Exploring the Student Life

Published on Jan 12, 2012


Day one of University life was scary. Having left home and travelled hundreds of miles away to a city that I had never been to before and a place where I knew nobody was scary. I was allocated a room in the worst possible halls where the corridors and rooms smelled of damp and the kitchen was dirty and the bathroom smelled.

I was quietly unpacking my things in my room, wondering what I was doing there, when there was a knock on my door. I answered the door to find a gorgeous boy who looked to be a year or two older than me. At about 20 years old his body looked far more developed than mine as his t-shirt hugged his torso and his sweat-pants hung loose allowing my mind to run wild about what lay under them. I met his huge brown eyes as he introduced himself.

"Hi. My name is Nathan and I'm a second year." He spoke with a slight Mediterranean accent and had the olive skin of a Spaniard. "I guess we'll be neighbours for the next year. How are you settling in?"

"I'm doing ok... I just wish I knew some more people." I said as my eyes were drawn to his long slender neck as it glistened in the light. I already longed to feel my lips upon it.

"If you like you can come out with me and some of the other guys tonight. We aren't doing anything special but we'd be happy to let you join us." He smiled at me and as his lips parted I melted and yearned for him to grab me.

"Sure that sounds great! My name is Robbie by the way." I replied, now visibly staring at his perfectly formed face; its tanned skin, warm brown eyes and plump pink lips.

"Cool. I'll come get you later, about 8, ok." As he spoke he leaned in smacked my shoulder. The feel of his body making contact with mine sent a jolt of electricity through my whole body. My cock became instantly hard in my pants and I knew I would need to do something with it soon or risk exploding in my pants.

Nathan turned and went back to his room. I closed the door behind him and rushed over to my bed. I threw my shirt over my head and kicked off my shoes. My cock pushed against my trousers begging to be released. I could feel it twitching and pulsing in anticipation. My trousers were pulled down my legs taking my underwear with them as my cock sprang forward and slapped my stomach. The feeling of my now wet cock making contact with my skin sent a rush of excitement through me. I couldn't wait any longer and took my cock in my right hand and closed it in a fist. I began furiously pumping my cock as the pre-cum it produced began to run over the edge I stopped only momentarily to taste it. The salty yet sweet taste drove me mad and I reached down for more. I continued to pump until I felt my whole body begin to shudder and I knew I couldn't hold it anymore. With that fresh warm seed began firing from my rock hard cock. I panted and sighed with the intensity of the orgasm, continuing to wank my now over-sensitive cock. The room began to spin and I fell back onto the bed, my cock still in hand.

After a few minutes I opened my eyes as my body came back down to earth. My body still tingling from what I had just done. I looked around the bare walls of my new room and the pile of boxes that contained all of my possessions. The musky carpet contained the fresh ropes of cum that I had just rocketed out of my cock. I gazed down my body and stopped at my cock, still encased in my hand but buried beneath a pool of thick white cum. At this I realised that there was no way to clean up; if I had done this at home I would simply have run to the bathroom and cleaned myself up but here I had to share the bathroom with twenty-four other boys and I couldn't run through the corridor with my softening cock concealed in my cum-covered hand. There was only one solution; I raised my hand to my mouth and extended my tongue, scooping a small pool of the white liquid onto it and returning it to my mouth. I had tasted my own cum before, and longed to taste that of another boy. I loved its warmth and the slimy texture felt good as it rolled over my tongue. As I continued to eat what I had produced I tugged on my now softening cock and gently rubbed my depleted balls.

I longed to be able to do these things with Nathan, a boy who could only be straight and a boy who I had only had one conversation with but I knew I wanted him. I had only ever had a few sexual experiences in my life.

At the age of 14 my hormones had kicked in and my cock responded to the slightest activity of a sexual nature. During sex-ed at school we were taught that masturbation was healthy, but I had never really been interested in trying it myself although I did enjoy having an erection. I had few friends at school and often spent lunch times alone. I also experienced a lot of bullying and would often be made fun of for not taking part in sports or for not having had sex before. I always hated sports; I wasn't a fat kid or a geeky kid, I just never enjoyed the games. Although I did enjoy the changing rooms; seeing the other boys undress would make me feel excited and I would stare at them as they undressed, often revealing developing upper bodies and tight bums hidden beneath crisp white cotton briefs. On one occasion one of the other boys, Marcus, caught me looking at him, he was sat down in just his loose boxer shorts and I was staring at a delicate pair of full balls peering out from beneath the cotton. He glared at me and my eyes darted away. I hurried to finish getting dressed and ran straight out to the rugby field. He continued to glare at me through the warm-up and when the game started I chose to make sure I was out of his way.

After a few minutes of game play he ran my way with the ball and I knew I had to try and stop him. I positioned myself for the tackle, already knowing that there was no way I would be able to take him down. He smashed his body into mine, his huge shoulder slamming into my chest. I gasped for breath as I fell to the floor, my knees sinking into the mud. Nobody even looked up or came to help me; they just ignored me and continued play. At the end of the two-hour session we ran back into the school changing rooms to get changed for lunch. I was given the job of collecting in the equipment and returning it to the storage room, making sure I was one of the last people back to the changing rooms. As I came out of the storage shed I caught sight of Marcus leaning against a wall with two of his friends. As he saw me his expression went from a laughing smile to a dangerous glare. I looked at the ground and attempted to walk past him.

As I walked I felt a big heavy hand clamp down on my shoulder. As I looked up his two friends grabbed one of my arms each and slammed my body against the wall.

"You make me sick you filthy faggot. I saw you checking me out earlier. You get a good look did you?" Marcus had his face just an inch from mine. I could smell the sweat of the game on his body and it made my cock stir in my pants momentarily. "You're gonna regret being a little gay boy at the end of today. I'll be waiting for you." He grabbed my face in his big hand and squeezed it, I winced in pain and he laughed loudly in my face. His friends let me go and they ran off to get changed.

I went back into the storage shed and waited for the lunch bell to ring before I went to get changed. I knew it would be safe as they would be in a rush to go and have their lunchtime cigarette before the teachers came onto lunch duty. I was surprised when I found all of my possessions in the changing rooms where I had left them. But this would not be a good sign as I would find out a couple of hours later.

At the end of school I felt confident that my P.E. lesson was just a minor inconvenience to my day and that other than that it had been a normal day. As I began the walk home I noticed a couple of Marcus' friends following me but at a distance, and so I dismissed it as me being paranoid. As I entered the usual maze of lanes that run behind the houses I saw Marcus and his friend Ben blocking my path. I turned around to see the two boys that had held my arms coming up behind me. I felt a sinking feeling as I prepared for the beating that was about to come. As I continued towards Marcus I told myself that everything would be ok but I knew I was lying to myself.

"Oi! Gay boy! We've been waiting for you; what took you so long? I thought you'd be in more of hurry to get home and wank that little cock of yours!" Marcus yelled, his friends laughing. I felt myself turn red.

"I'm really sorry Marcus. I wasn't trying to upset you, I..." Marcus slapped me across the face with the back of his hand.

"How dare you talk to me you filthy pervert. I think you need to be taught a lesson. What do you think boys?" his friends laughed "I think you need to be punished like a naughty little girl".

"Please Marcus don't. I'm..." Bang. I was slapped again.

"I thought I just told you not to speak. From now on you only speak when I say you can. I think you like wanking your little cock over boys, don't you? Well don't let us stop you." I looked at him confused but obeyed his order not to speak. "Undo your shirt buttons, I'd hate for mummy to have to clean your cum stains of your clothes! You better take your trousers down too." He and his friends laughed at me as I contemplated my options, although my only option was to follow their demands or risk a severe beating. Having weighed up the options I fumbled with the buttons on my shirt as I tried to undo them. As the last button was undone my shirt swung open.

"Look at the pathetic body boys. No wonder he can't play sports, he's better off sticking to playing with dolls!" Marcus laughed as his friends revelled in my torture. I unfastened my trousers and let them fall down my legs. I felt exposed and nervous as the cool November air ran over my bare skin. "Now drop those panties, you can't play with that little worm with them on" he commanded, his friends now in hysterics. I slowly pulled down my white pants revealing my semi-erect cock and the first wisps of pubic hair. "Oh look boys he's already quite excited! Now wank it then" The boys all laughed.

"I'm sorry but I have never done that before, I don't do it," I whispered. He simply locked his eyes into mine. I knew it would make no difference. I slowly moved my hand towards my penis and took hold of it. I began to slowly rub it up and down as it began to stiffen. I felt humiliated as they stared at me all laughing as I masturbated for the first time. Within a few minutes the humiliation was diminished by the sudden feelings of pleasure as my foreskin rode over my sensitive cock head again and again.

"He's gonna cum Marcus!" Ben shouted.

"You want to cum do you Robbie? What do you need to say?" Marcus taunted.

"Please may I cum?" I asked, knowing that this was what he wanted. He simply laughed and nodded his head. I began to pump my hand faster and all of a sudden a strange feeling came over my entire body, causing it to shake. The whole world around me vanished leaving me in a place of ecstasy. When I came back to the real world I was faced with the harsh reality of my position; in a dark lane surrounded by rubbish with my trousers around my ankles, my pulsing cock in hand and a small puddle of white cum at my feet. The boys laughed hysterically before Marcus took aim with his massive fist and slammed it into my stomach causing me to double over and fall down onto the floor. He just laughed and walked away.

I returned to the thoughts of my current situation, the bare room with my piles of unopened belongings. And I thought of my impending night out with Nathan and I realised that I had eaten my entire climax. I felt satisfied and excited for the night to come. Who knows what it might bring?

To Be Continued.

I hope that you enjoyed this first instalment. I would really appreciate your comments on the story and any ideas as to where you think the story should head- or anything you might like included... comments can be sent to oscar.growdon@live.com Thanks for reading the first instalment guys!

Next: Chapter 2

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