Falcon Eyes

By moc.loa@L9yK

Published on Feb 4, 2023


Episode Thirteen: Running To Stand Still "Time of Death...8:47 p.m." "No," Anthony said running off. Julieanne, not able to stand it any longer, took off too. Carver was ready to cover my body up with a sheet but stopped. "Is he breathing?" On of the nurses checked. "Dear god," She said looking up. "He is breathing." I shot up on top of the cold table. "Am I dead?" I asked looking around. People stood around me. "You were for a second there, young man," Carver said to me. "But you are a fighter." "Where is Anthony?" I asked him. He looked at the others. "Anthony? Who is that?" He asked confused. I tried to climb out off but they stopped me. "Dane, you can't go anywhere. You died for like two minutes there. You need to save your strength." "I need to find Anthony," I said to him. He smiled. "Whatever it is can wait till you are a little better," He said as the other doctors and nurses walked out. "He is gonna kill himself because he thinks I died," I said to him. "My conscience showed me that while I was out. I have to go to him." "Maybe we should keep you hear to make sure you don't have brain damage," He teased. "Conscience. That was funny to me." He walked out leaving me in the room by myself. ********************************************************** Mikey was never too fond for Cops. He thought all cops held themselves above the law. Not to mention Mikey kinda had a track record around the town of Harmony. So cops always recognized him. But Mikey had never been in this much trouble. He had unintentionally injured and maybe even killed one of the people who had once considered a friend. Not to mention he possibly hurt the one person who was his best friend. But how could he be a friend with two gay people? "You might not want to do that here," a guy said beside Mikey. They and about 22 other teens on the bus were headed somewhere. Mikey had no idea where. "Do what?" Mikey asked him confused. "Cry," The guy said. Mikey blushed. He hadn't even realized he had been crying. "You don't want the others to see you cry. You will be their bitch till they get tired of you." "Thanks," Mikey said. "Where are we going?" "Juvenile Detention center in Arizona," The boy said. Mikey looked down. "You must not get in trouble a lot? You look like you are two steps from shittin on yourself." "No...I just want my girlfriend to know I love her," He said. "I wish I had the chance to tell her before I was being shipped away." "Oh," The boy said. "So...What's your name?" "Mikey," He replied. "You?" "Daniel," The boy said. "What are you in here for?" "I found out my best friend Anthony is gay and in love with this guy named Dane and I didn't react well at all," Mikey explained. "Anthony and I got into a fight and Dane got in the way. I pushed him and he hit his head on a brick. That's why I'm here." "Dane? Dane Martinez?" Daniel asked him. Mikey nodded. "Yeah, why?" He asked him. Daniel looked down and then back at Mikey. "Dane is the only person I would call a friend," He said. "I met him at a rape victims meeting. Damn, I can't believe you know Dane. Shit, you might wanna get comfortable here at the camp. Looks like you are gonna be here awhile." "Why are you here?" Mikey asked hoping to get the conversation off him. "Remember when I said I met Dane at a rape victim's meeting?" Daniel asked him. "Yeah," Mikey said. Daniel took a deep breath. "You don't have to tell me...I just was curious to know." "My father was released from Jail after molesting me and when I found out, I went to do what he did to me to him...He has changed a lot," Daniel said. "He found god but I wanted him to remember what he did to me...It was either that or to end it all for myself." "You weren't thinking of the consequences?" Mikey asked him. Daniel smiled a small smile. "I made my choice so I gotta deal with the consequences," Daniel said. "No regrets." "No regrets?" Mikey asked him and thought about his situation for a moment. "Yeah, No regrets." *****************************************************

"Are you sure you okay?" Mom asked me as I lay in bed. I sighed. "I am fine," I said irritably. "God, you took full advantage of me not being able to get up and leave to come and irritate me." "Dane, I am just concerned," She said to me. "Mom, I will be fine," I said to her. "Now go plan your wedding and go marry that man." "Dane..." She said to me. Terry gave me a disapproving look. I was about to respond but Chris walked into the room. "I hope I am not interrupting anything," He said nervously holding a balloon and some flowers. "Actually, this is a family occasion," Mom said. I sighed. "Leave me be please," I said to her. She shook her head and walked out with Terry following behind her. Salina leaned to my face to kiss my cheek. "He is cute," She said and smiled at him as she walked out as well. "How are you?" He asked me. I smiled. "I am good," I said with a small smile. "And I got to die for two minutes or so. That was kinda cool." "You died?" He asked me. "How...does that feel?" "Weird," I said looking down. "Realizing that there is so much stuff that you are leaving behind and unfinished...It makes you wish that you can go back and finish. Thank god I had that chance." "Dane..." Chris said. "I...I need to talk to you." "Can we talk later?" I asked him. "I need your help." "Oh...Sure," He said disappointed. "What do you need me to do? Fix a pillow or get a nurse?" "I need you to help me sneak out of the hospital," I said to him. He stood agape. "Dane, I can get in trouble," He said to me. "It's never stopped you before," I teased as I climbed out the bed. My mom had brought some clothes for me that I was gonna change into. "True," Chris said with a smile. "Oh...by the way, Trey says get well soon." "Thanks," I said as I took the gown off. I stood naked in front of Chris who eyes bulged out. "Oh my bad...I kinda am and exhibitionist and I don't have a problem undressing any and everywhere. I hope I didn't offend you." "Nope," He said eyes trailing my body. "No offenses taken." I smiled and bent down to grab my bag. I had no idea that Chris was indeed checking me out. I had no inclination that he was gay. How was I supposed to know I was teasing him? "I so can not be thinking about Dane like that," Chris thought to himself. "Grandma! Grandma! Grandma!" He tried to will himself not to get excited. "I'm gonna use the bathroom," He said rushing into the bathroom. If he couldn't get it to go down, there is always more than one way. He pulled his pants down and grabbed it in his hand. Five minutes later he was out. "You ready?" I asked him. He nodded at me. "I need to go to Julieanne's first. Apparently, she was here when they thought I died and she thinks I'm dead. Then I have to find Anthony because I fear he may do something stupid." "Fuck Anthony," Chris thought as we walked out of the room. ************************************************************** "What do you mean dead?" Aaron asked Julieanne as they sat in her living room. "He is dead," She said. "I was there when they called the time of Death at 8:47." "Shit," Aaron said to her. "Dane was my best friend. How can he do this to me?" "Dane didn't choose when he wanted to die, Aaron," Julieanne said picking up her photo album. "I am talking about him being gay," Aaron said. Julieanne looked up angrily. "Our friend is Dead and all you can say is that you are pissed because he kept a secret from you?" She asked him. "How childish is that? I mean look how Mikey reacted about Anthony. I can see why he didn't tell you. Why can't you?" "You're right," Aaron said sitting on the couch beside her. He took the album from her. He laughed as he saw the picture from my seventh birthday. "Aww look at us," She said with a smile. "We are the power rangers. I made a cute Pink ranger. I remember you and Dane fought about who could be the green ranger. Dane won and you were the red ranger." "That was fun," Aaron said. "And look at this one. Dane's ninth birthday. The day I found out he was allergic to peanut butter." "How did that happen again?" Julieanne asked him. "I had convinced you and him to go sunbathing using peanut butter," Aaron said. "And when we did it, Dane broke out in hives and had to get rushed to the hospital to get a shot." "I'm gonna miss him," Julieanne said as her doorbell rung. "Who the hell is this at this time of night?" "Maybe it's Dane still alive," Aaron said sadly. Julieanne opened the door to see me and Chris standing there. She screamed and slammed the door. "What is it?" Aaron asked her. Julieanne tried to talk but no words came out. Aaron opened the door. "What the fuck?" He punched me in the nose. "Dude," I said grabbing my nose. Julieanne gasped. "You are supposed to be Dead," She said to me. "I was," I said. "For like a few minutes or so." "Dane," She said hugging me tightly. I smiled at her. "I'm fine," I said to her. I looked at Aaron who looked at me. "Hey man." Aaron looked at me. "I can't do it," He said and walked past us to go outside. Julieanne sighed. "Come sit down," She said to us. I shook my head. "Where is Anthony?" I asked her. "I don't know," She said with a shrug. "I think I might," I said. I turned to Chris. "Can I borrow your truck?" "Yeah," He said tossing me the keys. "Just don't forget we have to talk." "I won't," I said with a smile. "Thanks." I walked out. "You're gonna tell him?" Julieanne asked him. "Yeah," Chris said nervously. *************************************************************** Nicole sat staring in the mirror. What was it about her that repulsed Anthony about her? She thought she had the perfect breast that any guy would want. Nice Body and Nice hair too. She also thought that she had a pretty decent personality. Sure she wasn't the smartest but she viewed herself as a decent person. "Why Anthony?" She asked herself. She sighed. "Whatever it is that I did to make you gay, I will do to make you mine again." "You okay?" Trey asked her as he came out of the bathroom. She nodded. "I'm fine," She said softly. Trey sat on her bed. "I don't how I would feel if I were you and find out my boyfriend was gay," Trey said with a sigh. "I'd feel worthless." "Thanks Trey," Nicole said sarcastically. Trey reached over to hug her. "I'm sorry," He said kissing her softly. "But I think the best thing we should do is just forget about Anthony. He wants Dane and I want you." "Yeah," Nicole said with a sigh. She allowed him to kiss her. *************************************************************** Salina, Terry and my mom walked through the parking lot of the hospital. "I can't believe that he would run away from the hospital," Mom said as they climbed into the car. "I can," Salina said placing her ipod on her ears. "I mean after all, he does hate needles." "Oh yeah," Mom said with a sigh. "God, I just want this family to get back on track." "We should up the wedding date," Terry said suddenly. "What?" Mom and Salina asked in unison. He looked from the both of them. "How do we know that Dane isn't trying to act out to stop us from getting married?" He asked them. "I mean I would love to marry you and become a father to Salina and Dane." "I already have a father," Salina said. Mom laughed. "Oh, Salina, you are starting to sound like Dane now," Mom said. "Maybe Dane was right about Terry and you getting married," She said. "I mean it is kinda quick." "You be quiet," Mom scolded. Salina sighed and turned the volume up on her ipod. "So what do you think?" Terry asked her. Mom sighed. "I think that is a great idea," She said grabbing his hand. Salina shook her head. *************************************************************** Mikey climbed out of the bus. He and Daniel had talked about various things. He sighed softly. Daniel looked at him sympathetically. "It's best not to think about how long you two are gonna be apart," He offered. "Just think about all the things that the two of you can do when you get back to Harmony." "Yeah," He said with a smile. "I am kinda wishing we could have had sex again before I had to go away." "I did not need to know that," Daniel teased. "Oh, by the way, gays got me into this trouble," Mikey said suddenly. "Are you gay?" "Yes," Daniel said and Mikey took a step back. "Oh shit," He said. Daniel laughed. "I'm kidding," He said and Mikey laughed uncomfortably. "Dude, you gotta loosen up." "Yeah," Mikey said as they filed into line. "WELCOME TO CAMP SUNSHINE!" The Sergeant yelled. Mikey laughed. "That is such a queer name," He said and Daniel shook his head. "Don't laugh," He muttered. The sergeant walked down towards him. "IS SOMETHING FUNNY CADET?" He asked Mikey. "Cadet?" Mikey asked amused. "I thought this was a rehabilitation camp, not the Army." "SINCE YOU WANNA BE SMART DROP AND GIVE ME 200 PUSH-UPS! NOW!" The sergeant said. Mikey scoffed. "I don't think so," he said. Daniel shook his head. Mikey noticed that about five or so other sergeants were headed their way. "STILL DON'T THINK SO?" The Sergeant asked him. Mikey sighed and began to do his push-ups. *************************************************************** Anthony stood on top of the cliff. He was letting the breeze to relax him. "I'm gay," He said softly. "Why does it feel so wrong?" "Because you aren't with me," I said walking up to him. He took a step back. "Might wanna be careful there." "Dane?" He asked me. "Please don't tell me you're a ghost coming back to haunt me." "I'm not a ghost," I said with a smile. "If I was a ghost, would I be able to do this?" I kissed him softly on the lips. "But you...." "Died?" I offered. "If you would have stayed around, you would have seen me make a miraculous recovery." "I can't believe this," Anthony said. "I can't believe that you came up here to kill yourself," I said folding my arms. "Huh?" He asked confused. I sighed. "I had this dream that you came up here to kill yourself," I said to him. He smiled. "I did come up here to do that," He said. "I'm scared Dane. What is gonna happen to my life?" "I don't know," I said to him. "All I know is that, I will be here. As friend or...As more." He kissed me. "I need you," He said placing his hands on my hips. "And you have me," I said with a smile. He shook his head. "No," He said. "I REALLY need you." I looked at him. "I don't think I'm ready," I said to him. He kissed me again. "I promise I won't hurt you and I will take it slow," He said to me. "I just need you." "Okay," I said and I allowed him to kiss me with passion. *************************************************************** "How long has it been since you missed your period?" Nicole asked Julieanne. Julieanne shook her head. "I think two weeks," She said sad. "I can't be..." "There is only one way to find out," Nicole said. She grabbed her hand. "Come on." They walked into the gas station. "Where do they keep pregnancy test?" Julieanne asked her. "You make it seem like I buy them on a regular," Nicole said with a scoff. Julieanne shot her a look. "That was one...two.... Fine, three times. I'm an active girl." "Found them," Julieanne said reaching to grab a pregnancy test. "Julieanne?" a voice asked. Julieanne looked up to see her friend Katie Rothecker. "Hey Katie," Julieanne said nervously. "Hey," Katie said. Nicole flashed her a tight smile. "What are you buying?" Katie grabbed the box out of her hand. "Wait," Julieanne said as Katie read the box. "A pregnancy test?" She asked shocked. "Julieanne..." "It's mine," Nicole said suddenly. "I think I'm pregnant." "Why am I not surprised," Katie said heading to the counter. "I'll ring you up." "Thanks," Julieanne said as they followed her. "But you know she is gonna gossip about this to everyone at school." "It's better than being the girl who turned her boyfriend gay," Nicole said with a sigh. *************************************************************** Anthony's hands went up and down my back as he kissed me deep and hard. I ground my crotch in his. "You like?" I asked him as I nibbled on his lip. "Yeah, " He said breathing hard. He unzipped my pants. "I think I wanna do more than kiss." "Okay," I said as someone opened the door of his car. I gasped as a police officer stood there. "Damn," He said. "I thought it was a guy and a girl up here. It's actually.... Squillini's son?" "Oh shit," Anthony muttered. I was still shocked and sat in his lap. "Step out of the car please," He said flashing a light in our face. We climbed out. "Please don't tell my father," Anthony pleaded. The officer sighed. "I have to," He said with a sad face. "Come on boys. Get in the back." "I'm sorry, Anthony," I said to him. "Save it," He said and I had a feeling that whatever was about to start just came to a quick end. *************************************************************** "You ready?" Nicole asked her as they stood in the bathroom. "No," Julieanne said nervously. "I can't believe I let Mikey trick me into not using a condom." "Welcome to the world of boys," Nicole said with a laugh. "You want me to look?" "Yes," Julieanne said with a sigh. Nicole looked at the test. "You're not pregnant," She said with a small smile. "I'm not?" She asked her. "Yeah, actually, you are," Nicole said and Julieanne snatched it out her hand. "Nicole, I'm pregnant," She said nervously. "How the hell can you make a joke out of something like this?" "I don't know but it was fun to see that look on your face," Nicole said with a laugh. "Maybe the test is a defect?" Julieanne offered. "Sweetie, it's EPT," Nicole said with a sympathetic smile. "The Error Proof Test. you're pregnant." Julieanne pulled out her cellphone. "I have to call Mikey," She said with a sigh. "It's just gonna scare him away," Nicole said filing her nails. "Mrs. Jusino, have you spoken with Mikey since he was arrested?" She asked. She paused and her face fell. "Oh...thank you." "What's wrong?" Nicole asked her. Julieanne looked at the test. "He's gone to a rehabilitation camp," She said with a sigh. "Fuck, what am I gonna do?" "I don't know," Nicole said and then it dawned on her what to do about Anthony. "Mind if I borrow that?" "Why?" Julieanne asked her. Nicole snatched it from her hand. "Worry about what's cooking in your oven," Nicole said with a sly smile. *************************************************************** "Did you get in a lot of trouble?" Anthony asked me as we stood in the park. I had snuck out. "No phone for a week," I said to him. "I can't believe that we got caught." I moved to hug him but he took a step back. "Dane," He said and I shook my head. "You know, every time that I think that you can't get any lower you do," I said with a sigh. "Dane, I need to figure out what to do about school and I still can't grasp the concept that I am gay," He said to me. "You don't want that." "I think that I can decided what I want," I said to him. "And what I want I want is you." "I'm sorry," He said with a shake of his head. "I just can't...yet." "How bout never," I said turning to walk off. He sat back in a swing and watched as I walked off. As I walked down the street back to my house, a horn blasted me from my thoughts. "Are we gonna still have that talk?" Chris asked me as he drove slow beside me. "Sure, why not," I said as I climbed into his car. "I saw you talking with Anthony," He said. "Is everything okay?" "I don't even want to hear his name ever again," I said angry. "I want bring it up again," He said pulling to the side of the road. "Look, I really need to get this off my chest." "What is it?" I asked him. "You are on the run from the cops." "I wish," He said to me. "I...I'm.... God why is this so hard." "Whatever it is just say it, Chris," I said starting to get worried. "Dane, I'm gay," He said to me. "And I am in love with you." When I didn't say anything, he kissed me. I pushed him off. "Oh, Dane, I am so sorry," He said to me. "I am basically raping you." I laughed at him. "What?" He asked me. "It's not you," I said to him. "It's just I should get home but I'm sure that we can do more of this in the future." "Hell yeah," He said with a smile. I thought to myself. "I can't have Anthony," I said. "So I'll take the next best thing." *************************************************************** "Nicole?" Anthony asked as he walked towards his house. "What are you doing here?" "We need to talk," She said looking at him. She had been crying. "What's up?" He asked her. "You're gonna hate me," She said crying again. "Nicole, I just revealed a big secret to you," Anthony said sitting beside her. "Trust me, whatever you have to say want be as bad what I revealed to you." "Damn, I am good actress," She thought to herself. "Well, here we go. Let's hope he buys it." "Well?" Anthony asked her. Nicole pulled the pregnancy test out of her pocket. "I'm pregnant," She said to him. *************************************************************** Whoa, this episode was action-packed. Twist and Turns everywhere. I hope everyone enjoyed the story and I can't believe you all thought I'd kill Dane off. With him gone, I'd have a bunch of a un-finished storylines especially with Dane and Seth. Just wait Seth will be back soon.

In the episode 14, Dane and Chris embark on a relationship. Anthony gets back together with Nicole under the impression she is pregnant. Mikey catches trouble with some guys at the camp. Anthony and Aaron try out for baseball where Anthony is discriminate and Aaron thinks about steroids. Julieanne refuses to believe she is pregnant and possibly endangers her baby. Terry's family flies in to meet Dane and his family leading to a big falling out.

Response is greatly wanted if you want to see the story up faster.

Next: Chapter 16

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