
By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Dec 29, 2000


Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB I have never met the BSB. This is just a story in other words it's not true. I do not work for anyone that has contact with the BSB and so on this is just a story I hope you like it

Authors note: I have noticed that not many people write BSB stories. So I have decided that I will write as many BSB stories as I can. I might right a few stories about different bands. But don't count on it to much. Ok I use a few different symbol's in my story to help it. These *** mean a character change, right after the *** a name will follow. When I am starting a story off either from the beginning or from the start of another chapter. I will put the name between these ***. Now I'm going to try and stay away from using this but it has happened in the past. These (( )) mean a note from me or a time change. Most of the time I'll just write out the time change. But there are times when I'll get a little lazy so please understand. I will not give my main character any weird powers like my other stories. So this will be the first time that I'll write a normal human story. Which mean's no Sryin's or anything else. I would also like to add that if I start to slip to yell at me to stop. I hope you enjoy the story.

Warning: This story isn't like my other stories it's a lot darker. it involves Rape and a few other things later in the story. You've been warned.


To my surprise RJ rolled backwards as Brian hit him. Brian went flying threw the air like cartoon character. "Now that wasn't a smart move blondie. Why don't you learn how to fight before you pick one?" I was a little hurt that Brian had attacked him. "Now I think I'll leave it was nice meeting you Nick. Give me a call sometime we'll hang out if your in the area." Then he stormed off like a dark knight. I watched him leave then I started toward Brian. "I'm never speaking to you again Bri." I then stormed off with the guys in hot pursuit. I walked out to the bus and hopped on walking straight to my bunk. I got in and laid down for the whole trip back to the hotel. Once the bus stopped I left it not even looking at Brian as I did. I went straight to my room and went to bed. I heard someone beating on my door I knew who it was. "Come on Nick talk to me you know he was only out for fame." I just pulled my blanket over my chest then let myself fall to sleep. I wasn't ready to talk to Brian I didn't know if I ever would again. I had his number but would he really talk to me. I would be leaving in the morning and I wouldn't be back for a few weeks. I decided that until I see RJ again I wouldn't talk to Brian.

I woke up to someone beating on my door again. "Come on Nick we have to head out." I slowly got up from bed and walked to the door. I opened the door and walked toward the bathroom. Kevin walked in and took a seat on my bed. I closed the door and stripped down then jumped in the shower. I got and started drying my hair then I shaved. I walked out of the bathroom not even noticing Kevin still on my bed. Normally he would have left once he heard the water come on. This time he was waiting for me my guess it was about Brian. I ignored him and started getting dressed. I didn't see Kevin until I turned around to see him starring at me. "God Kev, you could have told me you were in here." I shouted wrapping a towel around my waist. "Sorry I thought you would see me when you walked out." I just walked back into the bathroom and grabbed my boxers. I put those on and walked back out to the room. "You can just give up right now I'm not talking to him." I looked in my dresser in for my pants. "Come on Nick it's not like he attacked your boyfriend." I paused for a few seconds then turned around. "No, he didn't attack my boyfriend. He attacked someone that could have been my boyfriend. He attacked someone that could have helped me. So NO I'm not talking to him ever again." I stormed out of the room without looking back.


I couldn't believe I had let that prick get to me. In some ways I was happy it had helped me brake away from Nick. I was so afraid that if I was with him any longer I would fall. Something kept telling me I already had but I wasn't listening. I was filled with rage over the little pricks words. No one talked to me like that no one. I didn't take shit from anyone I hadn't in years and I wasn't about to start. I was very happy that I didn't have anything to throw. I wanted to smash thing into little peace's then stomp on them. I kept looking at my phone waiting for it to ring. I needed to do something why hadn't my agent called? I stormed around the house looking for something to brake. I took my shirt off and tossed into the hamper. I then got the pants and put them in the corner. I heard the phone ring so I made a mad dash to it. "Hello RJ Wayne speaking." I didn't hear anyone on the other line. If this was a joke I was going to kill the prankster. "Hi RJ it's Nick did I catch you at a bad time?" I paused for a second my anger flew out the window. "No, you could never call at a bad time. Is everything ok I'm really sorry I went off on your friend." Why did I say that I wasn't sorry in the least. I couldn't believe I was acting like a love sick puppy. "Don't be I'm kind of happy you did. I was just calling to tell you I was sorry about what happened. Please say your not mad at me." I could never be mad at him what could make him think that.

I could feel my whole body starting to relax. "Nick it wasn't your fault and I could never be mad at you. Your just to sweet and cute, I'm just sorry we couldn't spend more time together." Had I just said that what the hell was I thinking? I think I'm starting to lose my mind would someone call a doctor please. "Really well, I could arrange it so you could come with us on tour. That's if you really want to that is, I'll understand if your to busy." I could have given him a hundred reasons why I couldn't go. "It sound's like fun but where would I stay?" Why was I having such a hard time telling him no. "With me I could just get a room with double beds. When your on the bus with us I could share my bunk. We would have a blast, I would also make sure the guys left us alone." I could go with him it wasn't like I had something to do. My heart was racing like never before and my mind was getting foggy. "Sure that sounds great but when would I have to be ready to leave?" I was really feeling light headed, I couldn't control myself anymore. It was like something had taken over, I knew I had felt it once before. I just couldn't remember the feeling it was something I had locked away.

I couldn't hear Nick on the other line for a few seconds. I thought that maybe he had hung up on me. I felt this pain in my chest and my eyes started to water up. I was losing it and I didn't even know why. "Could you be ready in say four hours?" I sighed and thought about it for a few seconds. "I could be ready but I'll need help with my clothes." We talked for a few more minutes then I gave him my address. I couldn't seem to move from my spot. I knew I would be on the move nonstop for the next couple of months. I wouldn't lose my mind, I took a few deep breaths and went to my room. I started packing right away I had to have enough to look great everyday. I even put my make up in my bag. It took me three hours to pack after I was done I jumped in the shower. I didn't know why but I felt happy. I felt tears falling from my eyes, I felt like I was being filled with hope. I wasn't alone anymore and I wouldn't be for a long time. It almost felt like arms were wrapped around. I didn't understand why I felt this way or why it felt like I would soon be safe.


I had talked to Kevin and told him that RJ was coming with us. He blew up like never before he asked me what I was thinking. I didn't have an answer for him I didn't know what to say. I let Kevin yell for two hours I didn't care. I was in a great mood better then I had ever been in. I just kept smiling at him as he threw his temper tantrum. "Let me make it simple Kev, he's coming or I'm staying." Kevin stopped and looked at me like he could kill me. "Fine then he's going to have to sign some papers." I nodded I hoped that RJ wouldn't throw a fit. I didn't think he would he just seemed like he would understand. "I'll go tell the rest of the guys that were going to have company." I just nodded and danced around my room. I felt so light headed and happy I couldn't believe it. I closed my eyes and danced in circles. I felt someone was wrapping their arms around me. I felt so safe and peaceful. I called for a limo to be at the hotel in a half an hour. I then started to get ready. I wanted to look perfect when I pick up RJ. I wanted everything to be perfect. I knew I would have to talk to Brian but it was something I could do. I walked out of my room and started toward the elevator. I pushed the button and waited for a little while.

I felt a hand on my shoulder so I turned slowly. "What do you want Brain" I was not in the mood to talk to him. "I wanted to tell you I was sorry for what happened. I'll try to be as nice to your friend as I can. Will you please forgive me?" I looked at him I didn't know if I should. "I'll think about it see you later." I stepped in the elevator and hit the lobby button. It looked like Brian wanted to say something else but the doors closed. I walked out of the hotel and jumped in the limo. I would have to thank management for finding us a nice hotel that the fan's didn't know about. I gave the address to the driver and smiled to myself. As the driver got closer to the house I looked around the area. It was really a nice area to live in, it was a bit away from the city. The houses looked like something you would see in Hollywood. When the driver stopped in front of the house I was a bit shocked. It was beautiful almost like someone had taken it from a dream. I didn't get it I thought that male models didn't make much. I got out of the limo and walked up the steps. I knocked on the door and waited for a few minutes. When the door opened my breathe caught in my chest. There he was standing there in just a towel smiling. "Sorry it took so long I was in the shower. Come on in, a little warning I don't really have much to sit on." I walked and looked around it looked almost empty. "How much is the rent on this place?" It was beautiful but you could tell that something was really missing.

RJ looked at me and smiled warmly. "I own it silly, it took me close to a year to save up for it." I was shocked at the fact that he owned the place. I thought only super rich people could have places like this. My house wasn't even this big, but it wasn't empty either. Maybe that's why there wasn't much in it. I followed RJ into his room I didn't want to get lost. I was a bit shocked when he dropped his towel and started to get dressed. He had a scar on the back of his leg. It looked like a knife had been lightly pulled down his leg. If you weren't looking close enough you wouldn't notice it. I was paying real close attention to his body. After he pulled some jeans on I broke my stair. I looked away I didn't want him to know that I had been starring. "I guess you must have seen something you liked." I looked up at him with a puzzled look. "Never mind could you help me carry these bags?" I nodded and picked up two bags the he picked up two bags. "You have as much luggage as AJ does." He smiled and moved out of the room. I followed him closely watching ass the whole time. I then understood the comment he had made a few seconds ago.

Once we were in limo I had time to ask him a few questions. "How did you make enough money for that place?" He looked at me smiling I swear he never stopped. "I've been modeling for a while, when I moved to New York I started to make a lot of money. I saved for a long time before I came here." I was starting to understand everything now. He was a really smart guy when it came to money. He must have made a lot of good choices in his life. We talked about a lot of things that we were going to do. I asked him about signing a few papers and he agreed he would. I told him what the papers meant and he just nodded. "Trust me Nick I understand that you live in a world of secrets and lies. I use to so it's nothing all that big." I wondered what he meant by he use to live in that world. I let it go as the limo pulled into the parking lot of the hotel. We walked around to the back got his bags. I didn't take them to the room I took them to the bus since we would be leaving soon. I walked toward the front doors with RJ close behind me. I went to the elevator and hit the button to our floor. I then slid the card in the slot so we could start moving.

Once the door's opened I looked around for the guys. I then moved to the sixth room that we had. It was like our meeting room when we had to talk. I just had this gut feeling they were all waiting for me in there. The whole time RJ hadn't said a word but I could tell he was getting tense. I opened the door and walked in slowly. All the guys turned to look at us. "Ok the is RJ, he's my friend as I'm sure you understand. I'm sure Kevin has filled you in on everything. If any of you are mean or rude to him I'll bite your head off." AJ looked up and smiled at me. "Thanks Nick but you won't have to do that, I'm sure I can take care of myself. As for my nickname as of now it's history. My friends when I use to have them called me Richie. I would like all of you to call me Richie." I looked at him oddly for a few seconds. He really was trying to be nice to them. Then he scared me half to death he walked up to Brian.

"As for you I'm not all that sorry if you got hurt last night. You had no right to boss anyone around. I don't have a boss I am my own boss. I can understand request and so on. But I will not take orders from you or anyone else. I would like to become friends with you. But I'm not counting on it so it's cool if you hate my guts. If you want I'll never speak to you again but understand this little man. If you have a problem with me you come to me. Don't go running to Nick or anyone else. I'm a pretty nice person if you not on my bad side. So far you aren't on my bad side but your really close to the edge. I won't take your shit or anyone else's understand. As of now I'm willing to wipe the slate clean. I'll warn you in advance I do have a temper. Normally I'm not a violent person but if you push be ready to get pushed back. I think I've said enough I'll open the table for questions." To say the least I was speechless.

I saw Brian smiled a real smile then he started to laugh. "I don't think I'll have any real problems with you. As for last night I'm sorry I got carried away. I would like to thank you for your honesty and being so up front. I have one question are you from say Kentucky?" Ok I was now beyond confused what the hell was going on. "How did you know that, I thought I got rid of that accent." Kevin and Brian both started laughing. Everyone else in the room looked as confused as I was. "I'm from Kentucky so it was easy to pick up on. I'll be damned were not the only hick's anymore." Richie seemed to smile at that then he started laughing. I knew that from now on thing's were going to get interesting.

((Ok I'm sorry but I couldn't help it the nick name was getting to me. I thought it was a great idea in the beginning but I changed my mind. I hope no ones mad about the change. So from now on it's Richie not RJ, I might use the nickname a little more. But I really doubt it, ok back to the story.))


I was really proud of myself after my little speech. I shook hands with Brian and then with the rest of the guys. I thought there would have been a few more questions but there weren't. I signed a few papers after reading them a few times. That seemed to make everyone relax. I didn't get it Nick was the only one that was gay, or so I thought. I'm jumping a head myself wouldn't want to do that now would I. I handed the papers back to Kevin. "Did you read the fine print?" I smiled and nodded looking at Nick a little confused. "You just ruined Kevin's little game. It's the only one he plays on anyone. If you would have said no, he would have given you some weird dare." I turned back to Kevin smiling. "What kind of dare would that Kevin?" He smiled and a peace of paper that must have been a list. "Well, I believe the next dare would have been to strip. Oh well I guess I'll have to play it on the next person." I smiled brightly and looked to Nick who was shaking his head no. I started to giggle as I pulled my shirt over my head. "If you really wanted to see me naked all you had to do was ask." I dropped my pants and shocked the hell out of everyone in the room. I was use to changing in front of a lot of people. I had nothing to be ashamed of that I knew.

"Well, how long was that dare for?" I think I brought them all out of there daze. "Um a I didn't put a time down, normally I just tell them it's a joke half way into it." I smiled and picked up my shirt. "Oh well your loss" I slid my pants back on. I didn't have any underwear on I didn't have that much time. Nick started laughing as did Brian so I turned and bowed. "So where am I sleeping tonight are we staying in the hotel or bus?" I looked at each of them. "The bus were heading to, I don't remember but it's a five hour drive." I nodded and turned to AJ and looked him over real carefully. "I'm guessing your the wild one, Brian's the calm one, Howie is the shy peacemaker. Kevin is the 'Boss' while Nick is the prankster." I smiled at myself I had done a little research after I left last night. They all had shocked looks on there faces. "I thought you said you weren't a fan?" Brian asked me slowly almost like he was afraid. "I'm not but that didn't stop me from buying a magazine last night." I knew I could have lied but I just didn't feel like it. Everyone signed and looked at me in a new light.

I had been sitting on the bus for two hours. I always had a problem sleeping while moving. One of the only times I did sleep while moving was on a plane. I passed out because the flight was so long. Even then when I woke up I wasn't a happy camper. Everyone but Nick had gone to bed by now. I knew that he was waiting for me to get tired. I was already past that point but I wasn't sure I should sleep in the bed as he. I liked him and all that wasn't the problem. I just didn't want him to get the wrong idea. As of this point we were just friends and I wanted to keep it that way for a while. I wanted to know him a lot better before I made that move. For once in my life I was willing to wait a while. I also knew that he wouldn't go to bed until I did. So I decided that I would go to bed. "I'm feeling a little tired where do I sleep?" He smiled and asked me to follow him. He showed me his bunk so I climbed in he was right behind me. I closed my eyes and tried to fall to sleep. I felt Nick's arm wrap around my chest tightly. I was about to say something until I heard his deep breathing. I noticed that I liked the feeling so I dropped. I was soon fast asleep feeling safer than I had in a while.

I woke up a few hours later to someone speaking outside of our bunk. I didn't feel Nick's arm around my chest anymore. I didn't like that feeling so I pulled the curtain back. Nick was standing not to far from the bunk. The person he was talking to was Howie. I got out of the bunk and walked toward them smiling brightly. "Are we at the hotel yet?" Nick jumped two feet in the air. "Yes, we are, damn I'm never going to forget the look on Nick's face." Howie choked out while laughing. Nick turned around smiling at me then he tackled me. He started tickling me like a mad man, I couldn't even defend myself. Once he was done with that he sat down on my chest. "That'll teach you to sneak up on people." I looked at him and did my best pout most people melt. Nick wasn't any different, he stood up and tried to help me. I grabbed his hand and pulled him down to the floor. I then switched places with him and started to tickle him. I then took a seat on his chest smiling down at him. "For your information I didn't sneak up on you. I would never do that, since I don't like it done to me." I kissed his forehead and took off running. I thought that he would be right behind me but he wasn't. I ran into the hotel and almost knocked Kevin over.

I looked up at Kevin from the ground smiling. "Sorry man I was in a rush I think Nick is after me." He helped me stand back up but he pulled a little to hard. I was up against his chest I could feel his body heat. I couldn't move for a second I didn't know why but my breathe caught in my chest. I backed away slowly and looked into his eyes. I could have sworn that there was more than friendship in his eyes. "Sorry about that don't know my own strength." He smiled and moved away quickly heading toward the front desk. I followed Kevin to the desk putting my arm over his shoulder. "Thanks for helping me up man, so where am I sleeping?" He smiled and looked like he was about to say something, then he stopped. He shook his head and looked at me for a second. "Nick said something about you two sharing a room. You know two bed's and all that, is that ok with you?" I nodded and looked toward the bus still waiting to see Nick walk off. I let go of Kevin and walked back to the bus looking for Nick. Once I was outside of the doors something hit me in the back of the head. I felt the water running down my back, it was so cold. I turned around to see Brian smiling at me with another balloon ready to throw. I started chasing him only to be hit again. This time I had to almost stop since I couldn't see.

Once my vision was clear I started after him again. He took the elevator while I hit the stairs. I jumped out at every floor to see if he was off of it yet. I chased him up thirteen flights of stairs. He then got off and walked toward what I was guessing to be his room. He didn't see me coming when I tackled him to the ground. I just held him there while I tried to catch my breathe. "Where the hell did you come from I thought I left you in the lobby." I could talk yet but I would be damned if he was going to get away. I on the other hand could smiled at him so I did. I started to tickle him but was pushed to the side. I was soon fighting with him laughing my ass off. I was losing this little fight since I was out of breathe. Once he was on top he smiled at me sweetly, but he didn't tickle me. He held my arms down with his knees. I could have used my legs to pull him off of me. But since it wasn't a real fight I didn't see the use in hurting him. So I let him sit on my chest for while so I could regain some needed air. "You know once I catch my breathe your ass is mine." He smiled at me then it looked like he was going to tickle me. He didn't but he did move his lip's close to mine.

I looked up into his eyes, I don't think I had ever seen eyes so blue. Then I heard the elevator binge and Brian was standing. He held out his hand which I took slowly. He helped me stand just as Nick walked off the elevator. I was soaked and I wasn't in a bad mood in fact I was happy. I think Nick just saved me from something would have ended badly. "Hey Nicky why didn't you give chase?" He looked up and smiled at me sweetly. "I did give chase I just couldn't catch you, I checked every floor looking for you." I was impressed that he tried but failed. "I need to jump in the shower did you bring any of my bags up?" He nodded and pulled one out of the elevator tossing it to me. I almost fell over but Brian caught me. "Thanks I'd hate to take another spill on the floor." I looked at both of them for a few seconds. "Well, what room do I go to?" Nick seemed to come out of whatever daze he was in. "Sorry this way I have the key." I followed him into his room and dropped my bag near the bathroom. "I'll be done in a few minutes then it's all yours." I told him while I walked into the bathroom. I didn't think to lock the door it wasn't like he hadn't already seen me naked.


I kept looking to the door waiting for Richie to come out. I was still a little shaken from the kiss. Even if it wasn't on my lip's I still couldn't believe it not for a second. I left the room to find something to eat. It felt like I hadn't eaten in weeks and I knew Richie would be hungry. I wanted to ask him out but I was going to wait a while. I wanted to build a solid friendship with him first. I wanted to know everything about him and I wanted him to know me. Not what the people see but what only I know about myself. I didn't want any secrets to be kept at all. I walked past Brian in the hallway, it looked like he was going to my room. I slapped myself mentally for even thinking he would go after RJ. Brian was married and he looked to be really happy. I knocked on Kevin's door he took care of the food for the group. "Kev, could you order some room service for everyone?" I waited for a few minutes then knocked again. "Kev are you in there man?" I still didn't hear anything coming from the room. I tried the door pushing a little and it opened up. I walked in the lights were on but no one was home. I left the room and walked to Howie's room. I knocked and the door opened a second later. "Hey have you seen Kevin?" Howie shook his head no and waved for me in to come in.

I took a seat on his bed as he put his phone down. "Sorry I was checking my messages, and the last time I saw Kev he was heading down stairs. I think he was going to get some food or something. He told me to get the guys and meet in his room in twenty." I nodded and stood up about to leave when Howie grabbed my shoulder. "I've been meaning to ask you something Nick." I turned around and waited for his question. "Are you sure about this guy I mean, what does he do for a living?" I didn't know if it was my place to tell him, but I didn't see a problem in telling him. "He's a model D, he knows what our lives are like. I guess it's the reason I like him so much. Plus I don't have to hide who I am around him. It's like I'm alive for the first time in years, I just can't put into words what I feel for him. It's like the first I met him he was just so open. In return so was I, well not completely but close. He didn't freak out or anything it was like he understood everything. Then at the concert he was still cool even after he knew I was famous. I think I'm falling for him D, I just wish he was falling for me." I turned to Howie who was just shaking his head. "Nick I asked what he did for a living, not how he made you feel. But I'm happy you told me about your feelings." I nodded and walked out of the room.


I had heard the door open and close, so I knew I wasn't alone. "Is that you Nick?" All I heard was a little bit of nose. I guessed that was a yes so I just went on with washing my hair. I washed the shampoo out of my hair then started to wash the rest of my body. I noticed that the bathroom was filled with steam. "Nick are you still in here, I didn't hear if you had left yet." I didn't hear anything so I guessed he had left the room. Once I washed the soap off my body I turned the water off. I reached out looking for the towel I had hung up. I couldn't feel it anywhere I then heard the door open and close. I was so going to get Nick when I got out of here. I stepped out and almost slipped on the ground. I caught myself and then moved to the mirror. I started shaving thankful Nick hadn't taken that with him to. I was going to pull the biggest prank on him when I got the chance. After I shaved I brushed my teeth, and fixed my hair. I left the bathroom looking for my bag. I know that I had brought it in with me but I guess Nick took it to. I didn't see anyone in the room but I did find my bag. I got dressed and left room looking for Nick. I saw Nick coming out of one of rooms.

The thought hit me like a ton of bricks, it wasn't Nick in the bathroom. One of the guys was spying on me, but which one was it. Two of the guys were already out of the picture Nick and who ever room he was in. "Hey Nick the bathroom's free and who's room were you in, if you don't mind me asking?" He gave me a confused look then looked back at the room. "Howie's room why?" I just shrugged and walked toward him. "I'm going to go get some food want anything?" I asked him as I got closer. "Oh don't worry about that man Kevin's taking care of it." I nodded and then took Kevin off my list. "Head to his room the food should be there in about ten." I nodded and started down the hall. "Which room is his Nick?" He started laughing while he pointed to the room. I didn't understand the laughter but that was cool. I knocked on the door but there wasn't any answer. I went a head and entered the room hoping I wasn't walking in on him. No one was in his room so I took a seat on his bed. When Kevin walked in he almost had a heart attack. "Sorry about that Nick said to come here for the food." He just laughed and moved to the table. "It's cool I'm kinda use to someone being in my room. Over the years all of the guys have had a few problems. So they would end up in my room waiting for me." I nodded and looked around for the food. I was really getting hungry. "Oh, the food should be here in a few minutes. I don't know what you like so I got a little bit of everything." I thought that was so sweet of him to do.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 3

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