Falcon Eyes

By moc.loa@L9yK

Published on Dec 23, 2005


Episode Ten: Quiet Things that no one ever hears

Aaron and I walked into Auto Mechanics class. We saw the infamous gay couple, Cory Radcliffe and Chad Barbour kissing in the back. "The fags are at it again," He said as we headed to the car that we worked on for the past few weeks. "They are in love," I said trying not to let his comment bother me. "Yeah, well that kind of love should be contained," He said as we began working on the car more. "Changing the subject," I said rolling my eyes. "How was your weekend." "It was pretty good," He said. "I got some booty Saturday. She was so hot man. I mean I seriously came like...." "Some things we should keep to ourselves," I said cutting him off. "What about you?" He asked me. "What did you do all weekend. No one heard from you." I thought for a second. I was with Seth and Matt all weekend. "I had a nice quiet weekend studying," I lied. "So are you still mad at Anthony and Mikey?" He asked me. I nodded. "Whatever they did to piss you off, you can forgive them," He said. "After all you did befriend the guy who drugged and tried to rape you and forgave him." "That's complicated," I said and that was the truth. "Besides, I don't want to talk about it." "Dane..." He said looking up at me. "We are best friends. Why are you friends with Seth?" "I Said I don't wanna talk about it," I said angrily. I threw the wrench down and grabbed my bag. "Where are you going?" Mr. Miacheals asked as I past him. "I'm taking five," I said as I walked out the classroom. *************************************************************** "Julieanne are you listening to me?" Nicole asked. Julieanne looked up from her work. "You talking to me?" She asked dazed. Nicole scoffed. "I was trying to tell you about my plans for Christmas and you aren't even listening," Nicole said. "What's up with you? Trouble with Mikey." "Sorta," She said with a shrug. "It is more so with Dane." "Why is he always in the middle of something," Nicole said shaking her head. "It's my fault Nic," Julieanne said with a sigh. "I told Mikey a secret of Dane's." "Really?" Nicole asked her ears perking up. "What was the secret." "I can't say," Julieanne said. Nicole frowned but she had her suspicions. "Dane's gay and you told Mikey who reacted badly," Nicole guessed. Julieanne almost swallowed her tongue. "Wha...No," She said quickly. "Of course not. What...What would make you think he is gay?" "No reason," Nicole said with a small smile. Julieanne always stuttered when she lied. Nicole thought to herself. "Dane is gay." "Look, I don't wanna talk about it anymore," Julieanne said trying to busy herself with her class work. The gears were turning in Nicole's head. *************************************************************** "Falcon has gotten so much cooler now," Mikey said to Anthony who sat at his computer. "They are actually letting us go on a ski trip for Christmas." "Yeah and they even let us leave school early," Anthony said. "I will personally by the superintendent a gift." Mikey laughed. Aaron walked inside. "Your mom let me in," He said and both boys could tell something was up. "Dane," They both said in unison. Aaron looked up in surprise. "How could you tell?" He asked curiously. "Anthony had that same look on his face every time they got into something," Mikey said with a sigh. "What he said," Anthony said with a shrug. Aaron managed a small smile. "What's going on with you two now? You can't still be jealous." "It's nothing like that," Aaron said pacing around the room. "It's just that he is different. He's been different since..." "The Shooting," Anthony said and Aaron nodded. "Yeah," He said. "I mean we are all there. We were held at gunpoint and look at us now. We are fine." Anthony and Mikey both knew they had contributed to my new change in attitude but only one felt sorry.

"If you ask me, he is acting like a faggot," Mikey said suddenly. Both looked at him. "But you didn't ask me." "What are you trying to get at, Mikey?" Anthony asked. "I...I don't mean that he is gay," He stammered. "I mean he could be...but I am not saying that for sure. I mean he gets bitchy over small shit with Anthony. He gets bitchy over small shit with you, Aaron. He's acting like a faggot. Just a figure of speech." Aaron shrugged and turned on Mikey's play station 2. "Yeah," Anthony said as Mikey began to go back to packing. As long as he knew Mikey, he knew when Mikey was lying about something. Question was what? ***************************************************************

Anthony drove with Nicole to the airport. Nicole climbed out of the car and a bunch of cheerleaders came up to her. "NICOLE!" They all yelled out. "HEY!" Nicole said with her dumb blonde front coming out. They began to start gossiping about various topics Anthony wasn't interested in. "I'm just gonna wonder around without a clue," He said and walked off.

"Okay, what did you pack?" Seth asked as he struggled to pull my bag out of his trunk. "I never been skiing before," I said with a slight blush. "I may have over packed. "May and over pack don't belong in the same sentence here," Seth said as he struggled with the bag. "I thought you were a man," Matt said from behind me. I smiled. "Fuck you," Seth muttered and we both laughed. "You two can manage to carry your own bags. I gotta pee." "Off you go," Matt said to him. Seth disappeared. "Wanna wait till he gets back and make him take the bags in?" "Hell yeah," I said with a laugh. Matt looked at me with a smile. "Keep lowering your guard, Dane," He thought to himself.

Seth zipped up and headed to the sink. He was washing his hands as Anthony walked in. "Lookie here," Seth said turning to face Anthony. "Your name is Andrew, isn't?" "Anthony," He replied arms folded. Seth nodded. "Yeah, you're the guy Dane says he wish would die," Seth said. "Well, he didn't say it but I'm sure he was thinking it." "What is your goal here?" Anthony asked. Seth gave him a puzzled look. "What are you talking about?" He asked curiously. "You drugged him and tried to rape him two months ago," Anthony said. "Now you befriended him when he was at a vulnerable place in his life. So I ask what is your purpose in life?" "To have fun and protect my friends like Dane from his friend's like you," Seth said with a sneer. Anthony shook his head. "You don't want to be his friend," He said. "You are just using him to fulfill some kind of twisted goal you have here. The question is what?" "The answer is none of your business," Seth said walking towards the door. "Good luck trying to win Dane back, amigo." Anthony watched as the door closed and sighed. *************************************************************** Nicole watched as Julieanne walked towards the bathroom and headed over to Mikey. "Hey Mikey," She said walking towards him. He looked up. "What's up Nic?" He asked with a smile. "I wanted to ask you a question," She said tossing her hair. "It's about Dane and Julieanne." "What about that faggot?" Mikey asked with a sigh. "Do you think Dane is gay?" She asked him. He gave her a confused look. "Huh?" "Do you think Dane is gay?" She repeated. "Why would you ask that?" He asked warily. "Let's just say...I have my suspicions," She said. "But can you answer my question to help with these suspicions. Do you think Dane is gay?" "I don't think he is gay," Mikey said finally. "I know he is gay. I heard it straight from Julieanne's mouth and he didn't deny it." "Interesting," Nicole said with a sly smile. "So I was right."

"What's going through your head Nic?" He asked her. She shook her head as Julieanne walked back out the bathroom. "In due time, Mikey," She said happily. "In due time." "Get off me, Aaron," Julieanne said as Aaron grabbed her up in a bear hug. "Just showing my love for my best friend," He said making Anthony laugh. Nicole just sat in her seat beaming.

"You look like you slept with a million bucks," Julieanne said. "And I know it aint me so who you been cheating with?" Anthony joked. Nicole couldn't stop smiling. "I know something you don't know," She said in a singsong voice. Mikey looked at her curiously. "Has anyone seen Dane?" Luke asked coming up to the group with Chris and Trey. "There he is right there," Aaron said. He noticed me walking with Seth and Matt. "DANE!" "Crap," I muttered under my breath. We made our way over to my 'friends'. 'Hey....guys." "Dane, come here," Nicole said pulling me into a hug. I wanted to slap the bitch but she seemed to be excited about seeing me. "Nicole," I said with a blush creeping up my neck. "All passengers boarding flight 345 please make you way to gate now," The attendant said over the loudspeaker. "Crap, I am nervous," Julieanne said. "I hate flying." "Maybe you should not go," I said turning to walk of with Seth and Matt. "I would be happy if you didn't." "Dane was all that necessary?" Anthony asked me. "Yeah, that was why I said it," I said looking back "What the hell is his problem?" Aaron asked as they watched us walk off. *************************************************************** "Brought back memories, huh?" Seth asked as we sat in seat. We had been flying for awhile and I had been sleeping. Matt said beside me sleeping also. "What took you so long to ask?" I asked with a yawn. "I like to watch you sleep," He said making me smile. "So answer the questions." I sighed. "Is it wrong for me to want my friends back?" I asked them. "I feel like everything changed since Larry and the shooting." "It isn't more wrong than them wanting you back, Dane," He said surprising us both at his theory. "None of you guys are wrong." "Since when have you been so philosophical?" I asked with laugh. "Dr. Phil." He said with a shrug. "But that's how I see it. With that said, it may not be wrong but it may not be right." "What do you mean?" I asked him. He sighed and turned in his seat. "Dane, they don't' seem like the ideal kind of friends. Julieanne told your secret." "Maybe...But it was a slip-up," I said trying to rationalize. "Okay, what if she has another slip-up with something else important?" He asked. "It's a good thing she is dating Mikey. God knows what would happen if she were to break up with him or something." "You may have a point," I said thinking about what he said. "Speaking about Mikey, he and Anthony jumped a kid because they thought he was gay," he said. "How would that work out for you, Dane?" "I know," I said with a sigh. Seth continued on. "I know it's hard with you having feelings for Anthony but he will hurt you in the end," He said and he noticed the look on my face. "Or has he already." "So what would you do?" I asked avoiding the question. "What would you do?" Seth smiled a mischievous smile. "I'd forget them and move on with my life," He said hopefully. "Yeah," I said. "That's what I will do. I will move on. I am gonna go use the bathroom." "Be here waiting," He said as I passed by him. He looked over at Matt. "Fake sleeping are we? I knew you were listening." "Damn, I thought I did a good performance," Matt said with mock sadness. "Speaking of good performances, what about yourself?" "What about me?" Seth asked. "You basically converted Dane to your thinking," Matt said. "I'm impressed and also scared. One you is enough." "Shut up," Seth said. "Let's hope this will work because I am getting tired of sleeping with him. It's starting to make me wanna be gay." "Is there anything wrong with that?" Matt asked. "Hell yea," Seth said shocked that Matt asked the question. Matt pouted in his seat.

"Is it possible people can change?" Luke asked Chris as he sat beside him on the plane. "I don't believe people can change," Chris said looking up from his magazine he was reading. "Haven't you changed?" Luke asked confused. "I mean people called you such a bad person." "I don't think people can change without necessary force," Chris elaborated. "In my case, I like this...person and I wanted to change for them." "Who do you like?" Luke asked with interested. "This isn't about me," Chris said with a smile. "Now who were you asking that question about? You?" "No," Luke said with a sigh. "Seth. The guy Dane is friend's with. I just don't understand why he is a friend with the same guy who hurt him. I guess I want to know is it possible for him to change." "I think he can change," Chris said. "I know he doesn't wanna to change. I don't trust that guy." "In all the years I knew him I never trusted him," Luke muttered. Chris looked over at him. "What do you mean all the years you knew him?" He asked. "This isn't about me," Luke joked. Chris looked at him sternly. "If you know something about this guy that could harm Dane, tell us so we can take him down," Chris said. Luke shook his head. "Forget I said anything," He said listening to his mp3 player. *************************************************************** "My god Wilkes took forever," Nicole said as she, Julieanne, and Mary walked into their room in the lodge. "I want no sex, drugs, or fighting on this trip," Mary echoed. "I won't fight but the other two things I can't promise." "We need to decide what we are gonna wear when we hit the slopes tomorrow," Nicole said immediately throwing her bag on the bed and opening it. "I got these hot new snow boots yesterday and I gotta wear 'em sometime." "Oh, you got the black ones," Mary asked. She pulled hers out. "I got the Beige ones." "You know we gonna have to swap," Nicole said with a smile. "Didn't you get some, Jules?" "Yeah, white," Julieanne said with a sigh. "Forget about Dane," Nicole said. "Do not let your dumb ex-friend ruin our winter paradise cause he aint gonna ruin mine." "Your right," Julieanne said forcing a smile. "So what should I wear?"

"Oh Fuck," Anthony said as he was walking into the room he and Mikey were sharing with no other than Seth and me. "Hey guys," Seth said with a smile. Mikey shook his head. "I can't share a room with you," Anthony said looking at Seth. "Can't we all get along?" Seth asked sarcastically. "Not with people like you and Dane," Mikey muttered as he walked over to a bed. "Shut the fuck up," I said to him. "I'm not afraid to fight a boy a foot shorter than me." "And I am not afraid to fight a f...." "Hey guys," Aaron said followed behind Chris, Rusty and Luke. I flashed Mikey a glare. I knew what he was gonna say. "The loser brigades here so I am gonna go find Matt," Seth said to me and I smiled as he walked out. As soon as Seth had left, all eyes were on me. "So...What has the world come to?" I asked looking at Aaron and Chris. "Lamphere and Evans together? Hell must've froze over." "He isn't as bad as I thought," Aaron said. "That and he is paying my way around here." "And who says you can't buy your friends," I said pushing past Anthony and Mikey to go to the closet. "What is that suppose to mean?" Chris demanded. I sighed and turned around. "It doesn't mean anything," I said. "Everything doesn't have a hidden agenda. Like you." "Me and a hidden agenda?" He asked in shock. "What about Mr. Rapist-turned-friend?" "What about him?" I asked him. "He tried to rape me not you. So the way I see it, shut the hell up." "Dane, you shouldn't gang up on your friends," Rusty said from behind Aaron. "Rusty, I met you less the month ago?" I asked him. "I don't think my life and my friends have anything to do with you." "What the hell is wrong with you Dane?" Anthony asked me. "You're mad at Mikey and I. Not them. So stop taking your anger out on them." "I have a hard time differentiating anger," I said sarcastically. "Maybe I should go to a clinic or something." "That's not what for," Mikey muttered but I was the only one paying attention. "Dane, we just want you to listen to us," Luke said. "I know guys like Seth. They are bad news." "You know nothing," I said folding my arms. "And you definitely don't know me." "Well, I do," Aaron said stepping in front of me. "And this isn't you." "You're right," I said with a smile. "I've evolved." "Dane, just listen," Chris said. "What is this? An intervention?" I asked them. "If so you are wasting your time because I don't have a problem for you to intervene in." "You do," Aaron said. "We thought you had dealt with the rape but apparently not." "When will you see that this isn't about the rape," I said. "This is about me seeing who my friends really are." "And the guy who drugged you is who your friends really are?" Luke asked me. "I don't need this," I said grabbing my cellphone and walking out the door. Rusty jumping in front of me immediately stopped me. "MOVE!!!!" "Dane, you are going through somethings and I don't want to see you hurt," Rusty said. He was allowing himself to be vulnerable to me. "You are turning away from your other friends but please don't turn away from me." "Why do you care so much about a guy you just met?" I asked him curiously. "I am sure you other friends to worry about. Why do you care so much about me?" "You're different," He said with a sigh. I looked at him in the eyes. He seemed like he wanted to help. "Come on," I said following him down the hall. "Let's go to the mess hall. I never had hot cocoa before." We walked down the hall and didn't notice Matt watching us. *************************************************************** "He what?" Seth asked Matt as they sat in Matt's room. "He was walking down the hall with one of his friends," Matt said exasperated. He lay on the bed beside Seth. "Shit," Seth said angrily. "They are already starting to get him back to their side." "We don't know for sure," Matt said. Seth shook his head. "Matt, he just found out the guy he was madly in love with beat a kid up because he was gay," Seth said. "He was confused and easy to manipulate. Now if his friends can start to get back in good with him, it's only a matter of time before he realizes the thing we got going on now is a set-up." "So what do we do?" Matt asked him. Seth sighed and got up. "I am just gonna have to fuck him harder," He said. "Willingly or..." He pulled a bag of pills out. "Unwillingly." "Just make sure you finish the job this time," Matt teased as he closed his eyes. *************************************************************** "I can't believe we been walking around for two hours," I said as Rusty and I made our way upstairs. "Time flies by when you have fun," He said with a sexy smile. "I had a lot of fun," I said shyly as we stood there. "You really helped take my mind off my problems for a little while at least." "Glad I could be of service," He said and he blushed. "Why are you blushing?" I asked him. He shook his head. "I'm hot," He said blushing even deeper. I started to laugh. "I think it's cute when you blush," I said and then I immediately caught what I said. "Huh?" He asked me confused. "I meant...I think....Crap...." I stammered as I tried to find some way out of this mess. I thought Rusty was gonna punch me for saying that but he did the opposite. In fact, he kissed me on my lips briefly. "Dane..." He started as I stared at him in shock. "What...What was that?" I asked him. "I don't know," He said and started blushing. "Something I thought I should do." I leaned in and kissed him this time for the same amount of time. "Are you okay?" I asked him with a smile. "What was that?" He asked still blushing. "Something I thought I should do," I repeated and he smiled. "Dane!" A voice called out. I looked past Rusty to see Seth standing in Matt's doorway. "Oh my god," I said fearing he saw me. Rusty looked fearful and rushed off to his bedroom. "What the hell were you doing?" Seth demanded as I walked into Matt's room. "What do you mean?" I asked playing dumb. "What do you mean what do I mean?" He asked in shock. "You were kissing that guy Rusty." "So," I said with a shrug. "So?" Seth echoed. "The only guy you should be kissing is me." "Seth, you make it seem like you are my boyfriend or something," I said amused. "Last time I checked what we had going on was purely physical." Seth seethed with anger. "Are you jealous?" "Jealousy isn't an emotion I'm familiar with," He said with folded arms. He wasn't Jealous. He was afraid. Afraid that if he lost me, that he would lose all chances at getting revenge on Luke. "Okay," I said. "What happens now?" Seth was desperate now. "What do you say we have some 'purely physical' fun?" He asked me. I shook my head. "I don't wanna," I said with a yawn. "Come on, Dane," He said standing in front of me. "Seth, no," I said, "I am tired. I should be going to sleep." "Well, let me fix you a drink before you leave," He said walking over to the refrigerator and begun fixing it before I could object. "Oh bother," I said leaning back on the bed. Seth slipped four pills into the drink. "This time I will finish what I started," He said and handed me the drink. "Bottoms up." *************************************************************** Rusty lay in his bed. He was still confused. "I kissed him," He thought to himself. "Why?" I can't be gay can I?" He felt some stirring in his pants as he begun to think about how I look naked. "Oh my god." "You okay, Rusty?" Aaron asked sleepily from the next bed over. "I'm fine," Rusty said climbing out of the bed and walking into the bathroom. "All right man," Aaron said falling back asleep. Rusty closed the door. He was shaking and he needed release from these thoughts. So he dropped his boxers and begins to play with himself. ***************************************************************

"Why are you waiting for Dane?" Mikey asked Anthony. Anthony looked up from the television. "I'm just worried that's all," Anthony said. "Look, I screwed up my friendship with Dane. I felt like Dane and me connect on a whole different level than Nicole, or Aaron, or..." "Me," Mikey offered. Anthony hesitated. "It's okay, man. I can understand if your best friend is a fag who is in love with you. Don't mind me though. I am just the guy you've known since second grade." "You must be jealous to call Dane a fag," Anthony said. "Ant, man, I heard it straight from Julieanne's mouth on the day of the shooting," Mikey said getting off his bed. "Why do you think he got so bitchy about what we did to Larry. Because he is a humanitarian or something?" "Shut the fuck up and stop lying on Dane," Anthony said walking to the door. "As far as I am concerned, we are no longer friends." "Fine by me," Mikey said folding his arms. "I'm not friends with Fags or Fag lovers." Anthony slammed the door and walked into the hall to see Luke arguing with Matt. "What aren't you telling me?" Luke demanded. "Plenty," Matt said enjoying pissing Luke off. "What's going on?" Anthony asked Luke. "Is Seth in your room?" Luke asked. "No. Why?" Anthony asked. "Rusty is back but Dane isn't and I was looking for him cause I wanted to ask him something and I just have the feeling something is wrong," Luke explained. "You and me both," Anthony said. He looked over at Matt. "Do you know where Dane and Seth are?" "Yeah," Matt said simply. "Tell me where," Anthony said. "Nope," Matt replied. Anthony sighed and yanked Matt up by his collar. "Where the fuck is he?" He demanded slamming Matt up onto the wall. "Matt's room," Luke said suddenly. Anthony let Matt go and followed Luke down the hall. *************************************************************** "I'm almost there, baby," Seth said in my ear as he thrusted inside of me. I felt broken and weak. I was empty. My soul was far away and his raping me was killing me spiritually. "Aww yeah....that's it.....Oh yes.....I'm cummin..." He sighed as he finished and kissed me on my lips. "That was better than usual." "Why?" I asked him crying. "It's purely physical," He said pulling his clothes on. The Door busted open and Anthony and Luke barged in. "What the hell?" Luke asked looking at me and then at Seth. I was ashamed and I immediately got up and dressed myself. "Dane, are you okay?" Anthony asked me but I pushed past him and ran out the door. "Dane wait!" He ran after me. Matt walked in. "I'm sorry you had to miss the show," Seth said zipping his pants. "Dane is a good fuck." "Why do you want hurt him so bad?" Luke asked Seth. "Just tell me why." "You should ask yourself that," Matt said. "This really has nothing to do with Dane. This is about you trying to escape your past." "And you lying to your best friend," Seth said. "The way to break you is to hurt the one person you care the most about." "I'm sorry," Luke said defeated. "I...Dane doesn't deserve this. He is too good for this." "You're right," Matt said. "Dane seems like a cool person," Seth said. "Too bad it's your fault that I had to hurt him." He stretched and yawned. "Boy, oh, boy. Fucking the hell out of Dane tires me out. I'm head to bed and think of more ways to punish you through Dane. See ya in the morning, Luke." Seth shut the door behind him. Luke walked over and sat on the bed. "This is all my fault," He said putting his head in his hand. "You know there is a way to bring this all to an end," Matt said after a moment of thinking. Luke looked up at him. "What is it?" He asked. Matt walked over and kissed him on the lips. "What do you think?" Matt asked with lust and desire in his eyes. Luke weighed his options. He felt like he was opening Pandora's box if he continued with this but he was possibly hurting me by not doing what Matt wanted. So he kissed Matt back and leaned in to intensify it..... *************************************************************** "DANE!" Anthony called out as he rushed outside. "DANE! WHERE ARE YOU?" He followed me outside but had lost me. He needed to find me and get both us back in the lodge before we got caught. "DANE!" He gasped as he saw my body lying in the snow. "Oh my god." He lifted me up. "Anthony, I think I'm dying," I said softly to him. My body felt so numb and cold and I felt dizzy from the pills. "No, Dane, you're not," He said to me but my eyes were closing. "Dane..." He felt for a pulse but couldn't get one. He heard a faint rumbling. He looked up to see that we had wandered into the restricted section. "Dane! Please wake up." No response. The rumbling got louder and Anthony gasped as he saw an avalanche coming straight for us. "Shit," He said as he carried me. He ran as fast as he could with a 145-pound boy in his arms. He spotted a cave ahead. "I gotta make it." The snow closed in on us and buried us in its frozen prison....

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that you liked this episode and give me some feedback after you read it. Is Dane dead? For that matter is Anthony dead? In episode 11, we find out the answers to both of these questions. Also, Nicole uses Mikey to out Dane. Luke submits himself to Matt behind Seth's back. Rusty is still dealing with his newfound feelings for Dane.

Next: Chapter 13

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