Falcon Eyes

By moc.loa@L9yK

Published on May 25, 2023


Episode 19: Bring On the Night

You would think that with all that has happened to me i.e. Rape, Being shot, and buried alive that I would be a little wary with getting into the car with people who helped my offenders. But I needed closure. I needed to see Seth. When I did...Who knew what might happen.

"You're quiet," Matt said as we made the drive. I sighed.

"I'm thinking," I said to him.

"About?" He asked me. I looked at him with a dark look.

"Why do you care so much about what I am thinking?" I asked him pointedly. "I'm thinking I should go to police and tell them you had something to do with my rapes."

"Dane, we should watch what we say to one another," He said to me. I scoffed. "I'm serious. We have a common goal that we want to accomplish." "And what would that be?" I asked him. "Getting revenge on those whom hurt us," He said with a tone I couldn't quite catch.

"I guess," I said to him. He glanced over at me. "Why are you looking at me?"

"I just want to see how much you have changed," He said to me. We were at a stoplight. He reached over and rubbed my face. "Don't touch me," I said pushing his hand off my face. "I'm the same person I was before all this happened." "No, you're not," He said taking off as the light turned green. "Yes, I am," I said looking at me. "You are telling me that after all that happened to you, you don't feel different," He said to me. I shook my head. "What are you doing in my car then?" "I am asking myself that same question," I said sarcastically. "I might feel different." "What are you feeling?" He asked me. I laughed aloud. "Thanks but no go," I said to him. "I have a certified therapist to talk to if I want to discuss my feelings that I am paying." "But I'm free," Matt said trying to get me to open up. "Why do I have the feeling that is not the first time you said that?" I asked him. "Well...What am I feeling? I'm feeling Hate right now. And anger." "Towards who?" He asked me. I sighed. "Who do you think?" I asked him. "SOS, Seth, and Anthony." "Why Anthony?" He prodded. I flashed him an amused look. "Do you honestly think that I am going to tell you that?" I asked him. "I can help you," He said to me. I looked at him and laughed again. "You told me that before and it got me raped," I said to him. He pulled over on the side of the road. "What are you doing?" "I mean it this time," Matt said to me. "Dane, Seth used to prey on me like he did you. No, he never raped me but he used my innocence for his own personal gain. Dane, I am a weak person. I knew helping Seth was wrong but I needed him for some reason. But you hate him and I hate him. I can help you direct that hate and get some vengeance tonight. But I need you to trust me. Do you trust me?" "No," I said to him with a smile. "But I think we are gonna have some fun tonight." ****************************************************************** "Does anyone no where Dane is?" Julieanne asked the gang as they sat in her house. "I haven't heard from him," Anthony said with a sad sigh. "I can't believe he punched his step-dad," Aaron said in shock. "That shit was wild." "I mean I thought he was in jail?" Chris asked her. Julieanne shrugged. "Someone bailed him out," She said with a sigh sitting beside her boyfriend. Mikey stood up. "Mikey?" "I say we forget about Dane," He said and Anthony looked up at him. "What?" He asked him. "How can you say that? Dane is our friend." "He is the same friend who was trying to get me sent away," Mikey said to him. "He is acting like an ass to all the people who are supposed to be his friends. He treats his mom and sister like shit. He punched his step-dad out." "He has been through a traumatic experience," Anthony said getting angry. Mikey and him had just go back to being friends again. He was treading on thin ice. "We all have, Anthony," Mikey said not easing up. "Yes, his was a little more serious than ours. But we all have been through something. So why are you still defending him?" "Because I love him," Anthony said jumping up shocking Mikey, Chris, Julieanne, and Aaron. "I love him and I have had more than one chance to be with him but I fucked up. Then Chris comes a long and I thought I lost him to Chris but that didn't work out but now I really did lose Dane. The Dane I know and love has gone ever since he was pulled from that coffin. Not only have I lost him but also he has lost himself. And I am gonna find him. For the both of us. So that's why I am still defending him, Mikey. I am in love with him." "Anthony," Mikey said but Anthony just walked out onto the porch. Mikey looked at Julieanne. "He's your best friend and you need to help him," Julieanne said to him. "We can't. Only you can." "Fine," He said stomping off after Anthony. "I have an idea," Chris said after a second. "Why don't we go to the police station and find out who bailed him out. We can find out and we can keep his mom from worrying and bring him back home." "Good idea," Julieanne said and Aaron smiled at him. "I'm gonna leave a note and tell those two we are going."

"Anthony," Mikey said cautiously stepping out on the porch. "What is it?" Anthony asked angrily. "Coming to brainwash me some more." "Anthony, shut up and look at it from this perspective," Mikey said and when Anthony made a move to push past him Mikey pinned him to the wall. "Try not and put me in a coma," Anthony said with a sneer. Mikey breathe hard. "Damn it, Ant," Mikey said letting him go. "Think of me for a second. Julieanne is his best friend and Dane is acting so weird it's stressing her out. She is pregnant. I don't just have to worry about her. I have to worry about her and our baby now. I don't need Dane causing her too much stress. That is why I want Julieanne and I to take a step back. Don't you understand?" "Yeah, I do," Anthony said to him. He smiled. "Look man. I'm stressed. How do I help someone that doesn't want to be helped." "Julieanne and I might take some time from the situation but I know you and I know you will be there for Dane because you love him," Mikey said. "I see that now. I respect that. Hell, I am even jealous." "Jealous?" Anthony asked confused. "You are with the person you love and you're jealous?" "Yeah, I mean your love for Dane seems to be on a whole another level," He said to his friend. "And I think Dane feels the same way. He's just lost in himself right now." "Yeah," Anthony said sadly. Mikey shocked him when he grabbed Anthony into a hug. "I love you, Mike." "I love you too," Mikey said and then joked, "Only in the brother way." "Shut up," Anthony said with a laugh. ****************************************************************** Trey smiled as he watched Nicole sleep. He was in love with her. Before they got together, he knew that. He was so in love with her he was willing to share her with Anthony if it made her happy. "She is so beautiful," He said stroking her face. He watched as her chest rose and fell. Her nose crinkled up from time to time. Trey's cell rang and he groaned as he saw she was waking up.

"Mine or yours?" She asked groggily. He smiled at her. "Mine," He said grabbing it. "Now go back to sleep." "No go," She said to him as she went to the bathroom. "Hello," He said after realizing it was Chris. "What took you so long to answer the phone?" Chris asked inside Julieanne's car. "Nicole's here," Trey said and Chris chuckled. "Don't even go there.  We haven't had sex." "Wasn't even thinking it," Chris said and cleared his throat. "I need you two to come to the police station." "Do we need bail money for you?" Trey asked his brother who laughed. "Not this time," Chris said. "We found out someone paid for Dane to get out of prison without his mom's permission and we want to know who so we can..."

"Play detective?" Trey asked sarcastically. "Nic and I will be there." "Thanks bro," Chris said as he hung up the phone. "God, I feel better," Nicole said walking out the bathroom. "You up for a game of cat-and-mouse?" Trey asked her and she looked at him curiously. ****************************************************************** Luke looked up as Seth walked inside the apartment. "I so can't believe we got a nice apartment," Luke said to him. "It helps when you plan on sleeping with the super," Seth said with a smile. "Ew, the man is like forty, sweaty, and fat," Luke said to him. "But as sexy as I am it's how I plan on paying for the rent," Seth said to him. "So you're a prostitute?" Luke asked with laugh. Seth shrugged. "I mean school will be starting soon what are we gonna do about that?" Luke asked him. Seth smiled. "Luke, tonight we have fun," Seth said to him. "We party tonight and worry tomorrow. Okay?" "Okay," Luke said uneasily. "So what do you have in mind?" "Power party baby," Seth said to him as he walked over to his bag to find something nice to wear. "I don't know about that," Luke said with a sigh. Seth looked at him. "Okay, I know why you might be uneasy," Seth said not even wanting to bring that up. "But come on let the past stay in the past and let's have some fun tonight. Dane will not be there. Matt will not be there. It's just the two of us and we are gonna get drunk like nobody's business. You down." "No, I'm up," Luke said and Seth threw a pillow at his head. "So I'm thinking Abercrombie night?" Seth asked him after finding a nice shirt. Luke gave him a skeptical look. "What? Why are you making that face." "Okay, I know that I might be gay and all but Abercrombie," Luke said with a laugh. "And looking like Abercrombie models together. I'll pass." "What are you gonna wear then?" Seth asked folding his arms. "I think I am gonna go with a Hollister night," Luke said earning another pillow to the head. "And you called Abercrombie gay you faggot," Seth said with a smile. ****************************************************************** "How long ago was he bailed out?" Julieanne asked as she stood with Aaron and Chris talking to a detective. "About two hours ago, miss," The detective said. "Do you know a Matthew Boyle?" "No, I don't," Chris said and looked at Aaron who shook his head. Julieanne thought about something. "Wait," She said looking at them. "Seth had a friend named Matt." "What are you getting at here?" Aaron asked her. "Do you think Seth might have something to do with Dane being bailed out?" Chris asked her. She shook her head. "I don't know," She said. "I don't think so. Look Luke told Aaron and I that he was from Malibu and that he came here to escape his past. Matt and Seth followed him here. Luke and Matt had some relationship going on until Seth intervened." "What are you getting at, Jules?" Aaron asked her. She gave him a look that said don't cut me off. "After Luke ran, Seth and Matt did a partnership to hurt Luke through Dane basically," She said. "I think that Seth might have turned on Matt. I also think that Matt needs Dane." "He needs Dane for what?" Aaron asked still confused. Chris sighed. "He needs Dane to take out Seth for him," He said quietly. "He knows Dane has so much anger towards Seth right about now and he will do anything to get revenge on him. That way when it comes down to it he can get out of it with his hand cleaned."

"What the hell do we do?" Aaron asked them. Julieanne sighed. "We are gonna have to take a little trip to Malibu," She said to them both. "Malibu?" Aaron asked her. "That's like an hour away." "Let's get moving then," She said to him. She headed out the precinct. ****************************************************************** "So this is Malibu, huh?" I asked Matt as we drove around. "This is different that I last remembered it. And it certainly isn't Harmony." "I know it's better than Harmony," Matt joked and laughed. I looked at him. "Let's get one thing straight now," I said to him. "I don't want you to get it twisted that just because we are in the same boat and have the same problem doesn't mean we are anywhere near being friends. Are we clear?" "Crystal," He said to me. I sighed loudly and looked out the window. "So how exactly do we find Seth?" I asked him. "I mean Malibu is not a small town." "I got my resources," He said with a sly smile. I looked at him and shook my head. ****************************************************************** "Mikey, talk to me," Julieanne said to him as they sat in his car. They were en route to Malibu and Mikey was mad Julieanne was going. "I just got through telling Anthony that I wanted us to take a passive way with Dane and try to be on the back burner but you go and put us in the line of fire, Jules," Mikey said aggravated. "Line of fire?" Julieanne asked him. "Dane's not bad luck you know? Bad things just happen to him." "I just want you and the baby to be safe," Mikey said to her. "I just have this feeling that something is gonna happen to the baby and you." "You should really think less morbid, baby," Julieanne said to him. She kissed his hand. "So what is the master plan?" He asked her. She looked at him. "Huh?" She asked confused. Mikey cleared his throat. "I mean...I'm sure you have some plan for when we get there," He said to her. "Right?" Julieanne didn't answer. "Jules right?" "Um...yeah," Julieanne lied. Mikey almost swerved off the road. "Julieanne, I am sitting here wasting gas to drive to Malibu and you don't have a plan," He said in shock. "Gas is like four dollars a gallon." "You act like we can't afford that," Julieanne said to him. He glanced at her. "Not the point and you know it," He said to her. "You might should start thinking, Sherlock. After all, this is your adventure." "The Adventures of Julieanne Queer," She said with a laugh. "Why is that funny?" Mikey asked confused. She looked at him to see if he was serious or not. "Because...the book...Adventures of Tom Sawyer...You know what? Shut up and drive," She said folding her arms. ****************************************************************** "How you holding up partner?" Chris asked Anthony as they drove. "Huh?" Anthony asked breaking from his thoughts. "I was asking how you were holding up," He said to him. "Nicole and Trey?" "I can't believe you invited them but that's not what I am thinking about," Anthony said with a sigh. Aaron sat in the back sleeping. "Yeah, I am thinking about him too," Chris said getting at what Anthony was thinking. Anthony looked at him. "Can I ask you a question?" He asked him. Chris nodded. "Do you still love Dane?" "Isn't it obvious?" Chris asked with a scoff. Anthony smiled. "It's like Dane was my light at the end of a dark tunnel. And now that he is gone, I don't see a life without Dane. I mean that in a friend way, by the way." "I know," Anthony said with a laugh. "You know when I discovered that Dane really loved you, I hated you," Chris said to him. "I have these strong feelings for Dane and I really didn't get the chance to show him." "Aw, who knows you might get to show him when we find him," Anthony said optimistically. Chris shook his head no. "Dane's heart belongs to you," Chris said to him. "You are the one who needs to rescue him. Not us. You have to rescue him." "I don't know what it is I have to rescue him from though," Anthony said unsure of himself. "SOS? Seth? Matt? "No, we can help you with that," Aaron said waking up. "What you have to rescue him from is his deepest darkest fear." "Tight spaces?" Anthony asked confused. Aaron sighed. "Dane himself," Aaron explained to him and Anthony thought about it. ****************************************************************** I looked at my cellphone as Matt stopped at the Mcdonald's to get some dinner. 14 missed calls from my mom. As much as I was mad at her right now, I knew that I should call her. "What do you want?" Matt asked me. I looked up. "Big and Tasty with a large strawberry shake," I said to him. "And you're paying." "No, I'm not," Matt said appalled at the thought. "I wasn't asking," I said to him. He sighed and got out the car. "SOS should have killed you," he said but I chose to ignore him. I dialed my mom's number. "Dane?" She asked after picking it up on the second ring. "I'm okay, mom," I said to her. "Baby, where are you?" She asked me. I sighed. "I'm around," I said to her. "I have to take care of some things." "When are you coming home?" She asked me. "I...I don't know," I said to him. "I am thinking about moving away for the summer. I think that I need to stay away from harmony." "Dane Martinez, I demand you to come home right now," She said knowing that this was absolutely useless. I saw Matt walk out with the food. "I can't," I said to her. She sighed. "We need to talk about this," She said to me. "Gotta go," I said to her. "We will see what I can do. Love you. Bye!" "Dane I..." She began but I disconnected the call. "Who were you talking to?" He asked me as he climbed in the car. "Mind your business," I said to him. "Now give me my damn food." "You're welcome," He said handing me my bag. "I don't remember saying thank you," I said sipping on my shake. I thought about something. Did I tell my mom I love her? Crap. What the hell is going on with me? I hadn't said that to her since my dad was killed in the car crash. "I found out something interesting," Matt said and I looked at him. "What?" I asked with a sigh. He smiled at me. "There is a power party tonight," He said with a sly smile. "And if I know, Seth and I know him very well, I have feeling that he will be there." "What do you say we crash it?" I asked Matt who smiled at me. "I like the way you think, Dane," He said. "I like the way you think." ****************************************************************** Luke watched as Seth maneuvered his way into the party. They were just as he remembered. Loud. Drugs Everywhere. Drunk people falling all around. "At least nothing bad will happen tonight," He thought to himself. "Dude, this party is totally wicked," Seth said looking around. He was excited. "You want something to drink?" Luke asked him. Seth shook his head no. "Nope," He said to him. He spotted a hot girl and looked back at Luke. "You wanna do a threesome tonight?" "What?" Luke asked laughing. "Are you serious?" "Hell no," Seth said and Luke eyed him. "Okay, maybe just a little. Anyway, I am gonna see if I can go get her number. That cool?" "Yeah, go head and get your Mack on," Luke said and they separated. His cellphone rung. "Hello." "Luke?" Anthony asked on the phone. Luke walked to find a less noisy area. "Anthony, hold on," He said walking towards the doors. When he finally got to a quiet area he stood against a wall. "Yeah, go ahead." Anthony put the phone on speakerphone so everyone could talk. "Just called to see what's up with you," Anthony said. "The gang and I are headed to Malibu." "Malibu?" Luke asked nervously. "Why the hell are you coming here?" "Calm down man," Anthony said surprised at the outburst. "We have to go see if..." Aaron mouthed "don't tell him." "If what?" Luke asked him. Anthony didn't know what to say. "Um...See if Nicole's brother is okay," Anthony said quickly. "Oh," Luke said looking up. He was shocked to see Matt's car across the street. "Oh my god." "What?" Anthony asked him. "Matt," Luke said hanging up the phone. "Call you back later." "Luke wait..." Anthony began. Luke headed back inside the party to find Seth. "Did he say Matt?" Aaron asked him. Anthony nodded. "What does that mean?" "It means that Matt is at the same place where Luke is," Anthony explained. "Which would be where?" Chris asked him. "I heard music in the background when I first called him," Anthony said. "I'm guessing a party or something." "I'm guessing a power party," Aaron said and Anthony shrugged. "Let's call Jules and tell her what's going on." ****************************************************************** Seth had his arm wrapped around a girl as Luke walked over to him. "Seth," He said to him. Seth scowled angrily at him. "In the middle of talking here, Luke," He said with a sigh. He turned his attention back to the girl. "We need to go," Luke said looking around. "Here are the keys," Seth said to her. "I can get a ride." "We really need to go," Luke said and Seth sighed. "Why?" He asked him. "Matt," Luke said and he noticed a flicker of fear flash across his face. "He's here?" He asked Luke who nodded. "Okay." "Okay?" Luke asked him. He was getting aggravated. "Matt is here, Seth." "And we will deal with Matt when the time comes," Seth said to him. "Now's that time then, I guess," Matt said from behind Luke. He turned around to see Matt standing there with his hands folded. "Hello boys." ****************************************************************** I stood in an abandoned lot waiting for Matt. He was to get Seth and bring him here. It was kinda dark around here and I was a little nervous. I mean Malibu aint the Bronx but that don't mean people still don't get killed here either. I walked to the curb as I waited for his car. I saw a car but it wasn't Matt. "Oh fuck," I said as the car slowed down in front of me. "Dane?" Julieanne asked me climbing out of the car. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked her folding my arms. "I could ask you the same thing," She said to me. Mikey walked around the car while the others climbed out of theirs. "I'm taking care of business," I said to her. "Business that has nothing to do with you." "And does that business have something to do with vengeance against Seth?" Mikey asked me. I glared at him. "Dane, let's just go back home," Anthony said to me. "I can't," I said to him. He looked at me and grabbed my wrist. I pulled away. "Don't touch me." "What are you gonna do?" Aaron asked me. I shook my head. "You turned away from me because I was gay and now you wanna be concerned?" I asked him. "I made a mistake," Aaron said to me. "And yeah. I'm worried that my best friend is about to do something stupid." "Best friend, huh?" I asked him. "That's funny." "Are you about to do something stupid?" Nicole asked me. I noticed Matt's car pulling up. "Just watch," I said to them all. "This should be fun with an audience." "Dane," Luke said rushing towards me. I pulled a gun out of my pocket and pointed it at him. "You might wanna watch your step," I said to him. He eyed me. "Dane, what are you doing?" Julieanne asked me. "Doing something that needs to be done," I said ominously. "Luke, I should blow your brains out right here in front of everyone. You had my friendship and come to find out all this time you have had a secret connection with Seth? How could you lie?" "I didn't lie," Luke said to me. "I just never told you the truth." "Right," I said to him. "You just omitted the truth." "Dane, there is so much I never told you," He said to me. "Got that right," Matt said standing behind Seth. "Shut up," Luke said to him. "Dane, there is so much I wanted to tell you." "Like what?" I asked him. "That you are pathetic. I already know that." "Yeah and that I loved you," Luke said to me. "Dane, I never told you that because I was already starting to fall for you and I didn't want you to blame me for what he did to you. I never meant to hurt you because I have these strong feelings for you. It hurts me to think you think that I would ever cause you harm." "Yet you are here with him," I said trying not to dwell too much on this revelation. "But this night is not about you. This about my revenge against Seth." I pointed the gun at Seth. "Dane stop," Julieanne demanded. She tried to pull the gun from me but I pushed her away. "I hate you so much," I said to him. "You have ruined my life. I have nothing now. I trust no one. And it's all because of you and what you did to me. You don't deserve to live. You should've been shot and buried alive. But I am gonna do a good thing and kill you right here on the spot." I hadn't realized that I was crying. "Go ahead do it," Seth said walking towards me. "If you feel that way then do it." "Why?" I asked him. "Why did you do it? Why did you want to hurt me so bad, Seth? Answer me that. You owe me that much." "Because it was fun," He said with an evil smile. "Do it Dane," Matt said to me. I put my finger on the trigger. "This should be fun," I said to Seth. "Sayonara." "Dane stop it," Anthony yelled at me. I looked at him. "Why should I?" I asked him. "He caused me pain. He wanted me death. I want to cause him pain. I want him Dead." "But this isn't you," Anthony said to me. "You are better than him." "He deserves it," I said to him. By now, my hand was shaking. "No, he doesn't," Anthony said to me. "No matter what he did. No one does." "Yes he does," Matt said to me. "Who are you gonna listen to? The only one who knows how you feel or the guy who broke your heart." I smiled and lowered the gun. "The guy who broke my heart," I said with a sigh. I walked over to Seth. "You deserve something far worse than death." I hit him across the face with the gun and he fell to the ground. "You fucking suck," Matt said to me. Luke punched him in the face. "Shut the fuck up," Luke said as Matt nose started bleeding. I turned and looked at everyone. "I...I need to clear my head," I said to them. "I'm sorry. I looked at Anthony and I walked off. "Anthony you are such an idiot," Nicole said snapping at him. "What?" He asked confused. She sighed and slapped him across the face. "What was that for?" "Go after him you idiot," She said to him. Anthony smiled at her and took off after me. "Save him from himself, Anthony," Aaron said to himself. ****************************************************************** I sat on a bench on the side of the road. I looked at the gun in my hand. "Dane," Anthony said to me. I looked up at him. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. He bent down and kissed me. I tried to push him away but he was fighting his way to my heart. He pulled back and looked into my eyes. "Dane, I have been hiding behind fear for so long," He said to me. "Afraid of what people might say about us.  Afraid of what people might do to us. Afraid of hurting you. But I am tired of being afraid." "I don't know," I said to him. He got down on one knee. "What are you doing? Proposing?" "In a manner of speaking," He said with a nervous smile. He grabbed my hand. It was shaking. Or maybe it was mine. It began to rain. I hated getting wet. "Anthony," I began put he shushed me. "Dane, I love you," He said to me. "I love you with all my heart. I have almost lost you to many times and I am not gonna lose you now. So I am asking you this question." He looked down at the ground unsure of how to put it. "What's the question?" I asked him. He looked back at me. "Will you let me be the guy who saves you from yourself?" He asked me. I searched his eyes for some kind of trick. But I couldn't find an ounce of deception. All I saw was love. So I gave him his answer and I kissed him. ****************************************************************** Okay, sorry for the pause between the last episode and this episode. But I hope it was worth the wait. Dane and Anthony are officially together. But that doesn't necessarily mean that Dane is completely okay. In the next episode of Falcon Eyes, The new school year begins. Aaron tries out for the football team. Anthony's attempts at showing Dane he can be comfortable with a gay relationship begin to annoy Dane. Nicole and Trey face the prospect that she has to move. Julieanne deals with rumors. Mikey decides to do something for his future. Chris is hurt by Dane and Anthony's relationship. Luke returns to Falcon Eyes.

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Next: Chapter 22

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