Falcon Eyes

By moc.loa@L9yK

Published on Feb 19, 2023


Episode Fourteen: Love's Bitch

Life is really odd. Mr. Popular, who had everything, has become Mr. Unpopular. Mr. Unpopular, who wanted everything, has replaced him and became Mr. Popular. And what about Mrs. Popular? She's fine with Mr. Unpopular. School is going to be interesting now.... Luke watched as Matt walked towards his car. He could tell something was up. "What's wrong, Dude?" He asked him as Matt climbed inside. "Nothing," Matt lied. Luke sighed. "Matt, I have known you for awhile and I can tell when something is up," Luke said. "Just tell me." Matt sighed deeply and looked at him. "Seth called." "Oh," Luke said with venom dripping. "What the hell did he want?" "He wanted to see how I was," Matt said. "I told him that I was fine and that he didn't need to worry about you. I told him we worked everything out." "So I take it you are not mad at me for leaving?" Luke asked him. "It hurt but how can I be a teenager without all the angst and heartbreak," Matt said and he really meant it. As long as he was with Luke, he didn't care about the revenge anymore. "So true," Luke said with a laugh. "I just regret the things I did out of Anger," Matt said. "I helped Seth rape Dane. Twice." "We all make mistakes," Luke said. "I am the King of mistakes. I should know." "Anyway, Seth said that he didn't need me anymore and he had something in store for me when he returned," Matt said. "He threatened you?" Luke asked him. "I'm gonna.... We got to go to the police, Matt. Stop him before he hurts someone else." "And we both know Seth want stop until he gets me in Jail with him," Matt said with a sigh. "We are just gonna have to see how this plays out." Anthony felt self-conscious as he sat in his first period class. People were staring and whispering about him. "I gotta get out of here," Anthony said reaching to grab his bag. Nicole looked up from doing her nails. "Ant, you did this to yourself," She said to him. "You had to be gay but you are complaining about it. Why is that?" "Because I never intended to come out this way," Anthony said. "I never intended to come out period." "So you wanted me to stay in the Dark while you thought about fucking guys?" She asked him. She was overlooking the fact that he was gay because she thought she had the power to change him. But now Anthony was pissing her off. "Nicole, I...I don't know okay," He said to her. "Let me ask you a question?" She asked waving her hand to dry the polish. "Who are you in Love with Most? Dane or me?" "Well..." Anthony said not sure of how to answer. Be honest and Nicole gets pissed. Lie and she knows he is lying and she stills gets pissed. "Dane." "Hmmm," Nicole said thoughtfully. She would have to change that or at the very least prevent me from dating him. "Well, Anyway, I am gonna be staying after school today." "For what?" Anthony asked her. "I have practice," Nicole said and Anthony flashed her a challenging look. "Practice? Nic, you're pregnant," He said exasperated. "We need to be going to the Doctor?" "No," Nicole said. "I told you I can go to the doctor without you. I don't need your help to deliver this baby. I just need you to be there afterwards." "I just...." Anthony began but Nicole cut him off. "No, you just need to be there when I need you," She said to him. "And you need to begin focusing on Baseball." "Nic, with everything going on, how can I focus on baseball?" He asked her. "Well, with the school shootings and stuff, we forfeited the season so we need to get the championship for baseball," Nicole said. "Ant, you are too talented not to try out for baseball." "Maybe," Anthony said with a sigh. "I guess I can try out." "You better try out," Nicole said kissing on the cheek more for show than affection. "Mom, why the hell didn't you wake me up?" I asked as I stormed down the steps. "Dane, language," She said as I walked into the living room. Mom, Terry, and Salina sat with an older couple with a boy who looked to be my age. "Um...Hello," I said embarrassed at my scene. The lady smiled. "I take it you are Dane," The man said shaking my hand. I smiled and nodded. "Dane, these are my parents Lynn and Walker Davis," Terry said. "And my brother, Ryan." "Oh, Nice to meet you all," I said flashing a fake smile. "Mom...Terry...Can I speak to you two in the kitchen?" "Sure," Mom said as they followed me. I had my back to them as they enter. "What's up honey?" "Why are they here?" I asked them. "Dane, the wedding is soon," Mom said. "You and Salina needed to be introduced to Terry's family." "What for?" I asked. Terry sighed. "Dane, they are my parents and they wanted to meet their step-grandson," He said to me. "Step-grand...For them to call me that...He is not gonna adopt me," I said realizing what is going on. "Or Salina." "Why not?" Mom asked him. "Because Dead or alive we already have a father," I said and pushed past them. "Is everything okay?" Lynn asked. I smiled at her. "I just wanted to go get ready for school," I said making my way for the steps. "Did your mom not tell you?" Walker asked me. "Ryan is gonna be starting today at the school." "Really?" I asked strained. Something hit me as my mom and Terry walked out the kitchen. "If you're going to school, hurry up so I can drop your sister off," Mom said to me. I looked at them both. "Oh, he is definitely not adopting me," I said. "If he does then that would make Ryan my uncle." "I just can't believe he is gay," Aaron said to Julieanne as she was walking down the hall. "And Anthony is too..." "Aaron..." She began but he continued talking. "And To think I have had sleepovers with him where he probably made some kinda gay advance that I didn't catch," He said. "Aaron..." "I mean I am hot but I am hot for the ladies," He said. "For the Kitty cat." "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Julieanne said shocking Aaron as well other students. She sighed and walked outside. "Julieanne wait," He said going after her. She was going home. She needed to get away from stress. That meant get away from Aaron and his "problems". "Julieanne." "Leave me alone," She said missing the bottom step and tripping. "See why we shouldn't try a dramatic storm off," Aaron said making a joke. Julieanne, however, wasn't laughing as she fell on her stomach. "Oh my god," She said tears streaming down her eyes. She rushed to her car leaving a stunned Aaron watching. "The only reason to be queer is not having to deal with periods," Aaron said and then thought about it. "Nah!" "They are still together," Trey said as he and Chris watched Nicole and Anthony at the table across from theirs. "God, she'd still want him even if he was gay...Wait, that is what is happening. "Trey..." Chris said not knowing what to say. "I'm sorry," he said. "Sarcasm is what is helping me through. On the other side, at least one of the Evan's boys are in love." "Yeah, I am," Chris said with a smile. Trey had never seen his brother so happy. "But..." "But what?" Trey asked him. Chris sighed. "I mean is it possible for someone to be with you when they are in love with someone else?" He asked. Trey pointed at Anthony and Nicole. "That answers your question," He said and Chris flashed him an apologetic look. "Sorry," He said as I came by and punched him in the shoulder. "Hey dude." "Hey," I said sitting beside Trey. "And what is Mr. Sexy and his brother talking about today?" "Aw, thanks," Trey said and we laughed. "We are talking about when gay guys are forced to come out but they still get the girl they don't want." I glanced at Anthony and Nicole. They seemed happy. "Oh, you like Nicole?" I asked him. "Does she know you like her?" "She should after all I have been..." Trey began but Chris cut him off. "Dane, you should go get some lunch," He said to me. "Oh yeah," I said getting up to head to the line. I was hungry. "Why did you cut me off?" Trey demanded. Chris sighed. "Dude, I love Dane and all, but you almost sold your soul to the devil," He said and Trey flashed a sheepish grin. "As far as I can tell Ms. Greer, everything is fine," Dr. McKinley said. Julieanne smiled happily. "Thank god," She said rubbing her stomach. "I will be a lot more careful." "You are gonna be a great mother," McKinley said with a smile. "So does the father know?" "Um...Not exactly," Julieanne said hesitantly. "He is kinda Um...locked up." "Oh," McKinley said with a nod. "Well, is there anything else you need to ask me?" "Nope," Julieanne said gathering her things. "I should get back to school soon. I have cheerleading practice this afternoon." "Cheer.... Julieanne, I thought you understood the severity of being careful while pregnant," She said shocked. Julieanne turned back around. "I will be careful," Julieanne said with a small smile. "Dane!" A voice called out to me. I turned to see Anthony running up to me. I sighed loudly. "What is it?" I asked him folding my arms. "I just wanted to say hey," He said out of breath. "Why?" I asked him. I know I was being an ass but he deserved it. "Because...I missed talking to you," He said sadly. "I don't think Chris would like to see the two of us talking," I said and his face got mad. "You're with Chris?" He demanded. I looked around. "Lower you damn voice," I said to him. "I don't want everyone to talk about me the way they do you." Anthony looked hurt. "Do you even like Chris?" He asked me. "Do you even like Nicole anymore?" I asked him. He didn't say anything. "Didn't think so." "Dane," He called out as I turned to leave. "She's...She is pregnant." "What?" I asked him. "She's pregnant?" HE nodded. "That's why I got back with her," Anthony said. "I am catholic and I believe that both parents should raise the kid together." "Oh, that is a load of bull," I said with a scoff. "That bitch is not pregnant. I am more pregnant than she is." "Dane..." He began but I threw my hand up and walked off. I walked right into Luke. "Hey, what' s up?" He asked me. "The sky," I said pushing past him. He looked at me and then Anthony. "Trouble in paradise?" Luke teased. Anthony rolled his eyes. *************************************************************** Nicole checked her hair while Trey zipped up. "That was amazing," She said with a smile. "You must have taken more tips from that porno." "We gotta talk," Trey said and Nicole applied some lip-gloss. "Trey, cheerleading practice is about to start," She said and Trey growled. "Nicole, I love you," He said and Nicole turned around. "I love Anthony, Trey," She said trying to grasp the situation. "I thought you understood that this was purely physical." "That's just it," Trey said. "I don't want you to love Anthony. I don't want this to be purely physical. I want this to be more." "Well, Trey, there is only so much a girl who is not in love with you can give you," Nicole said. "And Trust me, I have given you all I can." "Why the hell are you still dating a gay guy?" Trey asked her. "I mean that is just wrong. On so many levels." "Because I can make not be gay," She said. "Apparently, I forgot to do something right so I am gonna figure out what I did wrong and fix it. Till then...I have you." "Nic, you can't make him straight if he isn't," Trey said. Nicole sighed aggravated. "And you can't make me love you if I don't," She said to him. "I am gonna tell Anthony," Trey said walking to the door of the empty classroom. "You wouldn't," She said getting nervous. Trey turned around and folded his arms. "And why wouldn't I?" He asked her. "Fine tell him," She said and Trey looked at her shocked. "Tell him. He will either A) not believe you and beat your ass or B) believe you and still beat your ass." "Oh my god," Trey said covering his face. Nicole walked over and kissed him on the cheek. "Don't try to fuck this bitch over," She said in his ear. "Unless you are making scream, of course." ****************************************************************** "Dude, can you believe Squillini is gay?" A guy asked Aaron as they sat in the bleachers waiting for the coach out. "He's not the only one," Aaron muttered as I made my way over to bleachers. "Hey guys," I said taking a seat in front of Aaron. "Hey," Everyone said except for Aaron. I flashed him a confused look. I never could understand why he could be happy one week and all weird the next. "Dane, you're not gonna faint during the game this season?" Aaron asked me. Everyone figured he was playing but I could tell something was wrong. "Can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked him. He sighed and followed me. "What the hell is your problem?" I asked him. "Why would you throw something like that in my face?" "Gee, I don't know," Aaron said. "Maybe cuz you're gay?" My heart skipped a beat. "What?" I asked confused. "Don't try and deny it," He said. "Nicole told me all about how they suspected you were gay and trying to get with Anthony." "Okay, so what are you gonna do?" I asked him getting irritated. "Beat my ass up like Mikey did Anthony?" "I really want to," He said. "I should beat your ass because who knows? You might've tried something all those times we had sleepovers." "Trust me," I said to him. "I've seen your dick. You aint gotta worry about me trying anything." "Too bad you couldn't have died while in that coma or when you were trapped in the snow," He said. "There would be one less fag around." That really hurt my feelings. "Fuck you," I said as he walked off. "Dane?" Rusty asked me as he past Aaron. He could tell something was up. "Everything okay?" "No," I said looking straight ahead. "Far from it." ****************************************************************** Julieanne and Nicole stretched as they waited for all the girls to come in for practice. "Julieanne, why are you here?" Nicole asked her. Julieanne smiled. "Because I am CO-captain," She said with a scoff. "Jules, you are pregnant," Nicole said. She was concerned for her friend. "What's your point?" Julieanne asked losing interest in the conversation. "My point is that you should be taking it easy," Nicole said folding her arms. "You need to worry about the safety of your baby." "You need to stay the hell out of my business," Julieanne said standing up. Nicole was shocked. Julieanne rarely talked like that to anyone. "As captain, I feel obligated to suspend you from the team," Nicole said. If Julieanne wasn't gonna use her head, she'd have to." "And as a moral human being, I feel that I have to tell Anthony you're not pregnant," She said and Nicole shook her head. "Let's not play this game, Nic. Because I won't lose." "Julieanne...."Nicole said worriedly. Julieanne just smiled. "Girls, let's get practice started," She said leaving a stunned Nicole. ****************************************************************** "So Dane, I heard you had a rough year," Lynn said as we sat down for dinner. "Wow, I guess everyone is telling my business today, huh?" I asked. "As a matter of fact, Lynn, I did. First, I had to come to grips with the death of my father. I went into a coma for that. Luckily, I awoke from that. Next, I got drugged at a party and almost raped. I kinda spiraled into a breakdown only to befriend the guy who tried to rape me after being held hostage inside of my school. While on a field trip, I got raped by that guy and then got caught in an avalanche. I came out of that only to have my heartbroken by a guy I like. Yea, I am gay. Then while trying to help him out, I am placed in yet another coma only to awaken to find him dating the girl who claims she is pregnant and have my best friend hate me because I am gay. Does that answer your question?" "Was all that necessary?" Terry asked sternly. I looked at him. "Don't even get me started on the reason why I think this marriage is a bad idea," I said to him. "Trust me, I rather my mom marry Bin laden than this Jackass over here." "Dane," Mom scolded. I looked at her. "Oh, shut up, Mom," I said standing up. "You are to caught up in this piece of shit that you are screwing to figure out what is going on in your kids lives. Terry must be fucking you good mom." "That's enough," Terry bellowed out. I looked at him amused. "What makes you think you can tell me what to do?" I asked him. "You are not my father." "Yet," He said to me. "But I am you're mother," Mom said getting up. "And I say go to you're room." "Go to hell," I spat out. My mom was betraying my dad. "That's it," Terry said grabbing my arm. "Let go of me," I said punching across the face. Mom, Salina, and Lynn gasped. I punched the hell out of him again and again. I guess all the pain I was feeling was finally being unleashed. Unfortunately, on terry. Then, I stopped. I realized I had lost control. I looked into the eyes of my family and my soon to be family. There was anger. Disappointment. I couldn't stay here anymore. I rushed upstairs to grab somethings. I had to get out of here. "Dane," Salina said to me. "Dane!" "What?" I asked trying to fight back the tears. "Don't go," She said grabbing my arm. You would think after what happened she would have learned. "I can't stay here," I said hugging her tightly. "Not if she insists on marrying that man." "She loves him, Dane," Salina said sadly. "Then I have to go," I said grabbing my cellphone and bag. I pushed past her and made my way down the steps. "If you leave this house, don't ever come back," Mom said from in front of the door. "Fine," I said pushing past her. She gasped. She hadn't been serious. We both knew that. But she realized she had finally pushed her son away from her. ****************************************************************** "So I had fun tonight," Luke said as he drove in his car with Matt. "Just the two of us at the movies." "Yeah, it was nice," Matt said snuggling close to his boyfriend. "Especially the part where we got bad in the back of the movie theater." "I think we are the first people to make out to "Hoodwinked," Luke said with a laugh. "Maybe," Matt said. "But I think we added some flavor to the movie." "Hey," Luke said slowing down. "Isn't that Dane?" "Huh?" Matt asked looking out the window. "Yeah, it is." "Dane?" Luke called out the window. I turned around. "Oh thank god," I said with a sigh. "Some man thought I was a prostitute. I thought he came back to kidnap me." "Just us," Matt said. "Where are you headed to with that bag?" "I...Um...Kinda got kicked out of the house," I said still walking. "What happened?" Luke asked. I smiled sheepishly. "I kinda beat Terry up," I said and Luke almost wrecked. "Dane...Well, where are you gonna stay?" He asked shocked. "Don't know," I said. Luke looked at Matt who knew what he was thinking. "Please," Luke mouthed. Matt sighed. "You can stay at my apartment," Matt said and I stopped walking. "As long as you need to." "I rather not stay with the guy who is friends with the guy who raped me," I said and Matt climbed out of the car. "Dane, I am trying to move past that," He said to me. "Just let me help you." I looked into his eyes. I really did not know where to go. "Fine," I said walking back to the car. ****************************************************************** 'What are you so giddy about?" Anthony asked Chris who stood watching me with a big smile on his face as I stood at my locker. "Just watch," Chris said making this whole thing sweeter. Anthony watched as I opened my locker. It was decorated with hearts and candy and a teddy bear. "See I can treat him better than you ever could." Anthony's blood boiled. "He will see you for the ass you really are," He said. "Eventually." "Don't be mad at me for getting Dane," Chris said as I walked over to him. "Thanks babe," I said as I opened the box of chocolates. "Hey Dane can I talk to you for a sec?" Anthony asked me. Chris stepped in between us. "He doesn't need to be bothered by you," Chris said pushing him. Anthony pushed him back. "Okay, last time I tried to break a fight up I got knocked unconscious," I Said to myself. "So I am gonna take a step back." "Anthony!" Nicole called out as she headed towards us. We all sighed. "Yeah Babe?" Anthony asked wrapping her hands around her waist. "Please tell me you are not bothering Dane and Chris," She said to him. "It's not their fault you are in love with Dane and Dane isn't in love with you. That we know of anyway." She flashed me a look that made me feel uncomfortable. "Nic, congratulations," I said pushing Chris behind me. "I heard about the baby. How many months are you?" "How the hell I am suppose to know?" She asked pulling Anthony along with her. I knew the bitch was lying. I would help Anthony out but I really don't like him at the moment. "I hate him," Chris said to me. "I hate her," I said and Chris flashed me a curious look. *************************************************************** "This is better than that Birthday where I got $5000," Matt said as he and Luke sat in the apartment feeding each other chocolates. "Why? Because I have my boyfriend." "Aw, I am worth more than $5000?" Luke asked him. "All the money in the world can't come close to how much you are worth to me," Matt said kissing him. "Thanks for making this the best Valentine's day and Birthday I ever had." "You're welcome," Luke said kissing him. They got up and made their way to the couch. They were so busy kissing that they didn't hear the door unlocking. "Sexy," Chris muttered as we were trying to win the battle of tongues. "Oh my god," Matt said shooting up. All four of us looked at one another. Chris and Me with my half open shirt and his unzipped pants and an equally guilty Matt and Luke. "I thought you had Baseball practice today?" Luke asked me. "Coach wanted to spend the day with his wife," I said still shocked at the scene I saw before me. "I thought you were tired and wanted to go home." "Well...I.... You and Chris are together?" Luke demanded getting up off the couch. "You and Matt are together?" I countered back. Luke and I stared each other down. "Huh?" Chris said looking at the two of us. He looked over at Matt. "I don't think we've met. I am Chris." "Matt," he said shaking Chris' hand. "Why didn't you tell me you were gay?" I asked Luke. "I could ask you the same thing," Luke said folding his arms. He was hurt. If he had known I was gay, he would have made his move on me. "With all that happened this year I..." I began but he cut me off. "Stop putting your issues into every little thing," Luke said. "God, you of all people are gay? And you are with Chris? I would have so figured you to get with Anthony. I'd see Seth before I'd see you with Chris." "Hey," Chris said hurt. "Luke, what is your problem?" I asked him. "The only problem I have is that you are with someone who doesn't even deserve to have you," Luke said grabbing his coat. "I'm sorry...I just got to go." He rushed out. "Luke wait," Matt said rushing off after him. "I hope this doesn't mean I am evicted," I said to Chris. "I can't believe he is acting weird like this. I mean I never expected him to be gay or even remotely interested in Matt. But I guess opposites attract. I just wish I knew what his problem was." "I think I know," Chris said to himself as he hugged me. "Looks like Squillini isn't the only one who likes you Dane." *************************************************************** Nicole sat in the bleachers while she watched Julieanne go over to routine with the girls. "This isn't right," She said and Anthony looked up from a sports magazine. "She did something wrong?" He asked her. Nicole sighed. "Okay, I have to tell you something," She said turning to him. "I found out that Julieanne is pregnant." "WHAT?" Anthony asked loudly. Julieanne looked over at the two suspiciously. "Shut up," Nicole hissed flashing a nervous smile at the other girls. "Sorry," Anthony said. "But pregnant? Julieanne? She always seemed so responsible." "So since I am pregnant that means I am not responsible?" Nicole asked him. "Well, I mean, you won't even let me go with you to the doctor," Anthony said with a shrug. "Besides...I could see you getting pregnant before I'd even suggest she was." "Whoa," Nicole said shocked. "Wait...you just called me a slut on the sly." "No, I didn't," Anthony said. "All I said was that I would see you getting pregnant before I'd see Julieanne." "Oh my god," Nicole said storming off. Anthony sat and thought about it. "Wait that did come out wrong" He said to himself. "Nicole!" He rushed out the exit. The halls were empty. Where the hell was she? He walked out the exit and saw Aaron and some boys hanging around. "Look, it's the fag," Aaron said to the boys and they all laughed. Anthony balled his fist up but counted to himself. "What can we help you with? Not our dicks I hope." "Since when did you start hanging out with what Society would consider reasons why you should have an abortion, Aaron?" Anthony asked him. The boys thought about it for a second. "Hey, that faggot just insulted us," One of the boys said taking a step towards Anthony. Aaron held his hand out. "Someone has been hanging around the other faggot, Dane, for to long," Aaron said. "I see that he is rubbing off on you. He's queer and so are you. So apparently something rubbed off." "What does that say about you then?" Anthony retorted. Aaron went red. He rushed to punch Anthony but a girl busted out of the door. "Julieanne injured herself," She said to them. "Nicole, told me to find you, Anthony. She is screaming murder." "Shit," Anthony said rushing past the girl. Aaron was right behind him. "Why do I have the feeling you know what's going on here?" Aaron asked him. "I wouldn't want you to get the fag germs," Anthony said as they walked into the gym. Julieanne lay on the floor crying. Nicole was trying to console her. "Why the hell did you tell them I was pregnant?" Julieanne screamed pushing her away. "They wanted to know why you were so hysterical, Jules," Nicole said. "What's going on?" Aaron asked Nicole. Nicole was at a loss for words. "I might as well tell you," Julieanne said to him. "I am pregnant." "What the fuck," Aaron said taking a step back. EMS rushed in with a stretcher. "God...this is unbelievable.... Mikey is the father, right? Please tell me he is the father." "I'm pregnant, Aaron," She said. "Not a slut like Nicole." "Julieanne that's enough," Nicole said to her. "Let's not say something you will regret." "Why? Julieanne asked. "You are a slut. A whore. A tramp. A bitch. You are a dick addict. I could go on but I am in too much pain. I may lose my baby." Nicole stood stunned as they wheeled her on out the gym. Aaron and Anthony followed. "That was a little harsh, don't you think?" Anthony asked Julieanne as they headed outside. She sighed. "Not as much as what she is doing to you, Anthony," She said. "Wait stop," Anthony said before the EMS workers could put her in the back of the ambulance. "What are you talking about?" "Everyone knows you're gay," Julieanne said. "So why is she so insistent on keeping you as her boyfriend? Make her take a pregnancy test. That's all I have to say." Anthony watched as they put her in the back. Aaron climbed in. "You okay? "Nicole asked as she walked over to Anthony. He was still reeling from what Julieanne had said. He was gay. So why was she trying to keep him? Not for some baby. "Make her take a pregnancy test," Julieanne's words echoed in his head. "Anthony, are you okay?" Nicole asked him. He turned and looked at her and flashed her a smile. "I'm fine baby," He said to her. *************************************************************** "Luke, do you still love Dane?" Matt asked him as they drove to the hospital. Aaron had called them and told them to head to the hospital. "Damn it, Matt," Luke said angrily. "Why are you talking about this when Julieanne could be dead?" "Julieanne isn't Dead," Matt said with a sigh. "I heard in the background talking to EMS. Now stop deflecting. Do you still love Dane?" "Does it matter?" Luke asked him. Matt sighed loudly. "When it means that you are toying with my emotions yes the hell it does," Matt said. "Why does it matter Matt? I mean you blackmailed me into getting with you in the first place," Luke said. "Why would you care if I loved Dane still if you are gonna blackmail me into getting with you in the first place, Matt?" "I did that because I love you Luke," Matt said to him. He looked down. Matt started sniffling. "I am just tired of being hurt by you, Luke." "I am not trying to hurt you, Matt," Luke said with a sigh. "I am not in love with Dane." "Then why does Chris and Dane's relationship bother you?" Matt asked him. "I don't know," Luke yelled. "I just...I don't know. Maybe I still have feelings for Dane. But I don't want Dane because I want you." "You do?" Matt asked him. Luke took one hand off the wheel and grabbed Matt's hand. "I do," Luke said kissing it. *************************************************************** "Pregnant?" I asked Julieanne as Chris and I sat in the room with her. Aaron left when I came. "Well, I was," She sadly. "I was overdoing it. Trying to stay normal and...Now I may not even be pregnant." "Do you know when Mikey is getting out?" Chris asked her. Julieanne shook her head. "It depends on how he does in the program," She said fighting the tears. "It could be one week it can be one year." "Speaking of Mikey, I got this card from him," I said reaching into my hoodie. "I had stopped by your house to see were you there before you had called me and I saw it on the porch." "He sent me a card?" She asked him. "Lemme see it. Lemme see it." She snatched it out my hand and read it. "What's it say?" Chris asked her. I hit him on the shoulder. "Nosy," I said with a smile. "So what does it say?" "He loves me, Happy Valentine's day, and that he is sorry for putting me through all this," She said handing the card to Chris to place it on the table beside her bed. "He told me to tell you he is sorry." "Trust me," I said with a scoff. "If I have not forgave the guy who raped me, I seriously doubt that I will forgive the boy who put me in a coma. But Jules...I know we have had a rocky year but you do know that I am here for you right? I will baby-sit if you need me too." "Me too," Chris said grabbing her hand. "Let's hope there is a baby for you to baby-sit," She said sadly. Luke walked in followed with Matt. "Hey, I heard about the situation," Luke said sympathetically. "I had no idea that you were pregnant." "No one did," Julieanne said. "I just...I want this baby. This baby could bring me and Mikey closer together." "Julieanne, don't use this baby as a mean to save a relationship that has gone south," I said to her. "If it is meant to be with you and him, then let it be. Don't use your baby as a bargaining chip." "Yeah," She said with a sigh. "So I heard that there was some drama between you four." "Yeah, about that, I'm Sorry, Dane," Luke said with a sigh. "And Chris. I just...I need to have a little getaway from Harmony for awhile. So Matt and I are gonna take a trip back to Malibu. I need to face some demons." "You're not the only one," Chris said suddenly. "I have some demons I need to face. So I think I need to go home as well." "Demons?" Matt asked. "What is this Charmed?" "Oh, if it is, I want to be that chick that blows stuff up," I said to them. "That bitch is bad." *************************************************************** Aaron walked towards his car. He needed to for a drive. Julieanne was pregnant. Two of his best friends were gay. One in the closet the other one out. His other was in boot camp. This was way too much for one boy to handle in a week's worth of time. He was about to open his door but he heard what sounded like Nicole and Trey. "...I love you, Nicole," Trey said to her. "And I will continue to be what you want me to be. Even if I am just your fuck buddy." "Aaron," Nicole said with a gasp. Trey turned around. "Oh shit," Aaron said turning to leave. "Please don't tell Anthony," Nicole said nervously. Aaron looked from Nicole to Trey. "This is way to much for me to handle," He said turning and heading to his car. Nicole and Trey stared at one another unsure of what was gonna happening. *************************************************************** Anthony watched Nicole as she walked down the hallway to Julieanne's room. "Hey, sorry it took me so long to get here," Nicole said to him as she kissed him. "I had to wrap things up with Cheerleading and all." "I see," Anthony said. "Um...Nic, we need to talk." "Oh..." Nicole said nervously. Aaron must have called and Told him. "I can explain, Anthony. It's just..." Anthony pulled something from behind his back. "What is that?" "Pregnancy test," Anthony said with a heavy sigh. ***************************************************************

Next: Chapter 17

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