
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Dec 31, 2000


Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB I have never met the BSB. This is just a story in other words it's not true. I do not work for anyone that has contact with the BSB and so on this is just a story I hope you like it

Authors note: I have noticed that not many people write BSB stories. So I have decided that I will write as many BSB stories as I can. I might right a few stories about different bands. But don't count on it to much. Ok I use a few different symbol's in my story to help it. These *** mean a character change, right after the *** a name will follow. When I am starting a story off either from the beginning or from the start of another chapter. I will put the name between these ***. Now I'm going to try and stay away from using this but it has happened in the past. These (( )) mean a note from me or a time change. Most of the time I'll just write out the time change. But there are times when I'll get a little lazy so please understand. I will not give my main character any weird powers like my other stories. So this will be the first time that I'll write a normal human story. Which mean's no Sryin's or anything else. I would also like to add that if I start to slip to yell at me to stop. I hope you enjoy the story.

Warning: This story isn't like my other stories it's a lot darker. it involves Rape and a few other things later in the story. You've been warned.


The silence was starting to get to me, I didn't know why. I lived most of my life in silence. That was when I was alone now I wasn't so I guessed I didn't like it all that much. The problem was simple I didn't know Kevin so I didn't know what to talk about. I was starting to feel like a real outsider. I knew that feeling real well and didn't like it all that much. "You help the guys with their problems right?" Kevin nodded and turned his full attention toward me. "I'm going to rant a little bit so stop me when you've heard enough." He was smiling, I liked that about him. I now knew why the girl's went nuts over this guy. "I really like Nick but I'm not sure how he feel's about me. I'm really not that good with people. I'm not use to talking to people unless it's about business. The problem is I don't know how to talk to him. I want to tell him how I feel but I'm afraid that it would ruin my friendship with him. I haven't had any real friend's in a long time. That's my fault so don't go feeling sorry for me. I've just pushed people away so long I don't know how to keep them close. I don't want that to happen with me and Nick, I want us to stay close. In some weird way I need him more than he knows. The first time I met him I felt so at ease. It's the first time that I have ever felt that I didn't have to watch where I stepped. I just don't want to lose him as a friend." I looked up at Kevin to see him nodding.

He took a deep breathe and looked like he was getting ready to give a speech. "I don't know you all to well so I can't really tell you what to do. But I do have a question or two for you. One why do you push people away, secondly are you falling for Nick?" I had to think for a minute, I didn't really know why I pushed everyone away. "I don't know I'm just afraid of what'll happen when the person really gets to know me. The last time I let someone in I got hurt bad. I'm just scared that I would chase Nick away. My past isn't all that beautiful, it isn't a reason but it does make me think twice about everything. I didn't do that when Nick called and asked me to come. I just agreed right off the bat, I still don't understand that. On your second question, I think I am but I don't want to rush anything. I want to know everything about Nick, and I want him to know everything about me. I don't want any secrets between us at all. I can understand some things being kept out. But I want to know all the important stuff that matters to him. I don't want to be left in the dark." I finished then looking back up at him. I hadn't noticed that I had looked down.

He looked like he was in serious thought, that was until there was a knock on the door. Kevin walked to the door and answered it pulling a large cart into the room. He stood there for a few seconds. Then screamed food into the hallway, I swear it sounded like a stampede. In seconds the room was filled with the guys grabbing as much food as they could. I had never seen anything like that in my whole life. Then everyone walked to different parts of the room and started eating. I walked to the cart and picked some food out that I liked. I wasn't worried about watching what I ate right now. "I thought you were a model, I didn't know you guys could eat like that." I looked at Howie and smiled he had a point. I put some of the food back and walked back to the bed. Howie had this pained look on his face that I didn't understand. "I was only joking man, I didn't mean to make you put your food back." I looked around the room to see everyone nodding. "No, you were right I have to watch what I eat. Just because I'm not working right now doesn't mean I can slack off. I'm use to not eating all that much anyway it's no biggie. It's not like I don't eat I do, I just watch myself." It didn't seem to change the way everyone was looking at me.

I picked up my muffin and started to eat it slowly. "You know if you wanted to eat more I'm sure we could help you burn it off." I looked up at Brian who had this little smirk on his face. "What might that be?" They all looked at each other like they had a secret. "What would you say about dancing with us?" It sounded like a good idea but I knew it would take me some time to learn the moves. "Well, it sounds cool but it would take a little while before I could do your moves." Kevin started shaking his head while he went to the cart. He started to stack food on a plate and then he handed it to me. "Eat up I promise you'll burn off all of the fat." I took the plate and started to eat the eggs and what not that was on it. "AJ call Fatiam and tell her we have a dancer that needs to be trained." I didn't like the word trained in the least, I was about to say something when Brian slapped me on my back. I almost choked on my food so I returned the favor by knocking him over. I didn't hurt him but I got a round of laughs from everyone. "Your going to be a great member of the team. Just try to not to put us on our asses all the time." Brian said from the floor I just laughed.

I was in the bus again I was really starting to hate that damn thing. We were on our way to the arena, where I would meet Fatiam. I was a little worried about meeting her but the guys told me not to worry. As the bus pulled up behind the place I noticed that there were a few fan's waiting. The guys took off running for the doors once the bus opened their doors. I followed as quickly as I could but it didn't seem to help I lost the back of my shirt. Once we were inside I was in my kill mode. "Why the hell did they attack me, I didn't do a damn thing." The guys were laughing at me so I flipped them all off. "Well, it look's like we have a winner." I turned around to see a very pretty woman smiling at me. "Hi I'm Fatiam, you must be Richie." I shook her hand smiling she seemed like a nice lady. "Nice to meet you, but warning I've only taken a few classes." She nodded and took me away from the guys. I just waved bye to them as she dragged me off. I then spent the next four hours leaning three dances. I no longer thought that Fatiam was a nice lady. I now knew that she was evil and a slave driver. I was so out of breathe that I begged for a brake. The woman was heartless and told me I couldn't take a brake until I knew the moves.

I looked at the guys for help but none came. I knew the guys were loving this I could hear their laughter. "Ok since you boys seem to like watching maybe it's time you started to help." I heard a lot of groans and pleas none were accepted. "Ok Rich take a brake and watch the guys dance." I smiled and walked to the side lines to watch. I noticed that Nick had a few problems himself. I watched them all closely learning what I needed to. I always learned the most when I watched what I needed to learn. I could mimic just about anything that I could see. I watched for a half an hour while they worked their butts off. They didn't make any where near the mistakes that I did. After I was asked back to the stage. I could do the moves a lot better but not perfect. "That's a lot better but you still need to work on it. In about a week you should be ready to dance on stage with the boys." I stopped in my tracks, I hadn't planed on dancing with them. I could understand practicing with them. It was a great workout but on stage with them. I just didn't know about that.

I watched the concert from back stage that night. It was a great show that was easy to see. The dancers were a lot better than I could ever be. I think they were better than the guys to. I would keep that to myself no need to hurt their egos. I fell to sleep in my chair while waiting for them to finish the meet and greet. I woke up in the buck with Nick fast asleep beside me. I went back to sleep once I knew where I was. I had one of the most peaceful rest that night. I didn't even bother getting out of the bunk in the morning. I just laid there while everyone else moved around. Everyone but Nick he was still asleep his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I closed my eyes and started to drift off again when someone opened the curtain. I was still fully dressed as was Nick but I guess it didn't look to good. "Oh, I am so sorry I thought you were awake." Howie said closing the curtain. I laughed at him he was such a gentleman. "Nicky I think it's time to get up." He moaned loudly he was not helping that much. After Nick moaned everyone on the other side of the curtain went silent. If they didn't think anything was going on before they did now.

I tapped Nick on his forehead lightly trying to wake him. "I don't want to get up, need sleep, sleep good." I looked at him for a few seconds trying to understand what he had just said. "Nick theirs a fire in your pants." He jumped up and out of the bunk quickly looking down. I laughed my ass off until he dived back and starting tickling me. Then I kept laughing but not of my own free will. "Mercy you win I give please stop." He stopped but remained on my chest. I looked up into his eyes catching something there. He gently leaned down and kissed my lips. I parted my lips inviting him in further. Our tongues met in a dance of love and passion. With my arms free I pulled him closer to my body. Soon he was laying on my chest. I pulled his shirt up over his head braking the kiss for only a second. Then it started again this time deeper more needed than before. He pulled my shirt over my head then the kiss continued. His hand moved down to my pants he was trying to pull them off. I broke the kiss and looked into his eyes. "I'm sorry I'm not ready for this yet." He smiled and moved to me side laying back. "It's ok but would you be ready to be my boyfriend?" I thought about it for a second making sure I was ready. I didn't want to end up hurting him or vice versa. "Yes, that I am ready for, but we need to have a long talk first." He nodded and then pulled the curtain back.

As I had thought the guys were on the other side listening. Nick tackled them all to the floor. I jumped out to give him a hand which wasn't needed. So I watched until it looked like Nick was starting to lose. Then I jumped into the dog pile trying to help him. Before it was over with we had them all pined to the ground. I don't really know how we did it but it happened. "What should we do with them while their at our mercy?" Nick looked over at me and smiled brightly. "Well, I really don't know it's not like we can move. They would get away wouldn't they?" I nodded and looked down at Kevin and AJ. "Nick do you think you can reach that bag other there?" He looked over and pulled it over to my side. I opened it up and started picking make up out. "There isn't much but I'm sure we can give them a make over." Nick and laughed and grabbed my lip stick, it wasn't that bright or anything like that. But if you put it on skin you could tell the difference. I pulled out the other stick I had and started to pant Kevin and AJ's faces. Once we were done we looked at our master peace's. "Get ready to run when I say three." Nick nodded and waited for a few seconds. "Three" we both took off running toward the bus door. Soon we were outside and on our way into the hotel.


I was running for my life with Richie right beside me. I wanted to reach out and take his hand but I couldn't. I heard the guys giving chase so we couldn't stop at the front desk. I went around and corner Richie right behind me. I saw a door and jumped inside pulling him with me. I closed the door and listened for the guys to pass. We didn't hear anything for about three minutes. Then I heard Kevin shouting at Howie to check down a hallway. I had to my hand over Richie's mouth to keep him from laughing. His face was turning bight red which looked really odd on him. When he was calm his skin was so pale. It really brought his eyes out which were so green. His lips were so red it looked like rose petals. He was truly beautiful that was easy to see, but if you looked close enough. You could see more than beauty in his eyes. I could see that there was pain and fear deep inside. I wanted to take that pain away make him forget it. I didn't understand the fear yet but I would soon. I kissed his lips lightly then pulled back slowly. I didn't hear the guys anymore so I thought it would be safe to come out. I looked to the door and slowly opened it. I peaked out and didn't see them anywhere. I pulled Richie out with me looking around the corner.

We made it to our room thanks to the nice lady at the front desk. Once I entered the room I locked the door. I knew that wouldn't keep Kevin out he had a key to everyones room. But the bathroom did have a lock and he couldn't get in there. "So let's have that talk." He looked up at me and then looked away. I was a little worried this did not look to good. "Get a seat this could take sometime. I have some thing's that are going to shock you. There are thing's I haven't come anywhere near telling you. But I want you to understand everything about me before you jump into this." I walked over to the bed and sat down looking at him. He walked to the little table we had and sat down on top of it. He then pulled his legs to his chest and took a deep breathe. "I don't want you to move or say anything until I'm done. Please don't run away I couldn't take that. If after I'm done you want to leave I'll understand, but please don't run." I looked into his eyes, their were tears hanging on the lids. I wanted to move to wipe them away but I didn't want to move. He looked like he was going threw his memories. Reliving whatever it was that caused him so much pain.

"When I was little I was rased to be a certain way. My parents wanted the perfect son they wouldn't settle for less. So I was trained in everything so I would be perfect. When I was ten I was sent to a private school. I stayed there until I was thirteen at that time I tried to kill myself. I took every pill I could find in the place, I don't remember much after that. I woke up in a hospital with a tube down my throat. My parents were standing by the door asking how they could have messed up so badly. They didn't worry with the fact that I had almost died. What they did worry about was keeping it a secret. After that I went into a very deep depression. It was then that I was raped by the doctor that should have been helping me. That lasted for one year before I could fake being happy again. My parents pulled me out of there quickly thinking everything was fine. They thought they had there perfect son back. So I was pushed into acting classes, and other classes like it. I was now fifteen and felt so lost and alone. I knew I was gay since I was ten so that added to my heartache. I met someone and he broke more than my heart. He broke my will to exist or even try to fight. On my sixteenth birthday I ran away from the world. When I returned I became a model and lived that life. I still lived with an abusive boyfriend that my parents thought was my best friend. When we, I turned eighteen I announced to the world that I was gay."

I couldn't help but stair and start to feel a little pity for him. I tried to push the pity away and summon the love that I felt for him. He had stopped talking but I knew he wasn't done. The way he kept his knees pulled to his chest said that. The tears were falling down his face like a water fall. He looked like he was trying to regain some control over himself. I looked toward the door and saw Kevin and Brian standing there. I was about to tell them to leave until I saw their faces. Both of their faces were filled with pain. I knew that Richie didn't know that they were there. But I didn't have the heart to tell him not now. Brian started to move toward him but Kevin stopped him in his tracks. I noticed that Richie was clearing his throat. So I looked back to him waiting for him to continue. He took a few more deep breathes before his voice boomed out once again.

"Once my secret was out my boyfriend dumped me. I can't say that I was all that sad about that. I then turned to my family that I thought would be there for me. They weren't I was disowned and kicked out. I had enough money in my bank account to move so I did. But not before I got a good bye present from my mother and farther. They tried to cut my face up but that didn't happen. I got away but I still carry a scar from the fight. From there I moved to New York into my own apartment. I worked for the next three years without taking any time off. I then moved into my own house once I had the money for it. Then I traveled the world and worked until I was told that I wasn't what the people wanted. I know my time hasn't passed me by but I can't stand not working. It makes me face a world I don't want to see. The reason I've been alone for so long is simple. I'm scared of what'll happen if I fall in love. I've had other relationships but all of them turned out bad. When I'm in your arms I feel so safe so loved. I'm so afraid that'll end that you'll leave me behind. You see Nick I've already fallen in love with you. I would do anything to make you happy. Even brake a promise I made to myself, I've already broken it. I know this is a lot to take in, but try to understand. I do love you and I would never hurt you. If you want to leave I'll understand, if you want to yell at me it's cool. Just do whatever you want but please don't run while you do it."

I slowly stood up and moved toward him. I didn't run or make any quick movements. Once I was close enough he looked into my eyes. Tear were still falling freely and his breathing was coming quickly. I pulled him to my chest and just held him there. He sobbed in my arms his body shaking with pain. I now understood his pain and fear, now I could do my best to make it go away. I looked back at Kevin and Brian who hadn't moved for some time. I looked toward the door and they left as silently as they could. I held him in my arms for a very long time. I didn't want to let go but I knew that I had to soon. I had to get to the arena for the concert tonight. Someone knocked on our door an hour or two later. I had moved Richie to the bed and laid him down. I was laying beside him when Kevin walked in. "Nick could I have a few words with you?" I nodded and looked at Richie, he was fast asleep. I walked over to Kevin and walked out of the room. He pulled me to his room where the other guys were waiting. "Look are you sure you should be getting into a relationship with a guy who has so many problems." It was AJ who asked the question but I knew where it had really come from. "Yes, I'm sure, if I wasn't I would have left him once he was done." That answer shocked everyone in the room. "So your saying that you could have been cold enough to leave him sitting there. If what he told you wasn't something you could deal with." I looked at Brian and nodded without letting my face give way.

I couldn't have left him no matter what he did. He could have killed hundreds of people and I could have found a way to look past it. Well, maybe not hundreds but it would have been up there. I knew in my heart that I loved him with everything that I was and ever would be. It was like something in my soul screaming out that this was met to be. I had fallen for him a long time ago. I could tell the guys that but it would make them worry. I looked at Brian who was giving me the dirtiest look. "I don't know you any more Frick I really don't." Brian said as he walked past me and out the door. I was a little hurt by his words but I let it slide. I listened to everyone else for about an hour and then left the room. I went back to mine and laid back down beside Richie. As soon as my body hit the bed his arms were around me. I leaned into him letting myself fall to sleep.


Nick and I have been together for the last three months. I don't think I could be any happier. After the first month we finally had sex and it was the greatest sex I had ever had. Who would have know that boy could do those thing's. I was taking a shower when someone stepped in behind me. I thought it was Nick at first but this person was stronger. I tried to turn around but I couldn't, I was about to scream when he put his hand over my mouth. I tried to fight him but it was like everything I knew about self defense jumped out of my head. He wasn't really hurting me at all, in fact he was being as gentle as he could. I felt kisses going down my back as my hands were still at my sides. I started to scream again but no one would hear me. I knew that the guys had gone out to eat. I had stayed behind to practice some of the new dance moves. The floor we were on was only us. I felt something tying my hands behind my back. Then I felt something going over my eyes. I could no longer see anything anywhere. I was then picked up and carried out of the shower. I was kicking the whole time trying to get away from him.

He tossed me on the bed softly then sat on my chest. I could feel that I he didn't have any clothes on. He then tied my feet to the bed post so I couldn't kick anymore. I had so many images running around in my head. This had happened before when I was kid. I wanted to scream but knew it wouldn't help. I felt his mouth moving up and down my shaft. I felt that my hip's were pushing upward, like I didn't have any control. I couldn't stop the moans that were coming from my throat. I felt his mouth leave my shaft and move lower. I felt a finger push inside of me then another. I was starting to moan even louder. Then stopped and felt my leg's tied somewhere else. Higher than what they were before. I then felt something slick being rubbed around my hole. I felt a little bit of presser then he was inside of me. It hurt a little he was bigger than Nick was wider to. But he stopped letting me get use to it. Whoever was doing this wasn't out to hurt me that bad. He had to know that no matter what I was going to be hurt. Once the pain was gone he started to thrust into me. While he did that he jacked me off, I knew I couldn't hold out much longer.

I felt my balls start to draw up and the muscles in my ass start to tighten. Then it was like a bomb going off, I was shooting everywhere. I felt him give way inside of me but I didn't feel his cum. He had worn a condom not a dumb person in the least. I felt his lips on mine trying to push further. I would allow it not now or ever, he soon gave up. I felt something sliding across my chest. It must have been a towel or something like it. Then he was gone I heard the door open and close. I laid there for hours waiting for Nick to come back. I was still tied up and I couldn't free myself. I started to scream after the first three hours. I was starting to think that I would be left here forever. I heard someone at the door then nothing. "Nick is that you I need help please." I heard the door fly open then a scream. It was Nick I knew his voice, I felt his hands untying my legs first. Then the blind fold was taken off. I looked up into his eyes tears streaming down mine. "Who did this to you?" I didn't know what to say I didn't know. "I didn't get a chance to look at him. At first I thought it was you, until I felt his hands." I told him everything once my hand's were untied. "Why didn't you scream or something?" I looked at him thinking did you not hear me? "Nick no one else is allowed on this floor but us. I didn't think anyone would hear me." He nodded and looked away for a few seconds.

I tired to understand why he looked away but I couldn't. "Richie there was someone else on the floor. Well, until about an hour or two ago. Brian and Kevin both came back to rest up. They were both on the floor when this happened, maybe they heard something." I froze could either one of them have done this to me? I shook my head they were straight and married. I nodded and he helped me to the bathroom, while I took a shower he waited outside of the door. I just couldn't get clean enough I felt like there was dirt all over my skin. I wanted to scratch it all off until I felt clean but I didn't. I slid down the wall and started to cry again. I slowly got out of the shower and got dressed with Nick watching over me. I wasn't weak or anything I was just scared that it would happen again. We walked down the hall to Kevin's room. Nick almost beat the door down until Kevin opened it up. "We need to get the guys together now." Kevin just nodded and moved to his phone. From there he called each room asking the guys to come to his room. Five minutes later all the guys were sitting around the room. All of them had confused looks on their faces.

Kevin stood up and walked to the center of the room. "Since Nick is the one that called this meeting I'll let him take over." Kevin walked back to his bed smiling. He must have thought that it was good news. I didn't want to let go of Nick's hand but I did. He patted my leg and went to the center of the room. "I know you guys think this is good news or something but it isn't. Tonight someone snuck into my room and." He looked at me for a few seconds making sure that I was ok with telling them. "Someone snuck in and rapped Richie, he was in the shower. I need to know if any of you heard anything?" Everyone was looking at me Brian moved across the room and put his hand on my shoulder. I pulled away quickly looking at the hurt look on his face. "I'm sorry I just I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that I." I jumped up and ran out of the room before I started to cry again. I heard my name yelled but I went on. I just couldn't stop I wanted to get to my room. I needed to leave I needed to go home, I couldn't stay here any longer. I needed to be alone for a while, I needed my old world back. I loved Nick but I couldn't handle this, I let him in and I got hurt. I know he isn't the one that hurt me but it was the same. I lowered my defenses and now I was in pain.

I was packing as quickly as I could, I already called a cab that should be here shortly. Nick hadn't come after me, it was better that way. He must have thought that I would come back on my own. I wrote him a letter telling him how sorry I was. I left it on the bed when left, I knew he wouldn't find it in time to stop me. I had to get to the air port and take any fight that was going east. I got in the cab and told them to take me to the air port. Then I was gone. I waved bye as we pulled away from the hotel. Once I was at the air port I got on the next flight to New York. I had a thirty minute wait, I could handle that. When I plane was called I checked my luggage and got on the plane. When we lifted of the ground I started to cry again. I then slammed those doors closed and regained control over myself. I shut every door that led to pain, I wouldn't let this happen again. I fell to sleep on the plane, it was a long flight. I missed the arms that use to be around me, but I would have to get use to it. I let my nightmares take hold once I slipped away. I was fighting a monster that wouldn't die. I was fighting my darker side that had liked the idea of leaving. I let him win I didn't need to feel anymore, I could live my life like that. I wouldn't have to worry about being hurt ever again.


I had tried to go after Richie but Howie had stopped me. He told me that he needed sometime to himself. I agreed and started talking to the guys, we talked for hours. I was going to find the person that did this. I would find him and rip him into tiny little peace's. He would regret what he had done for the rest of his life. "Ok now I'm starting to worry I'm going to go check on him." I stood up and walked out of the room. I went to my room and knocked a few times. There wasn't any answer on the other side so I opened the door. I walked around the room for a few minutes looking for him. I found the note laying on the pillow. My blood turned to ice and my mind was on fire. I couldn't believe what I was reading or why it was written. I walked back down to Kevin's room and walked in. Everyone looked up at as I slammed the door. "He's gone because he can't handle all of this." I didn't understand why the tears were falling. I was so mad it wasn't funny, how could he just leave. Brian moved to wrap his arms around me but I stopped him.

I didn't want any kind of human contact. "I have to go find him Kev, he might hurt himself." Kevin was shaking his head and I didn't understand why. "Nick you can't just run off, you know that just let him be. Once the tour is over we'll go find him, or whenever we go to New York." I just nodded I knew that I couldn't go, but something told me I was running out of time. I knew Richie well enough to know that he was closing himself off to the world. If I didn't stop him in time I would never be able to reach him. I knew we were going to New York in a few weeks. I just didn't know if I would have the time to go looking. If I had to I would fake being sick and go after him. Brian and Kevin both had a guilty look on their faces. I didn't understand either one of them, well I could understand Brian's. He was blaming himself for setting Richie off, maybe Kevin felt bad about not letting me go after him. I didn't care right now I had three missions, one find the person who did this, two kill the person for doing it, and three get Richie back. I walked out of the room and back to my own. I had to get ready for the concert and pack to leave. I looked out the window in my room and prayed that I would be in time.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 4

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