Falcon Eyes

By moc.loa@L9yK

Published on Oct 10, 2005


Chapter Eight: Once More, With Feeling (Part One of Two)

Disclaimer: This episode as well as part two is about school shootings. If this offends anyone, it may be best if u don't read my story. ******************************************************************************* Pain is a deadly emotion. The reason it is so deadly is because it can vary in degree and pain affects everyone differently. What might hurt me may not affect you. I will explore the subject of school shootings. We all know about Columbine High school shooting. That sparked alarm across the country as well as across the world. This tragedy also set the stage for other school shootings across the globe. In this episode, A group of students will band together to punish the popular student. Sometimes someone's pain is a little too much for him or her to handle. ***************************************************** "Falcon Eyes will be in for the shock of their lives," Seth said as he and Matt stood in their one bedroom apartment. It had been a month and a half since the rape, my breakdown, and now Seth had came up with a new plan. "Luke and Dane will be the most shocked of all," Matt said happy to wreak havoc. "I still can't believe our parents are letting us move like this. To Harmony of all places." "Well, it helps to know people in high places," Seth said grabbing his cellphone. "So we need to discuss some stuff." "Yeah, like how exactly do we blend in to Falcon?" Matt asked. "You did attempt to rape Mr. Basketball star and his friends are going to be after you." "I have been thinking about that," Seth said rubbing his chin. "Yeah, that could prove fatal to my plan but you remembered how he collapsed at the game. I know exactly how to break a man. Take away his power to control himself and his actions and you break him. I don't think Dane is going to be a problem and I know that Luke isn't gonna cause problems that we can't handle. I mean he tried to escape from us but look where that got him." "So are we really gonna do this?" Matt asked having some doubts. "How bad do you wanna hurt Luke?" Seth asked him. Matt looked down. "I want him to pay for all the pain that he caused me," He said quietly. But other thoughts were floating around through out his mind. "You need my help, Matt," Seth said leaning over to kiss him. "Without me, you are weak." Seth and Matt both had very different outlooks on their "relationship". Seth viewed it as a way to manipulate Matt into doing whatever he wanted because he knew that Matt was fighting with his pain. Matt, however, wasn't as weak as Seth thought. Matt was highly sensitive but he knew that Seth was manipulating him. He was just playing his role. He wasn't just out to get Luke or even me for that matter. Seth had done just as much shady shit in the past and now he thought he was in control. "Your right," Matt said kissing Seth. "You wanna know something?" "What babe?" Seth asked him. Ordinarily, Matt would have been swept up by the lies but times have changed and Matt was a lot stronger than before. "It's funny how people think they have power but they are really the ones being manipulated," Matt said getting up. Seth didn't like how this was going. "Matty, I don't understand," Seth said trying to play dumb. " I think you do, Baby," Matt said. "See, you think you control me. But you don't. You are not gay. You only kiss me, fuck me, and pretend to love me because without me your little plan wouldn't work. You kiss like a straight guy and trust me I know straight kisses. I will give you what you want if you give me what I want." "What is that?" Seth asked Venom dripping from his voice. "You," He said walking closer to Seth. "I'm not gay," Seth said face hardening. "We both know that." "Let me put it to you this way," Matt said looking him dead in the eye. "If you don't wanna be someone's bitch in prison, you better fuck the hell out of me." *****************************************************

I walked downstairs to the kitchen. Terry sat at the table sipping coffee. "Good Morning, Dane," He said as I grabbed a muffin out of the pack. "If you say so," I said rolling my eyes. Mom walked into the kitchen with her wedding book. "Hey Hon," She said flashing me a smile I did not return. "What is the lovely couple doing today?" I asked trying to be funny. "Wedding Planning," Terry said looking at me. "Oh," I said simply. "So I see you are still doing this, huh? A year after dad dies. Kudos, mom." "Dane, it's to early in the morning to get into this," Mom said rubbing her head. There was a knock at the door. "Fine by me," I said grabbing my bag. "Adios losers." I opened the door to see an anxious Julieanne there. "What's up with you?" "I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen," She said as we climbed in the car. "Yes, she's been discussing this for the past fifteen minutes," Aaron said with a sigh as he drove. "Jules, Nothing major happens at Falcon or in Harmony for that matter," I said rubbing her back. "You forget that Sub who had the heart-attack back in freshman year," Aaron said with a laugh. "He went down so hard I thought he was dead." That had been scary because everyone panicked. We pulled into the parking lot. "Just don't worry about it," I said to Her as we climbed out. "Baby," Mikey said rushing over. He pushed Aaron to the side. They kissed. "I think something bad is gonna happen," She said to him. Mikey smiled. "What? You think you are gonna get a B in Physics," He asked. "Shut up," She muttered as she latched herself onto him. "I need to go find Coach to talk about the game coming up," Aaron said. "Don't we have an assembly today?" "Yeah, they are talking about premarital sex or something," Julieanne said. "I kinda feel bad going and I lost my virginity on one Drunk night." "And we have a new Nicole," Aaron said laughing. "Bye Guys." "Bye," I said noticing Mikey and Julieanne making lovey-dovey looks. "And I have somewhere to be where people aren't flaunting their fling in my face." They gave me a weird look as I turned and walked off. "What's with him?" Julieanne asked confused. "I don't know but I am gonna find out," Mikey said. ********************************************************** In the past month. Things have changed. I was almost rape. Terry and my nom are getting even closer. I had been kinda alienating myself from my friends subtly so not to have a big falling out. I hadn't exactly taken well with Mikey and Julieanne's little relationship. I mean they aggravate me with the whole kissing and hugging crap it's sickening. I mean I have given up almost all hope that I would end up with Anthony, which is a moot point because he isn't some hopeless fag like me. I felt as if I would never fall in love with anyone. In anger, I pushed hard on the door. It slammed into a boy. "Oh my god," I said looking at the boy laying on the ground, "I am so very sorry. Are you okay?" "I think my nose may be broken but I will live," He said removing his hand from his nose. He was hot. I think maybe even better than Anthony hot. "Wow!" I said not realizing what I said. "What?" He asked me. "I..I meant Wow! No harm done," I said laughing nervously. "Um... Here let me help you up." "Thanks," He said as I pulled him up. He looked in my face. "What?" I asked him self-consciously. "I just like your eyes that's all," He said making me smile. "I'm Rusty. Rusty Wagner." "Dane Martinez," I said extending my hand. "And save the whole Mexican thing. I get it all the time." "What Mexican thing?" He asked confused. "Martinez is predominantly a Mexican name and me being a black guy people love to make Mexican Jokes," I said and he smiled. "Dude, a black Mexican? Who'd a thunk it." "Funny," I said with a smile. He gave me that weird look but I was actually happy to see Nicole and Anthony happy were walking towards us so I wouldn't have to ask. "Hey Guys!" "Hello Dane," Nicole said with a tight smile. Also in a month, I got that vibe that Nic didn't like me. Oh well. I could care less about the blond bitch that is with the guy I like. I wish that a 18-wheeler would hit her and drag her over a field of broken glass. Okay, I didn't really mean that. I just really wanted him. "Hey Great Dane," Anthony said calling me by nickname he coined. "Hey Ant-eater," I said and we knocked Knuckles. Nicole stepped between us. "Dane, how could you not introduce us to your little friend?" She asked standing between Anthony and Me. "I'm Nicole Yeager." The biggest bitch in school. "Rusty Wagner," He said with a smile. Nicole smiled also. "Nice to meet you," She said and turned to Anthony. "This is my boyfriend Anthony Squillini." "Yo," Anthony said with a nod. I shook my head. "Yo back," Rusty said with a nod. "Well, I am new here and I heard we had an assembly. Dane, can we meet up by the library so we can sit together or something?" "Sure," I said with a smile. He waved to Nicole and Anthony and walked off. I watched him as he walked off and he turned back around and waved. Nicole noticed how Anthony gritted his teeth when he got mad or jealous and smiled in spite of her. "He seems cool," Nicole said with a smile. She was all of a sudden cheery with me now. "I just met him but I might be inclined to agree with you, Nic," I said flashing her a smile but still wary of her. "I don't like him," Anthony said and we both looked at him. "Why?" I asked with a laugh. "He's short," Anthony said pouting. "Short?" I asked with a scoff. "Anthony, If anything you are shorter than him." "He has a point," Nicole said with a shrug. "Anyway, I will see you guys later," I said punching him lightly on the arm. "Bye!" "Bye," He muttered. "Dane, maybe we can sit with you guys," Nicole said enjoying the show. What was up with that girl? "What the hell do you think you are doing?" Anthony asked her. "I think I am trying to be nice and get to know this Rusty kid," She said kissing him on the cheek. "I don't like him," Anthony said with a growl. "He looks shady." "You just met him," Nicole said with a laugh. "Don't tell me you are jealous. God, first it was Dane and now it is Rusty." "I will see you later," He said pushing past her. Nicole realized she went too far. "Damn it," She said folding her arms. *************************************************************** Larry Smitts sat in the courtyard with his group of nerds. "It's almost time," He said excitedly. "After today, these little worms won't even know what hit them." "I am kinda nervous, guys," Melanie said as she sat beside him. "What if someone gets hurt?"

"Mel, we have been planning a lock down like this since freshman year," Bruce said. "We are gonna hold this school hostage and we are gonna wipe the popular kids out one by one." "But are we sure this is right?" Mel asked. Everyone around her sighed. "I mean these are lives we are talking about taking. I don't know if I can do this." "God, Melanie why do you always have to be the downer in the group?" Nikki Willams asked. "You wouldn't agree to the suicide pact until we forced you to. Now, you want even go through with the plan." "I know but guys this is murder," Melanie said noticing that Larry had not said anything, which scared her a lot more than this whole idea. Larry was a dangerous guy because he was very smart.

"Mel, let me put it to you this way," Larry said. "If you ruin this or betray us, I will make sure that you live to regret it. Understand?"

"Yes Larry," She said sadly. As much as she knew this was wrong, She feared him and the others a lot and just wanted to be liked. "I understand." "Nice," He said hugging her. "Now what do you guys go say we go get set up, huh?" *************************************************************** Mikey, Chris and I sat in Civics taking notes. He kept looking over at me. "What is it?" I asked him. "What are you talking about?" He asked me trying to act as if he was working. "You been looking at me and it's starting to freak me out," I said with a sigh. He put his pencil down and sighed. "What is up with you Dane?" He asked me. "I mean you act weird every time you see Jules and I together." "What?" I asked him. "I mean like this morning you were acting weird and you can't seem to stay in a room with us for long periods of times," He said. "I am no acting weird," I said looking at him. "Just because I don't wanna be around a couple 24/7 doesn't mean I am jealous or anything." "I didn't say anything about being Jealous," He said looking at me with a sideways glance. "You're not into Julieanne or anything are you." "Um.. No dumb ass," I said irritably. "Jules is like a sister to me." "Okay, are you gay?" He asked me. I looked at him weird. "What?" I asked him. Where had that come from. "I mean if you aren't into her then it must mean you're into me," He said with a shrug. "Look, he's not into your little nerd girlfriend and he is definitely not into a midget like you," Chris said. "So why don't you shut the fuck up and leave me alone." "Dane," He said trying to ignore Chris' comment. "How about you listen to Chris' advice?" I asked him. "Shut the fuck up and leave me alone." He looked hurt. I didn't care. I am so tired of seeing all these couple's together. Even Aaron was in a relationship even if they were all about one-night stands. So why wasn't I in one? ***************************************************************

Luke had been called up to the office. He had signed up to be one of the people who showed the new kids around. "How may I help you?" The secretary asked him as he walked up to the front Desk. "Um..I was called to show some new students around the school," He said. "Luke right?" She asked him. He nodded. "Yes Ma'am," He said pleasantly. "There they are right now," She said pointing to Principal Wilkes opening door. "Oh my god," Luke said as soon as he saw who the new students were. "Hey Luke," Seth said with a fake smile. "Imagine running into you of all people here." *************************************************************** Anthony had been eyeing Rusty all period long as they had PE together. Rusty had already seemed to have a crew of people hanging around him. He didn't like the guy. "Bastard is trying to talk to the guy I like," He thought to himself. That was kinda unfair as I had only met Rusty that morning. The ball Rusty had been playing basketball with rolled over to where Anthony sat. "Hey man," Rusty said as he walked over to him. "How's it going?" He had reached for the ball but Anthony grabbed it first. "It's going," Anthony said simply. "Okay," Rusty said looking around. He wasn't exactly sure what to say to someone he barely knew. "So what's your story, man?" Anthony asked him. "What do you mean?" Rusty asked. All he wanted was the basketball. He really didn't feel like talking. "I mean, where did you come from," Anthony explained. "I moved here from Miami," Rusty said. "My parents divorced and my mom moved me out here to Harmony." "Okay," Anthony said. "Do you have any brothers or sisters." "One older brother but that's about it," He said with a shrug. "Cool," Anthony said. He really had nothing else to ask him. "Is there anything else you wanna know or you gonna interview me some more? "Nope," Anthony said throwing the ball back to Rusty. "I will let you get back to your fan club." Rusty didn't like how he said that. "I hope we don't have a problem," Rusty said placing the ball on his hip. "I mean I just moved here after all and I don't really want to have to deal with some ish in the first few days." "No problem unless you make one," Anthony said flashing him a challenging look. "Whatever," Rusty said turning around. Anthony had no idea why he did that. "Tell me, I am not jealous," He said with a sigh. *************************************************************** "This is nice," Seth said as He, Matt, and Luke walked down the hallways. "What the hell are you two doing here?" Luke demanded. "Watch what you say," Matt said. "Your principal told us to let her know how our tour went." "Why the hell want you leave me alone?" Luke asked. "I mean god, I made some mistakes but god can I just move on from all that shit, please." "You may have made some mistakes, Lucas," Matt said with a sly smile. "But sometimes we have to pay for the mistakes that we make and right now you are paying for yours." "Yeah, and I so can't wait to see Dane," Seth said with a mischievous look. "Please stay away from him," Luke pleaded. "No can do," Seth said as the bell rung. "This should be fun." "Seth," Luke called out. But lost him in the crowd. "Too think what we could have had," Matt said with a mock sigh. "Oh...Moment over. See you later." "Shit," Luke said as he realized he was powerless. His past had come back to haunt him and there was no doubt in his mind that these two were up to something. *************************************************************** Melanie sat in the library. She had been new here and didn't really fit in with California's style. That was how she began to hang around Larry. Now she regretted her reasoning. The time was coming around soon. She saw how all the students were walking around the school. "They have no idea what's about to happen," She said sadly. She perked up when she saw Aaron walk in...with Julieanne. "Oh my god," Jules was saying. "I keep getting that vibe." "Jules, nothing is gonna happen," He said wrapping his arm around her. He noticed Melanie walking over. "Crap, it's that annoying girl I slept with last year," He said to Jules. "Play along with what I say." "Aaron, hey," Melanie said with a smile. She had a crush on Aaron for the longest. "Hey...Mel," He said wrapping his arm around Julieanne tightly. "This is my GIRLFRIEND...Julieanne." He put stress on Girlfriend. "I love your shirt," Julieanne said pointing at it. "Don't you know it's rude to point?" Melanie asked her. "Sorry," Julieanne muttered. Aaron feeling uncomfortable decided to leave. "Well, we'll see you," He said grabbing Julieanne and leaving quickly. "I think I can do it now," She said to herself. *************************************************************** "So this assembly is after lunch period?" I asked as I sat at lunch with trey and Chris. "Yeah," Trey said as he fiddled with his Jell-O. "An assembly about premarital sex. I knew I should've stayed home." "Think of it this way," Chris said, "You didn't study for that chemistry test. Now you don't have to take it." "Compare it to a hour and a half lecture about how to keep it in your pants. I think I would rather take the chem test." "Dane Parker Martinez," Julieanne said as she stormed over the table. She only called me by my whole name when she was pissed. "What is it Julieanne Giselle Greer?" I asked her sarcastically. "Why the hell did you and Chris talk to Mikey like that?" She demanded. "You are supposed to be his friend. My best friend." "What can I say?" Chris asked with a shrug. "It was fun." "What he said," I replied. Julieanne flashed us both dirty looks. "We need to talk," She said folding her arms. I shook my head. "I'm eating my mystery meat," I said poking at the odd piece of meat. "Now or I will spill all your little secrets, friend," She said and I immediately got up. "Dane, I can't believe you have secrets from us?" Trey asked acting hurt. I smiled at him as I followed Jules out.

"I met this cool new kid today," Aaron said as he, Anthony, Mikey, and Nicole sat across the cafeteria. "Lemme guess," Anthony said with a sigh. "Rusty Wagner." "Yeah," Aaron said looking at Anthony. "You don't sound exactly thrilled with the guy." "He's jealous," Nicole teased. "Am not," Anthony said blushing. Mikey noticed Jules and I heading outside to the hall. "I'll be back," He said heading in the direction. "Just something about the guy makes me not like him," Anthony said. "He seems cool to me," Aaron said to his friend. He noticed Rusty talking with some other popular kids. "Nice to see he is making friends. I am gonna go talk to him. See ya!" Anthony rolled his eyes.

"I am not jealous of you and Mikey," I hissed at her. "I just can't stand to see the constant display of affection every five seconds. I swear, If you have your tongues any farther down each others throats you might choke." "This has everything to do with Anthony and Nicole," She said to me. "You can't stand the fact that Anthony is straight and in love with his girlfriend and doesn't look at you besides a friend that you can't even stand to see your own friend happy. Get over it! Your gay and Anthony's not." "Your gay?" Mikey asked aloud. I gasped as we both whirled around. "Oh my god," I said covering my mouth. "Dane..." Julieanne was at a loss for words. I turned and ran away just as the bell rung signaling the students to head to the gym for the assembly. ************************************************************** "Well, I am glad to see that you came around, Melanie," Larry said as the crew all sat in the locker room with their weapons. "But what exactly made you have a change of heart?" "Revenge," She said softly. She hated how Aaron used her and she hated how people like Julieanne got their way. "That's what we're all about," Bruce said looking around. "We are gonna show these kids that we are not something you can spit on or punch or tease." "Let's hope we won't have to kill anyone," Nikki said as she helped some girls with her guns. "I am actually hoping we will," Larry said with a mischievous glint in his eye. "So everyone knows who to get right." "I got Aaron and Julieanne," Mel spoke up. "I got that bitch Nicole," Bruce said with a smile. "This will be so much fun to make her scream." "I got Squillini," Larry said and everyone knew exactly what he or she had planned. ***************************************************************

"Fuck," I said as I sat in the bathroom. "How could she do that to me?" Jules and I had been arguing in the hallway when she had outed me to Mikey. She was right. I was jealous. She had someone. I didn't. No matter how hard I prayed, Anthony was straight and he was with Nicole. I didn't even hear the door open behind me. "Oh," A voice said behind me. I turned and gasped as I saw the face of Seth. "Hello Dane." *************************************************************** "Where the hell is Dane?" Anthony asked as he sat with Nicole and Aaron. "Maybe he is sitting with Rusty or Chris," Nicole said. Anthony grimaced. "He's not with them," Aaron said pointing at Chris and Trey. Then he spotted Rusty with a group of kids. Luke was talking to Matt. Anthony had a nervous feeling in his stomach.

"Dane's gay?" Mikey asked Julieanne. She shushed him. "Shut up," She said. "You weren't supposed to know." "I just can't imagine him being queer," Mikey said in shock. "Don't call him that," Julieanne said punching him in the shoulder. "You don't have a problem with it do you?" "I don't know," Mikey said shaking his head.

"Where is Seth?" > Luke asked Matt. "I haven't seen him," Matt said with a shrug. "This is just like old times. When we were so close. You know we could sneak into the bathroom for some fun." "No, Matt," Luke said firmly. "That's over." "Then I hope you get what is coming to you," Matt said flashing him a dirty look. ********************************************************** "What are you doing here?" I asked him. He was walking towards me. I was against the wall. "New student," He said coming closer. "You look good Dane." "Stay the hell away from me," I said weakly. I moved to punch him but he grabbed my hand. He pinned me to the wall. "Dane, I am sensing a lot of hurt coming from you," He said his breath tickling my face. "I don't think I caused all this pain, did I?" "No," I said his eyes locking onto mine. "Let me make you feel better," He said pressing his lips against mine. I think it surprised us both that I didn't resist. In fact, I came back even stronger. I was lonely and even though Seth was someone dangerous and he tried to rape me yet he was all I had for now. Our tongues were battling one another. Out of nowhere, we heard bullets. "What the hell?" I asked as we broke apart. We both ran out of the bathroom. ********************************************************** "Hello Falcon Eyes," Larry said over the microphone. "Welcome to Hell, bitches." There were twelve boys and girls in the middle of the gym with guns. "Now if you do as we say we may let you live." *********************************************************

"Where did the bullets come from?" I asked Seth as we walked down the hall. "I was frenching you in the bathroom," He said sarcastically. "How the hell am I suppose to know." I rolled my eyes. "Don't remind me," I said. "You forced yourself on me again in there." "No, that was you wanting to kiss me back, dude," Seth said shoving me. I shoved him back. We shoved each other. "Aw, isn't that cute," A voice said behind us. We turned to see a boy with a gun in his hand. "Put your hands up before I blow a hole in your head." **********************************************************

That brings me to the end of part one. By no means is this a finale or anything, I just wanted to step the writing up a bit. In the next episode, We get into the heads of the shooters and find out exactly why they have such vendettas against certain students at the school. The Dane and Seth story line will be touched on a whole lot more in the second part as well.

Next: Chapter 10

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