Fallen Angel

By Darc Blackwind

Published on Oct 2, 2005


Greetings again, friends at Nifty!

Once more, it is I, Darc Blackwind with another installment to my story, Fallen Angel. Unfortunately, I must depart my family's house early tomorrow, so it might be a while before I can post another chapter or two on here. Worry not, however, for I will keep all my fans posted on its progress and the progress ov the sequel I'm brewing! ;)

Thank you!


Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl

The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan . . . what have you become? he asked himself silently as he let the snuggly-warm embrace of Althea fill his every sense.

"G, good morning, love. . . ." Althea murmured sleepily as she drifted in and out of consciousness.

"Shhh," Cal whispered, snuggling up to her. "Go back to sleep, I forgot to turn off the alarm clock. . . ." And so, within five minutes, the soothing sound of the hypnotic rhythm of Althea's breathing filled the air, her arms still around Cal's waist. I'm so lucky to have her as my lover, he thought happily, wrapping his arms around her. I'll never let her go. . . . I'll die for her, if that's what it takes. . . .

Thoughts like these drifted through his mind and he then settled on the thought of Evan once more. It seems that no matter how hard I try, I'll never be able to escape this life of constant sacrifice and bloodshed. . . . Like any sane individual, I had hoped that with Aukos' demise, this ceaseless battle would be finished once and for all. But evil isn't that

easy to completely vanquish, no matter how hard one hopes and tries. Cal sighed. But, something good has come of this new strife. . . . Althea. . . .

Slowly the morning sunlight filtered in through the murky window, casting a gentle glow about the room. It was seven thirty-five by the time Cal had awoken fully, for he had been in a contemplative trance for about two hours. Althea woke up about two minutes after Cal had gotten up. "Good morning, love!" Cal said happily, throwing on a pair of black jeans and a black t-shirt. "Sleep well?"

She moaned and stretched her back and wings, showing off her breasts as she arched her back. "Ah, I slept wonderfully! All my dreams were filled with you, and what we'll be doing as soon as Aria leaves!" she said mischievously, winking at him.

Cal chuckled quietly. "Ah, I wish I had your dreams! Mine were not so pleasant. . . ." he said absently. Althea got up and hugged him.

"I know. . . . One dream I had just recently involved Evan. . . ." she whispered, hugging him tightly to her naked flesh.

Cal held her tightly as she held him. "Listen, Althea. If things get out of hand, I want you to run. Don't look back either. You're too important for me to lose," he whispered as she held him, her arms around him trembling.

Althea kissed him on the cheek. "I won't let you fight him alone, Cal. No matter how many times you ask me to, I'll stand and fight, right alongside you and Aria and Fen and Miranda. . . ."

Cal sighed as he hugged her tightly. "I just don't want anything bad to happen to you. I know I'm being unfair, especially considering that you bailed my happy ass out of quite the predicament last night, but it got me thinking. What would I have done if that were you on the receiving end of that flaming sword? Would I have been able to save you like you saved me? Or would I have unleashed Darkside to annihilate Evan and, in turn, everyone else around me? I just-"

Althea put her fingers to Cal's lips, silencing him. "Lover, you forget one thing. . . . I cannot die, for I'm already dead."

"But you can still go to the Great Void if your physical form is ravished beyond repair. Evan is the kind of sick fuck who would want to do that to you, you know. . . ." Cal sighed. "We're not getting anywhere by this confab. . . . What say you get dressed and we take you down to the school to register you to go there? I can't guarantee you'll see me in your classes, but there are two you will positively be able to see me in: Advanced Drafting and Anthropology/Sociology."

Althea nodded and transformed into her human form. Her large penis disappeared and was replaced by a vagina. Smiling at Cal's look, she said, "Only demonesses have male equipment, lover. When I transform into a human girl, I'm one hundred percent girl."

"Well, that explains a lot. . . ." Cal said humorously, sitting down on the edge of the bed and surveying Althea with growing interest. She sexily swayed towards him and kissed him on the lips while she turned her back to him and pulled her miniskirt up over her beautiful teardrop-shaped rear.

Looking back behind her at Cal with puppy-dog eyes, she said in a pouty voice. "I need your help. Will you help me?"

"'Course I will!" Cal said enthusiastically, hopping up and walking over to her. He gripped her about her hips and whispered in her ear, "Gosh, I can hardly wait until we're alone together, my love!" He then proceeded to zip up her miniskirt and kiss the nape of her neck, running his hands all over her body. She moaned and began to push back, wanting to be fucked by him so desperately. "Ah, ah, ah. . . . Not with Aria around!" he whispered sensually, licking her earlobe as he spoke. She shuddered in both excitement and exasperation.

"Fine. . . ."

Aria came up from sleep at about eight thirty, looking well rested but somewhat disconcerted. "G, g, good morning, guys. . . ." she said, failing to stifle a yawn.

"Good morning, Aria," Cal said as he sipped some green tea carefully. Althea was eating a bowl of Cocoa Puffs and looked up, smiling.

"Sleep well?" she asked jovially.

"Yeah. I had some bad dreams, though. . . ." she said as she walked over to the coffee maker and poured herself a cup. She came back to the table and sat down by Cal. "Thanks for letting me stay over. I was nervous about going back to my home to find Evan lurking around in the shadows, waiting to attack me in my sleep."

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I just didn't want anything to happen to you, that's all. . . ." Cal said, setting his teacup down and getting up. "So, what're your plans today?"

Aria shrugged. "Come up with a liable excuse as to why I spent the night in a boy's house, I guess. My parents will be most interested. . . . What about you?"

"Getting Althea registered and ready for Senior Year at high school." He took Aria by the hand gently and walked her away from earshot. "I may need your help in getting Althea properly dressed. . . . If you don't mind, that is," he whispered quietly. Seeing her peculiar look, he said, "She only has two outfits, her robe and sash, and her miniskirt. I know I'm asking a lot here, but," Cal gulped, preparing for the hurricane, "could you possibly educate her as to how modern teenage women dress and act? I don't want her to have a tough first day. And, uh . . . could you possibly take her shopping for clothes while I fudge the prerequisites so she can graduate along with the rest of us?"

Aria smiled genially and patted him on the shoulder. "You can count on me. It's the least I can do, considering that you saved my life last night and you even let me stay here in safety. . . . You got it, I'll take her around and get her some clothes and equipment, perhaps even some pepper spray?" she added humorously. Cal chuckled.

The three ate their breakfast and at nine o'clock they were leaving the house. "MOM, I'M GOING TO TAKE ARIA BACK TO HER HOME NOW! BE BACK IN A WHILE!!" Cal shouted as he shut the door, grabbing his keys and wallet. He then met up with the two girls and unlocked the jeep for them. "Now then, I'm gonna take you with me to the high school so I can register you. Then, once you're registered," he looked at Aria, "you can drive my jeep to the mini-mall and shop with her while I talk to Will about registering her with all the prerequisites to the senior classes. This could take a while, so don't worry about leaving me behind, for I can walk home by myself." Buckling himself in, he then started the ignition and pulled out of the driveway towards the high school.

"Ooh, what happened to you?" Stitch asked.

"Cal and his bitch and I got in a fight last night, Jim. . . . How're you doing?" Evan asked as he walked out of his door to meet with Stitch.

"Pretty good. I met up with that bastard at the diner last night and . . . well, I guess he's still the way he is. Pathetic, isn't it?"

Evan threw his head back in laughter. "Come inside, we have much to discuss. . . ." With that, he hobbled back inside, his right leg bleeding from the movements. He took a seat on the couch in the living room and gestured for Stitch to do the same. Stitch took a seat next to him and put his feet up on the coffee table.

"So, what happened to make your leg look like that?" Stitch then asked as he took off his boots.

"His bitch is a demon," Evan said, wiping off the trickling blood on his leg with a handkerchief. Stitch did a double take. "Yes. You heard me correctly. She was the one who did this to me!" Evan growled, slamming his hand down on the coffee table and breaking it in half. "DAMN THEM!!!"

"Take it easy, my friend!" Stitch said hastily. "You forget your new power now! You'll tear this place apart if you're not careful!"

Breathing heavily, Evan waved his hand and the table was repaired. He set his injured leg on it once more. "You're right. I still have to be careful not to destroy my father's possessions. . . ."

Stitch put a hand on Evan's shoulder and squeezed encouragingly. "Tell me about what's really bothering you. I've never seen you this way before."

Evan sighed and closed his eyes. "Th, those bastards! I hate them!"

"Shhh, come on. Tell me what is wrong!" Stitch said soothingly.

"Fine. . . . Perhaps it will feel better to get it out. . . . Last night, the fight ensued when I went to see Aria. . . . She was quite less than nice to me and she said I had changed for the worst, that I wasn't worthy of showing my face to her. . . ." Growling, Evan then said, "That bitch doesn't understand! SHE NEVER WILL!!!"

Taken aback, Stitch put a comforting hand on Evan's shoulder and squeezed encouragingly. "Listen, Evan, there are times when the narrow-minded will be too blind to see our master plan! If I were you, I would have struck her down for saying that to me!"

Evan glared at Stitch. "Yes. She did deserve it, especially after she pulled the gun on me. But, I . . . I love her. . . ."

"Ah, so that's what's bothering you. . . ." Stitch said contemplatively. "You're afraid that dear sweet Calvin has taken her from you."


Backing up slightly, Stitch said in his sweetest, most high-pitched voice, "I know. . . . It is tough, is it not, to know that the love of your life was so kind to you and now is not anything of the sort? It happened before, when that idiot gave Aria his book, which he dedicated to her, and they had that thing going on. . . . I remember how happy you were when Aria started turning away from him and focusing her attention to you, like she did before he gave her the book in the first place. I'm sure once she cools down, she will want to fuck you harder than ever. . . ."

Evan cracked a smile. "We've never had sex, Jim. . . . We've never even talked about it. But, hopefully you're right. . . ." He wiped off the remaining blood on his leg and then focused on his knees, where several deep cuts were made from Cal's ninjato katana. "That bastard Cal certainly is becoming a pain in our arse, isn't he?"

Stitch nodded. "Yes. You should have killed him last night. . . . The Assailant will be most displeased with you, you know. . . ."

"Ah, so you too decided to turn to the side of him, did you? I thought you had retired from this battle. . . ."

"I was bored, what more could I do than that? I wanted to try something new, for I was sick of Cal and Aria and your Light from the moment we slew Aukos. I wanted out of this game, and then I chose to meet up with the Assailant. Dressed in a black cloak and cane, he came to the diner five nights prior and spoke with me as I served him liver and onions. `Join me and have all the power you desire. Resistance will be met with termination of the utmost prejudice!' So, I had to choose between everlasting power and death. Guess which one I chose!"

"Smart man, you are, my friend!" Evan said happily, flinging the dirty handkerchief across the room. "Feh, Cal prides himself on being the dark one, but he hasn't the slightest idea of darkness. All he does is mope around thinking how horrible his life is, when it will definitely get a lot more horrible. With our power, Jim, we will slay the darkness in Cal and finish the Assailant's dirty work!"

"Yes. I can barely wait to see what kind of powers I'll get when Cal and us meet face to face on the field of battle!" Stitch laughed heartily. "Alas, I can barely wait to see what the future holds for Cal and that hottie he's hanging out with. . . . They make quite the cute couple, don't they?"

"How do you know this?" Evan asked testily, glaring at Stitch evilly.

"They were by the diner last night before you and Aria had that dispute. I waited on them to finish making out before I took their orders. . . ."

"Hmm, did you make a good impression on the lady?" Evan asked humorously.

"Nah, she seems to like faggot bastards who can't produce any testosterone, so she gave me the finger. . . . Her name's Althea, though. . . ." Stitch said.

"Althea. . . . Hmm, she's not to be taken lightly, you know. . . . Look what she did to my right leg with a bolt of lightning and a circle of black fire. . . . I figured out what can get her angry. She will react with violence and hatred to anyone who insults Cal. Well, if we can use that anger and violence to our advantage, we could take over the town, make it the Assailant's stronghold. . . . And, when the time comes, he will become me, he will use my form, instead of his old, decaying body under the cloak. . . ." Evan laughed. "Well, we'll just have to be inconspicuous and lure Cal off his guard, then we can steal him and threaten to kill him if Althea doesn't comply with our demands. . . ."

"Very well, let's do it!"

"So, this is the new student, is it?" asked the administrator as he sat behind a large desk. Cal and Althea sat on the other side of the desk, looking impatient. "What is your name?" he asked in a drawling voice that sounded bored.

"Shira. Shira Makoto, sir," Cal said before Althea could open her mouth. "She is a foreign exchange pupil from Japan, and she's staying at my house. She just arrived on the plane yesterday. . . ." Cal lied. Althea had changed her appearance slightly, so that her hair was shimmering, silky blue-black and she had the characteristics of a beautiful Asian

teenaged woman.

The administrator surveyed Althea with interest. You sick bastard, you're already thinking about her naked on your desk, aren't you? Cal thought savagely as he saw his look. "Where in Japan did you come from, Shira Makoto?" he asked.

Her mind racing, she thought of Miranda and her story. "I was born in Kumamoto, Kyushu, and I moved with my mother and father to Okinawa. Excelling at school, they gave me the choice of staying there and being picked on, or coming here and making something more out of my life, than just petty prostitution rumors. . . ."

Cal gaped at her in both amazement and horror. This was the assistant principal that they were talking to, one who's wise never uses those types of words in his presence. "Uh, she's only joking about the prostitution thing, sir. . . ." Cal added after a moment of stunned silence.

The assistant principal smiled his wrinkly, worn smile and nodded. "Well, judging by your description, you should fit in well here. Perhaps with your intelligence, you can make an influence on the more disreputable people here, for surely they will want to meet with you. . . ." The assistant principal looked back at Cal. "You take her to Will to get her schedule set into play so she can come to school tomorrow morning!"

And so, Althea and Cal left his office and walked down the hall to the Guidance Office, where all the counselors resided. "Wow, your high school is so big!" Althea said, looking around at the labyrinth of hallways and doors. Lockers lined the walls, and trashcans were placed strategically at random intervals.

"Yep, this is the main building!" Aria said happily, coming up behind them. "So, any thoughts on what you'd like to take for elective classes?"

Althea thought about it for a second and then said, "Well, I know I'm going to be taking Advanced Drafting and Anthropology/Sociology. Other than that, I don't know. . . ."

"Don't worry, love. They'll give you a list of electives available, and once I have a talk with Will, he'll let you take whatever you want, regardless of prerequisites," Cal said, patting her on the butt lovingly. Althea giggled girlishly and kissed him on the cheek. Aria smirked as Cal looked back at her and shook her head in resignation. They arrived at the guidance office and Cal entered first. "Leslie, we gotta speak to Will," he said, holding the door open for Althea and Aria. "I have a student I gotta register."

"He's in his office, Cal. Go ahead and see him. . . ." a woman with thick glasses said from behind the service counter.

With that said, Cal and Althea walked through the corridor to the counselor Will Haddanham's office. "Cal, how's it going?" he asked jovially, getting up to greet him with a handshake. He then saw Althea enter. "And who's this lovely young lady?"

"Foreign exchange student, Will. She's staying with me while she goes to school here. Her name is-"

"Shira Makoto, sir," Althea finished, walking in front of Cal to greet the guidance counselor. "I'm pleased to meet you." She shook his hand.

"Likewise, Makoto. So, how d'you like America?" the counselor asked.

"It's been a pleasant surprise. I got off of the plane from Japan yesterday and was met with much happiness by Cal. . . ." she lied, smiling sweetly.

"Yes. He's one of my favorite students. And, I must compliment you on your superb English. I thought that most Japanese people couldn't pronounce the L sound. You certainly are quite a wunderkind of your nation, right?"

Althea blushed at this compliment. "Th, thank you. . . ." she said in a surprised-but-happy tone of voice.

"So, what do you want to take for classes, Shira?" Will then asked after a moment of silence.

"Umm," she thought about it, "Cal says that Advanced Drafting and Anthropology and Sociology are worth taking. . . ."

Will nodded. "Yes, they are fun, but you need to take Basic Drafting and Computer-Aided Drafting first to be able to choose from there. And, taking 3-D Animation or Architecture wouldn't be such a bad choice either. . . ." Seeing Althea's look of dismay, he smiled. "Tell you what, you choose two other electives and Cal and I'll have a talk about this, alright?"

And so, Althea chose Basic Psychology and Aerobics for her other electives. She looked up and smiled at Cal. "You can leave, love, while I talk to Will here. It's a private thing. . . ." Cal said, patting her on the shoulder. She walked to the door and waved goodbye, following Aria out to his jeep. "Take good care of Shira, Aria!" he called.

"So, what is the real story of Shira, Cal?" Will asked. "She your lover now?"

Cal smirked. "Yes. And, she-"

"Isn't a foreign exchange student. I know. . . ." he finished for him. He stared. "She's a demoness. I could smell it on her."

Cal had forgotten about Will being able to detect things like that. Oops I guess I should've been less discreet, he thought humorously. "Yes. We met on Thursday afternoon, and she's been staying at my place ever since."

Will smiled. He too had been involved in the Battle of Aukos. He had been one of the very few people who survived. "Yeah, I know. So, what do you want me to do?" he asked.

"Could you please sign her up for Advanced Drafting and Anthropology/Sociology? I'll watch over her and take good care of her, and I'll teach her how to use the equipment. You see, we've got this big threat going on and-"

"You want to watch over her. I understand," he said, nodding. "Very well, but I'm not going to take responsibility for this, okay? If she screws up, it's your arse," he said severely. Cal understood fully. Signing in her classes, he looked up. "Well, it's good to see you smile again, Cal. It's been a while since you've been able to do so, hasn't it?"

Cal nodded. "Thanks. . . . We have quite a number of other things to discuss." With that said, Will shut the office door.

Althea and Aria went to the mini-mall and got her some school clothes, backpack, pens, pencils, and notebooks. Finally finished, they got into Cal's jeep and drove back. Driving back, they saw Cal sitting on the side of the road, his head tilted up into the sky as though nothing were wrong. She pulled over and rolled down the window. "Need a lift, bud?" Aria asked sweetly.

Snapping to, Cal smiled. "Sure, thanks." He then got up, brushed himself off, and got into the front driver's seat, switching with Aria. "So, you guys have fun at the mall?"

"Of course!" Aria said happily. "I bought her several cute outfits, you'll love `em too!"

Blushing at this double entendre, he nodded. "So, where to now?"

"Well, I have to go home to check in with my parents. . . ." she said. After all, she had been away from home for nearly eighteen hours.

Cal shrugged. "Sure, to your house it is, then!" And, he drove to the marina, where he could see a repair crew fixing the dock. Shutting off the engine, Cal walked Aria to her door. "Thanks again for taking her around town and getting her ready for school tomorrow. How much do I owe you?" he asked, digging out his wallet.

Aria smiled and hugged him. "You don't have to pay me anything, Cal," she whispered happily, hugging him tightly. "Listen, never let go of Althea. She's a keeper, and there's no one in the world whom she cares more about than you."

Cal looked into her amazing, dark crimson eyes. "I know. . . ." he said, worried that he had made her feel neglected. "I would die for her, but I want you to know something. I would die for you too."

Aria tensed up, her eyes wide with shock. "C, Cal?" she stuttered, at a loss for words.

"Shhhh, I know what I said sounded completely insane, but then again, I'm not exactly the sanest individual. Take care of yourself until we meet again, okay?"

Without waiting for another word, Cal left, leaving Aria standing there, a look of both intense joy and incredible anxiety on her face. "W, wait!" she called, walking out to catch up with him. He turned around, looking at her curiously, as though searching her face for answers. "What are you planning?! I can sense that you're going to do something, Cal!"

"Well, we'll just have to wait and let the future tell all, now won't we?" he said lightly, smiling as though he were talking about the weather.

"CAL!!" Aria shrieked as he opened the door to his jeep.

"What?" he asked, a somewhat irritable tone to his voice.

"Promise us you won't do anything rash!" she pleaded, looking up at him with fearful eyes.

"Fine. I promise you won't do anything rash!" he said hastily, intentionally screwing it up. "Take care, Aria. I don't want anything to happen to you!" Before Aria could figure out that he had tricked her, he started the ignition and took off, waving goodbye to her.

"What was that about?" Althea asked curiously, grabbing Cal's arm and snuggling it.

"She's afraid I'm gonna assault Evan myself and end this."

"You won't, will you?" she asked tearfully, knowing all to well that that was exactly what he intended to do.

"Not right away, love. I'm not promising anything more than that," Cal said, looking down at her in a caring sort of way.

They drove home without another word, each just savoring the silence. Pulling into the driveway, Cal hopped out and opened Althea's door for her, helping her out of the jeep. He then grabbed her supplies and locked the jeep, walking back inside with her. His mother was sitting at the kitchen table, reading a thick novel. "Have a good time in town?" she asked absently as Cal and Althea made their way past her.

"Yup. Got Althea registered and everything. So, tomorrow, she's going to be a senior in school, just like me!" Cal said brightly.

"Well, that's nice. . . ." she said absently.

Althea and Cal nodded in unison. "We'll be downstairs, mom, in case anyone needs us!" Cal said excitedly, grabbing Althea's right hand with his left and walking downstairs with her. Once they were at the landing, they were all over each other, kissing, licking, caressing, nibbling, and a thousand other things all at once. "Let's go to my bedroom, love!" Cal whispered as he gave her a hickey just between her freed breasts.

Althea moaned and changed back into her demoness form, the flash of light making her a silhouette briefly. She arched her back and moaned as if in the throes of an orgasm, her miniskirt barely clinging to her hips. The flash of light faded and she gazed down at Cal lovingly, a sexy, dark angel ready to have her way with him.

Walking dreamily into the bedroom, Althea let Cal take off the skirt and her penis sprung out from behind the satiny material of the cloth, standing in all its glory. Cal grabbed her by her hips and gently pushed her down on the soft, silken covers of the bed. He then began kissing his way down her taut stomach all the way to her navel, where he dipped his tongue into it and swirled it around. Althea giggled girlishly and sat up. She then took Cal's shirt off and then unbuckled his jeans, sucking on his nipples while she did. "I want you so bad!" she moaned gutturally, looking up into his eyes with longing in hers.

Cal took off his boots and let Althea finish undressing him, and he then lay down beside her, caressing her heavenly breasts and squeezing the nipples gently as he kissed her lips and neck. He continued rubbing his hands all over her body as he kissed his way down to her right breast, where he suckled the nipple like he was an infant being fed, making Althea groan with this new sensation. He massaged her left breast while he did this. He then kissed his way down her taut, soft stomach to her pubic mound, where the maroon pubic hair tickled his nose. Looking up, he grinned mischievously and took her penis into his mouth, kissing the glans and licking the underside. "Oh, Cal!" Althea moaned as she ran her delicate fingers through his hair.

Cal continued to suck on her hard, fat, ten-inch she-sword until she came like a waterfall in his mouth. She moaned erotically as she arched her back in ecstasy, her eyes rolling up into the back of her head. "Uhhhhnnn!!!!" she sighed as she shot her love nectar down Cal's throat. Opening her eyes, she peered down at Cal, who was grinning mischievously. He crawled on top of her and kissed her, most of her semen still fresh in his mouth. They passed it back and forward, like a fine wine, until Althea eventually swallowed it wantonly.

"I want you inside me, Althea. I want to feel your hot tool fill my back door and shoot that wonderful liquid up into my system!" Cal whispered, licking some of her cum off her lips. He straddled her hips and began to kiss her breasts with a wanton desire only felt when two souls sang together. Like what they were doing at that moment.

"Oh, Cal, oh my love!" Althea moaned as she peppered his face with kisses. "Let me eat you out first, so I don't hurt you!" And so, Cal got off of her and sat on the edge of the bed with his knees underneath him, his rear pointing up at Althea, who lustfully licked her lips and dug in.

Cal moaned as he felt Althea begin to lick his puckered gateway to paradise. His hard cock pulsated as he felt her delicate fingers enter him from behind, boring deep into the core of his body. First one delicate finger passed through, and then another. Three fingers entered him and he groaned with the amazing pleasure that was produced as they began to caress his g-spot. The three fingers were ripped out of him with unbelievable force and he moaned loudly in both shock and ecstasy. Two more fingers were replaced and he felt himself being stretched there. He looked up to see that Althea was there, spreading his anus apart like it was a pair of vaginal lips. She then delved into his core, her hot, sensuous lips kissing his splayed rectum with lustful abandon, and then began to fuck his ass with her tongue. "Oh, GOD!!!" Cal moaned as he felt her tongue swirl around inside of him. "Don't stop, love!"

"You haven't felt anything, yet, my love!" Althea whispered as she rubbed the head of her penis against Cal's splayed back door. He shuddered with anticipation and excitement. She used the cum she had saved in her mouth to grease up her cock and she then rammed it home, making Cal's eyes bulge and him cry out in ecstasy. "Feel me make love to you, you hot Divine Soldier!" she moaned as she began to thrust her rod up Cal's boy-pussy with the libidinous fervor she had saved up from the previous night.

Cal bounced up and down on Althea's rod doggy style, loving the feeling of her gigantic womanhood spreading him so much and the feeling of her soft, delicate, undulating flesh against his. "Ooohh, Althea!!" he moaned as he turned around to straddle her hips so he could look into her beautiful eyes and know who was fucking him. She blew a kiss to him and held him by his hips as he gyrated them, wanting to milk her cock of every drop of love fluid she had to offer. "You sexy demoness!! Fuck me harder!" he moaned as she began to thrust upward more readily, making him bounce up and down, up and down, up and down with wanton desire.

Althea heard the doorbell ring from upstairs but thought nothing of it, for she was too busy giving the love of her life the fucking of his life. She moaned as he began to massage her breasts and contract his anus, squeezing her cock as he went up, and relaxing it as he went down. Her stomach was sticky and wet with Cal's pre-cum, and she loved the feeling of it, along with the wet slapping sound that was taking place with each thrust. "Oh, you sexy bitch, who's your mistress?!" Althea moaned vulgarly as she thrust up extra roughly to penetrate extra deeply.

Cal groaned and came all over her stomach, breathing heavily and deeply. "Althea! Althea is my mistress!!" he cried as she fucked his brains out, both loving every minute of the sexy fun they were having.

"That's right!" Althea moaned as she fucked him harder, making his flaccid cock stand proud once more. The two kept this up for quite a while. "Who loves you, you sexy D.S.?!"

"ALTHEA LOVES ME!!" Cal screamed in ecstasy, arching his back as he felt her love rod slide in and out of his raw anus.

"Ahem. . . ." a voice called from the doorway. The two immediately looked over to find Miranda standing there, looking both shocked and aroused. She was in her demon form, her wings and horns jutting out behind her and her hard, fat, nine-inch love-sword jutting out in front of her. Her clothes were piled on the ground next to Cal and Althea's clothes. "Can I join in?"

"Yes, help me break my lover in, Miranda!" Althea whispered as she beckoned her to come over and join in the fun. Miranda crawled onto the bed and began to lick Althea's cock as it slid in and out of Cal's anus, both Althea and Cal moaning in ecstasy. She then sashayed over to where Cal's mouth was and he eagerly began to suck on her hard cock, eventually deep-throating her whilst Althea made mincemeat out of his backside.

Getting her cock nice and moist from Cal's saliva, Miranda sexily swayed back to behind him. "This is a technique my lover Ayamé taught me when we had a threesome!" she positioned the head of her penis at Cal's backdoor while Althea's was there. Feeling the soft flesh of her glans at the occupied entrance to his raw butt, Cal got worried real quick. Less than a week ago he had been a virgin in sex entirely, and most definitely in anal sex. But, now, with an already large and formidable cock inside him, he was sure he'd rip in half if Miranda's much fatter cock entered along with Althea's. What the hell? he thought as he let Althea's penis slide in to the hilt and stop moving. It could be fun!

Althea caught on to what Miranda was planning, and she could hardly wait. Her cock was hard as steel from Cal's tantalizing butt, but the thought of feeling another cock giving him pleasure, along with her own, almost made her cum right away. "Ready?" Miranda whispered as she gripped Cal about his hips. Cal nodded. And Althea waited with bated breath while the two felt Miranda's fat rod slowly enter. Cal gasped and tensed up, but Althea and Miranda made him calm down. Slowly but surely, inch by inch, Miranda entered Cal's already stretched arse and with ten minutes time, she was buried all the way to the hilt into him.

Cal had never felt so full in his life. He knew that this would make him cum like a rocket blasting off, and he relished how stretched he felt. "Oh, GOD!!" he cried in ecstasy as the two cocks in his ass moved slightly. "Oh, fuck me, fuck me hard!"

Althea was breathing heavily with the eroticism of feeling another cock plastered onto hers, and it seemed that Miranda was also loving the contact. Slowly, Althea began to thrust out first, followed by Miranda a half-second later. Sweat trickled down Cal's muscular body and onto Althea, who was almost beside herself with pleasure. All three of them moaned as the two demons fucked Cal's brains out with lustful abandon that was almost frightening. His splayed anus felt so good that he came two more times in just five minutes, arching his back to kiss Miranda's lips lovingly while massaging Althea's breasts. Soon, they picked up their pace of fucking him until they were hammering his hole at a fever pitch.

"Who loves you, my love?!" Althea cried as she gripped Cal's sticky, cum-splattered cock with one hand and fingered Miranda's butt with the other.

"BOTH OF YOU!!! OH FUCK ME, FUCK ME HARDER!!!" Cal cried as he exploded once more. The two demonesses showed no mercy to his stretched, angry-red anus and Miranda came up inside of him like a fire hose, making Cal shudder and roll his eyes back as he arched his back in the throes of such an experience. Miranda quickly resumed fucking him, wanting to make him pass out with ecstasy.

The three gyrated their hips as though they were in the middle of a very erotic, loving dance, Cal the center of attention while the two demonesses fucked him and fucked him harder. Althea came next, filling Cal's bowels with more than five ounces of her sticky, hot cum. He was so full of the sticky fluids of love that they started to drizzle out of his stretched arse onto the demonesses' laps and bedsheets. "Oh, god, fuck me!!!" Cal moaned as he felt Miranda's taut, lithe, sweaty prepubescent body press against his as she kissed his earlobe, sliding her tongue into the cleft of his ear. Never before had he felt so full, so alive, so . . . wanted.

Althea, Miranda, and Cal came all a couple more times and collapsed onto each other, all sated beyond belief at what they'd just done. Cal passed out with his last orgasm, to which the others came to. By the time Cal had come around, it was dark out, and Althea and Miranda were still on the bottom and on top of him, all snuggling him tightly. The room smelled of asses, sweat, cocks, and cum, but he loved the smell. Sighing, he continued to snuggle Althea's beautiful body, resting his head on her pert, pale breasts gently. He felt their cocks still buried inside of him and he didn't mind it in the least. In fact, he loved it. Looking around, he noticed how sticky he was from all the cum that had been shot, his own included.

The three of them slept like that all night, and by morning, each was well rested and ready for school. "Uuuhhhnnnn!!!" Althea moaned as she kissed Cal on the lips lovingly. "You were my angel, last night, my love!" she whispered tenderly, holding Cal to her heart. It was 3:52 in the morning. "I'm scared about going to school, Cal. . . ." she whispered anxiously.

Cal slid his arms around her, Miranda rolling off him, and her cock sliding out of his ass. It was still hard. "That's alright, my dear sweet angel," he whispered, kissing her. "How `bout we go to school early so I can show you around the place. The last thing I want for you is for you to have a bad first day. . . ."

Althea moaned and cried into his loving embrace, her warm, salty tears flowing down the sides of her face. "I don't deserve you, my love. . . . You're so sweet, I'll never be able to make it up to you. . . ." she whispered as she passionately French kissed him. Cal kissed her back with equal passion and love, their tongues dancing a romantic slow dance together. Miranda moaned as she slept soundly beside them.

"It is I who doesn't deserve you, Althea. I love you so much!" Cal whispered, hugging her tightly to him. The moist flakiness of the semi-dried cum on Althea's stomach and between Cal's butt cheeks scratched perversely, like the rustling of wind passing through maple leaves in autumn. "I will never let anything bad happen to you, Althea, my love. I'll never let anyone hurt you, even if I have to defy Lord God Almighty to do it!" he whispered as he kissed her neck.

Althea sighed and hugged Cal tenderly, running her dainty fingers along his naked spine and making him shiver. "I won't let anything bad happen to you either, my dear sweet knight in shining armor." They then made passionate love, as two soul mates, not as objects of lust. Cal thrust into Althea's anus and kissed her lips as she moaned in ecstasy, cumming all over the both of them. Cal then came in her ass, holding the trembling, moaning demoness in his arms gently. "Ooh, I love you so much, Cal!!!" she moaned as the two rested in each other's arms, legs entwined. They then slept soundly for another hour and fifteen minutes, to which all three awoke and got ready for school. All of them took a shower together, fondling and kissing each other up and down, until it was six o'clock.

Cal got his trench coat on and slung his backpack over his shoulder. Althea transformed into her Asian girl form and dressed in a very sexy-yet-chaste pair of blue jeans that really showed her curvaceous hips. She then put on a tight dove-gray sweater that showed off her breasts quite well. She had to have Miranda show her how to put on a bra and pair of panties, both girls giggling as they had an excuse to explore each other. "Come on, you guys! We're not gonna have enough time to show Althea around the high school if you keep that up!" Cal said humorously as the two began to finger each other. They reluctantly quit and got dressed. Lacing up her boots, Althea grabbed her black backpack, just like Cal's, and walked with him and Miranda to the door.

"So, are you ready for your first day of school, love?" Miranda asked as the three walked to the jeep and piled in. The air was cold that morning, their breath rose up in puffs of steam. Althea shivered slightly as Cal turned on the heater.

"Yes. I'm prepared, just so long as I know where to go," she said in a nervous tone of voice.

"Don't worry, Althea. The people here are relatively mellow, besides Evan and Stitch!" Cal said happily. He looked back at Miranda. "Say, do we need to stop by your house to pick up some things?"

Miranda shook her head. "Nope. I keep all my stuff in my locker."

"Huh. I can't even remember where my locker is. I haven't ever used it before!" Cal said happily as he drove out of the driveway. The three then headed off to school, each knowing that their bonds were stronger than ever, thanks to the previous night.

Next: Chapter 12

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