
By S W

Published on Sep 27, 2001



Let me start by saying that this story is true based solely on the fact that I say it is a part of my life. Of course names and locations arent they same but hey,the EXACT truth is none of your business now is it. :p I hope you enjoy. @----{----


Have you ever wondered why certain things happen without rhyme or reason? A tree bursting into bloom out of season,or a baby being born too early. Well I do. I have often wondered why things that can neither be seen nor felt, happen when they are least expected, and it is on this note that I begin my tale....

It was a beautiful morning in early July when I met him. A tall,well built man with flaxen hair and laughing green eyes. We met, strangely enough, on the campus of the local community college. I had gone to visit an aunt who worked there when we bumped into one another,literally, him entering,me leaving thru the same open doorway. To say I was awe struck wouldnt even begin to cover what I was feeling when he reached down grabbing my hand, helping me to my feet with a laugh. Once again on my feet I bent to brush the sand from my clothes before glancing up comming face to, uhh,face as it were,with a very nicely defined chest covered only by a thin silk shirt that was only half hid the fine dusting of gold hair visible to my hungry gaze.

Suddenly shaken from my stare by a discreet cough I glanced up into the greenist eyes I had ever seen. Realising I was still staring I closed my mouth with a decided click and stepped back a few steps. Then with a grin he spoke, 'I said are you all right? We hit kinda hard and you seemed a bit stunned.' With a nod I spoke,'Yes,I'm fine thank you. Pardon my lack of response but I was caught off guard by your height.' and your green eyes and your hair and your chest. I added softly under my breath. 'My names Rody,Sorry I ran into you like that but I was lost in thought.' Taking another look at his green eyes I spoke again,'Although, if I had seen you I probly would have found a reason to run into you.' Lost in a sudden day dream envolving this gold and green adonis and myself I didnt realise I had spoken that thought aloud. When I came back to reality I noticed his stunned expression and blushed clear to my toes. How much more embarassed can a guy get,hitting on a total stranger after having nearly run him down,and then gapping like some thick witted fool instead of answering his question. Glancing at the floor I stammered an apology, 'I'm so sorry,that was totally uncalled for and down right rude. I dont know what possesed me to say that.' While I was staring at the floor I noticed a jumble of books and papers at our feet and bent to pick them up. 'Sorry bout your stuff ending up in a jumble,hope things didnt get messed up.' I said as I handed them back to him.

'The names Mick,pleasure to meet you.' the taller man said as he accepted his things. 'Don't worry about the run down,I rathere liked being run down by a cute guy,the way my day has been its a definite improvement.'

With a wide grin I cocked my head to the side, once again checking out the man in front of me.

(Now dont get me wrong, normally I don't hit on men I dont know, I like to sit back and let them make the first move, but this one just felt so RIGHT)

Nodding my head once as if reaching a descision I spoke,'Why dont we go get something to eat and maybe I can help you figure out what went wrong."

"I would love to mate." Mick said with a laugh as he followed me out to the parking lot....

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