Fallen Angel

By Darc Blackwind

Published on Jun 3, 2005


Hello, friends! It is I once again, Darc Blackwind with another installment to Fallen Angel! In this chapter Cal faces adversity at school while Althea finds out about his past at home. Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Regards, Darc

Chapter 5: The Journal Entries

The jeep pulled up into the school parking lot, stopping just before it went over the curb onto the sidewalk. Shutting it off, Cal stepped out and hoisted his backpack up on his right shoulder and trudged along the sidewalk to the school building. School started at 7:15 AM sharp for him, and it quickly became a very tedious way of life. He never ate breakfast, mainly because his stomach couldn't really handle food at this ungodly hour in the morning.

The high school campus was divided up into five sectors: the Main building, the Gymnasium building, the Library, the Vocational building, and the Trailers out back for art classes. Right now, Cal had his first class in the Gymnasium building, in classroom G1, where he studied either Anthropology or Sociology. Since it was the first semester, he was studying Anthropology. He and a group of acquaintances were supposed to do a reenactment of a tribe in the wild. So, two weeks ago, they got together after class and went out to the Devil's Backbone with a camera and some props (namely bed sheets for togas and his katana set) and they filmed it. Today, they would be seeing what the other three groups did for their reenactments. Cal betted that they would be the only group there that had an actual sword fight mixed in with the rest of the cultural traditions that he and the only other boy in the group of six intricately crafted during their brainstorming activities.

Sighing, Cal walked to Anthropology without bothering to go to where he usually hung out before the bell with his friends. Since he had no friends, he just shrugged and trudged into the Gymnasium building and walked to the classroom that had a label G1 mounted next to the doorway. Sitting down in his desk in the front row, he took out a notebook and a pen. He then thought up a haiku poem to write. Coming up with something, he wrote:

"The Heavens tremble.

A Demon comes to save me,

For everyone left."

Pleased with it, he then thought of something to write to elaborate on it. This was a game he invented where you write a haiku and then try to elaborate on it with another haiku. But, he couldn't think of anything, so he just shrugged and looked at it scrawled on his notebook. Aria. . . . he thought suddenly. Why'd she give me the envelope? There has to be an alternative agenda of hers. She hasn't spoken kindly to me in over a month. . . . Why would she invite me to a party after the dance tonight? He looked up at the clock, read 7:01, and decided he'd better go see her about it. Knowing that she arrived at school around 7:05, he got up and went out of the Gymnasium building to the parking lot to await her arrival.

Her cherry-red sportscar pulled up a few spaces away from his two minutes later and she shut the vehicle off. Getting out, she looked at him, then turned to get her backpack out of the back seat of her car. "Good morning, Cal. . . ." she said as she reached in and grasped the shoulder straps and hauled it out.

"Good morning," Cal replied, looking at her penetratingly. "I got your envelope. What's the reason you're inviting me?" he asked.

"Because I want to discuss a couple things with you. You read it in there, didn't you?" she asked as she shut her door and put her backpack on.

Cal nodded. "It's just, you've not been yourself lately, and I was wondering why you'd even bother with it, considering that my mere presence seems to make you retch with nausea," Cal replied straightforwardly.

Aria shrugged. "It isn't that," she said distantly, stepping up onto the curb and walking to the main building, where she gave the morning announcements over the intercom.

"Then what is it?" Cal asked, following her. He still had ten minutes before the bell rang to try and pry some information out of her.

"It's something. . . ." she replied distantly.

"Well, what?"

Aria just shrugged and kept walking. Realizing that Cal was still following her, she turned around and asked him, "Who was that woman you were with yesterday? And why was she wearing a demon outfit?"

"She seems to be the only true friend that I have nowadays. You've left, Evan left, my other friends left. Hell, my frigging family even left," Cal replied, a sardonic note to his voice.

Aria looked back at him and there was a hint of compassion in her eyes. "Well, come to the party and you'll find the answers you seek. Or, perhaps you won't, but still. Come and see if you can find them." And thus, Aria left into the main building, waving goodbye over her shoulder at him. Evan stood in the corner, glaring at him.

"What?" Cal asked, seeing his glare.

"You're just so pathetic, that's all. . . ." Evan spat. "I'm not surprised your family left. They were smart." A crimson flash briefly lit his eyes before leaving as quickly as it had come. Cal frowned. Grinning, Evan continued, "You're just a walking nexus of complexes and no one cares anymore."

Finding the perfect insult to throw back at him, Cal replied, "You're one to talk, pedophile." He was referring to an incident that happened last year when he had sex with a seventh grader. He didn't realize it was a seventh grader, and thus the whole thing was a misunderstanding. The evil grin quickly vanished from his face and was replaced by a very sour look, one that could have curdled milk.

"At least I've had sex, you stupid ingrate!" he spat.

Grinning, Cal said, "So've I. And mine was totally consensual. I didn't have to shell out twenty-five bucks for it like you did." Sighing, Cal began to walk back to his class when he heard the rushing sound of running feet behind him. He turned just in time to see Evan throw a punch. Dodging it, Cal sidestepped and, using his upper body strength, he twisted and hammer-punched Evan in the side, right between his ribcage and his armpit. He then briskly walked to his first-period class before Evan could realize what happened. Looking back, Evan was on the ground. Apparently, Cal had knocked the wind out of him and stunned him. "Next time, I'll elaborate!" he called to him as he entered the Gymnasium building.

Althea woke up at around ten thirty, yawning and stretching out her wings. She slowly got up, luxuriating in the pleasant warmth of the covers that surrounded her every inch minus her head. Getting up, she stretched her legs and arms, thrusting her chest out as she cricked her back and neck. "I wonder if anyone is home?" she asked herself aloud as she opened the bedroom door and slowly walked out.

Gentle sunlight filtered through the blinds on Cal's window and into the room, lighting it nicely. The family room, however, was completely black, for there were no windows for light to filter through. She flicked on a switch and the lights came to life, casting a bright iridescent haze upon the room. She then walked through the family room, up the stairs and into the laundry room. Light shone through a grimy window, giving it a murky effect on the dimly lit laundry room.

"Is anybody here?" she called into the kitchen, which connected to the laundry room. Not getting any response, she called again, "HELLO?!"

Soon it became apparent that she was the only one in the house. Shrugging, she padded lightly into the kitchen, looking about for something to eat. Even though she was immortal and didn't have to worry about such things, she still wanted something to eat just for old-time's sake. Grabbing some grapes and a banana, she quietly walked back down to the basement to eat it and to look around Cal's room. She was desperately curious to know more about her lover, and now seemed the perfect time to try and figure him out.

Walking back into his room, she sat down in his desk chair and contentedly ate her breakfast slowly, savoring the sweet taste of the grapes and banana. After ten minutes of chewing and looking around, she saw a little notebook hiding underneath a binder on his desk. Curious, she grabbed it and read the label. There was a dried stain of blood on it and it read, "Calvin Lillehammer's Journal. DO NOT OPEN UNLESS YOU ARE HIM!"

"Should I open it to read about his experiences?" she asked herself aloud, rocking back and forth and spinning around on the swivel chair unconsciously. Shrugging, she said, "I'm sure he wouldn't mind. . . ." And so she opened the first page. Flipping through it, there were only four entries, and the first was longest by far, registering at eight pages messily scrawled, as if in a hurry to write everything down. It wrote:

Sunday, September 14 2003

I'm in the best mood I've been in since as far back as I can remember. It all

started last week, on Monday night, when I decided to give Aria a call.

She really is a sweet girl, and it isn't difficult to tell that she's part-angel.

Aria answered the phone and happily said, "Hi, Cal! What's up?"

"Nothing much," I replied, at a loss for words already. I hadn't even said

my name and she knew it was me! "How're you doing?" I then asked lamely.

"Not bad," she answered. "Just doing a bit of writing."

I quickly came up with a topic to talk about. "I haven't let you read

Of Light and Darkness yet, have I?" I asked after a moment's pause. If

you don't remember, Of Light and Darkness is the novel that I wrote last


That simple sentence defined what would happen the rest of the week. She

replied, "No, you haven't. I would like to read it, and I have some

time to do so, now that I'm finished with this other book."

Always wanting to please her, I then said, "Well, I'll bring it with me

to school for you tomorrow." We talked about some other stuff for the

next 15-20 minutes until she had to go take a shower.

Because my jeep broke down the week before and was in the shop, I hitched

a ride from mom and brought Of Light and Darkness to school the next day

and didn't see her until lunch, when I delivered it to her. She thanked

me and we walked to her fifth hour class to drop it and her binder off.

We then walked back outside to meet up with Evan and Lee, who moved away

back to Idaho Friday. We talked and bullshitted, until the bell rang. We

then went our separate ways until the end of Gym, where I met up with her

again and helped her carry her stuff. I told her that she was one of the

most important characters in the book and then said covertly, "It's

based off of a true story." We then parted ways again because I had to

get on the bus. However, I called her up that night to talk. She said

that my book was amazing. She read all the way up to page 70 without


The next day at lunch, we met up again. She smiled a beautiful and

flawless smile at me that nearly made my knees go weak and slid her arm

through mine as we headed to drop off her things. I could tell that she

was glad I was with her, for her arm held mine ever so gently, as if

transmitting feelings of love through me. It warmed my heart, her being

that close to me. We then headed outside.

Shivering in the cold wind, Aria moved closer to me and I shielded her

from the wind. We then began talking about stuff we were interested in

and then the book. I asked her what she thought of it and what she

thought it needed. She said it was an amazing novel that was always

entertaining and suspenseful, and she offered me a ride home, where I

thankfully accepted. You see, riding the bus could easily be comparable

to Chinese water torture.

Well, finally the day had ended. English was rather excruciating and I

was glad to be out of class. I was even happier to be getting a ride home

from the most beautiful girl in the universe. She smiled happily to me as

I walked to her and Evan down the sidewalk. I smiled back and asked how

their days went. Evan said, "Fine," and asked me about my day. I

shrugged and said I was glad the day was over.

We arrived at Aria's car and she unlocked my door and I got in, setting

my backpack in the back. She did the same and we said goodbye to Evan. I

finally had her alone to talk to. We talked about many things before the

buses left, from her past experiences with psi vamps and how she was

partially an angel to the war between Heaven and Hell. More than

anything, I wanted to tell her that she was an angel because of how I

felt about her, but I told her that she was because of her light energy

signature. I was too afraid to confess my feelings.

Then she asked when it was that I got into the martial arts. I told her

that Of Light and Darkness' main character's past was my past. She said

that I hadn't killed anyone and I nodded. When she asked if Rebecca

died, I told her the truth, that she did by saving me from the thrown

blade. I fought against tears as I told her everything, about how I

hunted David down the very next day and beat him to within an inch of his

life and then turned him in to the police.

By the time that I was done, the parking lot had cleared out enough so we

left. Still on campus, Aria looked over at me with compassion in her

gentle gaze and said, "A lot has happened to you, Cal. Not many people

would believe what you said, but I know it's true. Something deep down

inside me tells me it is." She then told me a traumatic experience she

had that happened last year. It was about her grandmother. "If I could

have one wish," she said as she drove, "it would be to meet up with the

woman who killed my grandmother and tell her that during her moment of

rage, she took her away, and I will never be able to hold that woman in

my arms again. I'd tell her that so she could know how much pain she had

caused from that one moment." Her voice shook slightly and her eyes were

shiny with tears. Looking over at me, she saw my gaze and I offered her a

hand. We grasped each other's hand and strangely, it made my own

emotional pain go away. I hope to God that I made her emotional pain

leave for a while at least.

We held hands for several more minutes as we said nothing. Aria then let

go and looked over at me, smiling. "Are you alright?" I nodded and said

yes, and asked her the same thing. She smiled and nodded. "An awkward

silence," she said absently, probably easing the tension.

I smiled and nodded, simply enjoying her company and vowing never to wash

my left hand again. "You know you've found someone special when you can

stand to be around them without saying anything for more than a couple

minutes," I said, looking over at her happily. We talked the rest of the

trip home about stuff that just came up out of the blue. We arrived at my

house around 2 o'clock and I suggested she come in for a tour of the

house. Pretty lame way to get her to stay, I know. But it was the best

that I could come up with! And the miraculous thing was, she agreed!

I unlocked the door and ushered her in, first showing her the living

room, through the upstairs and back porch, and then my bedroom, where I

showed her my ceremonial katana, Monosaya (Aria). I told her its proper

name, again too cowardly to tell her it was also known as Aria. Aren't I

just the world's biggest coward?

After the tour of the house, we went out to her car, where she gave me an

intricately folded note and said, "Since I'm the master of the awkward

silence, it's better that you read this." I took it and put it in my

pocket and then gave her a hug. She returned it and for a brief instant

our hearts were united, beating as one. I'm ashamed to admit this, but

when she held me close to her, I felt secure like I hadn't since . . .

ever. I wonder how she felt about it? But, alas, the embrace broke and

she left. I waved goodbye to her and she smiled, waved, and backed out of

my driveway. I read the note as soon as I got back inside and I will

always remember the closing:

"Take care always.

Aria Lockheart"

Indeed, I believe she truly does care about me. I was wrong with some of

my more depressing entries in the first journal, prior to this one. She

has cared for me and now we're closer than ever, trying to talk to each

other at least once everyday.

Aria is an angel to me. She honestly is, a miracle of a woman who pulled

me out of a never-ending fog of depression and the spilling of blood. She

is my star in a dark universe full of nothingness. And, because of her

kindness, I may never be able to fully repay her, but I damn sure as hell

will give it a shot.

My eyes can't stay open much longer, so I'll wrap this up and write

again when I have time. G'night.

My god, Althea thought as she finished reading the entry. No wonder his heart is torn asunder with anguish. This woman stole his heart and then finally became close to him . . . and then now, she is the absolute opposite. And, what's this with the war between Heaven and Hell?

She set the journal down in its original place and thought about it for a second. Perhaps . . . that is why he wasn't so shocked with my demonisms? He had experienced creatures from Hell before? Althea sat thinking about this thought for quite some time until she couldn't sit still in that chair anymore. Grabbing the journal again, she opened it to the next entry. Inside was written:

Sunday, September 28 2003

This will be a short entry, for I've got school in the morning. I'm

sorry I didn't have time to write sooner than this, but I've been so

busy lately that it's borderlining the effect that lack of sleep has

mixed with overdosing on caffeine pills. Just to paint a picture in your


Well, my Senior Project is done, so I had less to worry about this last

week than the week before. It is amazing, the number of people moving

about my high school. I've started viewing the horrendous crowds like

they were throngs of wild boars. Needless to say, life's become very

interesting as of late indeed!

Aria and I are closer now than I could have hoped, but sometimes she

makes me feel stupid. Not so much as Evan or James, but she helps with my

feelings of stupidity every now and then. I wish I were cleverer, because

then I could figure out how to produce the same effect on all three of

them. I don't want to hurt any of them, (well, maybe Evan,) but it looks

like my prediction will come true: eventually, I'm going to have to

fight them all. I don't care whether or not I'll face Evan or James,

but I refuse point-blank if I have to face Aria. I love her too much to

be able so much as raise even my voice at her. Even if she were

charging at me with a shotgun, I'd let her kill me. I wouldn't run away,

for I know that I would probably deserve what she would give me.

Well, it's late, so I'll say goodnight and write again when I've some

free time.

Althea thought about this for a little bit. "I can see why he's alone. All his friends betrayed him in one foul swoop. . . . Why did they do this to him? What did he subconsciously do or knowingly do to make them run?" She then continued with the third entry.

Monday, October 6 2003

Today was a vicious day. An animosity is growing between me and my so-called "friends",

almost to the breaking point. More than once I wanted to destroy James for his constant

taunts about my intelligence, and when I asked him if he ever shut up because

his own intelligence isn't that high, Evan piped in and said that I'm one to talk.

A poisonous hatred is growing inside me. Evan is an enemy in disguise

now. I can tell he isn't my friend anymore. If he knew how much I put up

with, what with people insulting my intelligence and all, he wouldn't

have said that. He is the brainless one now. And, I'm not going to put

up with people like him and fuckin' Stitch insulting me anymore! I'M


I'll write again soon.

Assuming that "Stitch" was James, she thought about it for a second. "Why would these cretins treat their friend so horribly?" she asked herself aloud.

She turned the page to the final entry in the journal. The page was smeared with blood. It read:

Wednesday, October 8 2003

The animosity has reached the breaking point between my friends and me. I

no longer have any friends and just about fifteen minutes ago, I tried

slashing my wrist. That is why there's blood. However, I couldn't bring

myself to commit suicide, so out of anger, I cut myself with my sword

along my left shoulder, a deep wound that will be sure to get noticed by

at least my mother.

I can't take it anymore. No one cares about me, no one says anything

kind to me. No one thinks I'm important enough to stick around, and it

seems that my curse of having everyone abandon me is more powerful than I

had initially thought. There is no love in my life anymore. Aria has

totally forsaken me and I don't even want to go into detail about my

systematic abandonment by Evan and James.

This may be my last entry, so I'll detail why I might commit suicide by

the end of the month. Read my previous journal and you'll find out all

there is to know about my secret life up on the Astral Plane. It will

explain how and why I'm so tear stricken by my friends' betrayal. We

fought a war together and our bonds to one another seemed unbreakable. I

guess I was wrong. . . .

Farewell, beautiful friend.

Althea's heart cried out for Cal's suffering. She knew now that she would never leave him unless he wanted her to. "Such a sweet man having to be put through this type of anguish is not right!" she said angrily. Sighing, she got up and set the journal down in its original place. "What's this with the war, though?" she then asked herself, hugging herself for comfort. "I thought humans couldn't ascend to the Astral Plane. . . ."

The Astral Plane is a realm where your essence can go if it learns how to, where nearly everything is possible. "Secret life up on the Astral Plane?" she asked. "Cal, a warrior of Lord God Almighty. . . . I had only heard rumors of his soldiers existing down on Earth, and now I think I may have met one." She looked around his room. A copy of the Holy Bible was set on the top shelf of his bookcase at the far side of the room, next to his bedtime stand. "Well, I suppose it isn't that uncommon. Someone who is that noble and honorable usually tends to be linked to the Divine Essence one way or another. . . . And, demonic activity down in Hell was at an all-time low when I was still up in Heaven. . . ." She stood up and stretched out her wings. "Perhaps all of them, Cal, Aria, Evan, and this new one named James were the band of Divine Soldiers who waged war against Satan's armies of darkness up on the Astral Plane and in turn, defeated them. . . !" she said aloud, realizing how important Cal was. "Although it's hard to imagine the rest of them as Divine Soldiers, with how they started treating their comrade-in-arms," she added reproachfully.

Sighing, she went to the bed to lie down and think about this newfound development. Calvin Lillehammer, a Divine Soldier? she thought in awe. No wonder I feel so connected with him. . . . I may have even met him up on the Plane before I fell from Heaven. It's funny how things work out, isn't it? The one person who stops to help a fallen angel who's rapidly changing into a demoness is, by right, a demon's worst enemy. And yet, he doesn't think of that. Why? What is his mode of thought? She sighed lovingly. Cal, the protector. Aria was stupid to ditch him like she did. . . . Friendship is a very important factor in society. I should know. A few of my friends up in Heaven fell before I did. . . . Well, whatever. I can't wait until Cal returns!

Cal got up and grabbed his backpack, glad that the day had finally ended with the chimes of the end bell. It had been a rough day for him, and at last, he was glad it was over. Thoughts of Althea flooded his mind all throughout the day and he couldn't wait to get home and spend some time with her. The Halloween Dance was to be held tonight and he cleared it up with the administrators that he would be bringing a guest to the dance that didn't go to the school. They seemed suspicious of his motives, but eventually, he had gained Althea entry to the dance.

Sighing, Cal exited the double doors of the main building, enjoying the nice autumnal weather. It was reaching sixty-five degrees outside, and there was a nice, heavy breeze coming in from the west. The breeze fanned out his black trench coat and his somewhat shaggy dishwater blond hair as he slowly walked to the parking lot. Birds twittered merrily, resting on a branch of an elm as he walked by it towards his jeep.

The weather outside sure is enjoyable, he thought to himself distantly as he looked around. 'Tis a shame it isn't like this on the inside. . . . Who would have ever thought that old kook's prophecy would have come true, neh? Cal was referring to his meeting an old man in Eclipse once a while back, after he had gotten through with his activities up on the astral plane. The old vagabond was passing through town and decided to stop by the shop because he too had a fascination with the supernatural and fantastic events. Immediately, when he saw Cal and Evan hanging out by the weapon displays, he walked over to greet them.

"Ah, young knights of the celestial world!" he exclaimed, limping over to them on his cane. He looked about seventy years old. He was also nearly toothless and he had a foul stench to him, as though he hadn't bathed in a good many days. "We are truly indebted to you for your noble actions!"

Evan and Cal didn't know what to make of this man. "Uhhh. . . . Do we know you?" Evan asked bluntly, looking down at the wanderer. He honestly couldn't tell what this man was about. It frightened him, though, knowing that his deeds up on the Astral Plane had circulated down to the Earth Plane. After all, even though he led the march to the satanic abomination and its initial defeat, he still didn't trust strangers.

"Ar, you do!" the old man replied, flashing the two a toothless grin. He looked at Cal and nodded genially. "Remember the third-class Divine Foot Soldier who you saved from Aukos' Hellfire blast? That was me!" Aukos was the name of the abomination. Cal remembered it vividly, as though it happened just the other day, and not a year and a half ago.

"Wha, what?!" Cal exclaimed. "That was you?!"

The vagrant nodded. "Yes, Calvin Lillehammer. You were Second in Command to Evan Johnson then, weren't you?" he asked, balancing on his cane.

"I'm Evan Johnson, old man!" Evan retorted testily.

The wanderer looked up at Evan curiously. "Ah, now I see. You look remarkably different from up on the Plane, young child. . . ."

"Well, up there I look like I'm in my early twenties. Down here, well, I'm seventeen." Evan shrugged. "It's great meeting a fellow Soldier. What's your name?"

"My name is Mal. Ar, it is a great honor to meet the two primary saviors of the Celestial World! What about that woman you were with? I owe her a debt of gratitude as well. . . ." Mal said, looking around.

Cal shrugged. "Aria's not here. Even though she lives here, she's just a good acquaintance with me."

Mal nodded. "Well, if you see her, tell her Divine Foot Soldier number 879 says, `hello and thank you for saving me from death', will you please?"

"Sure thing," Cal replied courteously.

"Ah, thank you. . . . Oh, and one more thing, young Calvin," Mal said. Looking over at Evan, he said, "Pardon us for a moment, will you please?" He then pulled Cal outside. "Sorry about that, but he's not supposed to hear this. I've been searching for you, Calvin Lillehammer of the Divine Army. I had a vision one cycle ago, right after the war had ended."

"What d'you mean?" Cal asked apprehensively. "Why've you been looking for me and what was your vision." This sort of thing was familiar to him. He'd had visions before, and some of them had come true, such as his involvement in the war in the first place.

"You'll end up isolated. All the loved ones you know will turn on you and eventually, you'll have to fight them all." The old wanderer took off, limping on his crippled leg quickly.

The sensing of another's presence awoke him from his contemplative trance and he found Aria looking at him curiously. He was at his jeep, just not inside it. In fact, he was still standing on the sidewalk, looking up at the endless cerulean sky. "Huh?" he asked suddenly, blinking and looking around. Seeing Aria staring at him, he looked back at her. "Oh, hi. . . ." he said, somewhat hesitantly.

"What were you doing?" she asked indifferently.

"Thinking. . . . About something someone told me once, a while ago. . . ." Aria nodded and looked away, turning her music up. "Aria, why're you acting this way? You've not been yourself, and you treat me like shit. What did I do? Please tell me?"

Aria looked over at him. There was no real pleasant emotion on her face, just a subzero glare in her eyes. Sighing, she said, "Come to my party if you want to find answers. Why do you even care?"

"Because I love you, believe it or not," Cal growled, not caring what her reaction would be. "I've always loved you. You started showing me the same kind of love a month ago and it suddenly stopped. Why?"

Aria sighed and looked at him, her expression softening. Inside, she was shocked. She had never known Cal to feel such a sacred emotion like that before. "Cal. . . ." she started, not sure what to say. "You'll probably have the answers you seek tonight. . . . I . . . this is unexpected, Cal. . . ." she said, turning down her music and looking at him curiously.

Cal nodded. "But, because of your sudden lack of love towards me, I'm beginning to doubt you even consider me a friend anymore. I know that pompous bastard Evan doesn't." Cal opened the door to his jeep to wait for the parking lot to clear out. "Why is my love for you so much a shock?"

"Because you're you, Cal. You've never shown me any true emotion until when we got together. During the war, before the battle of Aukos, you showed everyone that you're darkness-based. Darkness-based D.S.'s don't show emotion. They've no use for it, so why do you?" she asked realistically.

"Because I would have given my life if it meant that yours would continue. Don't you understand? I made a big risk when I offered you my book just to see what you thought of it. . . . I guess I somehow deserve what you're treating me like, but still, the pain of your indifference hurts." Cal sighed. "I'll come to your party with my new friend, Aria. Althea cares about me. You ceased to do that a long time ago, it seems. But know this: I've never stopped caring for you. I still love you even though you've been treating me like this. And, just for the record, I'm not darkness-based. I'm shadow-based. There is a difference!" Fuming, Cal slammed his door shut and backed out of the parking space. "Good day." He then sped off like a bat out of Hell, desperate to get distance between the two, hoping that with the distance, his pain would cease, along with being hugged by Althea's loving arms.

Althea was waiting on the front porch for him to return, sitting in the shadows, dressed only in the toga she wore the day before. She decided she'd wear her new dress and shoes to the dance and party, wanting to look as beautiful as she could for her lover. Smiling, she saw his jeep back into the driveway and park next to the sidewalk that went to the three steps of the front porch.

Slowly opening the door, Althea could instantly tell Cal had a rough day at school. She gingerly hopped over the railing of the patio-like front porch and landed gracefully on the sidewalk. She then walked to him to see how he was doing. Cal looked depressed, his eyes were dilated, they were out of focus, and he looked like he didn't have the strength to walk inside. Looking at her and smiling weakly, he said, "Hi, Althea. How was your day?"

Althea smiled. "It was fine, but now that you're here, it's gotten a lot better!" She blew a kiss to him and, as he got out of the jeep, he wrapped his hands around her. She felt her sex get hot and begin to rise, brushing gently against Cal's leg.

Kissing her passionately on the lips, Cal lifted her up as though she was his newly married bride. "Let's continue this inside!" he whispered sensuously, licking her ear as he spoke. Cal then started for the door.

Once inside, the clothes were flying. Althea's sash and robe flew off and onto one of the lamps in the living room, and Cal's boots and pants were literally torn off, such was the fire of their lust for each other. Within seconds, both were naked, each standing at attention. Moaning, Althea whispered, "Let me fuck you!"

Cal instantly and eagerly went down on her, first stopping at her breasts to suck and massage them, then continuing down her taut stomach to her pubic mound and her hot, throbbing muscle. She moaned incandescently as she ran her hands through Cal's hair, loving the feeling of his tongue sliding into the cleft of her bellybutton before going down to the main package.

Cal looked up at her and smiled, his eyes having a tangible sort of longing to them as he grasped her big, fat, pulsating cock and slowly slipped it into his mouth. Kissing the head before devouring the monstrous organ, Althea let out a gasp of shock and lust as she felt his right hand go to finger her butt while his left went up to massage her heaving breasts. She licked her lips lustfully as Cal's head bounced up and down as he fingered her and massaged her breasts all at once. Soon, he was deep-throating Althea, making a sensual suction-like noise from deep within his gullet.

Cal looked up, Althea's cock sliding out of his mouth, shiny with saliva and pre-cum. Grinning deviously, he gently stroked it with his left hand while he looked her in the eyes. "You always know the best cure for depression, Althea!" he said, massaging her steel-hard ten-inch cock and gently thrusting two of his fingers into her nether opening, making her moan and slightly arch her back. A sheen of perspiration was ever present on her heaving chest and taut stomach as she felt Cal's skillful hands and fingers work their magic on her. Gently sliding his fingers out of her butt, he then got up and lifted her up. "Let's go downstairs, where we can continue this without being interrupted!" And so, they gathered their clothes up and walked downstairs, so they could have some real fun.

Once downstairs, they were all over each other, Althea licking up and down Cal's naked body, from his cock to his ass to his chest. Cal moaned as he felt Althea's tongue lick around his anal opening and then dive right in. The heat was tremendous, but worth it, for he was soon being fingered by Althea's two fingers while she sucked on his cock. "Oh, Althea. . . ! Uh, yes!" he groaned as her fingers probed deep up his ass, the fingers curving so she could stroke the very top of his rectum. Soon she slipped a third and then a fourth finger in, until Cal could take it no longer and, his knees buckling, he kneeled on the floor, his torso resting on the bed while Althea fucked him with her fingers. His hard cock pulsated with the eroticism of such a feeling as her fingers sliding in and out of his ass, loosening him up for her cock.

Althea licked the back of Cal's neck and whispered sweet nothings in his ear as she began to fist his ass, her entire hand slipping in past his stretched anal ring all the way past her wrist. She then balled her hand up into a fist inside his ass, ripped it out, and then started shoving it in there. "OH, GOD!! FUCK ME, ALTHEA!!!" Cal cried as his eyes rolled up into the back of his head. He arched his back and moaned an inaudible language, coming all over the floor.

Althea looked at her lover passionately, gently sliding her hand out of his back door. She put it on the small of his back and then positioned her penis at the violated opening and slid in. Because it was so loose from her fisting him, her cock slid right in with minimal effort. She then began to slowly and romantically thrust in and out as she held Cal by the waist, massaging his hips as she entered and exited. Cal continued moaning as she thrust in and out, a little faster and harder each time.

Looking back at his lover, Cal smiled and blew a kiss to her as she took care of his butt. She leaned down and kissed him on the lips as she thrust in and out, his butt like hot silk on her ten-inch clitty. Cal moaned lustfully as he felt her ample breasts press against his back as she had her way with him. Althea felt a deliciously pleasurable stirring within herself and she knew that it wouldn't be long before she too would cum.

"Oh, God!" Althea moaned as Cal's anal muscles started flexing as she pulled out and relaxing as she thrust in. Cal turned to face her as he wrapped his legs around her waist, grabbing hold of her chest. Althea wrapped her arms around him and held him as she fucked his brains out. Looking him in his cold silver eyes, she could see that there was a tangible love in them now. She then gently leaned forward and tenderly French kissed him as he bounced up and down on her hot, fat rod. Althea moaned as she felt the entry rough and hard on her cock. Cal looked her in her silver eyes and smiled, licking his lips lustily, enjoying her hard penis thrusting inside him so readily. He then began to massage her breasts while she fucked him, squeezing the luscious orbs with lustful abandon. Pinching the nipples, Cal raked her chest while he felt her pile-drive his back door at a fever pitch.

"OH, CAL!!" Althea moaned, arching her back. "AHH, I'M CUMMINGGG!!!!" And, with that screamed, Cal felt Althea's cock tighten up, pulsate, and eject her hot love fluids into his violated butt. Cal reached around behind her and shoved a finger up her butt while she came in his ass, beginning to finger her. She wailed loudly as he began to gyrate his hips, wanting to milk her cock of every drop of the white, sticky fluid that he so wantonly desired. "OH, BABY!! UUHHHNNNN!!!" she wailed as he fingered her butt and fucked her cock.

"Cum in my hot ass, Althea! Fuck me like you've never fucked me before! Make me your bitch, you hot, sexy little demoness!" Cal said vulgarly as he kissed her neck while she arched her back. Tasting the salty sheen of sweat that had accumulated on the bottom of her throat, between her chest, Cal embraced her and bounced up and down on her cock.

Althea moaned as she felt Cal's fingers probe into her ass while she felt him bouncing up and down on her lap. His assfuck juices started oozing out of his butt, down Althea's cock onto the bedsheets. Her cum also started to seep out as well, giving off a very erotic and pungent smell that made Cal's eyes flutter. She grasped him about his hips and then lay back on the soft, satiny bedsheets, Cal straddling her waist and massaging her breasts and fingering her hot ass while she fucked him.

That was all she could take, and she came like a fire hose up Cal's ass, moaning so loud that it might have been heard several blocks away. Cal too moaned and collapsed onto her chest, panting and sweating. Sweating from such a heated session of lovemaking, Althea looked into Cal's eyes and smiled, out of breath. "Hi. . . ." she whispered as she held him close to her.

"Hi. . . ." Cal whispered back. Althea's penis slowly and gently withered out of his backside. The two then kissed each other passionately, holding each other close to their hearts. "You're the best demon friend I've ever had, Althea. . . ."

Smiling, Althea said, "You're the only human friend I've had, Cal. . . ." With that, the two fell asleep, taking a break from their lovemaking. They would wake up three hours later for the Halloween Dance and Party.

Next: Chapter 6

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