Fallen Angel

By Darc Blackwind

Published on Oct 30, 2005


At last, friends of Nifty! I have finally managed to complete my novel for you! It goes without saying that I owe my fans much. I would like to thank my friends Tawny, Yuan, and Stef for giving me their insight and support for this, and I thank you too, gentle reader, for giving me your time to tell my story!

Anyway, here is the last chapter ov Fallen Angel. I hope you enjoy! The sequel is under construction as we speak! Any questions or comments, feel free to email me at arboc969@hotmail.com!

Much love!


Chapter 18: Cal's New Novel

After the battle, Cal, Althea, Aria, and Tawny walked slowly together back to the school. Everyone was inside the gymnasium building, very apprehensive indeed. "Worry not, friends of old!" Cal said grandly as he strode through the bolted doors, smashing them down with a square kick to the hinges. They screamed as they saw him and Aria leisurely walk into the building with a demoness and a vampire.

"HOLY SHIT, CAL'S A DEMON OVERLORD!!!" an idiot freshman screamed, running to the end of the gym. The others followed closely behind.

Laughing humorously, Cal laid down his katana and took off his ripped trench coat, laying it beside his weapon. "No, I'm not," he said calmly. The people didn't seem to believe him, until he shouted, "THE DEMON EVAN HAS BEEN SLAIN! CALM DOWN!!"

With that said, he walked forward, making all seven hundred students take a cautious step backward and hold their breath, but not try to run away any longer. The teachers were the first to approach him, looking at him nervously. "Cal, is this true?" the science teacher, Mr. Chappuis asked, the first to step forward.

Cal nodded. "I swear to God, he's dead. I was the one who killed him."

"Did this have anything to do with the light that flashed through our windows?" Mr. Sandvik asked nervously, stepping forward. Cal nodded again.

"That was the expulsion of the demon's spirit energy, or spiritial power."

"You mean `spiritual', right?" his English teacher asked, frowning at the possible misuse of the word.

"No. Spiritual is related to religion. Spiritial is different. It corresponds with the energy of the being's soul, and the power from within," Aria said. Getting some very confused looks, she then said, "Tell `em, Cal. . . ."

Sighing, Cal began pacing back and forth. All the students and teachers looked at him curiously now, wondering if they were dreaming or if this really had happened. Cal began to sweat underneath their pervading scrutiny. "Listen, sirs and madam," he began, slowly, "Aria, Althea, Tawny, and myself are an elite band of holy warriors. Tawny is a demon slayer, Aria and I are Divine Soldiers, and Althea is a fallen angel who defected to the side of good regardless of the pain and humiliation of her fall. Though all of you were blind to this, a secret war has been going on between the forces of Light and the forces of Darkness since antiquity." He looked at Mrs. McNally. "You remember my novel, Of Light and Darkness, don't you?" She nodded. "Well, it is based off of a true story. We fought off a demonic invasion up on the Astral Plane. If the Astral Plane fell, you could rest assured the forces of Hell would then set their sights on Earth Realm. That is what Evan tried to do, take over Earth, and so, Aria, Tawny, Althea, and me fought off the menace and slew him. Evan Johnson is no more. He was the demon. . . ."

And so, everyone then calmed down and took the warriors into their arms like they had been friends for years. "Tell us about the fight!" some begged, but Cal just shrugged and said, "I'm not at liberty to discuss it. I just want to sit back and marry Althea now." Althea flung her arms around him again, kissing the side of his face. "We're going to be wed soon. If any of you want to come, you're more than welcome to join in the festivities."

Aria and Tawny looked at each other and then back at Cal and Althea, and then both started clapping for the two. The people around them started clapping as well, mimicking the two lesbian lovers. Cal smiled and wrapped his arms around Althea's waist and kissed her passionately. "Congratulations, you two!" Aria squealed joyously, jumping up and down and wrapping her arms around Tawny. Seeing the shocked looks on everyone's face, Aria and Tawny grinned evilly at each other and then passionately kissed each other, making a better portion of the crowd gasp in shock.

The rest of the day was passed by Cal sitting down with Althea and telling the rest of those who were curious about the battle, showing the newly acquired scars on his face and arms, smirking. He told of how Evan and him fought against armies of demons up on the plane, how their friendship deteriorated, and of how this whole thing began. "And so," he said expansively, laying back into Althea's loving embrace, "I found Althea lying in the grasslands outside of town, so I took her to town, and that was when we became friends. Gradually, we grew closer, until . . . until we knew we wanted each other to be there for eternity forevermore, and that is why we're getting married."

"Tell us about the fight!" one of the underclassmen said as Cal drew his sword and lay it down on the ground gently next to him. It was still glowing. Cal then told about how he and the late demon slayer Vincent Fenway, Fen to his friends, fought off the demons overrunning the city and then the battle between him and Evan. By the time he was finished, the sky was darkening with the coming of dusk, the crimson sun sinking below the mountain range off to the west. "We have much to be thankful for, don't we?" Althea whispered to Cal as he helped her up and brushed off the dirt on her butt.

"I'm always thankful. I'm glad you were there, Althea," Cal said as he wrapped his arms around his love. "Your presence there gave me strength, the strength to defeat Evan and know why I was fighting my once-best friend to the death." They locked lips passionately, their tongues dancing together. "I was fighting for you, that's why I didn't wake you and go off to battle alone. I didn't want anything bad to happen to you." Cal sighed and held her tightly. "You're so important to me, Althea. . . ."

Althea sighed lovingly in Cal's strong arms, laying her head on his shoulder and nodding, closing her eyes. "I know. You mean the universe and more to me, my beloved knight in shining armor," Althea whispered in his ear, licking his earlobe naughtily.

"HEY, CAL!" a voice called from the end of the sidewalk.

Cal turned to look at the person. Dan, his anthropology classmate, stood at the end, smirking. "What's up?" he asked, looking over at the man.

Walking over to them, Dan said, "I just wanted to wish you two congratulations for your rekindled love. You bet I'll be there to see you tie the knot!" He then looked over at Althea, and his eyes grew wide. "Say, aren't you Shira, the new girl?"

"This will be our little secret," Althea whispered, winking at Dan. He smirked and nodded.

Cal, Althea, Aria, and Tawny sat in Aria's living room once again, just talking about things that came up out of the blue. Leaning against Cal's muscular shoulder, Althea sighed and closed her eyes as he wrapped his arms around her waist, grabbing her hand gently. "So, Aria," Cal began, somewhat hesitantly. "I see that you and Tawny . . . united. I'm glad that at least someone can unlock your heart. . . ." he said, rather humorously.

"Me too," Aria said, leaning over and kissing Tawny on the lips. She then gently pulled back, caressing Tawny's fair visage with her dainty right hand. "A lot has happened to all of us over the past month. . . . It was rough, I'll admit that much. . . ." she whispered as she leaned back into Tawny's tender embrace. "I'm glad it's over with. All this spilling of blood and deceit was getting old real fast. . . ."

Cal smirked, kissing his demoness on the forehead lovingly. "Yes. I agree with you whole-heartedly," Cal said quietly, letting the gentle warmth coming from Althea's slight form warm him to the marrow. "Now Evan will finally rest in peace. . . . He was a good man, just with a troubled heart," Cal then observed, looking deeply into the flickering fire in the hearth across the room. The gentle light reflected in his fierce, watery eyes, highlighting them nicely in the gloom. He sighed, then closed his eyes. "I'll always remember him by the scars he's given me, both physical and emotional. . . ."

"Why are you talking that way?" Aria asked, perplexed. "It sounds as though you mourn for his death! He was going to destroy the world and try to take over the universe! He deserved what he got!"

Cal opened his eyes and looked over at Aria. "I do mourn for his death, dear one. . . ." he whispered, his icy gray eyes boring into her crimson-brown ones. "Evan and I were brothers, not by blood, but by spirit. That is why I was so hurt when he left me like he did. It felt as though I were slowly bleeding to death from the grievous wound he inflicted upon me. . . . And, it is honorable to honor the enemies you defeat and mourn for their loss. So much good was in Evan; I could sense it even in his last moments of life. I just hope he rests peacefully and never again disturbs the Spiritian Realm or the Earth Realm. . . ."

"I never thought of it that way," Aria said hesitantly. "I'm sorry. . . . I didn't realize what kind of thoughts this battle would produce. . . ."

Cal shrugged, then looked down at Althea, tenderly stroking her mane of crimson hair. "It takes a lot of practice to see things the way I see them now. . . ." he whispered, closing his eyes again. "Ask Tawny when you two are alone. She knows what it feels like to slay. . . ."

Tawny nodded, wrapping her arms around Aria gently. "Yeah. Thoughts like Cal's are common when one kills. As I told you, darling," she said, swiping a stray strand of Aria's maple-bronze hair out of her eyes and looking deeply and lovingly into them, "to kill is one of the most beautiful and painful things anyone can do in his or her lifetime. I even revered Stitch for his bravery to go down to Hell when I sliced him up his stomach and began removing his organs while he squirmed and screamed in agony. I felt saturated in his essence and I had to wash it off, lest it contaminate me. . . ."

Cal shrugged. "So, that's why Jinenji wasn't present at Evan's moment of glory on the television set. . . ." He sighed and closed his eyes again. "I'm glad that this is over. . . . . . It was becoming too painful to keep charging into battle when I have Althea here waiting for me to come home." She looked up at him and caressed the side of his scarred face gently, purring quietly. He smiled and grasped her hand gently, nuzzling it.

Aria and Tawny looked at each other after observing Cal's quiet reverence for the battle he had just gotten out of. Aria then crawled up the couch to sit on Tawny's lap, wrapping her arms around the demon slayer's dainty yet relatively muscular shoulders and her legs around her waist. They gently kissed each other on the lips, sharing the same

hot breath. Tawny slowly caressed Aria's face as she began kneading her breasts through her shirt, making her breath catch in her throat. Slowly and sexily, Tawny unbuttoned Aria's primrose sweater, sliding it off her shoulders and laying it on the ground beside the couch. Aria unbuttoned the fastenings to Tawny's armored cloak, laying the weighted cape on the ground beside her sweater. She then slid Tawny's skin-tight black leather blouse up over her head and wings, freeing her breasts. The two lesbian lovers continued to passionately make out as the flickering light from the fire reflected off of their pale, lusciously adequate forms.

Cal and Althea, seeing Aria and Tawny begin to make love like that, turned their sights to each other. Althea crawled up to straddle Cal's hips as Cal leaned forward to kiss his beloved demoness. Rubbing his hands up Althea's stomach, lightly tickling her taut flesh, Cal looked up into his love's eyes and saw an unadulterated lust mixed with endless love in them, the gaze making Cal hard almost instantly. Althea lightly gyrated her hips, loving the feel of her lover's hard cock nestled against her butt like it was. She leaned forward and lightly kissed Cal's lips, sliding her dainty hands down his muscular torso and slowly taking off his black shirt, throwing it across the room to land on the end of a chair to the dining table. She luxuriously massaged Cal's muscular pectoral muscles, her hands feeling like silk against his scarred, toned flesh. She looked up into his eyes as she slid off his lap to rest at the foot of the couch, undoing the buckle to his thick leather belt and sliding his pants down over his ankles and away from him entirely. Looking up at him naughtily, Althea ripped off his boxers, freeing his eight-inch manhood onto the world. It was as hard as a pipe made of steel and it twitched with the pulse from his rapidly beating heart mixed with Althea's hot, sultry breath on its pale surface. She descended upon his rod as though it were her last meal on Earth, sucking its length all the way into the back of her throat.

Tawny unclasped Aria's lacy black bra, throwing it over her shoulder and freeing her lover's beautiful breasts. Aria was obviously beyond reconciliation at that point, for she was moaning in lust and trying to dry-fuck Tawny's lap, her eyes glazed over by pleasure. Her nipples were also very hard, resembling the hardness of tiny diamonds in the gentle firelight. Tawny tore off her pants and Aria's, all in one motion, and then gently slid off her lacy black panties, smelling and even feeling the bronze-haired lesbian Divine Soldier's arousal quite easily. Aria's pussy-lips were swollen with lust and desire, in desperate need to be taken care of.

Gently sliding her middle finger through the juicy crevasse between her lover's legs, Tawny lightly tickled the puckered opening to Aria's butt and then brought the pussy-juice coated finger to her lips, licking it off luxuriously as Aria moaned in lust. "Take me now, my lover!" she whispered as she arched her back, pressing her breasts in towards Tawny's and moaning in desire. She looked at Tawny lustfully. "Take me in front of the hero of the day! Just take me!" Tawny slid her panties off to reveal, very much to Aria's surprise, a rock-hard seven-inch cock right where her pussy-lips should have been. She moaned in lust, not caring so long as it was Tawny, and Tawny alone, who fucked her like the naughty D.S. she was. She straddled her hips, grabbing onto the sides of them as she eased herself onto the demon slayer's staff of love. As the head to her cock slid past Aria's immensely tight pussy-walls, both lovers moaned with the sensation, Aria arching her back and Tawny rolling her eyes up into the back of her head, leaning against the armrest of the couch. Ten minutes of gentle-but-firm thrusting, Tawny's love rod was buried up Aria's pussy all the way to the hilt. Aria gasped in the sensation, loving the feeling of having another girl's cock up inside of her so deeply. Slowly starting to gyrate her hips, Aria held onto her lover like there was no tomorrow, feeling Tawny's new appendage pulsate inside of her erotically. "I love you, Tawny," she whispered as her breath caught in the back of her throat from Tawny's thrust upward.

"I love you too, Aria," Tawny whispered back into her love's ear, licking the earlobe gently. She slid her delicate hands up Aria's body, from her gently flaring hips up her ribs, gently caressing them and giving her goosebumps, all the way to her breasts, where she began massaging them, wantonly squeezing her nipples. Aria arched her back drastically, her arabesque of shoulder-length maple hair touching the crack of her butt. She groaned in ecstasy as she came all over Tawny's broad-rod, saturating her hips with her girl-musk. The two continued fucking each other's brains out like there was no end in sight to each other's lust for the other.

Meanwhile, Althea was slurping on Cal's dick like there was no tomorrow, a sexy sucking sound coming from deep within her throat. Cal had entwined his fingers in her crimson hair, groaning as he let his wife go to work on him like a professional would. She undid the golden sash to her black robe and let it fall to the ground, freeing her big, beautiful breasts and penis. Cal's breath was taken away by the sight of the gentle curves of her beautiful, taut, lithe body. Her gently flaring hips and her ten-inch she-sword jutting out like it was in the wan firelight made Cal almost ravenous with lust. She then leaned down and began sucking on Cal's cock again, smearing the salty pre-cum all over her fair, pale visage. She gathered some of the fluid in her mouth and then began licking around his anus, getting it nice and ready to be fucked.

Cal groaned in ecstasy as he felt Althea's tongue snake its way up inside his cleft and swirl around tenderly. Althea continued to tongue-fuck his ass until he couldn't hold back anymore and came about an ounce of cum into her face. Althea moaned lustfully and licked off what she could, and then wiped it off with her hands and licked it lustfully into her mouth. Her own tortured rod felt like exploding, she was so turned on. And, Cal's panting told her that he was ready to be taken, so she positioned the head of her cock at the entrance to his butt and then thrust in roughly, making Cal cry out in ecstasy as the bulbous head of her cock slipped through the muscle-ring of his anus. He loved the feeling of being stretched out like that so much that he was rock-hard once again from her tender ministrations. Slowly, Althea thrust the rest of her wand of pleasure up Cal's backside, until she was in all the way balls' deep. And so, the two began that very sexy dance that they had become so good at, Althea thrusting in and pulling out, Cal gyrating his hips in sync to her movements, and in no time at all, Althea was arching her back and moaning in libidinous ecstasy, shooting a salty wad of sperm up her lover's violated butt. "OH, CAL! UHHNNN!!!" she cried as he wrapped his legs around her waist and began massaging her breasts while she fucked his ass. Cal turned around on her pole, his back towards her as she then began thrusting deeply into his ass and making him groan and arch his back, crying her name.

"FUCK ME, ALTHEA!!" Cal screamed, his voice slightly high-pitched as he came all over her stomach and his, such was the intensity of the pleasure she was giving him.

Aria and Tawny were in a world of their own, Cal and Althea's voices just part of the background as Aria bounced up and down on Tawny's cock, moaning in ecstasy as Tawny suckled her breasts and kneaded the beautiful cheeks of her delicious ass. Tawny got daring and slipped her middle finger up Aria's arse, twirling it around inside of her and massaging her walls lovingly. Aria couldn't handle such a sensation and came again, this time the throes of her orgasm making both thrash around as Aria screamed out in ecstasy. "AAAAAHHH!!! TAWNY!! FUCK ME LIKE YOU'VE NEVER FUCKED ANYONE BEFORE!!!!" she wailed, her pussy-juices flowing onto Tawny's lap and drizzling down onto the plush couch, leaving an aromatic stain where they were sitting. Tawny lifted her up by her beautiful hips and lay her down over the back of the couch, beginning to fuck her doggy-style. Aria arched her back towards her as Tawny's hands began massaging her breasts and pinching her nipples. Her other hand was busy massaging the puckered opening to her ass while she took care of her lesbian pussy with her girl-cock. Aria leaned back deeply enough that she could kiss Tawny's lips if she turned her neck just enough, so the two began to passionately French each other, Tawny's hands busy with her lover's breasts and other orifices, and Aria's hands clutching tightly onto the back of the couch as her pussy was fucked by her lover's new cock.

Cal cried out as Althea came up his ass again from fucking him doggy style, making him cum several ounces from such pleasure. His hand grasped Aria's hand as their lovers fuck both from behind. Sweat drizzled down Aria's tanned, toned body and matted her hair to the side of her face as she looked over at Cal lovingly. She then scooted closer and kissed Cal passionately on the lips, her tongue lightly brushing against his as she felt Tawny arch her back and cum inside of her violated pussy. A guttural moan escaped her mouth as she made out with Cal, feeling Tawny's salty, sticky semen shoot up her snatch. Sweat drizzled off of both lovers as their partners continued to ravage their gateways to paradise, and then Cal came again. It was different, the sensation he felt as he shot another wad of cum. It was more than just simple orgasmic pleasure, more than ecstasy. It was absolute heaven. And together, Tawny and Althea fucked Aria and Cal as they all held hands through the throes of each other's orgasms.

Cal awoke late at night, lying spread-eagled on the floor next to the couch, fully naked. Aria and Tawny were cuddled up next to him, both sleeping soundly in each other's arms. He then saw Althea, lying next to him, gazing at him lovingly and wrapping her arms and legs around him. "You were great," she whispered to him as she kissed his lips gently.

Cal felt comfortably warm in Althea's loving embrace, and he wrapped his arms around her, kissing the nape of her neck tenderly. "You were divine, my sweet angel," he whispered back, nuzzling her warm breasts with the side of his face, his eyes closed as their legs intertwined and they held hands. "You are the best thing that ever happened to me, Althea. . . . You were my savior, my lover, my guardian angel. . . . I left for battle yesterday morning because I didn't want you to get hurt. You mean more than my life to me, my angel. . . . You mean more than the universe to me. . . . I just hope that I don't disappoint you. . . ." His tone was not that of a warrior, and his eyes were nervous, almost vulnerable.

Althea softly laid two fingers to his lips, silencing him. "Shhh. . . . You speak nonsense, my knight. I could never be disappointed in you, no matter what you do," she whispered lovingly as she crawled up on top of him, straddling his hips. She bent over and kissed him lovingly, using her hand to massage his cock into life again. "When I fell from Heaven," she whispered gently, "I was so scared and alone. All looked too bleak to

see the light at the end of the tunnel. But, then you came and you were so nice to me. I knew then that we would be inseparable, but I needed to know how you felt about it. As we spent time together," she said, making Cal moan in desire as she positioned the head of his cock at her back door, "I began to fall in love with you, and I'm reasonably sure that you were falling for me as well. Your presence . . . uuhhhnnn . . . was intoxicating, and it still is!" she moaned as she began to rock back and forth, sliding his penis in between her butt cheeks. She then grabbed it and thrust it into her ass, groaning in ecstasy. "Uhhhhnnnn!!" She moaned in passion as she began gyrating her hips, feeling Cal tense up with pleasure. "I love you so much, Cal!" she whispered as she bounced up and down on Cal's dick wantonly, her crimson hair matted against the side of her face from sweat.

Cal sighed in pleasure as his demoness took care of her ass on his cock, gripping her by her hips softly. The tightness of her butt still took his breath away, and he found himself arching his back with her, feeling her walls contract around him, gripping him tightly inside of her. Using his free hand, Cal began massaging her balls and masturbating her cock while they fucked, making Althea moan louder and louder, until she came buckets all over his hands. Cal rubbed the hot, sticky love nectar all over her breasts as he thrust up into her anus, making her cry out, her cry high-pitched. "I love you too, my darling Althea! I love you so much it hurts!" The two lovers fucked each other until the sun came up, not waking Aria or Tawny and passing out from the exertion of their energy at about sunrise.

Several weeks passed, and soon, Cal found himself getting ready for his wedding with Althea. His mother had strongly disapproved of his marrying the woman he loved so early, but eventually warmed up to the idea. Sitting at his desk in his black tuxedo, Cal typed something down rapidly. "Come on, Cal! You're gonna be late!" a voice said from the doorway.

Looking up, Cal saw Tawny standing there, wearing a beautiful gown of a dark, shimmering, silken emerald-green. Behind her, he saw that Aria was with her, wearing a dress of a pale magenta that matched her lipstick. "You two look absolutely beautiful," Cal said happily as he typed out the rest of the sentence he was typing. "I'll be there in two seconds. Just finishing the first chapter of my next novel."

Aria and Tawny strode into his room, looking reproachful. "What are you typing up, anyway?" she asked as she leaned over his shoulder, looking at the computer monitor's screen curiously. Cal clicked "Save" and then got up, getting his shoes on. "We should go," he said, straightening out his tux. Looking at Aria, he said, "How do I look?"

Aria walked up to him and hugged him tightly. "I'm so proud of you, Cal," she whispered in his ear as she gently held him. "You look positively fabulous in that tuxedo, darling. . . . I'm glad you finally found your soul mate. I'm just sorry it wasn't me. . . ."

Cal grabbed her hand tightly, kissing her on the side of her cheek. "I'm glad you found yours as well, love. . . ." He then looked over at Tawny. "So, what d'you think, princess?"

"It will be a best seller, I can tell you that much already!" Tawny said happily. She then looked at Aria lovingly. "It's our new saga, my angel," she told her.

Aria bent down and read the first couple of lines of the chapter. It was entitled:

"Fallen Angel"

"By Calvin Lillehammer"

"Chapter 1: The Fall and the Meeting"

"The fall was abrupt and sudden. It was as if the ground opened up and swallowed her suddenly, sending her down to Earth. . . ."

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