Falcon Eyes

By moc.loa@L9yK

Published on Aug 2, 2005


Luke and I kissed softly as we made our way into his room. He pulled my shirt up over my head and I begun to unbutton his pants.

"I am gonna lick you so good, baby," he whispered in my ear as he pulled my shorts off. His tongue fought for dominance as we lay on his bed in our underwear. Our raging hard-ons were about to pop out and explode with cum at the slightest bit of touch. Luke begun to suck on my earlobe making me speak in an unknown language. "You like that baby?"

"Yes," I said as he took me to a level of euphoria I never knew. "I love you Luke."

"I love you too, Dane," he whispered as he began to make his way to my pants where my prize lay...

Luke shot up in his bed. He was having that same sex dream that he had been having all week long. He noticed that he came in his underwear.

"Dane, what the fuck are you doing to me?" He asked himself as he got out of the bed to clean up. ***************************************************************

I walked downstairs to grab a quick breakfast on my way to school. My mom sat drinking coffee. She looked up at me.

"You're going to school?" She asked me. I smiled tightly at her.

"What gave it way?" I asked sarcastically. 'The backpack on my back?"

"Dane, I am just concerned that you maybe should stay home one more day," She said with a smile. "I mean you did faint and had to be escorted to that hospital."

"Look, mom, I'm fine," I said grabbing a pop tart. She looked at me weird. "What?"

"You like Terry don't you?" She asked me. Terry was my mom's boyfriend of six months.

"I like the fact that I do not have to see him that often," I said with a sigh. "What is it? Why are we talking about him?"

"I...invited him over for dinner tomorrow night," She said slowly. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Why?" I asked her trying to keep my anger from rising.

"There are some things that we need to discuss, sweetie," She said trying to sweet talk me. "Things that we would like you and your sister's viewpoint on."

"That sounds great," I said putting on a fake smile. Her face lit up.

"Really Dane?" She asked me happily.

"Yeah," I said as the doorbell rung. I knew that it was Aaron. "Oh crap. I forgot that I have plans to go out and eat with Aaron."

"Dane, you can always reschedule that," She said sipping her coffee.

"Or you reschedule this," I said heading to the door. "Either way I will see what I can do. Bye." I opened the door and shut it leaving Aaron to follow me.

"What's up man?" He asked me. "Are you OK?"

"I'm fine," I said quickly. "By the way, I need your help in getting out of a dinner tomorrow." ***************************************************************

Anthony stood at his locker with Nicole as she stood talking about whatever. He wasn't paying attention. His mind was elsewhere.

"Anthony," Nicole said snapping him out of his thoughts. "I asked you what you thought about my hair?"

"Oh," Anthony said blushing. "It's ok."

"What do you mean that it's ok?" She asked him. "I wanted to know whether or not you thought I would look good as a brunette or should I stay a blonde."

"Sorry Baby," He said moving to kiss her. She pushed him away.

"Come get me when you can pay attention," She said storming off.

"Nicole," Anthony called out. "Shit! Why the fuck is this shit happening to me."

"Talking to yourself, now are we?" A voice said from behind him. Anthony turned around.

"Evans? What the fuck are you doing here?" Anthony asked him. Chris Evans and Anthony have had a rivalry ever since they both became the most popular people at their respective school.

"Got transferred here, unfortunately," Chris said with a sigh. Chris went to Harmony High which was on the other side of town.

"Well, you might wanna watch your back;" Anthony said opening his locker to get his Physical Science book. "You really aren't that popular with the basketball team here. And definitely not me."

"Oh, dude, don't tell me we can't be friends," Chris said sarcastically.

"Look, don't patronize me," Anthony spat out.

"For such a dumb ass you know awfully big words," Chris said trying to get a rise out of him. Anthony gritted his teeth in anger. "Bottom line is that I am gonna be here awhile and I am gonna have some fun. Especially with that hot cheerleader girlfriend of yours." Anthony punched him across his face.

"You stay the hell away from her," he said with a deep breath. People around looked at the two. Chris, however, just smiled.

"That was your freebie, dude," He said calmly. "Do that again and I will rearrange that face of yours. Answer me this, though."

"What is it?" He demanded.

"Do you love her?" Chris asked him. Anthony paused before he answered.

"Of course," Anthony said.

"You paused," Chris said with a knowing look. "If you were sure, you would have answered quicker. I think there may be someone else. Maybe a girl. Or guy." Anthony's heart skipped a beat. "But don't worry about Nicole of there is someone else. I'll take care of all her needs." He smiled evilly at Anthony and walked off. Anthony fumed with anger. ***************************************************************

Julieanne was heading to her first period class when she noticed Luke walking ahead of her.

"Luke," She called out to him. He turned around to see her running towards him.

"Hey...um...Julieanne," He said nervously. He never talked to her without any of the others but she also was a connection to me. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to thank you," She said a little out of breath.

"For what?" He asked her.

"For helping Dane out at a time like that," She said appreciatively. "I know that the two of you do not see eye to eye but you did a cool thing for him."

"I don't think I did anything special," he said modestly as he blushed.

"Well, you did," She said lightly kissing him on the cheek. "So thanks and I guess I will see you around."

"Yeah," He said waving at her as she turned to walk off. Julieanne gave him the idea of seeking retribution with me and he smiled happily. ***************************************************************

"Are you sure that you are Ok?" Mikey asked me as we sat in Civics.

"I swear that if anyone asks me that again I will kill them," I said irritably. "I am fine."

"Well, are you ready for practice today?" He asked me.

"Practice?" I asked not following along.

"Yeah, you are on the basketball team after all and you kinda have to practice for the game," He said giving me a weird look.

"Mikey, I don't think I am gonna stay on the team, man," I said realizing that there was a game coming up soon. The first to be exact. "I tried out just to see...if I could do it and I can but I am not sure I want it."

"Dane, man, you are a decent player and I think that you should stick with it," He said with a pat on my back. "You will get a whole lot girls. I know you want that." I started to say that I wanted Anthony but I am not even sure of that and I know that he probably wouldn't want me.

"But I would have to see Anthony at practice," I said irritably.

"What is going on with you two?" He asked curiously. "You have been pissed at him since dare night and he has been down about it since. Did something happen that night."

"To tell you the truth, I don't know," I said and that was the truth.

"Well, you are acting like a couple of faggots," he said causing me to laugh uncomfortably. We looked up as a brown haired boy wearing the whole Abercrombie look walked into class.

"I'm new here," He said to our teacher Mr. Reagan.

"Dude looks familiar," Mikey said as Mr. Reagan looked at the guy' s schedule.

"Class please welcome from Harmony High Chris Evans," He said to us all. Everyone except me gasped.

"I get that a lot," He said looking to the confused teacher. He, like me, did not understand what the shock was about the guy.

"Shit, Anthony is going to be mad as hell," Mikey muttered beside me. I was only half-listening. This guy was gorgeous. Maybe even more so than Anthony.

"Are there any available seats around here?" Mr. Reagan asked looking around.

"He can sit in my lap," a boy in class called out. The class laughed except me. Chris just ignored the comment.

"Can it, Davies," Reagan scolded. Chris, you can have a seat in the row beside Dane back there in the back." My heart skipped a beat.

"Thanks," Chris replied walking to the back. All eyes followed him. Davies tried to trip him but Chris caught him in a headlock. "You wanna keep your neck don't try that again." Davies just nodded. Chris looked sheepishly at a confused Mr. Reagan. "Sorry about that." He sat down in the desk beside mine. Mr. Regan went back to whatever he was doing on the computer and the people in the class tried to go back to their work. Chris looked over at me. "Hey."

"What's up?" I asked trying to be casual.

"Dane, don't talk to him," Mikey hissed at me. Chris looked past me at him.

"Mikey Jusino is that you?" He asked him. "I should have recognized it was you after all you are the smallest basketball player in the entire town of harmony, you midget you." I felt bad about wanting to laugh but Chris had a way about him.

"Shut the fuck up," Mikey said going back to his work and blushing furiously.

"I'm Chris Evans," He said sticking his hand out at me. I smiled and shook it.

"Dane Martinez," I said noticing people looking at us two but I did not care.

"A black guy with a Mexican name," Chris teased. "Don't see that often."

"You don't see a new kid being treated like the plague too often either," I retorted. I meant it as a joke but his face fell. "Sorry."

"It's cool," He said to me pulling out his schedule. "Can you help me?"

"Sure," I said looking at it. "You're in luck. We have the same two classes next, dude."

"Cool," he said flashing a killer smile at me. Mr. Reagan walked back to the back.

"Dane, I appreciate the fact that you are being hospitable to our new student but you both have work to be doing," he said handing Chris a textbook.

"Sorry," I said embarrassed. Mr. Reagan smiled at me.

"Can you help him caught up with what we have been talking about?" He asked me. I nodded at him.

"Sure," I said thankful at my fate.

"Thanks," Chris said to Mr. Reagan. He turned to me. "You don't have to help me if you don't want to. I am a fast learner."

"I want to," I said opening his book up to the assignment. "Now first we need to take notes on how early laws affect us today..." Chris and I headed to the lunchroom talking still. People were giving him weird looks and I tried to ignore it since he was too.

"So how come you came here?" I asked him.

"My dad got fired from the board of education and shit like that so people started giving me a hard time about it," he said sadly. "I was sort of popular there but when I told my friends they..."

"Dropped you," I finished for him. He nodded. "That's rough. But I would like you to meet my friends. They are really cool." Before he had a chance to respond a voice from behind call out to me.

"Dane," Luke called out pushing his way thought the crowd. I was shocked to see him wanting to talk to me.

"Yeah?" I asked guarded. He smiled at me and looked at Chris. "Luke, this is Chris. He's new here. Chris, this is Luke my..." I paused and they both noticed.

"Nice to meet you," Chris said shaking his hand.

"Same here," Luke replied half-heartedly. "Dane, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Well, I need to..." I looked over at Chris who smiled at me.

"I'll meet you in the cafeteria," he said punching me lightly in the shoulder.

"Ok," I said a little sad to see him go. "What is it Luke? Come to start some shit with me?"

"No," he said a little hurt at my harshness. "I-I just wanted to see if you were doing ok."

"I'm fine," I said to him. "Why do you care anyways? You're nothing but an asshole."

"I guess you don't know I am the one that got you help," he said angrily.

"What?" I asked him confused. He stepped back.

"We were in the bathroom when you fainted and I am the one who called for help," he said shaking his head. "But you are so...whatever you did not know that."

"So you want a thank you?" I asked him.

"Don't even worry about it, Dane," he said turning to leave. As much as I hate to admit it, I felt bad. ***************************************************************

Anthony noticed Chris over at a yahoo machine. He sat with Mikey at their usual table. Nicole was still mad at him and she sat with Mary, Julieanne, and Aaron.

"Can you believe that bitch is here?" He asked pissed off still from his earlier encounter.

"I know," Mikey said as he ate his pizza. "Imagine having a class with him and Dane wants to befriend him."

Anthony, who had been staring at Chris, looked at Mikey. "What do you mean he wants to befriend him?"

"They were becoming all buddy-buddy in Civics," He said not really caring. Anthony watched as I walked over to Chris. He felt some anger rise inside of him but also another feeling.

"I can't be jealous of him, can I?" Anthony asked himself. "And Why? Because of Dane?"

"Look at him," Nicole said as she sat staring at her boyfriend. "He doesn't even care that we are fighting."

"Nic, you know guys are dumb when it comes to the female emotions," Mary said trying to comfort her friend.

"I resent that," Aaron said as he savagely ate his hamburger. "All guys aren't like that."

"Yeah, you're right," Mary said suddenly. Nicole and Julieanne looked at her curiously.

"I am?" He asked confused. Aaron wasn't dumb but he wasn't the smartest of the bunch either.

"Yeah, gay guys are pretty intuitive with the female emotions," She said making the other girls laugh. Julieanne noticed me standing in line with Chris.

"Who is that guy with Dane?" She asked and the others looked over to where she was pointing. Nicole recognized him immediately.

"Isn't that..."?

"Chris Evans," Aaron said getting up heated. He stormed towards us two. "What the fuck?" He startled me by his appearance and harshness. I figured he was pissed that I hadn't came to sit down yet.

"Aaron, we were both about to come sit down," I said still a little shocked at his behavior. "This is my friend...."

"I know who the fuck he is," Aaron spat out hatefully. Chris flashed him a mischievous grin.

"Aaron, what's up?" He asked nonchalantly.

"You two know each other?" I asked confused.

"Unfourtanely," Aaron said as Anthony, Mikey, Julieanne, Nicole, and Mary all headed towards us.

"Now it is a party," Chris said sarcastically.

"He giving you trouble, Aaron?" Anthony asked him.

"Nothing I can't handle," Aaron said shooting daggers at Chris who appeared unfazed.

"Nobody's handling anything," Julieanne said in her motherly tone.

"How do you four know each other?" I asked them.

"He's the captain of the basketball team at Harmony," Aaron said with a sigh.

"Was," Chris corrected. "I am a Falcon now."

"Fuck that shit," Mikey muttered.

"Say that shit again and I will beat you ass so bad your ancestors will feel it," Aaron said before turning leaving Mikey, Julieanne, and Mary to follow. Anthony was glad for the face time me and him had.

"Dane, can we talk for a sec," he asked me. I looked at him barely noticing he was there.

"Why?" I asked him.

"I just need to talk to you," he said with a pleading look. I sighed.

"Nicole, can you show Chris where Ms. Clarke's class is?" I asked her. Pissed that Anthony hadn't even acknowledged her she nodded.

"Come one, hon," She said pulling Chris along after her. Chris flashed Anthony a knowing look. He realized that he needed to fix that before it became a problem. But one thing at a time.

"So what do you wanna talk about?" I asked him breaking him from his thoughts.

"I just wanted to apologize for trying to push you away," He said as we took a seat at a table.

"Why did you do it?" I asked him.

"I am going through some stuff right now and I guess I took it out on you," He said flashing me an apologetic look from across the table. "But when you were unconscious it just showed me how wrong I was for doing that." Anthony didn't know what he felt for me because he doubted himself at the moment.

"Why do care so much to apologize?" I asked him softly. "I mean we are not even friends."

"But I would like to be," He said hopefully. "Dane Martinez.... Will your forgive me and be my friend?"

"Lemme think about it," I said thinking about it. "No."

"Oh," He said dejectedly.

"I may forgive you if your forgive me for being so stubborn to talk to you and shit like that," I said to him. His face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Deal," he said as the bell rung. "Walk you to class?"

"Sure," I said flashing him a smile. ***************************************************************

Things in class did not bode well. It all started when Clarke assigned Chris to sit beside Aaron.

"Fuck that shit," Aaron said shocking everyone. "I aint sitting beside him. I rather have a week detention." Chris feigned a hurt look and I flashed Aaron a pissed look.

"You got your wish," Ms. Clarke said to him. "And a new desk mate.

"But..." Aaron said mouth-hanging open.

"Mr. Lamphere close your mouth," She said to her student of two weeks. "I would hate for a bug to fly in and you to choke on it." I laughed as I sat beside Anthony who was happy to be back on speaking terms that he was determined to not let Chris get to him. However, Luke, had a hidden agenda.

"Move the fuck out of my way," He said to Anthony who stood at the pencil sharpener. Anthony looked surprised at Luke's words seeing how the two didn't talk enough to have a problem.

"All right," Anthony said smiling. "Cool it."

"Don't tell me to cool it," Luke said pushing him. Anthony, taken by surprise, fell on the ground. He jumped up to fight but Aaron held him back.

"Come on, Lamphere," Chris said from his seat. "Don't be a pussy. Let the two fight." Aaron let Anthony go to turn his attentions to Chris who had gotten up. The two squared off with their opponents.

"Whoa," I said coming to the rescue trying to save them from a suspension. "Chris, Anthony, Luke, and Aaron breathe and step back."

"Thank you Mr. Martinez but I don't need your help in doing my job," Ms. Clarke said walking back. Aaron saw the look I had on my face and before he could stop me my anger spoke.

"Wasn't trying to do your job but I am trying to make sure my friends don't hurt each other," I said to her. "So why don't you do your job and give them their punishment."

She smiled tightly. "Well, Mr. Lamphere, it looks like Mr. Martinez, Squillini, Evans and Futreal will be joining you in your detention." She turned and headed to her desk.

"I can't stand her," I said angrily. Like I said, class did not bode well. ***************************************************************

"She gave the five of you detention?" Julieanne asked as we sat in English.

"Yeah, I don't deserve it," I said as I tried to correct a grammatically incorrect sentence.

"You told her that she needed to her job," Julieanne said with a laugh.

"Bite me," I said irritably. "She still pissed me off." Julieanne had a question to ask me.

"So what about that Chris character?" She asked curiously. I looked up at her.

"What about him?" I asked.

"I mean what is his story?" She asked me.

"I know that he is cool people," I said with a shrug. "But Anthony and Aaron are pissing me off with that rivalry crap."

"You have to understand it from their point of view," She said with a soft voice.

"I understand it," I said as the bell rung. "They are so intimidated by Chris that they wanna make it miserable here for him. He's a good guy."

"And extremely hot," Julieanne said as we headed outside.

"I haven't noticed," I said with a shrug. She playfully shoved me.

"Dane, are you lusting after Chris?" She asked. "Is that why you wanna piss off your best friend and the guy I thought you liked?" I saw Luke heading outside to the parking lot.

"Who knows," I said absent-mindedly. "I will meet you in the gym." I headed off after him.

"I do not get gays," She said heading towards the gym.

Luke unlocked his car door and was about to climb when he saw me running towards him. He shut the open door.

"What is it, Martinez?" He asked guarded. "Come to bite my head off some more?"

"Look, I am sorry Ok," I said with a sigh. "I shouldn't have acted like a dick."

"Got that right," He said with a scoff.

"But you don't make it easy for someone to actually stand you," I said with bitterly. "You act like an ass so I can show you what an ass acts like. Oh, by the way thank you for helping me out like that. It was actually...Decent of you." I turned to walk away from him nut he grabbed my arm.

"Wait," He said." I know that I am a dumb ass but I shouldn't act like that with you. It's just.... I am going through a lot and maybe I pushed you away because I...I wanted to be your friend but every time I make friends something bad happens so I got scared and started acting like a...."

"Asshole?" I offered. He smiled sheepishly at that.

"For lack of a better word, yes," He said nervously. "I guess I just wanna be a friend with you."

"All you had to was act like a normal person without all the drama," I said to him. He looked down but back up and right into my eyes.

"Will you be my friend?" He asked me. I scoffed and turned to leave.

"Who asks someone to be their friend?" I asked him. "Only some loser with a hidden agenda." He grabbed my arm again. I looked down at it. "You love touching me, don't you?" He blushed.

"Sorry," He muttered. I smiled at him.

"Can't believe I am about to say this," I said with a sigh. "We can try the friend thing out." He smiled at me and I can actually say he looked cute without wanting to puke. He wasn't an Anthony, Mikey, Aaron or even a Chris but he was some eye-candy so why complain? "Who knows maybe we can even do the hanging out thing?"

"Baby steps," He said and we both busted out laughing. "Since we are starting fresh...." He stuck his hand out. "I am Luke Futreal." I was confused for a second but I realized that he was reintroducing himself to me.

"Dane Martinez," I said shaking his hand. ***************************************************************

Aaron, who had been shooting hoops with Anthony and Mikey, froze as he saw who walked into the gym.

"What the hell?" He asked dropping the ball. Anthony and Mikey looked over at where he was staring. Chris was talking to the coach. I walked into the gym.

"What's up?" I asked Anthony who was just as pissed as Aaron.

"You're friend is on our turf," He spat out as coach Turner and Chris walked towards us. The rest of the team gathered around us.

"I have an announcement to make," He said to us all. The 13 of us all looked at him anxiously. "This is Chris Evans from Harmony. I have decided to allow him on the team to make fourteen."

"That's bullshit," Anthony spat out. I looked at him shocked. "He hasn't even tried out and he doesn't deserve too."

"He has tried out," a boy replied. "A few of the guys came in yesterday to try out with him."

"Yes and if you wanna keep talking, Squillini, I will bench you for the first four games," Turner said calmly. Anthony turned and stormed out of the gym. "Anybody else who doesn't want Evans on the team can walk." Aaron, Mikey and three other dudes walked out also. "Well, now that we are through with the introductions let's get the drills started." ****************************************************************************** ******************** Anthony growled in anger. "This is so fucked up," He said as Aaron and Mikey ran to catch up with him.

"I know man, I know," Aaron said upset also. Mikey said nothing. Aaron and Anthony may have had reasons to hate Chris but he was a follower.

"We gotta do something about him," Anthony said sitting on the bench.

"Man, it's just Chris Evans," Aaron said sitting beside him. "He aint worth my time hating."

"I can't believe you guys," I said storming outside.

"Shouldn't you be in there being the goody-goody you are?" Aaron asked sarcastically.

"Turner told me to tell you that have a chance to come in and practice or you're off the team," I said ignoring the look that Anthony gave me.

"Shit," Mikey said getting up. Aaron looked at him surprised. "Look, my old man doesn't play this getting kicked off the team shit."

"Are you guys coming?" I asked the two. They both stood up.

"How can you be his friend?" Aaron asked me.

"Because I do not buy into this school rivalry shit," I said turning to leave. I caught Anthony's face as I passed him. It was disappointed mixed in something else. I ignored it and headed into the gym.

Anthony looked at Aaron expectantly. "Well?"

"We gotta do something about him," Aaron said pissed. "He is turning my best friend against me." ***************************************************************

Practice ended on a better note than how it began. Aaron ran up to me as I stood waiting for him to leave to go home.

"Hey," He said cautiously.

"Hey back," I said guarded. Aaron knew I was a little irritated. "Why don't you like him, Aaron? I mean he seems cool."

"I just don't," He said raising his voice. I raised my eyebrows and glared at him. "Look.... I am sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice. I just don't feel like talking about him now."

"It's cool," I said to him with a smile. I did not wanna fight with him.

"So we gotta talk about this party that...." Aaron was interrupted by my cell phone.

"Hello," I said flashing a sorry look at Aaron.

"Hey, I just wanted to thank you for showing me around today," Chris said. "I am heading home now and thought I would give you a call."

"You're welcome, Chris, man," I said noticing Aaron's face darken. "Um.... Let me call you back later on tonight."

"Oh, okay," he said trying to hide his disappointment. "Bye."

"Bye," I said shutting the phone. I looked at Aaron. "So what were you saying?"

"Well, There is party in Tijuana that I want to go to and...." ****************************************************************************** ******************** Nicole was so excited that She and Anthony were talking again. He had apologized to her and now they were making out in her room. But Anthony's kisses were not as passionate as they usually were. She could tell her boyfriend was upset over something.

"Ant, what's wrong?" She asked him softly. He shook his head.

"Nothing babe," He said going back to kiss her but she held her hand up.

"I can tell when something is bothering you so tell me what's up," She said firmly. "Is it about that Chris guy?"

"Yeah," He admitted. He got up off the bed. "Him and Dane are friends and I guess it...."

"Bothers you," She offered him. She sighed inwardly. She wanted to have sex tonight. Not talk about silly boys and their problems. "What 's wrong with Dane being friends with Chris? Dane is well.... Dane and Chris seems nice."

"I don't know," He said that knowing very well he did know.

"Are you jealous?" She asked him. Anthony indeed was jealous of our friendship but he didn't know why. Or maybe he did and he just....

"Jealous of Chris?" He asked her in disbelief. "No fucking way. That's not true." Maybe it was, he thought to himself. No that can't be it.

"I meant Dane," She said with a sigh. Anthony was surprised at this statement.

"What?" He asked her confused.

"I just remember that you said you were Jealous of Dane when you first met because he and Mikey became friends," She said with a shrug. "I just thought that maybe you still were..." Anthony kissed her. He didn't wanna talk about me, Chris, and definitely not those feelings and thoughts floating around in his head. Nicole was a little upset that he interrupted her but she was about to get her grove on so she just let it go as her and her boyfriend undressed. Anthony was pissed. He had to work with Chris in the locker room as he washed gym clothes. Chris looked up from his pile of clothes.

"Nicole is a sweet girl," He said causing Anthony to look up.

"I told you to stay the fuck away from my girlfriend," He said with a growl. Chris shrugged.

"Blame Dane," He said with a knowing smile. "He told her to show me to my class."

"Well, I am not going to talk to you about my girlfriend," Anthony said returning back to the uniforms he was separating.

"No?" Chris asked walking over towards Anthony. "Because your girlfriend had no problem talking to me about you."

"What do you mean?" Anthony asked him. Chris shrugged again.

"You didn't wanna talk," He said in a singsong voice. Anthony growled and Chris laughed. "She said that the reason that you were fighting was because of Dane." That was True. "She said that you are jealous of him or something." Anthony didn't wanna have this talk with Chris.

"Look, stay away from Nicole," He said trying to keep his anger intact. "And stay away from Dane."

"I may stay away from your girlfriend but not Dane," Chris said challenging Anthony as he always did. "He is my friend."

"I said stay away from him," Anthony said calmly. Chris stepped closer to Anthony so that they were inches apart.

"I am gonna have fun ripping you to shreds this year, Dude," He said smiling evilly. "But why do you seem so bothered by me hanging with Dane?" Anthony didn't answer. He couldn't answer. "I think I know." Chris walked out the locker room and headed upstairs to meet the rest of us. Anthony was pissed. Now at Nicole. ****************************************************************************** ******************** Matt sat timidly in his little booth at the cafe in Malibu. The same one he had been in when Luke decided to...

"Hey Faggot," Seth said plopping down across from him.

"Don't call me that," Matt said blushing furiously. Seth looked squarely at him.

"What is this shit about you know where Luke is?" Seth asked directly. Matt sighed. That was the reason he had called him here in the first place.

"He moved to Harmony," Matt said slowly. Seth got up.

"Great now I can go find him and find out why he abandon his best friend like that without a warning," He said getting ready to leave. Matt grabbed his arm. Seth looked down at Matt's hand and back at Matt.

"Sorry," Matt said nervously. "I know where Luke will be tomorrow. Instead of you looking for him he will be where a lot of kids in California are going to be."

"Where?" Seth asked him confused. Then it dawned on him. "Tijuana?"

"Yeah," Matt said nodding his head.

"How do you know he will be there?" Seth asked sitting back down.

"Because Dane will be there," Matt said with disgust. Seth noticed the venom in his words. "You wanna know why he disppeared? Sit down I will tell you."

Ok, I have introduced the latest character. Next week, Join the gang as they head to Tujuana.

Next: Chapter 6

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