that he was getting there but he was certainly taking his time.

Suddenly, Sharon was in front of me. She bent over slightly took the first man up the ass. Then he lifted her onto the chair and pushed her pussy toward my face. I ate her as he fucked her. She bucked and writhed, finally screaming in orgasm. As her orgasm subsided, I felt my ass get warm and knew that I was getting a load of cum there, as well. When all had finished, we all stood and kissed and hugged for several minutes. I was surprised at the feelings of intimacy I experienced at that moment.

We sat and talked for a few minutes, sipping wine and beer. Finally the men got up and dressed and left. I don't remember who they were and never saw them again. Still, that experience left an indelible mark upon me. Sharon lay back on the sofa, naked and more than a little drunk. I went into the kitchen, also naked, to fix supper.

The next evening was even more dramatic. I had always been singularly heterosexual. My crossdressing had always been a private matter and I have never entertained fantasies of bondage or S&M. I did not want to be a woman (TS). I was just who and what I was. I came home from work as usual. There was a message from my wife on the machine saying that she would be a little late. I went into the bedroom and found a black satin teddy laid out on the bed along with black thigh high stockings and another pair of black patent leather spike heels. The one rebellious act I had allowed myself was to ask for a larger pair of shoes. There was also a pair of black thong panties.

Without a thought I put on the attire since I knew that she would have plans that involved my wearing it. I was a little surprised and embarrassed as my thoughts wandered to the evening ahead and I wondered who she would have with us tonight. I wondered what his/their cock would feel like as I sucked it and how many there would be.

I was dressed in the female attire and in the process of starting supper when I heard the door open. I called out to Sharon but got no answer. After a couple minutes I came out of the kitchen to see what was up. I stopped in my tracks at the sight of Sharon.

Sharon was wearing a black leather shelf bra and garter belt. She had black fishnet stockings and what must have been six-inch spike heels (what we used to call "catch-me-fuck-me" shoes). She wasn't wearing any panties. Her hair was done very differently with a lot of curls and waves. Her makeup was VERY dramatic with bright red lips and very dark eyes. She had a cigarette dangling from the corner of her mouth (she doesn't smoke) and a whip in her hand. She brought the whip up and cracked it loudly. As she did this, she commanded, "Kneel, Slut!!"

I just stood there.

She brought the whip up and repeated her command. When I still didn't move she swung the whip toward me and started to shout again. At this point something snapped. I caught the whip and yanked it from her hand. I stepped toward her menacingly and started shouting myself. It was at this point that I realized just how far we had come ... how much things had changed between us. I didn't like what I saw.

I yelled at Sharon that I was sorry for deceiving her and that I should have told her about my crossdressing. I said that I had gone along with her activities since that day because I thought it was what she wanted and that I owed that much to her. But I drew the line at S/M and B/D. If she wanted that kind of play she would have to find someone else. Sharon recoiled from my burst of anger and fell back onto the couch. The cigarette fell onto the carpet. Sharon quickly scooped it up to prevent a burn.

When I had finished I stood there breathing hard. Finally I recovered my composure and went back into the kitchen. It was then that I realized that I was crying.

After a few minutes, Sharon came into the kitchen. She had changed clothes and wore the same short wraparound dress she had worn that first evening. She looked more like the Sharon I knew and loved ... and married. Sharon sat for a few minutes as I continued my activities. Finally, she spoke. Sharon said that she had been very angry with me. She was still angry, but more than that, she was confused by what my crossdressing meant. She felt betrayed and hurt. She had taken her feelings out on me through sexual violence. After the evening before, she thought that I wanted to go further. She had always assumed that crossdressers were into bondage and that I wanted to do that. She had decided to explore that world for herself with me. The one thing she didn't do was apologize for anything that had happened.

When she had finished I sat beside her, still in my teddy and stockings. I told her that I had endured the humiliation and degradation and sexual antics she had heaped upon me because I felt I owed her something. I could understand her feelings and could understand that she was still angry and hurt. I still felt that I owed her something to makeup for the pain I had caused her. However, I refused to go any further long this path.

Sharon looked down and smiled. I hadn't seen her genuinely smile in a long time. She reached up and ran her finger along the bra of my teddy. "You look kind of nice in these things, you know."

"If you want me to wear them, I will. But I can't go on with the meanness," I said.

"Wear them when you feel like it," she said. "We'll learn to deal with it." With that I kissed her and went to the bedroom to change. We had supper alone that night and talked for the first time in weeks.

Over the next couple of months things got almost back to where they had been before this all started. I put on panties a couple of times but found the memories of what had gone on flooding back. When I realized that I was kind of wanting a cock to play with, I got embarrassed and angry. Then I took off the panties.

After about two and a half months, Sharon called me at the office. She had driven me to work that morning and wanted to get away when we got off from work. She would pick me up at the office and have our bags already packed. We would just leave from work. I agreed and started to look forward to some time away from everything.

Sharon met me in front of the building. It was cool out and she was wearing a mid-thing length fur coat she had. All I could see of hr besides that was her long beautiful legs encased in white stockings and three inch heels. I liked what I could see of her. She got out of the car and met me on the sidewalk. She kissed me sweetly and told me to drive. Everyone around us was staring.

We got into the car and I started moving. Sharon was casual and talked freely about "stuff." She told me that she had made special arrangements so this would be a special trip for us. As she spoke she opened her coat to reveal that she also had on a "diamond" choker she had, a white garter belt, and nothing else. As I stared at her, her hand reached into my crotch and rubbed my growing erection. Then she sat back and said, "Down, boy. We need to turn here."

I took the turn she directed and found us heading into the airport. I asked why we were going to the airport and Sharon responded that she had gotten a bonus from work (I didn't think to ask what it was for) and that she had spent it on arrangements for our trip. We would fly to Chicago and stay in a very nice hotel for a couple of weeks. She had several surprises in store for us. She didn't say any more.

We got onto the plane and made the hour-long flight to Chicago. I had to work to keep my hands off of Sharon. When we arrived we took a taxi to a large home in what looked like an upscale neighborhood. I looked at Sharon, puzzled, but she just smiled. "It's a special hotel," she said.

We were greeted by a very attractive woman and our bags were taken upstairs to our rooms. We didn't even have to check in.

We headed to the dining room with our hostess. We ordered dinner and I noticed that there were a LOT of women there but very few men. Our hostess had joined us for dinner (which I thought was odd) and conversation was light for a while. Finally, as most people had cleared the dining room, the talk turned to our two weeks there. At this point I learned that our "hotel" was actually a feminization academy. They called it a "Finishing School." We were there for me to learn how to be a woman! I was shocked!

Sharon looked at me and took my hand. "You said that you felt you owed me something. This is what I want. I liked having total control for a while, but it wasn't what I really wanted. What I want is to have you sometimes in a female role. Like I said, you look nice in you femmie things."

Caught by my own words, I sat back and surrendered. I knew that this was a redefining moment in our relationship. Whatever else had happened could be undone or ignored. This, though, would either make us or break us. Our hostess reassured me that things there were done with grace and dignity. The school wasn't about S/M or B/D. It was about taking those who had a desire to be or an abject admiration for women and finish their education. Then she started going over the curriculum.

I sat there looking at Sharon, not really listening. Sharon smiled and mouthed the words, "For me."

Suddenly I was aware that our hostess, the school director, was asking me something. "What is your name, Dear?"

"Charles," I answered in bewilderment.

"No, your femme name, Dear."

"I ... don't have one," I responded.

"Well, you will need one, at least for while you are here. Most girls who come here already have one that they use regularly. Do you have any preferences?"

I looked at Sharon. She shook he head. "The only one that comes to mind is an aunt that has always been good to me. She's my aunt Elizabeth .. we call her Beth," I offered.

"Do you like Elizabeth or would you prefer another derivative?" she asked. I shook my head, shrugging.

Patiently, she went on, "How about Bethany?"

I thought a second. I liked it. I looked at Sharon who said, "Sharon and Bethany. Sharon and Beth. I kind of like it."

I turned back to the director and said, "Bethany it is." I found that I was starting to get into this ... just a little.

Over the next two weeks I was cinched and plumped and made over and dressed and redressed. Within a day and a half I had learned how to reshape my body (although I didn't require much of that) to provide a more female appearance. I was taught basics of makeup and hair. I was taught female mannerisms and made to practice these as well as walking in a variety of situations. I was taught various "looks" which I was made to practice, along with the walks, in the company of a number of (rather handsome) men who worked there. What I had failed to hear was that the goal was to get me ready for an outing on the second day.

Sharon had been busy before we left. She had packed me a bag full of all the female attire I would need for our stay. She had corsets and teddies, bras and panties, stockings and shoes, almost everything I needed. What she hadn't packed were those things that I would need to be fitted for. These included a wig, breastforms, and some specialized items of clothing. These were provided, for a small fee, by the finishing school.

In short order I was ready for my public debut. The plan was that Sharon and I would be escorted by two of the men on a shopping trip. There was one area where crossdressers routinely went to be seen. It was there that we would shop and practice being in public. The me were for our protection should someone decide to make a scene. They were also to help me with instructions as needed.

The trip went without incident. I was totally fried when we got back but I had to admit that I hadn't had a rush like that for a long time. I had really enjoyed myself. It was no disappointment, then, when they told us that we would be taking a similar trip the following day to another shopping district, this one not oriented toward crossdressers. In the meantime, I had remedial homework to do the prepare.

Sharon and I worked with a coach that evening on mannerisms, walk, attitude, and voice. I realized that attitude and voice would be the most dangerous for me. I was a little surprised when they said that I had adapted to the attitude quite readily. I looked at Sharon who smiled and sucked her finger like a cock. I understood although I wasn't sure that I totally agreed.

There is never enough time to prepare for such a trip but we did what we could. The next morning I dressed and made myself up all by myself. Once finished I was given feedback from the staff and made some minor adjustments. Sharon dressed to match me and we prepared to go out. The same two men accompanied us on this trip as well. Again, things went well and I only noticed a couple of odd looks which I managed to turn away from before I panicked.

When we returned to the school we were, again critiqued and given homework to do. I found it interesting that Sharon worked as hard as I did on the homework. Before long I noticed a change in the way she did things as well. Over the two weeks we worked (hard) on voice, speaking, and vocabulary; proper attire; more advanced makeup; proper conduct in various situations to include how to handle being read; going to the bathroom; dancing; eating; all sorts of stuff. I can't remember all the subjects but each built upon the previous. Before we went over something new, I had to become proficient at the current topic. They were careful to explain that mastery was a goal that can only be attained by (lots of) practice.

Everyday we went out for something. We managed to visit a mall, eat lunch at a cafe, dine in a restaurant, go out for drinks, and go dancing. The final exam was a day-long trip that started at 9 AM. I had to get up, bathe, dress and get made-up, and be ready for the day in time to leave at 8:30 AM. I would go alone initially and be joined later by Sharon, and perhaps others. I was to BE a woman the entire time. If I got into trouble there would be people around to help me. But these people wouldn't reveal themselves to me unless I needed (in their opinion) their help.

I was ready in time and left the school. I drove to a public parking lot and took the train into town. I decided my schedule and itinerary so I went shopping in several stores and visited an art museum. At mid-day I went to an agreed upon restaurant where I met Sharon and another woman. We talked about how my day had gone so far and the woman gave me some pointers on creating a more complete impression/illusion. During lunch I had to go (very badly) to the restroom. Sharon went with me. On the way she told me how proud she was of me and that she had heard the staff saying what a great job I was doing.

We did our business and returned to the table to find a handsome young man sitting with our companion. He was introduced as John and he would accompany us for the afternoon. We chatted for several minutes and I found myself flirting a little with John.

Soon we left the restaurant. We went shopping some more and took a walk by the river. John was a perfect gentleman and helped us whenever we "needed" it. We walked arm-in-arm with John, each on a different side, and I felt so safe and protected. I watched Sharon warm to John and flirt with him. I found myself copying some of Sharon's mannerisms and flirting with John as well. I'm not sure, but I think Sharon was jealous. She didn't appear to be jealous of John's attention to me, but of my attention to John. I think she wanted him and saw me as a potential rival.

We met another young man while we were out. He came up and introduced himself to us, expressing obvious interest in these two very attractive women with a single man. I figured he was staff from the school who was adding spice to the exam and I started flirting with him, too. I found that it was quite easy, almost natural, to flirt, especially with a handsome man such as he. Sharon seemed bothered and looked like she was going to say something but John stopped her.

The young man joined our party and we spent more time by the river walking and talking. I found Sharon starting to warm and flirt with this new man as well. His name was Carl and he was very open and friendly and easy to like. Son, though, I felt as if Sharon and I were competing for the attentions of this young man. John stepped in and started showing me more attention that Sharon and soon we were two couples: Carl and Sharon and John and me.

We went to dinner that evening and went dancing. John was such a wonderful dancer and I felt like I was on a cloud the entire time. I felt myself blush when I found myself wondering what he tasted like. Sharon and Carl were getting along quite well, too. After a while things started to wind down. It was late and we had all had a bit to drink. I was working to maintain my female appearance and demeanor. Carl suggested that we all go to his place. Sharon looked at me as if to ask permission. I glanced at John who was non-committal. I said, "Okay."

Carl had a great apartment. It was a two-bedroom and he had a roommate who was away for a few days. That fact hung in the air for a while before we started talking again. It was obvious what everyone (except maybe John) was thinking.

Carl served wine and we talked for a while. I looked at John and caught him looking at me. As our gazes remained looked I dares entertain thoughts and ideas I had suppressed a short while ago. After a time I glanced around. Carl and Sharon were locked in an embrace and it was obvious what they both had in mind. I looked back at John as Carl led Sharon to one of the bedrooms. I reached out and touched John's hand. He took mine in his. John stood up and pulled me to my feet. We met in a sweet, gentle kiss that left me nearly breathless. Then John led me toward the other bedroom.

The next morning We woke and I sat up with a start. We were still in Carl's apartment! What was I to do. I looked around and saw John still asleep. I could still taste him and feel him inside me from the night before. I started to calm down. I leaned over to kiss him but stopped. I slipped out of bed and went into the bathroom to check myself out. Once I was satisfied that I looked suitably female for the morning after ... and the activity ahead ... I returned to the bed.

I kissed John into wakefulness and tasted him all over again. John took me again ... and again. Afterward we lay there in a gentle embrace, our passion spent and satisfied.. for now. Soon we rose and put everything back together. When we left the bedroom we found Carl and Sharon sitting at the breakfast bar kissing. Sharon was obviously satisfied.

We had breakfast and left in the company of John who escorted us back to the school. We went to our room to change and join the school which was already in session. John went to talk with the school director.

Shortly we received a critique and feedback on my (our) performance the previous day and evening. Normally students at the school don't stay out all evening. I questioned this since an escort had kept us out. It was then that I learned that Carl wasn't with the school. He was genuinely trying to pick us up! Sharon explained that she had known this and, seeing that I obviously didn't, had moved to occupy Carl's attention to prevent my discovery and any unpleasant consequences. The director told me, though, that John had given me very good comments regarding my conduct in that situation. Nothing was said about the activities of the later evening.

At lunch w were told that our curriculum was completed and that all that was left was the formal graduation ceremony. It was explained that the ceremony was, indeed, formal and that we were each to select, from the school wardrobe, an evening gown to wear to the event. We were also allowed to invite someone to be a guest if we desired.

Sharon and I felt like kids in a candy store as we browsed the enormous selection of gowns and dresses. I selected a floor length green sequined gown with a plunging neckline and backline. It had a wide slit up the front almost to the crotch. There were silver sequins around the neck/backline and hem. I also selected a pair of clear three inch open-toed pumps with an ankle strap. Sharon chose a simple white satin, off-the-shoulder, tea length dress with matching pumps. I said that she should get fancy but she felt that tonight was my night to shine and that she didn't want to upstage me.

We went to get ready. We put on matching undies. We wore white satin and lace panties and garterbelts. Mine had a waist cincher built in to help with those extra special curves for tonight. We wore white stockings with sparkles and white satin thong panties. B y now I had a total of five wigs. One was a shoulder length brunette, one was an ash blonde that was fairly full in style and nearly shoulder length. The other three were all red, dark auburn specifically, and ranged in length and style from long shoulder length to curly nearly shoulder length to short. I chose to wear the red curly wig. I added dangling earrings to match the dress.

Sharon helped me with my hair, nails, and makeup. I returned the favor. Soon we were both absolutely gorgeous. As we stood admiring each other in the mirrors, I turned to Sharon and said, "If I weren't here with you, I would ask you to come be with me tonight." Sharon smiled. We kissed.

As we were making final preparations there came a knock at the door. A member of the school staff delivered corsages for both of us. After pinning each other's on, we headed downstairs to the party.

The dinner was a sit down affair. We found ourselves sitting near John. Soon the three of us were engrossed in each other. After the dinner, the school director made some remarks. Then the music changed to dance music and we started dancing. My first dance was with Sharon. It has always felt a little odd to dance as a woman with my wife. I've never gotten completely used to it but I do enjoy dancing with her and the feelings that go with it.

John came over and asked me to dance. I glanced at Sharon and accepted. We danced three or four dances before sitting down. The last was a slow dance and John held me close. I felt my breath coming in short gasps s his arm encircled my waist. We danced without listening to the music. All I was aware of were his beautiful blue eyes.

The music took a break and we sat down. John sat with us and we chatted. When the music started again, John asked Sharon to dance. She accepted. As I watched them glide across the floor I was envious. I wished that it were me out there with either or both. Another member of the staff asked me to dance and I accepted. We had a good time but it wasn't the same.

When the band took another break the three of us went out onto the terrace for some air. After a few minutes John turned to me and said, "Beth, You have been one of our best students. It has been an honor to know you. I want you to remember me and what you've experienced here." With that he produced a small jewel box which held a gold anklet. John took the time to bend down and put it on me.

Next John turned to Sharon and said, "Sharon, You have been one of the most supportive SO's to come through here with her man. I have enjoyed getting to know you as well and want you to remember us as well." With that he produced a matching anklet and put it on Sharon. Then he kissed us each ... first me, then Sharon. I was floating by now.

The evening ended soon after that. During our last slow dance I kept my face very close to John's. I told him, "I appreciate the time you took with me .. well, us. I'm sure that it was just a job to you, but it meant the world to me."

John answered, "Beth, It was truly an honor and a privilege. It was not just a job. The job was to look after, instruct, and take care of you. Anything beyond that was strictly personal. I enjoyed "knowing" you and hope to know you in that sense again one day." John kissed me lightly on the lips.

Later I saw John dancing with Sharon and they were talking. I wondered what they were saying. I saw her pass a note to him and he put it into his pocket. I was jealous.

The party ended and everyone said their good-byes one last time. John was gone far too quickly and I missed him immediately. We went to our room to make final preparations to leave the next morning. When we went to bed we made love, for the first time since our arrival, as two women. It was sweet, yet passionate. I have never felt such tenderness from Sharon. I don't ever recall giving such loving attention to a woman in my life. Afterwards we lay there and talked a while before drifting off to sleep holding each other. I dreamt of John.

The next morning we rose and ordered coffee from room service. As we started moving around, Sharon handed me an envelope. Inside were our plane tickets. One was for Sharon and the other for Bethany. I looked at her in surprise and smiled, knowing that this meant Sharon wanted me to travel en femme. Then Sharon handed me a box. "It's your graduation present," she said.

I ripped open the box and found a suit inside. It had a white pleated skirt and a long yellow jacket with white piping around the edges and large white buttons. There was also a set of undies to include bra, panties, waist cincher, slip, and white thigh high garterless stockings. Also in the box was a pair of white 2 inch pumps. Finally, there was a gold rope necklace and gold clip earrings with small gold "orbs" dangling. I looked at everything and hugged Sharon. I was crying and didn't care.

We finished packing and then dressed. Again, Sharon and I helped each other with hair and makeup. Sharon was an absolute doll in a beige cotton shirt dress and wide brown leather belt. She wore nude stockings and matching three inch pumps and had bronze and copper earrings. Around her neck she wore a necklace of the same bronze and copper, twisted into a loose rope. As a final item, we each put on our anklets from John.

We went downstairs to breakfast. The school director met us and chatted one final time. She wasn't surprised that we had chosen to travel en femme. She explained, "Most people who come there don't in order to preserve their secrets. However, many DO, usually the better students. Bethany, you have been one of our best students ever. You pass as well as anyone I have ever seen. You pass better than some genetic women I know. I am not at all surprised that you have chosen to do this."

After breakfast Sharon paid our bill. I wasn't trying to eavesdrop but I did hear the total. I hid my shock! I wondered just what kind of bonus Sharon had gotten and for what.

Our trip through the airport was mostly uneventful. We each got LOTS of looks and attention. The ticket clerk was a handsome young man who took extra care (and time) with our tickets. I noticed him taking a quick look or two at us as he did so. We waited for our plane and chatted. I found that my feminine gestures and mannerisms were pretty much second nature by now. My voice was still a little low but made a very passable throaty female voice, kind of like Kathleen Turner's.

When we arrived at our destination Sharon got the car while I waited with the luggage. There was a young black porter working the crowd who paid me more than passing attention. I smiled and flirted with him for a minute or two until Sharon arrived with the car. Suddenly, he was there helping load the bags into the car. I smiled and started to tip him but he refused. I insisted and he took my money, but smiled an evil smile at me. I remember thinking that he looked quite delicious and wondered what it would be like to have a black man.

We arrived home in daylight. I suddenly wondered how we would explain Bethany arriving with Sharon and Charles exiting the house later. Sharon anticipated my nervousness and calmed me with a hand on my knee. As we approached the house she activated the garage door (which we seldom used) and closed it after we were inside. Safe from the eyes of our neighbors, we unpacked the car.

We lived our life fairly much as before. I dressed more often and looked MUCH better than I had before. Sharon seemed to really enjoy the evenings when she and Bethany had dinner, usually by candlelight. We went out as women, which we had never done before. We always had fun, always managed to have plenty of companions, and always came home by ourselves. We weren't out to pick up men, just to party.

There were men, though. I figured out that part of Sharon's "bonus" had been put up by some of our earlier partners who had seen "potential" in my appearance and performance. Occasionally one of more would ask to have dinner with Sharon and Bethany. The evenings were always enjoyable and we always had a romp in the living room although we didn't always use the chair. And, yes, the sex was good. We drew the line, however, at dinner and etc. with Bethany alone. We didn't feel that would be exactly safe.

In spite of our popularity, there was something missing. We were still hiding Bethany from others. Bethany never appeared in the daytime and she didn't go out alone. We both felt comfortable with my appearance and ability to pass. We just didn't trust our neighbors and many of the people we came in contact with.

One day a letter came addressed to "Sharon and Bethany." This caused quite a stir since we didn't know anyone who would do such a thing. We were delighted and relieved when we opened it and found that it was from John. Then we got excited! John was coming to our area and wanted to visit! We started making plans.

We wrote John and offered him the use of our spare room instead of a hotel. He declined as he wouldn't be in our area long enough for more than dinner with us. He offered to take both of us out. We accepted, of course!

John came and went. Dinner was wonderful and we dressed in our finest for him. He was dutiful toward each of us and we got the idea that he wanted to stay longer but couldn't. During dinner we offered for him to just come and visit us some time. He thought and told us that he might be able to take a couple of days on his way back to Chicago. We all agreed and plans were made. John would stay with us. "And we will fuck him silly," I thought.

A week or so later John called from the airport. His trip was over earlier than expected and he wanted to know if it was convenient to visit now. We nearly shouted together, "Yes!" I dressed as Bethany and went to get John at the airport while Sharon prepared the house. I didn't stop to think why Sharon didn't offer to go get him and for me to prepare the house. It was daylight when I went to the car but I didn't care. I moved quickly to minimize my chance of being seen. I pulled up at the arrival terminal and John was waiting on the sidewalk. I got out and went to him. I kissed him as sweetly, then passionately as I could. People were looking. After John put his bags in the car I offered for him to drive. I had plans for him on the way home. John (wisely) declined.

All the way home I chattered nervously to cover my growing desire for him. John was very sweet and seemed amused by my activity. We arrived and I opened the garage, closing it behind us. Sharon met us inside and also kissed John hello. She offered glasses of wine and snacks before dinner. We sat and talked for a while. I wanted to jump John right then. I was acutely aware of a similar desire from Sharon, but she was hiding it well. I wondered how many times in the past she had hidden desires from me in similar fashion. I learned from her and began to copy her manner.

Sharon and I fixed dinner while John sat at the bar and talked with us. We are both quite good cooks and enjoy cooking together. After dinner we turned on the television but none of us really watched it. We were too busy talking.

The finishing school was preparing to open a "branch campus" in another city. John had been selected to make initial preparations for that campus. A woman would actually run the school, but John was in line for the number two position. He was excited about that prospect and we were happy for him. Soon it was late. John was tired from his trip and we were anxious to "have our way with him." Finally thoughts and conversation turned to bed.

Sharon and I looked at each other a moment. Then we turned toward John and I said, "We want you. We will go singly or together, whichever you prefer."

John smiled and stood up. As he came toward us we stood as well. John kissed both of us and took us by the hand, leading us toward our bedroom. Sharon and I had gotten a king-size bed because of the number of men who had helped fund my transition and who wanted to taste the fruits of their money. John and we moved onto the bed and things started happening.

We undressed each other down to undies, except for John. We stripped him naked. His beautiful cock hung there in the low light, its magnificence almost overpowering. His body had half-shadows accentuating the muscles and I found myself wanting to taste every crevice. I looked at Sharon. She was as beautiful as I had ever seen her. Her contours were so perfect in the half-light of the room and her breasts rose and fell steadily with her passionate breathing. I felt such love at that moment for both of these beautiful people. I reached out to touch Sharon's face and placed my other hand on John's chest. We moved together.

John lay down and Sharon mounted his face. I dropped to his crotch and swallowed his cock, enjoying the feel of this magnificent hunk of meat growing to full erection within my mouth. Sharon sighed and John moaned. After a bit Sharon moved from John's face and lay back. John mounted her as I moved to Sharon's head. John took my cock into his mouth and Sharon sucked and licked my balls. I lost touch with reality for a few minutes.

John came, exploding inside Sharon. Sharon nearly screamed with her own orgasm. Quickly we changed places and I started eating Sharon, tasting John's delicious cum as it dribbled our of her. John mounted me from behind and started fucking my ass. It hurt for a minute but I knew that, by now, the pain would go away quickly. It did and we began a rhythmic dance accentuated by the sounds of his body slapping my ass and me slurping his juices from Sharon's pussy. Sharon was moaning as she built to a second orgasm.

Sharon shifted around and got to where she could get my cock into her mouth. Her hands danced over my smooth legs playing with my garters and stockings. The sensations were so exciting that I felt myself get harder. I continued to eat her and John drove on into my ass. I felt my cock enter Sharon's throat with every thrust. After a few minutes I was starting to cum. I tried to hold it off by concentrating on Sharon. It worked for a moment until John came in my ass. That caught me by surprise and threw my concentration. I shot my load into Sharon's throat and heard her grunting as she swallowed. John drove on.

Sharon took all I had. I cleaned all John had left inside her. Finally John pulled out of me. I have always been leery of a cock after it has been in my as. You just don't know what you'll get from there. When John called, though, I had taken care to give myself an enema to clean anything out that might get in the way. When he left my ass I quickly turned and took him into my mouth and started to clean him up. I tasted his cum and the enema solution. I couldn't identify any other taste and wasn't particularly interested in doing so. I just wanted him inside me ... somewhere. Sharon started licking my ass, cleaning up all of John's cum that was dribbling out of me.

I felt Sharon move away but stayed with John's cock. I didn't want it to get soft anytime soon. Shortly I felt Sharon get back onto the bed and, somehow, knew that she had donned her dildo. I wasn't surprised when I felt her slide it all the way inside me. I was surprised when she turned on the vibrator inside it. Then she reached around me and fastened the straps around me, holding the dildo inside me. I squirmed with the sensations the vibrator provided.

Sharon moved up and started kissing John. I stayed on his cock for a while but was soon unable to concentrate. The dildo was giving me such unusual sensations that I had to stop and lay back. Sharon and John looked at me, then at each other. They smiled at each other and moved apart. I felt Sharon playing with the straps and then the dildo was turned off. I missed it immediately. Sharon pulled the dildo form my ass as I whimpered. John immediately moved between my legs. He lifted my ass and inserted his cock. I felt complete again. He lifted me a little more and I saw Sharon moving behind John. Sharon mounted John and fucked him as he fucked me. The best part was that John could, and did, fondle my breasts and kiss me while we were all locked together.

I couldn't believe that John could cum again but he did. All the while Sharon moaned as she built to another orgasm. I felt John's hand on my cock jerking me off. I don't know if we all came together but I remember the world fading from view. When it returned, we were all collapsed into a heap where we remained for the night.

The next morning I awoke early, as usual. I slid out of bed and went to the bathroom. Everything hurt, yet tingled. I felt empty without John inside me, yet I felt fulfilled. I was very happy to be with both of these people, yet I missed them. Life was good.

I fixed my makeup and prepared to return to bed. Sharon and I had taken the day off from work and I knew that I would be Bethany all day. I looked forward to it. I put on my robe and went to the kitchen. I fixed coffee for us all. When I returned to the bedroom, Sharon and John were stirring although neither was fully awake, yet. I set the coffee on the night stand, removed my robe, and climbed back into bed.

John looked at me and pulled me to him. We kissed sweetly and passionately. Sharon stirred and I reached for her. She joined us. We kissed and snuggled for several minutes. Sharon looked at me and said, "Well, Beth, I guess you know what it feels like to be a satisfied woman now." I smiled and nodded, hugging John tightly.

I stroked John's cock softly. Sharon did, too. I think we both wanted it again but neither wanted to leave the intimacy of this moment. I reached out and stroked Sharon's breasts.

We finally got up and sat on the bed drinking our coffee. John looked at us and said, "Beth, Sharon, I find myself in a difficult situation. We don't, as a rule, get involved with our clients at the school. Yet, I could love you, Beth. I could also love you, Sharon. I am so happy when I am with each and both of you. I am not sure that this can go on, though." Sharon and I looked at each other apprehensively.

John went into the bathroom and we heard the shower turn on. Sharon and I talked as we sat there on the bed. We each loved John. We loved each other. As we talked I started stroking Sharon's shoulders and breasts. She responded in kind. Soon we were locked in an session of intense, almost desperate, lovemaking. We both came quickly and lay there holding each other as if we were anticipating a great loss. Finally, we came up with an idea.

We stripped and went to get into the shower with John. We made love in the shower as we washed each other. John seemed to be enjoying himself and we certainly were. After we finished we toweled off and each set about putting him/herself together for the day.

I dressed as Beth in a red jumper over a white cotton blouse. I had been growing my hair longer but decided on a wig anyway. I put a red headband around my hair and put on white disk clip earrings. I finished with white ankle socks and a pair of red Keds sneakers. Sharon wore a yellow romper with matching shoes and earrings.

We finished our makeup and went into the kitchen to fix breakfast. John came out wearing a black polo shirt and brown slacks. He had a pair of brown docksiders on his feet with no socks. Sharon and I glanced at each other and I knew that we both thought he looked gorgeous. Everything was just perfect.

We fixed pancakes with strawberries and orange juice. Talk was light and pleasant as we ate. There was no hint of loss in the air. After we had finished, Sharon and I got serious.

"John," I began, "Sharon and I heard what you said and we talked about it."

"We have a proposal which we think is workable. The only question is whether you will agree to it," Sharon continued.

"Let me hear it," John responded.

"Marry us!" I blurted out.

The words hung in the air like heavy cigar smoke. We could see John thinking about the idea. Finally he spoke. "There's at least one problem with that," he said. "You two are already married."

"So, join us in our marriage," Sharon answered.

"Beth, you are very beautiful. But you ARE still a man, you know. Marriage between two men is illegal in this state," John came back.

"We can't LEGALLY get married," I answered. "But the marriage ceremony these days amounts to simply a legal process. Without the commitment to one another it's just a hollow shell of a ritual. The divorce rate testifies to that. The commitment to make a marriage work doesn't require a ceremony in order to work. What we CAN do is have a public expression of our commitment to one another, just what the marriage ceremony was originally intended to be. I made such a commitment to Sharon a few years back. At that time I couldn't see anyone else in my life. Now we have met you and we BOTH want you in our life now. I love you ... both. I am prepared to make such a commitment to both you and Sharon today!" Sharon nodded her agreement with what I had said. We both turned to look at John.

John sat considering the speech I had just made. Finally he said, "I don't know. This is a very serious decision. I mean it when I say that I love you ... both. I'm just not sure that I am ready to do this. Let me think about it a while. Okay?"

Sharon and I agreed to let John have some time. We tried to steer the conversation toward less intense subjects but the proposal of marriage was ever present.

That day we went out to the local park and had a picnic. We wandered through the wooded areas and explored the waterfalls. There was the occasional stolen kiss and the look that said, "Let's get naked and do it right here!" There were too many other people around, though, and things never quite came about.

That evening we went out to dinner. Sharon and I were beautiful. John looked so handsome! We were so happy together. I found myself hoping against hope that John would accept ... yet fearing for the worst.

After dinner we returned home. John made excuses that he had an early flight the next day and needed to get some sleep. Sharon and I both knew that what was really going on was an attempt to put some distance between us so he could think about our proposition. That night Sharon and I slept together holding each other. We kissed and snuggled but neither of us could get in the mood for lovemaking. I thought about crying.

The next morning we awoke to find John already dressed. I fixed us some coffee and started breakfast. John took some coffee but said that he didn't have time for breakfast since his taxi would be there shortly. I excused myself and went to make sure that I looked my best when he left. John and Sharon sat talking.

After a short time the taxi arrived. John gave his bags to the driver and turned to say good-bye. He kissed Sharon gently and smiled at her. He turned to me and did the same. I felt tears welling up in my eyes. John said, "I am very tempted to accept your proposal right now but I'm not totally sure. I must be sure before I can make a commitment like that. Just give me some time and things will work out as they should."

He turned and left.

Sharon and I watched the taxi leave then sat in the living room and bawled.

The next few months were exciting. I lived daily as Charles but often changed to Bethany in the evenings. Weekends were generally Bethany's time. Sharon and I were becoming quite comfortable with this duality and had made contact with a number of "support groups" that specialized in situations similar to ours. Some turned out to be pick-up activities and we didn't go back. A couple, though, were very friendly and felt extremely safe. We started attending more and more often as Sharon and Bethany.

There were several offers from men at Sharon's office to comfort us. No one at my office knew anything about us. All were graciously declined. Our sex life was never better (except with John) and we had no desire for their comfort. We made a number of sympathetic friends through our clubs and soon we had a new social circle. A few became close enough friends that we told them about John.

John came to visit a couple more times after that. He generally stayed in a hotel, though. Once he came while I had the flu and the visit was mainly with Sharon. I was jealous but felt so badly that I couldn't concentrate on that. When we were together, though, the sun was brighter and the moon more glorious. Life was as it should be. And the sex became more and more wonderful.

One day we got a phone call from John. He wanted us to come to Chicago and visit. We could stay at the school, if we wished. Sharon and I accepted immediately.

Preparations for the trip were difficult. Neither of us could concentrate. Still, we managed to get things together. We even managed to get a few special things for the trip.

We traveled en femme to the school. John met us at the airport and drove us to the school. The conversation was light but there seemed to be something hanging in the air. I could tell that Sharon picked up on it as well. I was afraid that the whole situation was about to fall apart.

At the school we were met by the director. Her name was Janet Baron, which we knew. She asked us to call her Janet. The reception by the staff was very friendly and most remembered us form before. We settled into our room and were soon asked to come to Janet's office.

John was already in Janet's office. Another woman, Susan Jones, was also present. When we entered we ere asked to sit. Janet began, "Ladies, you may not know this but I am a genetic woman. I saw so many men around me who wanted to be more like me ... some who wanted to become a woman, even ... that I decided to try to help them That was the start of this school. We now handle about 20 "students" a month. You are one such student, Bethany." I smiled.

Janet continued. "Our business has grown far beyond what we had expected. I feel it is time to start a remote campus and carry on our good work in other places, as well. This is Susan Jones. She is one of our transsexual graduates who has gone on to make a successful transition to being a woman. She has agreed to head the new campus. John is in line to become her number two. Susan is an exceptional product of our school, perhaps even more so than you, Bethany. John is one of our most capable and accomplished escorts. They are invaluable to me. This brings us to what I wish to discuss with you. John shifted in his seat.

"We don't usually allow the staff to become personally involved with our clientele. Obviously, John and you have violated that general policy. It is easy to see why this has happened, though. You are both exceptionally beautiful and John has explained the situation in which this first occurred. Given the circumstances, I am not sure that he had nay other realistic or safe alternative. John has explained that you have all become quite close and that you wish him to marry the both of you. This puts him in a small dilemma."

"As the second in the new school, John will have duties that will take a considerable amount of his time. These duties will include screening and training new escorts, and even performing escort duty himself, at first. I don't have any problem with John being involved with you at this point, even being married to you."

"You live far from the new campus, though. That would require John to be far from home often. Also, he will be with other clients ... women such as yourself, Bethany. This may create some tension at home. Are you ready for this? If John desires to marry you, his only other alternative will be to find work elsewhere. We (Janet glanced at Susan) would hate to see him leave. But that is his choice." Janet fell silent.

I looked at Sharon who began, "Janet, we know that John has a career future with you. We wouldn't take that from him for anything. We have already looked into the job market and housing market near where John would work. It is far enough away that we wouldn't normally intrude accidentally into his work. We are both prepared to change job and living locations to accommodate John's career. We have both been interviewed by companies in that area and both have very promising prospects there. As far as John being around other women, of any kind, I am willing to share him with Beth. I believe that he will be able to make the commitment to us that will take away any grounds for fear of his infidelity with his clientele."

Sharon looked at me. "I agree with everything Sharon says. I am prepared to share John with Sharon in life and with others in work. I believe that, if John makes a commitment to us, he will be sincere enough that we won't have to worry about trust. I also believe that, if John doesn't feel that he can make such a commitment, he will tell us so and decline our proposal. We love John and want only his happiness. The question in my mind is 'What does Susan think and feel about all of this?'"

Susan spoke for the first time. "John and I have already discussed this. I can also understand why and how he became involved with the both of you. I can't say as I blame him. I would have given a great deal for someone like John in my life at about the point where you are. Much has happened since then, though, and I now have a man in my life that I am considering as a potential husband. You would both be welcome at any time at the school. But you MUST understand John's responsibilities and be willing to live with that situation. Of course, John may consider leaving us and finding employment elsewhere, if he wishes. I can say for sure that he is a valuable employee in any capacity and can provide him with suitable leads for finding work at his level." Susan looked at John.

John sat silent for a few minutes. Finally he spoke, "I have pondered this a great deal. Obviously, I have spoken with both Janet and Susan about it. I don't have any magic answers to any of this. All I can do is try to work things out. I don't want to leave the school. I also find that I want to marry you. The only question is whether the marriage can withstand my work."

Sharon and I spoke at once, "We believe that it can and will."

Sharon continued, "We don't want to make life difficult for you, John. Any commitment is only a bets guess at what will transpire. When I married Charles, we weren't sure that it would last more than a few weeks. But we did it anyway. Now, years later, our marriage is stronger than ever. Plus, I now have a wonderful friend named Bethany." I took her hand. "We don't want a man in our life. We want YOU in our life. If John is unwilling to be a part of it, we aren't going out to look for another man. We will be happy with just the two of us. But we WILL miss you, John. Terribly."

"I never considered myself a bisexual," I continued. "When Sharon and I started down this road I found myself growing in ways I never imagined. Along the way I fell in love with Sharon all over again. I also fell in love with you, John. We have had offers to entertain other men. We have declined them all. I am not a bisexual. I am a person who loves two people. I just happen to be male underneath all of this. One of the people whom I love happens to be male as well, the other happens to be female. I don't see it as loving a man and woman. I see it as loving two PEOPLE. We want you to be a part of us, John. But, if you decide otherwise, we will live together for the rest of our lives. I just hope that you will agree to become a part of us and to work with us to make the relationship work."

I felt tears starting to form again. I didn't bother to try to stop them.

John looked at us a minute or two, then at Janet and Susan. Finally, he got up and came toward us. He knelt in front of us and took each of our hands. "Sharon, Bethany," he said. "I'm kind of old fashioned in some respects and I think it should be the man's place to ask. Will the two of you marry me?"

I nearly burst. We both started crying. "Yes! Yes! We will!" we responded together. We hugged and kissed, oblivious to the fact that Janet and Susan were there. They were crying as well.

Janet said, "Well, ladies .. and gentleman ..., shall we celebrate over lunch?"

We adjourned the meeting and went into the dining room. Sharon and I stopped by the Ladies room to get ourselves straight. When we entered the dining room John stood up and the entire room applauded. It was then that we realized that there were only a few students at the school. Most of the crowd was staff. Everyone must have been in on what was happening! We met everyone all over again and received congratulations from all.

Lunch was wonderful! We ate and drank champagne. I could only wonder what sort of lessons were being taught to the other "girls" there that day.

We set the "wedding" date for three months away. NOW things began to get interesting. Sharon and I stepped up our efforts to find jobs in the area where John would need to live. We started narrowing down house options that were available. And, of course, there were the preparations for the actual wedding.

We decided that we would both wear white. This was such a radical step toward a new life that we felt white was justified in both cases. We would each have a Maid of Honor and a couple of bridesmaids. John would have the Best Man and up to four groomsmen. Of course, since this wasn't an actual legal wedding we couldn't have a minister or judge pronounce us as married. Instead we decided to have what amounted to an MC who would keep things on track. We would say our "vows of commitment" to each other providing the public pronouncement of love and fidelity.

We visited with John more often now. The business of establishing the new campus was picking up and he was in our area more and more often. We also traveled with him to the new location a couple of times for house hunting. The three of us finally settled on a house with three bedrooms. It was on a 5 acre lot, had a pool and poolhouse, and was away from the intense scrutiny of close-in neighbors. When the three of us made an offer, the realtor was a little surprised but said nothing. Since this was a legal transaction I had to go on record as Charles. The offer was contingent on Sharon and me being able to sell our house.

During the second month Sharon got an offer for a position in a nearby company that would give her a huge promotion. I got an equivalent offer a couple weeks later. That made me feel better. I was seeing myself playing the role of dutiful wife to both Sharon and John, and that wasn't altogether unpleasant, but I was used to working and planned to continue to do so. Besides, the third income would be quite handy.

Our friends were very happy for us. We had a real problem settling on bridesmaids. There was really only one choice for the both of us for Maid of Honor. We finally settled on having just one Maid of Honor and up to four bridesmaids. This made it easier but we still had various friends, GG's and TV's alike, subtly vying for that honor. In the end we selected 2 GG's and 2 TV's who were close friends. They would all wear light blue, off the shoulder, bridesmaid dresses. The Maid of Honor, a TS we had become very close to, would wear a similar dress in pink. The groomsmen would all be in white tuxes.

The real problem came in telling parents. Ours were used to the idea of Sharon and me being married. They weren't aware of any of the changes that had gone on, although they knew that something was different. Both sets of parents exploded when they were told. It was not very pleasant but we had expected this and were as prepared as we could be for it. Still, it hurt.

We told them during the first month of preparation. During the second month both mothers came to us to appeal to our "better senses." We explained, again, what we felt and were planning. We offered for them to meet John. At this point neither had seen me as Bethany.

At the end of the second month my mother called me. She knew that she couldn't change my mind. But she felt she needed to talk to me about it anyway. They live a half hour away so I offered to meet her for lunch ... as Bethany. She was silent for a few minutes but accepted. We met in a restaurant in our town where John, Sharon, and I went out for dinner often. That was as safe as I could make things without simply having lunch at our house. That wasn't a good idea because Mom needed to see Beth in public, to see just how much of a woman she had become and could be.

I arrived early at the restaurant. I was waiting, my stomach doing a gymnastics routine, when Mom arrived. I had explained the situation (sort of) to the Maitre d and was put at a fairly private table. Mom was brought in and I stood. Mom stopped dead in her tracks, her mouth gaping. I took the lead and asked her, in my very passable female voice, to sit. We sat a few minutes. Mom stared and I couldn't help smiling. I was so happy to finally be out to her, and I was scared silly. I felt so very vulnerable right then.

Finally Mom spoke. "You're ... beautiful."

"Well, we think so. It has taken a lot of work to get this way but I ... we ... think it has been well worth it."

"Have you had surgery ... or something?" Mom asked.

"No, Mom. Under all of this frill and fluff I am the same physical person you have always known. We have no plans to change that."

The waiter came and asked to take our order. Mom was too taken aback to eat so I ordered something light and easy for the both of us. We chatted some more while waiting for the order to arrive. Oddly, we never got very deep into the questions which were obviously on Mom's mind.

After we had eaten, we left the restaurant. As we started out the door Mom seemed to wake up. "Is it safe for you to go out like this, dear?"

"Yes, Mom, it is. We come here often so the people around here know me. Besides, if you met me on the street, would you think anything except 'There goes a girl'?"

Mom surprised me when she answered. "I would think 'There goes a very beautiful woman. She's going to make some young man very happy one day' ."

I couldn't help smiling. I nearly cried. Finally we stepped outside and started walking down the street. The dress shop where we were buying my wedding gown was nearby so I asked Mom if she wanted to see my dress. She agreed and so we went shopping. When Mom saw me in my wedding dress she started to cry. The sales clerk knew our story and was extremely helpful. We comforted Mom and got things settled. Finally, I changed back and we left the store.

We spent the afternoon together, shopping and talking. Mom finally got to some of the questions she had been holding in her mind. I answered them truthfully. We talked about John! I briefly ran through how Sharon and I came to where we are. We talked about our sex life a little. We talked about our plans to live as a trio. Along the way I discovered that Mom had always wanted a daughter to go along with her son, but somehow things never worked out and they had no more children. I though that there was more to the story than that but decided not to pursue it. I was oddly happy to have fulfilled her desire, even if it was in an unorthodox manner. Finally, Mom asked me if I was happy. I said, "Yes, Mom. I am deliriously happy. I have two wonderful people in my life whom I love with all my heart. We are going to be a family."

Mom said, "Good. That's important in life, dear. A girl needs to have security in her life." I almost laughed with delight at this tidbit of maternal wisdom from a mother to her daughter. I hugged Mom.

We were met by Sharon for dinner. The three of us had a great time as girls out on the town. We ate and laughed and talked of wedding plans. I knew that I had won Mom over. Now, if I could just get Dad on my side.

We met Sharon's parents together the next week. I dressed as Sharon since they already knew me as Charles. We had dinner at our house and the atmosphere was a little stiff. We talked straight out about her Dad's reservations. Sharon's Mom sat silently. After dinner Sharon's Mom asked if she could speak to her husband privately. Fearing the worst, we left them alone. After about 20 minutes, they reappeared. Sharon's Mom spoke. "We don't fully understand what has happened here. What we do understand is that Charles was a very nice young man and we were very comfortable with his having our daughter. Now we see a very pretty young lady named Bethany who is asking to do the same thing along with another young man whom we haven't met. We also know that our daughter very much wants this to happen. e don't understand all of this, but we love and support our daughter. Since Charles is in there as well, we love and support him, too."

"We want to meet this young man the two of you are so hot over," continued her Dad. "And we will be at your wedding."

Sharon and I both smiled with semi-relief. Sharon asked, "Daddy, will you give me away, again?"

"Yes, I will. But I reserve the right to change my mind," Sharon's father said seriously.

Soon after that they left and Sharon and I went to bed. We slept little that night.

We made arrangements with John and Sharon's parents for all of us to get together at our house the following week. Everything got into motion and we all became very nervous. A couple days before were to get together my Mom called. She and my Dad had been "talking" about what was happening and Dad wanted to meet everyone involved. I considered that a major victory and invited them to come to our house a the day before the get together with Sharon's parents.

We handled the meeting with my parents a little differently. When they arrived, I was dressed as Charles. Sharon and I greeted them and we talked a few minutes. Then I excused myself. "There's someone whom I think you'd like to meet. I know she'd like to meet you." I went to change into Bethany.

I returned nearly an hour later. I was dressed in a white cotton house dress with long sleeves that buttoned up the front. The collar stood up a little and I wore a small gold locket that Sharon had given me along with small gold heart earrings. We had gotten my ears pierced right after our lunch/dinner with Mom. I wore my long red wig, although my hair was nearly long enough to style all by itself. I had on white open-toed shoes with a 1-inch heel.

Mom smiled when I entered the room. Sharon rose and came to take my arm. We approached Dad and I said, "Hello, Daddy. I've looked forward to this a long time."

My father looked at me expressionless. Mom poked him to get him to respond some way, even if it was unpleasant. Finally my father rose and stood in front of me. He looked me up and down. Then he looked me in the eye and asked, "Charles, is that you?"

"Charles is in here, Daddy. But I prefer the name Bethany. Sharon and John call me Beth."

"I can't believe it," Dad responded. "It looks like a God Damn girl!"

"SHE'S a beautiful young woman," Mom corrected. "Now say hello to your daughter, dear."

Dad held out his hand and I took it. My hands are a lot softer now and I made sure to keep the pressure of my grip light. We stood there a minute in silence and Dad finally reached out and hugged me. I could feel the tears starting to stream down my face.

"I never knew you ... did this," Dad said. "Have you always been this way?"

"I have crossdressed off and on for most of my life. Usually just a garment or two, sometimes more. It wasn't until nearly a year ago that Sharon and I started down this path. Now I am as comfortable dressed and acting as Bethany as I am Charles."

We sat down and were silent for a few minutes. Dad was obviously processing what he saw. "Sharon and ... Beth," Mom began smiling, "tell us about this wonderful young man of yours."

I felt myself about to explode. Sharon and I started at the same time and then stopped to allow the other to go on. Finally we managed to tell my parents about their future "son-in-law." At first there were polite questions. Then Daddy began to get stern and show the side of a father who was in danger of losing his daughter to some scoundrel. He wanted to meet this young man. I had an idea.

Sharon and I excused ourselves for a minute and talked about inviting my parents to the dinner with John he next evening. Sharon didn't think her parents would mind a whole lot. We decided we needed to call John.

"Hello, sweetheart," I began. "Listen, we are supposed to have dinner with Sharon's parents tomorrow evening. Do you think you could handle meeting my parents at the same time?"

"Jeez, nothing like a little pressure, Beth. Time is short, though, and I want to meet them, too. Sure, why not?"

Daddy overheard our phone conversation and stepped in, taking the phone from my hand. "Hello, young man," Daddy began. "I understand that you're wanting to take my daughter away from me. She's very special to me, you know. I'm looking forward to meeting the man who's going to take care of her. ... Yes, I look forward to it as well. See you then." Daddy handed the phone back to me.

"Whew, this is going to be exciting," John said.

"Yes, but we know you can handle it, my Love. Listen, Sharon wants to speak to you. I love you and can't wait to see you again."

I handed to phone to Sharon who spoke to John for several minutes. I returned to Mom and Daddy. I had an important question to ask.

"Daddy, will you give me away?" I asked.

I could see tears starting to well up in Daddy's eyes. He blinked them away. "Of course I would. I wouldn't have it any other way." I started to cry again.

Sharon returned from the phone. "John's a little nervous," she said.

"Daddy, you be nice to him tomorrow night, okay?" I said.

"Tomorrow?" Mom asked.

"We're meeting our future son-in-law tomorrow evening here," Dad said simply.

"Okay," Mom said. Then she looked at me and made an expression of surprise. The bell sounded that told us dinner was ready.

We ate and talked and laughed. My Daddy was getting to know his little girl for the first time and it was fun. I get a little silly with him and he seemed to really like that. It got late and Mom said that they needed to go. In truth, Sharon and I had much to do in preparation for the next evening ... and we needed sleep for work. Still, I didn't want my Daddy to leave. He didn't seem to want go, either, but he agreed with Mom. After they left Sharon and I sat silently for a while, pondering what had happened that evening and what lay ahead the next.

That night we made love. We made love as two women, eating each other into ecstasy. Afterward we held each other and drifted off to sleep.

The following day was hell. We both had to work and still get dinner together. We quickly decided to order out. We called a caterer and arranged for the meal to be delivered about a half hour before everyone was to arrive.

We got home and began final preparations in earnest. We straightened the house and set the table. Finally we started to change clothes. We wanted things to be special but not too formal. Everyone needed to be comfortable and relaxed.

I transformed into Bethany and Sharon helped. We both wore dark navy colored cotton dresses. Sharon's was one piece with a fitted bodice with mid-length sleeves and a flaring, pleated skirt. It buttoned up the front and she left the bottom few buttons undone to provide a slit in the front. Mine was two-piece with a sunburst pleated skirt. The blouse was double-breasted and fitted with pleats in the back and a tie to help shape it to my body. The sleeves were long and loose. I rolled them to just below the elbow. We both wore white sandals with a cross-over ankle strap and one and a half inch heels. We wore the anklets that John had given us, the same locket and earrings I had worn the evening prior (we each had a set).

John arrived first. We greeted him nervously. He put his things away and sat down. As we sat nervously fidgeting and waiting for our parents to arrive, I got us some wine. Suddenly John reached into his pocket. "I almost forgot," he said. "These are for you as an engagement present."

John handed each of us a small jewel box. Inside were matching diamond post earrings. We're not talking cubic zircon or even diamond chips, now. These were real, very beautiful, diamonds. Sharon and I were speechless, perhaps even breathless. We both hugged and kissed John. Then we put the earrings into each other's ears, replacing the small hearts we had on. As we stood admiring ourselves in the mirror, the doorbell rang. Suddenly snappedback to the situation, Sharon went to open the door. I moved to stand beside John. It was the food.

The caterer quickly put everything where it needed to be. The warm food went into the oven to stay warm. The hors ' devours went around the room. dessert went into the refrigerator. They even brought chilled wine. We paid the caterer and he left.

Just as we were settling down from the shock and rush of that activity, the bell rang again. This time I went to the door. There stood my Mom and Dad with Sharon's parents walking up behind them. The parents greeted each other for a minutes and then stepped inside.

We quickly made introductions. Everyone nervously shook hands. The mothers hugged their daughters. They immediately noticed and admired our earrings. I took drink orders and Sharon and I went to get everyone something to drink as they sat down. I wanted to feel so very sorry for John but I was so nervous myself that I couldn't concentrate that well.

Everyone was cordial but the fathers quickly got down to asking who John was, what he did, how he would support us, etc. After about five minutes, the mothers interrupted the grilling and moved things onto a more cordial note. We all sat and talked about the wedding plans and honeymoon plans and living plans after the wedding. Neither parents knew about our new jobs, yet, so that was news to talk about with them. After about a half hour we decided that it was time to eat.

The mothers joined us in the kitchen in preparing the meal and table. It felt so good to be able to "be one of the girls" with my Mom. I found myself a little envious of Sharon for having been able to grow up this way. Still, I reminded myself, I had some pretty wonderful times with my Dad and I was getting these times now with my Mom.

Soon the meal was in place and we all sat down. Typically the bride's parents pay for the wedding and the grooms parents pay for the rehearsal dinner. John's parents were not nearly so understanding of his marrying TWO people as ours were. They wouldn't be participating in the wedding at this point. We had decided that we would pay for everything ourselves. Surprisingly, this met with strenuous objections from both our sets of parents. After some discussion, we agreed to let them help. That started the real tension in wedding preparations. Mothers are never satisfied with their daughter's plans and have to play with everything. Over the next few weeks, though, we managed to stay sane and get things together. Looking back, it proved to be a very important bonding experience between my Mom and me.

The fathers started talking about a bachelor party. We quickly squelched this activity. We knew that John's friends would likely throw one for him. We weren't too sure how our fathers would react to what went on, given the crowd, and we didn't want them scaring John off!

They agreed to pay for the rehearsal dinner as a gesture of acceptance toward John. We tried to keep things as they were but they insisted. We finally relented.

The wedding was to be in our town. Friends from the school would be flying in to attend and all of our friends there would also attend. Our parents were understandably unsure how to approach their friends but finally decided to invite the very closest ones. If they were true friends, they would still be. If not, so much the better.

The evening went well after that except that the dads got a little drunk. John maintained his composure and handled their jokes well. I got the feeling that they were bonding ... a little. I remembered having to go through that when Sharon and I got married. I felt sorry for John but also loved him all the more for going through with it for Sharon and me.

Time finally came for all to go. The parents were putting on coats when Sharon's dad asked, "Where are you staying John? Can we drop you?"

There was an awkward moment before John answered, "I have a room at the hotel in town. I was planning on helping the ladies clean up and then catching a taxi."

Both fathers eyed John suspiciously. I stepped in, "John, we can take you there when we are done. There's no need for a taxi." The mothers also helped by trying to bundle the fathers out the door before anything further could be said. The fathers were having nothing of it.

After a few awkward moments, my Daddy said, "John, if these girls have chosen you, we trust you."

"We just have to be careful with our baby girls, you know," added Sharon's father.

"I understand perfectly, sir. They are as safe as can be with me," responded John. With that the parents left. We fell onto the sofa and died.

We cleaned up the dishes and had some more wine. Finally we had decompressed enough for bed. "Can we take you to your hotel now, John?" asked Sharon. We all laughed and headed for the bedroom. The lovemaking that night was as much a release of tension as it was an expression of our feelings for each other.

The next day both mothers called. They were very pleased with the way things had gone. They each wanted to be invited to the wedding shower(s). We hadn't even thought of this. That morning our Maid of Honor also called and informed us that we were to be given a joint shower the next week. We gave her our mothers phone numbers and asked her to invite them, as well. She was a little surprised but pleased.

We had both given notice at our jobs. People at Sharon's company were more aware of what was going on. The people where I worked still had not been told about Bethany and I had no plans to do so. I just didn't think they would understand. finally, though, three of the women where I worked cornered me and asked me point blank what was going on. They knew that something was up.

I had always been friends with these women. I admired them for their attractiveness as a man would. I also very much respected them for their abilities. We worked well together and sexual innuendo or behavior was never an issue between us. The men with whom I was friends would absolutely not understand. I wasn't so sure about these women, though. I finally told them.

One scoffed at the idea of a man dressing up as a woman. She was sure that all men held fantasies about doing that and probably really wanted their mommies. She was sure that I could never truly understand what it was to be a woman.

I agreed with her. I never wanted to be a woman. But I DID enjoy dressing as a woman form time to time. I knew that I would never truly understand what it meant to be a woman and give birth and all the other things that make genetic women so wonderful. Still, I was into it enough that I was marrying a wonderful man ... as a woman. Soon I would have both a wife and a husband. This caught her by surprise.

The other two women were ecstatic. They wanted to know all about John. They wanted to know about the wedding. They wanted to help. The first woman was not amused.

"I am sure that everyone else will not understand this, either," she said as she got up to leave.

"Please understand that I don't wish to upset anyone. However, I AM getting married. I would prefer that this be kept between the four of us," I requested.

"Well, I can try but I'm not sure I can keep this secret of yours," she responded.

"Kelly, do you remember a few nights ago when you were at my house?" began one of the other women. "Do remember after everyone left but you? Do you remember what we did when we were alone? There are more than a few who might not understand that little secret, either."

"You'll be destroying yourself, too," shot back Kelly.

"Maybe. But several already know that I prefer women. I don't really care what the rest think of me. If that fact costs me this job, so what? I'm already looking elsewhere. Perhaps we could all win here by keeping all of this just between us girls."

"Works for me," responded the third woman. They looked at Kelly. Kelly shrugged and left.

"She'll be fine," said the second woman. "Now, are you going to invite us to your shower?"

We had our Bridal Shower. The women from my office were invited and attended. Both mothers were there. Friends of Sharon's from home came. Some of the girls got together and hired a male stripper. The biggest surprise for me was the way both our mothers acted with the stripper. I wasn't too sure that something wasn't planned for later with them. Someone put on a porno video after the stripper had left. We drank WAY too much wine. We had a WONDERFUL time!

Sharon and I left our jobs the following week. We each got a fair severance payment. Our house had been shown and we had an offer. All that was left was to get married.

Finally, the day of the wedding arrived. Sharon and I would be moving out of our house within a few days, right after the honeymoon. We were both nervous as cats. Our Moms arrived along with the Maid of Honor to help us get it together. The wedding was scheduled for 3 PM. We had rented a banquet hall to hold the ceremony. At 11 AM we went for lunch and to get to the banquet hall. Neither of us could eat much. We ordered a drink.

At the banquet hall we almost forgot our nervousness. Everything was moving so fast that we scarcely had time to think. We were dressed and primped and made up and coifed. Every girl should go through a wedding just for that experience. It's not the same as a glamour shot or makeover. It's much more special.

My hair was quite long now. Sharon's hairdresser knew about us and had agreed to give me a femme cut that I could hide whenever I needed to appear as a man. My naturally auburn hair was permed with a soft wave and given temporary soft red highlight. When I pulled it back into a ponytail, all of that was unseen except for the highlights. Those would wash out, though. Since almost no one at the new job knew me, this wasn't a problem. The best part, though, was that I would wear my real hair in my wedding!

I had grown my nails a little long the last days of my old job. Since leaving I had worked to shape them and get them ready for the wedding. The evening before, a friend had shown up at the house and done both Sharon's and my nails with acrylic and painted them a beautiful burgundy. I would be Bethany for several days now. I was looking forward to it.

We were dressed in separate rooms. When we were ready we came together for pictures. Sharon was so beautiful in the same off-the-shoulder dress we had gotten married in before. It had short sleeves and lace brocade in the bodice ending in a "V" just above her tummy. The skirt was full and ended in a short train. I found myself remembering and loving her so much.

I wore a gown with a plunge neckline. The bodice covered with lace and had a high-neck and collar. The sleeves were puffy at the shoulder and fitted from just above the elbow down. Everything was satin and lace. There was a short train, just enough to drag the floor.

Sharon's and my veils were identical. We wore earrings with drops made of rubies surrounded by diamond. We wore matching pendants. We had had our ears pierced with second holes about a week before and wore our diamond posts in those holes.

We posed for pictures alone, then together. We posed with the Maid of Honor, the bridesmaids, and, finally, with our mothers. Everyone looked so beautiful and there was so much love in that room.

At last the time came. My nerves suddenly disappeared and everything took on a surrealistic quality. I saw my Daddy come into the room smiling. He had come to give me away. I watched as Sharon started to pull her veil into place. I stopped her and said, "I love you." We kissed lightly. Our veils were put into place and we headed toward the door.

The music was "The Wedding Song" by Paul Stookey. AS it started Sharon and I parted. We would enter from opposing doors and come together, then turn and walk down the center aisle. It was wide enough for us to walk side-by-side, with our Daddies. Once at the front we would be given away and then we would GET MARRIED!!

The surrealistic quality gave way to excitement as we started walking toward each other. I saw Sharon smile and I smiled as well. All I could think about was the life ahead of me with these two wonderful people!

At the aisle we turned and I saw, for the first time, John standing in the center, his Best Man just to the right. Behind him stood out MC. The groomsmen stood, two each, to the left and right beyond the Best Man. Slowly we walked down the aisle. The Bridesmaids peeled off left and right and paired up with a groomsman. The Maid of Honor stepped to the left and even with the Best Man. We continued until we were about five feet away from John. The music stopped. The MC began.

"Beloved friends, we are gathered here to witness the public proclamation, by these parties, of love, fidelity, and commitment, that is marriage. With this they will begin a life together in the sight of God. Who gives these women to this union?"

Both fathers said in unison, "We do."

I looked at my Daddy and, for the first time, felt loss. I had just become "Daddy's little girl" and now it was over. Daddy kissed my hand softly and turned to go sit with Mom.

Sharon and I turned toward John and stepped forward.

The MC continued. "Marriage is more than a legal act. It is an honest and sincere commitment to love, honor, and cherish another. Without this commitment, a marriage is just a shell and meaningless. Let us now hear the expressions of that love, honor, and commitment from these beautiful people. John ..."

John began, "Sharon and Beth. You have both meant so much to me these past few months. I have come to love you each and together as no other. I will give my all to you in everything. I pledge my life and fortune to love you, honor you in everything I do, and commit myself to a life together from today onward."

"Beth, you came to me and we grew into who you are today together. You have given me untold happiness as I have watched you develop. Now I want to be a part of that growth and development forever. I can think of no one with whom I want to, or would be willing to, share my life with Sharon, than you."

"Sharon, you have given so much in allowing Beth to become who she is. You have given so much in accepting me into your life. My love for you has grown even as my love for Beth has grown. I can think of no other that I would want, or be willing to, share my life with Beth, than you."

"Sharon," said the MC.

"I have known love all of my life. I knew even more love once before when I married Charles. I never thought that life could be any sweeter after that. Now I have two people in my life who fulfill my needs and sense of who and what I am. I, too, commit to a life together and pledge my life, fortune and love to making this life equally fulfilling for them."

"John, you have given me something I never had, a sister and a lover. You helped make my needs and desires become reality. You helped me grow as well and to see that love was more than what we so often say it is. You are such an important part of our life. I love you and want you to be there forever."

"Bethany ... Beth ... I loved you so much when I married you as Charles. I never thought I could love you or anyone else more. Now you have grown so much as you have become Beth. I know you differently, and I love you even more. I cannot conceive of life without you."

"Beth," the MC said.

"I never, in my life, thought a day like this would come. I have loved (I glanced toward Sharon) and I have grown. As a part of that growth, I, too, have come to understand love so much differently. I would not be who I am today without both of you. I would not be anyone without both of you in my life ... and love. I commit myself to a life, together with you, of love, honor, and joy. I pledge my life, fortune, and self to this holiest of unions."

"John, you are responsible for who I am today. Without you I wouldn't be Beth. Without you I wouldn't know love as I know it today. I love you ever so and want you forever with me and in my life with Sharon."

Sharon, without you I would not exist at all. There would be no Beth at all. There would be no Charles. You gave birth to me. I loved you so when we first married. I love you more now. I know you now, not just as a lover ... but as a sister ... and as a mate. I cannot imagine life without you, either."

There was silence for a minute or two as the words we had just spoken settled on us and the congregation. The MC continued, "The rings."

John turned to his Best Man. When he turned back, he said, John placed the first half of the wedding band on my left ring finger.

John turned to Sharon and repeated the words and actions to her.

The Maid of Honor moved around behind and between us. Sharon turned to her and took the rings. She looked toward me. "Beth, with this ring I pledge myself to you for life, to love and honor you in everything, and to place you above myself in all things." She placed the other half of the wedding band on my finger.

I turned to the Maid of Honor and took my rings. I turned toward Sharon. "Sharon, with this ring I pledge myself to you for life, to love and honor you in everything, and to place you above myself in all things." I placed the other half of her wedding band on her finger.

We both turned to John. Together we said, "John, with this rings, separate, yet part of a whole, I pledge myself to you for life; to love and honor you in everything, and to place you above myself in all things." I slipped a white gold band onto John's finger. Sharon followed with a yellow gold band and joined them with a snap as the catch closed, joining them into one ring.

A moment of silence and reverence passed. The MC said, "You may kiss."

John lifted our veils, first Sharon's, then mine. As he lifted each veil he kissed us sweetly, nearly passionately. I could tell he wanted to do more but held back because of the crowd. As John kissed me I felt myself slipping away again. This time things weren't surreal. This time I was floating on a cloud of euphoria. I HAD A HUSBAND!!

After John had kissed each of us, Sharon and I turned toward each other and kissed. I HAD A WIFE!! Again, I felt a desire to go further, but restraint in the company of the congregation.

As Sharon and I parted, John stepped between us and we turned to face the congregation, each taking an arm. The MC stepped behind us and said, "May I present to you, John, Beth, and Sharon ... our newest family.

The congregation stood and applauded. Mom was crying unashamedly. Daddy was wiping his eyes and I knew he had let a tear or two slip as well. I looked to Sharon's parents and saw the same scene. I looked at John, then as Sharon. We were all smiling widely. The music started playing and we started down the aisle. The Maid of Honor and the Best Man followed with the bridesmaid/groomsman couples filing in from left and right behind them.

Then came the photos!!!

Everyone waited patiently in the adjoining room for us to finish so we could start the reception. When we were done, we moved into the reception hall and formed a receiving line. People I didn't know came through and told me what a beautiful bride I was and what a lucky person I was to land TWO such wonderful mates. We held the reception line for fifteen minutes or so. As we broke the line, Daddy and Mom came to me and hugged me. Daddy kissed me lightly on the lips for the first time and said that he was so very proud of me. Mom stood behind him crying. When Daddy was done, Mom hugged me around the neck with a strength I didn't know she possessed.

Finally, we headed toward the cake to cut it and have MORE photos made. Then came the punch. Finally, John removed Sharon and my garters and flipped them into the crowd of groomsmen and male attendees. Next Sharon and I threw our bouquets together into the waiting crowd of bridesmaids and female attendees.

Then we danced!

The three of us danced together for the Bride and Groom's dance. Then they played two more songs and John danced with us separately. After that they played a song just for Sharon and me to dance to. Finally the general congregation joined in and everyone had a great time!

After what seemed like HOURS (and probably was), we three headed off to the dressing rooms to change for our departure. John wore a pair of tan slacks, off-white collarless shirt buttoned to the neck, and a chocolate blazer. Sharon wore a cream colored linen dress with taupe embroidery on the front and a wide matching belt. She had a heavy gold chain rope around her neck and matching earrings in her bottom hole. I wore a cream colored lace crinkle dress with a crinkled lace cover over a rayon/cotton lining. I wore a double strand brass and copper necklace with matching earrings.

As we exited the church a shower of birdseed cascaded upon us. We ran toward the car which had been covered with writing and the windows coated with shaving cream. As we got there, John waved and a black limousine pulled out from a parking spot and stopped in front of us. The back window had "JUST MARRIED" written on it. As the crowd applauded out little trick, we jumped into the limousine and sped away. The Best Man would take care of the car and have it waiting for us when we returned.

For our honeymoon we had booked passage on a cruise especially for crossdressers and their SO's. We felt that this would be safest. On the cruise we checked into our stateroom (a very large suite with a king-size bed) and locked the door. For the next three days we ordered out.

After undressing each other, we had each other in every way imaginable. I sucked cock and ate pussy until I couldn't any longer. I took John up my ass as Sharon sucked me. I fucked Sharon's pussy while John went up her ass. Later, John and I reversed positions. I sucked John while Sharon fucked his ass. Later, Sharon and I changed positions. Sharon and I sucked John together, sharing his beautiful cock for about a half hour. I sucked John while Sharon fucked me. If it could be done, we did it. I just could not get enough of either of them. We could not get enough of each other.

When we finally left our stateroom, I went as Beth. I would be Beth at least until I got home and went to work. I started wondering if I should tell my new employer and start going to work as Beth, too. For now, though, my mouth and tongue were sore and my ass was so sore I could hardly walk. Sharon was walking decided bow-legged and she seemed to have a little difficulty talking a lot. John didn't seem to be all that sore, but he looked REAL tired. I didn't think any of us could cum one more time.

We quickly recovered, though, and started enjoying the other attractions on the cruise. Once people met us and found out about us, we became the darlings of the cruise. A couple of people hit on us but we ignored them and the others put a stop to their activities real quick! We had such a wonderful time! And the evenings were filled with passion and romance!

The cruise finally ended and we headed for home. We arrived at our old house and immediately started moving the final things out. After a day, we headed to our new home. The movers arrived the next day and we were soon settled in.

After a couple weeks we had a knock at the door and were surprised to see many of our friends standing there. They were throwing us a surprise house-warming. Even our parents were there!

Everything was good! John was busy with his work at the school. Sharon and I were settling into our new jobs and doing well. The house was everything we imagined it would be. We spent our days for a while laying by the pool and enjoying the privacy of our home. I dressed as Beth often and even started working outside in the yard as Beth. There was no worry about privacy and I truly enjoyed the feeling of freedom. After a while I even started dressing as Charles at home. now that Beth was so much less forbidden, I felt less drive to be her. There were times, though.

Part of John's work involved getting involved in community affairs. Sometimes he would be invited and have to attend social functions. If Sharon or I had a commitment, the other would attend with him. If neither was tied up, we both went with him as Sharon and Beth. Whenever Sharon had a commitment, John and I would similarly share duty as John and Charles. Since I was working as Charles (for now) I would usually involve Sharon and John would accompany us as well. We never worried about others finding out about us. But we chose not to flaunt our special relationship and draw fire from the more narrow-minded.

Sharon and I DID finally get to meet John's parents, too. They visited us at our home one evening. Sharon and Beth entertained them and things went rather well. John was nervous, as could be expected. We managed to head off any confrontation, though and a good time was generally had by all.

They visited us again and this time they got to meet Charles. It was different this time but still enjoyable. John's parents knew that he had been bisexual so his preferences weren't as much an issue as the fact that he had taken TWO mates. I think we were managing to wear them down, though.

Sex as a threesome can get strenuous after a while. We chose a three bedroom house to allow each of us personal space. It also allowed privacy in case John and Sharon, or Sharon and I, or John and I wanted some time as a couple. There is so much love here that jealousy is no longer a problem, or even an issue. We share each other with each other.

When we have guests over we offer them the poolhouse first. It has a kitchenette and bath facilities. It provides privacy while still being close. For more than one guest (or couple), though, we free up one or more bedrooms and they stay in the house with us. When parents come, they automatically stay in the house.

Sharon and my parents have become quite accepting of our arrangement and seem quite comfortable visiting us. John's parents are rather slower in coming around ... but we are working on them. They seem to respond better to Beth than to Charles so we are usually John, Sharon, and Beth when we are with them. That's just fine with me.

Oc1996 April

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