Faggot Collector

By Beaumonte Bill / Oral Guy 2000

Published on Nov 29, 2016


Faggot Collector (part 5)

Jeff longed for BBC, but rarely got it. He thought he would do nearly anything to get it regularly – or would he? I hope you enjoy this work of fiction.


Dr. Sherwood was reassuring as he explained that swallowing a large volume of cum was not harmful, but my body would need some time and practice to become acclimated.

"How many loads have you swallowed in close succession before?" he asked.

"I think about five," I confessed.

"We have a number of men lined up for you tonight who haven't cum in over a week," said Dr. Sherwood, "And to make it easier for you, they will already be aroused and nearly ready to cum."

Dr. Shewood turned to Shayla and said, "Ask the lead fluffer to come in."

Shayla left the room and returned with a naked white boy who looked to be in his teens.

"How many are there now?" Dr. Sherwood asked.

"Twenty-eight, Sir," the boy replied.

"Then start with me," the doctor said, unzipping and taking out his cock.

The boy dropped to his knees and began to suck the doctor, who was quickly aroused.

"I'm ready," said the doctor," and the fluffer boy pulled off him and I took him into my mouth. After a few sucks he flooded my mouth with his seed.

By now two other teen aged white boys came in with hard black men. Behind them as a line of five more black men. They formed a suck line with me at the head and three fluffers before me, ensuring that the men who reached me were all ready to cum.

Dr. Sherwood and Shayla watched as one man after another nutted in my mouth and I swallowed. I was surprised at the skill of the fluffers, arousing the men so much without making them cum – it wasn't something I thought I could do!

These were really big loads, and by the time I had swallowed nine my stomach was beginning to feel a little uneasy. I told Dr. Sherwood and he told me to let him know when I had reached my limit, but warned me not to pass it.

I swallowed two more and told Dr. Sherwood I thought I had reached my limit.

He took a hypodermic syringe out and gave me a shot in the arm, and explained, "In a few minutes the nausea will go away and you can continue."

I was on the verge of throwing up and was glad I hadn't tried to swallow another, but soon the feeling passed and I said I was ready to continue.

I continued to take the cocks as they were ready to cum – I realized that the fluffers were doing most of the work – tonight I was just a cum dump, but felt good about swallowing so much cum – I never dreamt I would take so much!

Each man spent less than a minute in my mouth, so I had little time to notice any details, except most of them seemed to be young – perhaps from a local high school students. Their cocks were pretty respectable for their age, and like any horny teen, they had big loads for me.

I was focused entirely on sucking and swallowing, so I had lost count, but Shayla was keeping track.

"That's 23 now," she reported, "And and a few more have arrived."

That was an amazing amount of cum, and I was eager for even more as the line progressed. Soon Shayla reported that the last guy had arrived, and Dr. Sherwood said, "I think he can take more, so please let Jamal know."

Dr. Sherwood said he would keep track of the count while Shayla was out and I continued.

Shayla returned and said, "Jamal is sending in a few others."

Dr. Sherwood reported that I had just swallowed number 31, and that there were six more left.

I finished swallowing all of them and Dr. Sherwood asked how I felt.

"I'm doing fine," I replied, "That shot worked wonders."

The door opened and Jamal brought six more men in and announced that they were business owners who might wish me to hire me as a cocksucker.

I had never considered that possible, but liked the idea, so I resolved to do my very best for them.

They started with the fluffers to get them ready, but when they arrived at my mouth I worked my tongue eagerly and made swallowing motions with my throat, wanting them to have the very best climax.

They all complimented Jamal on recruiting me. Afterwards Jamal led them out. Having nobody left to blow, Dr. Sherwood thanked the fluffers and turned to me, saying, "You've swallowed 43 large loads, which is probably about half a pint of cum – very impressive – how do you feel?"

"A little queazy right now," I reported, "Could I get another shot?"

"I'll give you another shot," agreed Dr. Sherwood, "But it won't be as effective. I suggest that you go home and go to bed – avoid any strenuous activity – it is important to let the cum work through your system. In the morning you will have loose stools, but be sure to write down any other effects."

"Are you hungry?" he asked.

"Yes," I said, "I haven't had anything to eat since lunch."

"Good," replied the doctor, "No snacks or anything else to eat until morning – understand?"

I nodded and Shayla took me to get dressed. I drove home, hoping I could keep the cum down. When I returned my wife asked me about the meeting and I found myself quickly making up a story about my boss emphasizing teamwork and that he might have some team-building sessions.

I told her I was feeling tired and went to bed early.

When I got up I went to the bathroom and really had the shits! Ordinarily it would have been very unpleasant, but this time I knew it was because of all the cum I had swallowed. I felt like I was ready to swallow more!

I sent Dr. Sherwood a brief email and thanked him for working with me – I knew that was probably overkill, but I wanted him on my side.

Later that morning I received an email from the doctor, telling me that I did well, and with some practice I would be able to hold much more without a shot. He said my "unassisted limit" (without the shot) was eleven, and he would prescribe a regimen of ever-increasing volumes of cum for me.

Just before lunch I recieved a text from Jamal telling me to meet him for lunch at McDonalds. I met him there and he told me that he had arranged for me to swallow cum each Wednesday after work. It would be a similar arrangement, but without the shot. Each time I should swallow at least one more load than the last time – more if I could handle it.

I asked about the fluffers and Jamal explained, "They are the sons of some of the guys who blow me – do you have any kids?"

"I have one son, who is ten," I said.

"When he is twelve we'll get him started," Jamal said.

"You can do to me what you want, but I won't force my son into this!" I said.

"It will be completely voluntary," Jamal said, "You wouldn't deny him the opportunity, now would you?"

"How does it work?" I asked.

"You give me his email address and we send him anonymous emails with links to white boys sucking black cocks – after they've had a chance to warm up to it we ask them if they would like to try, and most do. We'll let you know if your son becomes a fluffer."

"How long do they remain fluffers?" I asked.

"Normally until they are eighteen," Jamal replied, "And they are ready to commit to sucking black men."

All this was a lot to take in, but I thought about how I would have liked to be a fluffer when I was a horny teenager. I had never thought of my son becoming a cocksucker, but if it's something he wants, why deny him?

–––––––––––––––––––– To be continued ...

Feel free to contact me with your comments or requests. –Bill (oral_guy_2000@yahoo.com)

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Next: Chapter 6

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