Exploring Adam

By Damon Ellison Ellison

Published on Sep 21, 2011


Hi again, everyone. I just want to say thanks for the amazing feedback and comments on "Exploring Adam." I'm delighted people enjoyed it, both for the story and for the arousing parts, heh. And as promised, here is the sequel ... part one here is a little long, but the story--as with other things--grew in the telling. As always, I love hearing from you all. Please let me know what you think.

The year that followed my magical three days with Adam was decidedly odd. On one hand, I got really busy with school, spending insanely long days in the lab. And when I wasn't in the lab, I was writing up my results. The upshot was that, a little more than a year after the Adam interlude, I defended my dissertation and emerged with a PhD in biochemistry. But more on that later.

The year was odd in part because I was so busy, but also because it took me some time to figure out how I felt about the whole experience with Adam. I had no regrets, but I found myself wondering if I had crossed some unseen threshold. I found myself checking out men--not unconsciously, as I would with women, but deliberately, looking them over and searching for some quiver of desire or want. I could appreciate a man's good looks, but never did I experience what a lesbian friend of mine once called the oomph factor ... the instinctive, immediate thrill that courses through you when you see someone you find attractive.

I kept at it, by which I mean I kept looking for men that had that oomph ... because it seemed weird to me that I should have been so caught up with Adam, and suffer the continuing desire to suck cock, without there being a more fundamental attraction to men. But for all I looked, it simply wasn't there. Oh, sure--there were any number of men I looked at with the knowledge that, under the right circumstances, I would happily have sex with them. But never did I experience the near-whiplash I sometimes got when a beautiful woman walked into the room. Even when the men were genuinely hot ... I began to think of them in the same way I did those kind of frosty, model-beautiful women, whose beauty I appreciated, but who never stirred anything in me. Perhaps it was like that. I still can't say one way or the other, and now just chalk it up to the capricious nature of sexual desire.

The other odd thing about that year came in the form of the one woman I hooked up with, my friend Petra, the aforementioned lesbian. Except that she wasn't a lesbian, exactly. She was bi, as it turned out, but had been in a serious relationship with a woman for as long as I'd known her. They broke up not long before my encounter with Adam, and later that summer after a few too many drinks I suddenly found her kissing me. Which, I must say, shocked me to no end--and as she teased me later, was a good lesson in not assuming what someone's sexual tendencies were based on who you see them with. Petra was extremely attractive--petite, nice body, short hair, and someone I'd always been attracted to ... but whom I never thought about that way because, well, she was a lesbian. Except not entirely. She liked men, on occasion. Or, as she put it:

"I would never want to be in a relationship with a man. I just like cock on occasion."

"I know what you mean," I said, and must have said it a little too emphatically, for she arched an eyebrow and spent the next hour teasing out what I meant. Well, at that point it all came out ... I told her all about Adam. And here's the thing: she totally got off on hearing about it. She loved to hear me describe in detail the sex we'd had. And, truth be told, I got off on telling her about it, and recounting it all while we fucked became our standard thing.

Like I said: an odd year. Petra's utter disinterest in a relationship suited me perfectly, and when she started dating a new woman around the time I was submitting my dissertation, we parted on amicable terms ... and have, indeed, hooked up a few times since then. She still remains one of the only people who know the full story about me and Adam.

At any rate, as I said before, I completed my doctorate in biochem, and started looking for work. At first I assumed I would end up in either a corporate lab, or else get an academic job. As it happened, neither was the case. Many of you have flattered me in your emails about the quality of my writing, which is at once a good ego boost but also serves to stoke my vanity. I have always loved writing and reading, which as it turns out is not all that common among lab rats. Pretty soon I discovered that I was a hot commodity for pharmaceutical companies--someone who understood the science, but also had a facility for language and communication. So while the ink on my PhD was still wet, I got hired by a big drug company to act as a liaison between research and corporate--someone, essentially, to act as a translator between the scientists and the moneymen. It was nothing I'd ever seen myself doing, but I loved it. And the pay was (and is) unreal--well beyond anything I ever expected to make so soon out of school.

My student loans were gone within a year, and I was actually able to buy a condo. I moved to the city in which the company was based, a big urban center in the east, and settled into what soon became a rather lavish bachelor lifestyle. And what was even better? I had to travel all the time. My company has offices all over North America, so I quickly got used to business class and nice hotels. And suddenly my bi-curious tendencies had a fabulous outlet. In the evenings, I would find my way into local bi-curious chatrooms and see if there was anyone up for a brief encounter. It didn't always work out well ... it was about one in three trips that I met someone online I was willing to indulge with, and on more than a few of those occasions the man in question pretty much lied egregiously about his looks. I always asked for a picture, and you'd be surprised how many people will send you an image of a hot, cut young guy and turn out to be fiftysomething and shlubby.

Or maybe you wouldn't. I was still pretty naïve about all this. But more than once I closed the door in the face of a paunchy, grubby older man in disgust. My favourite was the guy who cried out, as the door clicked shut, "But I once looked like that!"

It made me wary, to be certain, but I could not quite resist the siren-song of cock in these anonymous cities and towns. And enough men turned out to be sincere, and sincerely interested in a quick exchange of blowjobs that I never turned away from the habit. Indeed, if anything, I occasionally weirded some of them out by moving beyond simple sucking. One guy had a massive cock--something like nine inches--and it was a little much for me. But I really liked the feel of him in my hand, so to help him along I pulled up his shirt as I jerked him and started licking his nipple. For a moment, I thought that was it right there ... he stopped me, a little freaked out, saying "I thought we were just doing blowjobs?" I calmed him down as best I could, and assured him that I wasn't about to attempt anything further. He relaxed, and ended up having a bit of a revelation. What I was doing to his nipples felt amazing! I shook my head after he left, wondering how a decent-looking guy like him got to this point in his life without having his nipples teased. But then, it always still amazes me how clueless some people are about sex.

Some guys wanted me to cum in their mouths, and I always obliged, as I kept myself well tested and knew I was clean. Often they wanted me to reciprocate and swallow them, but I never did. Some guys got pissy; but without an affidavit avowing a clean bill of health dated recently, I wasn't about to take that chance.

The encounters were always quick and businesslike, and though they obviously could not compare with Adam, they did satisfy a certain impulse. The only time anything more elaborate happened was a time I was in Seattle, and chatted online for a time with a guy who claimed to be 21. I was skeptical, of course, but gave him the benefit of the doubt; his picture showed a handsome, blond young man with a nice body, which made me even more skeptical, but then there didn't seem to be any other likely prospects online. So I rolled the dice and told him my hotel and room number.

Turns out he was even better looking than his photo. He was a little shy, and when I seemed a little shocked by his appearance, he asked nervously, "Is everything OK?"

"Y-yes," I stammered. "It's just that I didn't expect you to actually be this good looking."

He grinned. "Same here." Stepping through my door, he closed it behind him, and kissed me.

You have to understand: this never happened. And usually, I was just as happy it didn't. Not to flatter myself, but in these encounters, I was ALWAYS the better-looking one. Sometimes it was close, but normally the men in question were older, a little paunchy, and often unpleasantly hairy. Which, unless they were genuinely raunchy, I didn't care much about ... it was just about the cock. Usually, they were married. And they were just as happy not to kiss me as I was not to kiss them.

Dan--which is the name he gave me--was really attractive. Hot, really, with a nice slim body, a few inches shorter than me. When he kissed me, I was momentarily transported back to my first kiss with Adam. This was clumsier, more awkward, but had elements of Adam's innocent sweetness. I immediately intuited something Dan would later confirm--he was gay, but still struggling with his sexuality, and was tentatively sending out feelers among bi-curious men to confirm things for himself. I was the first hookup he'd had--out of five so far--where he'd found the other man even remotely attractive. So when he entered my room, he couldn't help himself.

As soon as he kissed me I knew this wasn't going to be a simple BJ swap ... Dan was looking for more, and he was the first person in these encounters I was willing to do more with. But, figuring we should start with what we had arranged, I asked, a little breathlessly, "Do you want to go first or second?"

He paused. "I don't know. Do you mean, do I want to suck you first or be sucked first?"

"Whatever you prefer."

He paused for a moment. "I think I want to suck you first."

I nodded in agreement, and led him to the couch. "Do you want to take my pants off," I asked, "or do you want me to do it?"

Again he paused, thinking. "Take off your pants," he said slowly. "Leave on your underwear."

Again, I had a vivid flash to the first time I sucked Adam, when I slowly pulled down his underwear. If I hadn't already been hard, that would have done it. So I slipped off my pants and draped them over the back of a chair. Dan stood there watching, and asked hesitantly, "Your shirt too? If you want," he added hastily.

I smiled and unbuttoned my shirt and rested it on top of my pants. "Sitting or standing?" I asked.

"Standing," he said at once. "At first." And he dropped to his knees in front of me, running his hand slowly up the hard bulge in my boxer briefs. After massaging my cock through my underwear for a few minutes, he reached up and pulled them down. I could hear his breathing get ragged as my cock was revealed, and he wrapped his hand around my shaft. I moaned, closing my eyes briefly in pleasure.

"You have a nice one," he said in a hushed voice, and I felt his tongue tentatively run up my shaft. He licked the head briefly, and then slowly slid his mouth down over me.

He was inexperienced, but better than many of the men who had sucked me on such occasions. Certainly, he was hungry for it. After a few minutes of him eagerly sucking me, I murmured, "I'm going to sit now. OK?" He nodded, moaning affirmatively around my cock, and followed me on his knees as I felt my way back to the couch. He never stopped sucking, as if unwilling to break contact, something that aroused me even further. Sitting, I spread my legs to let him crawl in closer, and he renewed the tempo of his hungry sucking. He did not break up his routine, did not pause to stroke me or lick the outside of my shaft ... he just sucked me with increasing fervor, gagging every so often when he took my cock too deeply in his mouth, but moaning as he went. It did not take long before I was getting close ... his steady, single-minded attention was intoxicating, and I started to writhe and moan in spite of myself. "Oh, yeah," I whispered encouragingly. "That's good. Right there." He responded eagerly to my words with increased pace, sucking me harder and faster, and soon I couldn't hold out any longer.

"Oh, fuck," I whimpered. "I'm cumming."

He had the presence of mind to take his mouth off my cock, and he gave it a few good strokes as my legs stiffened and I cried out, "Oh, fuck." In spite of my own ecstasy, I saw him watch the cum arc out of my cock and land on my belly as if mesmerized. I lay panting for a few minutes as he lovingly stroked my still-hard shaft. "I like your dick," he said shyly. "I like sucking it."

"By which you mean, it's not too big?" I asked playfully, and laughed when he blushed. I stood and walked to the bathroom to clean the cum off my belly, thinking all the while that Adam would have licked it off with his tongue. Returning to where Dan crouched uncertainly by the couch, I said, "Your turn." I very deliberately did not dress again, but stayed naked. "You want to take your pants off, or do you want me to do it?"

Without answering, he quickly removed his shirt, revealing a nicely muscled torso, and undid his pants and slipped them down. I was pleased that he kept his underwear on. "Standing or sitting?" I asked. Again without speaking, he sat.

He looked both excited and terrified, and incredibly sexy. He was slim, with a patch of almost translucent chest hair and a small trail from his navel into his underwear. His legs were skinny, almost a little too much, but the rest of him was beautiful enough to make up for that. And most important, he looked to have an impressive cock, already hard, pressing against his underwear.

I took a chance and kissed him. He was hesitant for a moment, but then responded, his hand going to the back of my head and his lips parting as I slid my tongue into his mouth. I ran my hand down his chest and belly and caressed the bulge in his underwear. I squeezed him, feeling with satisfaction the precum leaking through the material, and lowered my head to his chest. Slowly, teasingly, I ran my tongue over one nipple and then the other. He had lovely nipples--wide and dark, despite his coloring, and they stood out like pencil erasers once I had them hard. He obviously liked what I was doing, gasping and moaning, squirming on the couch and pressing his hips up so that his hard cock pressed into the palm of my hand. I paused, and breathed in his ear, "You like that?" He could not speak, but nodded helplessly.

If I wasn't sure that he was up for more than mere swapped blowjobs before then, that confirmed it for me. The guys who hooked up in the bi-curious rooms online were too leery of anything more than businesslike fellatio ... I knew, I was like that too. But Dan was beautiful, and whatever he wanted to do I was up for.

But first, what we had agreed on.

I kept up my assault on his nipples until it seemed he could not take any more, and then slowly kissed and sucked down his flat belly. When I came to the elastic band of his underwear, I paused, and gently kissed the bulge of his cockhead. Then I slowly, slowly drew down his waistband until the head was revealed. I kissed it again, rewarded with a moan from Dan, and swirled my tongue around it. I've always been incredibly turned on when someone sucks and licks my cock while it's still partially hidden by my pants or underwear. I don't know why--the thrill of it being revealed only slowly, the contrast of feeling the material against most of my cock while I feel a mouth on the head and upper part of the shaft ... One way or another, it was one of my favorite things in the world, and I could tell young Dan was enjoying the sensation as well.

Perhaps a little too much. I was only about halfway down his cock when he suddenly gasped, "Stop! Stop! Slow down! I'm close!" If it had been Adam sitting there, I would have ruthlessly ignored his plea, but I decided that in this case, courtesy was the better part of valor. I paused, running my fingertips over the exposed shaft and up through his precum, caressing his glans and making the head nice and slick. Even with his underwear still mostly on, I could tell he was big ... longer than me by about an inch, and thick ... about an inch and a half, widening toward the base.

He pushed my hand away and quickly slid his underwear off. I knelt there in front of him for a moment, admiring the hard cock that sprang up before my face ... He was big, all right, and I wondered if I was going to be able to manage him with my mouth. I stroked him with my hand as he looked at me through heavy-lidded eyes. Suddenly, he reached down and pulled me up for a long, hard kiss, his tongue probing insistently in my mouth. When he broke the kiss, I leaned into his ear and asked, "Can I suck you again?"

"Yes. Yes. Please," he whimpered.

I didn't need any more encouragement, and returned to running my tongue and lips up and down his shaft while he squirmed and moaned. Finally, I took him in my mouth. After a few long, slow sucks, I became curious to see if I could deepthroat him. My mouth already felt stretched, but I took him as deep as I could. When I felt his cockhead pressing against the back of my mouth, I opened my throat as best I could. It took three tries, but I finally felt him slide deeper, and was rewarded with his long, shuddering gasp. I continued to suck him, fondling his heavy balls, and started to feel the telltale signs that he was getting close. His breathing started getting shallow and rapid, and his cock seemed to swell in my mouth. I was momentarily tempted to let him cum in my mouth, but thought better of it. When he finally gasped out that he was close, I took him out of my mouth and started to jerk him hard and fast. I lifted myself up on him to lick and nibble his nipple again. As soon as he felt my tongue on his chest, he gave a strangled cry, and I felt his cock spurt in my hand.

I sat back on my heels, gently stroking his softening cock as he lay back catching his breath, his eyes blissfully closed. When he opened them and looked at me, he said, "That was amazing."

I smiled. "Thanks. So were you."

"No, I mean it. I've ... only really done this a few times. It's never been that good."

In spite of myself, I could feel myself blushing slightly. Normally at this point, the other guy would be cleaning himself off and bustling awkwardly out of the room, and I would be happy to see him go. But Dan didn't seem inclined to move, and I was enjoying the feel of his cock in my hand too much to get up. My gentle caresses had arrested its softening, and while it was no longer at full salute (as it were), it was still plump and mostly erect. It took a lot to resist leaning forward and nuzzling the head and that patch of skin just below. I suspected Dan was up for more, but did not want to scare him off.

Finally he sighed, resignedly, and said, "Well, I suppose I should get going."

I did not reply at first, but gave his cock a gentle squeeze. "You don't have to."

At that, he looked at me with surprise, and I smiled. His cock twitched in my hand.

"You ... want me to stay?" he asked cautiously.

"If you want," I replied. "If you don't, that's cool. But I'm up for more if you are."

He paused for a moment, and a moan escaped him as I squeezed his shaft again. "Really?"


He cocked his head and smiled crookedly. "Are you really just bi-curious?"

"I suppose I left the curious behind a while ago," I admitted. "I'm just straight up bi now. So to speak."

He laughed. "Then why ..."

"Am I in the bi-curious chatrooms?" I finished. When he nodded, I continued, "When I'm traveling, I like brief encounters. And I'm usually unwilling to do more that swap sucks. Bi-curious types fit that bill nicely."

He didn't respond for a time, just closed his eyes again and looked as though he was enjoying my caresses. Finally, he said, "But you'd like to do more with me?"

"Very much," I said honestly, and I could hear the desire in my voice.


"Because you're quite beautiful," I replied, and he blushed. "And you obviously would like to do more too."

"Really?" he asked, chagrined. "It's that obvious?"

"A little. If I had to guess, I'd say you're gay but are still just testing the waters. Bi-curious men have their own advantages for you."

He laughed, his breath catching as I swirled my thumb over his glans. "Oh. Fuck. That's good." He paused for a moment, and replied, "Yes, that's pretty much right." He opened his eyes. "So ... what do we do now?"

"Whatever you want."

"Really? Anything?"

"Well ..." Unable to resist any longer, I leaned forward and slid my mouth over his cock again, bobbing slowly up and down on him for a few minutes while he moaned. "We'll see. This beautiful cock of yours is a little big for me, so if you're wanting to fuck me, that might not happen." I took him in my mouth again.

"Fuck," he moaned running his hands through my hair. "But will you fuck me?"

In answer, I slid my index finger up his crack and slowly eased it into his asshole. A deep shudder ran through him and I increased the tempo of my sucking as I slid my finger in and out of his tight sphincter.

After a few minutes, he finally pulled me off his cock and held my face between his hands. "OK," he said thickly. "I'll stay. And I want you to fuck me." He paused a moment, almost shyly. "But ... can we move to the bed?"

"Of course," I said with a smile, and stood. I pulled him up and kissed him deeply. He kissed me back hungrily, almost desperately. It was such an odd feeling, to know that I was the experienced one here, the one to tutor Dan in gay sex ... I almost wanted to tell him he should go find a bona fide gay man, not some secret pretender like me.

Well. I say that, but of course I didn't really think it. It was more of an ironic reflection after the fact. At the time, I was simply eager to get Dan between the sheets.

It was really lovely. We made out for nearly half an hour before touching each other's cocks again. We ground our hips together, to be certain, but our hands were busy elsewhere. Dan seemed to want to touch every part of me, and so I happily reciprocated, all the while kissing hungrily. The feel of his cock pressing urgently against me made me almost delirious, especially considering how big he was. Finally, after writhing against each other for a half hour, I pushed him onto his back and started working down his neck and chest with my mouth. I spent a long time on his nipples, and then licked and kissed down his belly. I knew I should tease him, leave his cock alone while working on his hips and thighs with my mouth, but really, I just wanted that thing in my mouth again. If possible, it seemed even bigger than before. I ran my tongue up and down his shaft, teasing the head, playing with his balls with my hand, and then, as I slid him into my throat, again sticking my finger into his tight, hot hole.

I realized then what I missed most about Adam--besides, of course, Adam himself. Though the occasional trysts with bicurious men satisfied a simplistic desire for cock, I missed making a man helpless as I went down on him. Which is, weirdly, utterly unlike making a woman helpless in the same situation. I've done both ... it's entirely different. Or perhaps not. I think what is most intoxicating about making a man helpless with pleasure is the empathy--I know precisely what he's feeling, and how to make him feel that way. I have often envied women's orgasms--they seem so much more profound and powerful than ours, and make ours seem almost mechanically straightforward by comparison. Some men are hair triggers and some take forever to get off, but the upshot always seems the same. And yet there is something delicious about making a man dissolve into moans. Perhaps it's a masculine thing ... we're not supposed to lose ourselves, and so having a man at my mercy like that feels like real power. I don't know, really. What I do know is that having Dan writhing beneath me as I sucked him and fucked his ass with my finger made me the most aroused I had been since my three-day trust with Adam.

After a time, I could feel his balls tighten and his cock swelling in my mouth. I had very nearly decided to let him cum in my mouth then, when suddenly he pulled me off, gasping.

"No," he said. "Not yet. Fuck me."

I was never a Boy Scout, but I always did come prepared, and so had condoms and lube in my suitcase. What followed was charmingly shy: I retrieved the KY and Trojan from my bag and returned to the bed to find Dan looking a little lost and scared. The effect was to make me feel shy as well, and a little nervous. "We don't have to, you know," I said.

"No, no ... I want to," he replied, not meeting my eyes. "I'm just ... I don't know, I've wanted it for so long, it's a little scary."

"Perhaps you should wait and do it with someone who isn't an anonymous stranger you met online."

He smiled at that. "No, I'm done waiting. I like you. You're different from the others I've met up with. Just ... go slow, OK?"

"Of course." I looked down at myself. "I'll need a little encouragement, though." My erection had wilted somewhat, and Dan smiled wickedly. "I can help with that," he said, and crawled across the bed to where I stood, and, taking my softening cock between his fingers, slid his mouth over me. He sucked me slowly, pausing at the top of his strokes to twist his mouth around the head. His hand rose to caress my balls.

It didn't take long for me to be fully hard again, but he wasn't in any hurry. He swiveled his hips around to sit on the edge of the bed, his legs on either side of me. He stroked my cock with his hand while swirling his tongue over my scrotum, kissing my belly, the sensitive skin on my hips. "OK," I said finally in a strangled voice, "keep that up and you're going to make me cum again."

Without answering, Dan took the condom from my hand and tore it open. Slowly and carefully, he unrolled it down my now-throbbing cock as far as it would go. He took the lube from my hand and dribbled some on the head, slicking it down the length of my shaft with a few strokes. Even through the insulation of the condom, the feeling was exquisite, and a moan escaped my lips. Standing, he kissed me, and handed back the lube. "By the way," he murmured, "my name is really William." Then he turned and crawled onto the bed, presenting his smooth, shapely ass to me.

I poured a little lube on my fingers and massaged his hole while he moaned. "Oh, that's nice," he breathed. I inserted one finger, and then a second, encouraged at the way he pressed back against my hand. Placing the head of my cock against his hole, I asked, "Are you ready?"


"OK." Using my hand to guide myself, I slowly pressed the head of my cock into him. Dan-who-was-actually-William hissed in pain, and I paused. "No," he said raggedly, "keep going." I obliged, but more slowly. Finally my cockhead popped through his sphincter, and he let out a long breath. I continued to ease myself inside him, little by little, until I was finally up to my hilt. William was breathing shallowly. "You OK?" I whispered.

"Yes," he moaned in reply. I withdrew slightly, easing myself back, and then back into him. His breaths became less pained as I slowly started to fuck him in long strokes, and became instead more urgent. "Oh," he said after a moment, as if in pleasant surprise, and I knew he was feeling what I did the first time Adam had fucked me--that moment when the initial pain and discomfort starts to give way to pleasure, when your nerves come alive to the feel of your partner's cock. It was a shame we were separated by the barrier of latex, but it was still incredibly pleasurable for both of us. William was very obviously a virgin, he was so tight ... I was grateful I had to go slow, as that initial penetration had nearly made my eyes roll back in my head in ecstasy.

"Oh," he said again. "Oh. Oh. Ah. Fuck. Yes." Each utterance came as I slid my cock home, not as arousing as Adam's profane importunings, but still encouraging, and enough for me to start feeling my orgasm starting to slowly build. I leaned down across his back, kissing the nape of his neck, running my hand down his chest. "You like that?" I whispered throatily in his ear, and he moaned.

"Oh. Yes," he whimpered back. "Oh yes. So. Good."

I continued to nuzzle his neck while my hand slid lower, finding him hard and leaking. He moaned louder as my hand circled his shaft and I started to stroke him. If possible, his cock felt even bigger than before. "Oh, god," I murmured in his ear. "God, you feel so good. So tight." He moaned in response, and I started stroking faster. "Your cock is so fucking big. I want to feel it cum in my hand again."

"Oh fuck," he gasped. "Yes. Yes. That feels good. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh ..." This last moan came as I fucked him hard and held my cock deep inside him. I could feel him swelling in my hand. I was getting close myself.

"O god," I gasped in his ear. "I'm getting close."

"Fuck yes," he whimpered. "I want you to cum. Fuuuuuuuuuck!'

His cock twitched suddenly in my hand and he came, his semen trickling hot and thick down over my fingers as he ground his ass back on my cock. That was all I needed and I came into the condom, my cock pulsing as I did.

For a moment we stay frozen, and then he collapsed on his belly, trapping my sticky hand, still clasping his cock, beneath him. I fell on top of him, and my softening cock popped out. I don't know how long we lay like that until he rolled me over onto my side so he could face me and kissed me hard. "Holy shit," he said breathlessly. "I didn't know it would feel that good."

I didn't reply, but kissed him back.

"I could FEEL you cum," he continued in wonder. "I felt your dick get bigger and spurt." He shook his head. "Wow."

"Well," I said with a small smile. "I hope your first time was worth it."

He grabbed my face when I said that and kissed me deeply. "So worth it," he said, nodding.

"Good." I felt momentarily awkward, uncertain of what I wanted to do next. William must have sensed it, as he said hesitantly, "Well ... I suppose I should get going."

I paused for a moment. It was late, almost midnight, and I had an early round of meetings the next day. I really should let him leave--this encounter had now lasted well longer than my usual businesslike trysts--but I didn't want to kick him out like that. And, I realized with something like surprise, I wanted more. This was the first time in the five years since Adam that I felt anything remotely close to the desire I'd felt then. It wasn't the same--it could never be the same--but I knew I wasn't ready for the evening to end then.

Fuck it. I could go to my meetings tired.

"Don't go on my account," I said. "If you need to go, or want to go, that's fine. But I'm just as happy to draw this out longer."

He hesitated. "Seriously?"


"OK. I, uh ... can't spend the whole night."

"That's fine."

"But ..." he dropped his eyes shyly. "I could stay a little longer."

"Good." I kissed him, and got out of bed. "I'm having a shower. Want to join me?"

He didn't take any convincing. Under the cascade of hot water, we made out slowly and languorously, soaping each other up, spending much more time than was really necessary cleaning each other's cocks. When we finally turned off the water and pulled back the curtain, we both sported raging hardons. As we toweled each other off, William gave in first and dropped to his knees on the bath mat. He sucked me back into his mouth with an audible slurp and started bobbing up and down on my cock with eager abandon. I stood there, naked and still damp, my hands twined in his wet hair. When I saw that he was jerking himself off with his free hand, I pulled him to his feet and dragged him out of the bathroom to the king-sized bed.

I lay down with his cock at my face and mine at his. Again I ran my hand wonderingly over it, loving its size, and the way it thickened toward the base. Already William was going to town on me again, and I started running my tongue up and down his shaft, pausing at the top of my strokes to tease the head. After a few minutes of licking him like a huge lollipop, I slid my mouth down over his rubbery, velvety cock sucking him deeply. As William increased the pace of his sucking, I slowed mine down, and was rewarded by feeling his cock swell even larger.

I'm not sure how it happened, as we started out lying on our sides, but soon I found myself on top of him, straddling his face with my legs, staring straight down at his cock. I continued to suck him slowly. His own sucking became ragged and erratic as I brought him closer. He paused frequently to gasp and moan; I didn't care, taking huge pleasure as I was in edging him gradually toward cumming again. I swallowed him whole, feeling his cockhead slid past the top of my throat, burying my nose in his scrotum.

"Fuck. Fuck, I'm close," he whimpered, and I took my mouth off him. With my tongue teasing his cockhead, I started to stroke him hard and fast while he gasped and writhed beneath me. Suddenly his legs stiffened and his cock twitched in my hand. I jerked my mouth back just in time as he started to cum--not spurts, not after cumming twice already, but dribbles that were almost as lovely to watch as they oozed down the side of his cock over my hand.

He lay gasping and I rolled off him, still playing with his softening cock, rubbing his semen up and down the shaft. He turned his head and I felt him tentatively tonguing my cock. His exhausted, languorous licking was oddly arousing, and I lay there with my eyes closed enjoying the random flutters of his tongue along my shaft. After a few minutes he paused and asked, "Want to fuck me again?"

I answered by getting up and retrieving the lube and a new condom. "Missionary this time?" he asked with an adorable blush. "I want to see your face."

I smiled and kissed him, and let him put the condom on again and slick it up. He raised his legs for me, and I kissed him again as I pressed my cockhead against his hole. He grimaced as I slid inside him, but the pain did not last as long this time and soon I was fucking him with longer, surer strokes than before and he was clutching my as in his hands, urging me deeper, as he threw his head back, biting his lip in pleasure.

God, he was lovely. But I missed Adam's liking for dirty talk; perhaps William could use a little tutoring. I slowed my tempo down a little, and slid myself from his ass. He whimpered and tried to pull me back into him, but when I didn't move and he opened his eyes I whispered, "You like that?"

"Yes. Yes. Why did you stop?"

"What do you want me to do?" I reached down and rubbed by cockhead up and down his crack.

He moaned. "Oh. Please."

"Please what?"

"Please fuck me."

"Say it again."

"Fuck me."



At that I thrust into him hard and he cried out, wrapping his legs around my hips as if afraid I might pull out again.

"Oh. Oh. Oh," he whimpered. "Oh god yes. Fuck me."

"You like that?"

"Yes. So much."

"What do you like?"

"Your cock in my ass. Your hard cock."

"You have a sweet ass," I whispered in his ear. "So fucking tight."

He moaned. "It feels so good when you fuck it."

Now he was getting the hang of it. We continued in that vein, as I played a more dominant role. Twice more I paused, both times because I felt myself getting close, but made him beg for me to fuck him more.

"Oh fuck," I said thickly, "Fuck. I'm getting close."

"Yes. Yes. Cum. I want you to cum."

I let myself get right to the edge, slowing down, whispering, "I'm right there. Right at the edge. Tell me when you want me to cum."

He chuckled throatily and moaned, letting my fuck him slowly, twisting my hips, for a few minutes more. Finally his eyes fluttered open and he said, his voice commanding despite being a mere whisper, "Cum in me. Now."

And that did it. I cried out, thrusting deep in him, feeling my cock pulse and spurt into the condom. He chuckled again in satisfaction as my orgasm turned the tables and I became the one helpless with pleasure. We lay without moving for a time, just breathing heavily and occasionally laughing in that breathless way you sometimes laugh after the exhaustion of ecstasy.

"First AND second time," he said happily. "How much longer are you here?"

"Only until tomorrow afternoon," I said regretfully. "My plane heads home tomorrow evening"

"That's too bad. How often are you in Seattle?"

"A few times a year," I said, rolling off him. I fumbled off the condom and threw it onto the floor beside the bed, making a mental note not to step on it in the morning.

"So ..." He traced his fingertips up my chest. "Would you want to do this again when you're next in town?"

In reply, I kissed him and dropped my hand to his half-soft cock. It gave a little twitch when I touched it. "Absolutely. And maybe by then I'll have the nerve to let you fuck me with this monster."

"I'd like that," he said, and kissed me back.

We made out for awhile, but both of us were too spent for anything more serious. I woke up before dawn the next morning to find that William had left some time in the night, but had left behind a little note on hotel stationary with his phone number and email. I smiled. I would certainly be calling him again the next time I was in town.

I was exhausted but energized throughout the next day's meetings, but had nothing left when I got on the plane. Thank god for business class ... I ordered a scotch and water and had taken all of two sips when I fell asleep. The next thing I knew was the flight attendant shaking me gently awake to let me know we were landing.

Because of the time difference, it was almost four in the morning when I walked through the door of my condo. I saw the light flashing on my phone indicating messages, and I almost ignored it until the next morning. But then habit prevailed, and I picked up the phone.

The third message was from Adam. "Hey there! It's Adam ... been a while since we've talked and stuff, but ... well, my boyfriend Evan and I will be in town next week, and I was wondering if we could crash with you? If not, I understand ... but I want to see you one way or another, so call me back and let me know."

I stood looking at the phone in my dark condo for a long time. "Well," I said out loud to no one. "This could be interesting."

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this, and want more, please let me know at damon9888@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 10: Exploring Adam II 2

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