Extra Credit for Dr Primmer

By Stephen B

Published on Apr 30, 2017


I looked down at my watch as I stepped out of the Humanities building into the bright sun and was surprised to see it was only 9:30 in the morning. How had everything with Dr. Primmer happened so quickly? Even if the 8am class had let out early, I couldn't have been in his office for more than fifteen or twenty minutes. But it was a fun and exciting fifteen or twenty minutes I wished could have gone on longer. I thought about how I was feeling while I walked back to my dorm. I was excited but also confused. Tired but satisfied. Kind of hungry. Definitely in need of a shower, even more so after Dr. Primmer's office.

When I got to my dorm, I reached into the loose pocket of my mesh gym shorts for my ID to let me into the building. It wasn't there. I tried the other pocket. I felt a quick surge of relief that vanished almost as quickly as it came. There was my lanyard that normally held my badge and keys but the badge was not there. Fuck. I pulled out the lanyard, taking the inside of the mesh pocket with it. I held up the lanyard in disbelief. There was the key ring. I had my room key and my car key and even the key to my parents' house almost 80 miles away but my ID card was gone. It looked like part of the hook on the lanyard had snapped off. I didn't know how my keys were still attached but my ID must have fallen off. What a cheap piece of shit.

I stood there for a moment, foolishly, unsure of what to do. I cupped my hands around my face at the windowed door, hoping I could flag someone down to let me in. I didn't see anyone. I sighed heavily and banged my fist against the door as a last-ditch effort. No one answered. I guessed the only option I had left was to retrace my steps. Did I need to, though? No. I thought I knew exactly where I had left it: Dr. Primmer's office.

I turned on my heel and headed back to the Humanities building in a slow jog, slightly aware of the way dick swung back and forth inside my shorts. I was still semi-erect from when my meeting with Dr. P and I was excited to be heading back there. Maybe there would be time for a quick round 2. I kept my eyes on the ground as I went on the off chance my ID was on the ground between here and there but I didn't see it. I walked quickly down the hall and into the department office. It was a large open room with several smaller offices around the perimeter for the different professors of the humanities department. The department secretary's desk was in the middle of the room and I expected to see Gloria sitting there when I arrived but she was nowhere to be found. The way it normally worked was that if someone's office door was closed, Gloria could give them a call and see if they were available. If someone's office door was open during office hours, students were free to walk in themselves. I knew Mr. Nelson, the dean, had been in Dr. Primmer's office, but I knew that Gloria wouldn't have gone if he was still in there in case there was some work for her to do that resulted from their meeting. So, thinking that Mr. Nelson had gone, I bucked normal protocol and pushed open Dr. Primmer's door.

I stood there with my mouth open, unable to process what I was seeing. The muscles of Dr. Primmer's bare ass flexed as I watched him thrust forward as if in slow motion and then relax as he pulled back. He had the most beautiful butt I think I've ever seen, perfectly round and firm when clenched with a slight but arousing jiggle when he relaxed it. His slacks were pulled down around his ankles and his shirt rode up to reveal tanned lower back and legs that framed a milky white butt. Something about tan lines drove me positively crazy and I could tell from the shape of his tan he must have been wearing a speedo when he was last in the sun and now I had a whole new scene in which to fantasize about him.

I stood there for a long time watching Dr. Primmer's pelvis piston rapidly back and forth before I realized that he wasn't alone. Obviously. He was fucking someone, which meant that there was someone there for him to be fucking. It couldn't have been Gloria, could it? Dr. Primmer was married! I realized how silly a thought that was almost as soon as I thought it. The fact that he was married certainly didn't stop him from putting my dick in his mouth less than an hour ago or from blowing his load in mine. But from the pitch of the grunts and moans coming from the form that was bent over the desk beneath Dr. Primmer's sweaty body, I could tell that it was a man.

Then, suddenly, the pair spun around to face me. Dr. Primmer let out a quick gasp when he saw me and my heart leapt into my throatÉ but he didn't stop. In one fluid motion, Dr. Primmer bent over the man he had been fucking, hooked his arms beneath those of his partner and locked his fingers behind the man's head so that the man's hands were forced up. At the same time, he hooked a leg over the other man's leg and pivoted so that the two spun around to face me and I now saw that the ass being fucked by Dr. Primmer's impressive cock was that of stocky Mr. Nelson, the dean of students, blindfolded and moaning loudly. His pale muscular body stood in stark contrast to the tan lithe Dr. Primmer, who continued to fuck the dean's ass with a loud fleshy slapping even as he frantically mouthed for me to close the door.

My trance was broken. I spied my ID card on the floor next to my foot where I had thrown my shorts earlier and bent over to pick it up, never taking my eyes off the two men. Dean Nelson had an uncut cock that looked to be only six inches or so but was thicker than any I had seen before. Dark foreskin pulled back to reveal just the tip of his dick's purple head and it bounced up and down swiftly, in time with Dr. Primmer's thrusts, his heavy balls swinging back and forth. Dean Nelson was shorter than Dr. Primmer and the position he'd been forced into raised him onto the balls of his feet, accentuating the massive muscles in his chiseled calves and thick thighs.

I slowly backed out of the room as quietly as I could and shut the door.

"Don't go in there!" Gloria called from behind me. I froze. "Dean Nelson is still in there. They said they were going to be a while so I went out to grab a coffee," she said, her voice drawing closer as she came into the room and sat at her desk.

"Oh!" I said, backing away. I could feel my face flush and I turned to face her, once again grateful for impeccable timing. She must not have seen me coming out of the office and thought I'd just arrived. "Sorry," I said, "I think I left my ID badge in his officeÉ"

"Isn't that it?" she asked, doubt in her voice, "in your hand?"

"Well, yesÉ" I stammered. "I mean I thought that I left it thereÉ but I found it. On the floor."

"Mmhm," she answered and sipped her coffee without taking her eyes off me.

"I gotta go," I said and practically ran from the room. I didn't slow down until I emerged from the building and into the hot sun again. My clothes were heavy with sweat and I felt like my hair was standing on end. I needed a shower desperately. With my ID badge clutched tightly in my hand, I half-walked half-ran back to my dorm.

It was only when I was stripped naked and standing under the hot water of the dorm's shower that I let myself think about what I had seen. The image of Dean Nelson's squat muscular body stretched over Dr. Nelson's and the sounds of heavy breathing, grunting and moaning came back to me. I felt my cock lazily start to rise. I pulled back the shower curtain and looked out of the shower stall into the rest of the room. Empty. It was still early enough for a Friday morning that I thought I might have the place to myself for a while so I squeezed a bit of body wash into my hand and rubbed it on my lengthening shaft. I pictured Dr. Primmer's face in Dean Nelson's neck, the dean's blindfolded head tilted back in ecstasy, hands raised above his head, completely at Dr. Primmer's mercy. I listened to the pounding slap of flesh on flesh in my memory and slowly started to rub my soapy erection. I pictured the meaty slabs of Dean Nelson's ample ass pushed into Dr. Primmer's lap. I thought of the way Dr. Primmer had him bent over the desk when I first opened the door and the way his ass had clenched and released, clenched and released. I stroked my dick faster with each erotic image that fluttered back into my head and just as I neared the tipping point, I heard the unmistakable sound of someone turning the water off. It was a loud noise between a click and a bang and it couldn't have been anything elseÉ but I had looked and no one had been there. I'd been aloneÉ I pulled the shower curtain back a fraction of an inch and took another quick peak. I wasn't alone, as I had thought. A boyÑa man, reallyÑthat I had never seen before stood dripping in the stall directly across from mine, the shower curtain pulled all the way back, dick extended in front of him and curving slightly upward. He was staring straight at me. We locked eyes and without a word he moved toward me. I was so turned on from what I'd seen in Dr. Primmer's office and by what I was seeing now that I didn't think about it or question it. I simply stepped back and made room in the stall for him to join me.

He was sexy with the body of an athlete. He was around my height but without an ounce of fat. He had dark skin but light brown eyes, hardly any body hair and a smooth complexion. He had a perfectly defined six pack. In fact, every muscle in his body was toned and chiseled. I felt his biceps, firm and solid, as he pulled me into a wet embrace under the warm water. Our lips met and pressed together, our hard cocks pushing into one another. Our lips gently parted and I felt his hot tongue flick over mine, teasing. I leaned in to kiss him more deeply but he pulled back, grinning. I moved in closer and put my hand at the nape of his neck, holding him there while I shoved my tongue into his mouth. Suddenly feeling very dominant, perhaps taking a cue from Dr. Primmer, I pushed this man whose name I did not know back into the cold wet tile underneath the shower head and held him there. For a moment, he looked taken aback like he had not expected this. He struggled for just an instant but I held him there against the wall, my forearm across his chest and then felt him give in with a quiet moan.

I grabbed his face with the hand that was not holding him against the wall and I put my mouth on his, kissing him roughly. He kissed me back hungrily and when he seemed too eager, I pulled back and held him at arm's length. His lips quivered as though he needed mine on his but I couldn't help myself. I had a sudden and frantic need to taste his dick. I held him in place with my fingers digging into his hips and squatted down in front of him. The hot water streamed out of the shower head above us and fell at my back. I didn't wait. I put his dick in my mouth and descended onto it, fighting back my gag reflex until I could feel his balls on my chin and his pubic hair tickled my nose. His cock was long and thick and I felt it jump in my throat when he flexed it. I pulled back and he shuddered. I took my hands off his hips, grasped his buttocks, and pulled him back into my mouth. He stumbled forward but my grip on him was so tight that he didn't fall. He put his hands on my shoulders to balance himself and I bobbed back and forth on his cock, savoring the taste of him. When he started to thrust into my throat, I stood up quickly and pushed him back against the cold tile. I kissed him roughly again and then took a step back and into the stream of hot shower. He stepped with me.

Once again we kissed with the hot water flowing over us and then he knelt down in front of me and wrapped his lips around my aching cock. He slurped and sucked, using his hand to stroke me when he pulled off. He looked up at me and stuck his tongue out and slapped it with my dick. I thrust forward and heard him gag a little when I pushed my way past the back of his throat. I grabbed his ears and held his face there, fucking his throat with short thrusts. I pushed him off of me and he took in a deep breath. I put my hands under his arms and pulled him to his feet, bringing him into me, wrapping my arms around him. We kissed, more gently this time, savoring the taste of each other's tongues and lips.

When we pulled back from the kiss, I stepped around him, at the same time pushing him to the opposite side of the shower so now his face was pressed up against the tile and I was behind him. He let out a sharp gasp that was immediately followed by an appreciative moan. I pressed my body against his, my dick sliding up in between the two fleshy orbs of his bubble butt. I moved up and down and he moaned while I enjoyed the feeling of skin on skin, my cock surrounded by his two perfectly round ass cheeks.

I got on my knees behind him and he arched his back out. I pulled his ass cheeks apart and stared at his perfect pink hole. The water from the shower was coming down his back and he let out another moan when the hot water came in contact with his newly exposed sphincter. I plunged my face into his ass and thrust my tongue into his hole as far as it would go. I swirled my tongue around and added a finger, penetrating him up to the second knuckle. I pulled my finger out and he ground his ass against my lips and tongue, the whole time letting out short gasps and moans.

"PleaseÉ" he whispered quietly, the first word either of us had spoken. "I want you to fuck me."

I continued to eat his ass as though I had not heard him.

"Oh my god!" he said, louder, "I want your dick!"

I stood up and pressed myself to him. With my lips almost touching his ear, I whispered, "what do you want?"

"Your dick," he groaned, "I want your dick!"

"Where do you want it?" I asked pressing my cock against his ass and sliding it in between his ass cheeks again.

"In my ass," he said, "I want you to fuck me with it!"

"You want me to do what?" I whispered in his ear and I reached down and put a finger in his ass, slick with soap and saliva.

"Fuck me, sir!" he said, "please fuÑah!" I pushed my dick into his ass before he could finish his sentence and he let out a yelp. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his neck. He threw his head back in pleasure and I pushed in deeper.

When I was as deep as I could go, I said "is that what you wanted? You want me dick in your ass?"

"Yes, sir!" he said. "It feels so good!"

"Your ass feels good," I answered and started slowly thrusting in and out, still holding him in my arms. I reached a hand up to his chin and turned his face toward me. At the same time, I started to increase the pace of the fucking so that I was really pounding him hard when our tongues met over his shoulder. He gasped and moaned into my mouth, letting out a rush of breath each time I pushed into him. It felt so good having his tight sphincter tighten around my swollen dick. I thought I was going to blow at any second so I pulled out and spun him around again. Our lips met and everything slowed. He reached behind me to turn off the water.

Just then, the door banged open and we heard heavy footsteps in flip flops smacking against the tile floor. He threw back the shower curtain and leapt to where his towel hung just outside the stall he'd been in before joining me in mine.

For a moment, we looked at each other, took in the sight of each other's naked dripping bodies, our eyes locked with a mixture of desire and regret. Before I could suggest we go back to my room for some privacy, he wrapped his towel around his waist and hurried out. A chubby white guy sauntered past him and turned to watch him go. He was wrapped in a towel with a toiletry bag slung over his shoulder. He whistled and shot me a wink and I realized I was still standing there in the shower stall with the curtain pulled back, naked and dripping with a partial erection. I pulled my own towel on and jogged out of the bathroom out into the hall. Everything was still, giving me no clue where my chance encounter had disappeared to.

I was disappointed but still horny enough that I considered getting back into the shower to finish jerking off. Then again, the guy who chased us out was creepy and I figured I'd have a better chance of getting off without an audience. Slightly dejected but still hard as a rock, I hurried back to my dorm room. At this point, I had no idea what time it was so I was relieved to see that the room was empty, almost certain that the class I had skippedÑ from which Jared would be returningÑhad ended. I shut the door, whipped off my towel, and jumped into bed, determined to get myself to orgasm as quickly as I could.

After my morning, I had no shortage of material to jerk off to. Dean Nelson's meaty dick popped into my head, bouncing up and down; Dr. Nelson's thrusting ass, pushing in and out; my mystery guy from the shower, the way he felt pressed up against me, his warm hole wrapped tightly around my dick. I pictured how it would have ended if we'd not been interrupted. He had turned the water off. We'd have kissed, our soaking bodies intertwining. I thought I'd like to push him up against the wall and wrap his legs around my waist. I'd slide my still hard cock into him and let gravity pull him down onto it. Face-to-face with his arms locked around my neck, I'd stare into his eyes while I fucked him. He'd groan and yelp in pleasure. I'd put my mouth on his, our tongues exploring the insides of each other's mouths and I'd pull back to look in his eyes at the moment that I exploded and shot my hot load deep into his ass.

"Ungh!" I moaned just as the door swung open. Jared stood in the doorway, clearly not expecting to walk in on his naked roommate in the middle of an orgasm.

"Fuck!" I shouted, half embarrassed and half in ecstasy over the intense orgasm I was having. A hot load of cum had shot up past my head and it was still shooting. It got everywhere. It was on my chest; it was on my face; it was in my eye.

"Goddamnit!" I yelled, "my eye! Fuck that burns!" I hopped up off the bed to grab my towel and clean myself or cover myselfÑI had not decided which. Jared still stood in the open doorway, dumbstruck.

"WhoaÉ" he said finally. "Sorry dude. I mean, next time put a sock on the door or somethingÉ but, damn, you shot far."

"Yeah," I said, letting the pride surpass my embarrassment, "in my fucking eye." Then I added "sorry, I didn't think you would be back yet."

"You sure?" he asked, "You put on quite a show, dude."

"Yes, I'm sure, asshole." I said. I felt my face flush a hot crimson. I wrapped the towel around my waist and said, "Now if you'll excuse meÉ" as I slid by him and out into the hallway, intent on getting into the shower again and flushing out my eye.

"Dude wait! What about your meeting with Dr. P?"

"I'll be back," I said. "I mean, you might need a shower after you hear about it but I'll fill you in when I'm clean andÉ you knowÉ. Not naked." I shot him a smile over my shoulder and shuffled back down the hall into the floor's bathroom.

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