Facing my Equal

By Jin Imuno

Published on Jul 27, 2011



Please, for the love of all that is good, do not take this and start posting it on random sites unless you ask me first. Other than that, I'd just like to say that this is just something I did for laughs. I happened to grow kind of fond of it, and posted it to see how people liked it. If enough positive feedback comes in, I will complete the story. All emails to JinImuno@gmail.com.

I couldn't help but stare out the windows of the bus. I had nothing on me to help pass the time, and the guy sitting next to me was quiet. "Are we almost there, man?" I turned and stared sleepily at the guy beside me, and gave him a quick nod. He smiled at me, and moved his hand onto my thigh. I grinned back at him so that he wouldn't catch on that he was just fuck meat. Still, I couldn't help it when my cock started to stiffen. Fuck meat or not, this guy was very handsome. I felt a tinge of regret in using this guy to satisfy my needs. That was the way it was for two years. Meet guy, charm, fuck, send away.

I guess I started to become really unfeeling when I was a kid. Ever since I was four years old, I was abused. I distinctly remember the one night that my parents left me alone. I had turned on every single light in the house because I had been very much afraid of the dark. My parents came home and weren't pleased. They each took turns yelling at me. Though, it wasn't the mental attacks that got to me. Almost an hour after the yelling, my drunken father cornered me in my room. My shoulder sometimes bothers me today ever since he threw me out of my second story window, causing me to break nearly every bone on the left side of my body.

I didn't have much luck outside of the house either. I was always picked on in school. However, by the time I realized I was gay (and ergo, let my curiosity get the best of me), I had really started to get in trouble. Almost at the end of grade nine, I found myself sneaking a peek at the captain of the football team. He caught me looking, and wasn't pleased at all. Him and his buddies jumped me after school and beat me up pretty bad. The principal at the time was extremely awful at his job, and decided it would be best not to punish the kids (or even give out their names) so that the school wouldn't get a bad reputation. The rest of my time in high school became dedicated to my self-improvement. I went on a vicious diet and exercise routine. By the time I graduated, I was a whole new person.

By the time the diploma touched my hands, I had used whatever money I had saved up and moved out of that city. I settled on a city called St. Catharines, which was well known for its big city feel within its relatively small confines. It was known most, however, for its amazing night life. I had never spent much time out of the house before, so I figured that I might as well let my new city know the new me. It took me a month to fully understand the bar scene, but it became my escape. One night, whilst partying with some friends I had met during my first few weeks, I found myself being followed around by a nice looking guy. He was piss drunk, but the only thing I could pay attention to was the bulge in his leather pants. Next thing I knew, I was back in my apartment, drilling him. It was then that I started using casual sex as a means of release. Having a past haunted by abuse meant nothing in the throes of passion. Unfortunately for me, the sex stopped losing its touch. More often than not, I felt like crap waking up next to some random stranger. I was almost positive that I've slept with every gay man in this city.

My reminiscing was interrupted by a hand running up and down my crotch. I turned to face the guy next to me, who had a large grin on his face. "We're going to have so much fun," I lied, forcing a smile. His grin shrank. Was he able to tell that I wasn't really enjoying it? I decided to return the favour by rubbing his crotch. His grin returned in full force, and judging by the fact that his cock stiffened nigh instantly, I could tell that all his suspicions were absolved. I decided to take it one step further, however. I reached for the zipper at the top of his bulge and i unzipped it slowly. I felt his body jolt with surprised excitement as I slowly touched his cock through his now exposed boxers. I massaged the back of his erection with three fingers, and judging by the look on his face, I was doing a damn fine job. I glanced at the bus driver, who had just turned his gaze back to the road as I did so. Looks like someone other than my friend here enjoyed what was going on. This was made apparent when the driver reached into his pants to readjust himself. I was damn lucky that the driver was enjoying it. Any other driver would have probably kicked us both off right then and there. My thoughts were now back to my friend (I didn't care enough to remember his name) as I felt him grab my hand as an incentive to keep doing what I was doing. To prove that I was paying attention, I reached for the button on his boxers and undid them, pulling them open and releasing his attention-starved cock. It was hard as a rock, and judging from its length compared to my hand, it must have been at least 7 inches. Not bad, I thought. I grabbed it with the hand closest to him and started to stroke it slowly. He let out a slight whimper and started stroking my bulge again.

If I hadn't decided to throw the perverted driver a rather suggestive look, I wouldn't have realized how close we were to my stop. I quickly took a drop of precum off of my friend's cock, licked it, and pulled the cord hanging by the window. The "STOP REQUESTED" sign lit up with a ding, and the bus driver quickly focused on the road again. By the time I had looked back at my friend's crotch, he had already done up his pants. As we approached the corner of Gracey and Woodrow, I stood up and waited by the front door. My friend followed, eyeing the driver as he walked. The bus came to a halt, and the doors flew open. "Have a good night," the driver said, placing and unnecessary stress on the word "good". I rolled my eyes and walked out into the fresh midnight air.

The mist that preceeded rainfall was in the air, and it felt great as a contrast to the overheated air of the bus. My friend (at this point I was trying to remember his name just to avoid any awkward situations) stepped off the bus and gave me a hard smack on the ass. "You ready?" I asked, waiting to get this over with. He looked at my crotch. "I was ready about five minutes ago," he replied. Was he really that close on the bus? This wouldn't take long at all. I walked him to the front door of the apartment building I was living in and unlocked the door. As we walked into the reception, he grabbed my hand. It was obvious that he'd be upset if I said no, so I went along with it. I led him to the elevators and pushed the button. The floor indicator above the doors showed that it was all the way on the 17th floor, so it would be a long wait.

"Want to take the stairs?" I asked. He nodded and follwed me down the hall to the creaky old door that lead to the staircase. I lived on the 4th floor, so I wasn't worrying that much about using much energy. The staircase in my building had just been redone, and the smell of paint was in the air. It wasn't strong, but it was enough to give me the start of a headache. I started to walk faster up the carpeted steps when my friend stopped me and forced me up against the wall. He went in for a kiss and I barely had enough time to react before his tongue was in my mouth. He tasted of scotch, and he was too impatient of a kisser to be enjoyable. Still, I went along with it. If anybody had entered the stairwell, we would hear it frm a mile away (the doors were the only part left after the renovations, and they were extremely loud). He had reached down to undo my pants when I stopped him. "Better save that for when we get there," I warned. I hurried up one more flight of stairs until I reached the door that had a big gold 4 plated on the top of it. I swung it open (the start of a headache had become a full blown headache from the creaking) and waited in the fourth floor hallway, as if hoping that he wouldn't follow me. My hopes were dashed when I felt him come up and slap my ass again. Feigning enjoyment, I led him to the door that read 404. I pulled out my keys and slid the correct one in the slot, unlocking the door. I opened it very slowly, as if revealing a piece of art at a gallery. I gestured to him to go inside. He walked in and eyed the place.

My apartment wasn't the best I've ever seen, but it was far form the worst. It was big enough to have three people living in it, and it was definitely tidy. It was apparent that the kitchen was the room that had been worked on the most, as the brand new appliances seemed to shine extra bright to prove this point. The black sofa had a collection of books on the right cushion, as did the wooden coffee table. The decent sized 48" TV had innumerable movies piled on top of it. My friend seemed to admire my collection. I tapped him on the shoulder and motioned towards the bedroom. The queen sized bed was freshly made (I had anticipated bring someone home), and the rest of the room was decently tidy as well. I flung myself back first onto my bed and waited. He had removed his shirt extremely quickly. And then he slowly got on top of me and begun kissing me again. The scotch taste wasn't so bad now, and I had begun to run my fingers through his shaggy blonde hair. My hands begun to trace lines along his stomach. Whilst he was not the most built guy I've met, he was still in shape, and I could feel the start of abs. I worked my way to his back, almost massaging him as we kissed. He stopped for a minute and began to tug at my shirt. I sat up and allowed him to strip me, and then we started kissing again. I could feel him begin to feel my muscles. I was no bodybuilder, but I had a six pack, and that was good enough for me. He slid his hand down my pants, and I could feel him stroking my neatly trimmed pubes. It was enough to get me hard again, and I reached down and undid my pants. He got up and pulled them off of me, leaving me in my boxers. He came back down to my level and begin to kiss my neck. I wasn't normally into that sort of thing, but when he started to kiss down my chest, I figured I'd let him run his course. He worked his lips down to my waist and stopped there for a minute. He looked into my eyes for a second, and then started kissing my bulge.

I went along with it. I ran my fingers through his hair as he licked my shaft through my boxers. I pulled his head up for a second. "Your turn," I said quickly, standing him up. I undid the button on his jeans and pulled down the zipper. I yanked them down to his ankles and went back up to work on his package. I noticed that he didn't bother doing up the button on his boxers on the bus, as his cock was sticking out at full attention. I grabbed it with the right hand and brought my face closer to it. He was uncut, and he had the stench of a guy who had been dancing for hours. I pulled back his foreskin and spit on his head. I began to work my way up his cock slowly. He didn't seem to mind the fact that I wasn't sucking him off, as he immediately threw his head back and whimpered. I picked up the pace a bit, and started to focus on his head. I spit in my hand and began to give his cock quick little strokes on the head, and he grabbed my head.

"That's so intense, I love it," he moaned. I brought my face close again. The smell had went away, so I decided to go for it. I touched the tip of his cock with the tip of my tongue, and from there, I brought my lips onto it. He moaned as I inched my way down his cock. I could feel him tugging on my hair, wanting me to go faster. I decided to get him to stop by taking the last few inches down my throat. With his cock firmly planted in my throat, his knees bent and he whimpered. I picked up the pace a little bit, using my left hand to play with his tight balls. He was loving every minute of it. His hips started to thrust and his knees started to bend again. I could feel his cock throbbing and knew he was close. "I'm really close," he said, almost on cue. I took my lips off of his cock and licked the length of it one last time before going back to meet him at eye level.

We kissed as he reached into my boxers and grabbed the length of my cock with both hands. He broke the kiss and gazed at me with admiration. "Seven and a half? That's huge, dude," he mused with unnecessary fascination. He can tell size with a mere grasp? That, I thought, was the only thing impressive I've seen this guy do tonight. I shut him up by kissing him again, and he began to fondle my balls. I quickly slipped my boxers off of me and past my ankles. I threw them across the room, and began to tug at his boxers. He put his cock back in for a second so he could remove his boxers. He too threw them across the room, and they landed very near my pair. I spit in my hand and began to stroke his cock hard and fast. I wanted to get this over with. He stopped stroking my cock and fell over on his back. His eyes were squeezed shut as he moaned softly. It didn't take long for him to start bucking and breathing hard. "I'm gonna cum soon," he moaned. My god, he was quick. I slowed my pace slightly and began to massage his balls. It took about ten seconds before I could feel his cock swell. "Oh fuck...here it comes!" he whimpered. He stiffened and bit his lip. I counted three decent sized shots of cum that had hit his stomach before it just oozed down his shaft.

I spit into my hand once more and began to work on my cock. I was stroking my cock at a cruel pace, all for the sake of finishing as fast as I possibly could. He scooped up some of his cum with his fingers and stuck them in his mouth. He grabbed hold of his dick and began to stroke it quickly. It took another minute before I had gotten close. I heard him whimper loudly and saw him stiffen. He shot another load, this time it didn't shoot. I was getting really close, so I grabbed my dick with both my hands and slowed my pace. I moaned as I felt the impending orgasm sweep over me. I bucked my knees in time to the shots. I had been kneeling over my friend's knees, and five streams of my cum had shot onto his chest. "Holy shit dude, that was a good one!" he said, again with unnecessary admiration. I felt the last bit of cum flow from my cock and land on the sheets between my friend's legs. I crawled over to him and kissed him once. I had to make it seem as if I enjoyed myself, or I would lose this plaything. I grabbed his hands and pulled him into a sitting position. "Shower time," I ordered.

I walked out of room without waiting for him and into the bathroom. I pulled open the glass door and turned on the faucet. I jumped as I felt the hands on my ass. Jesus, he was too much. I ordered him to wait his turn and stepped into the shower and let the water wash everything away. It only took a minute or so, and I motioned for him to take his turn. "You don't mind if I use your shampoo, do you?" he asked. I shook my head, knowing that if he took his time, I'd be able to use the time to my advantage. He smiled and slipped into the shower, closing the door behind him. I wrapped a towel around my bottom half and stepped back into the bedroom, closing the bathroom door quietly. I rushed over to his discarded pants and picked them up, fishing through his pockets. I found his phone and turned it on. It wasn't password protected, which was good. I scrolled through his text messages. The on's from his mom were all very personalized and formal. They all began with "Hi Sam!", which was convenient for me. The ruse was complete.

I turned his phone off again and slipped it back into his pocket. Sam stepped out of the bathroom and smiled. "That was really fun, Felix," he purred, walking over and giving me a hug that seemed very much out of place considering what we had just done. I smirked. "I had fun too, Sam," I lied. He broke the hug and grabbed his clothes. He dressed very slowly, as if he was putting on a reverse strip show. I had put on my boxers and led him to the door. I opened it and he strolled out, pausing for a moment after taking roughly five steps. "Can I see you again?" he asked. I had to fight the urge to flat out tell him I had just used him; I felt bad for having taken advantage of such an innocent (or stupid) minded guy. "Sure, you have my number," I cooed. He smiled, waved, and walked away.

I waited till he turned around the corner of the hallway before going back inside. I had just secured another fucktoy, but why did I feel like shit? I went to my couch and flopped down. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. The image of a grotesque monster about to prey on an innocent looking young man flashed onto the TV, with the pause symbol flashing in the middle of the screen. I suddenly felt sick. That image seemed appropriate for what had just happened. I used to think that it was ok to use guys for sex to satisfy my desire to temporarily erase the past. Now, I just felt like a disgusting whore. I turned off the TV and threw the remote back onto the table. I grabbed the two pillows on the couch and arranged them at the end of the couch, and rested my head on them. I really needed to sleep after tonight, and at this point in time, I felt like I never wanted to wake up.

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