Fame Love and Reality

By Alex A

Published on Feb 14, 2002


Fame, Love & Reality

Legal Disclaimer: This story will be centered most on the BSB characters and many other famous people, and by the way this has nothing to do with any of the celebrities I mentioned. This doesn't involve anything with their real lives and their sexualities because it's just "Fiction", a story made from my mind. If you are under age and this is not legal to be read in your area please leave immediately. If you feel like not getting with the material you are in about to read and that homosexual stuff offend you please also leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, feel free to start reading and enjoy it. I'm Alex, so if you have any kind of comments good or bad, you can send them to alexfire2264@hotmail.com, I would be pleased to read all of them.

Author's Note: Hey! What's up everyone! Here is part three of Fame Love & Reality and before you all start reading I want to thank the ones who e-mailed me, it's a very good feedback I'm getting from all of you now. And as always ND, thank you so much buddy for everything. Well, I guess that today I don't have much to say but I think that chapter 4 it's gonna take a little longer 'cause I've been busy so it might be out by the end of next week or so, maybe earlier.


Fame, Love & Reality Chapter 3

Finally, everybody get to the hotel and soon inside their rooms except for Nick who instead of going to Brian's and his room, he goes to Kevin's room. Brian was very tired so he didn't even notice that Nick wasn't in the room. As soon as he rested his head on the pillow, he was fast asleep.

Kevin was ready to go to bed, as usual, totally naked but then someone knocked the door.

"Kev, can I come in?" Nick asks from the other side of the door.

"Nick?" Kevin shouts, "Is that you?"

"Yeah it's me, can we talk?" Nick asks.

Kevin runs across the room just to open the door but he forgets about the fact that he is totally naked so when he opens the door, he sees Nick staring at him in total awe. He never expected to see what he found as soon as Kevin opened the door. Nick was like he had seen a ghost and he was speechless also.

"What the hell Kev?" Nick whispers as he stares at Kevin without any kind of underwear. It is too much to see Kevin's body, his muscular chest and a very well built abs and his eight and a half inch tool covered by a thick layer of black pubes.

As soon as Nick says this, Kevin realizes that he doesn't have any clothing on himself. "Oops!, sorry Nick, I was in about to go to bed so..."

"Kev, it's fine, sorry I'm bugging you at this time but before we talk, could you please put some boxers on? You make me nervous like that." Nick says turning around and facing the wall.

"Sure Nick, I'll be right back, just wait a second." Kevin replies as he goes inside the bathroom to put his boxers and his bathrobe on.

'Damn, that was so embarrassing, next time I gotta be more careful.' Kevin thought to himself while he was putting on his boxers and the bathrobe. 'I need to apologize for that.'

Meanwhile in the door, Nick was going out of breath with what he just had seen, the entire body of his beloved Kevin with nothing on. "Oh my God, what on earth was that? He's damn good." Nick thinks to himself, "He is such a stud of a man, his body is awesome and he is so cute." Now Nick realizes that he feels great attraction to men and that he has a great crush on Kevin. However and as always he just pushed those thoughts out of his mind and stood there waiting for Kevin.

Two minutes later, Kevin comes out from the bathroom wearing a pair of CK boxers and his bathrobe untied. When he gets to the door to check on Nick, he finds him standing there, his mind far away from this world and looking at the floor.

"Hey Nick, I'm back!" Says Kevin not having any kind of reply from Nick. "Ummmm!, is something wrong with the floor?" Kevin asks smiling at him.

"Huh! Oh! What?" Is everything that Nick is able to say when he comes back to his senses.

"Sorry about that Nick, but... What did you wanted to talk to me about? Is everything OK?" Kevin asks letting Nick walk in the room.

"Oh yeah, but I wanted to ask you if there is something I could help you with Kev?" Nick asks Kevin as he takes a seat on the couch near the bed.

"What do you mean Nick?" Kevin answers back with another question.

"Well I've been wondering and it seems that something is bugging you, so I just want to help you in whatever you're going through!" Nick explains as Kevin sits next to him.

"Don't worry Nick, I'm fine, is just that this tour has been too much and I'm a little stressed out, anyway thanks for caring about me!" Kevin says.

"That's good to hear ya know? But remember Kev, if there is something I can help you with just tell me!" Nick replies as he hugs Kevin.

"Thanks Nick I know that!" Kevin says.

Both of them get up from the couch and head to the door but Nick stops as he remembers about the second part of his visit.

"Oh yeah Kev and by the way can I sleep with you tonight? It's just that I'm having nightmares and well, B-Rok doesn't even care about it so maybe you could take better care of me than he does plus tomorrow we are traveling back home so I guess I need to sleep well." Nick replies smiling back at Kevin.

"Sure you can Nick, you're the baby of the group so if you want to sleep here it's OK unless you snore." Kevin says laughing a bit.

"Thanks Kev!" Nick says as he hugs Kevin once again and kisses him on the cheek.

"Would it be too much if I could sleep in the bed with you? Well I wouldn't mind sleeping on the couch but I would feel much better if I could sleep with you!" Nick replies making a baby face.

"Of course you can you big baby, I'll take care of you the whole night!" Kevin answers in a brotherly tone, "I was wondering when you are gonna grow up?"

"Shut up!" Nick says as he playfully punches Kevin in his arm.

Now Kevin wasn't going to be able to sleep naked as he usually does because of Nick's presence so he just takes off his robe and gets inside the covers just wearing his boxers. Kevin feels a little weird about just the idea of him sharing the same bed with Nick. He also feels happy because Nick is going to be in his arms the whole night but in the other hand he feels sad. Then Nick gets inside at the right side of the king-sized bed so Kevin could hug him all the time. Nick was just using the excuse of having nightmares just to spend a night with Kevin. He wanted to feel close to him and to feel protected by Kevin.

So before they both drift off Nick said lowly "Thanks Kev, I love you daddy!". And then he falls asleep in Kevin's arms. Just hearing Nick saying that, made Kevin feel even sadder. He thought about what Brian had told him about Nick loving him as a second father. After a few minutes of crying softly, he fell asleep hugging Nick tightly.

Kevin is awakened by the wake up call, at four fifteen in the morning. As soon as he opens his eyes, he sees Nick sleeping peacefully in his arms. It is a weird feeling waking up that way. He felt so good hugging is baby and protecting him from the horrors of night.

"Oh Nick, I love you so much, baby!" Kevin whispers and then he kisses Nick's forehead, "I wish you could love me the way I love you!".

Meanwhile, Brian is also awakened the wake up call and the first thing he whispers is "Oh Kev!". He just gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom. But Brian noticed that something was missing in the room, and then he realizes that Nick wasn't in the room, he just glanced at his bed and it seems that he didn't even sleep there last night. 'Where could he be?' asks Brian to him self so the only thing he does before he goes shower is call his cousin. It was on purpose that call, first he just wanted to hear Kevin's voice and then to tell him that Nick was missing and he didn't spend the night in the hotel room.

The phone rings in Kevin's room. He answers the phone as fast as he can before the ringing of it could wake Nick up.


"'Morning cuz, sorry to bug at this time but I just woke up and there is a little problem here."

"What is it Bri?"

"Well cuz, Nick is missing."

"It's OK Bri, Nick is fine, he is here right next to me."

"What? What is he doing in your room? Oh, don't tell me you guys...!"

"No Brian, last night he came here late and asked me if he could spend the night with me here and I said it was fine, that he could stay."

"But why is that? I mean, why he wanted to spend the night with you?"

"Nick told me he was having some nightmares and that you didn't even care about it, so he wanted me to take care of him!"

"Hold on, wait, he hasn't told me anything about nightmares, and how come? I mean, I've seen him sleeping very well these last days and he didn't look like if he was having nightmares!"

"Well Bri, that's what he told me, I mean, why would he lie to me?"

"I don't know Kev, maybe..." Brian trailed off from what he was saying.

"Maybe what Brian? Come on tell me!"

"Maybe he wanted to spend the night with you because he likes you!"

"Naaah! I don't think is that, he just seemed scared, and well, he sees in me another father so he came to me for protection."

"I hope is what you're saying but tell me, how was it?"

"How was it what?"

"Your night with Nick of course!"

"Oh Bri! It was awesome, we just slept together and I hugged him all the time. Right now he is still sleeping right now, he looks so cute like this. But what I enjoyed the most was when he gave me the goodnight kiss and told me that he loved me. Anyway I slept better than ever and you know what, he..." Kevin was cut by Brian.

"OK, OK, OK, I see... Great you could finally sleep well and I'm happy for you but anyway, I think we better hurry up, are you forgetting that we have to be ready by five?"

"Oh! Yeah, I forgot. OK Bri, I let you go and I'll meet you and the guys in the lobby at five thirty."

"All right Kev, see ya later cuz!"

"See ya Bri!"

"Oh shit, God Damn it! Why the fuck did I have to ask him that if I knew what the fucking answer was going to be? Shit! You are so stupid Brian Thomas Littrell!" Brian says to him self as soon as he hangs up the phone. "To hell with my mood today, I just ruined it to my self!" Brian finishes getting inside the bathroom.

Kevin hangs up the phone and then he shakes Nick's shoulder to wake him up. After two minutes, Nick was fully awake and sitting on the bed. "Good morning Nicky, did you sleep well?" Kevin asks.

"'Morning Kev, I slept very well and nightmare free!" Nick answers, and then he turns around and mumbles "In your arms, who wouldn't sleep well?"

"What was that?" Kevin asks.

"Oh nothing Kev, I just need to go back to my room before Brian finds out that I'm not there!" Nick says getting up from the bed and picking up his clothes.

"Don't worry about it Nick, he already knows you're here!" Kevin says packing his things in his suitcase.

"He already called?" Nick asks.

"Yeah, he called a few minutes ago just to tell me that you weren't in the room. So I told him that you had spent the night here with me due to the reasons you gave me, however, he must be waiting for you to pick your things up and get ready to leave." Kevin says clearing things up to Nick.

"Oh well, I'll better go back now." Nick says, "And by the way Kev, thank you so much for taking care of me the whole night, I really needed to sleep well!"

"You're welcome Nick, you know I'm always here for you!" Kevin answers following Nick to the door.

"I know Kev, I love you friend and see ya later!" Nick replies.

"And Nick... Sorry about last night's episode, next time I'll try to be dressed." Kevin finished.

"No problem Kev, bye!" Nick says.

As soon as Nick turns around and makes his way to his room, Kevin whispers "I love you too Nick, I'll always love you." A tear runs down Kevin's cheek, he just turns around too and goes back inside the room to take a shower and get ready to leave.

Kevin felt that he could never make Nick love him the way he wants but every single day that passed, he felt that he loved him more and more also. By now, Kevin just comforted himself with Nick loving him as a friend.

"'Morning Frick, I'm back!" Nick says as he closes the door behind him but he doesn't get any answer so he realizes that Brian must be in the bathroom showering. "Oh man! I'm going to be late, shit! And I haven't packed my things yet." Nick starts picking up his clothes from the mess and starts packing. After he finishes, he goes over his belongings and takes out a baggy black jeans, a Ralph Lauren Polo navy blue sweater, a pair of boxers and a pair of white socks. Suddenly he hears the door of the bathroom open. Brian comes out with a towel around his waist and then he starts asking questions in the annoying way he is used to ask.

"So Frack, you're back, how was your night with my cousin?" Brian asks making a funny face just to hide his anger.

"It was good. Finally I was able to sleep well, and before you start asking for details, let me remind you that we are running out of time and I need to take a shower and believe me that I don't want to know what would happen to us if we get late to the airport." Nick answers avoiding eye contact with Brian's.

"OK Nick, calm down, I'm just asking so there is no need to get defensive" Brian says putting his boxers on.

"So... Can I?" Nick asks almost laughing at Brian's face.

"Yeah, you go, we'll talk later in the way home." Brian replies starting to dress himself up.

"Whatever you say Frick!" Nick says going inside the bathroom and locking the door.

"Yeah Nick, we "WILL" Talk later. You are definitely NOT taking Kev away from me, he is only for me and for nobody else, not even for my best friend." Brian whispers as he sees Nick closing the bathroom's door.

'Oh God, it was great, I felt so well in Kevin's arms, I'm really going to miss him tonight. I wish he loved me but he just loves me as little brother.' Nick thinks to him self while he is showering.

Nick finishes taking his shower and comes out of the bathroom wearing a pair of boxers and the towel around his neck. He finds Brian sitting on the couch but he fell asleep waiting for Nick to come out from the bathroom. Nick glances over the clock and sees that he is definitely late so he gets dressed quick, and finishes packing his things and soon he is ready to leave. Brian wakes up from he little nap due to the feeling of a hand rubbing his. Then they get out of the room and start heading to the elevator. Nick feels uncomfortable with Brian looking at him in a weird way, but he just tries to ignore him in the way down to the lobby.

"Hey guys, we have been waiting for you for fifteen minutes, I guess Shon must be pretty mad at us because we are already late to the airport. So please guys, lets not give him more chances to make him yell at us, plus I hate when he does it!" Howie says as he sees Nick and Brian coming out from the elevator.

"What happened guys? Why are you so late?" Kevin asks joining Howie and AJ.

"Sorry Kev, it is all my fault. I took too long packing and taking a shower, so Brian was just waiting for me." Nick answers looking at Brian.

"OK, guys, you'll explain it later, now lets get going, the limo is waiting for us outside!" AJ says picking up his carry-on luggage and motioning the others to leave with him.

"Where the hell are those kids, they were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago but it seems that they are late once again. I'll call Kevin and he better has a good explanation for this!" Shon MCalister yells in the waiting room of the airport.

Kevin's cell phone rings and soon he picks it up and answers...

"Mr. Richardson, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS? I'm waiting for all of you and let me tell you that I don't think I could hold the plane FOREVER!" Shon yells at the cell phone speaker as loud as he can.

"Calm down Shon, we're on our way to the airport right now. Don't worry, we'll be there in fifteen minutes, we'll make it!" Kevin answers.

"You better do as you say Kevin!" Shon yells again as he ends the call.

"Geeeez! Shon is pretty mad. If we miss the flight, forget about going back home today!" Kevin says worrying about what would happen if they really do miss the flight.

"Don't worry Kev, we'll make it, we'll be there on time!" Brian says.

"Thank God this tour is over, I wont have to see Shon's face in a long time." Howie says as he glances outside the window were everything is almost covered by a thick layer of snow.

"C'mon guys, Shon is just doing his job. Do you guys imagine what would happen to him if we don't get to the U.S. today?" Kevin asks to his friends.

"He would probably get fired!" Brian answers making everybody in the limo laugh.

Fortunately, the guys got to the airport on time and they were soon on the way back home. Anyway they were greeted by the Shon Mcalister's boring lecture of the day. During the flight, Kevin fall asleep in his place right next to Alexander, the photographer. Howie and AJ were playing Super Triumph, a British card game about car racing and all that stuff. Nick was listening to music from his CD player and Brian was reading a book right next to him. Brian wasn't really focusing on the reading at all, he was thinking about Kevin and Nick. He loved his cousin a lot but he also loved his best friend. He knew he could never take over Kevin's heart that easily plus try to get Nick out of his head. It was hard for him to accept the fact that Kevin had fallen in love Nick and not him. Soon Brian thought of something. No matter what, Brian knew he had to do something about it so he started from his bets friend.

"Hey Nick, can we talk buddy?" Brian asks his eyes still on the reading.

"Sure Bri, what's up?" Nick answers as he takes off his head phones and placing them aside.

"Nick, you know you're like a brother to me right?" Brian says still looking at the book in his hands.

"Yeah, I know that Bri, you are like a brother to me too buddy!" Nick replies looking at his friend who at the time had decided to put his book away.

"Frack there is this secret of my own that I've been keeping from you and the guys for a long time now and well is time that I tell at least my best friend!" Brian says getting a little bit nervous.

"Is something wrong Bri?" Nick asks placing his hand on Brian's shoulder and looking at him with concern.

"Well it may be wrong from a point of view, but... All I need now is help, someone's help, your help!" Brian says tears forming in his eyes.

"Oh man, you know I'm here to help ya. Come here, tell me what's going on with you?" Nick says hugging Brian tightly.

"Nick, I'm... I'm... I'm... gay!" Brian finally says as he burst into tears.

There is a long silence in the place but Nick never stopped hugging Brian. He hugged his friend even tighter just to show his support. He was in about to cry too because Nick didn't like to see his best friend this upset.

"Bri, there is no need to feel this way, you know that I love you, we all do!" Nick says talking about his other band mates. "I don't care if you're gay , straight or bisexual, you will always be my best friend!".

"Yeah, I know, but there is something worst!" Brian says sobbing harder, "I fell in love with the wrong person, I... I... I fell in love with my cousin, I fell in love with Kevin!" Brian finishes burring his face in Nicks shoulder.

The embrace becomes weak, Nick was in total shock, his friend's confession takes Nick breath away. Brian senses this as soon as Nick doesn't say anything. A few minutes later, Nick had already started to cry without Brian's knowledge. It couldn't be that his best friend had fallen in love with the same person he was in love with. It was too frustrating for Nick to handle.

To be Continued...

Rough Chapter huh? Anyway guys, I'm doing my best. Next chapter will be out at the end of next week or so. I could get it out earlier though but everything depends on school's work and the job. Thanks for reading and remember that all comments and suggestions are welcome to alexfire2264@hotmail.com. See you all soon and happy Valentine's day.

Next: Chapter 4

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