Fallen Angel

By Darc Blackwind

Published on Oct 30, 2005


Hello, dear friends!

Once more it is I, Darc Blackwind, with yet another chapter for you from Fallen Angel! With any luck, I'll be able to finish off my story this weekend! Enjoy!

As usual, I appreciate and adore my fans, especially their opinions ov my story and just general commentary upon the subject! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me at arboc969@hotmail.com


Chapter 14: The Road through Darkness

Lightning flashed, illuminating the darkened room. Opening one bleary eye, Cal looked over and saw Tawny looking at him lovingly, her arm around his stomach. Althea was still asleep. "How'd you sleep, love?" Cal whispered as he slowly sat up and wiped the sweat off his brow. Tawny moaned and sat up, kissing Cal on the lips.

"It was great!" she whispered eagerly, shivering from the chill bedroom air. Seeing the shudder, Cal pulled his blanket up from the front of the bed and wrapped it around her and Althea. "Where are you going, lover?" Tawny asked as he hopped up.

Cal looked back at the partially exposed Tawny and smiled, swiping his dirty-blond hair out of his eyes with one hand. He reached in his pants pocket and got the poem he wrote in English class and handed it to her. "Your poem got me thinking. . . ." he whispered, pressing the poem into her delicate hand gently, looking deep into her electric-cerulean eyes. "We still don't know that much about each other, but I feel that I can trust you."

Tawny laughed. "Yes, I think I can trust you too. I mean, I did just let you fuck my ass like there was no tomorrow," she giggled, embracing Cal and kissing him. She moaned. "Oooh, you and Althea were so good! I can tell we'll be great allies!"

Cal smiled. "You know, you're not quite what I expected. I always thought those hired by the Demon Slayer Guild were supposed to be heartless, ruthless killers. Maybe I shouldn't judge books by their covers?" Cal sighed. "Anyway, I'm going outside to think. If Althea wakes up, tell her I love her, please?"

"Why don't you tell her yourself?" Tawny asked, catching on to what Cal was planning.

Cal sighed, then said, "Well, love . . . I'm battling with my thoughts. . . . What you said in your poem really got me thinking. . . . I've been trapped inside darkness for as long as I can remember, trying to find the right path. . . . It hasn't been going very well. . . . And, no one's been there to help pull me out of the void, totally ignoring me. Only about a week ago, I first started to feel real love from someone other than my immediate family. And even then, it's questionable. . . . Before meeting Althea . . . I've had to battle my way through the darkness all alone, without any support at all. I was all alone, thinking that I'd turn out all right if I just held steadfast to what I was trying to accomplish. . . . I didn't turn out alright at all. . . ."

Tawny smiled. "I understand you, Cal. I went through the same thing. . . . The problem is, we all have to find our own paths in life. You have to make up your own mind, or else you become nothing more than a mindless, subservient drone to your superiors. Me, even after Fen's betrayal, I continued to fight alongside him. We were in this together, no matter how hard I thought otherwise. . . . You, however, my fellow knight, you remain a mystery to me."

Cal got up and stealthily walked to where his ninja robe was. He put on a pair of black silk boxers and then his sleeveless black shirt. After this, he put on the baggy ninja uniform pants, tying them down just underneath the knee and above the ankle, making them flare out above the knee and skin tight on the lower leg. He then put on the split-toe tabi boots, strapping the Velcro tightly around his calves and tying the strings tight in an "XXX" formation starting at his ankles and all the way to the Velcro straps. He stood up, looking at Tawny curiously. Sighing, he said, "I admit, you're the strongest woman I know, just from you telling me about your relationship with that insensate swine Fen. . . . Why don't you come out and train with me? You want to find out about me? You'll learn your answers there. . . ." He got his matte-black robe on and tied it to his torso tightly. After that, he grabbed his black belt and tied it tightly around his waist. He then slipped on the cloth knuckle-protecting gloves, slipping his fingers through the elastic loops at the openings for the hands. Flexing his hands, he threw several fast punches to test out the pliability of the tightness of his ninja attire. It fit like a glove. "There's going to be a rain storm soon, just so you know. There is nothing quite like training in the rain. . . ." He grabbed his ninjato katana and slid the scabbard into his belt on the left side, making sure that the razor edge of the sword would be facing upward when he drew it.

Tawny shrugged. "I dunno. I don't really feel like training for combat so soon after sex, but I'll watch you train. . . ." she said straightforwardly. She got up, keeping the blanket wrapped around her, and walked over to the blond ninja, smiling.

Cal nodded. "Alright. It works." And so, the two left the room quietly, Cal moving stealthily through the basement at a noiseless run while Tawny tip-toed through the blackness, following Cal's silhouette as her blanket billowed with the swift movements she was making.

The luminous clock read 12:36 AM, and it was the only thing generating light, besides the flashes of lightning from the troubled sky. Apparently, Cal's mother had already gone to sleep, turning out all the lights. Cal looked back at Tawny and whispered, "Shhhh, mom's been complaining about this place turning into a hotel all the time. She'd probably kill all of us if she saw me smuggling such a beautiful girl out of the house at night who wasn't wearing any clothes underneath the blanket. . . ."

Tawny fought back laughter. "Yes, sir!" she whispered, being satirically strict.

They made their way through the gloom and found the front door. Unlocking and opening it as quietly as possible, Cal and Tawny stepped through the manmade portal and walked out into the center of the yard. It was a chill night out, the scent of rain strong in the crisp, delicious night air. The clouds above glowed a haunting opalescence as the light from the full moon fought the losing battle against the clouds' sheer heaviness. A fork of lightning illuminated the northeastern horizon for a nanosecond, then disappeared with the rumble of thunder.

Cal drew his ninjato and twirled it so the blunt edge was pressed against his nose, splitting his vision. He gently caressed the side of the blade as though he would caress Althea, and raised the blade over his head. He then sliced down, lifted up again, twirled and slashed to the left, and uppercut the blade back into its starting position. Tawny observed the ninja with the utmost interest imaginable. So, this is the hero of the Battle of Aukos? she thought as he twirled the blade in a figure eight and kicked out. He's so . . . what's the word . . . knightly. . . . Cal took a running start, then jumped and twirled the blade down as he turned on his heel, doing a back slash. He's not like Fen, who trains to fight and kill only. . . . It looks like Cal trains as though searching for something. . . . He's not like anyone else I've ever met. . . .

Cal moved like lightning as he swirled on his left heel again, jumping forward and slashing out as he landed. He did this three times, and then jumped up into the air very high, at least at a height of perhaps twenty-five feet, and, screaming an earth-shattering war-cry, he landed, his blade imbedded in the soft, wet soil. A tremendous concussion shook the ground around his feet and light emerged from the cracks in the earth he caused. Two milliseconds later, it exploded, sending a lay-line of energy towards an unsuspecting tree. The tree caught fire and disintegrated as though it were made out of mere paper. When the light dissipated, Cal stood, his eyes glowing blood red in the darkness. He wrenched the blade out of the ground and twirled it, getting the flecks of dirt, rock, mud, and grass off of its shiny edge, and resheathed it. He was breathing heavily as he walked back to Tawny, his eyes still glowing. "So," he growled, his voice much, much more demonic and deeper than normal. The voice was so cold, it felt like walking into an avalanche with no clothes on, talking to the ninja. "What do you want to know?"

"C, Cal. . . ?"

Cal's gaunt, shadow-bathed face split into an evil grin. "No. You may call me Darkside. . . ."

Tawny instantly got on guard. She had heard rumors of the Divine Soldier who was schizophrenic, but she never figured that this was him. "You don't want to fight me, do you?" she asked, taking a step back.

"No. I don't fight anymore. Cal can take care of himself," Cal's dark side growled, his glowing eyes boring into hers. "And besides, I wouldn't want to harm thy pretty little face. . . ." he said, his hand gently rubbing against Tawny's cheek. She shuddered, feeling the intensity of Darkside's evil energy transfer into her mind from the caress.

"Uhhh. . . . Okay," Tawny said, worried and wondering why Cal's other half was hitting on her. She decided that it didn't matter. "First question, then. . . . Why are you here?"

Darkside laughed, a cold, mirthless snarl that made the hairs on the back of Tawny's neck stand on end. "Simple, milady. Calvin summoned me to do that last attack." Seeing Tawny's look of confusion, Darkside added, "Thou seest, Cal needed a sufficient amount of negative ki energy to cause that explosion, so what a better source of negative ki energy to draw from than I? Thou flinched when our minds touched. Thou knowest what I speak of. . . . Next question." Darkside sat down on the wet, frosty grass, looking up at Tawny with evil, glowing eyes.

Preferring to stand, Tawny looked down at Darkside with curious eyes. "Okay, then . . . tell me about yourself. . . ."

Darkside grinned evilly. "Hmmm. . . . There is so much to tell. . . . Well, I guess I'll start with my origins. I was sired after Cal's pent-up anger became too much for the poor human to endure. . . . Thus, I was created out of necessity, as a cesspool for his rage. Thou hast yet to see Cal get enraged, milady. When he does, he summons me. Thus, I am his harbinger of revenge, if thou understandst me." Tawny nodded. "Anyway, his anger became too much for him to sustain after the love of his life was taken from him right before his eyes."

"What do you mean, . . . uh . . . what's your name? Darkside just doesn't sound right. . . ."

Grunting, Darkside rose. "Dost thou think I care whether or not thou likest my name, infidel?!" he growled, his glowing eyes glaring deep into Tawny's. Tawny got on her defenses, despite the fact that she was alone, without any clothes, and facing against a force that she knew to be dangerously powerful. Darkside saw her tense up and smiled devilishly. "What is the matter, milady? Dost thou have to be leaving so soon?" He took a menacing step towards the beautiful blanket-wrapped woman.

"You don't want to fight me, Darkside. . . . I'm more than what you see!" Tawny warned, taking a step back and finding, to her dismay, that she was against the garage door, cornered.

Darkside threw his head back in laughter. "Thou? A mere woman?! Don't make me laugh, creature!"

"You underestimate me, Darkside!" Tawny said threateningly, throwing off her blanket and getting ready. She was mildly amused by the look of desire she produced in Darkside's eyes, from him getting a view of her voluptuous, slender, curvaceous body in all its splendor.

"Huh!" Darkside laughed. He threw his sword to the side and knelt down before Tawny. "Here, I'll let thou take the first shot, milady!"

Needing no more encouragement, Tawny thrust-kicked Darkside in the face, knocking him back into the parked jeep, causing a large dent in the back. Shaking off the shock of the kick, Darkside flipped up and looked frightfully demonic, his teeth bared like a bulldog's. His nose was bleeding. "LITTLE WENCH!!" he growled, lunging at Tawny, who hastily dodged the punch that collapsed the metal garage door in on itself and into the garage. "COME BACK HERE!!!!"

Oh, shit! If he keeps this up, I'll have no other alternative!!! Tawny thought desperately as she made a running dive for Cal's ninjato. She almost reached it when she ran into Darkside once more. His speed was unbelievable. "Darkside! I don't want to draw out my own darkness!!" she pleaded as Darkside lifted her up by the scruff of her neck.

"Ah, ah, ah. . . . Thou shouldst know better than to go for my katana. Use thy own talents to bring about my downfall, if thou canst!" With that growled, Tawny felt herself thrown across the yard. She crashed into one of the larger trees, knocking it down as she caromed into the trunk. She moaned as she crashed into the ground fifty feet away, half-conscious. "Hahaha! Should I give thou a chance to go for my sword and use it for thy advantage?"

Tawny shakily got up, a nasty cut on her upper left arm from skidding through the dirt. She clutched it and growled. "DARKSIDE, YOU'VE JUST MADE THE WORST MISTAKE YOU'LL EVER MAKE!!" With that screamed, Tawny threw her arms out, screaming and arching her back. A shaft of radiant baby blue light erupted from the ground at her feet, fading her image out and making it a silhouette. The ground trembled and shook violently from the intensity of the explosion.

Tawny's howl was long and loud, an unearthly shriek that reverberated in the air long after she had finished. When the light faded, Tawny had enormous, leathery, bat-like wings on her back, and her eyes changed to a mixture of glowing burnished silver for the irises and blood crimson for the whites of her eyes. Her pupils became slits, like those of a snake's. "You want me? Come and get me!!!" she growled. Though she was still nude, Darkside knew that she was dangerous.

"What art thou!?" he asked as he telekinetically grabbed his katana and unsheathed it, grabbing the handle.

"Your worst phantasm!!!" With that growled, a radiant, blue light shone from Tawny's right hand and in a flash, she was holding a long, deadly halberd that had a smaller blade on the end of the handle.

"ENOUGH TALK, WENCH!!! THOU SHALT MEET THY END UPON THE EDGE OF MY SWORD!!!!" Darkside shouted. With that threatened, the two warriors charged each other, each prepared to strike the other down either fatally or otherwise. Their blades met with a tremendous KASHHHHHIIIINNNNGGGGGG, sparks jumping from the axe blade of Tawny's halberd and the edge of Darkside's ninjato.

Pushing against Darkside's blade, Tawny used the other blade on the bottom end of the halberd to uppercut Darkside, slashing into his right arm. Darkside grunted, but he showed no sign of faltering from the attack. Instead, he used his negative energy to repel Tawny's halberd, throwing her back about five feet. Darkside then jumped up into the air and screamed his deafening war cry and came down with the blade, slamming it into the ground and sending a lay-line of energy at Tawny, who was still recovering from the sudden blast of negative ki energy. She spread her gigantic leathery wings and flapped them, zooming overhead of Darkside. "EAT THIS!!!" she screamed, throwing the halberd down at Darkside. The spearhead of the weapon stabbed him through the leg, pinning him and causing a howl of pain from the evil side of Cal. She then shot a blast of energy at the bladed end and struck it. Darkside screamed with shock and pain, and then collapsed, his glowing eyes fading into the rain that had just started. Tawny landed and helped Cal up. Cal groaned, his eyes fluttering. "Wh, what happened. . . . ?" he asked, looking up at his dark angel.

"Darkside is what happened, lover. . . ." Tawny said as she lay him down gently on the soft grass, putting pressure on his grievous wound.

Cal groaned with the pain. He then noticed Tawny's wings. "Y, you're a demon?!" he asked, looking up at her rain-drenched face, her silky, golden hair matted against the side of her face as she looked down at him in a caring sort of way, cradling his defeated form tightly.

"Not quite, Cal. . . ." she said as she looked deep into his eyes, wiping the blood off his face and sighing as he rested in her lap. Both warriors were soaked to the marrow from the deluge. "The Demon Slayer Guild made sure I was paid well because . . . I'm not your average teenaged girl. . . ."

Groaning, Cal sat up, resting against her chest. "You're telling me! You . . . . . just took out . . . Darkside!"

"Well, everyone has a weakness, my knight. . . ." she said as thunder overhead shattered the quiet pitter-patter of the rain against the soggy earth and their bodies. Waving a hand in an intricate formation, Tawny formed a sort of energy dome around them, invisible yet blocking the rain. It cascaded down the side of the invisible energy dome, quite perversely. "I'm different from the other demon slayers, because I'm a psychic vampire. . . . I've almost mastered my thirst for energy, but when I get in my vampiric form, I need the energy to sustain me. That explains why I still have a woman's genitalia. I'm not a demon, so I don't have what Althea has. . . ." Sighing, Tawny transformed back into her human form, the wings disappearing from her back as the light faded. Cal looked back at her.

"You're a vampire?"

Tawny nodded. "It's been my curse since I was about two years old. . . . I've always needed other people's energy to survive. . . . That's how I defeated Darkside, also. I drained him of his energy." The energy dome flickered and died, the raindrops drenching them once more. "I'm so sorry about your leg, Cal. I either had to do that and pin him, or I had to physically kill him, which meant that I would have to kill you. . . . And, I couldn't do that, for you're so important to us, to me. . . ."

Cal smiled, kissing Tawny on the nape of her neck. "It feels good to be wanted." He then laughed. "You know, if I were someone else, meeting someone involved in the ages-old conflict between good and evil every few days might seem outta the ordinary. But, for me, it's just another day on the job, right?"

Tawny giggled, kissing Cal on his rain-drenched forehead. "Yeah. . . . Cal, Darkside . . . was . . . nevermind. . . ." she decided that it wasn't important for Cal to know that his dark side had been hitting on her like that.

The rain and lightning continued to fall from the clouds for the rest of the night, and when Althea woke, at sunrise, she found a frosty wonderland. The droplets of rain had turned into snow in the middle of the night, glinting like diamonds in the rising, lavender-red of the lightening sky to the east. Cal was still asleep, so she decided to wake him. "Wake up, my love!" she whispered as she kissed his lips gently. "It's time to get up!"

Cal opened a bleary, sleepy eye and looked up at his angel, smirking happily. He sat up and kissed her on the lips gently, holding her to his beating heart tightly. "We still have time for a shower," he whispered deviously, licking the tip of her nose. She squirmed in anticipation. Tawny was still asleep, curled up in the blankets and snoring gently. Cal looked down at her and then back up at Althea. "Let's let her sleep a little while longer. We still have over two hours before we have to think of getting dressed and leaving. . . ."

Althea moaned and kissed him on the lips. "You think of everything, my knight in shining armor!" She then grabbed his somewhat hard penis and dragged him out of the room, into the bathroom. She turned on the water and instantly the two were passionately French kissing each other, waiting for the water to warm up. Cal's hands rubbed along Althea's taut, smooth-as-silk stomach, moving up to her luscious, unyielding breasts, squeezing the nipples and making her moan in delight.

"Say, love," Cal began, pulling back from her eager lips just long enough to utter a few words, "do you want to take a bath instead?"

Althea, remembering from her previous life what a bath was, nodded eagerly. In her previous existence, she would go to bathe with many other people in the same room. In fact, she met the love of her life there, before she was brutally slaughtered on the side of the cobblestoned street ten weeks later.

Cal, instead of turning on the showerhead, plugged the drain, since the water was warm enough. He ushered Althea in first. The bathtub was slightly bigger down there than the upstairs ones. The reason for this was, it was supposed to be a Jacuzzi at one time, but the pluming was screwed up with the hydrojets. So, alas, it was just another bathtub, big enough for two people to sit in, at least. The warm water sloshed as Althea sat down, withdrawing her wings tightly behind her. She looked up at Cal and smirked deviously. "Come here, my love!" she whispered seductively, motioning for Cal to have a seat between her legs. Cal was only too eager to comply. He sat down, feeling Althea's womanhood brush against his tailbone as it got harder. She hugged him around the waist, then noticed the large wound on his leg. It wasn't a hole anymore, but it was still a deep gash, from Tawny's halberd. "What happened to you, darling?" she whispered, rubbing her dainty fingertips across the puncture wound. She felt Cal tense up in pain from the contact.

"Well, I woke up last night and went out to do some training, and, Tawny came too. Somehow, my dark side was set free and they fought. Tawny subdued Darkside by this wound. . . . It's nothing, my love. I deserved it, and besides, if she didn't pin Darkside, Darkside would have killed her." He kissed her lips, craning his neck to reach her. "I want you inside me!" he whispered, caressing the side of her face gently.

Althea moaned in desire and grabbed Cal's waist, lifting him up so she could eat him out. She licked around his anus, savoring the tangy taste of his delicious arse. "I've wanted to fuck you so bad, ever since we made love to Tawny!" she whispered as she spread his butt cheeks and ran her tongue along the length of his cleft, from where his balls were all the way to his tailbone. Cal groaned and pushed back, wanting to get all of her tongue up his butt.

Licking his anus in a circular motion, Althea massaged his hardened cock and balls. She then kissed his anus full, sucking and making Cal gasp as she slid her tongue up his tailpipe. She then slid one of her dainty fingers up there, rubbing it around inside and making Cal moan more. "God, I can't take it anymore!" he moaned, arching his back. "I need your hot, throbbing love inside of me!!!"

Without anymore said, Althea set Cal down on her lap, positioned the head of her ten-inch cock at his back door, and thrust in, making Cal cry out with pain and ecstasy. He arched his back drastically, kissing Althea hard on the lips as she let her penis sit in his violated rectum to let it adjust. Ten minutes, and she then slowly began to fuck his ass, rubbing the small of his back while the water sloshed around them, wetting them and making them even hotter.

Cal bounced up and down on Althea's cock with languorous strokes, simply enjoying the sensation of being fucked like that while Althea moaned and whispered sweet nothings in his ear. "Uhhhnnnn!!" Althea moaned as she arched her back, holding Cal by his hips. She felt his anus contract around the hilt of her she-sword, squeezing it as he went up. "Oh, Cal, ohhhhh, my love! My dear sweet love!!!" she cried as she came in his ass, her voice exceedingly high-pitched and her breathing ragged. Cal turned around, gyrating his hips as he looked into his fallen angel's eyes. They were glazed with pleasure.

"My angel!" he moaned, cumming all over the two of them and holding her to him, him to her. He arched his back so drastically that his hair dipped into the bath water. Althea continued fucking Cal's ass until she came again, and another time after that. Sighing, Cal came all over her stomach again, such was the intensity of her fucking him. After that, the two just held each other, both saturated in sweat and semen. Althea's cock withered and slid out of Cal's cleft gently, Cal just snuggling up to his love and resting his head on her breasts. "I love you, Althea. . . ." he whispered, his voice slightly high-pitched, as though he were a kid again, not the jaded, silent warrior that the countless years of battles and betrayals turned him into.

Althea held Cal to her heart, her dainty fingers running along his spine. She kissed him on the forehead, whispering, "I love you too, Cal. I always will. . . ."

Tawny awoke at five forty-five sharp, her biological clock was so well timed. She yawned and got up, stretching. She smiled, knowing that Cal and Althea were probably having sex somewhere just before school. "Well, might as well get my clothes back on. . . ." she muttered to herself as she picked up her black bra and panties, put them on, and then picked up her jeans, sliding them on over her delicious thighs and hips. "What kind of shirt should I wear?" she asked as she surveyed the room curiously. She decided on the black turtleneck sweater that Cal had laying out on his desk. She then tucked it into her pants and buckled her enormous, studded black leather belt, making the sweater hug her breasts comfortably. She then put on her high-heeled black boots and walked around the room, waiting for them to return. Five minutes passed and still no sign of either Cal or Althea. "Maybe I should go look for them? Althea might need some extra time to get ready, and she still needs to find some warm clothes. . . ."

She, as fate would have it, found Cal and Althea still in the tub, fucking each other some more. She was, at first, shocked to see Althea's ample cock sliding in and out of Cal's ass like a hot knife through butter, but she sighed and decided to watch out of curiosity from the crack in the doorway to the bathroom.

"Oh, Althea, fuck me harder! Uhhh!!" Cal groaned as he arched his back, massaging the ring to his anus and her penis as it slid in and out swiftly, making a sexy slapping sound. Water was everywhere, hardly any of it in the tub anymore. Althea's eyes were closed from the pleasure Cal was giving her. She leaned forward and French kissed her lover, the two writhing in orgasmic bliss.

Wow, so this is why Cal is so nice to Althea, Tawny thought as she felt herself get aroused. Hmm, a homosexual Divine Soldier is uncommon, probably because Lord God Almighty frowns upon such practices. . . . No . . . not homosexual. . . . He doesn't like guys, but he likes cock, so what then? Bisexual? Maybe. . . . He also likes pussy, from what I've been told so far. . . . She witnessed Cal cum all over Althea one more time. Althea's enormous womanhood slid out of Cal's anus and sawed his butt cheeks before ejecting a massive amount of semen all over Cal's back and the walls. They then switched positions, Cal on bottom and wrapping his legs around Althea's waist, the two fucking each other like there was no tomorrow. They're so hot for each other! Tawny moaned to herself as she began fingering herself, witnessing such untamed love for one another. Wanting to get a better view, she stealthily opened the door a little more, so she could see Cal's face as well as Althea's. Cal groaned as Althea entered and gyrated her hips against his. I admit, I'm envious of that kind of love. . . . Fen and I had it at one point, but he needed more. . . . She slipped three fingers into her pussy as she slid her pants down, breathing heavily but not moaning loud enough for the two to hear. Her other hand went to massaging her breasts.

Cal reached around Althea's pistoning hips and fingered her anus, making Althea whine with pleasure, a high-pitched squeal that made Tawny all the more aroused. Althea's left hand rubbed along Cal's muscular stomach, raking his chest with her fingernails. Her other hand was masturbating his cock while she fucked him, making Cal groan with pleasure. "Who's your angel, my love?!" Althea moaned as she thrust into him extra hard.

"Uuuhhhnnnn, you are, my . . . my angel!!!" Cal cried as he came a large amount all over his stomach and Althea's hand. He looked up into her eyes and pulled her down to him, hugging her tightly and cum sticking the two together.

They passionately kissed as Althea pistoned into his ass, making a sexy squishing sound. Althea moaned real loud and pulled back, arching her back and thrusting her beautiful breasts out. "I'm cumming, my knight!!!" she screamed. Cal quickly grabbed her cock, ripped it out of his stretched asshole and put it in his mouth, instantly getting about five ounces of sticky, white cum shot down his gullet. He licked the droplets of ass-cum and butt-fuck juices off of the long, fleshy phallus with lustful abandon as Althea moaned loudly. At that instant, Tawny could take no more and came along with Althea, arching her back and panting as she resisted the urge to scream with pleasure. Her girl juices flowed out of her vagina and drenched her hand and panties, but she didn't care. Instead, she took her hand out of her panties and licked the fingers clean, reveling in the sexy taste of her own feminine musk.

Slowly and quietly, she got her pants back on and her sweater back over her bra. She was sated, but time was running short, for it was now 6:17 AM, from reading the digital alarm clock on the bedside table in Cal's room. Cal and Althea hastily got out and went back into the bedroom after cleansing the ejaculant from their bodies in what little water they had left in the tub. "So, you have fun, you two?" Tawny asked as she saw Cal slide on his boxers and black attire. He tucked his black long sleeve shirt in and then buckled his belt. He then got on his combat boots, putting a boot knife in the right boot next to the inside of his ankle. He then tied both boots tightly and threw on his trench coat. After that, he handed Althea one of the warm sweaters she and Aria picked out and she put it on, the dark blue sweater highlighting her now Asian features nicely. She applied the Gothic lipstick and puckered up, making sure it wouldn't smudge.

Tawny smiled at the two. "You guys make the perfect couple. . . . For one, you both care about each other, and for two, you guys seem to have an insatiable lust for one another." Cal blushed fiercely. "Yes, I saw you two in the bathroom having sex. But, don't worry about it, lover. If you have good sex, that's all that matters, right? Me, I've always liked a woman's touch more than a man's. They're just so much gentler. I've never liked it really rough, and I guess Fen was just gentle enough to fool me. So, alas, here I am."

Althea smiled. "Thank you for not judging us. I was judged in my previous life, and I was killed because of that judgement. And, Cal's judged enough by society, I'm thankful you don't contribute to it." She caressed her face. "There's snow outside, Tawny. Don't you have a jacket?" she put on her white tarp trench coat, smiling as she buttoned it and tied the belt around her slim waist.

Tawny shook her head. "Nope. My cold-weather stuff is at my house, so I had to borrow this sweater, Cal. Hope you don't mind. . . ."

Cal grinned. "Not at all, princess. Not at all. . . ." He packed his backpack and Althea's. "So, should we leave here and drop by your place to pick your jacket up?"

Tawny shrugged. "Sure, thank you. It will probably be rather chilly at lunch today, won't it?"

And so, the three left the house, piling into his jeep. Since the windshield was encrusted with crystalline ice, he scraped it relatively and then started the ignition, turning on the heat. The steering wheel was frigid, painfully so. Cal got on finger-less gloves and released the parking brake. After that, he put the shifter into Drive and took off. Tawny directed him to her house, roughly five blocks southeast of his home, and ran inside to grab her jacket and the books she'd be needing for the day ahead. She dashed back outside and hopped back inside the jeep, not even breathing heavily. Cal looked back at her and smirked. "That was fast, love!" he said happily. With that said, he slammed on the gas and drove to the school.

Parking in his usual spot, he saw that there was a lot of commotion going on around the front awning of the school. He walked with his arm around Althea and Tawny close beside him to the crowd gathered around the first pillar of the large awning. There was also a lot of yellow tape around the entrances to the various buildings of the school. He saw one of his acquaintances from Anthropology and walked up to him. "Hey, Dan, what's going on?"

Dan was a burly teenager, with a sort of militant personality and a big scar across his nose, courtesy of Cal and his sword fight. He had auburn hair and a sort of calm resourcefulness that would push him far beyond his limits. He showed this resilience when he and Cal were fighting with the swords. He looked at them and smiled. "Hey, Cal. See you and the new kids already made each others acquaintances, eh?" he asked smirking.

"Hey, I've already told you, Shira is staying with me. We're just really, really close. . . ." he said, winking. Althea caught on. They were saying that so no one would get suspicious. "And Tawny's only about two miles away from me, so I figured I'd pick her up!" He shrugged. "I'm just so blessed. . . . . . . Now, tell me what's happening here. Why're so many people gathered here." It seemed like the entire school was gathered around the post that had the sign on it.

He no sooner asked that when the vice-principal walked out of the building. He was wearing a somber blue tie. "Students of Andale High, we're in a most grievous situation. As most of you may know, school is cancelled today. However, the reason is unbeknownst to all of you." The vice-principal sighed heavily, looking much older than he should. "We've a crisis on our hands, ladies and gentlemen. A very serious event . . . occurred here yesterday, after school got out. . . ." Cal tensed up as he understood why there was a lot of yellow tape. It seemed that there were miles upon miles of the plastic "DO NOT CROSS-POLICE INVESTIGATION SITE" tape. The vice-principal sighed again. "One of our own . . . was murdered . . . last night. . . . She was . . . a freshman. . . ."

"Who was it?" Cal asked, tensing up for the answer. Althea's grasp on his arm was painfully tight and Tawny's breathing was ragged. Many of Cal's fellow students also wanted to know the poor girl's name.

"Her name . . . was Miranda. Miranda Wright. . . ."

Cal felt as though he had been hit in the face with a sledgehammer. Staggering, he walked over to the railing and leaned on it, resisting the urge to vomit. "Cal? You okay, bud?" Dan's voice echoed. Cal closed his eyes, trying to calm the troublesome emotions that were soon overflowing in his heart. "What's wrong, Cal?" he felt a callused hand grasp his shoulder and squeeze encouragingly. Althea was in a state of shock, also leaning, but on her knees.

Cal looked at him, his eyes blank. "I . . . knew Miranda Wright. . . ." he said with some difficulty. His knees were shaking.

"Cal?" the vice-principal asked. "You knew her?"

He nodded. "She and I . . . were friends. . . ." He looked over at him and asked, "How did she . . . perish?"

The vice-principal sighed, walking through the crowded sidewalk. "Cal, my boy, why don't you and I have a little talk?"

"Shira comes. She knew her briefly too. . . ."

The vice-principal nodded, strangely compassionate. "Yes. Sure. . . . She can come. . . ."

Cal hoisted himself up and lay a hand on Althea's back. "Come on, Shira. . . . We must talk to the vice-principal. . . ." he whispered gently. Tears flowed from Althea's eyes freely, but she made no noise. "Come on. . . . We'll find out who did it, or at least how and when. . . ." he chided gently, helping his love walk. Her knees seemed to be too weak to allow for locomotion. Cal then looked over at Tawny. "Meet up with us at the jeep." He threw her the keys. Tawny caught them and nodded. "We'll be there shortly. . . ." Tawny nodded and walked off to the jeep. He then looked back at the vice-principal. "Lead the way . . . sir. . . ."

Next: Chapter 15

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