Falling in Love with College Roommate

By Yudon-Nida No

Published on Jan 14, 2015


The Undeniably Erotic, however ClichŽd Account of how I Fell in Love with my College Roommate - Part 2

Hey guys, I don't know how many of you reading this are Australian, so just in case you get confused, "O-week" refers to "orientation week" which is pretty much the equivalent of freshers week I believe? Enjoy!??Also, those of you who have read part 1, the weird dot in Naia's name was because the Ôi' is meant to be an i-umlaut (an i with two dots instead of one, indicating hiatus, which means the vowels are supposed to be pronounced separately). Basically it's pronounced "Na-ya". And the weird ƒ thing was because the text file didn't like ellipses (the three dots next to one another). Problem solved. Sorry about the random question marks that may be scattered throughout, I tried to get rid of all of them but may have missed a few.

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Disclaimer: None of the characters depicted in this story are below consensual age. Any resemblance to other stories, events or persons is purely coincidental. If you find this content offensive or would like it revised please send me your concerns at suspendyodisbelief@hotmail.com and I'll take it down.

When I got up and out of my room, Pax and Naia were already sitting at the coffee table over a bowl of fruit loops trying to see how many they could stack. ÔOh god,' I thought to myself, ÔI've been leashed to two goof balls;' but I smiled as the impressively tall cereal tower fell to the floor and Naia exclaimed: "That was 12! you owe me 10 bucks!" At least this is probably much more fun than having a couple of sociopaths as roommates!

"Hey Arch! How'd you sleep!?" Naia greets me. It's amazing how he's able to make his whole face smile for him when he's happy. His eyes are so warm and kind and filled with love they envelop you in ease and comfort like a hug when they look into yours.

"Arch? You with me buddy? Guess you had a rough night then; gotta admit, Pax's snores reverberate really well through the walls!"

"Hey!" She punches his shoulder snapping up a cringe on his face.

"Oh uhm, no I slept alright, thanks. Not really a morning person is all, haha." I laugh nervously.

"Well, Pax and I were just waiting for you to head down to the O-week celebrations, you up for it?" he rises from the couch and stretches his arms above his head. The white tank top lifts up at the seam and reveals his bushy trail, leading down to his tight briefs hugging his perfectly built and slightly hairy thighs. Every part of him is so goddamn sexy it's terrifying to remind myself I have to live with that eye candy for three years to come.

"Uhm, sure sounds good!"

"Great, you two get dressed," says Pax, "I'll wait for you outside."

As promised by the student union, the O-week celebrations did not disappoint. Live DJs at every corner, free chicken skewers and Harajuku crepes, and swarming with all the hot and equally sexually frustrated boys in the world, what more could a uni student want!

"Hey I got an idea" exclaims Pax, "let's sign ourselves up to some clubs! Best way to make our sorry asses some friends before classes begin!"

"That's a great idea! I saw a pamphlet for the sloths enthusiasts communion at the accommodation reception desk, I'm so excited!" Answers Naia.

"Not what I had in mind, but it's a start!"

"Yeah I don't think the sloths enthusiasts communion is going to be teeming with cool kids, Naia." I retort.

"You're just saying that because you haven't had the chance to appreciate the hilarity of the existence of the sloth. Did you know they're so slow moss actually grows on their backs? And sometimes, when they're swinging from branches, they mistake their own arms for a branch and grab it and fall down and then just lie there, pondering how they possibly could have fallen."

"Trust you to know something like that!"

"Anyway, let's separate and meet back at the corner of the Christian union and Marxist supporters stands in 20 minutes okay?"

The festive atmosphere of the campus fostered an unusual but welcomed feeling of joy, I decide to stroll around and eventuate at the sports clubs area; in spite of my social ineptitude, I make the bold decision to look for the tennis club stand to sign up. I grab a map a student volunteer had handed me and use it to find my way to the tennis courts.

At 5 bucks a year I wouldn't mind also joining the beach volleyball and surfing club; some may choose to deny the legends of impeccably tanned Aussie blonde boys as apocryphal tales of dissatisfied old women, but those bronzed quads on those ball players glistening with sweat do not lie!

A haze of "ouhh"s and "ahhh"s echoes from a distance, and I understood a demonstration match was taking place when I got there. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the well-over-six-feet-three teenager carving out the court with aggression. I leaned up against the fence behind the short, stocky dude he was playing against to get a good look at him. He looked like the Australian archetype; dirty blonde hair, tanned skin, blue eyes, very tall, toned arms and very thick legs covered in light brown hairs. He had a very defined jaw line, not a Brad Pitt type super squared out jaw, a little slimmer, and very attractive.?The sweat beading off his forehead made me think the game was well under way, but the boy he was versing was perspiring like a hooker in church.

The Australian adonis served an incredibly fast ace down-the-T and everyone applauded, marking the conclusion of the game.

In awe, I make my way inside the court where the stand was to sign up, when suddenly, at the corner of my eye, I see a yellow blur headed straight for my head. Without thinking I quickly turn around and one hand catch the tennis ball, undeniably feeling quite accomplished and secretly hoping a lot of people had seen it.

"Nice catch lefty!" The tennis god yells out.

"Oh no, I'm right handed, just a reflex."

"A right handed rookie who catches an 80km/h ball he wasn't even expecting with his left hand? I call hacks!"

"Who said I was a rookie? I ball-boyed for Hewitt once."

"Leighton left his prime long ago."

"Point is I ball-boyed. Training's tough, balls are fast" I say with a provocative smirk as I throw the ball back to him.

"Feisty! Sign up lefty, I wanna see you at training!"

"I'm right handed!" I reiterate as he walks away.

I sign up and wander around some more before meeting back with Pax and Naia. My encounter with the sexy tennis player replaying in my head.

The rest of the day is spent familiarising ourselves with the campus, eating food, drinking beer, listening to the music, lounging around and pretending to fin interest in the seemingly never-ending stream of sloth related facts Naia threw at us.

By 9:30, it was time for the fireworks. We gathered around in the courtyard and sat down to enjoy the show. 5 minutes in, I told the others I wanted to get a better look and found a spot on top of the staircase with a clearer view. As I looked back at the other two to see if they wanted to join me, it was really easy to spot the only two faces that weren't looking up at the bright display in the sky. The hunky tennis player and the boy he had played against, who seemed to be arguing about something at the corner of the courtyard.

Out of nowhere, the stocky dude lashes out, waving his arms up at him before landing a clean hit right across his jaw. The stunned tennis player stumbles and falls down on his ass, looking up in pain at his assailer who spits at him before storming off.

I sprint down the stair case to help him out, tissues in hand.

"Hey buddy you alright!?" Seeing him so close made his height seem even more imposing.

"Ah lefty," he whimpers, holding his jaw "here for an autograph?"

"That dude just king hit you right in the jaw what the hell happened!?"

"...Nothing. Just some teammate banter..."

"Bullshit. You don't get your jaw dislocated over Ôteammate banter'... What happened?" I say pressing some tissues against his now bleeding nose.

"Look... Let's just say some players don't take too kindly to finding out their captain's queer."

I stare at him in disbelief.

"Hint, that asshole is the player. Hint, I'm the queer captain." he finally adds when I don't answer.

"You're gay?" I let out in a shamble of utter confusion and excitement.

"Sadly, homophobia is consistently pervasive in big universities such as this one." he mocks me with a decidedly recurrent condescending tone.

"I... I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Chill out, it's cool! Kinda cute actually."

Those words send my cheeks into overdrive. Lucky the fireworks were sort of hiding their colour!

"Here, why don't you help me up, I think I sprained my ankle on something when I fell down."

"Uh, sure!" I put his arm around my shoulder and grab his waist, slowly lifting him up to his feet.

"Do you mind helping me back to my dorm room? I think this sprain is worse than I thought."

"No problem at all."

"I'm T by the way."

"I'm Arch, how did you get stuck with just one letter?"

"Well, actually, I earned that name because of my evidently unmatched serves Ôdown-the-T'. And it works well with my real name too so, it stuck."

"Ah, tried to take my head off my shoulders with a tennis ball AND makes conceited remarks about his Ôunmatched' tennis skills, what a man." We both laugh.

The journey up the steps to T's dorm room is long and treacherous, but once at the door we're finally able to breathe.

"Well, anyway, here we are; try not to fall out the shower when you get -"

T practically falls on me as he plants a deep kiss on my lips. I look at him in shock, eyes wide open, unable to move after catching him falling on top of me. His tongue starts to move in my mouth and I close my eyes and relax into him. We kiss for a while, tasting his saliva and feeling his tongue gets my dick rock hard. I roam his toned back muscles with my hands, pulling him closer to me, and he grabs down to my ass. As quickly as he had initiated it, he pulled away.

"Thanks Arch. I know I seemed fine but, I honestly don't think tonight would have ended well without you..."

"You're we-" He kisses me again, towering over me. He once again pulls away, looks at me and smiles, and just opens his door and closes it behind him, leaving me standing on his front porch in complete disbelief. Fuck feeling the butterflies, I had something more like goliath moths tearing up my insides!

Part 3 coming soon,

Mail me your questions/ concerns at suspendyodisbelief@hotmail.com

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