Exploring the Student Life

Published on Jan 20, 2012


Exploring the Student Life -- Part 2

It took me several hours to unpack my things. The pile of boxes now lay in the middle of the room emptied of their contents. My new home felt much warmer with my possessions in their places. I looked around to survey my work; my desk holding my laptop, my walls covered in various posters, the shelves full of books. It felt like home now, and I felt exhausted. I decided to have a sleep before venturing out that evening. I sat down on the edge of my bed, the new sheets cold and stiff. I pulled my t-shirt over my head and I felt the cold air on my chest, placing my hand over the light wisps of hair. I removed my shoes and socks and allowed my bare feet to rest on the carpet. It felt rough and itchy beneath my toes. I stood up and removed my trousers and boxers allowing my naked body to breath in the cool air. I placed my trousers over the desk chair and looked inside my boxer shorts. To my amazement there was barely any evidence of my early activities, leading me to believe that I must have done a good job of cleaning up.

As I lay in the new bed the sheets were cold against my bare skin. I felt my loose balls fall onto the cotton and my soft cock balance elegantly on top of them. The coolness sent shivers through my whole body and I felt my cock beginning to stir. I gently placed my hand over the thickening shaft and gave a gentle squeeze. It responded by twitching beneath my palm and I could feel it pulsing as blood rushed to extend the lengthening shaft. I gently rolled back the tight foreskin to reveal the sensitive head that lay beneath, gently caressing it with my fingers. Within a few seconds of play my cock had grown to its full length and my eyes closed and my mind drifted to thoughts of what I might do to Nathan. I imagined his long slender body with its muscular arms and strong hands, gripping at my arms and pushing me down his body. I trace the contours of his abs, following the light trail of hair from his belly-button until it disappeared beneath his crisp white pants. He continued to push me lower and I extended my tongue as it danced over the outside of his underwear, striking the concealed package. I breathed as deeply as possible, absorbing the scent of his manhood, the sweet sweat emanating from his big balls with a faint hint of soap.

The daydream was causing me to lose track of reality once more. I began pumping my cock up and down, faster and harder. I reached into the drawer of my bed table and pulled out a pot of petroleum jelly and scooped some from the pot. I rubbed it all over my fingers and palm as it got warm and turned soft. I applied my now lubricated hand to my swollen cock and wrapped it around the shaft applying my thumb directly to the top of my sensitive head and began to rub and pump at the drooling instrument. My masturbatory activity increased in vigour and noise as the copious amounts of precum escaped my cock and poured down my hands, mixing with the Vaseline.

In pure ecstasy I returned to my thoughts of Nathan. He was still pushing me lower down his body. I held my hands against the tight cheeks of his ass, warm against my excited hands. I gently licked his upper thighs as I followed his long legs down to the beautiful bare feet below. On noticing them I immediately fell on them holding his left foot in my hands I gently licked the sole of his foot tracing its outline around his heel. He said nothing, just moaned lightly; his beautiful face relaxed with his molten eyes hidden beneath the delicate eyelids. I opened my mouth and pulled his big toe inside, gently licking and sucking it. The intense excitement was too much and began licking and sucking all over his feet like a rabid animal; every toe, in between each toe, the sole, the heel, the ankle. As I continued to lick I allowed my hands to explore his body and reached upwards following his legs to the bottom of his boxer shorts. I could already feel the material tight and strained, protruding forwards. I gently removed his toes from my mouth and placed his heavenly foot on the same rough carpet my own had laid on not a few minutes earlier. I allowed my head to rise to be level with his excited package, as I noticed a small damp patch on the outside of his underwear. I gently extended my tongue and used it to taste the small patch. As the warm wetness of my tongue touched his underwear I felt the material tighten even more and I felt a pulse at the end of a long hard cock. I could wait no longer. My hands gripped the top of his underwear and yanked them over his cock and down his legs. His cock stood an inch from my face, pointing directly into my mouth and his balls hung loose having been freed from captivity. I moved my face forwards tracing the underside of his long shaft until I reached his balls. I gently licked at them, my warm tongue tasting the sweat from their confinement. I put one of them into my mouth and then swapped it and repeated the action all the while applying my wet tongue to his balls. After just a couple of minutes I could feel a warm liquid dribbling down my cheek. As I released his balls and sat upright I traced the falling liquid with my finger, collecting it in my hand. I extended my tongue and allowed the clear juice to fall onto it. I was immediately hit with the sweet taste of Nathan's precum. I washed it around my mouth as much as I could to saver the taste and decided my torture had gone for long enough, and after placing my hand on his long shaft to steady his pulsing cock I placed its sensitive head in my willing mouth. I spent a few seconds gently licking it, savouring its sweet taste as more and more precum oozed into my awaiting mouth. I began fucking his cock with my mouth, moving my head up and down his shaft; gentle to begin with and then picking up the pace. I could feel Nathan bucking his hips in time with my movement, ensuring his cock rode as deeply as possible. I had both hands gripping his soft bum cheeks. I felt them tighten as his muscles contracted and he thrust hard into my mouth and I knew what was coming. My mouth filled with his warm white liquid. Its salty taste enveloped my tongue as more continued to erupt from him. I felt his legs go limp and his tight buttocks relax as he recovered from his post-orgasm flight. I still his softening cock in my mouth.

The speed of pumping on my cock brought my attention out of the daydream. The loud noise of the wet sloppy liquids between my fingers rubbing against my shaft echoed around my room. I began thrusting into my hand in desperation to feel the release that was no imminent. I pumped harder and harder until my own buttocks clenched down together and my muscles went rigid and cum erupted out of my cock, flooding my new bed sheets. Four, five, six seven squirts of warm white liquid rebounded off my hard duvet and pooled over my body. What felt like an age had passed before I eventually returned to reality. My whole body still sensitive to the slightest touch, I began to rub my body, massaging each pool of warm sticky liquid into the pores of my skin. My breathing still laboured and panting I brought my left hand to my mouth and allowed my tongue to dance over the fingers, absorbing the taste of my own cum as I flash-backed to the daydream I had just lived. I remembered how his warm skin felt beneath my fingers, the smell of sweat and the taste of him. I fell asleep still naked and covered in cum.

When I awoke several hours later it was twilight. My room was full of oncoming shadows and it suddenly felt unfamiliar. I looked at my watch and noticed the time was 18:12. I pulled back the covers and allowed the air to flow onto my naked body. I walked over to my window in my full naked glory, my softened cock swinging between my legs. As I looked out over the University campus I felt good about what the years here had in store. I loved being able to be naked whenever I liked, just wandering around with no clothes on felt so good and to know that an amazingly hot boy was just the other side of a thin plaster wall made my cock stir once more, but for now it was depleted. I decided on a shower before I got dressed to go out.

The bathrooms in the University Halls of Residence were shared. They were same-sex bathrooms so the boy's washrooms had a well known reputation for antics. The thought of being able to see all those other boys naked made me excited. I gathered my wash-bag and threw on a grey pair of sweat-pants and a hooded jumper. I liked the feeling of wearing no underwear, knowing that my anatomy was separated by the world by just a thin piece of cotton. As I stepped out of my room onto the tiled floor my toes recoiled from the icy temperature. I loved the feeling of my bare feet on the floor; I had always had a thing for bare feet, in that they seemed to encompass the very essence of nakedness. I made the short walk down the corridor to the washroom. I stopped outside the door from which steam was escaping. I could hear a number of voices inside, causing my cock to stir slightly, but having been serviced twice already that afternoon it had no energy left, for now.

I pushed open the door and entered the room. I found a space in the changing area and began taking off my two items of clothing. I was surprised when several boys left the changing room in just their towels having not brought any clothes with them. I was not self-conscious about being naked in public, in fact I found it quite exciting, to know that so many boys would be looking at my naked body and maybe even liking it too. I bent down to pick up my wash bag and was shocked when a hand made sharp contact with my right buttock.

"Oh! What the fuck!?" was my instantaneous reaction. Many of the other boys were laughing. I then felt a muscular arm around my shoulder; its skin was dark and tanned.

"Woah man! I was only kidding." I turned around to see Nathan's big smile; those big red lips just begging to be kissed. I gazed down the rest of his body. My eyes were drawn to his chest, lightly covered in brown wispy hair and the pert dark brown nipples. Droplets of water were running down his body; I longed to lick them. My eyes followed further down his torso admiring his developing abs until I reached his waistline. Much to my disappointment his lower body was covered by a clean white towel, but his gorgeous feet stood routed to the ground. I begged my cock to stay asleep; luckily its workout appeared to have done the trick.

"It's no worries. I was just shocked." I said.

"You still coming out with us then?" he asked, playfully tightening his arm around me.

"Yeah. I can't wait." I smiled up at him.

"Good. See you in an hour then?"

"Sure thing." I answered, beginning to lose control of my cock as the electricity flowed through me from having so much skin-to-skin contact with him; knowing that I was naked and that he could see anything he wanted.

He let me go and he left the room with his friends. I jumped into the shower and turned the temperature down to cool. I looked around the cubicle and inspected the shower. I noticed a few messages had been inscribed on the wall; John is gay', call 07*******26 for a good time' and many more. Then I noticed a few ropes of liquid in the bottom of the tray and I guessed it was shower gel. I leaned down and put my fingers in it and noticed a familiar texture. Then I realised what it was, it was semen. A boy had wanked in this shower and recently. I scooped up the cum and added it to the cum that already existed on my body. My cock began to grow again but I decided to wait before wanking again as maybe something more interesting would happen later that night.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter -- Robbie will eventually make it on his night-out, I promise! Your comments and ideas would be most appreciated, or if you would like to discuss the story or characters then I would gladly reply to any emails sent to oscar.growdon@live.com

Thanks guys and keep reading! I look forward to hearing from you!

Next: Chapter 3

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