Falling for the Boy

By A Toy

Published on Aug 7, 2010


This is true story happening all the time. Please read and please don't just decide.

It is a story of the boy and me which involves dominance/submission, punishments, control... in short words what I crave for.

I was doing nothing, just chatting online. I tried a new site to chat and the boy clicked me. His nickname wanted cash and I liked it.

I was straightforward from the beginning admitting my submission to him which he accepted and all I wanted was for him to enjoy me so we met within a few days.

First day:

We met on a bus stop in centre of the town. I think I was late and I was so excited. I stood still and waited for him when he came with a smile and such a great look, dressed so fine whereas me in worn out clothes just right for the meeting.

He is taller than me and younger going to high school and I started working a few years ago.

I have a good figure, skinhead, good cock, nice ass, hairy body and nothing compared to his beauty which he shows gladly and proudly.

His superiority towards me shows all the time. He was a bit unsure as well as me so we headed for a drink in a bar to meet the souls and personalities.

Already at the first meeting I owed him money. I failed to meet him when he wanted it the first time which had cost me.

We left and walked around some buildings then we stopped.

"Please slap me, Sir" He looked down at me as he was taller and I looked at his eyes thinking will he do it or not when he hit me on left chick, then right, then left...

SLAP, SLAP AFTER SLPAP. He slapped hard with force showing on his face. I did not expect such power and I had never been slapped this hard and when he noticed fear on my face he showed such a nice grin.

"Thank you, Don" I responded automatically.

"Did you like it? Was it good?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir!"

SLAP, SLAP. I did not expect these last few slaps and there was someone passing by so he stopped. I thanked him again and we continued walking.

"Do you remember what you owe me?"

"Yes, Don"

"Good. These were to remind you of that and failing to meet me you queer!"

I bowed my head in submission. "Yes, Don. I apologize. I was afraid to meet so quickly."

"The slaps are showing!" and he smiled to me as we were already among people waiting for busses to arrive as it was one of the main bus stops. We were walking around the building.

I could had been red from shame in my face. It would make no difference hiding the slaps so I tried not to look at anyone and mostly looked at him or just bowed my head.

He started laughing and we stopped for me to withdraw and pay back what I owed. I put the money in my back pocket then we continued walking round the building.

I was so excited and thinking how much the slaps are showing.

"Please hit me, Sir"

SLAP, SLAP, SLAP. He was enjoying it from the first SLAP and wicked grin was on his face.

"It is in my back pocket, Don" but he already knew that and took it. "Thank you, Don."

We met in the morning. I had to go to work and he to school. We parted at the bus stop and I had to walk to the next one as I needed to catch another bus.

"Thank you!" I said looking at him and left. I started caressing my face gently with my hands trying to hide the slaps, but I had no idea of how much was showing nor did I have any experiences which could help memories to bring some picture in my mind. I tried not to look at anyone, walked fast to the bus stop and waited there standing behind all the people still caressing my face gently on time to time.

I was so happy. I saw some joy in him when he started slapping me. I sent him a short message by phone thanking him again.

"It was good... You queer! Don't you know how to count?"

I explained my calculation...

"You jerk! The phone bill was for Monday when you did not show up! What part you don't understand??"

"Please forgive me Don. I will pay back to you. Please don't be mad."

"You better you queer!"

We exchanged some more messages then I started working. I checked my face in elevator mirror and it was normal. I don't know what my face looked like on the bus as I was driving for 20 minutes.

The slaps made me submissive. I felt his power and I didn't know what to expect from getting slapped but it triggered some special emotion in me wanting to please him more and more.

I tried to explain my submission to him and he would often respond with laughter in the messages he sent me.

Feelings are memories that surround me

Thanks for any response: boyntoy@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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