Exploring Adam

By Damon Ellison Ellison

Published on Aug 29, 2011


Against the odds, we actually made it out of the apartment that morning, to go and have brunch. It felt odd to be out with Adam in public ... it felt almost as if I was hanging out with a different person. So much of my time with him had been spent naked and in the throes of passion. Actually sitting across a diner table from him as we ate our bacon and eggs was almost an alien experience. But every so often I would get a flash in my mind of how his hard cock felt in my hand or mouth, or remember the timbre of his voice as he whispered "fuck me," or the musky scent that rose to my nostrils when I ran my tongue over his balls.

We went for a walk after brunch through one of the parks in the town, and he mentioned admiringly that it must be a lovely place to jog in nice weather. I agreed. "Do you run?" he asked.

"Yes," I replied. "Most days, once it gets warm. In the winter I work out in the university gym."

"Yes, I figured you must," he said slyly, not looking at me, but the tone of his voice made my stomach flutter.

"Did you want to go for a run?" I asked, trying to take my mind away from the thought of his body.

He hesitated. "Well, I did bring my shoes and shorts. Just in case." He looked at me. "Would you want to go?"

"I haven't run outside since the weather got warm," I admitted. "I've been lazy."

Surreptitiously, he poked me in the gut. "It doesn't show."

"Not yet," I grinned. "But it will soon if I don't get out there again. Not all of us have the seventeen-year-old's constitution."

He looked at me challengingly. "Oh, I don't know. You seem to be able to keep up OK."

Our double entendres weren't even all that lewd, and yet even the barest suggestion of sex with Adam made me slightly light-headed. "So ... back to the apartment, and then a run?"

I wondered if it would be possible for us to change into our running gear without it turning into a sex session ... lord knows, it took all of my willpower to keep my mind from thoughts that would give me a raging hardon. But somehow we managed it ... I think because, even though neither of us said anything, we were both thinking about it, and we kept carefully apart as we stripped down and dressed in shorts and running shoes. "Let's stretch at the park," I suggested, thinking that if I were to watch him bending over in my living room, there would be nothing else for it but to take him right there. His offhand comment that morning "You HAVE to fuck me again later" was rattling around in my mind, distracting me at the most inopportune times. What was worse, I could tell that Adam knew exactly what was on my mind. But that was fair enough, as I had caught him a few times staring at me with distant eyes, his delicious mouth slightly open.

We walked from my place down to the river and did our stretching beside the jogging path. My god, he was divine—as he did lunges to stretch out his hamstrings, his ass strained against the thin material of his jogging shorts. His legs were long and well-muscled, nicely tanned already, and his tank top clung appealingly to his slim torso.

It was obvious he was in much better shape than I was at that point, which was hardly surprising. He had been, after all, on both the track and swim teams at his high school, whereas I just ran for the sake of maintaining a decent level of fitness. A few times he raced me when we hit a long flat section of trail; each time, he demolished me, and I made a mental note to make him suffer for it later. Finally, after we had run for nearly half an hour, we turned around and came back. It was something of a long run for me—I tended to max out at forty-five minutes—but somehow having Adam there gave me extra energy. When we got back to my apartment, we were both sweaty and tired. But not so tired that I didn't grab him as soon as the door was closed behind us.

I pulled him too me and kissed him, and ran my tongue down his neck. Giggling in embarrassment, he pulled away saying, "Don't. I'm all gross."

"Sweaty and gross are not the same thing," I growled, running my hand up over his crotch and finding that he was already hard and straining at the material there. He moaned, his protests dissolving. I returned my tongue to his neck, savoring the saltiness of his sweat, pulling his damp shirt up over his head. His torso glistened, and I ducked my head to swirl my tongue around his nipple. I reached up and teased the other one with my fingertips. He moaned again, and pressed his hips against mine. The material of our shorts provided a silky barrier than only enhanced the sensation of rubbing our hard cocks against each other. As I licked and sucked his nipples, I swung my hips back and forth, grinding against him.

Finally I fell to my knees and yanked his shorts and underwear down. His cock swayed enticingly in front of my face. The smell of his young, clean sweat was intoxicating, and I slowly licked up the underside of his shaft. He moaned. "Suck me," he begged, but I wasn't done yet. I wanted to taste his cock sweat, to drink it all, and I licked him with increasing urgency, lapping up the delicious salty sweat that coated his shaft, pausing in that for a few minutes to suck and lick his balls. All the while he rested his hands on my head, moaning and muttering incoherently. I returned to his cock, running the full surface of my tongue up one side while I held it steady and suddenly it JUMPED out of my hand and with a strangled yelp Adam came in three explosive bursts on my hand, my face, and in my hair.

"Sorry," he gasped. "That one caught me by surprise."

I laughed. "Don't apologize. I love how suddenly you sometimes cum. I love it when you lose control like that."

He pulled me to my feet and very carefully and deliberately lapped his cum from my face. He ran a hand through my hair, smearing the semen there, and dropped his other hand to where my cock strained against my shorts. He squeezed it, and I groaned, my eyes closing involuntarily.

"How do you feel after our run?" he asked unexpectedly.

"OK, I guess," I said. "A little sore. That was farther than I normally go."

He kissed me. "Tell you what," he said, "why don't you have a shower, and then I will give you a massage ... to ease whatever aches our long run gave you."

In spite of the not-so-subtle suggestion that I was in worse shape than him, that was not an offer I was about to turn down. I showered, carefully avoiding touching my cock, which did not soften in the slightest. When I emerged, Adam was waiting in the bedroom with a bottle of lotion he had found in my medicine cabinet, and he instructed me to lie flat on my stomach.

I did, though it took me a moment to adjust myself so that my hard cock was not uncomfortable between me and the bed. I let myself lie supine, my head turned and my arms limp by my sides, and closed my eyes. I head Adam squirt lotion on his hands and felt him kneel on the bed beside me. He straddled my hips and suddenly his strong, sure hands ran from my lower back up my spine in a single luxurious movement. I sighed, then groaned in pleasure as he started to knead the muscles of my shoulders. I hadn't had a proper massage in ages, and the feel of his hands was divine—it felt as though the tension in my shoulders was being siphoned right out by his touch. This was, I realized through a haze of pleasure, the first time I had ever received a massage from another man ... and like the feel of his hands on my cock, it was a different world from receiving one from a woman. Not least because when he leaned forward I could feel his cock press against my lower back, and a thrill ran through me at the touch of his beautiful hard organ.

He worked slowly down my back, taking his time, deliberately skipping over my ass to work on my thighs and calves. He dug his thumbs deeply into my muscles, stopping just short of actually hurting me, instead inflicting a bone-deep pleasure that had me at once aroused and utterly relaxed. When he reached the terminus of my feet, I finally felt his hands squeeze and knead my ass. As he slowly, slowly worked my buttocks, he slid a finger teasingly up my crack, pausing to tweak my anus enough to elicit a gasp and moan from me and make my cock, trapped between my body and the bed, twitch in want.

Finally, he rolled me over. "Keep your eyes closed," he whispered as he knelt by my head and worked on the muscles around my collarbone. Suddenly, against my lips I felt the head of his cock, and as he slid the shaft over my lips I opened my mouth and let my tongue slide along the underside. For a few moments he teased my mouth like that, slapping my hands away when I moved them up. "No," he said chidingly. "Not yet."

He took his cock away then, and I moaned sadly. He massaged my chest, pinching and tweaking my nipples, then dropped again to my thighs. By now my cock was impossibly hard, straining for his touch, leaking precum like a faucet. I opened my eyelids a little, and saw that it was visibly throbbing with my pulse.

He touched me everywhere BUT my cock, to the point where it felt like I might cum from sheer frustration. Finally, he leaned forward and kissed me and whispered in my ear, "Do you want me to touch your cock?"

"Oh. Fuck. Yes."

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, please."

"You want me to make you cum?"

"Yes. Now. Please, I can't fucking stand it."

He chuckled throatily. "Keep those eyes closed." I felt him moving on the bed beside me, hearing the snap of the lube bottle lid, and I sighed in anticipation of feeling his divine hands.

But when he touched me, my eyes flew open in surprised ecstasy, to see him crouching over my hips, slowly sliding my cock inside him. His eyes rolled back into his head as he brought his ass down on my cock. "Oh, fuck," he whimpered. "Fuck yes. You are so hard it's unbelievable."

I couldn't even speak as he took me all the way inside him and then started to ride me slowly, twisting his hips as he did. He leaned forward and kissed me deeply, saying, "Fuck me."

"Nnnnh," was all I managed, and he grinned wickedly. Leaning down to my ear, he whispered, "Fuck me. Fuck me hard with your magnificent cock. I want to feel you cum in me again. Ohhhh ... Fuck. Yes. Right there. Right there ... right there ..."

His eyes closed in ecstasy, and I reached out to grasp his hard cock, bouncing up and down so appealingly as he impaled himself on mine. I did not have to stroke him, but just held my hand steady as his increasingly urgent movements fucked his cock in and out of my grasp.

I was so close, right on the edge. Adam continued to murmur increasingly incoherent phrases of pleasure and praise for how good my cock felt in his ass. Soon it was more than I could take. I reached up for his head and pulled his mouth to mine, kissing him deeply as I thrust as far inside him as I could go. "Nnnnnnnngggggggg," was the only sound I could make as I felt my cock swell and explode deep in his ass.

"Oh, fuck yes," he keened. "Cum in me, baby. Cum in me. Cum in me."

I had not taken my hand from his cock, and as he ground himself against my hips, squeezing every last drop from me, I started to jack him again, hard. He moaned. "Yes. Yes. Yes. Fuck yes."

Lurching up suddenly, I pushed him back, and he gasped as my cock popped from his ass. He was close too, and I wanted to finish what he'd started during the massage when he ran his cock over my lips. Diving down between his legs, I slid him into my mouth and started to suck him fast and hard. "Oh. Oh. Yes. Oh, fuck, I love your mouth. Your hot mouth. Oh god yes suck me suck me suck me oooooooooooooohhhh ..."

His hand found the back of my head and he twined his fingers into my hair as he came in my mouth, his hot seed jetting in two, three, four delicious bursts.

"Holy. Shit." He lay back, panting, and I nuzzled his slick cock, making inarticulate noises of hunger and satisfaction.

He pulled me up into his arms, his eyes closed. "Good god," he whimpered. "It just gets better and better."

"Yes," I whispered back. "And we still have two more days."


Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this, and want more, please let me know at damon9888@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 7

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