Facing My Fear with Aaron

By Damian

Published on Dec 21, 2010


This story is a fictional tale of an 18-year-old North Dakota farm boy, Lonnie, who falls for his younger brother's swimming instructor, Aaron, and is forced to come to terms with how much Aaron reminds him of a long-lost childhood friend.

No minors were harmed in the writing of this story, but if you are one you should probably go find something else to do.

Please do not reproduce this story in any form without the permission of the author. Feedback is welcome at nvtahoeus@yahoo.com. We Nifty authors like to know if you're out there reading our stuff and finding it worth your time. Thanks.

-- Damian


I had a hard time acting normally around my family during the next week. I think my folks knew I had something on my mind, but I'm sure they had no clue that I had the hots for my little brother's swimming instructor. Ronnie didn't either, because I never said a word about how I felt, and he was too young to pick up on the silent cues that had passed between Aaron and me.

I was on pins and needles as we made our way back to Aaron's place the following Saturday. Had I been wrong about his possible interest in me? Would he look as good to me this week, or had my memory of that first encounter blossomed into something that was different from reality? Once again, I dressed in a tight tank top and shorts. I know I turned a few heads on the bus ride.

Ronnie and I found a note on Aaron's door when we arrived, and my heart sank. He hadn't had to cancel at the last minute, had he? I opened it with trembling hands. It simply said "Come on in, guys. I'm out by the pool. Aaron." I heaved a sigh of relief and opened the unlocked front door.

You could see the pool area from the front entry, so Ronnie and I just walked through the house to where we could see Aaron emerging naked and wet from the pool, his long cock swinging between his masculine bronzed legs. His scrotum hung low, with two large nuts showing nicely. He obviously trimmed his pubic hair, but left enough of it to look manly...and terrific. I could hardly breathe as he approached us.

"Hi, guys!" he said, with a big smile on his face. No handshakes this time, but he high-fived both of us instead. "How's it going? Little dude and big dude!" Was it my imagination, or had he emphasized the word "big" just a touch?

"Great," we both said at the same time. I was surprised I could say even that much.

"You ready for lesson number two, little dude?"

"You bet!" my brother replied. I thought I saw him glance down at his instructor's impressive equipment. As far as I knew, Ronnie had never seen an adult male naked until Aaron. I had to wonder how he felt about that. I knew how I felt!

I fished out some money from my wallet, but Aaron told me we'd settle up afterward, when his hands were dry. He was just standing there totally naked and totally wet -- an awesome sight! I wished I could take a picture of him like that and use it as my screen saver back home. Now I understood why he hadn't wanted to come to the front door.

"Well, let's get to it, Ronnie. Naked time!"

As Ronnie slipped out of his clothes, Aaron gave me a killer smile, his hands resting on his hips seductively.

"Really good to see you again, Lon."

"You, too, Aaron." I thought he looked me over a second more than most guys would have. Did he like what he saw as much as I liked what I saw? I could only dream that was true, but there was something in the air. Definitely something.

"Make yourself comfortable, man. There are cold drinks in the kitchen. Help yourself."

"Thanks -- I might just do that."

I watched that perfect ass again as this incredible hunk guided my waiting brother to the pool with his hand on Ronnie's shoulders. Lucky Ronnie, I thought. I wished it were my shoulders that were feeling his hand on them. I thought back to Benny in the hayloft -- how wonderful his little hands had felt on my naked body -- and mine on his -- that day. Why did you have to leave me, Benny?

Aaron started by helping Ronnie learn to float on his back. Aaron's hands were holding him up under his back and under his thighs. I was practically floating myself just watching. Aaron's hands. Naked Aaron. Wet, sexy Aaron. In the water with my lucky brother. Ronnie soon got the hang of it, holding his head back and floating on top of the water, with Aaron floating beside him -- the front side of their bodies on full display. Pretty soon they were both gliding through the water effortlessly.

I watched the whole lesson, entranced. I wanted to do that -- feel my naked body floating on the water next to Aaron's. But I'd sink like a rock -- I knew I would -- just like Benny had.

This went on like this for a few more Saturdays -- Ronnie and Aaron navigating through the waters like playful otters, while I just sat and watched. I was envious -- but still too frightened to go near the water myself. Finally one Saturday Aaron declared Ronnie finished with the lessons. He had learned everything Aaron had to teach him. I wasn't prepared for it to be over -- just like that -- so it was a sudden shock that Ronnie had "graduated." We had no more reason to return.

By this time, I felt I knew every inch of Aaron's body -- at least as much as I could know with just my eyes. I had memorized every muscle, every contour, every masculine feature, and I spent a lot of time thinking about him as I relieved myself daily of every cum load my poor, lonely, nearly depleted body could pump out. I ached for more but didn't know how to make it happen.

Aaron was too perfect for me, too unattainable. And yet I didn't stop dreaming. He was my Benny, all grown up. But he wasn't Benny -- he was Aaron, and as the weeks went by, Benny faded more and more from my mind while Aaron floated to the surface of my fantasies, hopes, and dreams.

After Aaron and Ronnie dried off and got dressed after my brother's final lesson, Aaron shook our hands and told us he'd miss our regular Saturday visits. Not half as much as I'm going to miss them, I thought to myself. He seemed genuine about saying that and squeezed my hand longer than most guys would have under the circumstances. He said to call him if I changed my mind about wanting lessons for myself and that he would be hoping for me to do that.

Oh, Lord, I wanted to -- so badly! But I kept replaying that picture in my mind of Benny losing his life in the water -- even though I hadn't personally witnessed it (thank God) -- and thinking I could never put myself in danger that way. Even in a swimming pool.

"I'll think about it, Aaron" were my parting words as Ronnie and I left to go home.

"I hope so, Lon," he replied. "I'll be waiting."

I thought he looked sad as we looked at each other for what I thought would be the last time. I knew I certainly was.

By then I had a part-time job in a hardware store and was considering whether to enroll in community college in January. I tried to think of ways to get over Aaron -- like I said, I considered him out of my league -- but he always seemed to appear in my mind every time I tried to imagine ways to fill my time on Saturdays. I asked my boss for Saturday hours and got them when another part-timer with more seniority left to take another job.

Still, every Saturday at 11 a.m. I would think about Aaron and his beautiful naked body and his wonderful teasing smile. I needed to find a boyfriend!

A couple of weeks later, on a Tuesday afternoon, I got a call on my cell phone at work. The number looked vaguely familiar, but I didn't know who it was. It was Aaron! He'd located my phone number in his incoming call log from the first time I had called him.

"Lon?" I heard him say. "This is Aaron. How are you doing?"

You can tell when the person on the other end of the phone line is smiling, from the tone of his voice. Aaron was smiling. I wondered if he was naked, too.

"Great, Aaron. Good to hear from you. What's up?" I was dizzy with excitement over hearing that mellifluous voice of his again.

"Uh, well, I was wondering if you'd like to come over this evening and have a beer and some pizza with me and hang out a bit. My dad is always working at the restaurant, and it gets kind of lonely around here."

Would I ever!

"Sure thing, Aaron. I'd love to. What time are you thinking? I get off work at 5 and could probably get there by 7. Gotta go home first and clean up a bit."

"That works for me, buddy. See you then. Bye."

He called me "buddy"! That sounded even better to me than "dude." I was in shock -- I never saw this coming. I figured the only way I'd ever see Aaron again would be if I could talk myself into asking him for swimming lessons. But swimming wasn't even mentioned -- I could handle beer and pizza on the patio with him just fine.

The afternoon crawled by, but I finally bolted out of there at 5 and eagerly made my way home to shower and change clothes. Mom was a little surprised when I called her earlier to tell her I was going out for dinner with a friend. And even more surprised when I told her who it was. She had no idea that I considered my brother's swimming instructor a "friend." She also had no idea yet that I was gay. I'd never told a soul.

I gave a lot of thought to what I would wear. Despite the fact that it was mid November, it was still warm out. I wondered what the guys in North Dakota were wearing now. I'm sure it was a lot more than I was going to put on. I chose a pullover knit shirt and some nice shorts and sandals and headed to the bus stop to meet up with my dream man -- without Ronnie along for the first time.

The bus ride seemed interminable, but at last it reached Aaron's stop and I practically floated down the street in eager anticipation.

"Lon -- great to see you again. Come in," Aaron said as he met me at the door. Was he really as excited as he appeared to be? We gave each other a high-five -- shaking hands would've seemed too formal, and we hadn't graduated to hugging yet. He handed me a beer, and we made our way out to the patio, his warm hand on my shoulder.

What a difference coming here at night for the first time! With Daylight Saving Time over, it was already dark. The backyard and pool practically glowed with the tasteful artificial lighting that had been installed. It calmed my shaky nerves.

We sat down, and Aaron picked a chair that was very close to mine, rather than the one that was on the other side of the table from me.

"You're lookin' good, man," he said, squeezing my bare knee briefly. "How've you been? How's the job going at the hardware store?"

I told him all about it. There wasn't a lot to tell, but he listened carefully and never broke eye contact with me. The pizza arrived about a half hour later, and we continued to talk and laugh as we ate and drank. We'd never really had a conversation before that wasn't about Ronnie, and I felt like we were really connecting as we talked about things.

He wanted to hear all about my life in North Dakota, and he shared a lot of his story about growing up in the Phoenix area. I asked him about how he had come to be such a great swimmer and about becoming a swimming instructor.

"That's a long story, Lon," he said, looking wistful. "I knew how to swim a little when I was a boy, but in 2001, when I was ten -- almost eleven -- I almost drowned in a lake one day on a Boy Scout outing. I ventured out too far and got scared. If my scout leader hadn't rescued me...well, I wouldn't be sitting here right now talking to you."

I shuddered when I remembered that I had lost Benny at that very same age -- just ten. This was beyond eerie. Aaron went on.

"I mean really -- I was under water when they pulled me out. I think I lost consciousness for a while, because the next thing I knew I was on shore and they were trying to resuscitate me. I'd seen this white light that you hear about when people talk of having a near-death experience. When I finally started breathing normally again, I felt this resurgence in my body -- almost like someone had taken over my body and given me new life."

I was spellbound with this story Aaron was telling me, but I kept quiet, letting him continue.

"After I got back home I made up my mind to learn how to swim for real. I knew that if I didn't I'd have an ongoing fear of water -- kind of like you described, Lon -- and I didn't want to go through life that way. I got my parents to find someone to give me private lessons, and I got really good at swimming -- just like Ronnie did. I even made the swim team in junior high and high school, and we won the boys' state championship two years ago.

"Mom and Dad came to all my meets, and I was so proud of what I had accomplished. Then Mom...came down with pancreatic cancer and died within three months. Dad was devastated and wanted out of Phoenix, so we moved here after I graduated from high school. I started giving private lessons partly to earn some money, but also because I wanted to give something back. I wanted other kids to achieve what I had achieved and learn to become strong swimmers. It gives me a lot of pride and pleasure when I can see my students do that -- like Ronnie did."

I was trying to wrap my head around all that Aaron was telling me. I thought about Benny and how he had not had that chance. No one had been able to rescue him like Aaron had been rescued. Aaron's story brought back my pain.

"Tell me, Lon, if you don't mind, how you came to be so afraid of water?" he asked.

I was shaking. Even in the semi-darkness, Aaron could tell, and he put his hand on mine. I grabbed his hand and held it tightly, not wanting to let go, as I opened up to him -- the first time I had done that with anyone.

"This is hard for me to talk about, Aaron, but I guess I need to."

I turned my chair to face him more directly, and he pulled closer. Now he was holding both of my hands in both of his.

"What's wrong, Lon? Tell me."

"What...you just described happened to my best friend when we were ten years old. He had gone to a lake with his parents. He wasn't a strong swimmer and went out too far. His parents couldn't swim at all, and he...drowned. I heard about it later that afternoon. Nothing in my life has ever affected me as much as losing Benny. We were...close...so very close. It was in July 2001. I'll never forget it...never get over it...could never go in the water myself after that."

Aaron drew in his breath sharply.

"When I met you, Aaron, I almost couldn't believe it. You look so much like I think Benny might have looked like now if he'd lived."

"Lon...I'm so sorry, man. I had no idea. I...probably shouldn't tell you this, but I have to. July 2001 -- that was the same month I almost drowned. Can you believe it?"

My eyes got wide and I just stared at him. Benny? Aaron? What's happening here? I felt so confused. So frightened. So disbelieving.

Aaron pulled me to my feet and hugged me tightly. I melted into his embrace, feeling a healing power coming from him that I had so desperately needed for the past eight years of my life. I didn't want him to let me go...didn't want to let him go. This is how I had always wished Benny and I could have hugged. I lost him. I lost my Benny. I cried, and Aaron just let me.

Finally I got a grip on myself and pulled back.

"I'm sorry, Aaron. I didn't mean to unload on you like that. What are you going to think of me now? I'm embarrassed."

"I'll tell you what I think of you, Lon," he said, wiping my eyes with a handkerchief from his back pocket. "I think you're a beautiful, sensitive, caring man. I've thought so all these past weeks, but now I'm sure of it. I'm very proud to know you, and I want to get to know you better.

"But you want to know what else I think, my friend? I think I can help you...I want to help you get over your fear. I want you to go in the water with me -- tonight."

"No, Aaron!"

"Lon, I promise I won't let go of you -- not for a second. This is something I think you really need to do, and I'm not taking no for an answer. So let's get undressed."

All kinds of feelings welled up inside of me. I watched Aaron take off his clothes, like he had so many times before in front of me. I yearned to feel his naked body against mine for the first time. Taking courage from the way he had just comforted and reassured me, I kicked my sandals off, pulled my shirt over my head, and unbuttoned my shorts, letting them fall to the ground. Aaron was already naked. He stepped up to me and pulled my briefs down and off, and I let him -- just like I had let Benny do the same thing to me all those years ago. My half-hard cock popped out into the night air. His was almost as hard, I noticed.

"You have a beautiful body, Lon," Aaron reassured me, as looked me over slowly. He stroked my chest, letting his thumbs graze over my hard nipples. "Now we're even for the first time -- both naked, not just me. I like that. A lot!"

He took my hand and slowly walked me over to the pool. He led me down a few steps into the shallow end. The water felt warm in the cooling night air. Despite my fear, I trusted Aaron. I couldn't have done this alone, but with my hand in his, I thought maybe, just maybe, I could.

"You okay, buddy?" he asked with a smile. "How does it feel?" His voice was calming.

"So far so good," I said, surprised at how easy it was so far. Of course we were in only two feet of water. "Just don't let go of me."

"Not a chance, Lon. Not a chance. Let's just continue a little more toward the middle."

We walked slowly till the water was waist high on us. Still okay but getting scarier. I hoped he wasn't taking me much farther. He pulled me in front of him till we were almost chest to chest. Our cocks touched. I could hardly breathe.

"Lon, I want you to feel the buoyancy of the water. Wrap your legs around my waist and your arms around my neck. Don't worry -- I'll hold you."

The thought of not having my feet touching the bottom of the pool was scary as hell, but I did as he said. He wrapped one arm around my waist and supported my butt with the other. No one had ever touched me there, and I responded with a slight moan. It felt so good to be held like this by Aaron. Wonderful naked Aaron.

"Hold on tight with your legs around me."

He needn't have worried -- I wasn't about to let go, for multiple reasons. I had never been held like this or been face to face with a man so close before. I saw him close his eyes and lean into me. I closed my eyes and then felt Aaron's soft lips on my own, testing my interest. I kissed him back, revealing it. It was so gentle, so arousing. My cock -- now fully hard -- was pressed between our bellies. I felt his cock -- equally hard -- grazing my bare bottom.

"I've been wanting to do that since the day you first rang my doorbell," he said softly.

"You have? I never knew."

"Oh, yes, Lon. Remember when I felt your biceps when I found out you were a hunky farm boy that day? I wanted to kiss you then, but I thought better of it with Ronnie standing there. I noticed how you looked at me when I got naked for the first time in front of you. There was a spark in the air between us, but I waited -- until I couldn't wait anymore and invited you over tonight. I wasn't sure if the interest was mutual or not. I can't tell you how good you feel up next to me like this."

Not half as good as I felt, I wanted to scream, but I didn't.

"Well...now that you've finally kissed me, is there any chance you might like to do it again?" I said, with a teasing smile.

"How about if we stop talking about and just do it?" he cooed.

"You're on...`dude'!"

This time we kissed with an intensity that only two deeply aroused men could. I felt Aaron's tongue probing against mine, and I gave as good as I got. Neither of us wanted to stop, so we didn't -- for quite a long while. It was heaven -- I could've kept this up till morning. I never knew kissing another man could be such a turn-on. Certainly no girl I ever kissed -- and there were a few -- made me feel like this!

"I'm going to set you up here on the edge of the pool and just look at you," he finally said, guiding us into shallower water. "You've seen me naked so many times, but now I get to look at you for a change."

When I was up out of the water, I leaned back on my arms and let Aaron look to his heart's content. My feet stayed in the water, resting on Aaron's hips. His eyes devoured my body.

"You can touch me, too, you know," I teased.

"Don't worry, my friend. You're going to get touched plenty," he assured me.

I felt his strong hands caress my thighs as he watched my erect prick throb in the night air. He ran his hand up my sides and down my outstretched arms and then back up to my face. I closed my eyes, then felt his hands going down my chest, past my nipples. Ever so gently, he touched my cock and pulled my foreskin down to expose the head of it, then took his thumb and smeared my pre-cum all over the head. I never knew I could have such feelings, or that anyone would ever care enough about me to want to do that.

He pulled my foreskin up over my glans and then back down -- up and down. Over and over and over. It was like he had never touched an uncircumcised man before. Had he? Knowing I was getting close to cumming, he stopped. He kissed me again, and then he leaned over and engulfed my excited cock in his mouth. If I thought his hand had felt good, this was a whole new dimension! I groaned out loud, not caring whether the neighbors could hear or not. I was practically levitating off the pool deck.

Taking my cock deeply into his mouth, he sucked me gently at first, then with an increasing tempo. All I had personally known of sex before this night was what my right hand could do. I had no idea a man's mouth would be soooo much more exciting. All too soon, I came at the hand, er mouth actually, of another person for the first time in my life. I filled Aaron's mouth with my hot cum. When I was finally drained, he just stood back up and swallowed all of it, while giving me a big smile.

"Did you enjoy that as much as I did, Lon?"

"Are you kidding? That was phenomenal! It was also my, uh, first time, in case you couldn't tell."

"No, I didn't know. I hope it met your expectations."

"I'm not sure I had any -- I just, well, let's just say you have a very talented mouth, and I don't think I want to hear how you learned to it use it so well!"

"I read a lot," he grinned. "But practice makes perfect, they say. Any chance I could practice on you a few more times?"

"Oh, let me think! Only if I can practice on you, too."

"You got it, dude. When do you want to start? How about right now?"

"Well, from the looks of your cock, I'd say now would be a pretty good time. Let's trade positions."

With renewed confidence, I jumped into the waist-deep water and Aaron took my place on the pool deck. I relished the opportunity to finally touch Aaron wherever I wanted to -- and for as long as I wanted to. His young muscles were so hard, and his skin so velvety soft. I'd never touched another guy's dick -- except Benny's little one, of course, cut just like Aaron's -- and I explored this adult-size one of Aaron's thoroughly with my eager, inexperienced fingers. It felt amazing to me. This was the same cock I had admired so often in a flaccid state during Ronnie's lessons. But erect it was a work of art and a sheer pleasure to play with.

Seeing a drop of pre-cum on his tip, I leaned over and licked it off gently. Aaron moaned. It tasted wonderful. Then I did as he had and took the entire hard shaft all the way in my mouth -- up and down, up and down, firmly and softly. I had wanted this so badly, and I never dreamed my first time would be with someone I was so crazy about.

"I'm going to shoot, buddy. You're driving me wild. Pull off if you want to, or it's going to be too laaaatttte, oh my godddd!!"

Aaron's dick shot giant ropes of cum into my virgin mouth as he moaned in ecstasy. It was more than I could hold, and some of it ran down his pole into his pubes. I swallowed and stood up. He hopped back into the water when he was able to, and we kissed passionately.

"Well," I said, when we finally pulled apart, "all I expected was beer and pizza tonight, but I sure got a lot more."

"Ummm, did you like what you got?" he purred.

"You bet. And I like what I gave, too. Did you?"

"What do you think, farm boy? I think this is enough for your first swimming lesson. This one is a freebie. In fact, I think we could arrange for the next one, and the one after that, and even more after that to be `on the house' if I get to make love to you like this every time."

"Only if you let me make love you to right back. Then I think we just might have a deal, my friend."

"Stay here with me tonight, Lon. I don't want you to leave. I just want to hold you all night long. Any chance of that happening?"

"Umm, well, I don't have to go to work until 12:30 tomorrow. Just let me make a quick phone call. Then I'm yours till dawn."

Mom was surprised when I said I wasn't coming home and that she didn't need to leave the light on for me. I just said, "Well, Mom, I'm 18 now, and I think this might not be a one-time thing -- get used to it!" I knew I'd have to talk about "things" with her and Dad -- and soon -- but for tonight my attention was going to be on Aaron -- all Aaron.

We dried off, picked up our clothes, and walked to his bathroom naked. We took a long piss together and then walked into his shower and lovingly washed each other's body, staying in constant contact. Then we dried ourselves again and went to bed, turning the lights off. As I drifted into a satisfied, happy sleep, I felt Aaron's kisses and licks on nearly every part of my body. He held me tightly against him all night long.

(There is more to come. If you like this story so far, please let me know. I like it when you give me your first name and location, and I answer every e-mail. Thanks to all who wrote after Part 1 was posted. Check out my previous stories on the Nifty Authors tab. Thanks. Damian at nvtahoeus@yahoo.com.)

Next: Chapter 3

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