Falcon Eyes

By moc.loa@L9yK

Published on Apr 19, 2023


I have to give credit to Sammie the author of Heavens just a sin away since I am using his title for my latest episode for my story.

"What are you in here for?" A prostitute asked me as I sat beside him or her on the bench. Hell it might even be a him and her. I sighed. "I got into a fight," I said simply. He/she looked at me curiously. "Why were you fighting?" They asked me. I sighed again. "You really wanna know what happened?" I asked. They nodded.

"We will probably be here awhile as it is." They said. "Humor me." ****************************************************************** Three days ago...

"What are you feeling right now, Dane?" Dr. James asked me as I sat in his office. I sighed. "I feel like this is a complete waste of time," I said standing up. "I mean, why am I here?" "Dane, u experienced a traumatic experience just a week ago," He said trying to be patient. "You were shot and buried alive." "Yeah, I was there," I said to him. "So what do you want? Besides the $250 an hour my mom is footing in attempts to get me to be happy with her wedding." "I want you to tell me how you are feeling," He said to me. I turned to face him. "I am hungry," I said as my stomach growled. "And it is ten so our session is over. Same time tomorrow?" "Dane, how do you expect to get over what happened if you don't open up?" He asked me. "I am getting over it," I said with a dark look. "In my own way." My own way consisted of getting high with the local stoners at school that before now I never even said hi to. My own way consisted of masking pain with sex or booze or both at the same time. Or just hurting those around me. "How was your session dear?" Mom asked as I walked into the lobby. "A complete waste of time," I said and then we headed to the door. "Where to now?" "I was gonna go talk with the caterer," She said to me. Then glanced back. "That is if it is okay with you, Dane." "Another complete waste of time," I mumbled. ****************************************************************** Anthony lay in his bed as Aaron walked in his room. "Dude, when is the last time you showered?" He asked him. Anthony looked up miserably. "When is the last time that Dane talked to me?" He asked deflated. Aaron sighed. "Anthony come on, you can't actually sulk around this room smelling worse than ass." Aaron said swatting the air as if a fly was around. "Damn Ant, you smell like ass, death, and sweat mixed together. Not a combo I like." "Thanks man," Anthony said with a small laugh. "Was that a smile? I actually got you to smile," Aaron said with a laugh. "Mission accomplished." "Damn it, Aaron, how can you act like everything is okay?" Anthony asked. "Chris is missing, Nicole is god knows where, and Dane is acting like he doesn't know who we are." "I know, Ant," Aaron said getting up. "I know, Okay? Dane is my best friend. I know you are hurting right now but get out of your funk and think about how he is hurting. I am not going to rot away like you are because I have other things to worry about. Like you do as well." "What else do I have to worry about? Anthony asked. "Mikey," Aaron said. Anthony climbed out of bed. "Why do I give a fuck about him?" Anthony asked. "He is your best friend," Aaron said. "And he has been calling you for days. Did you know he has a hearing coming up in like a week for running away from that camp? He could get since to prison for escaping there." "Good maybe he will become someone's bitch." Anthony said bitterly. "Look, I may not be able to fix my problem with Dane," Aaron said heading towards the door. "But you can fix your problem with Mikey before it is too late." Anthony watched as he walked out of his bedroom. ****************************************************************** "Mikey, what's wrong?" Julieanne asked as they lay on her bed. "Nothing," Mikey said to her. "You are completely unreceptive to my advances," She said to him. "I am horny after all. Maybe it is the hormones." "I don't want to hurt you or the baby," He said rubbing her stomach. "Liar," Julieanne said. "Something is bothering you. Is it the trial?" Mikey didn't say anything. "Michael Jusino is it the trial?" "I need Dane to testify for me in order to keep me from going to jail," Mikey said. Julieanne looked like she was confused. "So what is the big deal?" She asked him. "Just ask him to testify. He knows you didn't do it on purpose." "Julieanne, have you seen how Dane has been acting?" Mikey asked. "He cussed the principal out. In front of the school board." "Dane is just going through some things," She said. "I seriously doubt he will let you go away for a crime you didn't mean to commit." "Let's hope so," Mikey said deflated. There was a knock on Julieanne's door. "Probably Dad checking to make sure we are not doing anything," She whispered to him. "Come in." It was in fact Nicole that walked inside. "Hey," She said to them. Mikey looked at Nicole unsure of what to say. "Nicole, how are you?" He asked uncomfortably. "I'm fine," She said with a small smile. "I heard about the trial and everything. I hope everything is alright." "If I could get Dane's help everything will be," He said with a heavy sigh. Her face darkened at the mention of my name. "Is everything okay with you?" Julieanne asked her. "Here have a seat on the bed with us." "Well, I lost my boyfriend and Trey hasn't been back to school since the shooting," Nicole said. "I just feel like I am no one now. I have nothing." "You have us," Julieanne said to her. Nicole scoffed. "Had," Nicole corrected. "As soon as Dane returned back to school after his incident, I was completely forgotten." "Nicole, you can't play innocent here," Julieanne said. "You led Anthony on preventing him from being with the one he really loved which in turn hurt Dane." "I know," Nicole said. "No need to give me the summary. I lived through it. I just wish I didn't feel so...lonely." "Well, you need to seek redemption," Mikey said. "Like me." "It may be a little to late now," Nicole said lying back on the bed. "I maybe moving." "What? Why?" Julieanne asked her. Nicole sighed. "Because of everything that has been happening since the beginning of the school year," Nicole said. "And as bad as I don't want to leave what is here for me? I don't even feel like fighting them on it." "Trey," Julieanne said. "Trey is here. Have you seen him?" "Not since he awoke at the hospital," She said. "But why would I care?" "Because you love him, Nicole," Julieanne said. "Why haven't you seen him?" "I don't know," Nicole said. "I..I am just afraid that he will leave me like everyone else." "You won't know that till you try, Nicole," Mikey said to her. Nicole smiled at him. "When did you get so insightful?" She asked him. "When you are a juvenile delinquency center you learn a few things about sensitivity and insightfulness," He shrugged. Julieanne kissed his cheek. "That's my baby's daddy," She said and they all laughed. ****************************************************************** "You look nice," Terry said walking into the entrance of my bedroom. I was getting ready for the wedding rehearsal. "You know there is a such thing as knocking and waiting to be allowed in," I said looking at him through the mirror. He smiled. "I was being serious." "I know," Terry said. "Is there something you would like to discuss?" "How much I oppose this wedding," I said to him. "How much I oppose this whole union." "I thought you were trying to learn to get used to it," Terry said. I shrugged. "Things change like Things happen," I said to him. He didn't know what to say. "Look, the only reason I haven't spoken my mind is because I need a place to stay. I really don't care for my mother and I think you know how I feel about you but I can play nice as long as I get room and board." "This may sound like I want you to blow up or something but it is not good to keep stuff bottle up inside," Terry said to me. "It can be fatal." "Thanks for the advice but only give when asked to, okay?" I asked turning to face him. "Now, get the hell out of here and try to limit talking to me from now until I graduate college or until you two divorce. Whichever comes first." Terry sighed. "We are gonna have to get along one way or the other," He said as he walked out of my room. Salina knocked on the door. "What is it, Mistake?" I asked her. She had to bite her tongue to keep from speaking her mind because she needed something. "Do you think I can catch a ride with you tomorrow when you go to school with those kids you go with?" She asked me. I shook my head. "No, but can you walk," I said to her. "You could stand to lose weight." "Dane," She said hurt. I looked at her confused. ""What is it, Mistake?" I asked her. She had to bite her tongue to keep from speaking her mind because she needed something. "Do you think I can catch a ride with you tomorrow when you go to school with those kids you go with?" She asked me. I shook my head. "No, but can you walk," I said to her. "You could stand to lose weight." "Dane," She said hurt. I looked at her confused. "You act like you didn't know you were fat," I said to her. "Do you honestly think your skinny? If I didn't know any better I think you were pregnant. Oh my god. Are you? I got a whore ass friend who is fucking a wetback now I have a hoe of a sister?" She slapped me across the face. She stood breathing hard. "You son of a bitch," She said to me. I smiled. "Gee, Mom may be a bitch but I am shocked you called her a bitch," I said. "Oh, and you might wanna explain to mom how you got that sunkist stain on your dress." "What sunkist stain?" She asked looking on her dress. "This one," I said tossing my strawberry sunkist on her. "Alright, now march on out. I need to finish looking sexy." ****************************************************************** "Hey man sorry it took so long to return your call," Luke said to Aaron on the phone. "It's cool man," Aaron said." I am sure you are busy and all wherever you are. By the way, where are you?" "I am back in Malibu," Luke said. "Trying to move on with a life without Dane." "Didn't you get my voicemail?" Aaron asked. "Dane made it." "He...He is alive?" Luke asked exclaiming. "Shit, I wish I would've called back sooner. How is he doing?" "Well...Physically he is the same Dane as well," Aaron said. "I sense a but coming on here," Luke said. "Does he have brain damage? I heard if you get deprived of air for long periods of times that you can develop brain damage. Is that what happened? Oh my god. Can he still talk? Walk? Control bowels? "Luke, shut up," Aaron said. "He and his bowels are fine. It's just he seems to be so dark and he is kinda like not talking to any of us. If he does then, he is talking bad about us. It's like he gets off on hurting our feelings. I guess others pain makes him feel good about his own." "Damn," Luke said with a sigh. "You should come back and see him," Aaron said. Seth walked into the hotel room. "Yeah, I am really busy right now," Luke said, "But I will have to call you back." "O..Kay," Aaron said disconnecting the call. "Who was that?" Seth asked him. He had gone to the gym. "No one important," Luke said with a small smile. ****************************************************************** Trey opened the door to see Nicole standing on the porch. "Oh," He said disappointed. Nicole frowned. "Don't look so disappointed to see me," She said to him as he allowed her in. "No, it's just that I thought you were...Chris," He said with a sigh. "Still no word?" She asked him. He shook his head. "It's been two weeks," He said sadly. "They could be torturing my brother. Or he could already be dead." "Chris is gonna be okay," She said to him. "He is still alive and the police will find him. Safe and Sound." "Let's hope so," Trey said. "So what did you stop by for?" "Um...Maybe we shouldn't talk about that," Nicole said. "Maybe we should focus on Chris." "I need to get my mind off my brother for a little while," Trey said. "Or I am gonna drive myself insane. So I ask again what did you stop for? Sex? Because I am ready to go right now." "Trey...Do you love me because of the sex or for me?" She asked him. He shrugged. "Both," He said. Nicole gave him a funny look. "What's wrong?" "I am just trying to figure out was that a compliment or not?" She asked him. "Trey, after you were shot...I just wanted to let you know that you were more than some fling with me. I think I might love you." "That's funny," Trey said walking in front of her. "I KNOW that I love you." "Yeah?" She asked him. He nodded and kissed her softly on the lips. She pulled away. "Um..." "Is it my breath?" He asked her feeling insecure. "No, it's just that I am afraid to start something if I am gonna be moving," She said to him. He looked down and then back up. "Wait. You're moving?" He asked her. She nodded. "Maybe," She said not looking him in the eye. He grabbed her waist. "Look, Nicole," He said and she looked him in the eye. "God, I never realized you were shorter than me," She said with a smile. "Shut up," Trey said to her. "Now I had to share you with Anthony for those few months. So if you have to move away I am not gonna let you go because I finally have you all to myself." "That was sweet," Nicole said to him. Trey smiled. "I know," He said to her. "Now why don't you show me what you are working with, babe." "You need to be out searching for your brother," She said to him. "As you said he is still alive," He said to her. "What's one more hour gonna do?" "Trey," Nicole scolded. He held his hands up. "I was kidding," He said grabbing his house key. "Come on let's go even though I have no idea where to start." ****************************************************************** I sat bored as I listened to person after person, give their speeches. "Dane," Someone called out to me but I was only half listening. "Dane." "What?" I asked a little louder than expected. Everyone looked at me. "I just wanted to let you know that it is your turn," Jonathan said from beside me. I stood up with a heavy sigh. "What can I say about my mom and dear old Terry here?" I asked. "You two should be together much like I should be raped, shot, and buried alive. Damn, I always find some way to weasel that in. Well, that's all I got." "Dane, maybe you should excuse yourself," Mom said to me. I sat back down. "No," I said. "I'm good. I just thought I would bring those here up to speed on my situation." "Um...everyone continue eating your meals," Mom said to me. "Dane, can I speak to you in the foyer?" "If you must," I said following her out. Salina sat with an ugly green sweater on. "That's a great color on you. It brings out your natural ugliness." Mom shut the door. "Sweetie, are you okay?" She asked me. I shrugged. "I guess so," I said. " I am a little hungry so if you don't mind." "Dane, you can't make comments like that just because you feel like it," Mom said. "I know you are going through somethings but that is why I am sending you to a therapist." "Mom, with all due respect, I think I can say whatever the hell I want to because I control me," I said turning to opening the door. "Now excuse me I am hungry and I will go finish getting Salmonella if you don't mind." ****************************************************************** Aaron and Rusty stood in the park waiting for Anthony and Mikey to arrive. "Do you think we can pull this off?" Rusty asked him. "We have to," Aaron said. "I want this group back to some kind of normalcy and we are gonna start with those two." "But if they don't wanna talk to each other we can't force them," Rusty said. "Yes, actually, we can and we will," Aaron said. "Now shut the hell up. There is Anthony." Anthony was walking towards them. "Why are you guys standing by the bushes?" He asked them. "Um..." Rusty began but didn't know what to say. "We were just standing here...trying to enjoy nature," Aaron said. Anthony eyed them both suspiciously. He turned to see Mikey walk towards them. "Wha...Aaron," He said angrily. Aaron stood his ground. "Look, you two are gonna talk about what happened," Aaron said to him. "No, we are not," Anthony said. "I'm leaving." "Um...Not without these," Rusty said with a smile. He had pick-pocketed his keys from him. "I learned that from this gang banger in my old neighborhood." "This is bullshit," Anthony mumbled. Mikey who had said nothing was getting pissed. "Why is it bullshit, Anthony?" He asked angrily. "You can forgive Aaron but you can't forgive me? That's the bullshit right there. So tell me...what is different about forgiving Aaron and not forgiving me." "Because he is just my friend," Anthony spat out. "You were...You are like my brother. The brother I never had. It was okay if he turned his back on me. But not my brother." "Anthony," Mikey said. He had no idea what to say. "Come on," Aaron said to Rusty as they walked away to give the two space. "You were my brother," Anthony said looking down. "And you hurt the boy I loved." "I'm sorry man," Mikey said. "Look at it from my perspective. I figured when we got older that we could do a double wedding. You and Nicole and me and Julieanne or whoever we were with. But learning you were gay and that you hadn't told me or possibly weren't gonna tell me. That hurt me. That cut me deep, bro. If we are suppose to be like brothers why hide a secret like that from me? Huh? Why Anthony?" "Because I was fucking scared," Anthony yelled. He was crying now. "Do you know how many times I pushed Dane away because I was scared? And now that I am not afraid to admit my feelings he doesn't want me. I'm hurting. I needed you then and you reacted like that." "I need you now," Mikey said to him crying as well. "No," Anthony said wiping his face. "I don't care. You turned your back on me. So I'm gonna show you what that feels like." "Wait a second," Mikey said grabbing his shoulder. Anthony pushed him but Mikey punched him in the face. "Listen Goddamn it." "We need to break that up," Rusty said as the two started wrestling and fighting with each other. "Let them get it out of their system," Aaron said to an anxious Rusty. "What the fuck do you want from me?" Anthony asked angrily. "I want you to forgive me," Mikey said pinning Anthony down on the ground. "I want you to let me be your brother again. I want you to know that if you let me rot you are not only hurting me but you are preventing your future god son from not knowing his dad. We both know how it feels to not know your dad. You needed me then and I turned my back and hurt you. I need you now. Why mistake the same mistake I did?" "Why not?" Anthony asked stubbornly. "Because you're not me," Mikey said. "You're better than me. You're better than that." "Whatever," Anthony said pushing him off. "Look, can I go now." "Let him fucking go," Mikey said. "Because I am through asking for forgiveness. I'm done." He headed back towards his car. "Here man," Rusty said and Anthony headed to his dad's car. "Well, that was a waste." "Maybe not," Aaron said still trying to be optimistic. ****************************************************************** Julieanne sat biting her nails as she sat in the courtroom waiting for the hearing to begin. "That is so not attractive," Nicole said taking a seat beside her. Julieanne smiled. "Oh, and when is the last time you had a French manicure?" She teased. "Those cuticles are looking a little rough." "Go to hell," Nicole laughed. "So how are you holding up?" "I'm running out of nails and considering the skin," Julieanne said. "That answer your question." "Well, to take your mind off it, Trey and I are together as a monogamous couple," Nicole said. "No Anthony. Just me and him." "Congratulations," Julieanne said. "At least one couple might stay together." "Hey, I may still be moving," Nicole said. "Anyway, I am sure that you and Mikey are gonna be together. Use the baby." "Use the baby?" Julieanne asked. "How?" "Play the hurt pregnant teen mom," Nicole said. "Nic, that would be a good idea if I was I don't know about 6 or 7 months," Julieanne said. "I'm a month and a half and barely showing." "Hey, it was a thought," Nicole said with a shrug. "Hey Julieanne," I said stopping on her row. "Slut." "Dane..." Nicole said nervously. "How...How are you?" "I was fine until I saw you," I said folding my arms. "Now I'm feeling like I have to vomit. What are you doing here?" "She is here for support," Julieanne answered. "Hmmm," I said making a move to head to my table. "What are you gonna say?" Julieanne asked me. "When you testify." "I don't know," I said with a shrug. "In my opinion, Michael should go to prison for a little while. After all he did, Put me in a slight coma and escape from juvenile detention. Menace to Society." "Dane, you know he didn't mean to do that to you," Julieanne said. "And he helped save your life." "The fact that you are still supporting him makes me sick," I said to her. "I hope you can handle raising the mini-wetback you got growing in there because I am gonna do whatever I can to make sure Mikey rots in prison for as long as possible. Good day ladies."

I sat in the booth beside the judge's chair. I was angry. Aaron, Mikey, Nicole, Julieanne, and even Rusty gave Mikey a great testimony saying he was such a great kid. Gag me. "Mr. Martinez, you met Mr. Jusino at the beginning of the current school year, correct?" My lawyer asked. "Correct sir," I said trying to play innocent. "Can you tell me how you two were up until the incident?" He asked me. "Mikey, was a pretty decent friend and was cool to hang around until..." I trailed off trying to be dramatic. "Until he learned that me and his best friend were gay." "And what happened when he learned the truth?" He asked me. I sighed and flashed a cold look at Mikey. "He pushed me causing me to fall, hit my head, and slip into a coma," I said. "Mr. Martinez, if you could choose his punishment what would it be?" He asked me. "Objection," Mikey's lawyer yelled out. "I'd give him the chair," I said coldly. Julieanne shook her head in shock. "No more questions," He said sitting back at the table. Mikey's lawyer got up. "You have been through a traumatic ordeal, correct?" He asked me. I nodded. "I'm gonna need a verbal answer." "Yes," I said to him. "And is it correct that my client helped in your rescue?" He asked me. I felt caught of guard. "Yes he did," I said trying to gain control again. "So you would want to give the chair to the guy who helped you?" He asked me. "Mikey, I never said thanks by the way," I said. "Thanks man. But yeah I 'd want to give him the chair."

"Well, after listening to both parties and their respective character witnesses I have reached a verdict," The Judge said. "I have decided that..." "Wait," Anthony said rushing into the courtroom. "Young man what is going on here?" The Judge asked confused. "I want to Testify for Michael Jusino," He said. Mikey smiled while I shot Anthony a dark look. "I've reached a verdict," The Judge said. "No, wait, Let me at least try to change your mind," Anthony said. "Now I know both Mikey and Dane. Hell, I am in love with Dane. But Mikey did not mean to hurt Dane. He had just learned I was gay and Dane went to keep him from punching me and Mikey pushed him back and Dane tripped and hit his head on the brick. So please change your mind." "There was no need for your testimony, son," The Judge said. "I find Michael Jusino not guilty. You're free to go and try to stay out of trouble." "Thank you," Mikey said as they all went to hug him. "Thanks bro." "Brother to brother," Anthony said bumping knuckles with him. "Dane," Mikey called out to me as I walked past them. I stopped and turned. "I'm sorry how everything played out causing us to get to where we are now." I noticed how close everyone looked. They all looked happy. They looked like they belonged together. They didn't need me anymore. "Yeah me too," I said to him. "Um...We are gonna go get some Pizza," Julieanne said. "Wanna join us?" I felt vulnerable. I wanted to hang out with my friends again. But something was holding me back. "I'd rather be shot and buried alive again," I said to them and walked out. "I thought I made some sort of progress," Mikey said to Anthony. Anthony was hurting but he couldn't allow the others to see that. ****************************************************************** I sighed as I got ready. It was doomsday. Okay, maybe that is a little too dramatic. It was the wedding day for Terry and mom. "Yay," I muttered. I walked out into the lobby from my dressing room. I heard the door open behind me. "Dane?" A voice called out. I turned around. It was Chris. He was battered and bruised up. "Oh my god," I said rushing to him. "Chris...What are you doing here? You should be at a hospital. "I'm okay," He said to me. "The bruises and cuts have almost healed." "What are you doing here?" I asked him again. "I have to tell you something," he said to me. "Terry is with SOS." "You're joking right?" I asked him. He shook his head. "I found out and I escaped from he warehouse they had me in," Chris said. "I learned your mom is marrying him today and I had to tell you before they could go through with it." "Oh my god," I said covering my mouth. I felt sick. I've been living with a man who was apart of the group who shot and killed me. "Dane, come on," Jonathan said rushing out of his room. He flashed Chris an odd look. "We need to get in place." He pulled me into where the guests were waiting. I saw everyone as they looked at me. "You look handsome," Jonathan's mom whispered as I past her. My eyes locked in on Terry. "Hey step-son," He said flashing me a smile. I was frozen in fear. I had never feared Terry before. But knowing he was with SOS made my blood run cold. Chris walked in and took a seat in the back. "Chris?" Aaron asked as he turned to see him sitting behind him. "Hey man," Chris said. Anthony and Mikey turned around to see him. "Whoa," Anthony said. "What the hell? I thought SOS had you and killed you or something." "I have been hiding out from them for a week now," Chris said. "I had to tell Dane about Terry." "What about Terry?" Aaron asked. "Terry is with SOS," Chris said and all three gasped. "Wait a second," Anthony said in shock. "Flip that and reverse it. Terry is with SOS?" "Yeah," Chris said just as the wedding march started. Everyone rose to turn and look at mom but I couldn't. My eyes were frozen on terry. Salina and the other entire bridesmaid led the way in front of her. Salina basked as people oohed and awed at her Dress. She had worked hard to get the stain out of her dress. "Dane, you look handsome," Mom said hugging me. But I didn't hug her back. "Hey beautiful," Terry said to her as she stood in front of him. "Hey handsome," Mom said smiling at him. My fear was turning into something else. I knew there was something I shouldn't trust about Terry. He seemed shady. Now I knew it. No I didn't just fear Terry. I hated Terry. "Dane," Terry said turning around. "The rings?" He reached for the rings in my hand and I punched him. "Oh," Mom cried out as the groomsmen try to pull me off him. But I was angry. With Terry. With SOS. With it all. "You fucking bastard," I said as I laid into him. "Dane stop," Mom yelled. But I couldn't hear her. Because I was long gone. ******************************************************************

"And that is about it," I said to the hooker. He/she smiled at me. "Damn you got balls," He/she said to me. I smiled. "Yeah, but do you?" I asked them. He/she just laughed at me. "Wouldn't you like to know," they said as an officer opened the cell. "Dane Martinez you are free to go," He said to me. I stood up. "It was nice to meet you," I said to he/she. "We should go and get coffee or something." "Hey, I got clients on Avery and Palmer avenue," they said. "Right across from starbucks." "Bye," I said with a laugh. I walked into the lobby and didn't see anyone I recognized. "Um...Officer, who bailed me out?" I asked him. "I did," A voice said from behind me. I turned to see Matt standing there. "Oh my god," I said covering my mouth. He smiled at me. "Wanna take a trip to Malibu?" He asked me. ****************************************************************** Happy Easter everyone or Passover. Whatever holiday you serve.

In the Episode 19, Dane reluctantly heads to Malibu with Matt and a showdown between he and Seth occurs. Anthony is bothered by seeing Nicole and Trey together but doesn't know why. Mikey and Julieanne have an accident. Aaron falls for a married woman he begins working for. Terry plans to kill Dane.


Next: Chapter 21

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