Fade Works in Strange Ways

By Jaded Angel

Published on Nov 21, 2001


well I hope u like this one more then the old one and please I do not know any of o town and stuff so none of this is true its just what I wish it 2 be loll I have met them and there really nice guys anyway please email your comments 2 divaboispears@yahoo.com and if your not old enough to read this then what u doing here that goes for the peeps who don't like male to male fiction. I Also wanna thank Matt for reading this story as well as d and a few other freinds thanks for the suppourt.

Fade Works in Strange Ways Chapter Two By Jaded Angel

Ash took a deep breath and contuied " I Don't know what it is about you but I see myself growing old whith you and being whith u for the rest of my life. I Guess we just fit together I Love you "

So baby what do u wanna do today ? Ash asked finally

"Well Mr Angel if I am goin to be moveing in whith you and the rest of the guys first things first me and you have to have that first date and I wanna go to Unversail Whith you. I love it there and this way we can have fun and get to know eachother better." Cory said

Ashley just smiled the ashley angel smile we all know what it is and said "Sounds like a plan in my ear" We walked out into the main room and the guys were all watching tv they turned around when they heard us enter the room. Ashley's arm was around my waist and he was holding me close seemed like he was scared to let go.

" awwwwwwwww arnt they the cutest thing so perfect for eachother " Dan teased and just grined

" Hey dan you and jacob were sure loud last night it seemed like he was fucking you pretty hard over there" Ashley said back kinda giggeling in a teaseing tone. Dan just shot a look of pure evil towards us and threw a pillow "Yo dan don't toss your mother at me or pick on my cutie " Cory said in a voice surious that was yet so cute. The whole room burst into laughter "so what are you guys doing today " Jacob asked curiously

" Well me and Ambercrombie boy over here are going over to islands of adventure for the day " Ash said in a perky tone the guys noticed this and knew it was a good thing because he had been upset every since leaveing cory behind in calgary just months before. Dan Jumped in and said " Well we haven't seen ya much and we all were wondering if you guys wanted to do something whith us erik is boreing us to death so anything is something now" Cory just nawed his head and asked the guys to join them they all said yes and by the time it was setteled they were driveing down the freeway.

We arived at Universail City and i knew going as a gruop whould draw some major attion to all of us so i decided we best split up and meet for dinner. Later this way i chould have time whith cory alone and the guys chould get a way from eriks boreing day he had planed. We all tossed are sun glasses and shades on and got out of the jeep. Jacob and Dan took off and said we'd meet at Motown Cafe at Nine for Kariokie i just laughed Erik and trevour agreed and went off in the direction of stores.

We went up to guest services at Islands of Adventure and explained what was goin on so security was aware of a major boyband being in both parks. They decided it was best that we got a pass that allowed us acess to everything thru back entrences to rides and atractions we agreed to the pass and they let us into the park the back way. So we started strolling in my first idea was The Incrdeble Hulk Coaster so we headed over that way. Went on rides most the afternoon and ashley decided it was about time to get something to eat.

As we sat down to lunch at the hard rock cafe i just chould not help but look into his eyes and there was this unmistakeable sparkel that just made me melt." So you never really told me what this audtion is for "ashley pushed. " Well Ok i don't know if you know any info on the film has been released to the public but my agent managed to get me an audtion for the New Clark Kent in the brand new superman film thats all i know right now but i am sure i will get more info at the audtion which is tommrow morning can you drive me to it but sweetie don't tell the other guys i dont want anyone to know it yet ok " Finally got a breath out and shocked i said that so fast. Ashley Grinned and said " Babe I Know your gonna get this role it was made for you just look at you " grining somemore i turned a bright crimison red.

So we ran into the guys comeing out of the restraunt and ashley imeditly pulled his best freind jacob aside and started whispering something into his ear i was not sure what and i had Dan pulling me away and draging my off to some store on the city walk while ashley and jacob took off in another direction. The sun started to come down and it started to lightly rain and Finally it came time for everyone to meet for dinner and Kairokie we all kinda laughed walking in becuse the guys i was whith well were profestionals and a most likley chance someone whould end up singing there songs we walked in as if it was a cue some gurl was singing All or Nothing. Dan just grined to himself and i just almost busted laughing right there it was a very strange feeling. Dan ran up and joined the girl on the stage and asked if he chould join her and all she chould do was just Jacob and the rest the guys just found this amuseing she was a fan no dought we went sat down orderd are food sang a bit and while the perfect day came to a near end when the guys left early leaveing. Us stuck there ashley said don't worry about it and we strolled out to the main street where a stretch limo was awaiting us. Dam i thought to myself isnt he a romatic that was not half of it when we got into the car he declaird his love for me for what seemed like the 1000th time that day i chould totally get used to this then he pulled something out of his pocket.

This is for you, ashley handed him a velvet box cory opened it to reveal a silver ring he looked up qustionably into ashleys eyes read the increption I Love Thee? how did u know he asked ashley ash just smiled i just know these things tears were running down corys eyes oh ashley i love you so much was all he chould manage to say

"They arrived back at the house to the guys going dam its about time you got home" dan said "Now cory off to bed you have a long day ahead of you tommrow at that audtion we just know your gonna nail it" I goaned "awww do i have to" all the guys replied in Unison "yes" then ashley took my hand in his and we walked off to our room we started to undress and cudelled in bed just laying there holding eachother tight.

Morning slowley ran around and me and ash decided to have a shower together we didnt do anything just shared eachothers company in the shower, Once we were both dressed and ready to go me and ashley were vrooming down the freeway in a hott red little corevette. we arrived at the audition and i went in ash said i have to go do some stuff call me on my cell he handed him a peice of paper and ill pick ya up after it.

2 Hrs later ashs cell was ringing while he was at the mall,

"Yo whats up" ash anseard

" hey sweetie its me um im done pick me up i wanna talk to you" cory said

" Um hunny is there somethign wrong ash asked he chould feel the tears comein down his eyes"

"No nothing acutlly everything is better then great but i need you to come get me"

20 Minuites later ashs car pulled up in front of Wb Studios

Cory Hops in the car " ash he said in a low whisper Im The New Superman they liked me so much they gave me the part right away"

Ash looked right into corys blue eyes " I knew you'd get it so i bought you this " he pulled out a box and it was a superman pentited necklace ash took it out and put it on his boyfreinds neck and they vroomed off

Ring ring ring!

My cell was ringing in my pocket i wonder if it was warnoir bros about the movie so i took it out and anseard "yo cory here what can i do for ya"i asked

"good after noon mr white im clive davis from j records we just got your demo from your management into my offcies and i was wondering if you whould like to come in to my office this week and talk to me about it" Clive asked questioning

Um i took the phone away "can u hold on a sec clive" sure no problem he replied ash its clive i think he wants to sighn me ashley took the phone from me and said yo clive ash from o town he'd love to but i think he starts shooting a new movie part that he just got in a while well see ya in new york and he hung up"

They got back to the house and ash explained him and cory and him whould be leaveing for new york the following day,

To Be Contuied

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