Fairy Tale Sorta

By ten.tsacmoc@retirwnogard

Published on Nov 2, 2008


Chapter 10 - Spring Again

January passed as January usually did: cold and wet with snow or rain until it felt like everything was wet all the time. Water pooled on my windowsill and ran down inside my room; Bitte diligently mopped it up each evening. I spent most of January and February huddled near the archive fireplace writing sporadically when my hands would warm up enough to grasp the quill. Each morning, Bitte would build the fire for the old archivist and I'd line up the inkwells on the hearth to thaw their contents.

Kinder took off again for the warmer Southern Continent shortly after Epiphany. I tried as hard as I could to convince Nayne to go with him but to no avail. I, finally, decided that that she was afraid to go and leave everything familiar behind, and maybe she feared leaving her son, I couldn't be certain. However, I determined to keep trying to convince her to go with him.

February lazed by with little change, except for the beginnings of the spring thaw late in the month. I was pleased to see the first daffodils pushing up through the snow. Bitte grew another inch and his voice cracked for the first time one morning as he was helping me dress. His cheeks turned bright red and he mumbled an apology. I clapped him on the back and ruffled his hair, making him blush even more. A couple days later after I'd arranged my thoughts; I took him to a quiet corner in the archive and had a long talk with him about growing up, girls and sex. The actual mechanics of sex weren't unknown to him, no one growing up in a small house or caravan could remain innocent for long. Servant's sex lives, in general were, ignored by their betters, but Bitte was more of a squire than a servant and I wanted him to know exactly what the ramifications of his actions would entail.

Letters from Tamas continued to arrive every two to three weeks. While short, they did tell me how much he missed me, about his work and the forge in Wallingfirth. I wrote back telling him about the castle, my work, Bitte's growth and the flowers along the castle walls. I suppose my feelings of missing him bled through anyway, but I was determined not to cling like a girl.

March roared in with a violent blizzard that killed two elderly men in their huts and another man caught out in it. After the blizzard passed, many more died from cold, exposure and starvation. Rescue groups rode out daily to the far-flung farms, digging people out and delivering food. Several times, I watched from the castle gates, as Lehi and his fellows left, returning with small children and elderly family members. Being unable to help in the rescue efforts, I devoted myself to helping in the kitchen and tending the children. Bitte quickly became the children's favorite with a dozen or so of them following him everywhere begging for stories or games.

Grandfather sent Teru and Noah to help, as there wasn't much work at the forge at the moment. Both of them rode out with rescue groups, returning in the evening looking grim as the death count from freezing rose. Some days there were no deaths, other days there were several and we started worrying about another outbreak of plague or pneumonia with so many weakened and sick people crowded into the castle.

Mother let Melly off her duties to help nurse the sick. I worried about her getting sick but she sailed through easily with nary a sniffle or cough. Unlike Bitte and I, who both caught colds and were careful to stay away from people for several days. Melly sighed and grumbled about having two more people to tend to, but hot soup, warm blankets and soft caresses accompanied her grumbles, so we knew she wasn't really angry. By the time the worst of the illness passed, the sun had come out again and started to melt off the snow. People began to return to their homes or in the case of many of the children to homes of relatives. Part of me was glad to have the noise and confusion gone, but part of me was sad to see the return of the isolation I'd felt all winter.

On the last morning that Teru and Noah came to help, the sun came out brightly, heating the stones of the castle and warming frozen noses and ears. The last of the refugees had returned home and we were lazing on the kitchen stairs listening to water drip from the eaves and discussing the latest political news from the capital. Things were looking grim for the king as his cousin, currently living on the Continent, was making a play for power.

"Nicco! Nicco, where-, oh there you are," Melly's voice drifted down from the kitchen doorway behind us.

I twisted around to look up at her. Standing in the doorway, wearing a kirtle made of the honey colored material I'd brought back from Fordingham, over a shining white chemise; her hair twisted on the top of her head and skewered by several hair sticks; I thought once again what a pretty woman she was. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Noah look up as Teru scrambled to his feet. I turned to look at Teru, who was grinning ear-to-ear.

"Good morrow, Mistress," he said, carefully enunciating each word.

"Good morrow," Melly said with an amused glance at me.

Noah smothered a laugh in his sleeve and grinned at Bitte, who was trying not to laugh as well. Puzzled I looked up at Melly, then at Teru. My mouth dropped open in shock at the blush covering Teru's face. He fumbled with his hands as if he'd only just discovered he had them and wasn't quite certain what to do with them. I stood up slowly and climbed a couple steps until I stood about halfway between them.

"Melly," I said. "This is Teru, and Noah, they are apprentices to the smithy in town. Teru, Noah, this is my milk sister, Melly."

Noah nodded and politely greeted her. Teru smiled and climbed the stairs to stand one below Melly; he took her hand and raised it to his lips. Melly made a squeaking kind of noise and blushed. She caught my eyes over his shoulder and I shrugged with a grin. Teru let go of her hand and bowed.

"At yer service, Mistress," he said solemnly.

"Thank you Sir Smith," Melly said smothering a giggle. "Do pardon me but I have to take Nicco away as his Lady Mother is requesting his attendance on her."

Teru looked saddened but he bowed again with a flourish. I ducked through the door and headed for the back stairs with a hasty goodbye. On the stairs, I paused and leaned against the wall laughing. Melly caught up to me, Bitte at her heels, and stopped in front of me, her hands on her hips.

"What was that all about?" She demanded perplexed.

"Just what you saw, one of the village's most notorious ladies men just kissed your hand," I said smothering a new round of giggles.

"Is he serious?"

"I suppose so," I said shrugging. "Tamas says he's always very serious every time he starts a new relationship. You should see him in the forge, he will be a master of his craft, for all that he's something of a fool away from it."

"Hmmm," Melly's eyes were thoughtful.

I winked at Bitte and bolted up the stairs, Melly's shouts echoed up behind me. By the time I reached Mother's rooms, I had composed myself to a degree that I was no longer bursting out in snickers. Nodding to Bitte, I rapped on her door and entered the chamber.

The only other excitement in March was when Tamas' house developed a leak shortly after the blizzard hit and Noah reported that the repairs went well. Sayji and his brother Will did an excellent job, considering the conditions they had to work in. Remembering what Tamas said about Kinna's father, I said a small prayer of thanks that no one was injured. I also wondered what, if a leaking roof, buried under two feet of snow, wouldn't do it, would make Nayne call her husband for help.

Early March also brought my twentieth birthday, which must have come as a shocked to nearly everyone in the castle. I'm sure that most of them had expected me to die long before then. For myself, I was rather surprised to have lived through another winter and more than that, I was waiting for my lover to return and invite me into his household permanently. Father sent me a fat purse as a gift and Mother a new suit of clothes. The best gift, however, was a haphazardly scrawled two-page letter from Tamas, even though it arrived quite late due to the snow and difficulty of traveling snow packed roads. As usual, his spelling was hit or miss and his grammar horrid but the emotion came through nevertheless.

"...miss you and mourn that I have to be away on your birthday. I promise never to be so thoughtless again. Next year, we'll spend the whole day in bed..." I flushed and nearly dropped the letter.

"...my control of the fire is almost perfect. I won't burn you ever again, I promised that and I mean it, ne'er again. And Da has pledged to return in the spring to help me learn to change. By summer, I will be a full-fledged Master smith and a fully grown dragon; I will be a man worthy of you."

"Oh Tamas," I murmured to the letter. "You are already the best man I could ever want."

The rest of March drifted by like leaves in a stream as the days lengthened and the sun rose higher in the sky each morning. The snow melted with some minor flooding reported, mostly by those living near the rivers. The heavy snow was a concern to farmers with fields of winter wheat and rye sown in November, but the snow melted slow enough that the fields fared well. Farmers sowed oats and peas or beans as soon as the snow melted off and the ground thawed enough to plow; it wasn't long before tiny shoots started to show. The roads, naturally, became a sea of mud and travel undertaken with the utmost caution. Warmer weather and snow free ground also meant the return of our sparring practice behind the garrison smithy. At first, the ground was quite muddy and we fell a lot, much to the laundress' annoyance, as relayed to us by Melly.

Palm Sunday and Easter celebrations were a welcomed break before the spring labor began. I saw Nayne and the men at the castle church Easter Morning, but I was unable to extract myself from Mother long enough to speak to them. I learned later, from Bitte, that Teru had caught Melly and pulled her off for a talk. He couldn't or maybe wouldn't tell me what they talked about but Melly showed up later sporting new ribbons in her hair and a wide smile.

Tamas and Kinna arrived home a little over a week later. I had woken that morning thinking `I need to go to the forge' without knowing why. After washing and eating, I sent Bitte down to the stable to inquire about a horse since walking there was nearly out of the question with how muddy the road was, while I packed a few things in my rucksack.

Noah saw them arrive first, along with Master Colin, and let out a cry of "Tamas!" Teru and I were heads together studying a stress fracture on a coulter and our heads snapped up so abruptly at Noah's cry that we cracked into each other. My eyes crossed and my knees wobbled as I sagged against the workbench. Tamas was beside me in a moment, his arms around my waist and lips locked on mine. My arms wrapped around his neck squeezing him tightly.

"Nicco," he breathed against my lips.

"Hm, Ah 'spect twould be for nowt ta tell 'im ta go ta 'is room," I heard Teru say.

"Pfft," Noah said. "Yer joost jealous."

"Bah," Teru responded.

Tamas tipped his head sideways, breaking off the kiss. He fixed the journeyman with a look that made Teru`s grin falter. Tamas quirked an eyebrow and one corner of his mouth curled up into a smile.

"Oh, I plan ta go ta my room and woe ta an'one what bothers us," he said, his voice rumbling like thunder.

Teru grinned and clapped him on the back. Tamas let go of me and swung Teru and then Noah into a hearty bear hug. Kinna pulled on my doublet and I scooped the small boy up into my arms. He coiled around me, hugging me fiercely and I hugged him just as fiercely. Everyone seemed to be talking and laughing at once, Nayne, perhaps alerted by mother's intuition, came running, her skirts held up in both hands, to hug her giant son. I couldn't see Bitte and was just wondering where he'd disappeared to when he appeared in the doorway accompanied by a thin, work worn woman, with graying hair pulled back into a braid. I knew she couldn't be any older than Nayne, but hard work and poverty had taken its toll.

"Mum!" Bitte launched himself at her with a squeal.

The small woman enfolded him in a hug, age falling away from her face like a mask as she clutched her small son to her breast. She sobbed and thanked heaven for returning him. I nodded to Bitte; I'd thank him later. He smiled a soft sad smile that roused an ache in my heart. He missed his Gran and his family. Casting my eye around the forge I thought to myself, how much my own "family" had expanded in the last year. All these people, I now had to love and even more so, to worry about, it was more than a crippled, useless man could or should expect in his life. However, before my thoughts could go any further a strong, warm arm scooped me into an embrace again. Tamas reached out and clasped Bitte's shoulder. Bitte sniffled and threw himself into Tamas' arms. The big red head let go of me and dropped to a knee cradling the boy against his shoulder. He stroked Bitte's shiny black hair.

"Hai, hai, I know," he whispered softly. "Yeh've worked very hard and soon as theh move this way, I'll take yeh ta yer Gran. Yeh joost have ta be patient til then."

Bitte sniffled and nodded. Tamas stood up and announced that the Smith Guild Hall dinner would be that Saturday, the twentieth. Several people, many of them neighbors lured into the smithy by the noise, asked if he'd make Master but he just shrugged with a grin. Master Colin also refused to say, but the general opinion was that he'd not be home, and certainly not accompanied by Master Colin, if he weren't. There was a new round of backslapping and congratulations at this point and I began to despair of spending any time alone with him.

It took quite awhile for the crowds to disperse, as everyone was curious about what their red headed smith had been up to in Wallingfirth. Consequently, as some people left more came in to visit with him suspending work for the rest of the day. Tamas' warm arm around my waist felt oddly right, as if it too was saying "I'm Home".

By the time everyone had gone home, it was quite late and dinner reheated a number of times. Conversation was lively and there was a great deal of laughter at the table. Wine and ale flowed making everyone just a wee bit drunk and all the merrier. I stumbled in exhaustion on the stairs and Tamas practically had to carry me up them. He made a joke about bringing the bride home and I popped him half-heartedly on the shoulder.

"I missed yeh so much, my stomach hurt most o` tha time," he murmured into my hair, clasping me tightly as the door shut behind him.

My hands on his arms and shoulders told me that he'd not missed many if any meals, but I kept quiet and took it as a compliment. Tamas tipped my head up and kissed me, a hard fierce kiss that tasted of hot metal and sweet wine. My body melted against his and I wondered if my knees would completely cease to work. Smoothly and without breaking the kiss, he unbuttoned my doublet and backed me up to the bed.

The morning sun peered in through the partially opened shutters and ran across my face waking me. At first, I wasn't sure where I was but then I remembered Tamas had arrived home the day before and I was in his bed. I rubbed my eyes and tried to sit up, but my arm was pinned under a head of thick curly red hair. An arm, nearly as thick as my leg, lay draped over my waist, pinning my lower body down. I sighed and grinned. The possessiveness of that arm made me feel safe in a way I'd never known before and I realized too, that I had missed that weighed down awakening. I slithered sideways and upwards in the bed, freeing my arm so I could sit up.

Lightly I brushed his hair away from his face, Tamas' face had matured in the last six months, the jaw seemed stronger and the brow, even in sleep, more determined. This was not the face of a boy anymore; this was the face of a fully-grown man. This was my lover and this was a man who could and would support his loved ones. I brushed his lips with the tip of my index finger, so soft and so erotic. I blushed remembering those lips on my body and the fires they stirred up under my skin. Slowly Tamas' right eye opened and turned up towards me. He smiled and closed his eye again.

"Tis home then," he said to his pillow. "Yeh'd no be here owt wise."

He rolled over on his back, his arm flopping up to cover his eyes. Still smiling, his other hand found my thigh under the blankets and caressed it softly. A small bite mark colored his right collarbone and my hand went unconsciously to my throat, I was certain I had a few bite marks myself. Tamas lifted his arm slightly and peered out from under it at me. I dropped my hand in agitation and his grin widened. His hand slid out from under the blankets and cupped my chin. He pulled my head down into a kiss.

Somehow, we made it to breakfast before Nayne had cleared the remains away from the table. She quirked an eyebrow at her son who smiled angelically, I flushed and looked at the floor. Without a word, she scooped up two bowls of porridge and set them on the table. I sat down and a fresh loaf of bread appeared in front of me, startled I looked up. Nayne smiled and winked at me. I grinned back at her.

"I expected you two to be late down this morning," she said grinning.

I flushed again and concentrated on eating my breakfast. Inquiring about Bitte, she informed me that Kinna had dragged him off for quarterstaff practice. Listening, I could hear the crack of wood around the side of the house. I finished eating, placed my bowl in the washbasin with the rest of the morning's dishes, and went outside following the sound. Kinna and Bitte were practicing in the narrow space between the house and the stable. I watched amused, and pleased that things seemed to be getting back to normal.

The next three days were a flurry of activity as Tamas' household prepared for the spring Smith Guild banquet. Material for new clothes piled up in the main room of the house and Nayne, along with a neighbor, sewed furiously to make new outfits for Tamas, Grandfather and Kinna. Tamas would have to have something to wear that would befit his new status as Master smith and Grandfather as his former Master. Kinna just needed new clothes, as active boys are hard on clothing. The night of the banquet, Nayne proudly presented Tamas with a saffron colored doublet and a new pair of red and white hose. The yellow doublet made Tamas glow in the candlelight. Nayne had lovingly brushed his thick hair, braided it anew and coiled it on his head like a luminous snake waiting for an opportunity to strike. I studied curiously the journeyman's badge pinned to his breast, which I'd not seen before. A small round disc of iron embossed with an anvil under a crossed hammer and tongs. Teru also wore a similar badge; Noah's badge had bellows on it, denoting his status as an apprentice. Grandfather and Master Colin wore necklaces made of oval shaped flat discs of highly polished brass designating their rank of Master. I shivered in anticipation of Tamas returning with such a chain around his neck.

Tamas was delighted with the doublet and concerned that Nayne'd had to make too many sacrifices to afford the yellow cloth. Nayne assured him that it hadn't been as expensive as she'd thought it would be and shooed him out the door. She confided to me that a cloth merchant's wagon had broken a rear axle in town, dropping the heavy load. Fortunately, none of the cloth had sustained damage, however the wagon required extensive repairs, and so several craft masters had gained new cloth for their wives in return. Teru had taken just enough to make new hose and a small bolt perhaps for someone special out of the cloth paid to Grandfather as Master. The rest of the cloth fell to Nayne to distribute among the growing males in her household.

Waiting for the banquet to finish and the smiths to return was the longest night of my life, it felt even longer than the preceding six months. I very nearly wore a path in the courtyard cobbles walking from the kitchen to the smithy door and back again to the kitchen. As I stood up for the umpteenth time, I saw Bitte, head close to Gisela, snicker and I sat back down rapidly. Nayne cleared her throat and sent the two of them off on an errand to fetch more wood for the fire. I smiled weakly at her and she leaned forward in her chair and clasped my forearm, her fingers digging in a little more than necessary and I realized she was as nervous as I was.

"Halloo!" A shout sounded from outside.

"Kinder?" Nayne said standing up as footsteps sounded across the kitchen floor and the small man stepped inside the main room. Neither of us had known Kinder was back.

"Kinder!" Nayne leaped up and ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck.

For several moments, I gathered up her spilled knitting and politely stared into the fire as Kinder greeted his wife in a manner very similar to Tamas' greeting to me a few days earlier. I could hear softly murmured words and the soft slither of cloth on cloth.

"I wasn't expecting you," Nayne said softly.

"Och, lassie, I nae haff much stomach for all that drinkin' and eatin', so I ate my full and slipped out while they were lookin' at that yellow peacock," Kinder answered with a grin.

"Kinder!" Nayne tried hard to look stern but couldn't manage it and leaned against her husband laughing. "You mean you'd rather drink my ale than theirs."

"You were at the banquet?" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Och, aye laddy, I wass, I am a smith in my own right after all," he said with a smirk and a gesture to the silver chain around his neck and I flushed. I had forgotten that Kinder was a silversmith.

"Did Tamas make Master?" I asked crossing the room and grabbing Kinder's arm. He looked up at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Wass there any doubt really?" He answered.

Nayne gave a squeak of pleasure and hugged her husband. My hand dropped from his arm and I could feel my mouth stretching into the biggest grin. Kinder looked up at me and then down at Nayne. He shook his head and muttered something in a language I couldn't understand.

"Och, but the old ones did argue agin letting a laddy as young as him be made Master. But yer Da and Master Colin, as well as I, countered that he'd been runnin' the forge here for years already. Och, there was much ado about his age but none could find fault with the quality o' his work or his reputation, so they finally gafe in." Kinder's voice was full of pride.

"I'm thinkin' he'll be along here any minute now, yer Da, lassie, is tired and about all done in for this even'. He spoke fiercely in his grandson's favor." Kinder hugged Nayne again.

I spun around and headed out the door to the kitchen, passing the two youngsters returning from Nayne's errand to the woodshed. Bitte called to me but my feet had their own ideas and I flew out the door and across the courtyard. I was just pulling open the outer smithy door as the small group appeared in the square. Tamas' arm looped under Grandfather's shoulders lightly supporting him. Teru walked on the old man's other side holding a lantern; Noah and Master Colin followed close behind. Kinna let go of Noah's hand and broke into a run, crossing the square in an eye blink before launching himself into my arms. I caught him with a laugh, very grateful for all the quarterstaff practice.

"'E did it! `E did it, Nicco, Tam made Master!" He said, so excited his small body shook.

"I know," I said setting him on his feet. "Kinder told me."

"Darn that Kinder! E wasn't sposed ta tell yeh. Tam wanted ta do it imself! Ah'll kick `im, Ah will!" Kinna shouted running towards the house, completely ignoring the fact that he had done the same thing as Kinder.

I started to follow him, then stopped and turned again towards the group of men crossing the square. Deciding that Kinder could take care of himself, I broke into a run and threw myself at Tamas. He caught me around the waist with his free arm and pulled me half off my feet. His other arm abandoned Grandfather and swung around my hips, lifting me off the ground. Oddly, I felt no fear this time and laughed in excitement. Behind me, I heard Teru murmur something and Grandfather shush him. They walked around us toward the smithy. Light flooded out of the smithy door as each lantern inside flared to life.

"I did it, Nicco! I said I would, an I did!" He shouted excitedly swinging me higher up in his arms. I gripped the shoulders of his doublet, my thumbs encountering a cold piece of metal, but before I could examine it closer, Tamas swung me around in a circle. "I made Master, I did! Showed them ole men, oh I did!"

I laughed and leaned down to kiss him. Heat like fire rushed down my back and limbs and I moaned in pleasure into his mouth. The chill night air disappeared and all my senses targeted in on the big red head wrapped around me like a blanket. Tamas' kiss was hot like metal and fire, and sweet like ale. The scent of dragon musk was strong and his heartbeat thundered in my ears. Tamas gently set me on the ground. Even in the dim glow from his fire, I could see his eyes shining with excitement.

Across the square, someone called out, drawn by the sound of voices. Tamas called back and another door opened and then another. People flooded out into the square eager to hear the news. Tamas grinned at me and grabbing my hand sprinted for the smithy. We ducked through the door laughing and got as far as the courtyard before the mob caught up. Neighbors surrounded Tamas pelting him with questions. The piece of metal I had encountered on his shoulder earlier was a disc in his Master's necklace. He slipped it over his head and held it up triumphant. From all sides congratulations assaulted my ears. The crowd moved in so urgently that I ended up rather roughly pushed aside, but I didn't really mind, these were friends and neighbors who had known Tamas from birth and it seemed only right that they should be the first to offer words of praise and congratulations. I circled the crowd to the kitchen door. Nayne was standing in the doorway, her eyes shining with tears and a look of satisfaction and pride on her face. I leaned against the wall by the door and crossed my arms contemplating the scene in front of me.

As with the night Tamas arrived home, it was quite late before everybody went home and we were able to go to bed. The first to leave were mothers herding young children in front of them and, of course, the old aunties and uncles, who left with promises of visits from Tamas to help soothe their aching joints. Nayne and the two elderly smiths retired early as well. Nayne sent Gisela along to Kinna's mother to help with the babes and sleep there as all the free space in the small house had sleepers already. The villagers who were age mates of Tamas appeared ready to celebrate well into the night. Ale, wine and cheap beer appeared along with bread, cheese and raucous singing. Weary, I took refuge in the main room near the fire; the next thing I knew I was being lifted into the air. Crying out, I struggled for a secure hold. A large warm hand caught my wrists and I paused shaking my head to wake up. Tamas' face loomed near mine, his eyes smudged with weariness, but he smiled anyway.

"Shhh, tis aw ri', tis ony me," he said softly.

Tamas set me on my feet. I stumbled but his hand under my elbow held me upright. Over his shoulder, I saw Teru enter the room, Kinder slung over his shoulder like a sack. I heard a burp, then a giggle and snickered myself. Teru glanced over his shoulder with a grin and then looked to Tamas, still grinning.

"Wha should Ah do wi' `im?"

"I'd dump him in tha street," Tamas said with a scowl. "But Mum would flail me alive; take him up an dump him in her room let her listen ta his singin."

Teru laughed and started up the stairs. I could hear him admonishing Kinder to hold still and not to wake the whole house. After a moment of silence, we heard a thump from upstairs and Teru returned still grinning. Swaying slightly he walked to the pile of bedding and dragged the last mat out flat before throwing several blankets on it. The three boys took up most of the room with Noah lying on his back spread-eagle. Carefully I stepped over his arm as Tamas pulled me towards the stairs.

Tamas' room was cold but it wasn't long before the air around him warmed up. A quick snap of his fingers and the candle on the floor by the clothes chest flared to life. Fire flickered under his skin and crackled down his shoulders in tiny rivulets of flame. I shivered knowing he'd promised never to burn me again but it was a hard promise to believe when face to face with the fire. Tamas lifted the Guild necklace over his head and carrying it in one hand walked to the small clothes chest. Pulling it out from under the eaves and lifting the lid just enough to reach in, he stowed the chain inside. He straightened up and started unbuttoning his doublet as he walked back to me. He slipped it off and hung it on a hook by the door behind me. Planting his palm against the wall, he leaned forward and kissed me and without any prompting from me, my fingers grasped the loose sleeves of his shirt. His free hand pressed against my lower back pushing me against his belly. I felt his belt buckle dig into my pubic bone through the skirts of my doublet.

This was a kiss full of promise and passion. This wasn't the kiss of a green boy but of a grown man, a man ready to claim his place in the world, and in his lover's soul. I ran my hands up his arms enjoying the feeling of cotton-encased muscle. He sighed and increased the pressure on my mouth and back, as if trying to absorb my body into his, Tamas' heartbeat thundered in my head. I clung to the back of his shirt, whimpering in pleasure around the kiss.

A thump and then a laugh from the other side of the wall made us both jump and separate. We glanced at the wall and then at each other embarrassed. The laugh repeated and Tamas snarled something under his breath. I looked at him and had to look away before I burst out laughing at his obvious embarrassment over hearing his parents doing exactly what he planned to do with me. I gestured to him, pointed to the bed and then to the window. He nodded and pulling off his chaperon, he tossed it onto the clothes chest. Together we pushed and pulled the wrought iron bed frame across the floor to a spot closer to the door and window and as far as possible from his mother's bed on the other side of the wall. Tamas straightened up and held out his hand; I smiled and took it, letting him lead me around the head of the bed. He flopped down on the bed and immediately cracked his head on the low sloping ceiling. His yelp of pain broke the awkwardness of the moment as he rubbed the sore spot furiously. Trying very hard to hide a lopsided grin, I reached out and pulled the sticks out of his braid, watching it slither down his side like a snake made of fire. Murmuring soft words of comfort, I leaned forward and kissed the top of his head.

"Good thing you had some padding there," I said with a smile. Tamas smiled ruefully and stood up still rubbing his head. He pulled the bed out further into the room and sat down again.

"Nicco," Tamas' hands slid up my thighs to my waist and then around my waist pulling me close. I swung my hand up instinctively to prevent knocking my head against the ceiling, dropping the hair sticks on the floor. Tamas' arms tightened around my waist and I braced myself against the nearby rafter.

"I've wanted at be a Master smith since I was a wee lad, tis all I thought about `fore I met you. Then I foun' another reason to become Master: I had to become a man worthy of you. Yer no just the lad from up the lane, yer from the castle, a right and proper gen'leman." He paused for a moment then went on softly, "I had to gain the rank to be worthy of you and to be deserving of your love."

"Tamas," I said, stroking his hair softly. "You are all the man I could ever want and a lot more, perhaps, than I deserve. Shh..." I pressed my thumb to his lips as he started to speak. "You are strong, in body and mind, determined and responsible. I am overwhelmed at what you've achieved in in your life so far, it's a far cry from the accusations I hear at home of lazy peasants. I stand in awe of you as you work in the forge, keep your household fed, clothed, and raise Kinna and Noah to be loving, hard working men. I can't believe you ever had any doubts of your worthiness, I could never want or need anything more than what I already have in you."

"Nicco," Tamas pulled his head back and looked up at me. His normally deep voice dropped a couple octaves becoming husky almost to the point of hoarseness. "I said once that one day I would use all my talents ta show yeh what yeh mean ta me. Today is tha day."

Tamas stood up and with a whispered `Wait here' disappeared out the back entry. I heard his feet on the stairs and the pantry door open. I frowned puzzled, surely he wasn't thinking of food at a time like this! After a few minutes, I heard the pantry door shut and then a herd of horses on the stairs. The herd resolved itself into the tall red head holding a small bottle in his hand. He bolted the door again and crossed the floor to me in a couple of strides. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he pulled me close before sitting down again on the bed. He placed the small bottle on the floor near his foot.

Tamas' arm returned to my waist and one of his large hands slipped up under the skirts of my doublet caressing my lower back, while the other hand made short work of my buttons and in a moment, my doublet lay forgotten on the floor. Tamas' hands slid up my body caressing me softly. I shivered and leaned down for a kiss. Fire raced through my body from my lips to my toes and I grasped his shirt in a death grip. Suddenly I wanted to touch him, to feel the ridges of his muscles and the softness of his chest hair. Roughly, I tugged at his shirt until it pulled out of his hose. I jerked it up over his head and dropped it on the floor beside my doublet. Tamas grinned in delight at my burst of aggressiveness and before I could blink, my shirt was lying on the floor on top of his. His hand pressed on the back of my head, pushing my head down into a kiss. Once again, fire roared through my body settling in my groin. I groaned in pleasure as my cock hardened. Tamas' free hand stroked my side and hip before coming to rest on my belt buckle. I groaned in pleasure as his middle finger rubbed my cock through the hose. He broke off the kiss and ran the tip of his tongue across his lips.

"Nicco," he said hoarsely. "Touch me, Nicco. I doon care aboot yer hands, I joost want ta feel yeh on my body."

My cock hardened so fast it was painful and I sucked in my breath in surprise. Leaning forward, I kissed him again. My fingers, willing to mind for once, semi-straightened out as I stroked Tamas' arms and then his chest. Hair fine as silk curled around my fingers teasing them. Tamas moaned softly as I stroked his pecs, my fingertips brushing his nipples lightly.

"Ahh, Nicco, I've wanted yeh like this fer so long," he said, his arms tightening around my hips.

My response was lost as he lifted me off my feet; I squeaked in surprise. My hands scrabbled to grasp something but there was only smooth, hard muscle under my fingers. Tamas returned me to my feet with a whispered apology. Grasping my belt, he deftly unbuckled it and peeled my hose and boots off. I wrapped my arms around myself and shivered.

"Mmm," he murmured studying my body as heat poured off him warming my chilled skin.

"Tamas," I said softly, feeling embarrassed under his scrutiny.

Tamas' fingers lightly stroked my back, buttocks and thighs; he brushed my hips before gently cupping my stones in his large palm. I moaned and leaned against his shoulder. He stretched forward and teased the tip of my cock with his tongue before picking the small bottle up off the floor. His tongue teased my cock once again before pulling the shaft into his mouth. I cried out and tangled my fingers in his hair as his tongue wrapped around my cock and sent waves of pleasure to my toes. Never breaking the in and out rhythm of his mouth on my cock, Tamas fumbled with the bottle behind me. I felt something warm turning cold slop down between my buttocks and I moaned in surprise at the sensual feel of it. Tamas' fingers rubbed the oil down between my buttocks toward the hole. I squirmed, half in embarrassment and half in pleasure. Tamas poured more oil onto his fingers before setting the bottle back on the floor. Gently he spread my legs and lightly stroked my scrotum back to the hole. I cried out and he grinned around my cock. Pulling back on my cock, he pressed his fingers against my hole. Slowly he teased my cock and my hole until his finger slid in. I cried out, my back arching; pressing my cock deep into his throat. He choked and pulled his head back before working in a second finger. His fingers pushed deeper into me. Suddenly my head seemed to explode in fire and passion that swirled around me and shook my body. I clung to his hair as his tongue stroked my cock and his fingers caressed my insides to orgasm.

I gave out a long keening cry and my cock slid out of Tamas' mouth as my knees gave out under me and I collasped into his lap. He licked a drop of cum off his lip and his free hand stroked my back as he whispered softly to me. I leaned against him for a moment before dropping to my knees between his legs. As I unbuckled his belt, he grinned and leaned back on the bed while I freed his hard cock and dropped my head over it. Up and down the shaft, my mouth slid teasing and caressing his hard shaft. Tamas moaned and flexed his hips pushing his cock deeper down my throat.

I was certain he was ready to orgasm when he pushed my head away. Puzzled I rocked back on my heels wondering what I had done wrong. Tamas leaned forward and kissed me while picking up the bottle from the floor. Breaking off the kiss, he slowly poured the oil onto his cock. Carefully he rubbed it all over the engorged shaft. He moaned softly and I felt myself get hard again.

"Stand up," he gasped. I stood up and he gestured me to him. "C'mere, straddle my legs."

His accent was so broad I almost couldn't understand him, but I straddled his legs, puzzled. He grunted as the tip of his cock rubbed against my stones. Grasping my hips, he maneuvered my butt over his cock. I felt the slippery shaft stroke my scrotum and hole.

"Easy, Nicco," he said softly. "Relax, relax, relax..."

I let out my breath and resting my hands on his shoulders bent my knees. I felt his cock push at my hole as he pulled my head down into a kiss. My nipples hardened and I groaned at the kiss, leaning forward into it. A sudden thrust upwards of his hips and I felt my hole stretch painfully. I gasped as he pushed in and then pulled out, thrusting deeply until I sat astride his legs.

"Nicco," he moaned. "Nicco, is so sof' an' warm inside yeh. I wanted sa bad to be in theh. But I hadda wait til I could control tha fire. I wohn burn yeh ever gin."

I groaned in response unable to form words. Tamas pulled my head down into a kiss again and leaned back in the bed. Rolling sideways, he stopped on top of me. I wasn't certain what to do next so I wrapped my legs around his waist and pushed my butt up against his groin. Tamas moaned into my mouth and started to move. Long even strokes alternated with short jerky strokes as he pushed his cock deep into my body. I cried out and clung to his shoulders. A deep thrust bent my back and rubbed my cock against his belly.

Neither Tamas nor I could hold out for long, with so much stimuli working on our bodies and it wasn't long before Tamas' body thrust deep and hard into me; his head fell back in ecstasy. My body twisted and pressed against his, my fingers grappling at his shoulders. Tamas collapsed on top of me completely spent from the orgasm. I grunted and he hurriedly rolled off, gathering me into his arms. Softly he kissed my eyes, nose and lips.

"Nicco, my love, my beloved mate," he murmured into my hair. "Now yeh really are mine, mine forever."

"Silly boy, I always was yours, from the first moment I laid eyes on you, I've been yours," I said softly, tracing the shape of his lips with my finger. He kissed me again.

We made love two more times before exhaustion stopped us. Tamas washed me as well as himself; one of the advantages of having a firedrake in your bed was his ability to heat the wash water. I slipped into sleep feeling safe, warm and loved. I woke just enough to sigh in contentment as he crawled in with me and gathered me in his arms. The heat from his body soothed my sore spots and I drifted off again.

I awoke to the sun streaming in through the window. Sitting up, I looked around the room. Tamas was gone, most likely already in the forge. No doubt, he was on fire to work in his forge as Master now. I smiled and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Bitte had been in the room, I had fresh clothes lying on the chest and a covered pail of wash water. Stiffly, I eased myself out of bed and washed up. Bitte entered the room just as I started buttoning my doublet. He tied my shirt and smoothed my doublet. I thanked him solemnly, I really had no idea how I would have managed the last six months without his companionship.

Nayne had left my breakfast in the corner of the fireplace, where it would stay warm and not burn. Bitte told me she and Kinder had left early. He didn't know where they went, but I suspected they just wanted some time alone together, something I understood completely. I finished breakfast and walked to the smithy. Inside Tamas, Teru and the two boys were hard at work. Grandfather watched them content to play retired Patriarch, now that his beloved forge was safely in Tamas hands. I leaned on the door watching, my heart pounding in time with Tamas heart. This was where I belonged, this was the life I had chosen for myself and here was the place my heart wanted to reside. I, along with Tamas, was home.

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