Extra lessons for Jamie

By if.tenep.nona@043763na

Published on May 23, 1996



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This story is a work of fiction. Although some of the events and characters may be based on real situations or people any similarity to such is purely coincidental. This is a story, it has never happened, and probably will never happen.

It is intended to be read by people who have no problems with actions of love and sexual intercourse between consenting males. If you have a problem with this, then dont bother flaming me, just read another story you ass. Similarly, if you are below the legal age of consent for exposure to this kind of material - yeah right! - please do not read this, but move on to the next story.

If you have any comments or suggestions please write to me, I would be interested if anyone would like a second part or could suggest any further mischief for Jamie and Andy to get in to.

But now, on with the show....

Extra Lessons For Jamie


It was one of those things Id hoped would never happen when I took on this job. Something I just thought would never happen to me, and after 18 months, lo and behold, it happens.

I was very fortunate after finishing at University and was able to walk straight into a job, while most of my friends were now bumming around and doing anything they could to keep going. Id been a pretty good friend to the head of a computing department at a local college for many years and when the opportunity came along for a research assistant for the department, I was offered the job. That was 18 months ago, and Im just over finding my feet in the place. Im called a research assistant but along with finding things out and helping with the running of the department, I fetch and carry and also have to teach some of the students - something I never thought Id get into.

Everyone Id studied with knew I wasnt that interested in girls and they were cool about it - it shocked me to find a group, and I mean the whole group, who didnt completely cast me out - they even tried to set me up on a few occasions but they never worked out for me. At this place, though, things were different. Some of the other staff knew, as I knew about them but nothing had been mentioned, nothing said either way.

Last year had been alright. True, Id had a couple of fantasies and wet dreams about some of the students Id seen (hey, come on, Im not the only one) but that was all theyd been. I decided that I was going to operate a look but dont touch policy, I could fantasise, I could dream but that was as far as it went. I was 25 and not really the one for messing about with 17 year olds.

The first semester had started with a major cock-up from the new head of department. Nobody had a clue what they were supposed to be doing and that included me. For the first fortnight we were on a special timetable which allowed all the students to meet us and for them to get accustomed to the place. I actually spent most of my time just wandering corridors with little to do, or smoking in the canteen. Always look as if youre busy, and dont forget the pile of papers to prove it! I was told shortly after I started last year - it didnt work, not for a research assistant, I got piles and piles of work no matter what I did.

It was one afternoon while wasting time in the canteen that I spotted him. He was only young, somewhere between 18 and 21 I thought. The look in his eyes told me that something had triggered inside him. Whatever it was, it melted my heart as well. I didnt fall in love, I didnt want to strip my clothes off and have mad passionate sex right there and then, I just wanted to get to know him, and just knew that at some point our paths would become very intertwined.

All during the first semester wed pass in the corridor. he always had a half smile which Ive never been able to fully describe. It looked charming on his sweet face. Never a word was spoken between us. Ours eyes would always meet, and always seem to say, one day.

I can remember driving to work one morning. He was stood at a bus stop. I glanced at him as I approached ad wanted to pull over to give him a lift but the traffic was too heavy for me to pull over. Anyway, he hadnt seen me. He always wore a black hat, not a baseball-cap as was the current trend, but a soft hat with a brim, and the front of the brim was folded up so it touched the body of the hat. I always remember the hat for some reason.

Still feeling that I was being foolish, and that there was nothing there I kept trying to put him out of my mind. And I could do, until I saw him and then it all came back. On a break I was talking to some of my students in the canteen, they thought Id gone into a trance mid-sentence after hed walked past and I just stopped dead. And I still didnt know his name.

Im 25, as I think I said earlier, and I look like your typical just-graduated university student, complete with long hair and half-starved figure. Im in reasonable shape and pretty fit, Ive never classed myself as an oil-painting but Im passable and can look rather fucking hot when I put my mind to it. Jamie, as I found out later, was very different. He was a whole foot shorter for a start, but height has never been anything to put me off, we shared a similar build but with him being shorter, he carried it better. I already mentioned the black hat that he persistently wore, but beneath it was a mass of rather unkempt brown hair. All in all, he was nothing special, but there was just something that captivated me and I just dont know what it is. Hell, I wasnt even sure if he was gay or not, but the way he looked at me, the way his eyes penetrated me led me to suspect that this guy wasnt that straight about cumming forward.

Jamie wasnt a student in my department but our building is such that about five other departments share it. I think hes actually taking English but Im not sure. This at least meant that he didnt distract me from my duties. However, one afternoon I was taking a class in a room where there are large windows onto the corridor. He was just stood outside looking, staring even, at me. Luckily my students were too busy to notice. But I did, and he knew that Id seen him and walked away smiling.

In another lesson a few weeks later he came into my base room (the one where I do most of my teaching) with one of the technicians. They were looking for a cable that had been taken from one of the computers in the suite where he was working.

Hi. Sorry to interrupt, said Steve, the technician as he came through the door, Were looking for a printer cable from suite C, is it in here?

Hiya Steve, I replied, looking more at Jamie than Steve. He stood in the doorway, waiting, watching. Well, we dont use any printers in here, its all linked to the central print room from here, but we can look.

Steve and I looked around all the workstations for the missing cable.

Here it is. I said, untangling the cable from the birds nest on the table. I hit upon a problem as it was wrapped around a monitor stand.

Hey Steve, look at this. Isnt it amazing what these students do with the cables. I laughed.

Didnt you know, its a way of amplifying the signals? Steve mocked Clive was in here last night.

Yeah, Clive will try anything to get better quality out of that laser printer! I laughed in return.

Jamie said something in response to that which I missed, but it was something like that he was in there as well with Clive last night for Word Processing.

Its OK, I smiled, Clive and I go back a long way.

Steve just smiled and shook his head as he left. Jamie closed the door behind them with that look on his face and I was left pretty speechless.

Now where was I? I asked my class.

Things remained the same from then, but I still knew that something was going to bring us together. I didnt want to try and force the thing just in case I was reading the situation all wrong. And anyway, I didnt want it getting around that Id been messing about with one of the students - it doesnt go down well (but Im sure that he does)

Then, one day, it happened. It was the last day before we finished for Christmas. Id finished everything I needed to do and was ready to go home. My car was being repaired, something it didnt like about the cold sent it haywire so it was away being fixed. I had to get the bus home that evening. That was OK because I still had to do my Christmas shopping. I was going to get the bus into town.

As I walked out of the grounds and to the bus stop outside, I saw him there. I took a deep breath and walked toward him and the stop. A bus was coming down the road, one that I could have got, but he didnt make a move to get on it so I carried on walking towards him at my steady pace.

My heart started pounding as I got close, I could almost hear it in my ears, and despite the bitter wind that was blowing on this wintry day, my temperature soared. He was wearing his trademark hat and a black coat, which was unzipped showing that all he was wearing beneath it was a t-shirt. He looked cold, and in other circumstances Id probably have put my arms around him to warm him up. We stood in silence, in our own worlds. We nodded acknowledgement of each other and remained silent.

We stayed silent for the next few minutes. As it was pretty late for us to finish, and it was a Friday, there was only the two of us at the bus stop. This at least meant that if we got talking, and the conversation turned, well, interesting there wouldnt be any embarrassing consequences for either of us.

Eventually, I think I broke the ice and began to make conversation. I couldnt stand the suspense any longer and just had to talk to him. It was then that I found out his name was James, but that everyone called him Jamie. I introduced myself. Ah, he said, Andy. Thatll be easy to remember, its my middle name, or Andrew is.

We discussed what wed be doing over the break. He didnt live up here, and all his family were down south. Id been frantically trying to place the accent with no success until he finally told me. He was upset that my Christmas was going to be spent marking and practically ordered me to make sure I spent some time to myself. Id already convinced myself that I needed a break, so I added that the marking would probably end up waiting anyway. He laughed, his little, sweet laugh and I melted again.

The bus arrived not long after that. We both moved to get it. After paying and sitting down, he said that he wasnt going to be on the bus long. I thought for a moment, was this an invitation? If it was, I didnt respond. I told him I was going into town to start my Christmas shopping. With another laugh he said that his was waiting to be done when he got back home.

Unfortunately for me, just as I had gotten into the conversation, he stood and apologised that this was his stop. We said our goodbyes and he left. We waved as he walked down the outside of the bus and I found myself repeating what he had just said before he got up.

Well, I wasnt going to see Jamie for three weeks and I tried to put him out of my mind, but it was no good. Thoughts of whether he fancied me and dreams of what making love with him would be like kept me awake at night constantly. I was possessed. I would go to bed and dream of him, and then still be thinking about him in the morning as I got up. Its nothing, I said to myself, Youre just being foolish. But I was soon to see how wrong I was.

The Christmas break was over all too soon and so I went back to work. I arrived on the Monday at 10am all set for a meeting which had been hastily arranged before Christmas. Why did I just know that it wasnt going to happen? 10.15 came and went, and I was still in the office alone. 10.30 and I decided I was going to the canteen. As is always the case at the start of a new semester the building was devoid of students except a small few.

One of this small few was Jamie. Hed come in early to use the library, but had got bored as was on his way to the canteen as well. I bumped into him just outside the door to the canteen, it sort of took me by surprise to see him. We exchanged the usual gratuities and how are yous and decided to sit together. The staff hadnt arrived either, or werent serving, I dont know which so we had to get drinks from the machine.

We sat at the back of the big canteen. It felt eerie and exciting to be with this young man. There was yet more small talk and I was aware that we were both consciously eyeing each other up. The tables in the canteen are of the fixed seat variety with two aside, but seen as we were the only people in the room, neither of us were afraid of lying across two seats. I was pleased because with us both in this position, I had the perfect view of his body.

I lit up a cigarette, he didnt smoke but thanked me for the offer. Whoa! Cute and with manners! Yet more talk and more eye play followed. Suddenly, a gleam flashed in the back of his eyes. Id seen it before and knew that something was going to happen.

I continued to eye up his body which lay casually across the plastic seats. My eyes hovered over his crotch. Even though his black jeans were on the baggy side I knew that they housed something that was no small meal. I started to get hard, my cock beginning to feel confined and uncomfortable in my underwear. He noticed me squirming and his own crotch began to recognise why I was squirming.

Lifting my watch I made a great play out of making out that I really ought to go and do some work, but that I really didnt feel like it.

Yeah, its just so hard to get motivated at this time in the morning., he said, making sure that I understood the inference of hard.

I raised an eyebrow in intrigue. We both knew by now that wed caught each other. If he played his cards right I would be a pussy cat in his lap.

I got a problem with one of my WP files, can you see if you can sort it?, he inquired.

Sure, I said, realising that this was his opening gambit, which room do you want?

Your base room, because its nice and quiet in there and we wont get disturbed.

Quickly I thought about a response. I couldnt think of one, but this guy had got it all worked out. What a man, but I was still going to play along with this one. This was a good choice of rooms. Ive got keys to all our rooms but my base room is the only one you can lock from the inside, and, there are no windows so its completely private.

We got to my room. I unlocked the door and we entered. He went for the light switch as I locked the door behind us. Leaving my keys in the lock so that nobody else could unlock the door we moved towards each other. Despite the height difference Jamie was very easy to kiss and he also had one of the sweetest mouths I ever did kiss.

As our tongues explored each others mouths I smelt the sweet clean smell of Jamie. A very distinctive aroma laced with a hint of teenager on heat! This boy was too hot to trot and we both knew it. I figured that we had about an hour before we would be disturbed so knew that we needed to get down to it as soon as possible.

Jamie, like me, was not one to rush matters. Hed already shed his coat before we began kissing so I began to undo his overshirt to get to his t-shirt. The overshirt was baggy and hid a tight t-shirt which clearly defined the contours of his upper body. He looked almost edible.

My own shirt had come off with relative ease and he was now furiously chewing on my left nipple. The organ in my jeans felt like it would explode in any second. I tore his t-shirt off him and forced him on to the ground with me lying on top of him grinding my manhood into his. We both started moaning and with the racket we were making I was sure wed arouse the curiosity of some passerby, but we remained undisturbed.

The swelling in my loins was beginning to get too much for me and I just had to get my jeans off. Jamie had a similar idea and we fought over who was going to undo the buckle on my jeans. Jamie won, so I attacked his crotch instead, which pleased him greatly.

I found out that not only did Jamie wear baggy jeans, but he also did so without any underwear. When theyre baggy, he explained, no one can tell anyway. I admired the logic and quickly shucked my own briefs which were starting to get tangled up in Jamie. So now we were both writhing around on my floor completely bollock naked and in absolute ecstasy.

Ive seen many cocks on many men of all shapes and sizes in my time but never was there a dick so big on a boy so small. In length hed be about 7 inches but it had the circumference of a donkeys! I was staggered. Id only had one that thick once before in my life and I was sure glad that that one wasnt going up my arse.

The look of pleasure on Jamies face as he impaled his face on my 8 inch love rod was indescribable. It was like hed been deprived of his favourite toy for a week and had just been given it back. And Jesus could that boy eat cock! It seemed like hed been doing it since he was three his technique was so natural. I enjoy being deep throated but only by someone who can keep it there for a long time and still be able to massage the shaft just behind the head. What with that oral action and his hands massaging my balls I didnt think I could hold out much longer.

While all this was going on, I decided I ought to return the favour and smoke on his donkey dick for a while. It had been a long time since Id had something that big in my mouth but I always liked a challenge. He was uncut but the foreskin was very loose - mm mm mmm, just the way I like my sausage! With time I could probably swallow this monster, it was just a matter of time. To start with, I ran my tongue around the join where the skin met the head. Jamie seemed to like this as I could feel his breath getting hotter around my own mouth-covered member.

I began to ease the head inside my mouth. I was going to be difficult and there wouldnt be much room. I got half the head in and began to run my tongue under his skin. As I also began to apply a slight suction I was rewarded by a heavy moan and a mouthful of pre-cum. I too, was juicing Jamies mouth up nicely. The more I got into this and the hotter Jamie made me feel the slacker my jaw began to get and I was aware that I could now get the whole of Jamies head in to my mouth. By now we were both bobbing up and down on each others tools so wildly that they air was filled with the sound of youthful sex and the scent that can only be found when two men are making love.

I could feel my jizz beginning to rise and began to suck harder on Jamie to warn him. He recognised the signal and began to back off. I, however, was too wound up to back down on him and soon he too was practically chewing my dick to get me to slow down. With a massively aching jaw I let him out. I needed a break and a change of position, Jamie was the same. In a flash, hed helped me onto a clear table and laid me on my stomach with my cock hanging over the edge while he began to attack my arse hole with his expert tongue. God, I wish I knew who had taught this boy to do all these amazing things, man, Id love to shake his schlong.

Everything about Jamie and sex made it clear that he was well experienced in the finer points of love making even though youd never have guessed from looking at him with his clothes on. His tongue felt just like a small dick as it penetrated as soothed my burning love tunnel. Again, I was so wound up and I started to moan, and wiggle with pleasure. He put both his hands on my hips trying to keep me from squirming away, but it did no good and he had to pull me back down the table periodically.

It was clear where this was leading. After hed filled me with spit and relaxed me, he was going to open me up. Jamie was too much of a gentle lover to just go straight in without warning, plus it was obvious that hed had problems getting his prize prick into a few ass holes before and realised that you need to open a door before you can go through it, greasing it is not enough. Well, Im not exactly a virgin, but the number of men whove used my back door I can count on two hands and none of them were as well endowed as Jamie.

Jamie started with two fingers in my back passage and slowly began to ease them in and out. I asked him to come round the front of the table so I could lap at his meat while he worked on my ass but he was too short and had to make do with me rubbing his skin slowly and sensually up and down his shaft.

Soon we were up to three fingers and I was dying to have that piece inside me. I started to beg, but no, three fingers was not going to be enough! I took a deep breath as he slipped a fourth finger into my now stretched anus and was aware of the river of pre-cum which now covered my hand and was pooling on the floor beneath my table. At last I was ready. Jamie spat on his dick and rubbed it and some of the pre-cum we had dropped into my ass and slowly made his assault on my man hole.

Even despite the preparation, it still felt like a submarine was trying to enter me. It hurt, but I was too high to get him to stop now and eventually he eased himself all the way in so that I could feel his lightly haired balls grazing gently against mine.

Are you ready for the fuck of your life?, Jamie inquired

Yes, I pleaded, fuck me, fuck me. Fill me with your cum.

Are you sure youre ready for this piece of meat?

Oh, God, Please fuck me, tear me apart for fucks sake.

Slowly he pulled all seven inches out until just the very tip of his head was the the entrance. Then suddenly, he pushed all the way back in with one swift movement which knocked the breath out of me. He kept frantically pummelling my pussy like a battering ram. On every thrust he hit my prostate and I nearly screamed with the pleasure that wracked through me. I could have spent all day like this.

Oh, God Jamie, your so big youre splitting me in two.

Yeah and your ass is just right for my big tool.

At one point, I thought I heard a knock on the door. Im not sure because we were making far too much noise. I mean, for all I knew, the principal could be giving a tour to a bunch of important visitors only for them to hear the sounds of one of the tutors getting screwed senseless by one of the students (who says Im not for equal opportunities!) I screamed for whoever it was to fuck off anyway, and Ive not heard any complaints back.

Sadly, all good things must come to an end, and this exquisite fucking which I was receiving was unfortunately no exception. It had been a very long time since Id been fucked as royally as this and Id forgotten how vocal I can be when I cum. For the last, I dont know how long, Id not touched my dick at all, the sensation of the pounding of my ass hole had done all the work for me.

Jamies fuckings began to get even more rapid and seemed to search the inside of my bowels more deeply and I knew he was close. I tried to warn Jamie that I was soon to cum knowing that when I did, I would try to close my sphincter and possibly squeeze his dick like a vice. I made the gentle pressure that I had been applying to Jamies dick all along a little more obvious, so that I wouldnt shock him when my ass tried to swallow his meat. The first time this happened I caused so much damage to the poor guys dick with the clamping that it was over a month before he could even touch his dick without pain.

As he dug deeper into my intestines I could hear a low moan developing from the pit of Jamies stomach. It was very animalistic and I could tell that it was a sign of him about to cum. The pitch of the animal call rose rapidly and suddenly, there was an explosion, and a sudden feeling of warmth in my man pussy. Jamie had cum. And it felt like he came by the gallon as the boy collapsed on my back.

Jamies orgasm triggered off my own and I saw my load of jizz shoot across the floor beneath me and splat against the opposite wall. At the same time, as I had expected, my ass clamped on the softening member upon which I was impaled. This raised a small flicker of life from the pleasure pole and again it shot a soothing wad inside me. His cream felt hot and cooling at the same time. I didnt want Jamie to come out of me, but as his cock softened and my sphincter relaxed, he fell out with a plop.

So there we were. Two exhausted, but very satisfied youths, who knew that this was only the beginning. The problem was, how were we going to explain the cries and screams coming from the room for the past hour?

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