Fallen Angel

By Darc Blackwind

Published on Oct 29, 2005


Hello, friends at Nifty!

Again, it's that time where I visit my parents and have internet access, so you know what that means! Another several chapters to Fallen Angel have been edited and revamped for your reading pleasure! Hope you enjoy chapter 12!

As always, comments and questions are never denied. If you have anything you wish to add or otherwise, please contact me at arboc969@hotmail.com


Chapter 13: Another Demon Slayer?!

The end bell rang. "Whew! Glad today's over!" Cal said as he shut off his computer. Althea looked up at him with a helpless look, and Cal sat down beside her. "Okay, to turn off the computer, love," he began, whispering, "first you need to hit that button on the bottom left corner of the screen with the mouse." She did. "Now then, what you gotta do is, click `shut down', and the computer will do the rest." She did and sighed in relief. Advanced Drafting was the most difficult class for her, for she didn't know how to use a computer. Oh well, Cal thought as he helped her up and handed her her backpack. Everyone must learn at one point or another. . . .

Putting on his black trench coat, he slung his backpack over his shoulder and looked at the drafting teacher, Mr. Murphy. "Have a good day, sir," he said as he slid an arm around Althea's waist and the two left.

"Mmm. . . ." Murphy grunted, rapidly typing something up in his computer.

The air outside was crisp, with a bit of a bite to it, and the sky was gray. A gentle zephyr played across his face as he and Althea headed through the campus, down the steps to the courtyard of the high school. It would be a cold one tonight, that's for sure, Cal thought as he and Althea left for the parking lot. "Cal?" Althea asked timidly.

"What's up?" Cal replied.

"Thank you for staying with me all throughout the day. . . ." she whispered, snuggling up to him. "I was scared. . . ."

Cal kissed her forehead, holding her tightly to his side. They stopped walking and Cal then kissed her on the lips, taking her head in his hands gently. "I'll never leave you, unless you want me to, my love. . . ." he whispered, looking deep into her eyes.

"Oh, Cal. . . ." Althea moaned, deeply and passionately French kissing him. The two stood there, each drawing on the other for warmth, while they kissed each other deeply.

"Awww, isn't that sweet?" a voice behind them growled. Cal looked up to see Stitch and Evan standing there, each looking like they were about to attack them.

"What do you two losers want?" Cal asked. "Oh, don't tell me! You're getting married to each other! You make a cute couple!" Both Althea and Cal giggled at this insult.

"SHUT UP!!!" Evan yelled. "THAT IS IT, YOU PATHETIC LITTLE PISS ANT!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" With that bellowed, Evan charged Cal and Althea, his eyes glowing with rage. Cal and Althea sidestepped the fool and let him run into a student behind them.

"HEY!" the burly football player growled. He looked down to see the slight form of Evan glaring up at him. "Johnson, you've just made a big mistake!"

Evan was too blinded by rage to be able to listen to the jock. "OUT OF MY WAY!!!!" He kicked the jock hard enough in the stomach that the poor man went flying into the vocational building, vomiting from the blow. When he slammed into the brick wall, he passed out. Stitch decided to stop the fight. "LET ME KILL THEM, DAMN YOU!!!" he screeched, literally foaming at the mouth.

"You'll get your chance, in time, my friend!" Stitch gasped, trying his hardest to restrain the blood-crazed Evan.

With that said, the two walked away. "You have quite a stupid ex-friend don't you?" Althea asked humorously as they continued walking towards the parking lot.

Cal laughed. "Yes, he isn't exactly on the level anymore, is he?" he asked as they hopped the metal bars of the bike rack and entered the parking lot. Most of the cars had left. All that was remaining was Cal's jeep, a black pickup truck, and Aria's red sportscar. Tawny stood outside Aria's car, leaning on the passenger side door. They were talking animatedly. "Hello!" Cal said happily. "So, how was your day at school, you two?"

Tawny looked up at him and winked. "It was fun! Aria and I are best friends now!"

"Yes! I've invited Tawny to come over on Wednesday! You two interested?" Aria asked as she looked over at them genially.

Cal looked to Althea to see if she wished she could. She nodded and smiled. "You bet!" Cal then said.

"We'd love to be there!" Althea said happily, her arm around Cal's waist.

"Good!" Aria said pleasantly, getting out of her car to stretch her legs. "It's a date then!" She looked over at Tawny. "Do you have a ride home?" she asked sweetly.

Tawny nodded. "Yes. Cal offered me one during first period today, but don't worry. We'll get to know more about each other later, at lunch tomorrow!" she whispered, winking at Aria. Aria nodded and smiled.

"Okay. Well, I must be going to work, then. . . ."

"Work?" Cal asked, perplexed. "You got a job? Where?"

Aria winked. "Wouldn't you like to know?" she teased mischievously. "I'm not telling! You'll have to find out for yourself!"

Cal grinned. "I"ll be sure to find out!!" he called as Aria backed out of her space. Cal then looked back over at Tawny and nodded, smirking in a charismatic sort of way. "So, where d'you want to go?"

"How `bout we go back to your house and have drinks as we talk and find out more about each other?" she asked as she walked up to the two, a mischievous grin ever-present on her face.

Cal nodded, returning the smirk. "Sure!" he said jovially as he unlocked his jeep. "Pile in!" And, with that said, the three got in, Althea sitting in the front passenger seat and Tawny in the back.

They arrived back at Cal's house ten minutes later, him backing up into his driveway like always. He shut off the ignition and opened the doors for Althea and Tawny in a knightly fashion. "Thanks!" Tawny said, hopping out and giving him a gentle, loving hug. Althea stepped it up a notch by giving him a French kiss, her tongue slowly snaking its way into his mouth to dance with his. She then pulled back roughly, leaving Cal gasping for more. "Lead the way, cap'n!" Tawny said humorously as Cal staggered up the sidewalk, his black trench coat billowing in the autumnal zephyr that caught its fringe. It was cloudy outside, the thunderheads to the east taking on a shadowy noir. Light split the clouds in various places, channels of light spilling through to make the landscape a black-and-beige patchwork quilt. Cal smiled as he dug in his pocket to fish out his key to the house. He knew all too well that his mother wouldn't be home. That meant that they could talk out in the open without fear of anyone listening in on them.

Hearing the mechanical clack of the lock being undone from within the large metal door, Cal turned the knob and pushed, letting the two girls in first. "Well, Tawny," he began, walking into the living room and throwing his backpack on the ground and taking his trench coat off, "this is my house. . . . It isn't much, but Althea and I call it home. . . ."

"Althea? Who's Althea?" Tawny asked curiously as she sat down in the chintz armchair next to the large window and kicked her feet up on the coffee table.

"I am," Althea said, sitting down next to her, looking her deep in the eyes. "Everyone calls me Shira, though. . . ."

"Well, so the information was correct about you then, wasn't it?" Tawny asked, slightly amused.

"Information?" Cal echoed, wondering whether or not he had just made a dire mistake.

"Don't worry about it, Cal," Tawny said in an easygoing voice as she lay a hand on Althea's thigh and stroked lovingly. Althea shuddered with desire. "I don't intend to hurt such a beautiful demoness. . . . So," she then began, "let us cut to the chase, huh? When are you two going to get married? I see the love you have for each other, but you're not making a move, Cal! I'd love to be there when you two tie the knot!"

Cal blushed at this very personal question. "Uhh, I'm only eighteen! Althea's several thousand years old! I gotta make sure that both of us make it through this little ordeal before I buy the rings. . . ."

Tawny laughed a sultry, musical laugh that almost made Cal's knees buckle and flicked her golden, arabesque hair out of her beautiful, seemingly innocent eyes. "Yes, that's why I'm here." She got up, her hand on her hip. She began pacing back and forth, thinking. "That's why Fen's also here. . . . We're here to stop that abomination known as the Unknown Assailant from being resurrected and becoming a plague upon this earth. I sure hope you two make it through this, you hear? You, Calvin, saved us last year with your slaying Aukos. Without your sword, Aukos wouldn't have physically died and he would have regained his strength and finished all of us off like we were measly flies!"

Cal had no idea what to say to this beautiful seductress standing in his living room. He had prayed that his life on the Astral Plane had remained a secret, but this had obviously showed him that it indeed was big news amongst the spiritual world. Damn it! he thought savagely. I just want to settle down, not face off against an indestructible force of ill-natured temperament!!! Why can't I just live in peace with my dear Althea?! "No."

"Wh, what?" Tawny asked, perplexed by his sudden brashness.

"No. I won't do it," Cal said angrily, sitting down on the couch next to Althea. "I've got a reason to live now. I've got Althea's love, and that is all that truly counts, Tawny. It's all I got, and I don't want to screw it up by dying for a world of bastards who don't respect the fact that I shed some of my own blood for their flea-bitten, worthless skin!"

"Cal . . . we need you!" Tawny said desperately. "The Divine Soldier's and Demon Slayer's Guilds need your help, for the darkness has already consumed your friend, Evan! And now it has consumed James!"

"Stitch?! I shoulda known he'd fall to the darkness. . . ." Cal said angrily. He sighed and got up. "Gosh, I'm not being very hospitable, am I?" he asked apologetically. "Would you like something to drink or eat?"

"Just coffee, thanks," Tawny said as she sat down in the armchair once more as Cal walked into the kitchen to get the coffee and two cokes for Althea and him.

"Why is he acting like this?" she asked Althea as she sat down on the floor in front of her.

Althea shrugged. "I don't know, Tawny. . . . Only yesterday he was prepared to die taking Evan out of the picture. . . . I guess that when we made love last night, he wised up and realized that his death would in turn, kill Aria and me emotionally. He's all I have, Tawny. . . . I was alone when I fell from Heaven, but he looked out for me. He was the first person I saw when I awoke the next day, and we made love just to experiment. Ever since, he's been laying it on the line for me, and he hasn't asked a single thing from me, not one. All he asks is that I try to understand where he's coming from."

"Sounds like quite a guy," Tawny sighed. "You sure are lucky you met someone like him, Al. I mean, if he hated women who don't have vaginas, you would have been in real trouble there, wouldn't you?"

Althea shrugged. "Yes, I imagine our love would have stopped just as soon as it started, had he found out and was in a different frame of mind." Althea moaned and arched her back, remembering the first time she and Cal fucked. "Oh, it was so romantic, Tawny," she moaned, her eyes closed as she tried her hardest to remember each and every detail of the first encounter. "It was totally spontaneous, too. . . . I was becoming aroused, something that I've never become before, and Cal asked if I wanted to explore sex with him. I groaned, feeling my hard cock rub against the silk of my loincloth, and agreed. Ooh, it was heaven, I tell you! Cal was the first person I know of who loved me for who I was, not for what I was trying to hide. And since, we've been making love every day, or as soon as we can."

Tawny nodded, feeling that wonderful fire between her legs. She envied Cal for his luck at picking up such a beautiful demoness. She imagined being impaled by this demoness's love sword, her back arching as she skillfully pile-drived her vagina with fervor unlike any found in the human race. "I must confess, Althea, that I wish I were Cal, getting love from you every night. I'm bisexual, something that drives Fen crazy. He and I used to be dating, until he decided to go fooling around with another lady demon slayer. . . . I became bi ever since."

"Well, perhaps later you and I can explore each other more thoroughly, huh?" Althea asked lustfully as she and Tawny locked eyes.

Cal came back and sat down in the chair next to the couch, looking at the two curiously. "Here you go," he said, handing the cup of coffee to Tawny and the can of coke to Althea. He opened his and took a gulp, not really tasting it because his mind was so full of questions. "First things first, Tawny," he began, "tell me about your past experiences with this war we've both been fighting. . . ."

Tawny nursed the coffee as she thought about it. "Well," she began, thinking carefully, "I first got involved with this war at the age of sixteen, three years ago. I'm still in high school, because I purposely failed my senior year." Seeing Cal's questioning look, she added, "I was afraid of graduating. I didn't know if I was ready for it, and besides, I already had a steady job as a paid demon slayer. That's how I met Vincent Fenway. . . ."

"Yes. I still dread the end of the year," Cal admitted. "I'm afraid that I'll not be able to support my family. I've never been really outgoing, unless I'm so depressed that I know I don't have anything to lose."

She nodded understandingly. "I hear you, Cal. . . . Anyway, we fought and slew demons left and right, and we became war buddies, if you will. My halberd and his sabre became feared amongst the evil as harbingers of death. And then, after one battle against a particularly vicious demon we destroyed, we made love. I don't know why, to this day, but it just happened. . . . And that's how our romantic relationship started. . . . One day, I come back to his apartment and see him nestled balls deep in my best friend's pussy, and something inside me snaps. That image of my raven-haired love, Lydia, arching her back as Fen's cock penetrates her love nest like there was no tomorrow, nearly drove me to kill myself. I ran and ran and ran, trying to escape the image of my Fen's betrayal. I wasn't mad at Lydia, actually. I really rather wanted to fuck her brains out, but the sight of Fen beating me to it really did a number on me. And since then, I've been fighting, trying to ignore the pain. That was a year ago."

"What about that poem you gave me before second block?" Cal asked, digging in his pocket for the poem he wrote her. "Was that a confession of your love for Lydia? Did she die?"

Tawny nodded, blushing slightly. "Yes. . . . I wrote it just as I was hovering on the brink of suicide. . . ."

Cal smiled. Sliding down off the chair to sit on the floor next to her, he put a comforting hand on the small of her back and rubbed lovingly. "I know how it feels to be in such a frame of mind, Tawny. . . . I have been there as well, before I met Althea. About a month before we met, all my friends left me. Aria had her indifference to my desperate attempts to mend what it was that I unknowingly shattered between us. James, or Stitch' as I say, had his cynical, highly annoying outlook on everything I did, even if it was positive and towards him. Evan . . . well he used to be my best friend, the one person besides Aria whom I would give my life to save. He decides that I'm just a pathetic nexus of complexes' as he said, and thus gives me the bird when I need his support. His betrayal hurt the most, in all seriousness. After our fifth demon battle on the Astral Plane, I got to thinking about mortality, and he laid a gauntleted hand on my cloaked shoulder and squeezed encouragingly. He then said, looking deep into my eyes, You can always count on me, Cal. I'll never leave you. In your darkest moment, never forget that I will be standing by your side to the bitter end.' Needless to say, it didn't turn out like that. Rather, when I asked him for advice, he scoffed and looked at me with fire in his eyes and said, go bother someone else, you pathetic nexus of complexes. I don't have time to listen to your stupid, sordid bullshit any longer.'" Cal sighed, closing his eyes tight. The pain he felt from that simple phrase was still all too fresh in his mind.

Tawny sensed it and lay an arm around his shoulder. "After Evan's betrayal, . . . life seemed to fade away. All I could think about was death. I sought it, even. My other friends avoided me without giving me a reason why. The only comfort for me came from the books I read. Ahh, there were dozens of novels I would go through in a matter of days. I had nothing better to do, for I was an outcast, and my grades started to slip. There lay only one answer for all the pain I had inside my heart."

He took off his shirt and showed Tawny the scar across his muscular left shoulder. "I did that to myself, for when I tried killing myself, I found that I was afraid to do so. I was petrified, I held onto life to tightly, and in frustration, I slashed my shoulder with my ninja katana, feeling the sinewy pain and reveling in it. The blood flowed for an eternity, but I still didn't die from it, no matter how hard I hoped I would. Eventually, the sun rose and I found myself telling my mom that I accidentally dropped my sword while I was cleaning it and that was the wound I got. She surprisingly believed it. And when I went to school, the cut was ripped open once more by James. He laughed, an invanquishable laughter that was pure evil to me at the time, and he laughed. Eventually, everyone started to laugh at the blood that was staining my white long sleeve shirt, and I lost it. I couldn't stand that laughter any longer." Cal closed his eyes once more and shuddered involuntarily. "Their faces, everyone in the hallway, still haunt me, but I got my revenge. I took out my boot knife and I slashed him across the chest, drawing blood and cutting his black t-shirt as though it were merely butter and my knife were red-hot. I got suspended for two weeks, thanks to my friend in administration, Will, instead of getting expelled.

"The two weeks suspension passed quietly, with me confined in my room, and a week ago, on Tuesday, I came back to class. On Wednesday evening of last week, I met up with Althea. See, I got this habit of driving up to the Devil's Backbone Rock Strata, roughly thirty miles outside of town, and, well, on my way there, I saw a half-naked woman lying unconscious in the tall grass off to the left side of the highway. I pulled over on her side and walked over to see if there was anything I could do." Cal sighed. "Call me soft, but I was enraptured by her endless beauty. Her perfect form, surrounded by those kinky-yet-sexy bat wings and her angelically beautiful face wreathed by those curvaceous, spiky horns, along with her ever-so voluptuous, unyielding body that I can never get enough of, hypnotized me." Althea was down beside him, hugging him so tightly that he was wheezing for breath. She kissed his ear as she sat on his lap. "And since then," he gasped as Althea began undressing herself, "we've never been apart for very long. I love her dearly, Tawny. I love her so much, it hurts! She was the one who seemed to be able to read how painful my emotional wounds were, and she . . . took care of me. Something that I was a foreigner to, she nursed my wounded soul back to health with her love." He didn't finish telling Tawny what all transpired in the last four days, but instead, he concentrated on making out with Althea, their tongues dancing as they fondled each other heatedly.

Tawny smiled. "Can I join in? I don't know love. . . ." she whispered hesitantly, unsure of herself. "Fen stabbed me in the back, just like Evan stabbed you. . . ."

Cal looked over at her, a happy look on his face. Black lipstick was smeared all over his mouth and lips, from Althea's lips. Miranda had showed her how to apply lipstick at lunchtime and she applied the Gothic black paint to her lips nicely, highlighting the glistening blue-black hair of her Asian girl form and her amethyst eyes. "Sure!" he and Althea said in unison. "Let's go downstairs!"

When they entered Cal's room, the clothes went flying. His black jeans were ripped off of him, along with his combat boots and underwear and socks, leaving him with just a grin. Althea's skillful hands undressed Tawny, first by sliding them gently over the entirety of her magnificent breasts and squeezing the erect nipples playfully. Tawny moaned in ecstasy as Althea took off her glittery "Angel" shirt, freed her luscious breasts from their entrapment in her lacy, black bra, and kissed each on their diamond-hard nipples. Tawny passionately grabbed Althea's face and their lips locked, each tasting the other. Their tongues swirled softly, and their fingers were entwined. Cal sat back and watched in wonder as he witnessed his love get her first lesbian encounter. It would surely be lesbian, for Althea was still in her Asian form and not transformed into the sexy transsexual demoness she always was with Cal.

They continued making out, Althea massaging Tawny's breasts like there was no tomorrow, and Tawny then started to undress Althea, sliding her delicate hands over her pert breasts and squeezing them. Althea gasped as Tawny undid the belt buckle to the enormous black leather belt of her hip-hugging blue jeans, sexily sliding the pants down with her teeth. She looked up at her and smiled. "Let me guess, Althea," she whispered as she ran her hands all over Althea's pale thighs and slid her panties down. "This is your first lesbian-sex experience as a woman, and not a demoness." Althea nodded, her eyes closed in ecstasy. She was panting, feeling a new sort of arousal, not a hard-on, but different. It was as though her loins were aflame. She liked the feeling. Tawny kissed Althea's virgin pussy just above the lips, right on the pubic hair. She could smell Althea's arousal and it smelled sensual, very, very sensual. "Well, then, I'm gonna have to make this one count, now aren't I?"

Althea moaned. "Don't stop!" she gasped as Tawny slid a finger up into her into her moist cleft, massaging the folds delicately and making her moan loudly. Tawny grinned and guided Althea to the edge of the bed, and gently pushed her down on it. Cal sat off to the side in his desk chair, naked and watching in wonder and pleasure as the two supermodel beauties made love to each other. Tawny smirked and looked down at the horny Althea, sliding between her legs to eat her pussy out. She splayed Althea's lips and reveled in the aromatic sheen of pre-cum that greeted her. She kissed the delicate folds lightly, sending a tremor running rampant through Althea's spine. "Oh, Tawny! I need you now!!" she cried as she felt the intense pleasure that was generated from such a gesture of good will.

Tawny kneeled down on the floor in front of her and spread her legs, blowing gently on Althea's pussy, teasing it and making it more and more juicy. She swiped her golden hair out of her beautiful eyes and looked into Althea's with lust in her own. "Anything for you, Althea. . . ." she whispered, kissing her way up her taut, tanned stomach to her breasts, where she suckled each nipple generously, making Althea break out in a lusty sweat. She licked Althea's lips carnally and kissed her way back down to her dripping vagina. She then shoved two fingers up into its warmth without warning, making Althea cry out. She was, after all, a virgin with sex dealing with the vagina. Her fingers entwined with Tawny's hair, wanting to hold her there forever. Tawny then began to finger her, rubbing the vaginal walls in a circular motion as though she were washing the inside of a drinking glass. Althea came just from that sensation, her girl cum flowing out and drenching Tawny's right hand. She pulled it out and licked the juices off. She then lustily looked over at Cal. "Do you want a taste? She tastes good!" Cal walked over and kneeled beside Tawny, taking her hand gently in his callused ones and slowly sucking the slick nectar off of her index and middle fingers.

"You're right, love," he said, kissing her on the lips. "My angel does taste good, in both forms!"

Tawny made out with Cal for about two more minutes, then slowly pulled away, wanting to delve back into Althea's needy pussy. "To be continued," she moaned sensuously as she shoved her tongue up Althea's love nest and swirled it around, making Althea cry out in ecstasy. While her tongue swirled in her loins, she shoved two fingers in her own bald vagina, getting it nice and moist with her own pre-cum. She had wanted to fuck Althea since the two met; she admitted that to herself at least. She moaned with ecstasy as she lubricated her fingers with her own musk, and pulled the two fingers out of her steamy snatch. She then shoved them up Althea's ass, making her wail as she came a second time, filling her mouth with that wonderful, feminine love fluid.

"I need to fuck you!" Althea moaned as she arched her back to get the two protruding fingers deeper inside her ass. Using her telekinetic powers, she gently lifted Tawny on top of her in a sixty-nine position so each could eat the other out. Tawny moaned as she felt Althea's hot breath on her pussy. And then she felt her hot tongue licking gently at the folds of her vagina, as though it was an ice cream cone. She arched her back in ecstasy, as she couldn't hold back her orgasm any longer. Her beautiful, golden blond hair was matted against her face from sweat, making it a gorgeous arabesque, and a sheen of sweat covered her snowy-pale skin, making her ample breasts glisten with the light from the window. Althea was far from finished, though. She mauled Tawny's excited pussy like there was no tomorrow, flicking at it and her clitoris with her tongue like a serpent would.

Althea then shoved three fingers up her snatch roughly, making Tawny cry out in shock and desire. "Oh, Althea!!" she gasped as she arched her back almost in half. "Fuck me, lover, FUCK ME!!!"

Althea was only too happy to comply, and she started by licking Tawny's clitoris thoroughly. Tawny moaned and closed her eyes as she felt her love box being taken care of. Soon, she felt Althea's entire hand disappear inside of her vaginal cleft, stroking her inner core to the max. "GOD, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE!!! I NEED YOU!!!" she cried and came like a waterfall, filling Althea's mouth with her girl nectar. Slowly, Althea withdrew her pleasuring hand from Tawny, rubbing her nose all over her vagina and anus, making Tawny shudder with pleasure. Tawny rolled off of Althea and lay on the bed, her soft pale skin glistening with sweat and love juices. She sighed and looked at Althea with longing in her eyes. "Change into your demon form for me, lover! I need both of you inside of me now!" With that said, Althea transformed, the flash blurring out the room.

When the light faded, and Althea stopped moaning, she was in her demonic form once more, her bat-like wings folded elegantly behind her back, her spiked horns curving back to the backs of her legs, just below her teardrop-shaped butt cheeks, and her hair now once again blood red instead of black. And her ten inch womanhood was harder than an inch and a half thick pipe of solid titanium. Cal was on the bed beside Tawny, both kissing and fondling each other lovingly. Althea sat down on the bed and joined in on the fun.

"I need your cocks inside of me!" Tawny moaned as Cal massaged her breasts and kissed her neck lovingly. She grabbed his cock and sat on his lap, masturbating him lightly, feeling the sticky pre-cum on the glans. "I want you in my ass, lover," she whispered to Cal, licking his lips. She then bent over and pushed her butt up into the air for him to eat out. He licked the tangy, salty, puckered flesh with lustful abandon, massaging her pussy while he ate her ass out.

Tawny groaned as she felt Cal's tongue slide into her ass and swirl around inside. Meanwhile, she grabbed Althea's dick and began sucking on it. She could barely fit more than seven inches of the monster love-sword inside her dainty mouth, but she deep-throated her with a lascivious sucking sound from deep within her throat as Cal took care of her ass. Ten minutes of this and everyone was ready. Tawny lay back into Cal's lap as Althea positioned the head of her fleshy longsword against her pussy lips. She groaned long and loud as she felt the massive penis enter, arching her back into Cal's loving embrace. Cal kissed her on the lips as she moaned, massaging her breasts. Inch after tantalizing inch, Althea skewered the beautiful, buxom blonde and finally, she was buried balls deep into her moist pussy. Tawny wrapped her legs around Althea's waist and she began bouncing up and down on the cock, loving the feeling of it poking her in her stomach. She sat up and made out with Althea while she fingered her arse, indicating to Cal that he should join in.

Cal lightly fingered her pussy while Althea fucked her, getting her pre-cum to lubricate her arse just a teensy bit more, and he positioned the head of his own eight-inch cock at her back door, loving the heat that they were radiating. He slowly and gently pushed in, rubbing the small of Tawny's back to get her to relax. Tawny groaned in ecstasy as she felt Cal's cock enter her and stretch her anus gently. She arched her back and kissed the blond, scarred man lovingly, enjoying his cock in her arse to the fullest. "OH GOD, FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK MEEEE!!!!" she screamed as the two began fucking her in sync with the other's thrusts. When Althea would pull out, Cal would thrust in, and when Cal would pull out, Althea would thrust in. Tawny came just from the sensation in five minutes, her pussy juice flowing down onto Althea's lap while she wrapped her legs around her waist. Cal began massaging Althea's breasts and fingering Tawny's clitoris as he made love to them both. Tawny came again just from feeling the intensity of his love for the two women as he licked the back of her earlobe and fingered her some more.

"Oh, Tawny!! Oh, lover, you're so good!!!!" Althea moaned as she arched her own back and came inside Tawny's violated pussy like a fire hose. Tawny screamed and came with her, the sensation of the pressure inside her cleft too much to handle. Cal couldn't handle the contractions from their climaxes and he came up inside her ass too, massaging the back-arched Tawny's breasts and squeezing the nipples as he shot about two or three ounces of sperm into her beautiful ass. Tawny's and his lips locked and their tongues caressed as they fucked Althea into yet another orgasm. She arched her back and screamed, "I LOVE YOU ALL!!!" and blasted another four or five ounces of her delicious sperm up Tawny, and they necked while Cal fucked her ass some more, already hard from seeing these to beautiful Aphrodites making love to each other so passionately. Sweat drizzled down Tawny's taut stomach and voluptuous chest as she got the fucking of her life from the two friends she just recently made.

They fucked each other for hours, until it was dark out, and they were too exhausted to move anymore. Tawny passed out from the last orgasm, such was the intensity of the fucking she received both in her vagina and her anus, and she slept soundly while Cal and Althea caressed her. A moonlit square shone on the cum-drenched bedclothes as Cal awoke. He had fallen asleep with Tawny and Althea in his arms. Both were still snuggled

up to him on either side, and everyone was naked. Tawny's breathing was hypnotic as she instinctively snuggled up closer to him and Althea. Althea sighed, her cock partially hard. She must be dreaming about our sexual experiences with Tawny, Cal thought as he reveled in the softness of Tawny's pale skin and the tenderness from his angel as both hugged him in his sleep. I guess I'm lucky things turned out the way they did. I met the love of my life, and sex has been great, to say the least. . . . Heh, I remember when I was so depressed that all I could think about during the night, like right now, was death and killing. I didn't let the story play out.

Cal remembered what his old sensei told him just before he left his home in South Dakota. "Calvin-san!" his sensei said as Cal knelt in front of the powerful Japanese man. "Before you leave us, I wish to give you a story to take along for the ride. . . ."

"I'm honored, sensei," Cal said, kneeling before his ninja master. He was dressed in his ninja uniform, as was his master. The difference, though, was that his sensei had a black belt with red trimming on it and was embroidered with the Japanese kanji for the five elements of combat: Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, and Void.

The sensei flicked his shaggy black hair out of his almond eyes and offered a hand to help Cal up. He gratefully took it and was hoisted to his feet. "Now then, let us take a walk." He looked back at his assistant. "Mitsurugi-san," he called to the assistant sensei. Mitsurugi was a slender man, no more than perhaps a hundred and thirty-five pounds. He was also completely bald, except for a tuft of hair at the back of his head, making a long, tightly braided ponytail with a poisonous metal spike on the end. He stood at about five feet seven inches. "Take the rest of the class through their daily regimen of warm-ups!"

"Yes, Sensei Hideoshi," Mitsurugi called as he strode up to the rest of the class and began whipping them into shape.

"Now then, Calvin, my pupil," Hideoshi said as they strolled through the dojo's courtyard, a sweeping grove of alpine trees and bushes lining the brick walkway. "You will find the world a more dangerous place than this quaint little town of Spearfish. . . . I want you to remember your training, for I can guide you in it no further. You must venture into the darkness by yourself, face your fears, and emerge a fully matured ninja warrior. But, before you embark on your quest, I want to leave you with something to take along."

A soft zephyr rustled the dead tree leaves as it passed by Cal and Sensei Hideoshi, gentle as a lover's caress. "What is it, my master?" Cal asked eagerly. Sensei had always been like a father to him, since his father had always been neglectful. Hideoshi watched over him like a guardian angel, for he was only twelve then, not able to take on the world by his lonesome yet. The two matched in spirit like father and son, that was certain. One time, the local elementary school held Father/Son day, and Cal brought Hideoshi along, for his dad was surely off cheating on his mother.

Sensei laughed. "We've known each other for seven years, my pupil. You needn't call me my master' any more. You're like a son to me, Calvin-san, and I'm regretful to see you leave. But, you must do so, and thus, I must deliver you this story. Who knows, it may even be helpful to you on your journey, neh?" Cal nodded, sitting down on the bench and looking up at his master. "Anyway, the story takes place in ancient Japan, when the great civil wars ravaged the countryside in the most blood-thirsty of battles. A farmer and his only son are tilling the fields with oxen, when the boy makes a mistake and spooks his ox. The ox runs away, dragging him on behind it. The farmer searches all day to find his son grievously wounded, with lacerations to his side, his arms, et cetera, and his legs are badly broken, with the severed femur sticking out of the flesh in the right leg." Cal shuddered. He had had to set his own broken bones before, but he could just imagine how painful a fracture like that would be. "Anyway, it takes the old farmer all night to drag his son back to the house, when first thing the next morning, the doctor says that he'll be crippled for life. Woe is me,' the farmer thinks. `My only boy is no more use to me in my farming! What will my family do now?'"

Cal nodded, enraptured by the story-telling abilities that Sensei possessed. "What happened, master?" he asked eagerly.

"Well, later that day, the Daimyo of the local shogunate sent samurai over to his house to recruit his son into the ranks. So sorry, honorable samurai,' the farmer says, kneeling before the fierce glare of the armor-clad warriors. My son is grievously injured. His legs are broken, and he wouldn't be much use to you!' And so, the samurai leave without drafting his son into the bloodiest war the world has ever known, and the old farmer smiled as the armor-clad warriors left. `Boy, I'm glad my son's legs were broken. He will live a longer life than if he were to fight in the Great War.' So, you see, Calvin, my ninja son, let the story unfold before you give up. Never give in, and you will go far!"

Cal smiled. "You were right, master. I didn't let the story unfold. . . . I won't make that mistake again. . . ." he said quietly to himself.

Althea moaned in her sleep as she unconsciously shifted so her legs entwined with Cal's her hardening womanhood brushing against Cal's left thigh erotically. Tawny's gentle breath still played on the side of his face as the two slept with him. I'm glad now that I didn't end my suffering prematurely. This death to my suffering, right now, is more enjoyable than killing myself, to say the least. Cal smiled. What a switch, neh? I've gone from being the scum of the social hierarchy of the high school to a popular ladies man. Sensei would have laughed at my change, that's for sure.

An explosion from outside sounded, a thunderous kaboom that shook the very foundation of the house. Then, gently, the pitter-patter of rain droplets hitting the windowpanes lulled Cal to sleep. Venturing into darkness . . . . That's the last stage of my ninja training, and then I emerge from the shadows as a fully matured ninja warrior. . . . How long must I seek my course through the darkness? When will I once more emerge into the light? Cal sighed as thoughts like these passed through his head. I guess I'll just have to hold steadfast with my ways and pray that the darkness doesn't consume me like it does the unprepared simpleton. And, I'll have these two friends and others to help me, should I lose my way. . . . Cal snuggled up to Althea and pulled Tawny closer to him. Things are looking up . . . . Maybe I'm not alone. . . . With that last thought, he drifted into sleep once more, feeling loved like he had before everyone left.

Next: Chapter 14

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