Facing Betrayal

By Stephanie M

Published on Jan 5, 2003


Title: Facing Betrayal 2/? Author: Stephanie M Author's Website: http://www.angelfire.com/freak/beyondfriendship/ Disclaimer: This story is entirely fiction and not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of the celebrities mentioned. This story is just the product of a slightly warped mind. Summary: What do you do after being betrayed? Do you fade away to lick your wounds or seek a way to get revenge? This question is the one plaguing Nick and JC when those they trusted above all others betray them. Main pairings: JC/Justin, Justin/Lance, Nick/JC

Part 2

JC groaned when the insistent ringing of a phone called him from his sleep. Picking up the phone with a pout he said, "Yeah?"

"Who is this?" A man asked suspiciously making JC roll his eyes.

With a grin JC said, "You're calling to ask me who I am? Weird. Okay, I can play this game. Who are you?"

"I can't believe Nick picked up some groupie." The man on the other end of the line murmured before saying loudly, "Look its eleven am. I'm calling to let him know breakfast is in Howie's room in twenty minutes. I trust you can manage to tell him that?"

Annoyed at the implied insult JC replied curtly, "He'll be there."

"Thanks," The man said seconds before ending the call.

Turning over to look at the man lying next to him, JC smirked thinking it might be cool to wake him up the Joey way. JC quickly went to the bathroom and got a glass of cold water, he was about to pour it onto the man when Nick opened his eyes.

"Don't even think about it, Chasez!" Nick said seriously, keeping one eye on the glass.

All trace of mischief gone from his face JC said silkily, "I don't know what you're talking about, Nicky."

Nick snorted, "Yeah right (!) What did whoever it was want?"

"Breakfast in Howie's room in twenty minutes."

With a groan Nick got out of bed, "I guess I had best get up then. I'll just have a quick shower while you brush your teeth and then we can swap. We should make it on time then."

"We?" JC arched one eyebrow at the man in askance.

"Yeah. I'd like you to come with me. You may as well get used to the guys now rather than later."

"Okay, then." JC said with a grin as he walked to the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later the pair were both wearing claret red silk robes, not bothering to dress. Nick had assured the older man that the group always sat around in their bathrobes for breakfast unless there was a journalist there.

"Five minutes left. Come here," Nick said pulling JC closer to him so he could give the man a proper good morning kiss.

They kissed softly, a gentle affirmation of their commitment to each other. They may not have been going out with each other long, only just over a month but they were both intent on making the most of their opportunity. In a weird way, the pair where lucky Justin and Lance had cheated on them, as it had brought them together. That didn't make them feel any less angry and betrayed though, each one was intent on avoiding their exes for as long as possible. ******* Nick smiled at his new lover...boyfriend? He didn't know what to call JC, they hadn't really been with each other long enough to call themselves lovers or boyfriends, but close friends didn't fit.

Walking inside Nick wasn't surprised to find everyone staring at him in a mix of shock and worry.

He smiled when Howie said worriedly, "Are you feeling okay, Nick? We heard about you and Lance."

"I'm fine. I want you to meet someone who is very special to me. " Nick said with a grin as he reached out to the corridor for JC's hand and pulled the man inside the room.

Looking at the varying degrees of shock, confusion and understanding on the faces of the four other members of the Backstreet Boys JC settled for a simple, "Hey."

Brian looked for Nick to JC and back again. His Frack's actions didn't make sense with what he had heard out Nick's extremely public split with Lance. Maybe they were just comforting each other? Wait, did he really want to go there?

"I guess you really are okay. Did you get totally drunk or something?" AJ said with a smirk.

JC answered the question, "No, we stayed perfectly sober. We had two glasses of Champagne at the party and one here. Then we went to bed."

"What makes you ask, Alex?" Nick said trying to figure out what was going on in the other man's mind.

AJ shrugged, "Well just last night, you just broke up with your partners that you've been seeing for awhile and now you're suddenly together. It just sounds like something out of a bad movie."

Nick explained annoyed, "We came back after our little break up and slept. This morning at about eight we went out shopping and came back here. We were a little tired so we went to bed for a little nap."

"If you say so, Frack. Why are you smiling?" Brian said confused.

Nick shrugged, "We got what we wanted. We got revenge on them. They betrayed us so we showed them up in public."

JC interjected, "Believe me, that's the worst thing we could do to either of them. They are both always worried about how the public sees them. To them their reputation is everything."

"When did you find out about them?" Kevin said as JC and Nick sat down next to each other on the loveseat.

Nick grinned, "Jay found out eight months ago. I found out five months ago. About a month ago, we found out that the other knew and decided to hurt them as they hurt us. The best way to hurt them was by damaging their precious public image."

"Jay?" AJ mouth to Howie in shock.

"You know management is going to freak at us now you've come out." Kevin said with a long-suffering sigh.

Not caring Nick shrugged, "Well that was my choice. It doesn't mean any of you have to come out."

JC offered reassuringly, "Besides your competition has three out gay members, so if the gay rumours were going to hurt anyone it would be them. Although I should have said two out gay members since I'm not singing anymore."

"You're quitting over them!" Howie exclaimed in shock.

Shaking his head JC grinned, "No, I've been feeling like an outsider with the group for a while. Now I can produce or write songs instead of singing. I like it but it's not my life."

"Have you thought this through properly? It's a big step." Brian said logically knowing how difficult it would be for JC to get used to a normal life.

"Yeah and don't worry Nicky has already lectured me over it."

"Nicky?" Brian mouthed at Kevin who simply smirked.

Nick protested with a grin, "Hey! I didn't lecture, I was just talking about the consequences of your decision."

"Is anyone coming to work out with us?" Nick said breaking the sudden silence.

Howie looked at the others before saying, "Nah, we were thinking about just kicking back and chilling."

Kevin said suddenly, "You do know he's even worse than me when it comes to working out right, JC?"

"Don't worry, I can handle him." JC said with a smirk.

Nick smirked, "Stupid of you to make fun of me when I'm right next to you, Chasez. It seems you need to be taught the error of your ways, my naïve one."

"You'll have to catch me first, Nicky!" JC said with a grin before running out the room.

Nick stopped to look at the door for a few seconds before running after the brunette, the sound of their laughter echoing in the corridor. He never noticed the looks of shock, amusement, and happiness exchanged by the members of his group.

"I can't believe how happy he is." Brian said to the shocked room

Howie nodded happily, "Its good to see him like this. He hasn't been so carefree in months, hell even years."

"Yeah. I knew JC would be good for him." Kevin agreed quickly causing the others to look at him.

AJ threw an amused grin at the dark haired man, "What do you mean by that, Train?"

Kevin shrugged, "Nick told me he was spending time with JC. They're so alike yet so different at the same time, it just seemed obvious they would be good together considering the suspicions I had about Justin and Lance. You know what they say, misery loves company."

"Should tell them our worries?" Howie said anxiously.

Brian nodded, "Yeah, but I don't know if they will listen."

"Maybe we should wait and see how everything develops between them." Kevin said seriously, grinning when the others nodded. ******* Four hours later Brian was bored so he opened the door to Nick's room not thinking about what he was doing. He had always been able to stroll into the younger man's room without thinking about it. He left the door open behind him, knowing only the other members of the group and their security team had access to the floor.

"Guys? What are you doing with a bag from Scandalous Sex Secrets?" Brian asked with a grin as the pair started unpacking their bags.

"Phase two." Nick said calmly before turning to JC, "Got the books on impotence?"

Hearing those words Kevin walked in wearing a smirk, "Should I ask?"

JC said casually, "Well...it just so happens that I have access to Justin's credit card and I can write his signature perfectly. So we decided to pick up some books we thought he might need and send them to him."

Nick continued, "Everyone will think he bought them himself. Oh, conveniently the courier is going to just happen to drop the books with the name of their buyer in full view of the media."

"Good idea. Who came up with it?" AJ enquired as he took a seat next to Brian who was giggling as he watched Howie pull out the contents of the bag from the Sex shop.

JC answered with a smile, "I did."

"Put that stuff back, D! We're not sending it to those sluts." Nick said quickly.

Kevin said grabbing the bag, "In a second, I want to see what you've got. Let's see...chains, cuffs, whips, gags, vibrators, butt-plugs, body-paint, and paintbrushes. Nice kit, for now."

"Yeah. We'll have to buy some more things later." JC said absently grinning at the look of shock on Brian's face.

AJ asked seriously, "So who's the Dom and who's the Sub?"

JC laughed, "Why you asking? You want a piece of the action, AJ?"

"We alternate, depending upon our mood." Nick answered his friend's question not mentioning that he had never allowed a lover to dominate him before JC. With JC Nick felt free to surrender control, secure that the brunette would take care of him. For years, Nick had secretly dreamed of having a lover who could take care of him in every way, a lover who would protect him from everything.

Howie grinned, "You coming with us tonight?"

"Where are you going this time?" Nick asked curiosity getting the better of him; he knew how much the others loved finding slightly unusual and occasionally bizarre bars and clubs.

Brian shrugged, "The Eternal Night. Where else would we go?"

Answering for the both of them JC nodded, "We'll come then, although we might leave early."

"Fine with us. Just don't expect us to leave with you."

"Like we would, Train!" Nick said with a laugh. ******* Six hours JC was casually picking out an outfit for a night on the town. All his clothes had been brought to Nick's hotel room a couple of hours earlier by his bodyguard. He needed something sexy that did not make him look easy. If there was one thing he was not, it was easy. He had only had two one-night stands, preferring to look for a permanent relationship.

He had only three demands of his partners, which was that they didn't hurt him permanently, left no scars but most importantly that they were honest with him. Everything else was fair game, and he was more than ready to play. Something Nick was overjoyed at, never having had a partner who was as open to possibilities as he was.

Finally deciding on a pair of black leather pants that looked like they where painted on and a black mesh top with a black leather jacket, he ran into the shower. An hour later, he was ready, apart from his hair. He quickly set it in soft spikes and looked at himself in the mirror.

JC looked perfect for the Eternal Night, alluring and sexy yet mysterious. He quickly put in his gold nipple ring, a perfect match for the two in his ear. The earring sparkled under his top when he moved, just hint at what was underneath. He had kept his piercings secret not seeing the need to inform the hordes of fans about his taste in jewellery.

JC opened the door on Kevin's third and decidedly impatient knock, immediately realising the others where hyped up. He grinned at the sudden silence at his appearance.

"Come on in guys!" JC said moving back to let the silent four inside his and Nick's room.

"You look hot!" Howie said admiringly wondering if there was any chance of getting a night with JC. Even as he thought it, Howie knew it was wrong. There was no way he could betray Nick like that. He knew just how long Nick had waited for someone who he could truly love.

"Thanks. You should see Nicky." JC said with a smirk. Turning towards the bathroom he shouted, "Get your ass out here, Carter! How can I prove to everyone how great you look when you won't come out?"

"You can't get much more out than you two!" AJ comment with a snigger. He didn't react when everyone glared at him.

"Typical of you to say something like that, Bone!" Nick said with a grin causing everyone to look at him.

Jaws fell to the floor as his band-mates looked at the youngest of their group in a mix of shock, lust and confusion. Nick was wearing a black silk shirt and a black pair of tight fitting jeans. The only colour in his outfit came from his collar, which was black leather with a gleaming jewelled J in the middle decorated in blue which JC had chosen to get in green saying they perfectly complemented the blonde's eyes.

"Can I put your collar on, Jay?" Nick said with a small smile.

"Of course, Nicky." JC answered as he walked over to his lover, taking a box from his pocket and giving it to the blue-eyed man.

Nick grinned when the man in front of him calmly bent his neck although he detected the slight impatience in JC's body. Fastening the collar just tight enough to be felt but not cause pain, Nick stood up lightly brushing his hand over the collar with a grin.

JC stood and walked over to the mirror to stand by the blonde's side. They where a rather stunning picture he had to admit, two men dressed entirely in black with the only colour coming from their collars. Nick's collar was black with a jewelled letter N, which Nick insisted was perfect because it was the colour of the sea.

"You two are going to go down a storm at The Eternal Night. You do realise everyone's going to be hitting on you all night, right?"

Nick shrugged, "Just because people are hitting on us doesn't mean we have to take them up on their offer."

"True. Come on, Nicky! Let's go cause some mayhem." JC said with a smirk pulling the man towards the door.

As they left the room Nick replied, "Ready whenever you are, babe." ******* The Eternal Night was not your typical gay club as it catered to those with slightly unusual tastes especially those who liked to indulge in a little S & M and B & D. The singers knew what it was going to be like inside but didn't allow it to deter them. They were out for a good time, besides they were confident of their ability to handle any trouble.

"Coming to dance, Jay?" Nick purred ignoring the others who were calmly sitting at the table.

Taking the offered hand JC grinned, "Sure."

They walked out in silence, the energy between them drawing more than a few appreciative looks. The mix of sensuality and desire radiating from the pair enchanted anyone who looked their way.

They danced slowly at first but their movements sped up as they responded to the thumping beat of their music. JC wrapped one arm around the blonde's waist as they danced, their bodies writhing together. As they danced the pair gasped slightly whenever their now aroused cocks grinded together, which happened often but each knew the anticipation would only add to the pleasure.

"You look a little hot. Want a drink, baby?"

"That would be great. I'll have a rum and coke." JC said with a grin as he watched his man move away, hungrily he watched how every step showed off the Nick's firm body.

A voice said huskily, "Want to dance with us? Then we can get to know each other in a more secluded setting?"

JC turned from his favourite pastime of watching Nick to find two men watching him in a mix of arousal and arrogance. He couldn't deny they were attractive. The one who had just spoken to him was a black man around 5 ft 10" with dyed platinum blonde hair wearing denim jeans and a sheer red shirt. The slightly shorter man beside him was wearing a collar around his neck, the leash of which was in the black man's hand. The shorter man was a stocky man with strange purple eyes wearing his short sleeved purple top showed off his bulging biceps.

JC replied calmly, "No thanks. My lover is just getting some drinks. He won't take the two of you being here very well, if you want to stay in one piece leave."

The black man snarled, "I don't think you understand me! We want you to join us, besides your lover can't be much if he left you alone."

"I've already said no," JC said firmly, anger just starting to get into his voice.

The white man said reassuringly, "Look, if you're so worried then your guy can join us. That way he won't miss out."

"What the fuck are you doing around MY bitch?" Nick snarled as he returned having abandoned his quest to get the drinks after spying the pair around his JC.

JC said calmly, "These suicidal bastards asked me to join them in bed, I told them no. As I have already explained to them, I am with you. So now they want the both of us to join them."

"You heard what the man said, we're not interested. Leave now or be carried out!" Nick said coldly glaring at the pair.

"Look, why don't we leave?" The white man asked his partner who simply glared at him.

The man ignored the suggested as he said to Nick, "Why don't you borrow my pet for a while and I'll have yours. I promise he's great in bed, probably even better than yours!"

Nick snarled as he wrapped a possessive hand around his lover's waist, feeling JC tense ready for a fight. Pulling JC to him the blue-eyed blonde passionately kissed his lover, publicly claiming him.

"Come on, we're leaving." Nick said softly as he pulled the blonde towards the exit.

When they returned to the hotel room they threw off each other's clothes, their encounter with the two men in the club had served to heighten their arousal. They didn't have the time or patience to be slow and tender. They needed each other too much.

Desire burning through their veins, JC pushed Nick onto the bed while he grabbed a tube of KY with one hand. He quickly prepared both of them and in one thrust was inside Nick's scorching heat, it was perfect. They thrust against each other in a frenzy, the only thing that mattered was each other. As his lover thrust inside him Nick arched his body biting and licking every part of the brunette's skin he could reach. He watched through lidded-eyes the expression of pleasure almost pain on JC's face, then he felt that tingling from his toes that signalled an orgasm. Desperately clutching at each other, they came with their shouts echoing in the room. ******* Months later the world was going crazy over the disappearance of Nick Carter and JC Chasez who hadn't been seen since breaking up with their cheating partners. One of the more persistent rumours was that the pair had decided to hide away after their hearts were broken.

Therefore, it was a massive shock to everyone when Nick and JC appeared at the premiere of Orlando Bloom's new film. The pair made a stunning picture; both wearing brown leather pants and shirt sleeved wife-beaters along with their collars, which gleamed causing people to look at them.

The pair walked in perfectly harmony, their steps evenly matched as they made their way down the red carpet. Flashes went off as people sought to capture the first sighting of the pair. As a flashlight hit them a matching tattoo was instantly lit up on their upper arms inside a heart were the words "A Eternal Love J and N."

The couple stopped their walk down towards the building on spying the one person they had come out to support, grinning when the man walked over to them and hugged each one.

Orlando Bloom said happily, "Great to see you guys! I wasn't sure you were going to make it!"

Nick grinned, "Like we would let you down, Orli."

"You should us know better than that," JC continued effortlessly.

"You coming back to my place, later? Viggo wants to get your opinions on some of the roles he's been offered."

JC nodded, "Sure. What's the scoundrel up to now?"

Orlando said in mock-annoyance, "Making another depressing story, but he loves them." ******* The woman presenter said into the camera, "This is Entertainment Today! My name is Kate O'Neil. Today, we have in the studio two men who sent the music business reeling just over four months ago. They are JC Chasez and Nick Carter."

"Nice to meet you, Kate." Nick said with a charming smile.

JC added quickly, "How are you doing?"

Kate smiled, "I'm good thank you. Now the question everyone wants to know the answer to; what happened after the Jive party?"

Nick said seriously, "We decided that we wanted to get away from everyone for a while. So we packed our bags, rented a car and left."

"What made you come to that decision?"

JC continued their story, "We had issues we needed to resolve and we couldn't do that with everyone watching us. So we decided to take a little vacation."

"I see. Where did you go?" Kate said engagingly.

"We went to Nashville. Without all the fame and press we could just be ourselves. We had forgotten how to do that."

"Now, I noticed the matching collars that you're wearing. Can you please explain their significance?"

JC smiled, "They show what we mean to each other, we wanted something that suited our personalities. Rings just aren't us."

"They're very nice, could one of you take them off so the camera can get a close up of them?"

Nick and JC shook their heads saying together, "Sorry but these never come off."

"So how did you get together?" Kate said curiosity getting the better of her.

JC said immediately, "We found out that Lance and Justin were seeing each other behind our backs. We talked and realised that now we had someone who could understand what we were feeling. So we started hanging out, just talking to each other and occasionally doing stuff like ice skating."

Not missing a beat Nick continued, "Somewhere along the way our feelings became deeper than comforting each other. After we broke up with the others we decided that we needed somewhere away from all the chaos where we could find out what we wanted from each other and from ourselves."

Absently running a hand through Nick's hair JC explained, "I asked Nicky if he wanted to come with me on a break, where we could forget about trying to be the people others wanted us to be. He agreed so we picked up our bags and left. We didn't tell anyone where we were going because we didn't know. We just drove until we found a place we wanted to live in. Somewhere no one cared about Nsync and the Backstreet Boys."

"We met some people who helped us realise what we meant to each other. We had a small commitment ceremony with some friends then we came back. We had achieved what we wanted to, we knew what we were and what we wanted from each other."

"What was that?" Kate asked seriously.

JC smiled sincerely as he looked at the man who meant everything to him, "We wanted forever, we wanted someone we could trust, someone who made us feel whole, we wanted someone with whom we could let down all our shields and masks."

"How does it make you feel to know that Lance and Justin broke up a couple of weeks after you disappeared?"

Nick said honestly, "We feel sad that they couldn't find happiness. During our vacation we were able to forgive them."

"That's good. So what are your plans now?"

"Go back home and see our families I guess. We haven't seen them in months. Then we're going to catch up with some friends. After that we'll see what happens."

Kate said shocked, "So you have no plans to continue singing?"

"Not really, we're just going to take each day at a time."

"Why did you decide to come back now?"

"Orli's new film was premiering so we wanted to be here to support him."

"We had promised to come to the premiere months ago."

Kate asked quickly, "So this is Orlando Bloom you're talking about?" At their nods she continued, "How did you get to know him?"

Nick said with a grin, "He was filming near us. We met him in a diner I was working in actually."

"Oh. I can't imagine you working in a diner. Did you have a job a well, JC?"

"Yeah. I worked in a bookshop. It was good because it gave us the chance to get back to normal life."

Kate asked charmingly, "Nick, what made you decide to grow your hair?"

"I felt like a change. I was going to dye it but Jay managed to convince me otherwise."

"Love, purple hair wouldn't suit you." JC said seriously before breaking into laughter with Nick joining him a little later.

Kate said with a small smile, "I think agree with JC, purple isn't your colour. It was great to meet you, I wish you the best of luck with everything."

"It was nice to meet you."

"Bye, Kate." JC said seriously seconds later the filming stopped. Less than fifteen minutes later the pair had left the studio and were sitting inside JC's new Jeep.

End Part 2

Beyond Friendship: Stephanie M's Fiction http://www.angelfire.com/freak/beyondfriendship/ "You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can't, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world... The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way ... people look at reality, then you can change it." -- James Arthur Baldwin (1924-87), American writer, critic

Next: Chapter 3

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