Falcon Eyes

By moc.loa@L9yK

Published on Mar 16, 2023


(Season Finale) Pt.2

I opened my eyes. I didn't recognize where I was. A basement or some room. I was tied to a chair. I tasted blood on my lips.

"You're awake," Seth said from behind me causing me to jump.

"Where am I?" I asked him. He walked in front of me and squatted in front of me.

"You are wherever you are," He said cryptically. I looked into his eyes.

"What is your problem?" I asked him. "Why the fuck are you doing this?"

"You really want to know why?" He asked me and I nodded. "I guess it won't hurt to tell you why you are gonna die. Part of it anyway."

"Fine, I am all ears," I said to him. I wanted to know why he was doing what he was doing.

"Because I want you," He said to me. "When I tasted you for the first time in Tijuana, I was hooked on you. I convinced Matt that it wasn't about that but I figured why not admit. I want you, Dane. And do you want me?"

"Let's go with no," I said and he hit me across the face.

"Didn't think so," He said to me. "Because your heart belongs to Anthony and Anthony only."

"So you are gonna kill me because I am not in love with you?" I asked him my face stinging from the blow.

"You know Love makes you do some crazy things," He said standing up. "In my case, I kill the ones who I love and who don't feel the same way back. In Luke's case, he ran away from Love. Kinda like your Anthony."

"What are you talking about?" I asked him. He sighed.

"In due time," He said to me. "Until the time comes, I suggest you rest. You are gonna have one night to remember. That is if you survive." ******************************************************************

Anthony climbed out of his dad's car just as Chris pulled up to Nicole's house. He turned and stopped to watch him climb out of the car.

"What are you doing here?" He asked Chris as they walked towards one another.

"I--" Chris began but didn't know what to say. Trey was in the house with Nicole and Anthony was about to find out about the affair. "I am here to see Nicole about some help in Civics."

"Nicole took Civics last year," Anthony said to him eyeing him suspiciously.

"Well..Of course she did," Chris said nervously. "So she would know how to help me with Civics, right?"

"Whatever," Anthony said walking up the driveway. "You are gonna have to go see her later. I want to talk to my girlfriend right now."

"No wait," Chris said and Anthony turned around. Chris really didn't have time for this. He needed Trey to get the hell out of here before he placed Nicole or Anthony in Danger.

"What?" Anthony asked irritated. Chris sighed defeated.

"Nothing," He said and Anthony knocked on the door.

"It's probably Chris," Nicole said from inside the house. "Come in." Her and Trey were snuggled up watching "Love Actually."

"Hey Baby," Anthony said opening the door. Nicole and Anthony jumped apart but Anthony saw what was going on.

"Anthony," Nicole said looking from Trey to Anthony and Anthony to Trey.

"It's true," Anthony said quietly. Chris walked inside.

"Trey we gotta talk," He said not really caring what was happening with the three. Anthony stood shocked.

"Yeah, now is not a good time," Trey said afraid to move. Anthony turned around and Nicole, Trey, and Chris followed him out.

"Anthony wait," Nicole yelled out at him. He turned around.

"Nicole, I just found out my girlfriend is a slut who is fucking a sophomore and brother of the guy I can't stand," He said to her. "Not up for talking."

"Don't talk to her like that," Trey said stepping up to Anthony. "If you wanna talk, how about we talk about you faggot."

"Trey," Chris said not wanting to break up the fight. His brother was in the wrong here.

"Anthony, please just listen to me," Nicole said grabbing his arm. "I haven't been happy for awhile ever since you met Dane this year. At first, I tried to convince myself it was just a friendship and that you had every right to make new friends. But the more I started to pay attention to the two of you I saw how Dane looked at you and how...How you looked at him. You two love each other."

"Dane loves me," Chris said to her. She shook her head.

"He doesn't," Nicole said to him. "He really wants Anthony. And I think it's time that I start to realize that." Chris frowned.

"But why, Nicole?" Anthony asked her. Everything she said was true but he was still hurt. "With...Trey?"

"When I discovered that Dane and you were getting closer it was hurting me and I befriended Trey when we went to Tijuana and that's where it began," Nicole said folding her arms. "Then when you and Dane got trapped in the avalanche. I panicked because it was just the two of you. And I went to Trey for some attention. Then me and you began to get on track and then I started to feel you drift apart and that's when I said that I was pregnant."

"Whoa you are not pregnant?" Anthony asked her. She shook her head.

"No," She said with a sigh. Anthony looked at her and then at Trey.

"You Bastard," Anthony said punching him in the face.

"Oh my god," Nicole said covering her mouth. Chris stood back watching. Anthony was mad. He fell in love with a guy while he dated a girl. He tried to deny his feelings but they intensified. So he tried to get closer without causing his life more drama. But he again tried denying then which in turn pushed his love away to a guy he couldn't stand. Now his girlfriend reveals she cheated on him and that she lied about being pregnant. So yeah...He was mad. He punched Anthony.

"What is your problem?" Trey asked trying to block Anthony's punches. Anthony was seeing red. He couldn't even direct his anger properly. Chris noticed a car driving slowly past them.

"What the hell?" Chris asked as he looked at the car. He saw a gun stick out the window. Nicole saw it too.

"Anthony," She yelled out. Anthony turned around and jumped out the way just as the shooter pulled the trigger. The bullet hit Trey in the abdomen.

"NOOO!" Chris yelled out and he pushed Anthony to the side. The car sped away leaving a shocked Anthony and Nicole with a distraught Chris. ******************************************************************

Mikey stood with Brett and some other guys on the first floor of the basement where I was being held. He was really reeling from what Julieanne had revealed and didn't know what to do. So he called Brent and met him here.

"So what exactly are we doing here?" He asked Brent. Brent looked at the other boys then at Mikey.

"You remember when I said that if I helped you escape then I would need your help?" Brett asked him. Mikey nodded.

"Yeah," Mikey said. "What's up?"

"Well, we are in a gang," Brent said. Mikey didn't know what to say.

"O--OKay," Mikey said. "What exactly can I do to help you?"

"Well, we have a project in the works and we need you to be on stand-by when we need you," Brent said. Mikey nodded.

"Sure," Mikey said with a shrug. "So what's the project?"

"I can explain that," A voice said and Mikey turned to see Seth.

"Seth?" Mikey asked him.

"You remember me?" Seth asked with a sly smile. "What about him?" A boy dragged me out from the shadows and threw me on the ground.

"Oh my god, Dane," Mikey said rushing over to me. I pulled away.

"Don't touch me," I said to him. I don't know if it was because of the situation or the fact he put me in a coma not to long ago.

"Dane..." Mikey said. He was sorry for how he reacted. He turned to look at Seth.

"What the hell is going on here?" He demanded. Seth and Brent laughed.

"Well, these guys are looking to purify the town of gay people," Seth explained. "My reasons, however, are a bit more personal."

"What do they have to do with Dane?" Mikey asked. Seth shook his hand.

"Due time," He said with a small smile. "Until then, we are gonna need your help."

"I am not gonna help you," Mikey spat out. "He is my friend."

"Friend?" Seth echoed. "Didn't you put him in a coma? But that's your friend right?"

"Fuck you," Mikey said hurt by the comments.

"Maybe later," Seth said. "Mikey, I am gonna make it simple for you. You don't help us and you're girlfriend will die. She's pregnant right?" Mikey looked at me.

"Do what you have to do," I said to him. I was tired. Maybe it would be better just to wait for my eminent murder. It was better than being afraid.

"What do I have to do?" Mikey asked after thinking about it for a moment. "Find Anthony and bring him back here," Seth commanded. ******************************************************************

"What do you mean Seth was on the phone?" Aaron asked Julieanne. They sat in her living room.

"Dane was headed back to Matt's apartment and we were talking," Julieanne explained. "I heard some words exchanged and then Seth got on the phone saying Dane cant talk right now."

"Oh my god," Aaron said placing his head in his hands. Julieanne looked over at him. He was crying.

"Aaron?" She asked him. He didn't answer. "Aaron, what's wrong?"

"I betrayed Dane," He said looking at her. "I couldn't handle him being gay because of..."

"Because of what?" Julieanne asked. Aaron shook her head. "Because of what?"

"Because I was afraid that our lives would change," He said to her. "I mean we had made these plans for after we graduate and to think that none of that stuff won't come true. I don't know. I just got mad."

"Aaron, I am gonna tell you something you need to hear," Julieanne said to him. He looked at her. "Stop living your life with Dane."

"What?" He asked confused.

"You remember how Dane was in love with Pokemon back in elementary school?" She asked him.

"Yeah," He said with a smile.

"You hated Pokemon but because Dane liked it you brought all the cards just to fit in with Dane," Julieanne said. "Or like when Dane wanted to have his birthday at sea world when he was 14. You had to be involved with it some way some how. Dane is always gonna be your friend. Whether you like the same things or not."

"I feel like if Dane likes something and I don't it's gonna push us apart," Aaron said. "I just wish we could be the same kids we were when we were 8."

"You can't be," Julieanne said. "Dane's grown up. He views your friendship in the mindset of a sixteen-year-old. You still view him as the eight year old boy you always called your brother."

"Maybe you're right," He said with a sigh. Julieanne scoffed.

"Of course I am right," She said. "I Tivo Oprah and Dr. Phil."

"What do you think Seth wants with Dane?" Aaron asked.

"I don't know but I think we need to get over there and break up whatever is going on," Julieanne said grabbing her keys. ******************************************************************

"Fifteen year old Caucasian male with a gunshot wound to the abdomen," The EMS worker said as they wheeled Trey into the hospital. "He has lost a lot of blood." Chris followed with Anthony and Nicole tagging along.

"Please help him," Chris said as they took Trey into the operating room. "Please he is my little brother."

"Son, we will do all we can," The doctor said. "I need you to go wait in the waiting room."

"No, I wanna be here in case he needs me," Chris said trying to push past the doctors. "The only thing he needs if for you to let us do our jobs and for you to wait," The doctor said rushing Chris out in the lobby. Nicole grabbed his arm.

"Come sit down," She said to him. Chris walked slowly over to the lobby.

"They shot him," Chris said to himself. "They fuckin shot my brother."

"Who is they Chris?" Anthony asked him. Chris shook his head. "Chris, who the fuck are they? They blew up my car. They tried to shoot me. They SHOT your brother. So who the fuck are they?"

"Anthony," Nicole said warningly. He flashed her a dangerous look.

"You go to fucking hell," He said to her. He got up in Chris face. "This might be a little insensitive but fuck it. I am scared shitless. I wanna know who tried to kill me. Twice. And I wanna know now."

"SOS," Chris said softly. Anthony glanced at Nicole.

"Who is this SOS?" He asked him. Chris sighed.

"They are a gang," He said with a sigh. "Trey was with them for a short time but he left. They didn't like that. So we moved here. To try and escape them."

"I thought you moved here because of some issues with your father and friends?" Nicole asked him. Chris shook his head.

"It was mainly because of SOS," Chris said. "So we moved here in hopes of starting a new life."

"A town over," Anthony muttered to himself. "What do Nicole and I have to do with them?"

"I know they aren't big fans of gay people," Chris said. "I don't think they are after Nicole."

"Why do I get the feeling that there is a whole lot more to this story than what you told us?" Anthony asked him.

"I told you what I know," Chris said sadly. "If you will excuse me, I wanna go to the chapel and pray."

"I will go with you," Nicole said not wanting to be alone with Anthony. Anthony sat down in a chair.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked himself. ******************************************************************

Julieanne knocked on the door. There was no response.

"Where is he?" Aaron asked as he closed his phone. "He is not answering his cellphone."

"My god I hope Seth has done anything to hurt him," Julieanne said nervously. They heard footsteps coming towards them and they whirled around. It was Luke.

"Oh fuck dude," Aaron said unclenching his fist. "I thought you were Seth."

"Luke, have you talked to Dane?" Julieanne asked him. He shook his head.

"No," He said. He pointed at the door. "He isn't there?"

"Nope," Aaron said. "Julieanne spoke to him but he was with Seth."

"Oh god," Luke said taking a step back. "I'm too late."

"Too late for what?" Julieanne asked him. Luke sighed.

"Matt and I went to Malibu to try and stop Seth from hurting Dane anymore and I..."

"Wait, how did you know he was gonna be in Malibu?" Julieanne asked him.

"It's a long story," Luke said. Aaron looked at Julieanne and then at Luke.

"Why don't you give us the cliff notes," Aaron said. Luke took a deep breath.

"As you know I am from Malibu,' Luke began. "While there I became friends with Matt and...Seth."

"Oh my god," Julieanne said. "Why didn't you tell one of us this before."

"Because I didn't want you to blame me for what happened to Dane," Luke said. Julieanne folded her arms.

"Why is Seth so fascinated with Dane?" She asked him.

"I thought in the beginning it was to get back at me for leaving," Luke explained. "You see, The reason I left Malibu was because I fell in love with Matt and Seth found out. Rather than to admit I loved Matt, I ran away to Harmony to start over. I thought that was what fueled Seth but it's a whole lot more. He is in lust over Dane."

"Lust?" Aaron asked him. "God, everyone here is gay."

"Look, we have to find Dane or else he maybe dead," Luke said to them. Julieanne's phone rung.

"It's Mikey," She said looking at the caller id.

"Mikey?" Luke asked Aaron. Aaron sighed.

"Long story short, Mikey busted out of camp," He explained.

"Oh," Luke said with a nod.

"I thought you were mad at me for being pregnant," she said to him. Mikey sighed.

"I am not mad about that baby," He said to her. "But look, I need to tell you something."

"Make it quick," She said to him. "We are trying to find out what happened to Dane."

"Dane is here," Mikey said to her. Julieanne was confused.

"Here? Where is here, Mikey?" She asked confused.

"This warehouse here in town," He explained. "Look, Seth has him and he has something in store for Dane and he..." Julieanne heard Mikey scream out in pain and heard some muffled voices in the background.

"Julieanne?" A voice asked. "Julieanne, this is Seth."

"What did you do to Mikey?" She demanded.

"He is fine," Seth said looking down at an unconscious Mikey. "For now. But I need to speak with Luke. I have a feeling he is with you." Julieanne turned and gave the phone to Luke.

"Hello," Luke said. Seth laughed.

"Hello Lucas," He said to him. "How's it hanging."

"Where the hell are you?" Luke asked. "Where is Dane?"

"Dane is here with me," Seth said. "But I need you to do something for me."

"I won't do shit for you," Luke said turning to see Julieanne crying on Aaron's shoulder.

"Not even to save Dane's precious life?" Seth asked him. Luke sighed.

"What is it?" Luke asked him.

"I need you to Bring Anthony and Chris back to the apartment where the three of you will be picked up by some guys," Seth said. "And if I so much as suspect the police are involved I will blow Dane's brains out. Are we clear?"

"Crystal," Luke said disconnecting the call. "I gotta go guys."

"Go? Where?" Aaron asked him. Luke shook his head. "Luke, what the fuck is going on?"

"I just gotta go," Luke said turning towards the steps. "The best bet is to stay away from here."

"Luke, please save Mikey," Julieanne said to him. He nodded and rushed down the stairs. ******************************************************************

Mikey opened his eyes to find himself chained to the wall beside me.

"You're awake," I said to him. "Looks like I got company."

"I tried to get Julieanne to leave but Seth stopped me before I could tell her," Mikey said putting his head on his knees.

"Well, he doesn't won't Julieanne I don't think," I said to him. "This is about me and something about Luke. I just don't know what."

"Yeah," Mikey said looking at me. "Dane...I...."

"Yeah, I know," I said knowing what he was about to say. "You freaked like most people probably would. Only they probably wouldn't have put me in a coma." He looked at me and then kissed me on the lips. "Mikey, what the hell are you doing?"

"I wanted to see if you could just be gay at a whim," He said with a shrug. "That did nothing for me. I bet it did something for you."

"Yeah," I said. "You're breath smells like ass."

"Oh, you got jokes," He said to me. We laughed at that. The Mikey I knew was back. "So you and Anthony, huh? That's gonna be weird but I think you kinda complete each other."

"Maybe," I said to him. "But Anthony is still with Nicole. And I am with Chris. I think." "Wait, if Anthony is gay then why is he with Nicole?" Mikey asked confused. "Because Nicole claims she is pregnant," I said to him. He looked at me. "I'm sorry man," He said to me. "I can tell you really care a lot about Anthony." 'I love him," I thought to myself. ****************************************************************************** **** Luke walked into the hospital. He had gotten in touch with Anthony who was waiting in a lobby. "Why are you in a hospital?" Luke asked him. "Trey Evans got shot not to long ago," Anthony said. "So what was so important that you couldn't tell me over the phone." "Dane is in trouble," Luke said to him. Anthony face contorted into fear and worry at the same time. "What kinda trouble?" He asked hesitantly. "Seth trouble," Luke said. "We need to go. We need to find Chris before we go." "I don't think Chris is gonna go anywhere right now," Anthony said. "We can find Dane without him." "No, Seth said that I was to bring you and Chris back to the apartment and we were gonna be transported to where they are gonna keep Dane," Luke said as Chris walked up with Nicole. "Keep Dane? Where is Dane?" Chris asked as he sipped on a soda he got from the cafeteria. "Dane is...Seth has him," Luke said with a sigh. Nicole covered her mouth. "Oh my god," She said and Anthony flashed her a look of disdain. "Don't even act like you care," Anthony said with disgust apparent in his eyes. "We have to go so we can save Dane," Luke said. "You, Anthony and I together." "But...I can't...Trey might wake up," Chris said torn between his brother and his boyfriend. "And Dane might be raped and killed," Anthony said jumping up. "I have hurt Dane way to much and I am gonna stop doing that. Apparently, you don't love him as much as I do. But we are gonna go get Dane with or without you." Anthony walked down the hall towards the elevator with Luke following behind him. "That was a little harsh," Luke said to him. Anthony shrugged. "By the way, I have something I gotta tell you." The elevator opened and they stepped inside. "Hold the elevator," Chris said rushing towards the door. Luke held it for him. "Thanks." "All three guys who are in love with Dane in one elevator," Luke thought to himself. "How cliché." "By the way, I love Dane more than you do," Chris said to Anthony. "Maybe," Anthony said. "But it only matters who Dane loves more." ************************************************************************* "Aaron, Luke said we should stay away from the apartment," Julieanne said to him as they were at Mary's with Rusty. "Yeah, we as in you and I," Aaron said. "I, however, am going to go see if I can help get my friend back." "The same friend you turned your back on because you found out he was gay?" Mary asked him. All three of them looked at her, "Well, it's true." "Well, I am gonna head down there," Aaron said heading to the door. Rusty jumped up. "I am coming too," He said opening the door. Aaron opened his mouth but Rusty opened the door. "I guess he is coming too," He said shutting the door behind him. ****************************************************************** "Whoa you knew this shit about Seth and you didn't tell us?" Anthony asked as they got out the car. "Because I--I was scared," Luke said heading up the stairs. "SO basically because you didn't tell anyone about your connection with Seth you basically helped put the nails in Dane's coffin?" Chris asked him. Luke couldn't respond because three thugs that Chris recognized stood in front of the apartment. "Shit." "Chris. Anthony, and Luke so nice of you to join us," Brent said to all three. "Where is Dane?" Anthony asked them. "We will take you to him," Brent said pulling out a gun. "Now, turn around and walk down the steps and wait beside a white van like good little boys or we will shoot you." They turned around and walked down the steps of the apartment. Aaron and Rusty climbed out of the car just as they all came down the stairs. "Fuck, he has a gun," Aaron said. "Great eye, Sherlock," Rusty said sarcastically. "You two must be Aaron and Rusty," Brent said. "We have been researching Dane and his friends. Don't worry we have room for you two in the van as well. Hop on in." "I don't think so," Anthony said turning around to try and knock the gun out of Brent's hands. "Big mistake," Brent said as he pushed Anthony. He pistol-whipped him and Anthony fell to the ground. "Now get the fuck in before I shoot you all." ****************************************************************** "Let go of me," I said as I tried to fight the two guards as they drug me out of the warehouse. Seth stayed in the warehouse with Mikey as he untied him. "Where the hell are you taking him?" Mikey demanded. "They are prepping Dane to play the shadow games," Seth said to him. "You and the others are gonna watch. If Dane makes it to the end of the trail we will let you all go. If not, we have something very bad in store. Made especially for Dane Martinez himself." "You're fucking sick," Mikey said to him as the guards helped him. "Maybe," Seth said. "But most people call me a Sociopath. Take him up to the top floor so he can see what is gonna happen." "Move," The boy said as he drug a struggling Mikey out the warehouse. Mikey broke free and ran up the stairs only to see fourteen other guys there along with his friends. "Mikey?" Anthony asked shocked. "How the fuck did you get here." "Long story but Dane is in serious trouble," Mikey said looking around at the thugs, "Where is he?" Luke asked Seth. "We are all here. So where is Dane?" "Right there," Seth said turning on a television. "What the fuck is going on?" Chris asked as they all saw me standing at the entrance of the woods. "Boys, you are about to see Dane play the shadow games," Seth said to them. "If Dane makes it through the forest, you all get to leave without any trouble. If Dane doesn't make it, He will die a very painful death." "Oh my god," Rusty said looking around. "In three..." Seth began to count. "Seth don't," Luke said hoping to stop this. "Two..." Seth counted again. "Seth!" Luke yelled. "One...Go!" Seth said flashing a sick smile at the boys who watched helpless as I ran into the forest. ****************************************************************** I ducked to miss a branch I almost ran into. They gave me a head start and I didn't hear if anyone was following me or not. I was weak. I was hungry, I had to pee. "Oh," I said as I tripped over a log. I jumped up. I noticed there was cameras all around the forest. They are fucking videotaping this. "Fucking psychos."

A bullet narrowly passed my head. I stopped for a second to hear a truck coming from my left. They were shooting at me. I should've known it couldn't be this easy to escape. Bullets shot around me as I ran. I can see what look like the end of the forest. I could see what looked like town lights. "I am gonna make it," I said to myself as I got closer and closer. I was about five yards away when I felt something sharp hit me in my back. I stopped and felt blood running down my back. I fell to the ground as another hit me in the back. This can't be how it ends. My eyes closed. ********************************************************** "Did he...Is he?" Anthony couldn't form the words. They were all silent. "He was shot," Rusty said. "Twice?" "Fuck," Luke said breaking down in tears. Aaron and Mikey were speechless. Seth busted out laughing, Luke walked up to him and punched him in the face. Some of the thugs made a move to grab Luke but Seth put his hands up. "What the fuck are you laughing at?" He demanded. "You just shot Dane." "Because the fun is not over yet," Seth said and they looked up at the television to see Brent drag my unconscious body towards what look like a... "Is that a grave?" Mikey asked Aaron. "Shit," Anthony said realizing what is going on. ********************************************************** I opened my eyes. It was dark. I felt cramped for some reason. "Where the hell am I?" I asked myself. A sharp pain in my side brought me back. "They shot me. I am gonna die." I tried to sit up but my head hit wood. "What the fu..." I felt around me. My sides. I was in a coffin... "No...No." I heard dirt falling on top of the coffin. "No! NO! NO! NO!" I pounded on the top of the coffin, They were burying me alive.... ********************************************************** Find out what is gonna happen. Will Dane make it out of the coffin? If he does, will he survive his wounds? What else does Seth have in store for Aaron, Anthony, Chris, Mikey, Luke, and Rusty? Some in Harmony will die. Who will it be?

Falcon Eyes season two, "Dark Angel", is coming soon.

Also, The title "Sinners in the hands of an Angry god" comes from a puritan speech. Go figure. LOL.

Next: Chapter 19

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