Facing Betrayal

By Stephanie M

Published on Dec 27, 2002


Title: Facing Betrayal 1/?

Pairings: JC/Justin, Lance/Nick, Nick/JC.

Disclaimer: This story is entirely fiction and not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of the celebrities mentioned. This story is just the product of a slightly warped mind.

Summary: What do you do after being betrayed? Do you fade away to lick your wounds or seek a way to get revenge? This question is the one plaguing Nick and JC when those they trusted above all others betray them.

Status: WIP

Notes: A writers block fic, to help me get over this strange problem I have trying to write my boyband slash fic.

Part 1

JC sighed as he took another drink of his rum and coke. He was tired of everything, of having to put up with Justin's selfish attitude. It wasn't that he hated Justin, far from it. Justin was his first real love and would always be special but somehow, the man he had once loved had become a stranger. Justin no longer joked or talked with him, they hadn't made love in months; they had sex but it was not the same.

The only thing Justin seemed to care about now was Lance. The pair had tried to disguise it, but to someone as familiar with their behaviour as JC it was as clear as day. Justin was cheating on him with his best friend.

`I've become a walking cliche,' JC thought to himself with a wry grin as he observed the people discretely watching Justin and Britney. Everyone seemed to think the pair were going to get into a fight on the dance floor, as if! The pair never dated, it was a cover Justin had devised to protect him and JC.

"You okay?" Nick asked having finally got up the courage to speak to the man.

JC gave his best PR smile, "I'm great. What are you doing over here with me? Shouldn't you be networking like the rest of your group?"

Nick looked at him carefully commenting, "I've finished for the night. You look like you've had enough of this."

"Probably just the same way you're feeling." JC said honestly.

"So want to get out of here, then?"

Ready to follow Nick's lead JC said, "Sure."

"Come on then. We'll go the back way." Nick said making for the door.

As they walked out into the night, JC slipped what appeared to be a piece of crushed grapefruit. He prepared himself for the fall only to be caught by Nick, who pulled him up by the arm. The pair froze for a second, feeling each other's breath on their faces. The loud sound of a car horn caused them to break away, guiltily avoiding each other's eyes.

Once they were settled inside his room Nick asked the question that had been bothering him, "What made you say I was feeling the same as you?"

"Did you think I didn't know about you and Lance? He can't keep many secrets from me," JC said with a shrug.

Nick said shocked, "So you know about him and..."

JC finished the thought with a wry grin, "Justin. Yeah. I feel like an idiot. Could my life get anymore cliched? I fulfilled my dreams and found someone who I actually loved only for him to cheat on me with my best friend!"

"Shit! I didn't realise you were seeing Justin." Nick said aghast, as he realised how much it must have hurt JC to discover Justin cheating with his best friend.

JC said softly "Yeah, have been for years. You know, I put off breaking up with him because I wanted to see how long it would take him to tell me. It's been over seven months since they got together and he hasn't even hinted at anything."

"Why get mad when you can get even?" Nick said seeing the man could prove to be a useful ally.

"I guess. Want to tell me what's going on in your mind, Mr Carter?"

Nick joked, "I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you." Seeing the dark-haired man's impatience he said, "Why don't you start seeing someone else, too? Surely you deserve to have someone to care for you."

"Like who?" JC asked, arching one eyebrow at the man.

"Me. I will not lie to you; I want to get back at Lance. He is cheating on me just like Justin's cheating on you."

JC sighed, "Lance said you broke up two months ago. I guess its just another thing he lied about to me. Okay, I'm in."

"Why don't you stay here tonight? You can take the bed and I'll take the sofa."

"We can share the bed, the sofa would just be uncomfortable." JC said rationally.

Nick grinned, "Sure. Erm...I sleep naked. Is that okay?"

JC said with a laugh, "Yeah. Just try not to poke my eyes out."

Nick grinned as he passed JC a can of Mountain Dew deciding they needed to stay sober if they were going to do this right. They could not make any mistakes if they wanted their plan to work, if they wanted the pair to suffer as they had. ******* Nick grinned at JC as he walked the younger man back to his hotel, no one even bothered to give them a second glance. It was one of the many benefits of being in their hometown. In his opinion, the fans appeared to have a little more restraint in Orlando.

It wasn't that they didn't have fans there but that the Florida fans seemed to have a clear code of when and how to approach a celebrity. As they walked Nick paid attention to what JC was saying, as the man described some of the antics of his friends.

He grinned when JC said, "You probably don't want to hear about the others. Hey, did AJ ever tell you about when he saved me in a club almost five years ago?"

"Nah, what happened?" Nick said the gleam in JC's eyes telling him the man enjoyed telling the story.

"I was out with Chris because he wanted to go out and get laid. I was sitting at the bar when this man approached me. If I didn't know better I would have thought it was Lou. The guy was hassling me, would not take no for an answer. I was terrified and ended up getting backed up into a corner."

"Shit! Where was Chris? He should have been looking out for you!"

JC shrugged, "No idea. I heard this man shouting at the man to back away from his bitch. I looked up and AJ was there. He smirked and pulled me up against him. He kept a hand on my ass as I walked over to the bar. I thanked him and he just said, `tell your man to protect his boy. You're too much like jailbait to survive here.'"

"He was right. I have seen pictures of you from then. You looked like an angel."

"Yeah, a fallen angel (!)" JC said rolling his eyes.

Nick grinned, "Hey cutie, don't argue with your betters."

"Whatever you say, Oh wise one." JC said with a placating smile making Nick laugh loudly.

As Nick watched the light shine in JC's eyes, he noticed Justin and Lance watching them from across the lobby as they sought out the sound. He saw Justin about to approach them, only to be stopped by Lance.

"Last night was great," JC said loud enough to be overheard by his boyfriend, facing Nick to make it appear as if he was caught up in the man in front of him.

Nick said smiling, "It was my pleasure, believe me. I'll call you later, Jay."

"Want to come up, Nicky?" JC asked arching his eyebrows.

"Sure." Nick said with a grin as he led the way to the stairs, one hand on JC's back. ******* "Did you see that?" Justin asked the man at his side in shock.

Lance said quickly "Yeah. What do you care? You've got me!"

Justin said angrily, "Yeah but JC doesn't know. He still thinks it is just him and me. He's cheating on me with that...that Backstreeter."

"He's just talking to the guy. JC wouldn't cheat on you. He loves you too much."

"You think?" Justin said anxiously.

Wanting to reassure his lover Lance said quickly, "Yeah. It's because he loves you so much that we haven't told him about us. So he won't be hurt."

Justin protested, "He was flirting with him, though. He was smiling too much and he spent the night with Nick."

"They were probably just talking. Its not like they've got anything in common like we do."

Justin nodded reassured that his boyfriend was faithful. It wouldn't look good for him if anyone discovered his lover was cheating on him. It would seriously damage his reputation as a sex symbol. He didn't know what he was getting worried about; JC and Nick were like chalk and cheese. ******* Hearing JC talking to someone Chris motioned to Joey to be quiet as he opened the door to his room so he could listen to JC's conversation. He face went from shock to anger at what he was hearing.

JC grinned at the man at his side, "Nicky, what do you want for breakfast?"

"I've already eaten." Nick said with a leer.

Blushing slightly JC shook his head, "I was talking about food."

"Well, I certainly got all the protein I needed." Nick answered with a sultry smile.

"Food Nick!" JC said with a soft smile.

"Just some fruit I guess. I'm not too hungry."

"No idea why, I'm starving after this morning's exercise." JC said with an exaggerated groan.

Nick shrugged, "Well, you were the one doing all the work."

"True. Come on, we can go to my room and...talk." JC said leading the man to his room. ******* Chris watched them leave before turning to Joey who was looking at him in shock unable to believe what his ears were telling him. He opened his mouth to say something before closing it again, not knowing what to say.

"What should we do now?" Joey said worried.

Chris shrugged, "How the hell do I know? Justin will go mad when he finds out JC is seeing Nick!"

Unable to believe no one else had noticed Joey sighed, "Maybe not as much as we think. Have you seen how tight he and Lance are lately?"

"You think they're together?" Chris said shocked that the pair could, would do that to JC.

Joey nodded, "It would explain why JC is looking to someone else."

Thinking back over the last couple of months Chris thought aloud, "Justin does kinda ignore him. We should talk to JC in case we're wrong about Justin and Lance."

"How are we going to do that, oh Great One?" Joey said rolling his eyes.

"Just follow my lead." Chris said with a confident smile as he pulled the man down the corridor with him. ******* Chris knocked on the door, hearing someone laugh seconds before JC opened it with a sigh. Seeing the pair JC moved aside to let them in a little annoyed at their timing.

"Where were you last night, JC?" Joey asked suspiciously.

JC grinned passing Nick a small piece of paper, "With Nick. Why where you looking for me?"

"Just wanted to see if you wanted to come to Seaworld with us today."

"Nick and I had plans..." JC said wondering why the others were suddenly so interested in spending time with him.

Nick said with a quick smile, "Its okay, Jay I have to meet Kevin soon anyway."

JC said grinning, "I'll call you as soon as I get back, I promise." Leaning over to kiss Nick on the cheek JC said, "See you later, Nicky."

Nick just grinned and pulled the younger man into a brief hug before placing a piece of paper in the back pocket of JC's pants. Nodding at the others Nick left the room with JC's mischievous grin still in his mind.

"What was that, JC?" Joey said accusingly.

JC arched his eyebrows, "I was saying bye to him. So why did you decide to go today?"

Thinking quickly Chris answered, "Just wanted to have some downtime were we can be ourselves. I didn't know you even saw Nick outside business."

JC laughed mentally as he injected innuendo into his voice, "I got to know him last night, he's very different to how I imagined him to be."

"Its good you're talking to others in the business. Listen, we're worried about you." Joey said looking the brunette in the eyes.

JC shrugged, "I'm okay. Are we going to be out late? I've got to talk to Nicky later."

Chris changed the topic, "You and Justin seem a little...distant lately."

"Its just a busy time for him with his album and stuff. That's why I'm meeting Nick later, we're both feeling a little lonely."

"You're not alone though. We're with you." Joey's heart ached at JC's words. It looked like his lover had truly deserted JC. If JC was so lonely, it meant he would be vulnerable.

"Yeah but its not the same." JC said honestly.

"Come on Scoop. We're going out to have a good time. When are you phoning Nick?"

JC answered immediately, "Seven or as close to that time as possible."

"Plenty of time." Chris said as they hustled the man out. They didn't even bother asking Justin or Lance as the pair had disappeared hours ago. ******* Walking back to his hotel room JC sighed as he thought about the day so far. Everything had been great until he had gone to Seaworld with the others. The whole time Chris and Joey had focused the conversation on him and Justin, about all the good times they had shared. It made him realise the pair obviously knew that his and Justin's relationship was on the rocks.

He wondered if they knew about Justin's affair with Lance, as they hadn't mentioned the pair in the same sentence all day. It made him suspicious. If he were right, it would mean all his friends had betrayed him.

Picking up his phone, he dialled Nick's number lying back on his bed waiting to be connected.

"Hi, Jay." Nick said with a grin as he recognised the number.

"Hey Nicky. Have fun at that meeting?"

Nick groaned, "Not really, you know how they are."

JC said sympathising, "Only too well. What was it about?"

"The tour, what else. Sometimes I feel I'm getting too jaded for this business."

JC said huskily, "If you're jaded then so am I. All you need is a chance to take a step back. Don't worry about it, we all feel like that sometimes but then you just remember all the people you've made happy because of your music."

"That's nice of you to say." Nick said wondering for the tenth time in as many seconds how Justin could give JC up.

JC admitted, "I'm just being honest. I hate to bring this up but what about your girlfriend?"

"We're best friends. She's my beard." Nick responded with a sincere grin.

"Ah. When Justin and I got together, Britney was his beard. Lou hated the idea of having two members of his band dating each other."

Nick smiled his grin obvious from his tone, "You still on for ice skating tomorrow?"

"Yeah but I'll probably just fall on my ass."

Nick said with a leer, "Yeah and it's a nice ass."

"Confess! You're just asking me so you can check out my ass."

Gasping melodramatically Nick said, "Oh no, you've discovered my plan. Actually, I also like your arms and your neck, and your eyes and smile."

"Thanks, although you're wrong. The really hot one is you."

Nick responded eagerly, "I'm not wrong. You just don't see how attractive you are. I'll be at your hotel room for exactly seven. What experience do you have ice skating?"

JC shrugged even though the older man couldn't see it, "Not much. I think I had a couple of lessons while we were on tour somewhere. I wanted to pursue it but Justin got in the way."

Nick purred down the phone, "I'll teach you everything you need to know."

"Maybe we'll teach each other some moves." JC said mysteriously.

Nick said thoughtfully, "Yeah."

Two hours later they were still talking on the phone, JC only ended the call when Justin walked into his room. Ignoring the man glaring at the phone JC said smiling, "I've got to go."

Nick noticed the distant tone in the younger man's voice and asked, "Justin back?"

"Yeah. Until tomorrow." JC said softly.

"Until tomorrow." Nick agreed ending the phone call.

"Who were you on the phone to?" Justin asked suspiciously not liking the look his friend's eyes.

JC shrugged, "A friend. Nick actually, not that it matters."

The pair undressed in silence and got into bed with a clear distance between them. Looking at them, you would have thought they were strangers, not two men in a relationship with each other. ******* Nine days later

JC grinned as he dressed humming along to I'm Already There by Lonestar. He was looking forward to the night with Nick. He had discovered the man was kind, funny, and most importantly honest. They had talked every day for at least three hours, sharing jokes and telling each other about their day.

JC briefly thought of Justin as he put on his aftershave. His lover was angry about all the time he was spending talking with Nick but he hadn't actually said anything. JC honestly couldn't care how Justin felt about him hanging out with Nick. Why would he care about the man who had betrayed him?

Hearing Nick's distinctive 3, 2, 4 knock sequence JC grinned as he called out, "The door's open. Come in, Nicky."

"That was a little irresponsible of you. What would you have done if I was a crazed fan?" Nick commented as he walked into the room, closing the door behind him. Nick headed straight for JC and hugged the man for a few minutes before JC broke the embrace.

"I would have pressed my panic button. The guards would be here in less than a minute." JC said showing a small green button on his bracelet.

Nick laughed, "I'll let you off then. Ready to go?"

JC arched his eyes asking, "Where are we going exactly?"

"It's a surprise but you'll love it."

"If you say do." JC said with a shrug as they walked down to the underground car park where Nick's rental sat.

They got in the car and drove in a comfortable silence. JC was shocked when Nick stopped the car after just twenty minutes. The older man got out quickly walking around to open JC's door.

"Thank you, kind Sir." JC said with a grin as he got out the car, batting his eyelashes at the older man.

Bowing Nick said, "You're more than welcome, Ma'am."

JC hit Nick on the shoulder saying, "Hey! I'm not a woman, Mister!"

"Believe me, I've noticed." Nick said with a leer.

Looking around JC asked, "Why are we at the beach?"

"It's a nice quiet place to relax. I thought you might like it here. It's a private beach so we don't have to worry about someone finding us."

"It appears that you've thought of everything. I suppose you've even got a picnic?" JC said with a laugh.

Nick blushed as he opened the trunk, "Actually, I have."

The pair walked down to the moonlight beach in silence, JC watched amused as the older man placed a large blue and white striped blanket on the floor. At Nick's gesturing JC sat down grinning when the dark-haired man got out the food, which consisted of sandwiches and fruit salads.

Looking over at the end result JC exclaimed, "This looks great!"

Reaching into the bag to grab a bottle of red wine Nick responded, "Just a little something I put together. I didn't know what to bring so I decided to go for the simple route."

Silence fell for a few minutes before Nick said, "We should really get to know each other now."

Moving so that he was leaning against a large rock directly facing the man JC nodded, "Yeah. Hey, why don't we make it interesting? You can ask me seven questions that I have to answer then we can switch."

Nick smirked, "Sounds fine with me. Okay let's see...when did you first realise you were gay?"

JC grinned, "I was twelve and had a massive crush on this guy a couple of years older than me. His name was Daniel, he was on the basketball team. I would go to the games just so I could watch him move."

Nick nodded adding the information to what he already knew about the man, "Did anyone ever know about you before you told them?"

"Everyone just figured I was shy around girls. It gave me a cover." JC said with a shrug.

"What happened when you told everyone?"

JC said, "It was about a year after I joined the group. They didn't believe me. A few weeks later, I sat the guys down and told them I was gay. Chris nodded and the next day gave me loads of books on coming to terms with your sexuality. Lance just smiled and said I was still his Sleepy. Joey made some joke about their being more women for him. Justin...he left the room and didn't talk to me for a couple of weeks."

"What happened then?" Nick said shocked at how much JC had gone through. The rest of Backstreet had just accepted his sexuality as part of him.

JC laughed, "He came to my room in the middle of the night, crying. He apologised and said he was just shocked because he had never imagined the man he loved could be gay. Then...he kissed me."

"Did you start dating Justin then?" Nick said mentally tallying up his questions.

JC said with a wry grin, "No. We only started dating after he came out to the guys. We were having breakfast with the guys when he kissed me. Everyone went silent and stared at us. Then they started throwing things at us to break us apart."

"How did your parents react to everything?"

Thinking of those painful days JC sighed, "Mom just sat there crying that it was her fault. She looked so disappointed. Dad didn't really say anything for a couple of minutes. I was terrified but then he said he still loved me and it didn't matter who I loved because I was his son."

Nick looked the brunette in the eyes saying seriously, "Are you still in love with Justin?"

JC shook his head emphatically, "He was my first love so he will always be special but I'm not in love with him. Justin destroyed my love when he cheated on me. If he wanted to see Lance all he had to do was tell me and I would have broken up with him."

"Are you regretting what we're planning on doing to them?"

JC said honestly, "No. They've hurt and humiliated us. It's right that they experience some of it themselves. When I first found out about them I was hurt and angry but now I just want revenge. I wonder if that makes me a terrible person?"

Nick said in understanding, "It makes you human. I want to get back at them myself and I wasn't hurt nearly as much as you were."

JC laughed bitterly, "Yeah. How could my best friend and my boyfriend do that to me? Years ago we promised to be there for each other through thick and thin, sick and sin! My turn to ask the questions, Nicky How long have you known about Lance and Justin?"

Nick said immediately, "Four months although I had my suspicions before that."

"What are you going to do after we break up with them?"

Not having thought that far ahead Nick shrugged, "No idea. I want to take some time to think but we both know that's not going to happen." Nick wondered how he should break up with his pseudo-girlfriend. If he was going to come out, it made sense to split up for everyone concerned.

"How far are you willing to go for revenge?" JC asked looking the man in the eyes.

Nick grinned, "To be honest I don't know. I will not to lie and say I won't hurt you because I might. Are you asking me if I'll sleep with you just for the revenge?"

JC laughed, "I thought it was my turn to ask the questions. To answer you, yeah I guess I am asking you that."

"Well the answer is simple, I won't use you like that."

JC smiled, "Thanks for confirming what I already knew. You know for someone who's not going to sleep with me, you sure have created a perfect seduction scene. What's this about?"

"Its about fun. From the look of it, you haven't had a lot of fun recently. I thought I'd show you a good time. Besides I like hanging with you."

Eyes flashing JC returned, "I like hanging with you too. I have to ask, are you going to help me out with the guys when the truth comes out? It will not be pretty and I don't know how much I can take without losing my temper with them. I already feel like hitting Joey and Chris because they never even hinted that Lance and Justin were together. I wonder how many times they've covered for the cheating bastards."

Nick grinned, "I'll help you get even with them if you want. Seriously, though, I'll be there for you. You don't need the others, I'll be your friend. I think you'll fit it pretty well with my group as well."

JC sighed, "Would you have gone after Justin and Lance if I wasn't here to help you?"

"Yeah although I'm glad you're here. I like hanging with you, I don't get a lot of time to spend with people I care about."

Remembering Nick's earlier question JC asked, "How did your family react to your coming out?"

"They didn't talk to me for months but now they've accepted it. They're not happy about it but they're dealing."

"Good for you, Nick. How long have you been out to them?"

"Five years. I only told them then because the kept pressuring me to find some girl and get married." ******* After seeing JC back to his room after a long shopping day, Nick had a wonderful idea. He could make the others jealous and show JC some fun at the same time. Nick had noticed the sadness in JC's eyes when he spoke of Justin, even if the charade was over tomorrow he wanted JC to have one romantic memory.

With JC's smile in his mind, Nick made a quick detour on his way home. Walking into the restaurant of JC's hotel Nick instantly realised it would be too public. If they were going to have one last fabulous meeting it may as well be in style. Nick ignored Justin and Lance who had noticeably tensed on seeing him instead heading for the hostess called Nadine, who smiled at him.

Ensuring the two Nsyncers could hear him Nick said politely, "I was wondering if I could book the private dining room for the night? I want to make sure no one interrupts my guest and I."

Nadine smiled at him, "Of course, Mr Carter. What time would you like your meal to served? Is there anything in particular you would like to eat?"

Nick stopped to think carefully before saying, "We're meeting here at eight, so about 8:30. Can I have prawn cocktail for starters, barbecued chicken and salad for our main course? For dessert can we have a bowl strawberries and a bowl of cream?"

Nadine assured him, "I will make all the arrangements, Sir. Would you like me to escort your guest when she arrives?"

"He actually, JC Bass in room 437. Can you please make sure no one tells him about the meal?"

"I will. I hope you and Mr Bass enjoy your evening." Nadine said formally.

"I'm sure we will." Nick said honestly as he walked out of the hotel heading back to his own intent on talking to Kevin knowing the man would be the best to advise him on what to do now. ******* As he spied JC about to go into his room Justin asked, "JC, feel like going out tonight?"

Pasting a smile on his face JC turned, "No. I've already got plans."

Knowing his lover found it irresistible Justin pouted, "Can't you break them?"

JC smiled, "No, sorry. Why don't you go out with the guys? It has been a while since you hung out with them because you've been so busy with your album and stuff."

"Sounds like a good idea, babe. I guess I'll see you later." Justin said before heading to Lance's room uncaring of JC's eyes following his every move.

Opening the door JC walked inside, taking his cell from his pocket he quickly dialled Nick's number. As soon as he heard the older man's distinctive voce he said, "Hey Nicky. You sound a little off, is everything okay?"

Nick grinned, "Everything is great. I'm just going through my clothes for later. What are you wearing?"

JC laughed, "Ooh, quite an interesting question, Mr Carter. We don't really have time for phone sex. We're supposed to be meeting up in two hours."

Nick smiled, "We've got a little change of plans for tonight. We're still meeting at eight but I've made arrangements for us to have a meal downstairs at your hotel."

"Sounds great. I'll just meet you downstairs?" JC said the curiosity getting the better of him but he knew if he asked Nick would just avoid the subject.

Nick affirmed, "Yeah. Just give Nadine, the hostess your name and she'll take care of everything."

"Mysterious, Mr Carter. I trust you're not planning to kidnap me?"

With an air of affronted dignity Nick said, "Of course not, unless you feel like becoming my personal masseur on tour. I swear you've got the best hands I've ever come across."

JC purred suggestively, "You haven't seen half of what I can do with my hands."

Nick said lowly, "Maybe you could show me sometime?"

"It's a date. Look I'll have to go, Nicky." JC said eyeing his wardrobe seriously.

"Okay, see you in two." Nick said with a wide grin as he ended the call. ******* "Exactly what do you hope to accomplish by spying on them?" Lance said tiredly, not seeing any sense in the younger man's actions.

Looking up Justin retorted, "I just want to know what they're talking about. JC blew me off tonight so he could meet Nick."

Used to being the voice of reason Lance commented, "We can't watch them while they're having their meal because it's in a private room but we can watch them when they get back up here."

"We will watch them on monitors I arranged it with the manager earlier. We can watch from the security room, no one else will be there."

"Lets go, then." Lance said as he looked at his lover already knowing Justin wasn't to be dissuaded. ******* JC checked his outfit in the mirror one last time, he was wearing snug fitting black jeans and a cream shirt with shades of brown vertical stripes. Grabbing his wallet, he ran one hand over his hair before leaving his room.

As soon as he arrived at the restaurant JC gave his name to the hostess and was immediately shown to the private dining room before the woman left wishing him a good night. JC walked inside to the sound of Shania Twain's `Come On Over' album playing softly. The room was decorated in a rich red, the romantic atmosphere emphasized by the dim lighting. He froze as Nick came into view; the man was wearing black eyes and a tight fitting navy shirt.

"You look stunning, Jay." Nick said honestly as he walked over to JC and hugged him.

JC grinned, "So do you. This is very nice, Nicky."

"Only the best for you. Want to dance?"

JC smiled sincerely, "Sure. How did you mange to book this?"

Pulling the man into his arms Nick confessed, "I used the famous popstar charm."

"I know how that works." JC said with a laugh.

They danced softly, enjoying the feel of their bodies pressed up against each other. It had been months since they had felt someone holding them close, someone who cared about them. His head on Nick's chest, JC hummed along to the song as he absently noticed the dark-haired man's heartbeat was soothing.

Nadine's voice shocked them as she inquired, "Excuse me, Sirs. Are you ready for your meal?"

JC smiled at her as he turned so he was relaxing against Nick who just reached out to pull the man back against him.

"Yes, Nadine." Nick looked over to her keeping one arm around JC's waist

Nadine nodded, "It will be here in a couple of minutes."

"Once the food has been delivered, can you ask everyone to leave us alone?" Nick grinned at her charmingly."

"Of course. This room is locked at 1 a.m. so please leave by then."

JC said to her gently, "We will. Thank you for everything."

"You're welcome, Sirs." Nadine said with a sincere smile as she left them alone.

JC pouted at Nick asking, "What have you got planned?"

"Just wait and find out. You'll enjoy it, trust me."

"You know I do." JC said honestly.

"I thank you for that."

Their talk was interrupted as their meal arrived, as they ate the pair would occasionally look at each other as if wanting to say something.

Wanting to cheer the man up Nick said, "So you want to tell me what happened with Justin earlier?"

JC looked at him in shock, "How did you know that something happened?"

"You sounded annoyed. He's the only one who gets you that way."

JC shrugged, "He ambushed me saying he wanted me to do something with him tonight."

"Bet he was happy when you told him you wouldn't break our plans."

JC giggled, "Oh yeah (!) He went to Lance's room after our little talk."

"Fuck! They don't even try to hide it." Nick said angry at how much it must have hurt him.

"Maybe they do to outsiders but I just know them too well to be fooled." JC said logically.

Picking up his glass Nick said seriously, "We should stop talking about our cheating lovers and have a good time."

"Agreed!" JC said as their glasses clinked together.

Dessert was quickly brought in and JC arched an eyebrow at Nick when the man smiled mischievously at him. JC knew that look meant trouble, he was normally giving it to others.

Dipping one strawberry in the chocolate bowl Nick held it out to JC with a grin. JC leant over the table and slowly put his mouth over the fruit, taking care to gently suck on Nick's fingers.

Looking at each other the pair agreed silently to move to the floor, kneeling next to each other Nick smiled at JC. JC responded by picking up one strawberry and dipping it in the cream. Nick held his mouth open as JC fed him slowly, when the fruit had disappeared Nick looked up at JC through lidded eyes.

Slowly to give the younger man a chance to move, Nick moved towards JC, capturing the man's mouth in a passionate kiss. They kissed for what felt like an eternity but was in reality only minutes. JC grinned as Nick pushed him back onto the floor slowly unfastening the buttons of his shirt.

Taking a strawberry Nick coated it in cream and chocolate and with a wicked grin started tracing patterns down the bass singer's chest. JC giggled as the cold mixture hit his skin, the feeling of the strawberry was strangely erotic. He would never look at a strawberry the same.

Nick looked down at the cream covered chest with an innocent grin he said, "I seem to have made a little bit of a mess."

JC smirked impishly, "I was always taught you should clean up after yourself."

"True." Nick said seriously before following the patterns with his tongue.

In the security office, Justin and Lance watched the screen in a mixture of desire and shock. It was incredibly hot to watch their lovers' together, watching as the pair tenderly caressed each other's bodies with soft groans.

Their attention was drawn to the screen when JC murmured, "Nicky, want to get out of here? I'm not performing with rug burns!"

"Sure, Jay. Your place, okay?"

"I couldn't hold on until we got to your place. God, stop unless you want me to come right here!" JC said pushing Nick's hands away. ******* "We were right about them." Chris said in shock as they watched JC and Nick walk to the brunette's room, completely engrossed in each other.

Joey nodded, "Apparently. I can't believe JC hasn't had it out with Lance and Just."

Chris shrugged, "He must feel they are serious about each other or he just doesn't care anymore."

"You think we should say anything to the others?"

Chris shook his head, "Its best if we keep out of it. I wouldn't know which side to take."

"Yeah," Joey agreed as they parted ways with Chris going to call some girl he had met online while Joey sang down the phone to Brianna. ******* Just down the corridor Nick roughly pushed JC back against the door with a bang before doing his best to make the beautiful man in his arms forget all about Justin. All that mattered was the feeling of skin on skin and the jolts of pleasure searing through their veins as their cocks brushed against each other.

With a wicked smirk JC started to kiss his way down Nick's body, just licking the man's thighs before taking the rock hard cock in his mouth. Humming slightly JC started sucking wanting to give Nick the most powerful orgasm of his life.

Nick tasted tangy yet salty, it was a taste addictive to the singer. He was sure he would never get enough of this, the taste and feel of Nick inside his mouth. He grinned up at Nick who was alternating between breathless moans and frustrated groans.

"Please...Jay!" Nick said needing to come.

JC didn't answer as he started swirling his tongue around the length. Feeling Nick's hand on his head, JC relaxed his throat muscles and deep-throated Nick causing the painfully aroused man to shout out in shock. JC sucked furiously and felt the telltale twitching of Nick's cock seconds before the man came. JC swallowed every drop until Nick pulled out of his mouth, panting.

"That was...amazing. Can I go down on you?" Nick said gasping for breath.

Suspecting he knew what the other man would like to hear JC gasped out, "I was wondering if you'd fuck me. Please Nicky, I've been dreaming of you pounding my ass so hard I can feel it every time I move. Do me hard and fast, please."

"God, Jay!" Nick exclaimed, the very image causing his cock to harden.

JC didn't speak anything as he presented his ass to the man, wiggling it invitingly.

Spying a bottle of chocolate sauce on the counter from where JC had left it a couple of hours ago, Nick picked it up with a smirk. As he showed the bottle to JC who was lying on the rug watching him in amusement Nick asked, "I hope you don't mind, if we use this instead."

Spying the bottle JC's eyes widened, "I've always wanted a Nick Carter sundae."

"Maybe later, babe." Nick said as he squirted the sauce over JC's body following the trail with his tongue.

JC groaned and writhed under the man's caresses and touches as Nick expertly played his body. Unable to withstand anymore he begged, "Inside me now, Nick!"

Nick grinned and gently turned the blonde over. He licked JC's crack before gently thrusting his tongue in and out of JC's opening. JC groaned and bucked up wanting, needing to get closer to Nick's mouth. Slowly Nick inserted one finger doing his best to prepare the younger man, before adding a second. When JC started arching into the touch Nick knew it was time.

With a deep thrust Nick was inside JC and gave the man a second to adjust. JC nodded and Nick started quickly thrusting in and out, careful to hit JC's prostate on each thrust. JC eagerly countered Nick's movements as he masturbated to match the timing of Nick's thrusts.

After almost thirty minutes JC couldn't hold on any longer and came, his seed spurting out onto the rug below him. As he came his ass muscles clench causing Nick to thrust inside JC one last time before coming out himself. Feeling himself soften he pulled out of JC causing the other man to let out a distressed moan of loss.

"Sorry baby." Nick murmured as he moved so that he was lying next to JC on the rug, grinning when JC moved to lie on top of him. JC smiled sleepily before capturing the beautiful blue-eyed man in a passionate kiss. ******* The sated pair where lying in bed with their clothes in tatters around them, JC's head on Nick's shoulder while they both stared up at the ceiling. Nick gently ran one hand over the brunette's tanned arm, "Baby?"

Thinking of all names Nick had given him JC grinned slightly before saying, "Hmm?"

"I've been thinking. We should stop seeing each other."

"Why?" JC asked his voice curious not judging.

Nick explained quickly, "It's gotten out of hand. It was supposed to be about getting even with them but its not anymore. I like spending time with you. I love sleeping with you."

"Maybe we should forget about it then." JC asked seriously.

"If that's what you want." Nick agreed as he quickly got out of bed and started searching for his clothes.

"Wait!" JC said quickly.

Seeing the blonde wasn't going to listen JC reacted by grabbing the man's arm and practically throwing him onto the bed. With a serious look on his face, JC straddled the man to stop Nick from moving.

JC said honestly, "I meant we should forget about the others. We can still see each other. I would like to see more of you. To be with you in every sense of the word."

Nick said seriously, "I would like to be with you, too. You do know we won't be able to spend a lot of time together and that we're going to have a lot of people against us?"

JC laughed, "Yeah. Are you trying to put me off?"

Nick protested quickly, "NO! I just want to make sure we are going into this with our eyes open. You think we should break up with them at the tour party in two weeks? Everyone who's anyone is going to be there."

Thinking about the gathering of celebrities and journalists JC nodded with a cruel smirk. It would be perfect, a public humiliation seemed only fitting after what they had gone through for months. ******* JC walked into the party between Justin and Lance. Looking at the room full of guests, he grinned evilly and walked over to the bar. Spying Nick, he discretely touched the man on the shoulder.

Nick's eyes sparkled when he saw who was waiting for his attention. He said happily, "Hey, baby. You think we should wait until they're in a compromising position or just do it now?"

JC grinned at the endearment, "They'll be making out within a couple of hours, trust me. We can do it then. We just have to make sure all eyes are on us."

Two hours later JC scanned the room for his soon to be dumped lover, grinning on spying the man in a passionate kiss with Lance. He started across the room with a quick look at Nick to make sure the man had caught his signal.

Mustering all the anger he had ever felt JC shouted, "You fucking bastard, Justin! How could you do this to me after our years together?"

The shouted insult caught everyone's attention and like one, the guests turned to see Justin and Lance making out in front of an apparently fuming JC. They gasped when Nick walked over slowly, anger in his every step.

His voice carrying to all parts of the room Nick said seriously, "Lance, what a surprise (!) As if cheating on me wasn't enough, how could you do that to your fucking best friend?"

JC snarled, "I've had enough of your cheating and lying Justin. We're over."

Nick said quickly, "So are we, Lance. You two deserve each other. It doesn't say much about you if you can cheat with your best friend's boyfriend, does it Lance?"

Lance protested, "It's not like that! Justin and I are in love with each other!"

Ignoring the embarrassed pair JC turned to Nick saying, "Whatever. I don't feel like partying with these two sluts. Feel like getting out of here, Nicky?"

"Sure thing, Jay." Nick said with a grin as he and JC walked out of the party, arm in arm. ******* "That was fun." Nick said with a cruel smirk once they were safely inside his hotel room.

JC grinned, "Yeah. I think its time to quit Nsync."

"Why?" Nick said shocked the older man was making such a drastic move.

JC answered seriously, "Why should I have to put up with being around two people who betrayed me? I'm lucky I have other options."

"I understand where you're coming from but you love singing. You shouldn't give it up because of them."

"I can still sing, just not with Nsync." JC said quickly.

"I guess. You do realise that we've just outed ourselves as well as them?"

JC shrugged, "Yeah but I was sick of being in the closet anyway."

Nick nodded in understanding, "Coming to bed?"

"Yeah. We can talk everything out tomorrow." JC said with a grin as he let Nick undress him.

When they were completely naked, the pair got into bed curling their bodies around each other. They didn't intend to have sex, the night was about comfort not lust. Together they were going to cherish the calm before the storm. ******* "The bastards fucking set us up!" Justin said angrily to Lance who was trying to calm him down.

Lance shrugged, "Who can blame them? We did hurt them. What are we going to do about the press?"

Justin said thoughtfully, "Not much we can do. We'll have to talk to Johnny about it, tomorrow. Coming to bed, babe?"

"I'll be there in a second." Lance said retreating to the bathroom to think.

In the bathroom, Lance was thinking everything over. Maybe Nick was right about them? They couldn't be very good friends considering what they had done to JC, at the time it had felt right but maybe they were wrong. He loved Justin but they should have broken up with Nick and JC before getting together, it would have been the right thing to do.

With a heavy heart and a troubled mind, Lance got into bed ignoring Justin's attempts to get him interested. He didn't want to just screw Justin into the mattress to make them forget what they had done. They had never intended to hurt the others but in trying not to hurt them, they had only managed to hurt the pair even more. ******* The next day wearing the customary hat and shades JC and Nick got out of the older man's rental. The pair were looking forward to spending the day together without having to worry about someone seeing them together. They didn't have to worry about being outed since they had already told everyone their sexuality.

The couple walked in silence keeping one arm wrapped around each other's waists, it was liberating, being able to walk down the street and display affection for each other. Nick laughed when he was pulled into a small non-descript shop.

Looking around Nick was shocked to see it was a gay porn shop, not somewhere, he had expected. He smirked when JC picked up various items from the shelves with a smile before taking the purchases to the cashier with a grin.

The cashier smiled politely, "That'll be $459, man. Are you paying by cash or card?"

"Card." JC said taking a card from his wallet and passing it over calmly.

"Thank you. Can you just sign here, Mr Timberlake? TIMBERLAKE! As in Justin from Nsync?

"Yeah. You want a signature or something?" JC said ignoring Nick who was turning red by his side.

The cashier grinned happily, "That would be great."

"No problem. Lance can sign it to." JC said nudging Nick with his arm.

The pair signed a piece of paper the cashier gave them, which was an advert asking for people to audition for a drag show. JC was careful to write, `See you at the auditions, love Justin." He knew people who might be perfectly comfortable with Justin and Lance being gay might not feel the same about them dressing up in drag.

Walking out the store Nick and JC managed to keep their composure for all of ten minutes before they burst out laughing. Throwing their purchases in the trunk of their rental the couple headed towards a small cafe wanting to relax for a few minutes.

Nick commented thoughtfully, "You know the look on Lance's face when he sees what `Justin' ordered is going to great. He was never into b/d or s/m."

"I suspected as much. It doesn't really fit with who he is."

JC sat down taking the chance to watch Nick move while the man retrieved their drinks. He loved watching Nick move; Nick truly was poetry in motion, just like that old song.

Taking off his hat with a grin, Nick placed it on the table-watching JC with a smirk when the older man pulled his off. JC had the worst case of hat-hair the man had seen in years which was bad considering he had Howie and Brian in the group.

JC said indignantly, "What are you laughing at?"

"You've got hat-hair, babe." Nick answered before leaning across the table to fix his lover's hair, enjoying the feeling of sleek hair under his fingers.

JC arched into the touch with little more than an arched eyebrow. He waited until Nick pulled started to pull away then grabbed the other man's hand. Bringing it to his lips, JC kissed it reverently before letting it go with a small smile.

"Thank you." Nick whispered as he placed a small, almost chaste kiss on JC's lips. JC gave a beaming, beautiful smile as he looked up at the taller man.

"You given any more thought to coming on tour with us?"

JC laughed, "Is this another attempt to get me to be your personal masseur? I've already told you that you don't have to bribe me, I'd do that gladly, believe me."

"If you want, but really I was thinking that since you're quitting Nsync you could come with me. It would be great and we could be together most of the time."

JC nodded saying honestly, "Sounds good. Although I might be a little jealous because you will be performing. I won't lie, I love it but I can't go on with Nsync now."

Nick's eyes flashed as an idea hit him, "Maybe you could start your own singing career? You know what would be nice, if you sang a couple of numbers on tour with us? I mean if you're coming with me then you may as well have some fun."

"I'll think about it, Nicky." JC said reluctant to make any rush decisions.

When they had finished their drinks the couple continued their absent walk down the streets, JC had one arm around Nick's shoulder while the blonde had an arm wrapped around the other man's waist.

Hours later the exhausted pair were ready to go back to the hotel so JC passed the younger man the keys, delighting in the blonde's shock. It was true that JC normally drove them around; he was a bit of a control freak over things like that.

End Part 1

Beyond Friendship: Stephanie M's Fiction http://www.angelfire.com/freak/beyondfriendship/

Next: Chapter 2

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