Fallen Angel

By Darc Blackwind

Published on Oct 30, 2005


Chapter 16: Aria's New Love

The lights seared through the darkness as Tawny felt something or someone caress the side of her face. Blearily opening one eye, she saw Aria looking down at her lovingly. "H, hi. . . ." she moaned, the sudden pain rushing back into her like a mile-long freight train smashing through a pickup truck.

"Hi. . . ." Aria whispered. Tawny noticed something in her eyes, sensing that something was amiss. "How are you feeling, Tawny?"

Looking around, Tawny moaned again and lay back into Aria's embrace. They were no longer in the living room, but rather in a bedroom that had many fantasy-like artifacts nailed up on the walls. Several bead curtains draped off of the windowsills and the doorway, glittering in the gentle light from the lamp on Aria's bedside counter, and a large, curved naval saber lie on the ground next to the bed. The lamp itself looked like a gigantic mushroom that was magenta and green. "Oogghh. . . . What h, happened . . . to me. . . ?"

"That son-of-a-bitch Jim threw a final attack that you weren't prepared for . . . and . . . it crashed into your left eye. . . ." Aria said uncertainly. Tawny made a motion to get up and go look at the damage, but Aria made sure that she wouldn't move. "No. Don't go look. Please!" she whispered, hugging Tawny around the waist.

"It's my face, isn't it. . . ? That fucking Jinenji disfigured me. . . ." Tawny whispered morosely. She sighed, feeling depression well up inside her like a malignant disease.

"No. Not really. . . . It's . . . your eye. . . ." she whispered, looking up at her friend compassionately.

"My eye?" Tawny repeated, not sure she understood what Aria was saying.

"The left one . . . it's different. It's like how your eyes turn when you transform, but it's stuck that way. . . ." she whispered, sounding horrified.

Tawny shrugged. "Hmm. . . ." She got up, despite Aria trying to keep her pinned to her bed. Upon getting up, however, her head swam, thus making her have to sit down and not move for a while. "Ughh. . . ." she groaned and lay back into Aria's embrace again. "I guess his energy was laced with some kind of disabling source. . . ."

Aria sighed, looking down at Tawny contentedly. "I'm glad you awoke. . . ." she said, relieved. "I was worried that Jim did something to you that killed you. . . ."

Tawny smiled, her eyes still shut tightly. "You know me, Aria. I'm not gonna die to that fucking bastard so easily. . . ." she said arrogantly. "I have to slay him for taking my love away from me. . . ." She sighed. "I miss her. . . ."

Aria nodded slowly. "I do too. . . . Though I didn't have the sort of relationship that you had with her, I . . . I was attracted to her. . . ."

Tawny nodded. "She was a good person. Caring, kind, slightly mischievous . . . everything that I could hope for in a lover." Tawny sighed sadly.

Aria felt her sadness and gently caressed the left side of her beautiful face with her right hand. "If you wish to talk about it . . . I'm here for you, Tawny. . . ."

Tawny sighed once again and rolled over, hugging Aria around the waist. She looked up, her vampiric eye glowing in the waning light of the room. "Thank you. . . ." she whispered, looking up at Aria passionately. She sat up slowly, so as to prevent the waves of nausea accompanied by too much movement, and looked over at her friend curiously. "So, . . . how did you and Cal meet?"

Aria smiled as she remembered how she and Cal first met. "Well, actually," she began as she thought about it, "I knew Cal long before he knew me."

"How's that?"

"I knew his older brother, Cloud. I guess you could say that I've always had a crush on someone of the Lillehammer family. It started with his older brother, when he was smart and didn't do so many drugs that it screwed up his memory and gave him brain damage. I remember having wet dreams about the hipster when I was in my ninth-grade year of high school," she said, almost whimsically, as she looked at Tawny. "However, when Cal and I met in tenth grade Biology class, we . . . sort of got off to a rough start."

"What do you mean?" Tawny asked compassionately.

"Well, I half-expected Cal to be a mirror image of the now brain-dead Cloud, so I guess I was a little rough on the kid at first. I first spoke to him during a lab where we were making microscope slides to examine. He was extremely polite to me, but he was always the lone wolf of the class. He wouldn't say much unless he was spoken to, and well, I was getting tired of having to initiate conversations with him. . . . So, when he passed me the thin glass slides we were supposed to mount things on, I said, Quit being so condescending, Cal.' He looked over at me curiously, almost as though I had slapped him, and asked, What d'you mean, condescending?'

"Exactly what I said, Cal. You're being condescending.' He didn't speak to me much after that comment that day. He didn't stop being polite to me, but he didn't say anything more. . . . Well, the next class period, I moved to sit next to him and one of his friends that was an acquaintance of mine. He had a Texan accent, and a rather prominent chin. . . . . . . . Anyway, he looked over at me curiously and said, So, am I still being condescending, Aria?' Believe it or not, I was actually surprised that he knew my name. Normally, Cal didn't give a rat's ass about other people's names. He just called them love,' princess,' dumbass,' or kid,' to name a few. Hell, he used to just refer to me as `princess', until he started calling me by my name. . . . I guess he looked on my laboratory report sheet to find my name after I called him condescending."

"Huh. . . . He calls Althea and I `love'. . . ." Tawny commented.

Aria smiled. "Yeah, I know. Perhaps he call's people love' if he's attracted to them?" she suggested. "Anyway, after that rough first impression, we became friends. Hell, we started becoming more than friends, but that started later. . . . Around December, I found out that Cal was more than he seemed. You see, during a short day where we had all-lunch', Cal and Evan were giving a martial arts demonstration. I came over with my boyfriend at the time and he and I sat down on one ofthe rails to watch. It was then that I saw the depths of both Cal's and Evan's abilities. I knew they were just throwing out their fanciest moves to impress the crowd around them, but some of these moves seemed to defy the laws of physics. The one I liked the best, and I'm pretty sure Cal threw it at Evan to impress me, now that I think about it, was when he and Evan lunged at each other. It started with a long run towards each other, and that was when I saw a faint black-violet aura encompassing Cal's right fist. He and Evan leapt into the air at a height of about ten feet and the two passed by each other. When they landed on the other side, an explosion came from each, and they both collapsed. That got the teacher's attention, and the two had to do detention for a week because of their play-fight. Well, about that time, I found out that the reason that they could do moves like that was because of the astral plane, a plane where I constantly visited to think and to just escape the trials of my horrific reality. So, I decided to tell Cal about a dream that I had once, where I was facing an army of demons up on the plane. Naturally, I expected him to call me a psycho. However, he said nothing, but rather nodded and listened intently. When I finished my dream, he smirked and said, `Huh, y'know, I've had dreams similar to that. . . . I'll tell you about them sometime. . . .' That was when the bell rang and he marched off to his next class.

"Well, at lunch, he and Evan walked up to me and told me about their organization, the Divine Soldiers Guild. After explaining the situation, Cal unlocked me and turned me into one, so as Satan wouldn't send someone to turn me into a Dark Divine Soldier. Since then, we've been fighting demons like Evan and Jim for God knows how long. . . . Who would have thought that Evan would be the one we'd have to slay now, huh?" Tawny nodded, closing her eyes. She groaned and lay back down, feeling ill once again. "Are you alright?" Aria asked nervously.

"I . . . feel ill. . . ." Tawny moaned as she lay back into Aria's lap. Aria looked down at her and sighed. "Thank you for . . . letting me stay here, Aria. . . . I didn't want to go home alone. . . ." she then said after a prolonged silence.

Aria smiled and caressed the side of her face lovingly. "You don't need to thank me. . . . . . I didn't want anything bad to happen to you. When Darc and Althea left, I knew that you would be left without any defenses, so I took you and laid you down in my bed, and stood watch over you until you awoke." She gestured towards a large curved marine saber lying on the floor beside her bed.

Tawny smiled, her eyes still closed. "Who's `Darc?'"

"Darkside. . . . His real name is Darc Dragonwind. You were unconscious when he told us how he turned into what he now is."

Tawny sighed. "Oh. . . . What time is it?"

Aria looked over at the digital clock mounted on her wall, next to her mirror. It read 1:36 AM NOVEMBER 5. "It's late. . . ."

Tawny smiled again, nuzzling against Aria's taut stomach. Aria trembled with excitement. "Do you mind if I sleep like this? Your presence is comforting, and very tender. . . ." Tawny asked curiously, opening an eye to look up at her friend.

"No, I don't mind. . . ." And so, Aria reached over and clicked off the light. After the darkness descended into the room, she sighed and nestled herself against the wall, putting a couple of pillows between her back and the hard wall surface. After that, she looked back down at Tawny, whose eye was glowing in the darkness. "Goodnight, Tawny. . . ."

"Good night, Aria. . . . Sleep well. . . ."

"Why did you run from the mortals, Janus Fakto Shureiya Kaieyakllein?" asked a man swathed in all matte black, from the cowl that hid his face to the black boots that glistened as though made out of black ice. A strong draft was blowing in from the east, fanning the man's black cloak out to his left. His eyes glowed through the immense shadows caused by his cowl, making them look like light catching the prismatic sides of emeralds.

"My liege. . . ." Evan said, kneeling before the man in the black cloak. "Please forgive me, for I had no choice but to leave the job unfinished. . . ." Evan was in his human form, though he was still holding the flaming sword and his eyes glowed bright red in the darkness.

"Explain, simpleton!" the man in black growled, a serpentine hiss that chilled Evan to the very marrow.

"Sire, I have a Light energy signature, believe it or not. Light and Dark do not mix, thus that makes Cal a very dangerous enemy. I can deal with Aria, that new demoness Althea, even those demon slayers. Cal is different. He is . . . deadly, and to make it worse, he knows how I fight, for we've been comrades for five years prior to this. I had to run, or die." He looked down at his master's feet, kneeling deeper. "Dost thou forgive me? I had to flee, my lord and sovereign, lest be slain by the dark one's entity. . . ." he asked in an arcane dialect, spoken only by demons.

"Thou shouldst learn thy lessons well, for my wrath shalt be unparalleled by anything thou hast experienced previously. Do well to learn this, for the next time I hear of thy failures, my fury will be brought down upon thee with unfathomable mercilessness," the man in black growled in the same demonic dialect. "Get out of my sight, INFIDEL!!!"

Cowering, Evan walked away. The man in black flashed and with a blinding expulsion of light and energy, he was gone. Shit. . . . Evan thought as he looked over the cliff at the valley below. The lights from the city of Andale glimmered in the distance, like the fluttering of fireflies in a moonlit field on a clear, tranquil night. I guess I did screw up, didn't I? I shouldn't have been so afraid of that crescent of energy sent at me from Darkside's blade. . . .

Stitch flew overhead and landed beside Evan. He looked down at the man and smiled warmly. "How're you doing? Is He pissed at us?"

"Yes. He is very pissed at us. . . . And, to top it off, He called me a pussy for running from Cal's energy attack. . . ."

Stitch smirked, his demonic fangs glinting in the moonlight. "The Assailant was not there. He didn't sense the intensity in that energy. If He had, He would have not been so rough on you, my man. . . ." Stitch said compassionately. " And `sides, you're still not a fully developed demon overlord. When you become that, you'll be powerful enough to do anything you wish. Plus, you gotta love how our armor looks!" the demon winked at Evan, who smirked.

"Yeah, I guess you have a point, Jinenji. . . . Your demonic spike armor does look bad-ass. . . ." Evan said, looking up at Jinenji, smirking. "When will I mature as a true demon overlord?"

"When you finally let the demonic presence in your soul consume you." Jinenji laid a taloned hand on Evan's shoulder. "Look on the bright side, my friend: Cal and his friends are like slinkies. They aren't really good for anything, but you can't help but smile when you see one of them tumble down the stairs. . . ."

A voice from the shadows laughed derisively. It then said, "That is the last insult you'll make about my friends, DEMON!!"

A chill draft swept through the darkened room, making Aria shiver involuntarily. Blearily opening one eye, she saw that the curtains were billowing, thanks to the zephyr that had invaded the sanctity of her room. She then noticed that Tawny wasn't lying in her bed, not on her lap or otherwise. Wh . . . what's going on? she thought to herself as she looked around the darkened room. The shadows bore down on her like a legion of demons as she shivered again, but this time not from cold, but from fear. She reached for her saber, only to find that the sword itself had left its sheath. "T . . . Tawny. . . ?" she hesitantly called into the caliginous shadows of the deserted and now very lonely bedroom.

Wiping her forehead, she sighed and grabbed the pistol from out of the container that was under her bed and began walking around the room, her eyes carefully scanning the darkness for any sign of movement. She wished she had Cal's ninjato with her, for she knew now that if a demon were anywhere near her, her pistol would be useless to destroy it. That was one of the only ways to kill a demon in the physical realm: slashing it to death with a blade of some sort. Bullets had proved useless to her when she fought against Evan on Saturday night, when Cal and Althea came to her rescue.

She fearlessly crept through the shadows of the sleeping household to her bedroom door. Opening it, she first peered around the opening on both sides, and then slowly and gently took a step outside. A little crack of light came from down the hall, and there was some noise from within the chamber behind the door. Someone's in the bathroom? she thought nervously. My mom and dad are out of town . . . so could it be Tawny?

Slowly, through the oppressive shadows of the obscure hallway she crept, low to the ground and as quiet as a panther stalking its prey. The sound grew in frequency and Aria deciphered that someone was taking a shower. She heard a soft female voice, Tawny's voice, singing a sad, lamenting tune that was rather haunting to her ears, mingling with the splattering of the water in the basin:



Remember-when-we-were-kids, when-we-used-to-push-and-shove?

Endless-days-at-the-park, going-to-the-sandbox, thinking-it-a-sand-dune.

Now, my-love-has-left, departing-like-a-lone-peace-dove.


Now, my-love-is-far-away,

At-a-battle-field, blackened-and-ashy-gray.

Thinking-back, the-time-spent-with-my-love-has-endless-worth


Aria crept closer, wanting to hear more of the lamenting song that Tawny was singing. She noted that the door was open a crack, so she stealthily sneaked inside the bathroom. The lights were off, the only light coming from the candles that lay on the floor beside the bathtub and the candles on the counter beside the sink. Tawny's silhouette moved around in the bathtub, showing her beautiful figure. She continued singing while soaping her body up.


Seeing-it-drift-up-high, an-ethereal-dream-come-true?

Two-souls-drifting-in-the-sky, experiencing-embraces-so-new.

When-will-my-love-show-up? Hopefully-soon.

The-love-we-share-is-very-rare, experienced-only-by-a-few.




We-roll-around-on-the-ground, becoming-saturated-by-the-morning-dew.

For-one-moment, we-are-united, the-same-hot-breath-we-share.


I-long-for-her. I-wish-for-my-love-to-return-to-me


But, I-received-a-notice-and-after-reading-it, my-heart-broke.

She-was-slain-in-battle, refusing-to-flee.



Giving-it-to-me, he-said-the-place-she-went-to-is-for-the-better.

In-my-love's-letter, she-told-me-to-live-full-and-free,

And-I-finally-had-to-say-goodbye, feeling-my-heart-shatter.

Now, here-I-am, looking-up-at-the-moon.


Goodbye, my-love. I'll-see-you-when-this-life's-purpose-I-fulfill.

We'll-be-together-again, very-soon.


Sighing, as though transfixed by her song and beautiful singing voice, Aria spoke up. "My, that's a beautiful song, Tawny. . . ."

Tawny giggled as she opened the curtains to peak out. Her arabesque of platinum-blond hair was matted against her angelic face. She smiled as she looked at her in a lusty sort of manner. "I wrote it myself. . . . I'm glad you liked it. . . ." she said as she opened the curtain a little bit more, showing off her beautiful body in the gentle candlelight. "So, how did you sleep?"

Aria sighed and sat down on the toilet seat, leaning against it and looking over at her beautiful friend. "Where were you? I was scared. . . ." she said as she set her pistol on the counter next to the sink.

"I had to . . . take care of something. . . ." Tawny said truthfully. She soaped up her hands, which looked rather shadowy from Aria's point of view. Sighing, Tawny looked back at her with a gaze filled with warmth. "Why did you act so coldly to Cal? It nearly destroyed him, you know. . . ." She soaped up her voluptuous breasts, "accidentally" getting the nipples hardened as she caressed them with her fingertips.

Sighing, Aria decided to finally admit to someone the reason why she changed her outlook so drastically as to inspire thoughts of suicide amongst the unsuspecting ninja. "Well, I'll be honest with you, Tawny. . . . I won't lie anymore. I was . . . and still am . . . struggling with my sexuality. . . . I . . . had one of the school cheerleaders as a friend once. This happened over the summer, and I told no one about it. We were at a party once, and she ran off to talk to one of her friends. So, several hours pass, and I get bored of having to converse with drunken men, so I go off looking for her. She was nowhere to be found, so I started to get desperate.

"I didn't want to leave her, as I had given her the ride to the party, but I didn't really want to stay there anymore. So, I start looking through the host's house, thinking that there was a possibility that she was in one of the bathrooms, or something. I walk into this secluded bedroom and my friend is naked, completely naked, and with another girl. They had been fucking each other for hours, the slick double-ended dildo stuck inside my girlfriend's crotch, and she's thrusting it in and out of her `partner's' crotch as though it were her very own penis. She looks up at me and smirks deviously, and then invites me to join them. Well, I hadn't thought about it before then, and that was what scared me so much. I decline and tell her that I'm leaving, and she tells me she'll stay there, with the host. So, I leave. The next week Cal gives me the novel he wrote and that is when things get weird. I had never known Cal to express love before, and this novel he wrote, a really interesting novel too, was an entire love story dedicated to me!

"Well, anyway, I start hanging around him more, wanting to know more about him, and I find out, to both my delight and relief, that he is nearly the exact opposite of his moron brother. Where his brother was loud and obnoxious, Cal was quiet, reserved, and really rather taciturn. What I didn't know about Cal was his expertise in ninjutsu, so when his car broke down one week into the school year, I gave him rides, finding out more about him than probably most people who had known him for years. I found out about how the love of his life died, how he joined the ninjutsu ryu, only to get kicked out after having a fight with his sensei, and many more things. However, I was still quite unsure about my sexual preference, and when I found out that Cal had had a romantic interest in me for as long as we had known each other, I . . . sort of clamped up. I wanted to stay away from that just because I didn't know what I liked anymore. . . . I know it was a cruel thing to do to him, but I just didn't want to find out that I was a lesbian. I feared that I would lose all my powers. . . ."

Washing the shampoo out of her hair, Tawny looked back at Aria warmly. "Is it really so bad to love women, Aria?" She closed her eyes and ran her hands through her mane of pale golden hair. "I have this theory about God. I believe that He only hates people who don't admit who they love. Look at Cal, for example. He loves a woman who has a cock, and yet he's retained his powers all throughout their sessions of lovemaking. Trust me, it isn't exactly what one would call `holy'. More like a lust-filled haze of emotion possesses them when they fuck, and yet, Cal still had the power to drive off that bastard Evan and save you from his onslaught. Nope, I believe that God just wants all of us to make the most of what we have while we have it and be happy with it in the end. . . ." Aria thought about this for a while in silence as Tawny showered. "Do you want to shower, Aria?"

Aria looked over at Tawny curiously, a slight reddish tinge to her cheeks. "I beg your pardon?" she stammered, not sure she trusted her ears and getting up.

"Would you like to shower with me?" Tawny asked straightforwardly, looking over at her. "Why don't you come find out whether or not you're a lesbian? You might like it! I know I sure would!" she giggled giddily, winking seductively at Aria.

"Tawny. . . . . . I . . . I'm a virgin. . . . I don't even know how. . . ." Aria said uneasily, looking down at the white tiles of the bathroom floor.

Tawny turned off the water, the soap still fresh on her skin. Carefully stepping out onto the terry-cloth rug, she walked over to Aria and embraced her. "It's okay, Aria. . . . Everyone's a beginner at one point or another. . . ." She held Aria in her moist arms, hugging her tightly. Aria looked into Tawny's eyes, her own glazing over. She then reciprocated the embrace, sliding her own arms around Tawny's waist gently. Closing her eyes, Aria then lightly kissed Tawny's lips, shivering in excitement from her first lesbian kiss. Tawny gently pulled back and looked deeply into Aria's maroon-brown eyes lovingly. "How was it?" she whispered, enjoying the feeling of Aria's hot breath play on her cheeks as the demon slayer held her Divine Soldier in her arms.

Aria moaned and kissed her on the lips again, this time more vigorously, ending in a passionate French kiss, sliding her tongue across Tawny's white teeth and touching her tongue with her own. Aria pulled back, slightly gasping for breath. "I . . . like it. . . !" she said, as though shocked by her lack of prudence and daring to experiment to see if she truly was a lesbian.

Tawny then began to undress Aria, first by taking off her forest-green sweater, revealing a lacy black bra, which held her rather nicely sized breasts nicely. She then caressed them lovingly, kissing Aria deeply and passionately. Aria moaned into Tawny's kiss, their tongues dancing slowly as Tawny unhooked Aria's bra and set her breasts free. "I'm going to make sure this is one you won't forget!" Tawny whispered lustfully as she kissed her way down Aria's neck and began sucking on her left breast while massaging her right.

Moaning, Aria slid off her jeans and then let Tawny take off her panties, revealing her moist vagina. She loved the close, intimate contact between Tawny's feather-soft lips and her taut stomach indeed, and now she knew her true sexuality was that with other women. Sighing again, Aria grabbed Tawny's right hand and dragged her back to her bedroom, still sopping wet and with soap still on her naked, angelic body. "Tawny. . . ." Aria moaned lustfully as Tawny kissed her deeply again, sliding her panties off her beautiful buttocks, letting two fingers wander through the cleft between her legs. Bringing her two fingers back to her lips, she licked the arousal off, reveling in the taste of a young woman's desire. Aria moaned louder as Tawny licked the tip of her nose and slid the same two fingers back down towards her vagina for a second helping.

"You taste good, lover!" Tawny moaned in Aria's ear while she slowly massaged her pubic mound with the palm of her hand, making Aria cry out in lustful abandon. Aria arched her back as Tawny's skillful fingers found their way to her clitoris, massaging the little bud and wracking Aria's beautiful, naked, sweaty body with waves upon waves of pleasure. Reveling in her ability to bring about such pleasure to her friend, Tawny thrust two fingers up Aria's sopping cunt, making her cry out loudly in both shock and ecstasy. "You like it, don't you Aria? You like having my fingers up your love-nest all the way to the wrist, don't you?" she moaned seductively as Aria arched her back drastically, thrusting her vagina down upon Tawny's fingers and thrusting her breasts out for her new lover to fondle.

Moaning, Aria looked back down at Tawny and groaned, "Uhhhnnn!!! YES! Oh, TAWNY!!!"

"You love it, Aria, you naughty girl!" Tawny chided as she thrust a third finger up her new lover's vagina. She curved her fingers so she could stroke the very top of Aria's mound, caressing her G-spot and making her scream.

"GIVE ME MORE! UHHNNNN!!!" Aria cried as she squirmed around, trying to get Tawny's three fingers deeper.

Seeing the intense look of lust upon Aria's beautiful face, Tawny thought it was about time to pull out all the stops and introduce her to the absolute beauty of two girls making love. She gazed into Aria's eyes intently, her gorgeous face splitting into a mischievous grin. "Do you want to see what two girls can really do to one another when they're in love, dearest Aria?" she whispered, rotating her fingers inside Aria's cunt and moving them in a circle inside her, caressing her moist, aromatic walls lovingly.

Aria's chest heaved as she felt herself be penetrated by this beautiful woman demon slayer. She looked down and blew a kiss to Tawny, arching her back and groaning loudly as the fourth finger penetrated her virgin snatch. "YESSS!!!" she cried, cumming all over Tawny's fingers. She screamed and squirmed as her first orgasm ravaged her slight form. Suddenly, it felt as though she had left her body and was floating away through the gates of heaven. Tawny could literally smell the arousal she released with the orgasm. "OH, TAWWNNYY!!! UUUUHHHHHHNNNN!!!!" she shrieked, feeling Tawny slowly pull her fingers out of her deflowered snatch. Tawny grasped her hand to let her know that she was there, and licked the juices off of her own hand.

Crawling up beside her spent lover, Tawny held the trembling Aria in her arms tightly, the two naked women sighing and moaning in unison. After about ten minutes, Aria looked up at Tawny lovingly, reaching around to hold her closely. "How was it?" Tawny whispered as she gently rubbed the remaining juices from Aria's overflowing pussy onto her lips so she could taste her own girl cum. The heat between the two lovers was immeasurable, and Tawny loved every caress between her lover and her.

Aria was shivering, her mouth open, her chest heaving with the exertion of such an experience. She sighed, looking up at Tawny, and pulled her lover close, so she could kiss her more easily. Together, Aria and Tawny's lips locked, their tongues danced, and each drew love from the other as they shared the same hot, rasping breath. She then gently pulled back, a string of saliva connecting her mouth with Tawny's. She just gazed into Tawny's electric-cerulean eyes deeply, letting her demon slayer girlfriend hold her and whisper sweet nothings into her ear. Their fingers, arms, and legs were intertwined, both a sweaty, soapy, ejaculant-laden mess. Aria sighed into Tawny's embrace, closing her eyes and resting her head upon her breast. They spent an hour doing nothing more than that, and then Aria spoke. "What did you have to take care of, my beautiful demon slayer?" she whispered, holding Tawny's hand and pulling the covers up around the two to keep each other warm.

"I had to . . . avenge Miranda. . . ." she whispered, her eyes closed.

Aria gnawed on the statement for a while, then sighed. "Are you alright, Tawny?"

Tawny shrugged. "I don't know. . . . Taking life . . . is a strange sensation. . . . Holding the hot, throbbing life force of another while you prepare to sever their existence, it is both one of the most beautiful, and one of the most painful things that someone can do in this lifetime. . . . Have you ever killed?"

Aria shook her head. "No. I've slain demons by the thousands up on the Astral Plane, but down here . . . I've done no such thing. . . . Are you all right? You sound sad. . . ."

"I guess I am. . . . I mean, Jinenji deserved it, but . . . before he was a demon, he was just an ordinary human by the name of James Paquette. . . . I wish Miranda was still alive. . . . I miss her terribly. . . ."

Aria held Tawny tightly, their legs entwined. She kissed the nape of her neck and said, "If ever you want to talk, I'll always be here for you, Tawny. . . ."

Tawny looked down at her lover warmly, kissing her forehead and holding her close. "I know you will be, darling. I will always be there for you too, you know."

Sighing, Aria lay back into Tawny's embrace, snuggling up to her tightly. "You were the first person I ever made love to. . . ." she said as an afterthought. "I'm glad I held out my virginity until now. Believe me, there were times when I wanted to fuck the pants off of some guys at parties, but this was special. . . ." She passionately French kissed Tawny, sliding a hand down her taut, lithe, rather muscular stomach to caress her very wet sex. Tawny moaned in desire as she felt Aria imitate the movements that she used to bring her to orgasm. She looked up at Tawny lustfully, her breath hot on her navel. "The kill! Tell me about the kill!" she whispered as she began to rub her cleft in a clockwise fashion.

Tawny moaned and gazed down at her, gripping her shoulders tightly. "It was fierce, sudden, and ruthless! Evan could not have saved him even if he tried!"

"Yeah? Tell me more!" Aria whispered as she kissed Tawny's navel, dipping her tongue into it and swirling it around. Tawny moaned as she felt her new lover gain experience fucking girls.

"J . . . Jinenji and Evan . . . were talking about Cal and you, and I . . . uuhhhnnn . . . snuck up on them. . . ." Tawny moaned as Aria thrust two fingers up her gaping, hungry vagina. She began swirling her dainty fingers in and out of Tawny in a spiral manner. Tawny moaned gutturally and arched her back. "I . . . heard Jin . . . Jinenji say things about . . . Cal and you, and . . . mmmmphh . . . I attacked. . . !"

Aria was enjoying bringing Tawny as much pleasure as she brought her, very much so. She decided to start talking dirty to her new lover, just to experiment. "Did you kill him badly!?" she moaned as she thrust a third and fourth finger up Tawny's snatch very, VERY roughly. Tawny cried out in ecstasy. She nodded as she held Aria in place, her fingernails digging into Aria's shoulders. "Did he cry out in pain?!" she moaned seductively as she thrust her thumb in there with the rest of her hand.

"YESSS!! OH, ARIA!! FUCK ME HARDER!!!!" Tawny cried as she arched her back. Aria balled her hand up into a fist and shoved it up her twat with a force that could probably have shattered a brick wall. "OOOOHHHHH!!! GOD!!!" Tawny screamed as she came all over Aria's arm. Arching her back drastically, Tawny cried out and thrashed in the throes of her orgasm, feeling as though she had been resurrected from Hell and set free upon the world. Aria's free hand snaked its way up Tawny's taut stomach and massaged her breast while her other hand fisted her to no end.

Tawny came a second and third time in the next ten minutes, thanks to Aria's newfound enthusiasm for lesbian love. After a third earth-shattering orgasm, thanks to a combination of kisses to her clitoris and her ever-so skillful fingers, Tawny came down, gasping and sweating, and actually numb from the pleasure she experienced. She looked down at Aria, who had droplets of her pussy-cum lacing her lips, and sighed lovingly. "I love you, Aria. . . . I want you to be with me for eternity. . . ."

Aria crawled up beside Tawny, who lovingly embraced the woman, licking the girl cum off her lips. "I love you too, Tawny. . . ." She wrapped both her arms and legs around the lesbian demon slayer. "I love you sooo much!!!"

And thence, the two lovers fell asleep in each other's arms.

Next: Chapter 17

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