Exploring Grad School

By Steve R

Published on Sep 23, 2014


The story below contains descriptions of sexual activities between consenting adults, some encounters are between members of the same gender. If this is offensive or illegal for you to view in your area, please leave stop reading now. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. The characters of this story are fictional; any resemblance to people in real life is simply coincidental.

This is a fictional story following Steve a young graduate student who only recently found out about the pleasures of messing around with other guys. He is an ex-swimmer that is a wm, 5'8", 140 pounds, brown hair, light trimmed body, and a 6" cut cock.

Chapter 4

I woke up Tuesday morning after with a raging erection. It had been 2 days since my second encounter with Nate. The second was even more intense then the first. We had spent almost 2 hours together, sucking and jacking each other to completion several times. The hottest part was being able to watch football with my hand tightly grasping his hard cock. I'd never enjoy watching football as much as I did Sunday. It was maybe one of the most perfect days I'd ever had.

As I was lying in bed, thinking back to Sunday my alarm clock snapped me out of my dream. I slowly climbed out of bed, regretting the offer to go in early for work to work with prepare the lab for a class my instructor was teaching. If it was any other day, I would have an extra hour or 2 to relive Sunday and release a load off before work. Unfortunately, this morning I only had 30 minutes before I needed to be walking through the door and didn't have time to enjoy my daydream or my erection.

Walking to work, I decided to send a quick message to Nate. We'd chatted a little since our last encounter, sharing a little more about each other's lives. We still didn't know much about each other, but I was okay with it. I liked the anonymity, but most of all I liked the pleasure we gave each other. I sent off a my message to Nate, "Hey stud, were you able to hit the sack at a decent hour last night?" I sent

After a few minutes, he responded. "Hey buddy, nice to hear from you as usual. Had to run into work till 4:00 AM. :( I was able to grab a few hours in one of our staff rooms, but could really use a 10 hour non-stop break."

"Damn, dude you do need some sleep. Maybe you need a great blowjob prior before your 10 hour rest." I responded.

"OMG, that sounds amazing. Got any free time in like 2-3 hours?"

":( Unfortunately not. Today is a big day for me at work."

"That's okay, we should try to meet up again when we both have time." He responded.

"I'm game, when are you free?"

"Well usually mornings work better for me, particularly around 6. Would that work you?" He sent back.

"Yah, I'm not a morning person but I can make that an exception for you. :)"

"Well buddy, let's work to get together again next week. How about Tuesday?"

"Sounds wonderful, let's do it." I sent.

"Sweet. I have a surprise for you during that experience." He said.

"What is it?"

"If I tell you it won't be a surprise. Just know it'll feel good and will be something new to me, but that's all you get so no more asking..."

"Damn, you've got me hard just thinking about it. It'll be tough waiting for a week." I sent to Nate.

"Hey gotta run, but have a productive day, hopefully you get some free time to take care of that erection... would suck to have it all day long..."

"LOL, thanks have a good one too. Don't be a stranger."

As I was finishing up my little chat session, I was entering my building. I went straight to my desk and got myself organized for the morning thinking about Nate every few minutes, each time getting boned up a little.

The next few hours of work were very busy, but I enjoyed being able to help with the class. There was lot of hot young college guys that clearly cared about their appearance. I swear a few of them were looking at me for long periods of time. I'm sure it was in my head, but here's to hoping. After lunch, I checked my phone and saw a couple e-mail responses from some of the CL ads I had initially e-mailed. Curiosity had gotten the best of me. I opened the first e-mail.

It read. "Hey buddy, thanks for responding to my post. I really liked you pic and would like to find out some more about you. I'd be game for getting together for some fun on the dl. If you are also interested, hit me up and we should get something going. Attached are some of my pics. Hope you like the."

Looking at the pic, I was hard instantly. OMG, could I be this lucky. He attached 4 picture. The first was of his lightly tanned, well defined stomach and chest. It was smoking hot, with him flexing to see every muscle. He wasn't a body building but was a slender but muscular stud that turn me on so much. I scanned his other pictures. He had one of his ass that was so tight and hot, I knew I needed to be slam my now very hard cock into it. He had a couple of his cock. He had a very hot 7" cut cock that had a slight upward curve but looked like it was created for maximal enjoyment.

I immediately sent him an e-mail letting him know I was very interested. I told him I could be free most evenings if he could make it work. 2 hours later as I was finishing up my work, I got another e-mail.

"Hey buddy. Since you're interested can you meet today? I get off work at 6:00 and aside from dinner have nothing planned. We could grab a few beers and see what happens. I can't host, but was hoping you could. Let me know stud."

I sent back an immediate confirmation for the evening. I told him I could host and to send me an e-mail when he was ready. I would give him directions and could go from there.

I got an immediate response back, he seemed to be as excited as I was about the hole event. It was evident we both were excited for the evening. I refocused and finished up the final things of the day for work and headed for home to pick up my place. It wasn't a disaster, but I wanted to make sure it looked good for this guy. I also wanted to be sure to get in a small run and shower before he showed up.

Just as I finished up dinner, I heard a knock at the door. I had e-mailed the guy directions to my place and was nervous and excited for what was on the other side of the door. I darkened the room a little so only the tv was the only source of light. I opened the door and welcomed in my visitor.

He entered the room and stuck out his hand. "Hey, I'm Scott. Nice to meet you."

"Hi, I'm Steve. Come in and take a load off. I see you brought some beer. What kind do you have?"

"Actually, it's my own concoction. It most closely matches an IPA, hope you like that style."

"Damn bro, that's one of my favorites. You read my mind. My fridge is full of IPA's. But I can haven't had any beer made at home. That is so cool. " "Thanks, well grab me a couple glasses. I'll crack it open and we can really enjoy this." He said.

I think I ran to my kitchen to grab the glasses. I was so excited for this. And his pictures didn't do him any justice. This guy was fucking hot as hell. He easily could have been a male model. I was hard just seeing him with his clothes on.

"What would you like to do, watch tv, play some video games?" I asked walking back with the glasses.

"I'm good with tv or video games. What games do you have?"

"I have a wii with a variety of games, take a look of on the shelf and pick one out."

"Nice. Let's start simple and just play Wii sports then." He said grabbing the glasses without even looking at the shelf.

"I'll set it up while you get the beer poured. Deal?"


I setup the game while Scott poured us each a glass of his beer. When he finished he joined me on the couch. It was obvious we were both nervous but also turned on by each other. I grabbed a beer from his hand and raised it to cheers him.

"Here's to new acquaintances and good beer," I joked.

"Sounds good to me"

We hit glasses, and I took a sip. His beer was amazing. Damn this guy has the whole package. He seems really nice, is smoking hot, and makes amazing beer. Could it get any better. I handed him a remote and we started to play and chat small talk.

After our third round of beer and about 45 minutes of playing, Scott turned to me and asked, "Care to make the game more interesting?"

"Um... Sure what are you thinking?"

"How about we start betting on our performance. Each round you have to accept a punishment from the other guy."

"Sounds like fun, I'm game."

"Awesome, I'll tell you I'm game for anything so don't hold back. I'll do the same but if you don't feel comfortable then you can ask for something new."


We started the first round, where Scott won easily. His dare was easy, I had to strip down to my underwear. To his surprise, I wasn't wearing any but instead of telling him I just showed him. I slowly unbuckled and unzipped my jeans, slid them down, showing him my ass before turning to show him my cock.

"Woah, starting off with a bang with that one. Never would have guessed you were free-balling... I like it." He said with a coy smile on his face.

"He I live life on the edge, you like it?"

"Oh,very much."


We played another round, but I lost again. This time, since I was already naked Scott escalated things fast.

"I dare you to strip off my clothes with nothing but you mouth or teeth."

Instead of saying anything, I jumped over to wear Scott was sitting. I knelt at the edge of the couch leaned my head toward his waist and bit his t-shirt and started pulling it up over his head. It was harder than I thought, but after a few minutes I finally was able to work his shirt over his head. Next I moved back to knealing in front of the couch. This time I went at his waist trying to use my moth to unbuckle his belt. I was surprisingly successful at unbuckling his belt but struggled at undoing his pants, particular the zipper. It took several long attempts of my biting the little metal zipper in an attempt to pull it down. It was obvious Scott was enjoying what was happening. His cock was now rock hard and was clearly dripping pre-cum through both his underwear and jeans. Again after some struggle I was finally able to remove all his clothes using only my teeth and some partial assistance from him.

"Damn, brother that was hard as fuck but one of the most sensual things I've ever done." I said with a huge smile on my face.

"Yah, that was a first for me too but could see making that a regular thing. Ideally, with you." He smiled.

"Hell yes!"

After the third round, I finally won. "How about something a little different... The beer is hitting me and I need to let some go. How about you hold it for me, but while doing so you are free to explore whatever you want with your hands and aim it wherever you want."

"Hell ya!"

He followed me to the bathroom, he stood behind me and grabbed hold of my hard 6" cock. It was a bit of a challenge to aim it down, but with some effort we hit the target. While he was holding me, his other hand was exploring every inch of me. He started at my neck and continued down my back till he found my ass. He lightly grabbed my ass then brought his lips to my neck. He starting kissing the back of my neck then slowly moved down. He started missing the target, but at this point I didn't care anymore. I was lost in what was happening. My stream was weakening and hit just let go. Then he got down on his knees behind me, pushed me over and licked his tongue down my crack. I couldn't help but let a moan escape my lips as his tongue approach my hot hole. This was a first for me, and the sensations were incredible. After a few more minutes Scott stood back up turned me around and said, "I think we're done with the games. Let's head to your bed."

To Be Continued...

I hope you enjoyed this addition to my story. I am hoping to submit more as I have time to write them. Would love to hear feedback or even thoughts on where things should go from here. Feel free to email me at steven.grad86@gmail.com

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Next: Chapter 5

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