Fag Pledge

By Alexander Grey

Published on Aug 28, 2024



Three minutes after entering the main house, I was on my knees with my mouth full of a brother's cock. I had walked through the door at the top of the steps and into the hallway between the kitchen and one of the living rooms. Hearing voices from both directions, I turned towards the living room. It will give you some idea of how quickly I had become habituated to being a sex slave/cum dump/fuck toy/whore -- choose your favourite description -- that I chose the living room because the furnishings were softer, and if I was going to be fucked/on my knees/thrown about, I wanted to it be somewhere soft, at least somewhere with a carpet rather than hard tiles.

Entering the living room, I saw 7 guys sitting around. They were watching an American Football match, though I couldn't have told you who was playing. I stood in the entrance for a moment, wondering whether I should sit on a sofa, kneel on the floor, or ask if anyone wanted me, like I was offering to make cups of tea. One of the guys -- Cody Anders -- saw me before I could make up my mind though. Cody was a beautiful guy: shining blonde hair, sparkling green eyes, a wide and welcoming smile, and the lean, fit, toned body of a natural athlete. `Hey! It's Fag -- come here Fag!' he called from across the room, where he was sitting in joggers and a college t-shirt. The other six guys all turned to look at me, some of them calling a greeting, others cat calls, and one, a sandy-haired boy who I would later learn was called Toby Handley, looked at me for a second before turning back to the game.

I walked over to Cody who was patting his lap, clearly indicating where I should sit. I sat on Cody's lap and he pushed me around so that I was leaning back into his chest and his arms were wrapped around me. My head was nestled into his collar bone. `Nice to see you Fag, we were wondering where you'd got to. Not slacking off on you first full day I hope!' Cody said, very pleasantly and with a wide smile.

I turned so I could see him, which meant swivelling my neck and looking up into his radiant face. `No, no, not at all', I said quickly, desperate that Cody and the rest of the brothers shouldn't think I had been hiding or slacking. I started to recount how I'd been used that morning, but before I could really get to the meat of it Cody had placed his cupped hand over my mouth and made a shushing noise.

Don't worry Fag, I was only joking. I know there's no way you could slack off today of all days. Every brother in the house, hell every brother on campus, is jonesing for your ass or your mouth, and plenty of them are urging to do a hell of a lot more to you than just fuck'. He laughed, and it was the best laugh I had ever heard, full throated and bright. But don't worry, I've got you now. Cody's got you and we're going to have a great time here while we watch the football, understand?'

I nodded and said I did. Cody kissed my forehead and praised me for understanding. Despite how patronising this was, I felt a glow of warmth at being praised by this guy. Pathetic or what? Cody's hands were by now exploring every bit of me, stroking my stomach and chest, pinching my nipples, rubbing my balls and caged cock, running his hands up my thighs. I was already getting used to be handled like an object and fondled like a whore. In fact I liked the feel of his strong, warm hands on my body. So what we're gonna do is play a little game, Fag,' Cody continued, now massaging my shoulders. You're going to stay sitting on my lap, and we're going to blindfold you. Then these six lovely brothers you see before you are going to fuck you. If you guess who fucked you correctly then you get a nice treat. If you guess incorrectly then you get a painful punishment'. Cody said all this in the voice of someone explaining a fun game to a child who hadn't played it before.

I grinned back, playing the role he seemed to want me in. `Sounds fun! What are the treats?'

`Well Fag, the treats and punishments are all listed on those wheel spinners over there, so we'll spin them to find out your treat or punishment!'

I looked in the direction Cody was pointing and saw that were indeed two wheel spinners. Each had eight sections and this is what were listed in each:

Punishments: • 10 slaps to the face • 5 kicks to the balls • 30 seconds punching both arms • 20 spanks on the ass • 5 punches to the stomach • Nipple clamps • 5 belts to the back • 2 punches to the face Treats: • Lick a foot for 2 minutes • Lick an armpit for 2 minutes • Rim an ass for 2 minutes • 10 seconds spitting in mouth • 1 minute tea bagging • 2 minutes sucking nipples • 1 minute kissing ass • 2 minutes licking head

I don't know what I'd expected, but I guess I'd hoped for actual treats rather than stuff the brothers would enjoy. Still, I played the part. `Awesome! Really hope I guess right so I can get those treats!'

So do I fag!' Cody said. We tried to pick things we knew a Fag would enjoy doing to his alpha superiors, so I'm glad we got it right. I know you met us all last night, but I suppose I'd better introduce you to the guys so you have a chance of earning those sweet, sweet treats!'

Cody then proceeded to introduce the six guys, some of whom I vaguely remembered.

Jake Seymour: Tall, slightly dour looking with a brooding handsomeness. Dark hair, hard features, medium build.

Dave Ashcroft: Small, wiry, dark curling hair, deep eyes.

Sebastian Tan: Asian, possibly Thai, medium build, looking slightly unsure but enthusiastic

Toby Handley: Sandy hair, dark eyes, a bored expression on his face as though this were all so much more of the same and somewhat beneath his notice.

Alastair Baird: Very pale, wild red hair, built like an ox, with prominent muscles obvious beneath his vest.

Donald Jarvis: Feline features, long limbs, elegant body. Smiling cruelly.

After the reintroductions were made, Cody picked up a piece of cloth and wrapped it three times around my eyes so that all I could see was a deep blackness. The other effect of this was to block some of my hearing as the fabric was also wrapped thrice around my ears.

Muffled, I heard Cody say `okay, who's up first? The moving fingers moves and as it stops it points at you!' I heard some laughter and someone approaching. As they did, Cody leaned further back into the sofa, causing me to lean back into him. This exposed my ass hole, which hung in the small gap Cody had left between his knees. Cody's hands were now gripping my ass, pulling the two cheeks apart and exposing my hole to whoever was approaching it.

I heard someone spit and then felt fingers wiping that spit onto my hole. To be honest, it probably wasn't necessary. My hole was still slick with spit and cum from the shower fucking. The felt a cock being lined up just at my holes entrance, two hands gripping my upper arms so tightly that I let out a gasp of pain, and then the cock impaled me in one thrust. Whoever was fucking me was doing so roughly. His hands were gripping my arms tighter and tighter, causing me to call out in pain and his cock was pistoning in an out of me like a battering ram. Instinctively I tried to draw back, to draw away from the relentless fucking of this unknown cock, but there was nowhere for me to go. The unknown brother was holding me in place by my arms and there was nowhere to go back but into Cody, who wasn't moving. Cody has released my ass when the fucking began and had wrapped his arms around my stomach, holding me tightly, but in a very different way to the other brother.

Cody's arms, though tight, felt as though they were intended to give comfort and support, to hold me in place for my own good. Perhaps I'm overthinking that, but I hoped for allies and wanted Cody to be one. All the while I was being violently fucked, Cody was kissing my face, my neck, my shoulders, and whispering sweet words of comfort and praise into my ears. His warm voice was a comfort, was a spur to allow this to continue even as I wished it wouldn't. I could feel tears welling in my eyes, both from the roughness of the fuck and from the pain in my arms.

A new sensation began to grow. I could feel a pressure pushing against my back. For a wild moment I thought the unknown brother had fucked me so hard that I could feel his cock coming out of my back, but I soon realised that what I could feel was Cody's cock growing hard in his pants, pushing against my back, and not being able to get as fully or comfortably erect as it'd like.

I focused on this welcome pressure rather than the violent pressure in my ass, and soon with one final thrust and a real tightening of the grip on my arms, the brother fucking me buried his cock deeper than ever in my ass and let out a shout that told me he'd cum. He thrust in a few more times as the last of his cum was shot from his balls and then pulled out.

`So, who was that?' asked Cody.

I had my suspicions. That strength, I thought could only really belong to Alastair. Now I had to do some quick thinking and work out whether the brothers wanted me to guess right or wrong. I thought they probably wanted both, but I also suspected they would want me to get the first on wrong.

I had been making thinking sounds this while, and said, `erm... I think that was Jake?' I made myself sound unsure.

My guess was greeted with cheers and jeers, which told me I'd answered as they hoped I would.

Sorry Fag -- that masterful fuck was delivered by Alastair!' I could hear what could only be Alastair cheering and high-fiving someone. Which means that we have to spin the punishment wheel'. Cody did a very good job of sounding genuinely sympathetic and sorry that it was to be a punishment. Once Alastair had stopped fucking me, Cody had started stroking my hair.

`Spin! Spin! Spin!' the other brothers were chanting, and I heard the click, click, click of the wheels spinning...

`Oooof, sorry Fag' Cody said. Once again his arms were wrapped around me, hugging me, or holding me, tight to his body. I felt someone leaning over, and the felt the sharp, stinging pain of a hefty slap to the face. My face was knocked to the side, and a second slap, then a third followed. By the fourth, my ears were ringing, and after the fifth and sixth I could feeling my cheeks burning. The slapper was alternating cheeks, knocking my face first one way, then the other. After the ten slaps had been delivered, more cheers went up and I heard some laughter. I resolved to get the rest right where I could.

Cody's arms released me and he instantly started kissing my cheeks and stroking my hair again. `Well done Fag. You took that well. Such a brave boy!'

I forced myself to smile though the smarting pain that still dominated my face. `All part of the fun of the game!' I said, in what was, truthfully, a slightly manic voice.

One nil to us, brothers' Cody called, step forward, brother, for round two!'

The second brother did not waste time spitting, knowing that my ass was very wet already. Instead, he took hold of my thighs, pushing them further apart, and leant down so that his body was almost lying on mine, then started me fucking me much more slowly than Alastair had, almost tenderly.

I could feel this brother's breath on my face and the heat of his body just above mine. His breath grew faster, rapid, and I sensed that he wanted to close the gap, to feel my body on his, to close the gap between our mouths and kiss me. I could also feel Cody's hands, not stroking me anymore but maintaining the gap between myself and the brother. I was convinced that Cody was worried that our bodies touching would give me too many clues as to who was fucking my ass.

All the while I could feel Cody's cock poking into my back, becoming harder and harder, looking for space to stand fully and proudly erect.

The brother's breathing was becoming almost ragged now and I could feel drops of sweat falling from his brow onto mine. He plunged his cock back into my ass and held it deep. I felt his cock, slim and long, pulsating into my ass and knew he'd cum. A final, heavy exhalation from the brother sent my hair fluttering and I knew for sure that he had finished. He stayed in my ass and I knew, knew for a certainty, that he desperately wanted to drop his forehead onto mine and kiss me. I desperately wanted him too, but I felt Cody's arms braced against my chest as he pushed him off me. Cody didn't want him giving the game away.

I was, though, confident that this was Dave Ashcroft. Again, Cody asked me who I thought it was. I pretended to deliberate, again, and finally answered, `Dave?'.

Well done Fag! Very well done!' Cody exclaimed, squeezing me tight and smothering my face with kisses. It was Dave! You get a treat! Spin the wheel, Dave!'

I heard Dave spin the wheel, click, click, click, click, click.

Oh what a treat, Fag!' Cody said. And you get to stay on my lap for this one!'

I could feel Dave close to me again, and then I felt his armpit pressed into my face. I opened my mouth, stuck out my tongue and started to kiss, lick, and suck his armpit, tasting the slight sweetness of his sweat, the smooth skin and the slightly rougher hair. I ate that armpit greedily, I don't mind telling you. Two minutes was not enough to satisfy me, and I think both Dave and Cody could have kept it going too. By the end Dave was almost lying on me and he was kissing me shoulders, chest, and neck.

It took intervention from one of the other brothers, saying `time's up!' at least three times before Dave climbed off of me and withdrew.

Four more rounds. I only guessed one correctly and I think that was only luck. I punted for Jake again and was told I was right. If I was wrong, I wasn't told who had actually fucked me, so I couldn't keep track and say the only one left at the end. When I said Jake, once the wheel had been spun, Cody lowered me off of his lap and onto the floor. I lay on my back and a pair of balls were lowered onto my face and rubbed all over it, dipping into my mouth.

When I got the other three wrong, I was punished.

My second incorrect guess, I was punished with arm punching for 30 seconds. A brother sat either side of Cody and I, and on Cody's mark they started punching my arms continuously and very hard for 30 seconds. They seemed to be targeting my upper arms where Alastair had gripped me so hard. Fifteen seconds in, I was squirming and crying, begging them to stop, trying to escape the rain of blows. They didn't, of course, not until the full 30 seconds were over. Cody wiped away my tears and said he thought they'd bloom into beautiful bruises given time.

My third incorrect guess saw nipple clamps attached, which squeezed and pinched my nipples cruelly for the remainder of the game.

After my last incorrect guess, the wind was driven from my stomach by a swift punch, which was followed by four more. Cody had gripped my arms and another brother held my legs in place so that I couldn't move arms or legs to block the blows. By the time the last blow fell I was properly winded and my breathes wouldn't come.

Once again, Cody spoke softly to me and encouraged me, telling me breath would come and that I'd done well, that 4-2 was a respectable score for my first time at the game, and that soon I'd only be getting treats as I learned more and more of the brothers and their distinctive cocks and styles. He removed the blindfold and I saw the six brothers who'd fucked me, most of them still with their cocks out. I also saw a few other brothers who had wandered in or were standing at the door looking at the game.

Cody was, of course, right on all counts, and soon I was breathing normally again, if still in a lot of pain.

As he stroked and fondled me again, I noticed that there was a wet patch on my back and that Cody's cock, a constant pressure there, was no longer detectable. Cody had blown his load in the tight space between his crotch and my back while one of the brothers was fucking me and I hadn't even noticed.

I smiled up at the brothers, both those who had played the game and those who hadn't and thanked them all for such a good game. Most of the brothers weren't paying me that much attention anymore.

I saw Jason standing in the doorway. He smiled at me and said `Hope you had fun, Fag. It's my turn now. Come with me'.

Cody hugged me tightly one last time, whispered thanks into my ear, and then released me, giving me a smack on the ass as I walked towards Jason. As I neared the large brother, Jason turned and I followed him back towards the stairs and up to his bedroom. It was only 11:30 and I'd already been fucked by so many guys I had lost count, and been hurt in so many ways. What else was in store for me?

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