
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Feb 5, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB I have never met the BSB. This is just a story in other words it's not true. I do not work for anyone that has contact with the BSB and so on this is just a story I hope you like it

Authors note: I have noticed that not many people write BSB stories. So I have decided that I will write as many BSB stories as I can. I might right a few stories about different bands. But don't count on it to much. Ok I use a few different symbol's in my story to help it. These *** mean a character change, right after the *** a name will follow. When I am starting a story off either from the beginning or from the start of another chapter. I will put the name between these ***. Now I'm going to try and stay away from using this but it has happened in the past. These (( )) mean a note from me or a time change. Most of the time I'll just write out the time change. But there are times when I'll get a little lazy so please understand. I will not give my main character any weird powers like my other stories. So this will be the first time that I'll write a normal human story. Which mean's no Sryin's or anything else. I would also like to add that if I start to slip to yell at me to stop. I hope you enjoy the story. It may look like I've slipped up in here but I haven't so don't start yelling yet. I am not having one of my super natural moments. I've started two other stories to keep from doing that. So no yelling yet please, unless it's nice yelling I could really use that about now. Ok I haven't asked until now, but now I'm begging please write me. I would really love to hear what everyone thinks so far. My e-mail should be on this somewhere.

Warning: This story isn't like my other stories it's a lot darker. it involves Rape and a few other things later in the story. You've been warned.

Extra Note: I would like to thank Eddi for saving my sorry butt. I needed some info and he got it for me. He also looked the story over for me and checked for errors. I owe him a lot so I'm thanking him in here. Your a great friend Eddi, thank you for being you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


I watched as they pulled things from the room. A doctor had walked by some minutes ago. I didn't care anymore, I had been proven right this was a place for the dead or dying. I looked around, Nick was sobbing against Brian. While Kevin slid down a wall, he was worse off than Nick. Richie would have told one of the guys to help Kevin, I just knew that. So I walked over to him and sat down beside him. He leaned on my shoulder and let himself cry. I didn't have the strength to cry anymore, it just wasn't there. As I had thought Jake was gone, Rosie was talking with Howie and AJ. They were planing something in Richie's memoire. It was a nice thought, but a little to late, he was dead. I pulled Kevin into my arms and held him while he cried. After today I most likely wouldn't see them again. I had to move on and quickly, I had to bury myself in work. I would always love my brother, but I couldn't think about him. It just caused to much pain to think about him. I looked at Angel, she looked confused, so much innocence. It was like she didn't know he was dead, that she was waiting for him to walk out. I myself had thought the same thing, but this wasn't a movie. This was the real world, where people that you loved died everyday.

Kevin kept telling me that he was sorry, I believed him. I didn't hate him anymore, he wasn't such a bad guy. Richie could see that in everyone if he wanted to look. I know that he wasn't perfect of a saint, but he could see the good in everyone. It was a gift that he had, a gift he used when he felt like it. I had tried to pull some kind of memoire up that would make me hate him. I couldn't think of one thing that would ever make me hate him. I couldn't even be mad at him for giving up, it hadn't been his choice. I would find a way to make my parents suffer for the rest of their lives. I saw my father screaming at the doctor that had walked by. Then he started to smile and shaking his head. I could hear laughter, that was coming from my mother. The doctor looked like he was sick, he should be. I noticed that it was the doctor that had killed my brother. I was going to make him pay to, I would find a way. A nurse walked by and handed me a pamphlet. I didn't bother to look at it, I knew what it said. It was about how to deal with the death of a loved one. I tossed the pamphlet on the floor toward Nick, he might need it. Nick didn't bother to pick it up either, maybe he didn't see it. It didn't matter he had his friends to help him. I had myself, I could live with that, I had lived with it for a while.

I found myself looking at the pamphlet more and more. There was something about it that made me want to read it. My mind was starting to work again, why had my father been upset with the doctor? I pulled away from Kevin and reached out to pick the pamphlet up. It said, how to deal with a loved one in a coma. I had to read it a few times to understand what it said. I looked back at my brothers room, the door was open. I looked down the hallway the doctor was still talking to my father. I slowly stood and walked toward them. He looked up and smiled brightly must have thought I had forgiven him. I placed my hands on his shoulders and brought my knee into his gut. I then brought my elbow down on his back. He hit the floor pretty hard, I just laughed at him. My mother looked scared, she had good reason. The doctor had back up against the wall, he looked scared too. "What were you laughing at, mother, was it my brothers death?" She was shaking her head as I moved closer. "Your brother isn't dead, Rachel, he's in a coma." I believed her, she didn't really have a good reason so lie. "I thought as much, but you found something funny, what was it?" She was now pressed against a wall, she had no where to run. "He's almost brain dead, if his brain waves fall any further, he will be. There isn't any hope for him, the doctor told us a week at most." I then slapped my mother across her face as hard as I could.

She hit the ground just as arms flew around my waist. I looked back to see a big guard holding me. "Get your hand's off me or you'll regret it, do you understand me?" He kept his arms around my waist, so I stomped his foot. He let go then, never mess with a model in spiked heels. I turned around and kicked him in his balls, he fell to the ground. I then walked back toward the guys, I was on a mission. I looked at Angel who hadn't moved since we had first left the room. She had a really big smile on her face, as did AJ. That boy was weird, but I kind of liked that in him. "Come on Nick, let's go see my brother, you have to wake sleeping beauty." He looked confused but followed me anyway. I now believed that little girl was an angel. I hadn't seen anyone with her since she had gotten here. I also believed that anything could happen now, Richie was breathing on his own. I walked into the room and looked at him, he was so bad. He was really pale but that was normal. I pulled Nick with me until we were beside his bed. I could hear him breathing it was like a rush of joy. "Ok that little girl said you could wake him up with a kiss. I want you to try it, cause I don't think that's a little girl out there." Nick just looked at me and raised an eye brow.

Nick slowly bent over the bed and kissed Richie on the lips. I was waiting for his eyes to open, but nothing happened. I turned around and went back out into the hallway, a man was moving Angel. I walked up to him and tapped him on his shoulder. When he turned around I could tell that he was Angel's father. So I had been so wrong, but it wasn't that bad. "I'm sorry for bothering you sir, but could I speak with Angel?" The man looked at me and then to his little girl. "It's ok daddy, that's Richie's sister, Richie isn't doing so well." The man then wrapped me in his arms, I hadn't thought that would happen. He pulled back slightly and looked into my eyes. "Where is your brother, I would like to thank him for all he's done?" I looked at the man, he had no clue, he was a blond, so I understood. "My brother is in a coma, but I have hope that he'll wake up soon. I'll tell him what you said when that happens. Now would you mind if had a little talk with Angel?" He shook his head and left me alone with his daughter. "Angel, how did you know that Richie would make it without life support?" She smiled at me, I mean she really smiled. "Cause hero's don't die, and Richie is a hero. So he can't die, he may sleep for a while, he's tired. But he'll wake up someday, and you'll be there to see it." Then she was gone her father had taken her down the hall.


I stood over Richie's body, he was still alive. It was more than I could ever ask for. I had tried kissing him a few more times. It hadn't worked so I gave up, he looked more human now. I had to tell the others but something stopped me from leaving the room. It was like I couldn't really move away from him. I knew that I couldn't shout to them so I just stayed. I could see rays of sunlight peaking through the window. The sun was rising, it was a new day. Raven walked back into the room, she looked different, almost insane. No, that wasn't the right word more like wild. Her hair was out of place and she looked dangerous. "We have a week to wake him up, or at least that's what the doctor said. I'm taking him back to his house. I want you to come with me, in truth I want you all to come with me. I'll understand if you can't you do have careers, so don't worry about me getting mad." She was trying really hard, but I had already decided that I wasn't going to leave his side until he wake up. The world could go to hell, my career could die for all I cared. He had already given up so much to be with me, now it was my turn. I knew that he wouldn't like it, but tough cookie. "I'll go with you, but could you tell the guys real quick?" She nodded and left me alone with Richie, still nothing had changed.

It had been close to a mouth since we had brought Richie home. We would feed him three times a day and move him around a little bit. Kevin had come up with something to keep us safe. So far everything was on hold because Brian was having some heart trouble. The world was more then glad to give us come time off. We had found it very interesting how well everyone had reacted. Raven was on the war path, her parents are the targets. She had launched a full campaign to destroy them. She had gone on Rosie and told the world about her parents. About how they had tried to kill Richie when he was in the hospital. The world was now looking at Richie's parents with total hate. I found it funny how people had accepted Richie. To most of them, he was a hero for saving a little girls life. But to those who followed his career, looked at him like he was a warrior. That he was fighting for a better tomorrow. I knew better, he was an angel sent from heaven to save the world. I also knew that if anyone heard me say that I would be sent to a mental hospital. His brain waves had gotten a lot stronger, so I had hope. All of the guys now lived in Richie's house, in our house. They helped us do everything from cleaning to feeding Richie.

I knew that if we wanted to keep our secret we would have to leave soon. I didn't like the idea, but it was the truth. Raven had even told us to go when we had to. That she could stop fighting her parents long enough to take care of him. It was interesting to see her now. She wasn't like she had once been, she was wild and powerful. She was a super model on a mission to destroy her parents. She was also out to end hate and all that came with it. All but her own hatred for her parents, it was still a good cause. Rosie stood behind her all that way. Jake had tired to stay out of it until Raven threatened him. Then he was pushing her ideas around everywhere. I had laughed to myself, she was becoming a warrior in her brother's cause. I found that Brian was sneaking out to meet someone every night. He had found himself a boyfriend in all this madness. What I didn't understand was why he was hiding it from us. It wasn't like we would turn our backs on him. I decided that I would drop it until I needed to know. I looked at Richie and found myself getting worried again. His body was starting to get weaker every day. I wondered if there really was hope for him to wake up. It had been so long since I had seen him smile.

We were leaving the house today, we had to get back on tour. It had been a few weeks's since our management threatened us. They had good reason, we hadn't sing anything for three months. The world didn't know what was going on, we kept it that way. Raven had all, but calmed down with her vengeance kicking into high gear. She told us she was going to take a break until we got back. We told her that we could be gone for months, she understood. I had told Richie I would be back as soon as I could. His hand had moved slightly, it had sent chills up my spine. I still had to leave, but now I had hope that when I came back he would awaken. The limo pulled out of his driveway slowly, it was time to work again. Raven had waved at us until we were out of sight, I had promised to call her every day. That was a promise I was going to make sure I kept, even if it killed me. We moved through the airport, no one had spotted us yet. I knew this was going to be a tough trip. I knew that I could get a phone call telling me that Richie was dead. I couldn't handle that, it would end everything in my world. I looked out of the window, no one there to wave too. I guess something had told me that right before I left Richie would be there. I looked at Brian he was having the same problem every time we got on a plane.


It was a beautiful dream, one I didn't want to end. I knew I was dreaming, nothing could be this perfect. I had Nick in my arms every second, the world knew that we loved one another. The world had taken the news so well that nothing had really changed for Nick. That was one reason I knew it was a dream, nothing was ever pure happiness. I couldn't seem to end the dreams, I couldn't wake up. Then one day Nick left my dreams and I was left alone. He had told me he would be back as soon as he could. I had tried to reach out to him, but I couldn't get to him. That's when I decided that it was in fact time to awaken. I couldn't live without Nick, he meant too much to me. I pushed with ever fiber of my being. My world of dreams shattered into a million images that I couldn't tell apart. I remembered a line from one of my favorite movies. The dreamer must awaken, the movie was called Dune. That's what I felt like, I had to wake up, I had to get to Nick. I felt so weak at first, so I knew I was waking up. In the world of dreams I had felt like nothing could touch me. I opened my eyes slowly and looked around the room, it was so dark. I tried to talk but my voice was gone, my mouth was so dry. I lifted my arm slowly, it took so much for such a simple act. I let my arm fall back to the bed, I took a deep breath.

I laid in the bed for what had to be hours, then the sun started to rise. I could hear movement outside of my room. I looked to the door, my sister had passed by three times. I tried to call out but my voice just wouldn't work in anyway. My throat ached for something to drink, anything would do. I closed my eyes and gave up, it wouldn't do any good. I had to wait for her to come to my side before she would know. I don't know how much time passed but she was now rubbing my head. "It's another beautiful morning Richie, Nick called he's doing ok. He said to tell you that he misses you with all his heart." Her hand was now on mine, so I slowly turned it to hold hers. I opened my eyes to see her looking at my hand. Her mouth was hanging open, she looked like a scared fish. Then her eyes returned to my face, I tried my best to smile. Tears started streaming down her face. Her arms wrapped around me, she lifted me off the bed. I didn't know she was so strong. "Do you need anything water, food, anything?" I nodded slowly then parted my lips. I made a sound, that sounded like wah, but that's all I could force out. She nodded really quickly and ran out of the room. She returned minutes later with a glass of water.

After five glass of water I felt like I could talk a little. "How long have I been out?" She looked everywhere but at me. "Five months, two weeks, and three days." I nodded slowly, that meant my body was really weak. It could be a lot worse, but it would take at the least two months before I could walk. "Where's Nick?" Her mouth fell open as she grabbed the phone. "No, I want to surprise him, so don't tell him anything. That's why I asked I want him to come home and find me standing in the doorway." She looked highly confused, almost sad. "I'm not out to hurt him Rav, I just want him to be happy. I think he would be really happy if he came home with me awake." She was nodding but she didn't look too happy with my choice. I had plans if he wasn't here by the time I could walk. I was going to go to him, as long as I didn't need a plane ticket that was. I was never getting on another plane, not making the mistake twice. And if I ever have to get on a plane again, I'm wearing a parachute. If they won't let me then I'll kick all their asses until I get my way. "Help me sit up a little, I need to make some phone calls." Raven nodded and pulled me up slowly. My back was killing me, goes to show you that sleep isn't always that good for you. She handed me the phone and I called Jake, I was going to need his help.

It had been three weeks, I was in a wheelchair most of the time. Raven had been helping me so much. I still couldn't walk all that good, but now I could stand up. I could stand for about an hour without falling. Jake had helped me keep being awake a secret. I had called Rosie after I had heard what had happened at the hospital. She filled me in on everything, when she wasn't crying. I asked her to keep it on the down low, I didn't want anyone to know. She agreed so quickly, I think she was on the same wave link I was. Raven had been lying to Nick every time he called, which was now twice a day. Nick wouldn't be home for another three months. In some ways I was happy that I would be going after him. My door bell rang so rolled on over and opened it. I looked at the woman I had learned to hate. "Nurse Joyless, I've been waiting for you all day." I smiled as sweetly as I could, she just walked in. I don't think the woman knew what a smile was. She was the woman helping me get my legs back under me. She was also a slave driver with hand the turned into a whip. I think she worked for Satan on the weekends. I could just see her beating up old people and stealing candy from kids. "Ok Mr. Wayne, get you lazy ass out of that chair." I frowned and did my best to stand up again.

I could now walk for short amounts of time. I was still a little weak, but I was getting stronger. As much as I hated that nurse, she knew what she was doing. Which only made it worse, I couldn't prove her wrong on anything. I had tried for week's to find her weakness. I pouted, that didn't work, I even tried crying, still nothing. I tried being a prick but she just laughed at me. Then she showed me how skilled she was with words. I had been left speechless, she could really cut into someone. So I gave up on trying to beat her, so I just did what she asked. She told me that if I kept it up, I'd be walking miles in a week. I had lost a lot of the fat on my body since she had started working. Not that I had gotten fat, just out of shape, you try sleeping for a few months. I found myself looking in the mirror all the time. My leg had long healed from the breaks I hadn't known about. My shoulder on the other hand still ached at night, I was starting to get use to it. I looked out my window, it was beautiful day. I decided to start planning my trip to see Nick. I called Jake and ask him how I could pull it all off without getting on a plane. I also told him that I was going to need Raven to help me. He was amazing, I had thought he couldn't impress me. I had been proven wrong so quickly, it wasn't funny. The one draw back, I had to get on a plane again.


I had been trying to call Raven all day but I still didn't get an answer. I was starting to get worried, it wasn't like her to leave the house. I hadn't had my cell phone on all day, she could have tried to call me. My world was starting to spin out of control again, I couldn't let that happen. I knew I couldn't just take off, not yet anyway. I would give her until after the concert, then I would take off. I didn't care if it ended my career anymore, in fact I had been thinking about quitting. It wasn't that I wanted to give it all up, but if Richie couldn't be with me it wasn't worth it. I wanted to be by his side at all times, I didn't want to hide anymore. I had talked to the guys about it, they said they would stand by me. It's what I had been hoping to hear, they would support me. I was going to need it if things went badly. I hoped that I could continue to sing and stay in the group, if I couldn't so be it. I was willing to give that life up for him, he had given his up a long time ago. I looked out at the crowd, I was going to miss this, it was just so amazing. The feeling I got when I sang, the way they would cheer me on. It was like magic, I could lose that now, but that was ok. I needed Richie more than I needed to breathe, without him my life would end.

The concert had gone great, well except for me falling on my butt. I hadn't been thinking to clearly, who would be? Every time I ran off stage I tried to call Raven, still no answer. I was so worried, that was until I saw her walking toward me. My blood turned to ice, why would she come in person? It could only be bad news, that's what it had to be. I wasn't the only person to see Raven, the others were now at my side. "I have news Nick, but I can't tell you here." I just nodded slowly and followed her as she walked away. I could hear the guys right behind me, I had a feeling I was going to need them. "You have to go through that door over there, and you have to go alone." I looked at her and nodded, so I went to the door. I opened it slowly, the room was pitch black. I entered with my hands reaching out. I felt something in front of me, it was warm and strong. I felt hands move up my body slowly, then I could feel hands on my face. I felt lips press against mine, they were so soft. He slowly pulled away and the lights came on. I opened my eyes to see what I had been praying for. Richie stood before me, his smile was like a light from heaven. I fell into his arms, he held me gently. I cried for all the time we had been apart. "Everything is going to be ok from now on." Then his lips met mine once again.

I couldn't believe this was happening, it was too unreal. This had to be a dream, no one just woke up from a coma fine. This was just something I had made up, he couldn't be real. I looked up into his eyes, still that intense green. His skin was really pale, and so soft. His hair had been cut and frosted, I counted four different colors. "I'm sorry I kept you in the dark Nick, but I wanted to surprise you. I've been awake for a while now, I wanted you to see me walk again. So I've worked my ass off for a while, I hope you're not mad at me." I pulled his lips to mine, I could never be mad at him. The door behind us slowly opened. I heard Brian scream and then he was hugging both of us. "I can't believe this, oh God when did you wake up?" Richie just started laughing, I had never heard this kind of laughter. It was so warm, so welcoming, it was what I had thought his laughter should sound like. Kevin stayed at the door and just looked at Richie. "Are you going to give me a hug or am I going to have to come after you?" Kevin had tears falling from his eyes. Then slowly he made his way to us, he wrapped us in his arms. He was sobbing like a little kid, it was so touching. I had thought that would be the end of the tears, it hadn't. Howie's eyes were red rimmed, even with him smiling. AJ had his sunglasses on but I could see tears had fallen.

Richie was just like he had been before he fell into a coma. "I already had that talk with my father, it was interesting." Richie raised his eyebrow and smiled slightly, they had planned that I guess. Brian had gotten into a huge fight with his dad, he had won. His father had moved out of the house days later. After Brian's mom found out what had happened she told him to never come back. That was until she had a nice long talk with me. She still didn't like the idea that Brian was gay, but she realized that she loved him anyway. She then turned her anger on her husband, that's when he moved out. We told her what she needed to know, nothing more. We kept Kevin's secret about what he had done to Brian. We didn't think he needed to suffer anymore than he had. He had changed a lot, he called his doctor three times a week. AJ still had a little trouble talking to him but that was understandable. For the most part Kevin was doing really good, I hope that continues. Richie was talking to Brian, it was like taking a step back in time. It was like nothing had ever changed, it felt good. Raven was talking with Kevin, that was a change, but a good one. I wondered if this was how everything would always be.

I found myself holding a sleeping Richie, I feared going to sleep. I had this thought that if I did I would wake up. I didn't want to risk losing him, if this was a dream I would dream forever. It had been so long since I had held him, I knew he was real. It was just that something told me to hold on tightly. That if I didn't then I would lose him forever, it was more than a feeling. It was like someone sending me a message to be careful. He had managed to talk me out of coming out. I don't know how he had done it, but he did in less then ten minutes. I had a surprise for him this time, I was going to do it anyway. I had already made a few phone calls. Some people weren't that happy with my choice, too bad for them. I was going to tell Richie when he woke up, he would support me. I knew that, but I also knew he'd make me face some facts. One that I could lose the lifestyle I had grown use to. I could lose a large amount of fans, maybe all of them. That I could be forgotten by the world in a few years. I didn't care any longer, it was my choice and I knew what I needed. I needed to be myself, no matter the cost. I needed to be with Richie all the time without worrying if someone was watching. It may not have seemed like that from past choices but it was true. I still remembered what Raven had said to me that night.

I know that she was upset with the world, but she had been honest. She had told me what had been getting to her for a while. I just wished I could have seen it myself, then it wouldn't have hit so hard. Her words that night were like well placed daggers, she didn't even give me time to fight back. She knew that Richie was willing to do anything to keep me happy. I just wished that at that time I could have done the same. I hadn't, but now I would, it was the only way I could go. I hoped that it wouldn't be so bad, and without knowing it. Richie had given me hope that I could do this without losing everything. I knew that our two worlds were really different. He was a model and mostly only needed to look good. While on the other hand I had to look good, sound good and keep a ton of fans. I closed and let myself just feel him right beside me, his body was so warm. I had missed this feeling, and I was never going to give it up again. I listened to his even breathing, his beating heart. It was like a song of it's own, at least to me that is. I could live with just hearing this song forever. I would be happy to just have him with me, to know he was mine forever. It wasn't that I hadn't known this before, it was just I feared my life in the open. I had been told so many things over the years, by management, by my mother. Then Richie started looking out for me, he told me that I didn't have to give up anything.

That had been the first time I could see something more in him. Well, not the first but the first time I could see that I would love him forever. Now as I held him in my arms I knew I had made the right choice. This way I could always be with him no matter what. It wouldn't matter if it was outside or behind closed doors. I had a surprise cooked up myself since I now knew Richie was awake. He had made plans with Rosie to come on her show. What he didn't know is that I was going to be there to. I had asked if it would be ok to ask him to marry me on her show. She had just about screamed yes into my ear. The sun was starting to rise, now, I looked over my shoulder and watched it. I slowly fell to sleep after that, my body couldn't handle staying up so long. I woke up hours later with Richie still in my arms. He was awake I could tell by his breathing and moving around. "How long have you been up?" He rolled over and smiled at me, then kissed me. "I've been awake for four hours, and thirty minutes." I just looked at him, how did he stay still so long? "By the way I've braided your hair for you, but I don't know how long it'll last. I didn't have any rubber bands to tie them." Then he started laughing as he slipped out of my arms. I felt my head, found that he wasn't lying in any way. He had spent the last four hours making the smallest braids in my hair. I watched him stretch and then move toward the shower.

I found myself sitting backstage on Rosie. Richie had no clue that I was here, he was going to be shocked. He had the whole hour with her, she wouldn't have it any other way. They had just went back on air, I had five minutes to get ready. I wasn't going to lie, I was beyond nervous. This was my changing point, this is where everything changed. I couldn't look back, I couldn't change my mind. I heard Rosie telling Richie that someone was here to see him. That someone had a very important question to ask him. He looked around, he was so confused. I walked out onto the stage, my head held high as I smiled. The crowd went wild, Richie looked like someone had just stepped on his tail. I knew that he had already put all the pieces together. Rosie pulled me into her arms and hugged me tightly. "Are you sure you want to do this Nick?" I could only nod, it was one thing to come out. It was another to do it on TV, while asking the man you loved to marry you. I could have made this a lot easier on myself, I could have come out. Then a few months later ask Richie to marry me. I didn't feel like asking him in a few months, I wanted to ask him now. I stood before him and held my hand out to him, he took it slowly. I then went down on one knee and pulled a box out of my pocket. "Richard Wayne, would you do me the honor of being my husband?" His mouth dropped open and then the crowd went silent.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 10

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