
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Jan 10, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB I have never met the BSB. This is just a story in other words it's not true. I do not work for anyone that has contact with the BSB and so on this is just a story I hope you like it

Authors note: I have noticed that not many people write BSB stories. So I have decided that I will write as many BSB stories as I can. I might right a few stories about different bands. But don't count on it to much. Ok I use a few different symbol's in my story to help it. These *** mean a character change, right after the *** a name will follow. When I am starting a story off either from the beginning or from the start of another chapter. I will put the name between these ***. Now I'm going to try and stay away from using this but it has happened in the past. These (( )) mean a note from me or a time change. Most of the time I'll just write out the time change. But there are times when I'll get a little lazy so please understand. I will not give my main character any weird powers like my other stories. So this will be the first time that I'll write a normal human story. Which mean's no Sryin's or anything else. I would also like to add that if I start to slip to yell at me to stop. I hope you enjoy the story.

Warning: This story isn't like my other stories it's a lot darker. it involves Rape and a few other things later in the story. You've been warned. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Then I remembered who I had left Richie with, my blood turned to ice. "Come on Bri I left Richie with Kev, we have to get over there." I jumped up off the bed pulling Brian with me. I ran out of the room and down the hall, I tired to open the door but it was locked. I didn't even think twice about knocking. I started to kick the door, Brian was trying to help. It started to crack and then it broke open, Kevin was no where to be seen. Richie was sitting up in his bed looking around. He had this total look of fear in his eyes. I ran over and wrapped him in my arms. "What's going on Nick?" I didn't know how to tell him, it had shocked me. "We know who raped you, it was Kevin." His whole body seemed to turn to stone. Kevin walked out of bathroom a few seconds later looking around the room. "What the hell are you two trying to do?" I looked at Kevin and thought of a million ways to hurt him. "You did it, you hurt me, then you lied." Kevin looked at Richie with a confused look in his eyes. When Kevin saw Brian close the door his eyes got wide. I was starting to stand up when Richie stopped me. Richie stood up and moved toward Kevin slowly. Richie looked dangerous as he walked toward Kevin. "I don't know what you two are talking about." Kevin was looking from Richie to me then to Brian. "I told them everything Kevin, no more secrets." Kevin backed up a little bit as he looked at Richie.

Kevin's face changed quickly, he didn't look like the guy we had grown up with. "Did he tell you that he was in love with you Nick, did Brian tell you that? Did he tell you that he had a crush on Richie that he wanted Richie for himself?" I looked at Brian and smiled brightly. "What's your point Kev, it's not going to change things." Kevin was now up against a wall. "I said I wouldn't run to the press, I won't. I said I would never talk to you again, I won't. I'm going to ask you to leave but not yet, I have something else in mind." I had never heard his voice so cold. "You see what I for got to tell you was this. I'm going to beat the living hell out of you. I'm not really into revenge all that much so I'm not going to do to you what you did to me. But I am going to show you how I fight when it's face to face." Kevin had this dark look in his eyes like he was happy about this. Kevin pulled a small knife out of his pocket. He waved it around in front of Richie's face. "If you think that's going to scare me you have another thing coming. Cut me up I don't care anymore kill me if you think you can. I was a little weak that night, I had been dancing for six hours straight. I'm all rested up now and there is the rage that's been building." Kevin dropped the knife of the floor and tried to punch Richie.


I caught his fist in my hand it hurt a little. I twisted his wrist and wrapped my arm around his. I then twisted my body to send him into a wall face first. I held his arm on his back almost bringing it to the braking point. He hadn't screamed yet and I wanted to hear him scream. "Do you like this Kevin, you like to put others in pain. How many other people have you raped? I know I couldn't have been the first, you had it planed to well." I took him from the wall to the floor hard. I had my knee in his back I was pressing lightly. Then I remembered what he had said to Brian a few minutes ago. "Hey Bri you want to hit him a few times. I know you want to after everything he must have done to you." I looked at Brian, he had a confused look on his face. Then he walked over and looked at Kevin. I pulled Kevin's head up so Brian could take a shot he did only a second later. Brian looked at his fist for a few second's then hit him again. "Hold up champ, you'll get your turn in a little bit, but I'm not done yet and I need him awake." Brian nodded and moved to Nick's side slowly. Nick hadn't moved since I had started attacking Kevin. "You know I could do this all day long, I've been waiting for a month. But I'm not going to I have better thing's to do with my time. But don't think I'm done with you I have so many plans." I was still holding Kevin to the ground when I looked at Nick.

I pulled Kevin up and made him sit down in a chair. He wasn't hurt all that bad but he would be soon enough. "Your not going to drop out of the band. If you do I'll ruin you, no one will come within a hundred yard's of you. I'll make sure you live your life alone if you don't do what I tell you." He looked like he could kill me but he didn't move an inch. I laughed a little, maybe I really was losing my mind. "One your never going to touch anyone ever again. Well, that is going a little to far, you can't be in a band and not touch people. What I mean is this, your never going to hurt anyone again. If I hear that you have hurt someone, be it Nick or Brian. I'll destroy you, I'm sure your starting to get the picture. I don't want you to kill yourself over this, I would just have to tell the world why. I wonder how many people would come to you grave after they knew the real you. You see Kevin I'm going to control you from now on. I can black mail you for the rest of your life. I know it's against the law but what he hell, you don't mind braking it why should I." I looked at Nick and put my hand on his leg. "Your never going to hurt another living person Kev, never ever again. As for Brian I wish I knew why you didn't come forward sooner. I'm sure you had some really good reason's your going to tell me. So I'm not mad at you in any way shape or form." Brian looked like a ton of brick's had been lifted off his shoulders.

I looked back at Kevin smiling a brightly as I could. "As for you well you know how thing's are going to be. I'm not giving Nick and Brian permission to kick your ass every time they get a chance. That wouldn't be right, but I do think I have a better way of dealing with you. No more sex, none what so ever, well with yourself it would be ok. But no one else, I'm going to have all of the guys watching you like a hawk. One screw up and I tell the world, get it Kev the game is over. You can leave now Brian will show you the way out." I looked at Brian and pulled him to my side. I whispered in his ear to throw Kevin threw the door. He looked at me like I was nuts, he was afraid of Kevin. Kevin stood up and walked to the door. Brian walked behind him and shoved him out, Kevin fell and hit the wall. Then Brian closed the door and walked back to Nick and I. We all talked for the next few hours about this and that. I now knew why Brian hadn't said anything to me or Nick. I really wasn't mad in fact I couldn't believe he would do all of that for Nick. He had taken years of being raped to keep Nick safe from Kevin. I couldn't be mad at him I would have done the same thing. I'm just happy Kevin hadn't tried it on me.

It was getting to the point where I was going to have to tell Nick what I had decided. "Nick I can't see you anymore, I don't want to ruin your life." He looked at me and shook his head. "I've been doing a lot of thinking here lately. I've decided that I'm going to be with you no matter what the cost is. If I have to come out to the world so be it. You have made so many sacrifices for me already. It's time I started to do something to keep us together." I looked at him and shook my head lightly. He loved what he did on stage I had seen it first hand. He lived for his fans and every thing that came with it. I knew he was willing to give it up for me but I couldn't let him. "Nick I said I can't see you anymore, I didn't say I couldn't see Logan anymore." I smiled at him hoping he would understand. "When everything ends ten or twenty years from now, or the world stop's hating so much. Then I would love to tell the world that we are lovers, then we could get married. But I refuse to take a chance on what makes you happy. I want to be with you and I will, but not in the pubic eye. I would also like to add that if you came out now I couldn't really get even with Kevin. Plus I don't think your ready Nick, not yet. Everyone you've ever told that you were gay didn't care. That's not the world it's not as forgiving as loved ones. Your not just holding your future in your hands your holding your bands to. Kevin's out of the way you still have to think of Brian, AJ, and Howie. If you still want to do this I'll be behind you all the way. I just really want you to understand what you might be giving up." I looked at Nick and smiled, I didn't mind keeping our relationship a secret. I just wouldn't remain secret to world, and I could move to Florida after I got back that is.

I watched Nick while he thought about what to do. Brian was smiling but I don't think I had seen this smile on his face before. I believe it was a real smile one he hadn't used in a long time. "I'm going to follow Nick's lead if he comes out so am I." I looked at Brian I did have one question that I had been dying to ask. "Bri, what's up with the marriage and all that. I mean I now know it's fake but why did you do it?" His smile almost faded away now I was sorry that I had asked. "Kevin made me do it, I didn't really have a choice. Leighanne did it to help me out, she knew that I was gay. I kept it from the band because I was told to." I pulled him into a hug and held him tightly. I could only imagine what he went threw for Nick. I owned Brian more than he would ever know, and I think it was about time I started to repay him. "I'm going to find you a boyfriend if it's last thing I do." Brian looked up and laughed at me. "You mean I can't join you and Nicky, and here I was with my hopes up." I was shocked I knew it was joke, but it was first time he had joked around with me like that. I couldn't stop the laughter that came next, it was just to much. "Ok Brian you can spend the night with us but not in the same bed." He was smiling and then he hit my shoulder. "That's cool I didn't plan on sleeping all that much anyway." I just smiled at and Nick and shook my head.

Nick looked like he was a hundred miles away. The laughter stopped as I looked at him. He really was thinking about this, his life and career, his future. To say that I wasn't worried about what he decided would be a lie. I would stand by his side now matter his choice I just hoped it really was the right one. It didn't matter if I thought it was the right choice. It only mattered if it was the right choice for him. I knew Brian would be spending a lot of time with us from now. I liked that little fact, I liked Brian he really was a nice guy. I had changed my mind about moving to Florida, I was going to talk Nick into moving in with me. I had a huge house and it was empty, it could use to people in it. I had enough space for Brian to move in to. We could be a happy little family, after I got Brian a boyfriend. I was going to start talking to some of the models that I worked with. There was some really great guys out there. I had spoken with a few of them, they all really seemed to want to reach out. I hadn't really given any of them a chance when it came to being friends. I was going to have to start changing my life style. I had to start letting people in or someday I wouldn't have anyone. I was just going to be careful who I let in.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and looked back to Nick. He looked like he was almost ready to say something. "I have a few questions, if that's ok with you Richie?" I nodded he could ask anything he wanted. "No matter what I chose your still going to be here right? I mean we are still going to be together no matter what." I nodded and pulled his hand to my lips and kissed his hand. "I'll always be here for you Nick no matter what. As for me coming back with you, I can't yet. But I will be back at my house in a few months." He was now the one nodding, he was also taking a deep breath. "I don't think I'm ready yet, but I will be soon. Then I want to marry you when that time comes." I smiled he had made the right choice in my eyes. I knew he had made it for himself but I was happy for him. "I have an idea and I'm going to need both of you to make it work." Brian looked up with a confused look on his face. "I want both of you to move into my house while I'm here. That way when I come home, I'll have a family waiting for me. When I had first looked at the house I was seventeen. I thought that I would have a family to fill it. I think I have that family now, I know you two are busy. But if you get some free time I want you to move in." Brian and Nick were looking at each other then me.

I think I had managed to confuse them both, God I loved blondes. "I won't be home for at least five mouths. I've signed a few contracts so I can't leave even if I wanted to. Your tour will be over before I can leave here. So I want both of you to move into my house. I have enough room, and it's not an area in the spot light. I don't think it's a good idea to leave Brian alone. So he has to move in to, when I come back we can be together all the time. At least until Brian gets himself a boy friend, then it's just be Nick and I. No, I don't mean I'm kicking Bri out, I just mean that most likely he won't want to spend so much time with us. So what do you think of my idea is it a little to overboard?" I looked at both of them, they were smiling. "I think it's a great idea, when should we get started?" I thought I had already answered this question. "As soon as you two can get some free time. We also need to tell the other guys every thing. I'm sure they'll be on our side after they know what's going on." Nick and Brian agreed and our plan would soon take effect.

It had been seven months since I had seen Nick. I had talked to him a lot but not enough. I was almost done in Paris it had taken longer then I had thought it would. The good new was that the black and blue tour had done better than thought. They already had another CD planed and everything. Kevin had been pretty much pushed away from everyone. His life was a living hell, I couldn't say that I felt sorry for him. I guess a very small part of me did but that didn't mean it would end. I would be flying out of Paris tonight, but I wasn't going home yet. I had to make a stop somewhere first, I had to start facing my past. I was going to go see my family, I had to know what had become of them. I hadn't told Nick about my plan I didn't think it would help him worry less. I told him I was going to be on a different plane and all that. I would get to New York around the same time, but not on the plane he thought I would be on. It would all work out I had made a lot of plans. He wouldn't be picking me up at the air port I had a limo waiting for me. I was going on a talk show once I arrived in New York. It would be the first talk show I had ever been on. I had talked to Nick about it for over an hour, he had told me that Rosie was a nice person.

I walked around in the air port, things had changed since I had last been here. I had already called a limo and it was waiting for me. I told the driver to take me to the downtown area. I noticed that Louisville had changed very little. If anything it had gotten worse since I had left it. I gave the driver the address to my old house, I hoped my family still lived there. When the driver stopped I looked out the window. The house was still there in all it's glory. I stepped out of the limo and walked around the gate, and up the drive way. I walked up the long flight of stairs. I paused at the door for a few minutes, my limo was waiting. I knocked on the door then stood back a little. I took a deep breath as the door opened, my mother had answered the door. I looked at her calmly and smiled warmly. The look of total shock took hold of her face as she grabbed her mouth. "Hello mother did you miss me?" She backed away from the door as if she had seen a ghost. I knew that I looked a great deal different from what I use to. My hair was now half way down my back. I had gotten a bit taller and stronger over the years. "Honey who's at the door, my God you look like you've seen a ghost." My father was facing my mother but he hadn't seen me yet.

I started to laugh lightly at them both getting my fathers attention. He turned around slowly and looked me square in the eye. "Hey pops, looks like I did make something of myself after all." He wasn't smiling he was shaking with fear. He had good reason to be afraid of me. He had tried to kill me but I had gotten away. Now he wouldn't stand a chance against me. I wasn't here to attack them I was here to see someone I had missed. "Where is my sister, or did she run away from you to?" They didn't say a word nor did they move. A little fact that I hadn't told that many people, I had a twin so to speak. We didn't look a like, thank God for small miracles. I would never look that good in a dress and I didn't want boobs. "Mom who's at the door?" I had missed my sister a lot she had been my rock. I hadn't seen her since I had left, I never found out if she hated me. It was my reason for coming back. I had to know if I had any family what so ever. I had never tried to get in contact with her I had feared her reaction. She was running down the stairs, she looked like a dark angel. You have to understand we don't look alike because she's a girl. But we did share a few things in our looks. Her hair was as black as mine, her skin was just as pale. Her eyes were just as green as my own.

She was wearing a white dress, her hair was hanging lose. She had changed so much I almost didn't know her. She had gotten taller and thinner, her hair had to be past her hips. She froze when she saw me standing in the doorway. I couldn't stop starring at her, I had really missed her. "Raven, is that really you?" She put her hand over her mouth slowly. I saw the tears forming in her eyes slowly. "They told me you had died when I was in the boarding school." I was so shocked that I couldn't move, they had told her I was dead. "I've seen the head stone, your friends said the same thing." I tried to say something but I couldn't, it was like nothing I had ever felt before. I looked at my parents rage burning in my eyes and soul. "How dare you tell such lies" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "I'm far from dead, I know why they told you I was dead. Maybe after you know you'll wish it was true." I stormed into the house slamming the door behind me as I entered. My father went to stop me from coming further in. I pushed him into a wall and looked at my mother she didn't move. I walked up to my sister and took her hand in mine. "Do I feel dead to you? Do I look dead to you Raven?" She was shaking her head and she was smiling. She wrapped her arms around me.


I had been watching TV all day long, I was getting stir crazy. Richie would be coming home later today. I was waiting for Rosie to come on but that was a few hours away. Brian ran into the house almost screaming at me. "Turn the news on, theirs been a plane crash." I switched to the news channel my heart racing. "Two hours ago a plane coming from Paris crashed into the ocean, as of now no one has been found. This was flight seven sixteen, for those who were awaiting family." I couldn't breathe, all I could do was shake like I had been hit by a twister. I picked up the paper I had written the plane number on. It matched the one on the TV, I turned to Brian and fell to the ground. I wanted to scream at the world but I couldn't find my voice. Brian pulled me to my feet and helped me to the arm chair. I couldn't stop crying how could this happen. We were so close this time, he was on his way home. I couldn't lose him I was going to look for him. He would not die like that he was to strong. I knew he couldn't be dead I would have felt something. "He's not dead Bri, he can't be dead, he won't be dead." Brian was crying like I was but he was trying to be strong.

I hadn't moved from the TV since I had heard the news. AJ and Howie had promised they would be here as quick as they could. I wasn't worried about that, I was only worried about Richie. Brian was in his room laying down for a while. I heard him moving around then his TV come on. He wasn't watching the news he didn't want to know anything unless it was fact. I had thought about calling Rosie and telling her the news, but I couldn't. I turned the TV to Rosie and decided I would see how she dealt with Richie not showing. "Please give a warm welcome to RJ Wayne." The crowd went wild when he walked onto the stage. I fell back against the couch and just watched. I watched as they shook hands and gave each other a hug. The crowd was going nuts, but so was I as I watched. I had so many thoughts running around in my head, could this have been taped week's ago. I couldn't think straight for longer than a few seconds. I noticed that everything was starting to get fuzzy. I was seeing spots and everything was going dark and quick. I passed out a few seconds later.


I was sitting beside Rosie, talking about this and that. "So from what I understand, your openly gay?" I looked at her and smiled, I had known that this question was coming. "Yes, I am, in fact I have been for over eight years." She smiled warmly and walked around her desk. I didn't know about this part of the show, had I missed something. She wrapped me in a tight hug and pulled me off my feet. I had never met a woman that could do that. She then took a seat beside me and put her arm over my shoulder. "I am so happy you decided to stop by our show. I know you must have family to get to, after all it's almost Christmas. So I'm not going to keep you here any longer than I have to. But I will ask you to spend the whole hour here if you can?" I looked at her closely, I was a bit amazed by her, was she nuts? I started nodding like a mad man, I had a ten minute spot. Now I could be here for an hour, it would help my career. Then we cut to a commercial Rosie remained by me side. "I am so happy you chose my show to do this. I know a few guys that would love to meet you. That is if your single, are you single?" I had to smile she really was a nice lady. " Sorry I'm taken as of now and I hope to remain that way forever." She smiled and laughed lightly as she stood up and walked back around her desk. "He must be one hell of a guy, could I meet him someday. That is if you don't mind, and he doesn't?" I smiled brightly, if she only knew. "I'll have to ask him but I'm sure it'll be fine. But I'm not sure when we could get together." She smiled and told me to look back at the camera.

I spent the next hour hanging with Rosie, I met a few people. I gave her my cell number and she gave me her cell and house number. I had brought Raven with me, she had decided to move in with me. So we spent two hours getting her bags packed, my father had tried to stop me. I didn't let him in fact gave him something to remember me by. I had to wonder how his jaw was doing, I hoped it was broke. My hand was still hurting so I hoped he was to. I had a surprise for them when I walked in the doors. I had never seen my sister so happy. She was jumping all over the place, she couldn't keep her hands off the buttons. My family wasn't poor but that didn't mean they were rich either. "God you drive around in these all that time?" I shook my head who did she think I was Richie Rich? The limo pulled up in front of the house and she just stared. She had been really cool when I told her I was gay. I didn't know how cool she would continue to be once she met my boyfriend. I stepped out of the limo and held the door open for her. I noticed that there were two rental cars in my drive way. I guess I had more than a little company at the house. The driver carried my bags to the porch and sat them down. I thanked him and gave him a nice tip.

I stood at the door for a few seconds, I hadn't planed this. I didn't think my sister would be so forgiving. I had thought she would hate me and that could close the book. I was proven wrong so quickly. She had said your point, I had been confused. But then again my sister never really liked our parents. I unlocked the door and opened it slowly looking inside. The house looked amazing, it looked like a home now. I looked around the room to see the guys all starring at me. Nick was out cold I guess he had taken a nap on the couch. Brian moved toward me then swayed to the right and down he went. I rushed to his side and tried to pick him up. "Your dead, theirs no way you couldn't have swam this far." I looked up at Howie who was starting to become pale. "Why the hell does everyone think I'm dead today?" I looked at the TV and saw the news report. I placed my hand over my mouth as I watched. Now I understood why Brian had passed out when he saw me. The plane that I should have been on crashed hours ago. No one had been found alive yet and all were expected dead. "Oh, God I better think twice before I plan another surprise." My sister walked in and screamed when she saw AJ. The guys looked at my sister and froze.

I walked back over to her and walked her in. "Aren't you a little to old to be screaming like that?" She looked at me and shook her head no. "Guys this is my sister Raven, that's not her real name, but it's what I call her. It's all so the reason I'm not dead, I took a different to plane. I went home to find my sister, and here we are." AJ walked up to my sister and checked her out. "So you disowned your brother?" She shook her head and stood up to her full height. "I would never do that and for your information sir, I was told he was dead." My sister had a real southern accent and it was beautiful. Brian was starting to come around slowly. "Who's watching Gone With The Wind?" Brian had just chosen the worst thing in the world to say. My sister was on his chest her hand drawn high in the air. I pulled her off a second later Brian moved away until he saw me. "Your alive I'm not seeing things." I shook my head and smiled at him. He jumped up and pulled me into a tight hug. "We have to wake Nick up now." Brian was moving like his pants were on fire. "Nick wake up, Richie's here, and he's alive!" Nick still didn't really stir his lips were in a pout. I took a seat beside him and reached down planting my lips on his. His eye's flew open to be greeted by mine.

His arms flew around me and held on to me tightly. "I thought it was a dream when I saw you on Rosie. I didn't know what to think, but your here and it's not a dream." I was nodding my head and my sister was making little noses. "That is so cute, Rocky that has to be the cutest thing I've ever seen." I froze in my tracks, she had used a very old nickname. I hated the nickname to the highest power, and the reason was even worse. "Rocky, you people really like nicknames don't you." I looked at Howie with my death stair. At least he hadn't asked why I had it, or why I hadn't told them about it. "Nick this is my sister Rachel, but everyone calls her Raven." Ok I was now confusing the hell out of everyone. "Ok, let me explain a few things. The reason I call my sister Raven is because she can't sing. When she does it sounds like a Raven screeching." My sisters face was turning red and quick. "And the reason I call him Rocky is for all the stunts he's pulled. He has rocks for brains, isn't that right Rocky." Now it was my turn to become red. The guys were nodding and smiling brightly. "So what kind of stunts has our boy pulled?" I put my hand over my sisters mouth and dragged her away.

To Be Continued

Hi I was just wondering what everyone thought of this chapter. I know it isn't my best work but it was all I could do. The next chapter will have a happier tint to it. Anyway if you have time drop me a line

E-mail: Angel36745@aol.com

Next: Chapter 6

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