Fairy Tale Sorta

By ten.tsacmoc@retirwnogard

Published on Aug 22, 2008


Hello! Wow, 5 chapters in five weeks! I start work again in a week so my output will slow down, I apologize but I've grown rather fond of my house in the last 13 years. A couple quick comments: Bitte as my German readers know is German for please, I hadn't thought of that when I named him. I just like the sound of the word, but I think it suits him. I appear to be fond of names that end in vowels...

And finally, one of my darling readers found this online: http://www.renaissancemagazine.com/glossary.html

I disagree with a few of their definitions but most of them are good. Personally, I use/abuse wikipedia : )

Chapter 5 Reunion

The Bitte dilemma solved itself nicely, when the old library archivist offered to tell people he was the grandson of an old friend, who had come to study under him. It eased people's minds, especially with his dark southern almost Saracen features. I was surprised and pleased with his offer. I started to think of what Tamas and Melly had told me about asking for help; perhaps I wasn't as alone as I had thought. That insight was comforting and made me feel warmer than any amount of sunlight ever had.

Melly found an old mattress slipcover in one of the storage rooms and Bitte, whom it turned out was quite adept with a needle, patched it. He stuffed it with fresh cut rushes from the river and we wedged it into the space between the table and the wall. It made the door a tad difficult to open but it wasn't as if people were coming in and out of there continuously.

Mother, at first, was quite concerned about why Bitte was in the castle. I put her concerns to rest, as his upkeep wouldn't be coming out of her household budget, Tamas had handed over a fat wallet of coins for me to use in providing necessities for Bitte. Consequently, she decided to leave it all up to me. When I explained to Father that I wanted to take Bitte to Fordingham with me, he slapped me on the back and said it was about time I found myself a servant. My time with Tamas had had a positive result, as I was able to brace myself and not give anyone the satisfaction of seeing Master Doemin send his crippled son flying. I'm sure there was much disappointment in the ranks that night.

However, Father gave me some money anyway which, together with what Tamas had given me, made a tidy sum that ensured I could properly outfit Bitte for his new life. His dark eyes and easy charm quickly made him a favorite among the serving girls, which brought me all sorts of new information and gossip that I'd never had access to before. I was equally certain that in a few years we'd have small dark eyed children running around, whether we lived here in the castle or in the village.

Rain continued to thwart our leaving for Fordingham and it was two weeks before we actually left. Perhaps Father said something to Mother but shortly after Bitte arrived, she returned to her usual state of semi-ignoring me and I was free to spend my days the way I wanted. Which I took full advantage of and spent the better part of that two weeks in the village with Tamas.

Bitte accompanied me as expected, and there he found himself put to work in the smithy. He didn't seem to mind and soon he and Kinna were heads together whispering the secrets that matter to young boys. I spent my days working on finishing some old tax records that were falling apart, much to His Lordship's distress. The loss of old records often meant the loss of much needed revenue and difficulty in provisioning the castle.

At first, I was hesitant to enter the smithy, however much I wanted to see Tamas. Intellectually I accepted his assurances that no one blamed me for his black eye or Teru's burns but my stomach seemed determined not to believe it. Sticking my head in cautiously, I saw Tamas at the forge with Noah pumping the bellows. Teru was at the workbench filing the edge of a long strip of iron. Kinna was the first to see me which he announced by letting out a squeal and dropping an armload of metal tools, before launching himself at me. The resulting crash brought everyone's attention around to me. Not quite the entrance, I had planned but I made the most of it by stepping into the building as graceful as possible given I had a seven year old wrapped around my legs.

Tamas crossed the smithy in four long strides and caught me up in a bear hug. I squeaked at him to let me breathe at least and he roared with laughter. However, he released me and I leaned against the bench while he questioned Bitte about the last week. His rapid fire speaking and Bitte's equally rapid answers made me smile affectionately.

"Good morrow Nicco," Teru laid the file down. "Yeh all ri? Ah heard yeh were down sick wi' tha flux."

"Yes, I feel much better, but I was horribly miserable for about a day."

"Ahh," he said nodding. "Good ta `ear yer doin' better."

"What about you? You were burned..." my voice trailed off.

"Oh, not so bad as Kinna made it sound Ah'm sure. E does like to stretch tha truth a wee bit." He grinned. "Looks like Ah'll be a wee scarred on me ri arm and chest, but nothing worse than what's about in ere." He made a sweeping gesture around the smithy. "Burns `appen, part o' tha job."

I studied him thoughtfully. His face and voice were sincere and held no trace of resentment or bad feelings. Through the neck opening in his shirt, I could see bandages wrapped around his shoulder and chest. My eyes traveled up to his; I could read nothing except pleasure in their green depths. I flushed and looked at my hands.

"Still I'd like to apologize for my brother; he acted like a prime ass."

Teru chuckled and reached over to squeeze my shoulder, which attracted Tamas' attention. He wrapped me in his arms and dragged me off across the smithy. Everything, it appeared, was back to normal.

Friday afternoon, two weeks after the fight, sitting in the courtyard copying and enjoying a break in the rain, I looked up when a shadow fell over my page. Squatting beside me was a smallish man peering intently at my book. His head turned sideways and he peered at me in a startlingly birdlike movement. I started backwards causing my desk to slide out of my lap.

"Whoops," the small man said catching the desk and inkwell before it could spill. "Sorry, I dinna mean to startle ye."

His voice was soft with a northern burr, I blinked in shock wondering where he'd come from and how he'd got into the courtyard without anyone noticing. He turned the door around and scanned the page.

"Tax rolls?" He said with a sour face. "The least ye could be doing is readin' somethin' interestin`."

He grinned and set the door down carefully. Rocking back on his heels, he studied me as much as I studied him. I was certain when he stood up he'd be taller than a woman but still short for a man and very slender built. His face was youngish looking maybe thirty or so and probably when he was a child, people had called him girly and pretty. Thick black hair tumbled over his forehead and into very large, very blue eyes. His nose was small and straight; his mouth a cupid bow with a ready smile.

He rocked another minute, then leaned forward, his chin resting on his fist, elbow on his knee. An air of danger clung to him, in spite of his size. He cocked his head once more, again reminding me of a bird.

"I thought ye were a servant, but now I wonder why ye smell of my son," he said, softly rolling his rs.

"Son?" I asked stupidly.

"Aye, ye do smell of him. A dragon has marked ye as its own and I'm guessing by the smell o' fire and metal, it's my son." He rocked back on his heels again.

"You're Tamas' father?" I squeaked, my hand creeping, on its own, up to my throat to grasp the dragon pendant.

"Aye, sure and true as I stand here, that laddy is my own flesh and blood."

He straightened up and held out a long fingered, delicate hand. I reached out with my own twisted one; he raised an eyebrow but said nothing else. The small man was surprisingly strong as he gave me a good tug that pulled me to my feet and nearly dropped me to my knees from momentum. He laughed and steadied me with his other hand. He raised the hand still grasping mine; turning it side to side, studied my hand, eyes flicking from hand to my face and back again, once more reminding me of a bird.

"I was sick as a small child," I said blushing. "My hands are the result."

He sighed, "Human medicine, tis but a fairy dream." He shook his head and let go of my hand.

I had been right in my estimation that he'd be shorter than average. The top of his head came about to my nose and I smelled dragon musk and something sweet, like a flower. I breathed it in deeply trying to decide what it was.

"Ye can't believe the tales about wyverns," he said with a grin. "We've naever brought naebody any pestilence or war, we chust pop in to watch the show."

His grin was infectious and I found myself grinning in return. A movement in the direction of the kitchen door caused me to turn my head, just in time to see the earthenware bowl in Nayne's hands crash to the ground. Her hands went to her mouth. Tamas' father turned and his face lit up in a grin.

"Nayne lassie!" He called to her.


Nayne moved so fast, I was certain she was flying. The small man caught her and wrapped his arms around her. Nayne's speed across the twenty paces or so from the door nearly knocked him over on impact. His feet rolled lightly a couple inches above the ground then came to rest on the paving stone as he steadied himself and Nayne.

"Ye missed me, aye lassie?" he asked with a smile.

"Kinder! You wretched man! Do you know how long it's been?" She asked wiping tears out of her eyes with one hand.

"Long?" He said puzzled. "Well, I reckon a year or two; the bairn should be near grown by now."

Nayne stepped back, her eyes flashing. Tamas inherited his mother's temper that was easy to see. She planted her fists on her hips and glared at him. Beside me I heard Kinder mutter a quiet "oh oh".

"A year or two! You bloody great fool of a man!" Nayne face was red. "It's been FIVE years. Count them Kinder, one, two three, four, five! Your son is almost seventeen now! He's almost a man!"

"Whoa, now lassie," Kinder held up his hands as if to ward off an attack. "Canna be that it's been that long, it's only been..."

His voice trailed off as he mentally ticked things off on his fingers. His face went from dismissal to puzzlement to incredulity to embarrassment. Nayne tapped her fingers against her hips.

"Well Kinder"? She asked

"Ah Nayne, lassie, I been busy," he said trying hard to look properly distressed. Nayne looked unconvinced and the small man squirmed under her glare.

"Oh forget it Nayne," he said grabbing her up around the waist. "It chust means we hae five years of lovin to make up for!"

Kinder leered so wickedly at her that Nayne laughed and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. My face went from warm to hot-enough-to-fry-bacon as I watched Kinder give Nayne a kiss that would have scandalized Mother to her shoes. Now I knew which parent Tamas took after in that regard. I studied the eaves of the house suddenly fascinated with the workmanship.

"Mum!" Tamas' roar bounced off the house.

"Hmm, prepare yourself," I murmured toward the small man who was setting Nayne down and turning toward the forge.

Tamas appeared in the courtyard with Teru and the others close behind him. He crossed the small courtyard at a speed I'd only witnessed once before: when I'd fallen at the garrison smithy. He reached his mother's side well ahead of anyone else, his fists already in motion. His right headed for Kinder's face and both his mother and I leaped for him.

"Whoa!" Kinder said in surprise. His hand came down on his son's fist pushing it towards the ground. Surprised Tamas swung his hand up flipping the small man into the air. Kinder rolled feet over head and dropped to the ground light as a bird behind Tamas. Behind him Teru came to a halt so abruptly that Noah crashed into him.

"Och, ye may be a firedrake, laddy, but ye'll nae catch a wyvern wi' that great clumsy body!" Kinder said with a grin.

"Da?" Tamas said confused.

"Aye and well I see, ye've grown a lot since last I was about," Kinder held out his hand. "I heered a scream a couple weeks back, that sounded like ye, been right worried about ye, I have."

Tamas took his father's hand and just for a moment, I read his mind, but I was too slow to block the fist that smashed into Kinder's jaw, knocking the smaller man backwards onto his butt. Nayne let out a scream and ran to Kinder. Tamas shook his hand and scowled. I and everyone else stood frozen in shock.

"I said I'd pop yeh a good `un next time you showed up and I meant it. Yeh're some kinda man to be leavin' yer mate alone fer five years. Yeh think she ne'er cried for yeh. Yeh think I ne'er heard her tears. Yeh think I ne'er needed a father? Yeh have no right ta be worrit, yer not my family! Mum and Granfa is my family!"

Behind Tamas, Kinna burst into tears in fear. Noah dropped to a knee and gathered the child into his arms speaking soothingly to him. Teru swore grandly and reached for Tamas, jerking his hand back from the halo of flame that surrounded the smith. Fire licked down Tamas' side and coiled around his feet. Tiny angry flames flickered in his hair and across the row of freckles on his nose. All the swelling around his eye was gone, all that remained were streaks of yellow, and twin fires of blue flame burned furiously in them. Kinder gingerly touched his jaw and winced. He patted a flustered Nayne on the shoulder and rose to his feet.

"Ye've a right fiercesome fist there, laddy, I should hate to see what's left of the guy who gae ye that black eye."

Nayne rounded on her oversized son and tied into him like the devil. Tamas didn't respond he just stood glaring at his father. Kinder looped his arm around Nayne's waist and pulled her up to him, cutting her verbal assault short. He studied his son towering over him.

"Ye've grown to manhood in these last five years. I'm verra sorry I wasnae here to watch it. `Twould hae been a pleasure to see, I am sure."

"Yeh're sorry! Mum's sorry! Everyone's damned sorry!" Tamas shouted.

Tamas' fists bunched up but both, he and I, knew he'd not have the chance to land another punch. Instead, he shrugged and stomped off toward the smithy. I glanced from his back to Nayne to Kinna, still crying in Noah`s arms, and back to the forge.

"Go after him Nicco," Nayne said softly. "Some comforts can only be given by your mate."

I glanced down at my papers on the ground, but Bitte was already there shuffling them and repacking my rucksack. I nodded to him and took off at a sprint across the courtyard. Tamas had walked through the smithy and into the Street of the Carpenters before I caught up with him. Neither of us spoke as we walked, lost in our own thoughts. I wasn't even certain he knew I was there until he took a sharp right at the end of the street and stopped to wait for me to catch up after heading straight towards the city gates.

Vendors' carts, people moving between carts and shops and others just moving around crowded High Street. A young beggar started forward but changed its mind after getting a look at Tamas' face. I suspected that the townsfolk knew the young smith's temper as well as his fire. Tamas weaved his way through the mass of people, stopping only to wait for me to catch up. Heat rolled off him like out of a furnace, but he kept the fire under control. Mid-way down High Street, he ducked into a lane that was little more than a space between buildings. The lane was unpaved and pitted with holes and ruts. It went about 20 feet and hooked sharply right around a building ell.

Tamas disappeared around the edge of the building out of my sight. I sped up and as I came around the corner, his hand shot out and caught my arm pulling me abruptly into his arms. I squeaked out an exclamation of surprise before Tamas' mouth covered mine in a deep, hard kiss. His arms around me felt like iron bands, but somehow I managed to work my arms loose. Wrapping them around his neck, I squeezed him in return. Tamas broke off the kiss and dropped his head onto my shoulder. I stroked his hair gently.

"It's not that I'm not glad to see him, I'm just angry he's been gone so long, and he has the nerve to stroll in as if he only left this morning to buy bread in town," he sputtered into my collar.

"Mmm," I said thinking rapidly. "You told once that wyverns aren't good family men, they are too independent. I think you know this in your head, but knowing it in your heart is something else."

His arms tightened around me, solid, warm and strong; I wondered how I'd react when he returned from his journey. Pushing that thought out of my mind, I concentrated instead on the weave of his shirt. Softly I stroked his hair and back, asking nothing of him and expecting nothing in return.

"Tamas," I started hesitantly, "your father returned not for his own reasons, but because he heard a dragon lose its temper and became concerned for his son. I wonder if my father would feel the same for me."

I paused, thinking, before continuing, "How odd... This is the first time in years I've spoken to my father, except formally at a function. I guess we're just a pair of abandoned puppies."

Urr," Tamas mumbled into my collar.

"Sorry I don't speak dragon," I said with a laugh.

Tamas' fingers dug into my sides tickling me through my doublet. I laughed and squirmed in his grasp trying to get loose. He laughed and spun around pinning me to the brick and plaster wall, one hand on either side of my head and a knee between my legs. I could feel his thigh pressing against my stones; I groaned softly as he shifted and the rough material of his breeches stroked them through my hose. Tamas leaned forward and I tipped my head up the two inches to look him in the eye.

"Nicco," his voice was low and hard. "My control is getting better everyday, I will master the fire soon and then I won't need his help. I won't need anyone's help."

I swallowed feeling emptiness in my gut. Somewhere in the back of my head, I had always suspected he'd leave me behind, once he gained the power to change. I leaned back against the cold wall and closed my eyes tight to keep the tears from leaking out. Warm fingers gripped my chin tightly forcing me to open my eyes. A pair of blue eyes peered at me, close enough I could see myself reflected in its depths.

"Don't look at me like that," he pleaded. "I'm just being angry and stupid again. I need you, I need Mum, I need everyone in my household." His arms wrapped tightly around me.

"But most of all I need you, Nicco. I can't be without you, it hurts." He pulled my head close. "Hurts so much I want to die."

We clung to each other, just a pair of lost boys trying to be adults, trying to love each other. Hurt and angry but still trying to be the rock each other leaned on, I wondered if all couples went through such feelings. I wondered if Father had ever clung to Mother, I couldn't visualize it, but I knew so little of their private life.

"You can't die," I said thumping him on the shoulder. "Kinna would never allow it."

He snorted a smothered laugh. I snickered and suddenly we were shaking with laughter and leaning against the wall for support. Tamas kissed me again and I grasped his shirt front in a double handful. Fire raced through my veins, heat flooding my groin and I groaned as his leg pressed against me again. Tamas leaned against the wall using one arm and one leg to support me. His free hand nimbly attacked the buttons on my doublet; I heard one ping as it hit the wall before bouncing to the ground.

Tamas' hand inside my doublet was hot and I flinched from the heat. He murmured a sorry without ever breaking the kiss or his hold on me. The hand supporting me slid under the skirts of my doublet to press against the small of my back. I shivered and gripped his shirt even tighter. My doublet slid off my shoulders, only the buttons at my wrists kept it from falling to the ground. He fumbled with the ties on my shirt; his fingers tangling up in them; growling in frustration, he pulled the ties out of the top holes. His hand slipped inside my shirt and I cried out in pleasure. His skin against mine was lighting a fire in me that burned every bit as furiously as the fire in the forge.

His hand caressed my shoulder and chest as his lips and tongue made love to my mouth. The hand against my back pressed me up against his belly so hard I wondered if I'd have a bruise from his belt buckle. My hands scrabbled frantically to grip his shirt; he gave a small yipe when I accidentally grabbed a handful of flame colored braid, but it didn't break the rhythm of the kiss or the pressure of his hip against my hip.

His hand pressed against my back, the pressure on my cock driving me crazy. I felt his hard cock against my hip and every time he shifted, it rubbed against mine. Tamas grunted through the kiss and pressed harder against my hip. His hand slid down to grip my butt and rocked my lower body against his. He rotated our bodies until my back was against the wall and pressed up against him. His hand on my butt together with the knee between my legs kept up the pressure and the friction on my cock. I looped my leg around his in an effort to keep my balance. He yanked my shirt out of my hose and ran both hands up across my belly and chest, I moaned in pleasure.

"Touch me," he panted.

My hands raced up his sides and across his back. He moaned softly and kissed me again. Through the rough weave of his shirt, I felt the ridges of muscle that comprised his torso. Shyly I explored the strong contours of his pectoral muscles, then more confidently as he whispered in pleasure against my lips. My thumb brushed his nipple and he groaned.

Tamas' lips slid away from my mouth to my jaw, where he sucked on it furiously. I groaned and cried out. He moved along my jaw to my neck below my ear; my body stiffened against his. His heartbeat thundered so loud in my ears I could hear nothing else. By now, I was so hard I thought I'd die and my cries were practically sobs. His teeth nipped at my shoulder at the same time his fingers tweaked my nipple. I cried out a long keening cry as my body went rigid against his. Tamas pressed his groin harder against my hip, rubbing against me, and twisted my nipple. This time I couldn't cry out, I wasn't certain I was even still breathing and I barely had time to grab his shoulder before my orgasm ripped through my body.

I'd never left anything so glorious or so terrifying in my life. My body refused to listen to me as long shudders wracked it from head to toes. I felt the rough wall on my shoulders through my shirt. The back of my head scraped the wall as Tamas pushed against me again. My fists beat on Tamas' shoulders and I felt his hands dig into my sides. When it was over, I sagged against him; the only thing keeping me from falling was his arm around my waist. Tamas rolled sideways leaning against the wall one arm still around me. I drooped on his shoulder, completely spent.

"Oh sweet heaven," he gasped, his face flushed. "Thah was e'en better'n I imagined."

His arms tightened around me and he kissed me again. A window over our head opened with a slam and a head appeared. Tamas jumped and looked up. An older woman leaned out, a chamber pot in one hand.

"Get on wi` yeh," she screamed shaking the pot, liquid sloshed over the side and Tamas jumped out of the way pulling me along.

"Yeh damn kids, go find somewhere else to eff around! Yer botherin honest folk."

Tamas looked at me trying not to laugh; I smothered my laughter in my hand. He grabbed my hand and leaped down the narrow lane dragging me along. I heard the sound of the contents of the chamber pot splash on the ground. Tamas' laughter echoed down the lane.

The lane curved along the city wall with barely room to squeeze through but surprisingly we came out almost on the forge. Tamas wrapped me in his arms and kissed me again. For a moment, the world slipped away and I saw an endless expanse of sky above and in front of me, clouds streaking past. My arms tightened around Tamas reflexively.

"I won't let you fall ever," he murmured against my lips. I shivered and hugged him tighter.

He took my hand and we crossed High Street, which was mostly deserted. Not many business or houses were located at this end of the street, owing to the close proximity of the smithy and its odors, particularly that of burning coal. However, a few small hovels dotted the edges of the Commons, homes of the poorest residents of the town. We picked our way cautiously across the Commons, being wary of animal poop and other small piles of garbage. Tamas wrinkled his nose and muttered about getting the boys out there to clean.

Grabbing my hand, he led me around the old stable that was currently serving as storage and up along the side of the house. Tamas held a finger up to his lips; inside the kitchen, I heard Nayne and Kinder's voices but couldn't make out any words. Tamas looked around; then motioned me backward. A heavy spray of ivy covered the spot where the house met the village wall. Tamas gestured up and I looked up in shock, tucked under the eave was a small window with an open shutter, surely he wasn`t planning to climb up there!

Tamas grinned at my look of horror. He gestured to me to grab on around his neck and without thinking about it, I did, as he wanted. He bent at the knees and hooking his arms under my legs bounced me up his back until my legs wrapped around his waist. I grunted as my cock bumped his backbone, the poor thing was more sensitive than usual.

"Hang on," he whispered and reached into the ivy.

I squeezed my eyes shut and said a short prayer for my future. I felt the muscles under my legs push and his arm muscles pull as Tamas stepped up. Opening my eyes just enough to see, I spotted a wooden framework under the thick ivy. Originally, a trellis, it looked as if some boy intent on mischief had added stronger, heavier uprights and cross bars to make a ladder of sorts.

"Tamas!" I hissed in his ear.

He chuckled, "Wild, hai? I did it a couple years ago, I won't promise Mum doesn't know but I don't think she does."

He stopped just below the window and told me to crawl through into the room. Awkwardly I grasped the windowsill grateful that the house wall was wattle and daub instead of solid castle rock. Tamas positioned my foot on a cross bar and pushed up. I scrabbled for a firm hold and tumbled over the windowsill into the room, banging my knee on the shutter. I lay there expecting Nayne or Kinder to burst in through the door at any moment. Tamas sprung up over the window and landed smooth as a cat. He grinned at me and helped me to my feet.

I peered around the small dim room. Built up under the eaves, Tamas could only stand upright by the inside wall, three paces, four for me, into the room his head bumped the ceiling. The inside wall ran front to back along the pitch of the roof dividing the attic into two rooms. A door opened to a small entry at the head of the stairs. A long piece of bronze leaned against the wall, buffed to a high shine. I smiled such a peacock, as Tamas, of course, would have a full-length mirror in his room. Against the back wall sat a bed, the metal frame glinting in the dim light from the window. At the foot of the bed was a door leading to the back stairs; firmly closed and bolted. By the window, an old clothes chest carved with flowers sat with a pile of hose in front of it. A rolled bed mat with a pile of blankets lay next to it. I suspected Kinna spent many nights on the mat.

"It's not fancy," he said with a shrug, "but its mine."

"I like it," I said warmly. "It's cozy."

Tamas grinned and scooped up the pile of hose off the floor. He threw them casually on the bed and pulled the clothes chest out into the center of the room. Gesturing toward the door, he asked me to fetch the silver ewer sitting in a basin by the door. I peered in the ewer and found it nearly full of water. Carrying it required both hands because it was large, heavy and awkward shaped, being round at the bottom and narrow at the top. If I had two working hands it would have been easier, but I made the most of it and in two trips carried it and the washbasin back to Tamas. He grinned in thanks and pulled his shirt off.

I flushed remembering what had just happened in the lane, heat flooding through my body. Tamas poured water into the washbasin and with the help of an old shirt splashed it on his face and body. I watched him, my face red, and an ache starting anew in my gut. Tamas' face popped out from behind the shirt with a grin.

"Take your hose off," he said.

"What!" I exclaimed. He raised an eyebrow and nodded toward my crotch.

"It's getting uncomfortable, I`ll wager. All sticky and nasty."

I flushed again because I was feeling uncomfortable and had been wishing I could send Bitte back to the castle for clean hose and braies without anyone asking questions. Tamas stood up and unbuckled the wide heavy belt he wore in the forge. It dropped to the floor with a clunk I was certain could be heard all over the lower floor. He walked over to the bed and perched on the edge. Wedging one foot behind the other he worked his foot out of his thick leather boots, and then repeated the process for the other foot. He untied and peeled off his half hose and flung them across the room, his nose wrinkled in distaste.

He looked at me and let out an exasperated sigh, reaching out he caught my wrist and pulled me to his side. His hands on my hips were warm and I begged my cock not to react.

"Don't be so worried, just take `em off," he said. "Or are you waiting for me to undress yeh?"

"Tamas!" I pulled out of his grasp. He grinned full of mischief.

"Tamas," I sighed. "I can't take off my boots on my own."

"Pfft!" he said. "Sit down."

We switched places; he crouched down and grasped my boot. My low ankle boots in his large hands put up token resistance and then slid right off. Tamas stood up and pushed his breeches and braies down as he walked back to the clothes chest. Casually kicking the clothes across the room, to join the half hose, he reached for the shirt in the basin and proceeded to finish his clean up. Feeling it was useless to resist any further, unless I really did want him to undress me, I unbuckled my double belt and dropped it on the bed. Tamas walked to the window carrying the washbasin. He stuck his head out and then flipped the water out it.

When he turned around, I beheld the full glory of sixteen-year-old manhood. I swallowed nervously and ducked my head concentrating furiously on my own hose. The image of soft, curly red hair running from pecs to crotch floated in front of my eyes making my fingers even more clumsy than usual. Somehow, I managed to get out of my hose and braies without falling over. I poked my braies with my foot and a scowl of distaste, my orgasm had coated them with cum which caused the linen to stiffen as it dried.

Tamas handed me the shirt rag, while holding the basin in easy reach. Awkwardly I tried to hold my long shirt up and wash, but it wasn't working and I dropped the rag. Blushing with embarrassment, I picked it up and tried again. Having him so near was distracting enough without him being completely naked. Tamas turned slightly and leaned close to my ear. He blew lightly in it and lifted my shirt out of the way.

"You are NOT making this easier," I grumbled.

"Ha, yer cute when yer embarrassed," he said chuckling. He blew in my ear again and I promptly dropped the rag again. "And just as beautiful down there as you are up top." He kissed me.

"Ahh, you're hopeless," I said picking up the rag.

Somehow, I managed to clean up. While Tamas dumped the water again, I studied my hose morosely. I supposed I could put them back on but they'd be itchy and uncomfortable without linen between them and me. I sighed in frustration and reached for them as a pair of braies and light blue hose landed in my lap. I looked up surprised to see Tamas balanced on one foot pulling on a pair of braies. He nodded to my lap.

"I think those'll be all right for you, they're a couple years old, but I don't reckon I've grown taller," he grinned and tied the drawstring on his braies. "Just got thicker."

He studied me, head to toe. I blushed and squirmed under his scrutiny. Fumbling with the clothes, I leaned forward to put on the braies.

"You're not as skinny as I thought you'd be, it`s all that black you wear," he said contemplatively. "But you'll have to pull those braies tight, I'm sure."

I stood up and looped the drawstring pulling them as tight as I could but they still slid low on my hips. Tamas reached out and tugged the string some more but the material was so bunched on the string, it was impossible to make them tighter.

"Good thing you've got some butt," he said with a snicker.

Without asking, he tied the string, which was something I couldn't manage. My own braies had knots in the strings to keep them from coming loose since I could loop them only once before pulling them tight. Tamas' hands lightly stroked my hips causing me to heat up again. He kissed me lightly before moving away to finish dressing.

The blue hose bagged a little at my hips and thighs but not enough to be uncomfortable or unattractive. Tucking my shirt in I rolled the top of the hose as usual and belted it tightly just under the roll: the top belt cinched tight to my waist and the lower one across my hips, to help keep the braies up, since I was unable to tie my hose to my belt.

Tamas hopped awkwardly as he pulled up a pair of parti-colored dark and light green hose, tucking in his cream-colored shirt and belting them with a double belt of dyed red leather to which he tied his hose. Unlike my belt, two separate belts connected in the back by strip of leather, his belts ran through a long narrow loop of metal. The upper belt a narrow one that actually served to hold his hose up, by way of the ties, and a wider belt with silver decorations and buckle that rested lazily on his hips, drawing one's immediate attention to his crotch. He leaned over and dug through the chest again, pulling out two doublets. One dark green to match his hose and a blue one that he handed to me.

"It doesn't match exactly but it'll be close enough," he said nodding to the doublet in my hand. "I'll send Kinna to find your missing button later."

I flushed at the memory of how the button came to be lost in the first place. The doublet fit me fairly well, a little long and loose in the shoulders but comfortable nevertheless. When I raised my arms to adjust the high collar, I could smell dragon musk on it. I fumbled with the buttons, Mother's seamstress always made the buttonholes a little big to make it easier for me to fasten them. Tamas proved to be just as agile in buttoning as in unbuttoning, perhaps more so as none of these buttons fell off. He tied the cross garters on my sleeves as well. I wrinkled my nose at them; they really were terribly foppish and rather feminine. He pulled on the green doublet tucking the skirts under the wide belt, the split in the back resting around the metal ring. He looked over his shoulder and down his back with a smile of satisfaction.

"Tamas!" Nayne's voice echoed up the stairs. "I know you're up there, Tam."

Tamas walked to the door and leaned through it. My overtaxed mind focused on his butt in the snug fitting green hose. Flushing, I scrubbed my face with my hands.

"Hai, we'll be down shortly," he called to her.

Turning around he leaned against the doorframe and smiled. I felt his eyes bore into me. Flustered I looked around for my boots. Tamas crossed the room to me and caught my chin in his hand, tipping my head up.

"I knew you'd look better in light colors. Look." He took my hand and led me over to the mirror.

He stood behind me, head on my shoulder, arms around my waist. At first, all I could see was red hair and blue eyes but suddenly I noticed a tall, thin blond man in the mirror. He looked surprisingly attractive in light blue. I peered closely, still frightfully pale I decided but quite pleasant with large brown eyes and a heart shaped face. I peered at the image, then at Tamas.

"See? I told you, you were beautiful," he said softly.

I shook my head. I knew the words but I still didn't understand. Who would call me a beauty when the real beauty was Tamas? I was... attractive, nice to look at, I supposed, but beautiful? Unconsciously I tucked my twisted hands into my armpits. Tamas pulled them back out.

"Stop that," he said sharply. "They are not as ugly as yeh've been lead to believe."

He kissed my hands, holding them between his. I felt heat flow into them chasing the pain away and allowing my fingers to relax. I sighed in pleasure; Tamas leaned over them and kissed me.

"We better get along though, before she comes up here with a broom," he said with a grimace aimed at the door.

Tamas helped me into my boots and pulled on the red ones I'd seen earlier. Rapidly coiling his hair on the top of his head, he skewered the coil with two pairs of hair sticks. Taking my hand, he led me to the bolted door, which he unbolted, and down the stairs.

The kitchen smelled of food and my stomach rumbled in appreciation. Nayne stood up when we came in and for some reason I left like a bride coming home to her in-laws for the first time. Kinder slid his plate and Nayne's down the bench to make room for us at the table. I sat down feeling oddly shy for some reason. Teru looked at me over his mug and winked. I smiled weakly.

Nayne placed bowls of thick lentil and bean soup in front of us and sat down at her seat. I glanced down the table to Kinna who stared wide-eyed until Tamas made a face at him, bringing on a fit of giggles. Bitte looked unreadable with those dark eyes and brows, but I sensed amusement in the air around him. Gisela sat at the end of the table by Bitte and glared at me until Tamas looked at her. She shrunk down in her seat but didn't leave.

We ate without much conversation, enjoying the food and the company. When everyone was finished, Gisela took the bowls and piled them in the washbasin. Bitte disappeared out the door and returned shortly with a full bucket from the well. He poured it into the rinse basin, then went to the fireplace and brought the pot of heated water to the counter. He poured it in the other basin, careful not to splash any. Gisela smiled wanly. Nayne's father excused himself to go to bed and Nayne followed him. Noah looked puzzled and uncertain of what he should do until Tamas gave him permission to leave. Adding as the boy headed to the door, he wanted him in the forge at dawn and not a moment later. Noah swallowed and nodded. Kinder studied his son appraisingly.

"Ye've grown accustomed to wielding power," he said. "And seem to do it well."

Tamas shrugged and reached for the ale jug on the table. Teru held his hand up to his face and mouthed, "Who pissed in his pot?" to me. It caught me unawares and I smothered a laugh that became a cough. Gasping for air, I sputtered. Tamas pounded my back until I thought I would definitely die.

"Ye're gonna kill him afore he can give ye any bairns," Kinder said drolly.

"What!" I gasped at the same moment as Tamas roared.

Teru was laughing and trying not to look like it. I saw Gisela standing with her eyes wide, beside her Bitte was grinning.

"Thass better," Kinder said. "Ye look happier now, laddy."

"Och, pour me a bit more o' that ale, if ye doon mind," he said to Teru, who topped off his mug and everyone else's too.

"Laddy, I've done ye an evil turn," Kinder said over the top of his mug. "And I'd nae be surprised to haff ye hate me, but I swear on my heart, I naever meant to be gone so long."

Kinder sighed softly, "I love yer Mum and yerself, my family, my heart. Och, I haff nae excuses, but I will say that the two of ye were naever far from my thoughts at any time."

"Kinder," Nayne crossed the floor and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He turned his head and leaned back on her shoulder.

Nayne's words echoed in my head, "I didn't know he was a dragon then, all I knew was he was the prettiest thing, male or female, I'd ever laid eyes on."

I understood what she meant now, while Tamas was beautiful, no one would call him pretty. However, the delicate build of his father, coupled with a fey face dominated by a pair of very blue eyes would always be described as pretty. I had a gut feeling that Kinder was much older than he looked and suspected his son's face would stop reflecting his age within ten years as well.

"Och, lassie, ye've done a fine job o' raisin' him, I left a boy here and return to find him a man. A man ready to protect what's his." He kissed her cheek.

"Tisna easy to love a dragon," he said looking me in the eye. "My lassie here, can tell ye that. Tis up to yerself to decide if it's what ye want."

"I plan to spoil Nicco completely," Tamas said with a sharp edge in his voice. He glared at his father for a moment and then sighed and slumped forward to rest his elbows on the table.

"I'm not sorry, you're here. Truthfully, I'm glad to see you and I've wanted to show Nicco to you. I'm just..." his voice tapered off as he groped to find words.

"Sorry I hit you," he mumbled blushing bright red.

Across the table, Teru dropped his mug. He jumped up swearing. Bitte appeared at his shoulder with a rag; I nodded to Bitte pleased. In my peripheral vision, I saw Kinna slide under the table. Startled I dropped to the bench to look and found myself face to face with an impish grin. He crawled over my feet and Tamas' before popping out in the narrow space between the table and the hutch.

Tamas jumped in surprise, and then smiled. He wrapped his arm around the small boy and hugged him. Kinna smiled shyly. Standing on tiptoe, he stretched up and looped his arms around Tamas' neck. Tamas' lifted the boy, one armed, up onto his hip. Kinna snuggled up to his neck.

"I'm glad yeh're `appy now," the child murmured. "I dun like it when yeh're mad. Yeh ain't my Tam then."

Tamas looked thunderstruck and then he smiled and ruffled the boy's hair. Kinna smiled and closed his eyes. I reached over and tickled him. The boy squirmed and grinned. Tamas rubbed his back and a small sigh escaped Kinna's lips, his arms relaxed slipping off Tamas' shoulders.

"Ahh," Teru said, "'e worked `ard today. Poor mite is wored ri' out."

Tamas nodded, he looked up at Teru, "I'm sorry, I left the forge without finishing my work. I'll make it up to you tomorrow."

Teru looked as thunderstruck as Tamas had been moments earlier. One hand crept up to his hair and he grinned.

"Ah'll `old yeh to thah!" Tamas and Teru grinned at each other.

Behind me, I heard Nayne let out a sigh and murmured to Kinder that things were back to normal. Tamas stood up holding the sleeping child and disappeared into the main room, Nayne close behind him. I could hear their voices: Tamas' rumble and Nayne soft alto.

"Yon bairn is a wee young to be in a forge," Kinder said softly.

"Hai," Teru answered. But e was theh anway, allus underfoot, following' Tam about. So Master Huron suggested puttin' im to work, leastways `e'd be busy and no causing mischief."

""E works damned ard fer is Tam, `e does," Teru, added with a grin.

Tamas and his mother returned and sat down one on each side of me. Tamas' hand found mine under the table and clasped it tightly. I listened; his heart was hammering fit to pop out of his chest.

"Ye've done well for yerself laddy; I'm told ye'll be a Mastersmith by next spring,"

"If those old farts on the Council will give it to me at seventeen," Tamas said darkly.

"Tamas!" Nayne looked scandalized. Teru almost dropped his mug again.

Kinder laughed an airy bright laugh. He grinned and thumped his mug on the table. Teru poured him some more ale.

"That's my boy!" he said laughing. "Ye canna let them tell ye what to do, give them no reasons why they canna make ye Master."

"Thas what Ah tell im," Teru said. "Heh, but e is Lord and Master an dun listen to us common folk."

Tamas responded with a rather pithy statement. Realizing what he said, he turned bright red and apologized profusely to his mother. Kinder laughed again; his laugh was so infectious soon everyone was laughing.

We stayed at the table talking until it was nearly dark. Kinder told stories about the places he'd traveled and then Nayne told stories of Tamas' growing up. I listened raptly, anything involving Tamas I wanted to know. Finally, the ale had gotten to Kinder so badly no one could understand him anymore. Nayne shook her head and sighed, but she was smiling anyway. Standing up, she helped Kinder to his feet and looping his arm over her shoulder directed him towards the inner room. I heard her squeal; then reprimand him and his laugh. A clatter on the stairs told me that someone had tripped and then it was quiet. Tamas shook his head and scowled. He muttered something about whether he'd get any sleep that night. I blushed bright red as his meaning sunk in.

Teru stood up and stretched. He and Bitte finished clearing the table; with Tamas' help, they disassembled the table and took the benches outside for the night. I sent Bitte upstairs to fetch my clothes. Tamas walked with me to forge.

"Nicco, my beloved mate," he murmured in my ear. "I'm so glad you were here today. I dun know what I'd have done without you. Dragons are so emotional," he kissed me.

"I suppose that's why we enjoy sex so much," he murmured against my lips. I flushed bright red and sputtered in embarrassment.

Bitte joined us at this point; looking at his face, I knew I would have no secrets from him. I shrugged mentally, feeling happy to have a friend and perhaps a confidante. Tamas kissed me again and told Bitte to watch over me. Bitte answered in the affirmative and bowed. Tamas nodded pleased.

Neither of us talked much on the way back to the castle. I apologized for disappearing earlier but Bitte just waved it off, saying Tamas had needed me. The porter grumbled about letting us in so late but his grumbles were very half hearted. I glanced at the smithy as we passed but it was dark. A dim light shone through an open shutter of the cot, but I saw no movement. We made it to our room without anyone seeing us, where Bitte helped me with my buttons and ties before I crawled into bed emotionally and physically tired.

I awoke early as usual, only to find that Bitte was already up; a lidded pot of hot water sat by the table with a folded washcloth and cake of soap on top. Surprised and pleased, I stripped and washed. Bitte returned in time to catch me fumbling with the drawstring on my braies. Without a word, he took the strings out of my hands and tied them snugly.

"I took the liberty of altering the hose you wore yesterday," he said, handing me the light blue garment. "Now they will show how well turned your legs are."

I blushed and hid my red face by pulling the hose on. Truthfully, Bitte had done a masterful job on them and I wished for a mirror for the first time I could recall. I felt almost shy wearing such a light color. I had worn black or dark blue for as long as I could recall. I wore one of my own dark blue doublets, feeling embarrassed to wear Tamas' foppish one. Much to my surprise, I received many compliments on my appearance at breakfast. I flustered and blushed at the words, but strangely they made me feel good. Once again, I thought of Tamas calling me beautiful and insisting I was every much as fine to look at as he.

As I climbed the stairs to my room, Bitte having already gone up, I heard my name called. Turning I saw Lehi striding across the Great Hall towards me. Surprised I stopped with one foot in mid-air for a full minute before remembering to put it down.

"Lehi?" I said confused.

"Nicco," he said taking my arm and leading me down the stairs to a private corner of the Hall. Puzzled I followed him, frankly curious about what he wanted. Mentally I compared my brother to Tamas: Lehi topped Tamas by about two inched but I doubted that would remain the case for long; like me, Lehi was blond though his eyes were green and his face square with a strong jaw. Tamas, I was certain, was broader in the shoulders but both men were solidly built with strong arms and legs.

"Nicco," he said again. "I acted quite improper the other day. I've an obligation to my class to behave better than that. I'm sorry."

Lehi looked so humbled I was too shocked to respond. I never, in all my thoughts, expected him to apologize for fighting with Tamas, because it was Tamas who threw the first punch.

"I know you've had trouble making friends here in the castle and if I weren't so infernally busy, I would have done something to rectify the situation by now. God's truth, Nicco, I didn't even know you had no servants until Meg mentioned it to me."

He looked so put out I had to smother a laugh by coughing. Lehi patted my back and inquired after my health. Concern filled his voice and I felt light headed from amazement. I'm quite certain I must have looked like a fish staring at him with an open mouth and wide eyes.

"I've insisted to Father that I must go with you to Fordingham. It will be a chance to spend time together, get caught up."

"Plot ways to keep me away from Tamas," I thought cynically.

"Mayhap even teach you a few things," Lehi grinned and dropped his voice, "like the ways of the fairer sex."

I flushed thinking of the back lane the day before, remembering the feel of Tamas' body against mine, the feel of his lips, tongue and hands. I heard the sound of his voice panting in my ear and sound of my own voice as I came. Lehi slapped me on the back jarring me out of the memory and nearly sending me flying. I regained my footing and spotted Bitte, with my rucksack, watching us, his eyes slit and looking dangerous. I gestured to him to wait by the door. He nodded almost imperceptibly but never moved.

"Ha!" Lehi laughed. "I can see you're waiting for that!"

We spoke for a few more minute before I excused myself. I crossed the hall to where Bitte waited and took my rucksack from him. Slinging it over a shoulder, I left the castle without looking back. Perhaps if I had looked back, subsequent events might have been averted... Or perhaps not.

August 19, 2006

For you Johnny Depp fans, I have a Pirates pastiche up on my journal at: http://tamashitoshiro.insanejournal.com/9081.html#cutid1... Disclaimer: Living in the Western US puts me at a disadvantage for Scottish accents, hopefully Kinder's isn't too bad, it's been a loooooong time since I read Kidnapped!

Next: Chapter 6

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