Extra Innings New Beginnings

By Hunter

Published on Oct 23, 2015


DISCLAIMER This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are high school aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome.

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Extra Innings – Chapter 1

I was finally on my way, it was the week before school started at Whitman College, and I was in the passenger seat of my car, leaving everything I had ever known before then and heading off on what was going to be a crazy new adventure in college. Dad was driving the car while I switched between trying to get some more sleep and also looking around to see what else there was on the way between Colfax and Whitman College. It was really hard to believe I was going to be leaving my little town behind and going to what seemed like a huge city. I know when I went there for my visit the campus and city seemed really big to me, and Seattle was mind-boggling to think about. Colfax only has about three thousand people, so to be in a city with over six hundred thousand like Seattle was crazy! I can't believe there are all those people crammed into one city like that, there must be way too much to do compared to being at home...

I'm sure I'll find time to start expanding my life a bit now that I'm on campus. I seem to remember from the campus brochures that there's lots of different clubs that students have created at the school, and of course I'll hope to be on the baseball team as well, which will take up a lot of my time. I guess I'd also need to be going to class too, so there's always going to be that to look forward to and to keep me busy. First thing I had to do was get to campus first, and even that was going to be an adventure.

I had been looking it over with my dad before I accepted my admission at Whitman, and we decided that it would be best for me to live at Anderson Hall for my first year. It was meant to be for freshmen, and since it was double rooms, I'd have someone I could talk to right away when I met my new roommate. I was a bit nervous about that actually. I'd never lived with anyone other than dad, and mom when she was alive, and I didn't have any siblings of my own so I had never done this living with someone thing that I was going to be doing for the next eight months. What if the guy was a douchebag and we didn't get along? Or worse, what if he was a bigot and hated gays?

Over the summer I got to thinking about what I was, and I had to realize that I was bisexual. I loved being around Alex and having sex with Alex, but there was still part of me that wanted to hook up with girls and start a family, and I know that'd be a lot easier if I had a wife because that's just how it works. It wasn't like I was ashamed of that, especially not over the last few months I've had, but it wasn't something I was super ready to start telling everyone about myself the minute they ask. Alex was telling me I should be more proud about who I am, but that's easy to say when things are going well and you've got a support network, once I get to Whitman I'm not going to have anything to help me if things go badly, at least not until I get settled down and into the groove.

Another hour of driving and we finally arrived in Walla Walla, and then onto Whitman College itself. The college was just like I remembered it from the tour; a mix of newer buildings and old brick buildings that looked like they had been there for decades, and lots of wide open spaces for people to study and relax in. I could tell that this place was geared towards student-athletes, as there were a whole bunch of different sports facilities that lined the roadways and could be seen all over campus. That was a good sign for me, since I was hoping to join the baseball team and it would be nice to be on a team that had access to all sorts of different equipment and facilities that I didn't get at home.

Anderson Hall was amazing to look at, it was one of those older brick buildings, and it had a lot of greenery around the building that made it look really well preserved and old school. Kind of what your parents would think of when they were thinking of a really rich people school, except that this was just some small division III private school in rural Washington, not someplace crazy expensive and old like Harvard. Still, it was a nice building and I should probably get used to it, since its home for the school year.

I walked inside with dad helping me to carry in my suitcases. I didn't have too much with me, but with all my sports stuff it still took both of us. Nothing was crazy heavy or anything, just super bulky and that made it hard to juggle and hold onto, so better to just split it and make sure no one hurt themselves or anyone around ourselves while we got my stuff settled in. Dad pointed me in the direction of the reception desk and I walked forward to introduce myself and get signed into my new home. The girl working at the desk saw me and waved me over.

"Hi there! You must be new to Whitman. My name's Heather, and if you're living here I'll be your RA. What's your name kiddo?"

Kiddo? Who's she kidding here, she's only a couple years older than I am. I looked up at her, Heather was pretty nice to look at. Tall, shoulder length brunette hair with some blonde in it, or was it blonde with some brunette in it? Not too sure, but she was pretty nice to look at anyway.

"Oh, yeah... I just got accepted to Whitman this year, so that makes me another freshman. My name's Devin, Devin Williams. I'm looking forward to living here. Nice to meet you Heather." I reached out to shake her hand, and she seemed surprised by the gesture, or maybe she didn't see me right away because she was scanning for my name on the pile of papers in front of her. When she noticed, she stood up and shook my hand quickly, and then went back to trying to find where I was on her lists of students who were moving into Anderson this year.

"Oh! Here you are! You'll be up in room 210. Second floor, when you get upstairs make a right turn and it'll be on your right side. Do you need any help getting everything up?" She asked quickly. I was beginning to think that perky was a way of life for Heather.

"No, I should be okay" I replied. "My dad came with me to help bring everything up, he sorta figured that it would be this crazy this week, so we should be able to manage between us. Thanks though."

I started to leave to head upstairs with my dad, but I heard Heather call back to me.

"Devin! You're going to need these if you want to stay here."

She handed me the keys to my room and also a set of keys to the front of the building. She was right, I probably would want these if I wanted to get in at night or any other time. I know they'd normally have someone at reception, but there were always odd times where there wasn't anyone, and I was an adult now so I should be able to take care of my own keys.

Once I grabbed the keys and re-juggled everything so that I could keep the keys in my hand, dad and I wandered upstairs and made it to room 210, which I'd be sharing. I was sort of thankful that my roommate hadn't arrived yet, it gave me at least a few minutes to settle in and start putting my stuff away. More than anything, it was just nice to have a chance to look around and see how everything worked around here and what room had in it as far as furniture and space went.

As it turns out, there wasn't all that much room or space for anything more than my stuff and myself anyway. The room was already furnished for two people, but I was quickly realizing that there wasn't going to be any room for my baseball bag in the closet, and I didn't want to just take up the chest with my gear when I hadn't even met my roommate. Speaking of which, he or she hadn't shown up yet, and while I knew Anderson Hall as a whole was co-ed, I wasn't sure if the rooms would be. I'd bet that the rooms were single gendered rooms, otherwise that would get pretty weird in a hurry. Considering they weren't here yet, dad and I decided to go check out a bit of the campus and see what was going on. It was the last time I was going to see him for a month, so I wanted to make it count for more than just being a driver.

Dad and I decided to walk around the campus, pointing out the different things we saw and whether I'd be using any of those facilities if I got on the baseball team. When I got on the baseball team, I suppose. Gotta be positive or else it won't happen. There were lots of different clubs who had tables and people out on the lawns, trying to get new students to sign up for whatever they were doing. I was amazed at how busy the campus was, and classes hadn't even started yet, how much crazier were things going to get once we started getting into gear with classes and everything else that was going to be happening?

Dad and I didn't really say much once we finished exploring the campus. Once we got back, dad took me back in the car to talk with me in private.

"Devin, this is going to be a big change for you, and I'm proud of you for getting this far and making it to college. Before you go, I need to give you some advice so that I know you will be safer here than you were at home."

I looked at dad, I had never seen him be this serious about something except when he told me mom had passed away. This was obviously something really important that he had to say, so I gave him all of my attention.

"You're growing up, and that means you're going to be taking a lot more responsibility for your actions. So much has changed in the last few months, I feel like I don't even know you as well as I should anymore Devin. But as much as you changed, I still am your father and want to try and protect you."

He took a deep breath, and I could tell this was where it was going to get difficult for us both.

"Don't tell people that you're gay or bisexual or whatever you are. Don't tell them about your relationship with Alex. Its not safe, and it doesn't matter that its okay in the big cities. Walla Walla isn't the big city, and this isn't so forgiving a college town that its going to be safe for you to tell everyone."

He raised his hand up, stopping me from interrupting him with my protests that this wasn't what I wanted for myself.

"Save it. We've talked about it until we both know what the other is going to say. You're an adult and I can't force you to do as I ask anymore, but I'm hoping you take what I say in mind now that you're here on your own. Back home in Colfax it meant a bloody nose from idiots like Parker, here it could mean anything. I don't want to be fielding anymore calls about you being seriously injured because of this."

I didn't know what to say. Dad seemed completely serious, even though I knew that I wanted to start telling people and living more comfortably in my own skin. It wasn't about telling people and shoving it in their face, it was about being able to see myself for what I am and not being afraid of what that means, and I don't think dad really understands how important that is to me. But he's also making it clear that as much as he supports me, he just can't get over that hurdle with me.

"I can't promise anything dad. I need to live my life in my own way. I hope you'll understand when the time comes."

Dad didn't say anything more, he just shook my hand and helped me back out of the car. He seemed sad at what I had said, or maybe he was just sad to know that I was leaving the house and he'd be all alone as well. It was weird that we were both going to be alone, he was sad while I was excited.

I decided to head back to my new room and see if my roommate had arrived. I was going to have to start being around him eventually, we may as well try to get off on the right foot to start things off, and who knows, maybe he would be a pretty cool dude.

When I swiped into my room, I saw that my roommate was already there. He had his back turned to me, bending over slightly to put some stuff into his closet. His skin was a lot darker than mine, but I wasn't sure if that was his natural skin tone or if he was just really tanned from the summer. It wouldn't have surprised me if he was just tanned from the summer, from what I could see of him he had some muscles on him, and in the corner of the room I could see a sports bag so he looked like he was an athlete like me.

I cleared my throat to get his attention. He quickly turned around with a surprised look on his face, but once he realized that I got in with my own key he opened up into a big smile and walked over to the doorway, arm stretched forward to shake my hand.

"Hey bro, how's it going? You must be my new roomie here! I'm Vincente. Hope you don't mind that I moved some stuff around, I wanted to have the stuff closer to the door since I'm going to be getting up earlier than you most days."

I looked around and I did notice that most of my stuff from the closet closest to the door had been moved around, and my baseball bag had also been put into a different spot in the room.

"So, Vincente, I was actually hoping to have my stuff near the door since I'm going to be trying out for the baseball team and would be coming and going a lot if I did make the team, I didn't want to bother you by having to go past you all the time to get to my stuff."

Vincente smiled and laughed at that, like I'd told a really funny joke.

"Well buddy, I'm already on the tennis team on scholarship, so I know that I'll be going through the room a lot, I'm also pretty sure that I'm going to have my classes earlier than you, since most of my classes start right at eight in the morning. So it really would be better for us both if my stuff was closer to the door. By the way, what's your name? I don't really wanna be calling you buddy all year"

He had a point there, my classes normally wouldn't start until ten, just because a lot of the sports studies courses I needed didn't start until later. They said something about needing good light for some of the classes, so we couldn't do it if it was still sorta dark out.

"Alright, fair enough Vincente. My name's Devin, its nice to meet you. Hope we can get along this year."

"Yeah buddy, same here! I gotta get goin though, I wanna go see what's going on with the rest of campus, you should check it out too! You're only gonna get out of this place what you put into it, ya know?"

With that, he grabbed some sunglasses of his desk and rushed out of the room. I put the rest of my stuff away and tried to reorganize my stuff, and then I went out as well. I didn't get to see too much while I was with dad, and there was a lot that I wanted to see before the end of the day, like the baseball team and who my potential teammates were. It wouldn't be a bad idea just to confirm when the tryouts would be, I knew they were going to be within a week or so.

I headed back out towards the courtyard and towards where I thought I saw some of the sports teams. Along the way I passed by a whole bunch of the fraternities, they all looked pretty similar to me, but maybe I'd come say hello on the way back. Most of the fraternity tables had a couch or something for the guys to sit on, and all of them had some really gorgeous girls hanging out with them. Probably their girlfriends just trying to make each of the frats look more popular.

I figured I'd go check them out properly a bit later on, maybe on the way back or at one of their parties. I'd seen enough movies to know that the fraternities would have a party or two over the next few weeks, I could probably get to meet them there, or figure out something about how to get involved with them. I didn't know too much about them of course, just what I'd seen in movies. Who knew if anything in the media was how things really were, but even if they weren't half as interesting as what I'd seen, they seemed like something I could be interested in taking a bit of a look at.

Right now I wanted to go find my teammates, so I kept walking and started finding my way around all of the different sports teams that were at Whitman. I was surprised at how many different teams there were, and just how strong an athletic presence there would be on the campus. That did worry me a bit, the last athletes that I had come out to didn't take it too well and made my life a living hell, so I wasn't sure if that would be good for me to come out and tell people I was into guys out here, not yet at any rate.

I saw the tennis team up ahead, but I didn't see Vincente. I guess he hadn't gotten here yet, or he wasn't going to be at the table with the team. Probably not something he was expected to do, considering he was a freshman as well and had just arrived on campus today. The school would probably just want students who had already been at Whitman to be there so that new students could see how good the upperclassmen were, or something like that. I thought it was pretty cool that most of the teams were like the tennis team and were co-ed, that's something that I didn't see back home.

I finally found what looked like the baseball team right at the end of the road, almost by the stadium itself. The stadium looked pretty cool, and it was a lot bigger than anything I'd played in back home. I wonder how I'd feel playing in front of a large crowd, I'd never played before much beyond friends, family and a few of the people from the schools. This was almost like playing professionally, it was a stadium! This was going to be crazy!

I walked up to one of the guys in the group who seemed to be pretty cool and talkative, I thought he might be a good person to tell me a bit about the team and what my chances were of making the team. Or at least when tryouts would be, I don't want to miss those and really make an ass of myself. The guy was tall; he had to be more than six feet tall, since he towered over me. He had jet-black hair and green eyes, which I hadn't seen before. The only other thing I noticed about him was that he was built like a brick house, the guy was incredibly muscular.

"Hi there, my name's Devin, what can you tell me about the baseball team? I'm hoping to tryout this year as a walk on recruit."

The guy turned to look at me and I could tell he was instantly starting to figure out if I was going to be worth anything to the team. His gaze was almost as though he was analyzing me and studying me right down to my soul, and I couldn't hold the intensity of his gaze. When I looked back at him, he had replaced that hard stare with a much more open smile, and he stretched out his hand to shake mine. I guess that was a good thing and he hadn't immediately discounted the possibility of me playing with them.

"Hey there Devin, then name's Bryce and if you're looking to join the baseball team, you've come to the right place! You found us and you should be interesting to watch at the tryouts at least. I'm on the team already, I play third base, what position do you play? Oh, right! Tryouts are next Thursday. You know there's no games until the new year right?"

This guy was so sure of himself, if the rest of the team was like this and all of the guys at tryouts, then I could be in some serious trouble. Still, I had to reply since he was kind enough to let me know what was going on.

"Well, ummm, no. I hadn't heard about that actually, I hadn't even heard about the tryouts actually... thanks for letting me know when they'll be. I'm a pitcher, but we'll see how the tryouts go, I might just be calling myself a fan this year, you know?"

Bryce and some of the guys closest to me and able to hear our conversation started laughing. Not the kind of laugh that says they're making fun of you, but a genuine laugh because something is really funny for them. Not sure what I said that was so hilarious, but I guess they weren't all that bad. Hard to tell, hard to figure out what people want, and I guess Sean didn't really help with that much did he?

"Anyway, I just thought I'd come down and introduce myself, hopefully we're all going to be teammates this year, and I guess I'll see you at the tryouts?" I ventured, trying to figure out how to get out of this conversation.

Bryce smiled up at me and smacked my shoulder.

"Haha hell yeah man, see you next Thursday! Go enjoy the rest of the first day, I'm sure there's something that you'll enjoy seeing and doing around here. Hope you're ready to go by next week!"

I walked away and started heading back to my room, completely lost in my own thoughts. I wasn't sure what I thought of the team yet, but they didn't seem all that bad. They weren't that much different than the boys I played with back in Colfax, except that these guys were older than me and hopefully that meant that they weren't going to be giving me a hard time. Bryce, on the other hand... I couldn't figure him out at all, he was so intense to eye me up like that, and then he changed so much and was so friendly. I wonder what his real deal was.

I let myself back in and I was pleased to see that Vincente wasn't back yet. I wasn't sure how I felt about him yet either, but I suppose it's the first day of college and I couldn't be expected to warm up to everyone right away, I'd just have to get used to them all first. However, being alone meant I could finally do something I haven't had a chance to do over the last couple of days.

I quickly shucked off the clothes I had been wearing and piled them up close to my bed. They were already sweaty so it was difficult to peel off my shirt, but once I was naked I laid down in my new college dorm bed and started to feel myself up. I knew I wasn't as muscular as some of the baseball team, but I was nice and toned, and I was still pretty pleased with how I looked. I was about five foot nine inches tall, with blond hair and grey eyes. I was toned, and only about one hundred sixty pounds. I know that's not crazy skinny, but compared to other athletes I must have looked like a shrimp.

I reached down with my right hand to fondle my cock. I loved my cock, it was six and a half inches long and cut. I started stroking it with my right hand while my left hand kept looking to squeeze and play with all my sensitive spots, like my nipples and inner thighs. I wasn't sure how much time I would have to jerk off, Vincente could come back any minute and catch me with my pants down, so I grabbed my dick with one hand and started to really pinch my nipples with the other. I knew this always got me going when I was with Alex over the summer, and it was a guaranteed way of getting me off quickly.

Thinking about Alex got me thinking about other things I could do to pleasure myself right now, and things that I might not get to do for a long time. I kept jerking myself, but my other hand started to slide down to my balls and my asshole. I had this hand move from circling my hole with a finger or two and then move up to hold and massage my balls. I had a wild idea that maybe this would get me off, and I slid one of my fingers up my ass. It wasn't like the cocks I had been forced to take when I was back in high school, but it felt good and my cock got a lot harder once I put the first finger there. I pulled my finger out and licked the middle finger next to it, so now I had two fingers ready to go and I started to push both my index and middle fingers up my ass.

With two fingers sliding in and out of my ass, I started timing my strokes of my cock to the finger fucking I was giving myself. I knew this would be a super compromising position to be found in so I really sped up both my fingering and my jerking. Within moments, I was shooting a big load on myself and counted out five different spurts that landed in my pubes and on my face. As much as I wanted to savour this, I couldn't get caught quite this early in the year, so I cleaned myself up and tried to figure out what the best thing to do would be.

I decided that I would go have a shower and that this would give me an excuse for being naked. With that thought in mind, I grabbed my towel, wiped the cum off my face and then wrapped the towel around myself. I grabbed my soap and shampoo and then headed out to the showers in the residence wearing nothing but a towel covered in my own cum.

I could get used to this, and if college is going to be as good as today was, I'm sure that I'm going to make it through the next four years with no problems at all.

Next: Chapter 2

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